Contributi di Nick-D
Risultati per Nick-D discussione blocchi file caricati registri global block log utenza globale
Utente con 3 modifiche. Utenza creata il 8 mar 2009.
7 ago 2021
- 03:1403:14, 7 ago 2021 diff cron +41 m Operazione Sportpalast (GR) File renamed: File:The Royal Navy during the Second World War A7902.jpg → File:Wounded Albacore observer on HMS Victorious after attacking the German Battleship Tirpitz.jpg
31 ott 2020
- 09:5909:59, 31 ott 2020 diff cron +39 m Veicolo da combattimento della fanteria (GR) File renamed: File:ASLAV 2.JPG → File:Side view of an ASLAV at the AWM in March 2008.jpg clear file name
28 gen 2013
- 04:1104:11, 28 gen 2013 diff cron +28 Museo storico navale en