[Assembler]] - Item does not exist.
- Wikipedia:Ambasciata - Item does not exist.
- Congresso Internazionale di Statistica - Item does not exist.
- Wikipedia:It.wiki - Item does not exist.
- Ciclopi - Item does not exist.
- Famiglia (disambigua) - Item does not exist.
- Lista dei papi - Item does not exist.
- Centro di massa - Item does not exist.
- Istituto Internazionale di Statistica - Item does not exist.
- Wikipedia:Grafica di Wikipedia - Item does not exist.
- Demo (d:q5610543 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dawiki:Demo (computerspil) already used by item Q1755420.
- Lista degli aeroporti in Italia - Item does not exist.
- Digitale - Item does not exist.
- Microeconomia aziendale (d:q5283295 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link simplewiki:Administration already used by item Q304157.
- Aiuto:Mailing list it.wiki - Item does not exist.
- Licenza libera (d:q196294 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Licença de software livre already used by item Q3943414.
- Wikipedia:Punto di vista neutrale (d:q4656487 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link quwiki:Wikipidiya:Mana hukllap qhawariyninlla already used by item Q3183373.
- Indice di posizione - Item does not exist.
- Wikipedia:Pagine di servizio - Item does not exist.
- Lista di lingue (d:q495728 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frpwiki:Lista de lengoues per ôrdre alfabètico already used by item Q3183574.
- Passeridae (d:q28922 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link arwiki:دوري (طائر) already used by item Q28753.
- Wikipedia:Modello di voce - Zoologia - Item does not exist.
- Oceania (d:q538 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link crhwiki:Avstraliya ve Okeaniya already used by item Q55643.
- Nanometro (d:q178674 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cswiki:Metr already used by item Q11573.
- Vincitori del Nobel per la pace (cronologico) (d:q643610 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link skwiki:Zoznam nositeľov Nobelovej ceny za mier already used by item Q35637.
- Vincitori del Nobel per la letteratura (cronologico) - Item does not exist.
- Vincitori del Nobel per la chimica (cronologico) - Item does not exist.
- Passer domesticus (d:q14683 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link simplewiki:Sparrow already used by item Q28922.
- Pinales (d:q1000370 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Pinaceae already used by item Q101680.
- Planarium - Item does not exist.
- Assembly (d:q165436 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Asembler already used by item Q6470767.
- Mediana (statistica) (d:q226995 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link snwiki:Chipakati already used by item Q202785.
- Open Source Definition (d:q2367020 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Open Source Initiative already used by item Q845918.
- Test non parametrico (d:q2374315 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Statystyka nieparametryczna already used by item Q1097688.
- Tagline (d:q1292193 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Slagzin already used by item Q30515.
- Storia della letteratura (d:q208217 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:History of literature already used by item Q6497044.
- Stati per continente (d:q842807 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frpwiki:Payis (L) already used by item Q1609781.
- Stati del mondo (d:q11750 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ndswiki:Land already used by item Q6256.
- Regione a statuto speciale (d:q1710033 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Regions of Italy already used by item Q16110.
- Svizzera italiana (d:q694291 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Languages of Switzerland already used by item Q1751392.
- Uniform Resource Identifier (d:q61694 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eowiki:URI already used by item Q226644.
- Quartile (d:q2786686 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cswiki:Kvantil already used by item Q578714.
- Benvenuto (d:q5767744 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Benvenuto already used by item Q4890709.
- Sistema cristallino (d:q898786 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link shwiki:Kristalni sustav already used by item Q1257758.
- Secondo triumvirato (d:q212079 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Triumvirat already used by item Q83204.
- Metodo scientifico (d:q46857 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Wissenschaftliche Arbeit already used by item Q4119870.
- Zero (disambigua) (d:q340734 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link etwiki:0 already used by item Q199453.
- Junker (d:q170365 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nowiki:Junker already used by item Q253313.
- Storia della Romania (d:q216672 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link idwiki:Rumania already used by item Q218.
- Popolazione (d:q33829 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link idwiki:Penduduk already used by item Q11188.
- Potenziale elettrico (d:q55451 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Elektrostatik already used by item Q26336.
- Nord (d:q659 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dawiki:Kompasretning already used by item Q23718.
- Santa Cruz Operation (d:q2704059 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Santa Cruz Operation already used by item Q166268.
- Numero quantico principale (d:q867448 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Quantenzahl already used by item Q232431.
- Presidenti della Repubblica turca (d:q216984 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:President de Turquia already used by item Q1922067.
- Passatelli (d:q1136702 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Cuisine romagnole already used by item Q3006979.
- Vangeli apocrifi (d:q1054662 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:Evangeli already used by item Q34274.
- Numero quantico orbitale (d:q1916324 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Quantenzahl already used by item Q232431.
- Sistema multiutente (d:q3962242 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Multi-user already used by item Q876057.
- Numero quantico di spin (d:q3879445 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Kwantumgetal already used by item Q232431.
- Metodo dell'interpolazione lineare (d:q2266329 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Interpolation (Mathematik) already used by item Q187631.
- Aiuto:Disambigua (d:q4167410 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dawiki:Wikipedia:Stilmanual already used by item Q4994848.
- Nuove sette meraviglie del mondo (d:q712728 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Weltwunder already used by item Q209287.
- Metodo baconiano (d:q2247456 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Novum Organum already used by item Q585046.
- Presidente del Consiglio dei ministri della Repubblica Italiana (d:q796897 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link lawiki:Praeses consilii ministrorum already used by item Q2341302.
- Struttura a grande scala dell'universo (d:q1364887 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Observable universe already used by item Q221392.
- Musica digitale (d:q6473564 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link simplewiki:Download already used by item Q1188265.
- Lista delle micronazioni (d:q2339872 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link idwiki:Negara mikro already used by item Q188443.
- ZOO (d:q219990 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Djurpark already used by item Q43501.
- Presidente degli Stati Uniti d'America (d:q11696 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cywiki:Arlywydd yr Unol Daleithiau already used by item Q35073.
- Monadologia (d:q2717851 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Monadologia already used by item Q1211539.
- Monade (d:q1211539 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Monad already used by item Q229941.
- Mese (Italia) (d:q39768 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link pmswiki:Mese already used by item Q5151.
- Pallone d'oro (d:q166177 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Ballon d'or already used by item Q2291862.
- Silver goal (d:q918328 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Golden goal already used by item Q244753.
- Micronesia (d:q3359409 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link bclwiki:Maykronisya already used by item Q702.
- Lingua (linguistica) (d:q4113741 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link rwwiki:Ururimi already used by item Q1892245.
- Sacro Romano Imperatore (d:q2179698 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Lijst van Rooms-Duitse koningen en keizers already used by item Q181765.
- Scuola secondaria di primo grado in Italia (d:q149566 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Bildungssystem in den Vereinigten Staaten already used by item Q861654.
- Aiuto:Categorie (d:q4167836 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link etwiki:Juhend:Kategooriad already used by item Q4989342.
- Ingegneria aerospaziale (d:q3798668 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Luchtvaarttechniek already used by item Q8421.
- Tetragramma biblico (d:q105173 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Yahveh already used by item Q766677.
- Categoria:Composti chimici (d:q6482368 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link mswiki:Kategori:Sebatian kimia already used by item Q6117552.
- Onde corte (d:q368646 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eowiki:Mallongondo already used by item Q672859.
- Run-time (d:q288510 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Runtime library already used by item Q1444922.
- Logica aristotelica (d:q615599 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Term logic already used by item Q237125.
- Numero di Fermat (d:q207264 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dawiki:Fermatprimtal already used by item Q3327228.
- Leggi di Fick (d:q856634 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Diffusion already used by item Q163214.
- Kilobyte (d:q79726 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Byte (enhet) already used by item Q8799.
- Minni (d:q11936 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Liste der Bewohner Entenhausens already used by item Q42897.
- Successione Tribonacci (d:q1052335 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Generalizations of Fibonacci numbers already used by item Q5532425.
- Strage dell'Heysel (d:q323888 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Kung Baudouin-stadion already used by item Q622671.
- Newton Pitagorico (d:q3875718 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Gyro Gearloose already used by item Q837005.
- Paperoga (d:q2072455 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Liste der Bewohner Entenhausens already used by item Q42897.
- Moby Duck (d:q2703844 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Duck family (Disney) already used by item Q977528.
- Spin-off (d:q283308 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Spin-off already used by item Q1186399.
- Pentagramma (musica) (d:q192193 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Nuottikirjoitus already used by item Q233861.
- Lasagne (gastronomia) (d:q3827309 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link tlwiki:Lasagne already used by item Q20034.
- Pico De Paperis (d:q1753262 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Liste der Bewohner Entenhausens already used by item Q42897.
- Nocciola (Disney) (d:q2703496 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Donald Duck characters already used by item Q42897.
- Sant'Abbondio (Italia) (d:q1053491 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:San Siro, Como already used by item Q47650.
- Monte Isola (d:q105239 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dawiki:Monte Isola already used by item Q4203472.
- Santa Maria Rezzonico (d:q1053507 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:San Siro, Como already used by item Q47650.
- Sinestesia (linguistica) (d:q3961725 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Synesthesia already used by item Q13258.
- XVCD (d:q2597630 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Video CD already used by item Q321259.
- Via della mano destra (d:q4010849 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Left-hand path and right-hand path already used by item Q794819.
- Mosca (disambigua) (d:q454617 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Mouche (homonymie) already used by item Q365479.
- Presa della Bastiglia (d:q6539 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Bastille already used by item Q1865480.
- Lipari (comune) (d:q496389 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cswiki:Lipari already used by item Q499519.
- Orbita geostazionaria (d:q192316 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Geosynchrone Umlaufbahn already used by item Q472251.
- Pagina web dinamica (d:q1650567 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Webseite already used by item Q36774.
- Pradleves (d:q20359 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link lmowiki:Dronero already used by item Q20025.
- Salmour (d:q20448 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link lmowiki:Narzole already used by item Q20247.
- Paese (d:q418561 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eowiki:Medino (apartigilo) already used by item Q1175350.
- Ruota dell'Anno (d:q2567509 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cswiki:Wicca already used by item Q59774.
- Progressione del record mondiale dei 100 metri piani maschili (d:q1066353 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:100-Meter-Lauf already used by item Q164761.
- Palazzo d'Inverno (d:q182147 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Eremitage (Sankt Petersburg) already used by item Q132783.
- Warhammer 40.000 (d:q209026 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nowiki:Games Workshop already used by item Q587270.
- Queer (d:q51415 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link simplewiki:Homosexuality already used by item Q6636.
- Seno (d:q346770 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Sinus already used by item Q292644.
- Leva (d:q1821716 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Bulgarian lev already used by item Q172540.
- Stella tripla (d:q2088753 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Star system already used by item Q595871.
- Medea (d:q1211425 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Medea (disambiguation) already used by item Q2555830.
- Roque (d:q1143202 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Krocket already used by item Q193387.
- Mangaka (d:q191633 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Manga already used by item Q8274.
- Malafede (d:q2706138 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Existentialisme already used by item Q38066.
- Matrice definita positiva (d:q1052034 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Definitheit already used by item Q1182685.
- Terzo Stato (d:q909656 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Estates of the realm already used by item Q657326.
- Template:Football kit (d:q5613795 - check) - Page was protected.
- Legge di gravitazione universale (d:q134465 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Painovoima already used by item Q11412.
- Targhe automobilistiche danesi (d:q1757856 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dawiki:Nummerplade already used by item Q22706.
- Stella polare (d:q662656 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eowiki:Norda Stelo already used by item Q12980.
- Snoopy (d:q207369 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Die Peanuts already used by item Q1168491.
- William Seward Burroughs (d:q4020149 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:William Burroughs already used by item Q1210643.
- Pelliccia (araldica) (d:q1076223 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Tingierung already used by item Q3404720.
- Spiritualismo (filosofia) (d:q2636432 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Spiritualismus already used by item Q355401.
- Teoria dei circuiti (d:q2089905 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Network analysis (electrical circuits) already used by item Q618079.
- Specie di Eucalyptus (d:q2667357 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Eukalypten already used by item Q45669.
- Primo triumvirato (d:q715380 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Triumvirat already used by item Q83204.
- Macintosh Color Classic II (d:q1052571 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Macintosh Color Classic already used by item Q965936.
- Lingua ausiliaria internazionale (d:q838296 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Kunsttaal already used by item Q33215.
- Storia dell'universo (d:q3974049 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Chronology of the universe already used by item Q136407.
- Spock (d:q16341 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Figuren im Star-Trek-Universum already used by item Q16375.
- Macintosh SE/30 (d:q2142726 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Macintosh SE already used by item Q1882848.
- Mariner 10 (d:q59131 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Mariner already used by item Q202894.
- R2-D2 (d:q51788 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Figuren aus Star Wars already used by item Q51805.
- Pioviggine (d:q211521 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Regen already used by item Q7925.
- PowerPC 601 (d:q2087344 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:PowerPC 600 already used by item Q1088832.
- PowerPC 604 (d:q2087354 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:PowerPC 600 already used by item Q1088832.
- PowerPC 603 (d:q2086931 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:PowerPC 600 already used by item Q1088832.
- Licenze Creative Commons (d:q284742 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Creative Commons already used by item Q43449.
- Matrice trasposta (d:q223683 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Matrix (Mathematik) already used by item Q44337.
- Motorola 68EC030 (d:q1053242 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Motorola 68030 already used by item Q378761.
- Motorola 68EC020 (d:q2755444 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Motorola 68020 already used by item Q916240.
- Motorola 68LC040 (d:q2755495 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Motorola 68040 already used by item Q674007.
- Begga (d:q5389918 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Begga already used by item Q266765.
- Michele (d:q4927524 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link viwiki:Michael already used by item Q951229.
- Vincenzo (d:q6029989 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link trwiki:Vincent already used by item Q4928254.
- Piombi (d:q2426741 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Dogenpalast already used by item Q189883.
- Single-lens reflex (d:q196353 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Spiegelreflexkamera already used by item Q196342.
- Storia della posta (d:q3974167 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Historia postal already used by item Q1516929.
- Teorema fondamentale dell'aritmetica (d:q670235 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Primfaktorzerlegung already used by item Q4846249.
- Luigi I (d:q341072 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Liste von Herrschern namens Ludwig already used by item Q118678.
- Orione (d:q1178596 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link slwiki:Orion already used by item Q104387.
- Olimpo (d:q764775 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link skwiki:Olympus already used by item Q819979.
- Rotatoria (d:q1525 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link tlwiki:Rotonda already used by item Q1529.
- Script (d:q1070421 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Shell script already used by item Q959549.
- Bianca (d:q4858732 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:Blanca already used by item Q4858834.
- Plutone (geologia) (d:q513110 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Bergart already used by item Q8063.
- Quadrato (disambigua) (d:q416367 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eowiki:Kvadrato already used by item Q224155.
- Pipe (d:q2165493 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Vertikalstreck already used by item Q234455.
- Teorema dei numeri primi (d:q386292 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Liczba pierwsza already used by item Q49008.
- Sputnik 3 (d:q719789 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Sputnik already used by item Q170413.
- Valeriano (d:q46750 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link lawiki:Valerianus (imperator) already used by item Q552224.
- Legolas (d:q213480 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Figuren in Tolkiens Welt already used by item Q1204735.
- Plasma (biologia) (d:q79749 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link simplewiki:Blood already used by item Q7873.
- Campo geomagnetico (d:q6500960 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eowiki:Geomagnetiko already used by item Q114591.
- Radice numerica (d:q2532474 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Quersumme already used by item Q1363568.
- Oliva (nome) (d:q632389 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Olivia already used by item Q632264.
- Stati membri dell'Unione europea (d:q185441 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Euroopan unioni already used by item Q458.
- Scilla (d:q397775 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Scylla already used by item Q255329.
- SETI@home (d:q35665 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:SETI already used by item Q484587.
- Sauron (d:q2281 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Figuren in Tolkiens Welt already used by item Q1204735.
- Metafisica aristotelica (d:q3855427 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link rowiki:Metafizica already used by item Q661655.
- Personal LaserWriter 320 (d:q3900486 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:LaserWriter already used by item Q1499906.
- Tulkas (d:q80297 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Valar (Terra di Mezzo) already used by item Q78493.
- Minas Tirith (Prima Era) (d:q2294726 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Minor places in Beleriand already used by item Q3244148.
- Monte Fato (d:q982944 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link simplewiki:Middle-earth locations already used by item Q1248416.
- LaserWriter Plus (d:q3827355 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:LaserWriter already used by item Q1499906.
- Personal LaserWriter SC (d:q3900493 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:LaserWriter already used by item Q1499906.
- Personal LaserWriter NTR (d:q3900490 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:LaserWriter already used by item Q1499906.
- Personal LaserWriter NT (d:q3900489 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:LaserWriter already used by item Q1499906.
- Personal LaserWriter 300 (d:q3900484 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:LaserWriter already used by item Q1499906.
- LaserWriter 8500 (d:q3827342 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:LaserWriter already used by item Q1499906.
- LaserWriter 12/640 PS (d:q3827337 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:LaserWriter already used by item Q1499906.
- Personal LaserWriter LS (d:q3900487 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:LaserWriter already used by item Q1499906.
- Omacatl (d:q3882035 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Tezcatlipoca already used by item Q756797.
- Tumladen (d:q2641717 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Gondolin already used by item Q1154417.
- Sirion (d:q1777908 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Middle-earth rivers already used by item Q5575350.
- LaserWriter 16/600 PS (d:q3827339 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:LaserWriter already used by item Q1499906.
- LaserWriter IIg (d:q3827348 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:LaserWriter already used by item Q1499906.
- LaserWriter 4/600 PS (d:q3827343 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:LaserWriter already used by item Q1499906.
- LaserWriter IINTX (d:q3827344 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:LaserWriter already used by item Q1499906.
- LaserWriter IIf (d:q3827347 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:LaserWriter already used by item Q1499906.
- LaserWriter IISC (d:q3827346 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:LaserWriter already used by item Q1499906.
- Talia (d:q261473 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link etwiki:Thaleia already used by item Q2817977.
- Mallorn (d:q2294716 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Middle-earth plants already used by item Q578380.
- Microsoft .NET (d:q3857014 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Dotnet Framework already used by item Q5289.
- Senatore a vita (diritto italiano) (d:q826589 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Senator for life already used by item Q2786200.
- Mandos (d:q80224 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Valar (Terra di Mezzo) already used by item Q78493.
- Strada Diritta (d:q1053279 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Minor places in Arda already used by item Q2512113.
- Yavanna (d:q1771124 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Valar (Terra di Mezzo) already used by item Q78493.
- Terza Era (d:q40404 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Chronologie de la Terre du Milieu already used by item Q2349670.
- Ostrogoti (d:q103122 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Goten already used by item Q42193.
- REM (d:q224199 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Rem already used by item Q881338.
- Nemesis (d:q1570135 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link trwiki:Nemesis already used by item Q185747.
- Preliminary English Test (d:q2576994 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Cambridge ESOL already used by item Q259641.
- Rosario (d:q132539 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dawiki:Bedekrans already used by item Q3129913.
- Tronco (d:q195247 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cswiki:Chobot already used by item Q414408.
- Seconda Era (d:q733685 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Chronologie de la Terre du Milieu already used by item Q2349670.
- Resilienza (biologia) (d:q4105196 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Resiliens already used by item Q1062741.
- Nonna Papera (d:q2069648 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Liste der Bewohner Entenhausens already used by item Q42897.
- Resilienza (ingegneria) (d:q3457762 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link simplewiki:Resilience already used by item Q1062741.
- Rockerduck (d:q1775579 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Liste der Bewohner Entenhausens already used by item Q42897.
- Liberto (d:q841571 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Affranchissement already used by item Q1454489.
- Quicksort (d:q486598 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nowiki:Sorteringsalgoritme already used by item Q181593.
- Paperina (d:q715763 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Liste der Bewohner Entenhausens already used by item Q42897.
- Sassi di Matera (d:q2350404 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Matera already used by item Q13616.
- Project MAC (d:q1053094 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory already used by item Q1354917.
- UTF-8 (d:q193537 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Unicode already used by item Q8819.
- Secondo principio della termodinamica (d:q177045 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Thermodynamik already used by item Q11473.
- Storia della Formula 1 (d:q173329 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Formula 1 already used by item Q1968.
- Mito cosmogonico (d:q1610116 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Myth of origins already used by item Q390248.
- Suffisso (d:q102047 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Affixe already used by item Q62155.
- Spada (sport) (d:q840419 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Esgrima already used by item Q12100.
- PIA (d:q427610 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Pia already used by item Q395855.
- Sant'Antonio (d:q3940487 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link idwiki:Paulus already used by item Q225177.
- Rapcore (d:q3930216 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nowiki:Nu metal already used by item Q263734.
- Permalink (d:q1048975 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link jawiki:Uniform Resource Locator already used by item Q42253.
- Voivodati della Polonia (d:q150093 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:Voivodat already used by item Q5639312.
- John Watson (d:q225796 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:John Watson already used by item Q171422.
- Rosso (araldica) (d:q858055 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Heraldische kleur already used by item Q3404720.
- Legge di Boyle-Mariotte (d:q175974 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Thermische Zustandsgleichung idealer Gase already used by item Q191785.
- Prima legge di Gay-Lussac (d:q193523 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Thermische Zustandsgleichung idealer Gase already used by item Q191785.
- Ortensia de' Paperoni (d:q2352969 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Clan McDuck already used by item Q1053366.
- Nero (araldica) (d:q936496 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Heraldische kleur already used by item Q3404720.
- Verde (araldica) (d:q936535 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Heraldische kleur already used by item Q3404720.
- Isso (d:q3803465 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:ISSO already used by item Q5974498.
- Scheda AirPort (d:q3951865 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Apple AirPort already used by item Q697292.
- Primo principio della termodinamica (d:q179380 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Thermodynamik already used by item Q11473.
- Matilda de' Paperoni (d:q2634870 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Clan McDuck already used by item Q1053366.
- Rumpus McFowl (d:q2635050 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Clan McDuck already used by item Q1053366.
- Montgomery Scott (d:q607489 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Figuren im Star-Trek-Universum already used by item Q16375.
- William Riker (d:q752877 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Figuren im Star-Trek-Universum already used by item Q16375.
- MPEG-2 (d:q273902 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:MPEG already used by item Q11273.
- Q (Star Trek) (d:q15857 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Figuren im Star-Trek-Universum already used by item Q16375.
- Molex (d:q2354861 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Molex already used by item Q1943468.
- Rapper (d:q2252262 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Rapping already used by item Q6010.
- Stampa a rilievo (d:q1056690 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Paper embossing already used by item Q1624092.
- Leonard McCoy (d:q16351 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Figuren im Star-Trek-Universum already used by item Q16375.
- Worf (d:q826155 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Figuren im Star-Trek-Universum already used by item Q16375.
- Statoreattore (d:q60602 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Staustrahltriebwerk already used by item Q60591.
- TEN (d:q3841617 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:10 (disambiguation) already used by item Q3842089.
- Tidus (d:q2349646 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Personnages de Final Fantasy X et X-2 already used by item Q2258420.
- Parrocchia civile (d:q1115575 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link euwiki:Parrokia (zibila) already used by item Q1626455.
- Pallapugno (d:q3915070 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Pallone already used by item Q1055193.
- Sulibani (d:q2703650 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Star Trek races already used by item Q1700422.
- Yuna (d:q1334722 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Personnages de Final Fantasy X et X-2 already used by item Q2258420.
- Wireless personal area network (d:q2249421 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Personal area network already used by item Q202271.
- Saya (d:q368584 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Saya already used by item Q416755.
- Teoria della comunicazione (d:q83966 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Kommunikationsmodell already used by item Q1416645.
- Robert Kane (d:q350020 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Robert Kane already used by item Q743183.
- Lupo (disambigua) (d:q417073 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Loup (homonymie) already used by item Q358974.
- Interazione uomo-computer (d:q3799402 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Interactions homme-machine already used by item Q207434.
- Partito Radicale (Italia) (d:q2704736 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Radicali Italiani already used by item Q1450384.
- Neotribalismo (d:q1762221 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Tribo urbana already used by item Q1515099.
- Storia della bicicletta (d:q2059831 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Bicyclette already used by item Q11442.
- Simpsons Comics (d:q1813436 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of The Simpsons comics already used by item Q2217478.
- Popolo (d:q2472587 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link lvwiki:Tauta already used by item Q265204.
- Opposizione (d:q192852 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Opposition (politique) already used by item Q3354407.
- Mattutino (d:q1437648 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Metten already used by item Q647624.
- Ron Weasley (d:q173998 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Figuren der Harry-Potter-Romane already used by item Q208255.
- Zanne (d:q185635 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Elefante already used by item Q7378.
- Template:Province spagnole (d:q5203 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Malline:Espanjan maakunnat already used by item Q5945049.
- Suddivisioni del Portogallo (d:q380230 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Portugals distrikt already used by item Q3032141.
- Ponte (disambigua) (d:q2669455 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eowiki:Ponte already used by item Q55950.
- Veracruz (disambigua) (d:q226187 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Veracruz already used by item Q60130.
- Severus Piton (d:q176772 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Figuren der Harry-Potter-Romane already used by item Q208255.
- Ossido di diazoto (d:q905750 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link trwiki:Nitro oksit sistem already used by item Q108737.
- Zion (d:q167690 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nowiki:Sion (andre betydninger) already used by item Q225146.
- Pterophyllum scalare (d:q827441 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Pterophyllum already used by item Q214145.
- Postcyberpunk (d:q1341831 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Cyberpunk derivatives already used by item Q5484828.
- OPAC (d:q1982918 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Bibliothekskatalog already used by item Q856638.
- Timeo (d:q182194 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cswiki:Timaios already used by item Q367298.
- Proxy ARP (d:q1192315 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Address Resolution Protocol already used by item Q15171.
- Saturazione di IPv4 (d:q1089478 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:IPv6 already used by item Q2551624.
- Stringa (formale) (d:q3976076 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Cadeia de caracteres already used by item Q184754.
- Lavorazione a maglia (d:q193188 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ocwiki:Tricot already used by item Q407691.
- R. Daneel Olivaw (d:q901072 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Stiftelseserien already used by item Q1564644.
- Luddismo (d:q1159675 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Ned Ludd already used by item Q223009.
- Legione polacca (d:q2102497 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Puolan Legioona Suomessa already used by item Q390563.
- Nylon (d:q177941 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Polyamide already used by item Q145273.
- Paradiso (disambigua) (d:q531469 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link simplewiki:Paradiso already used by item Q448227.
- Sequoia sempervirens (d:q150129 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link rowiki:Sequoia already used by item Q149335.
- Nano (prefisso) (d:q154357 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link simplewiki:International System of Units already used by item Q12457.
- Nerium (d:q3874774 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Laurier rose already used by item Q155833.
- Neorealismo (d:q858436 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Italiensk neorealism already used by item Q167776.
- Punto di Lemoine (d:q940537 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Symmedian already used by item Q556309.
- OpenPGP (d:q2141493 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Pretty Good Privacy already used by item Q1227452.
- Milli (prefisso) (d:q154108 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link simplewiki:International System of Units already used by item Q12457.
- Pico (prefisso) (d:q154341 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link simplewiki:International System of Units already used by item Q12457.
- Quidditch (d:q305561 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Begriffe der Harry-Potter-Romane already used by item Q190327.
- Micro (prefisso) (d:q154121 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link simplewiki:International System of Units already used by item Q12457.
- Nelumbo (d:q207427 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link idwiki:Nelumbonaceae already used by item Q2630851.
- Livello datalink (d:q194134 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:OSI-Modell already used by item Q93312.
- San Leonardo (d:q420090 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eowiki:San Leonardo already used by item Q53357.
- Olio vegetale (d:q4739805 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link etwiki:Taimerasv already used by item Q427457.
- Maurizio (d:q1158848 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link lawiki:Mauritius already used by item Q507877.
- Specie di Fraxinus (d:q3966287 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Fraxinus already used by item Q128887.
- Leva finanziaria (d:q1148384 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link simplewiki:Mechanical advantage already used by item Q5378501.
- Wikipedia:Burocrati (d:q4048515 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link sswiki:Wikipedia:Administrators already used by item Q4039395.
- Mederico (d:q3853666 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Meredith (given name) already used by item Q1276644.
- Specie di Magnolia (d:q3966321 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Magnoliat already used by item Q157017.
- Specie di Tillandsia (d:q1054969 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:Clavellina d'aire already used by item Q157270.
- Wavelength Division Multiplexing (d:q1620670 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Multiplexverfahren already used by item Q222903.
- LACP (d:q3820190 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:IEEE 802.3ad already used by item Q6438378.
- Specie di Tilia (d:q3966389 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Tilia already used by item Q127849.
- Specie di Pyrus (d:q3966355 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Pera already used by item Q434.
- Matematica degli origami (d:q3299105 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Origami already used by item Q83357.
- Thingol (d:q734128 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Figuren in Tolkiens Welt already used by item Q1204735.
- Temperatura di autoignizione (d:q558378 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Ontbindingstemperatuur already used by item Q2611095.
- Piorrea (d:q3905460 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Periodontitis already used by item Q520127.
- Vere Papa mortuus est (d:q1055683 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ruwiki:Sede Vacante already used by item Q48017.
- Lista delle federazioni sindacali europee (d:q1053994 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Liste de syndicats dans le monde already used by item Q6599034.
- Luke Skywalker (d:q51746 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Figuren aus Star Wars already used by item Q51805.
- Ottica adattiva (d:q506922 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Teleskop already used by item Q4213.
- Paronomasia (d:q1637961 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Pun already used by item Q263668.
- Multigrafo (d:q2642629 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Graph (Graphentheorie) already used by item Q141488.
- Nogrod (d:q2294759 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Minor places in Beleriand already used by item Q3244148.
- Decision support system (d:q330268 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Decision support system already used by item Q107415.
- Sirius Black (d:q713701 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Order of the Phoenix (fiction) already used by item Q178453.
- V postulato di Euclide (d:q207014 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link trwiki:Paralel already used by item Q53875.
- Terapia familiare (d:q2002157 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Systemische Therapie already used by item Q1929812.
- Muscolo obliquo inferiore (d:q1051437 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Augenmuskeln already used by item Q533979.
- Presidenti della Commissione europea (d:q141779 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Euroopan komission puheenjohtaja already used by item Q8882.
- Valle (disambigua) (d:q246424 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eowiki:Valle already used by item Q867097.
- Porto Maurizio (d:q2251258 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Imperia already used by item Q13318.
- Trasformata discreta di Fourier (d:q2878 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cswiki:Fourierova transformace already used by item Q6520159.
- Specie di Populus (d:q3966360 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Populus already used by item Q25356.
- Tomba di Galerio (d:q1584841 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Arch of Galerius and Rotunda already used by item Q1258082.
- Muscolo retto laterale (d:q1051835 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Augenmuskeln already used by item Q533979.
- SAP (d:q224956 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link srwiki:SAP already used by item Q552581.
- Muscolo retto inferiore (d:q1090267 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Augenmuskeln already used by item Q533979.
- Tremolo (musica) (d:q2271155 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Tremolo already used by item Q1064632.
- Muscolo retto superiore (d:q1090548 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Augenmuskeln already used by item Q533979.
- Sistema informatico (d:q126552 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Informationssystem already used by item Q121182.
- Suddivisioni del Belgio (d:q83116 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cswiki:Belgie already used by item Q31.
- Qword (d:q3928093 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Datenwort already used by item Q625642.
- R/2004 S2 (d:q3414984 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Rings of Saturn already used by item Q194.
- Odi et amo (d:q2667148 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dawiki:Gaius Valerius Catullus already used by item Q163079.
- Muscolo retto mediale (d:q1090541 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Augenmuskeln already used by item Q533979.
- Nani (Warhammer) (d:q2755014 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Warhammer-universumi already used by item Q988665.
- Obelix (d:q715597 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Figuren aus Asterix already used by item Q1412089.
- Tipo di dato astratto (d:q827335 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Datatyp already used by item Q190087.
- Riff (d:q460730 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Ostinato already used by item Q216745.
- Vegeta (d:q180916 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:Llista de personatges de Bola de Drac already used by item Q2365866.
- Sibilla Cooman (d:q835558 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Poudlard already used by item Q174097.
- Orazio Cavezza (d:q1051189 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Liste der Bewohner Entenhausens already used by item Q42897.
- Valentino (d:q247953 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link lawiki:Valentinus (nomen) already used by item Q852779.
- Torneo Tremaghi (d:q3994704 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire already used by item Q46751.
- Panoramix (d:q1756333 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Figuren aus Asterix already used by item Q1412089.
- Minas Tirith (d:q308657 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Regionen und Orte in Tolkiens Welt already used by item Q1248416.
- Xindi (d:q1065663 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cswiki:Seznam ras ve Star Treku already used by item Q1700422.
- Pesce di Babele (d:q904183 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of races and species in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy already used by item Q4390709.
- Nones (d:q1055027 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Nonstal already used by item Q261523.
- Owen Lars (d:q2267163 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Figuren aus Star Wars already used by item Q51805.
- Matucana (d:q311767 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Matucana (distrito) already used by item Q3313805.
- Xilografia (d:q173242 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Taidegrafiikka already used by item Q271588.
- Smaug (d:q46302 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Figuren in Tolkiens Welt already used by item Q1204735.
- Mario (personaggio) (d:q12379 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cswiki:Super Mario already used by item Q4802838.
- Omofonia (musica) (d:q207349 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Homophonie already used by item Q446165.
- Processo (diritto) (d:q1763090 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cswiki:Rozsudek already used by item Q327000.
- Poema epico (d:q37484 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link shwiki:Epika already used by item Q1097273.
- Qui-Gon Jinn (d:q51736 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Figuren aus Star Wars already used by item Q51805.
- Profase (d:q574430 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Mitose already used by item Q133226.
- Offset (d:q1156822 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Speicheradresse already used by item Q835713.
- Vulcano (Star Trek) (d:q1088708 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Vulkanuslaiset already used by item Q34080.
- Sovrani longobardi (d:q845213 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link etwiki:Langobardid already used by item Q130900.
- Numero palindromo (d:q754831 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Palindrom already used by item Q12321.
- Tombola (d:q1761269 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Tombola already used by item Q1173699.
- Pentapoli (d:q232476 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Pentapolis already used by item Q3284322.
- Milo (nome) (d:q3858035 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Milo already used by item Q226204.
- Muppet (d:q1953422 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Die Muppet Show already used by item Q2120540.
- Ninfadora Tonks (d:q715312 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Feeniksin kilta already used by item Q713701.
- Livello di rete (d:q208074 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:OSI-Modell already used by item Q93312.
- Workflow management (d:q1054938 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Workflow already used by item Q627335.
- Statechart Diagram (d:q3968485 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:State diagram already used by item Q230885.
- Trudy (Disney) (d:q2247742 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Liste der Bewohner Entenhausens already used by item Q42897.
- Lingua indonesiana (d:q9240 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Malaiische Sprache already used by item Q9237.
- Template:CAN (d:q5898899 - check) - Page was protected.
- Modo di decadimento (d:q1048111 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Radioactive decay already used by item Q11448.
- Maggie Simpson (d:q7834 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Die Simpsons (Familie) already used by item Q9762.
- Template:ITA (d:q5614159 - check) - Page was protected.
- Template:SWE (d:q5915555 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link etwiki:Mall:SWE already used by item Q5900276.
- Progetto Marklar (d:q3922700 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:OS X already used by item Q14116.
- Lampada (d:q1138737 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Light fixture already used by item Q815738.
- Macchia Nera (d:q1753119 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Liste der Bewohner Entenhausens already used by item Q42897.
- Template:NOR (d:q6455705 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link etwiki:Mall:NOR already used by item Q6399281.
- Sossaman (d:q3965165 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Xeon already used by item Q656154.
- Template:JPN (d:q6038518 - check) - Page was protected.
- Rupia (d:q178843 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Roupie already used by item Q164547.
- Template:VEN (d:q5621334 - check) - Page was protected.
- Template:FIN (d:q5896042 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link etwiki:Mall:FIN already used by item Q5873891.
- Template:VNM (d:q6199692 - check) - Page was protected.
- Template:BRA (d:q6468955 - check) - Page was protected.
- Scienza cognitiva della matematica (d:q469692 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Numerical cognition already used by item Q337432.
- Template:BOL (d:q5614387 - check) - Page was protected.
- Template:EGY (d:q5618475 - check) - Page was protected.
- Peter Minus (d:q1000118 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Univers de Harry Potter already used by item Q154224.
- Maria Teresa d'Austria (disambigua) (d:q400928 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Maria Theresa (disambiguation) already used by item Q1212277.
- Tallofite (d:q1317786 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Thallus already used by item Q207495.
- Scala minore armonica (d:q2621436 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Minor scale already used by item Q184567.
- Unisono (d:q176224 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dawiki:Italienske og franske musikudtryk already used by item Q3255006.
- Panasonic (d:q833266 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ukwiki:Panasonic Corporation already used by item Q53247.
- Musica etnica (d:q235858 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Folk music already used by item Q43343.
- Template:BRN (d:q5625095 - check) - Page was protected.
- Template:SVK (d:q5618156 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link etwiki:Mall:SVK already used by item Q6536000.
- Pietro Gambadilegno (d:q11947 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Liste der Bewohner Entenhausens already used by item Q42897.
- Opzione put (d:q1939618 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Optie already used by item Q187860.
- Tip e Tap (d:q2294158 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Liste der Bewohner Entenhausens already used by item Q42897.
- Origin (Evanescence) (d:q5463788 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nowiki:Opprinnelse already used by item Q326942.
- Mordor (d:q202886 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link simplewiki:Middle-earth locations already used by item Q1248416.
- Sound Asleep EP (d:q889696 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Evanescence already used by item Q1777698.
- Primo de Rivera (d:q3403290 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Rivera already used by item Q228833.
- Longford (disambigua) (d:q402192 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Longford already used by item Q645623.
- Dislocamento (d:q5636358 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Deplacement already used by item Q582695.
- Luna Lovegood (d:q190282 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Poudlard already used by item Q174097.
- Museo di archeologia ligure (d:q2644208 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Villa Durazzo-Pallavicini already used by item Q4011961.
- Tireotossicosi (d:q3991731 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Hyperthyroidism already used by item Q16499.
- Template:Box successione (d:q4913920 - check) - Page was protected.
- Ned Flanders (d:q1158157 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Figuren aus Die Simpsons already used by item Q267149.
- The Sims (d:q184816 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nawiki:The Sims already used by item Q4897444.
- Yoda (d:q51730 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Figuren aus Star Wars already used by item Q51805.
- Ufficiale (funzionario) (d:q599151 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Beamter already used by item Q812958.
- Standard elettrici nel mondo (d:q4273837 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Verkkovirta already used by item Q387400.
- Pallone col bracciale (d:q3892652 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Pallone already used by item Q1055193.
- Bonifica agraria (d:q5207064 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link etwiki:Maaparandus already used by item Q1130322.
- XVIII dinastia egizia (d:q146055 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Neues Reich already used by item Q180568.
- Economie di scala (d:q5970087 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link slwiki:Gospodarnost obsega already used by item Q282942.
- Assicurazione (arrampicata) (d:q2626848 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Asekuracja (wspinaczka) already used by item Q352328.
- The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (d:q718448 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:The Elder Scrolls already used by item Q466530.
- Tangente (trigonometria) (d:q1129196 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nowiki:Trigonometriske funksjoner already used by item Q93344.
- Mangiamorte (d:q181291 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Univers de Harry Potter already used by item Q154224.
- Peso specifico (d:q749542 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link lawiki:Vichte already used by item Q2567528.
- Intel 80188 (d:q1065726 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Intel 80186 already used by item Q725524.
- Quousque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nostra? (d:q1234390 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Catiline Orations already used by item Q1055008.
- Luminara Unduli (d:q2297428 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Star Wars characters already used by item Q51805.
- Macchina per scrivere (d:q46335 - check) - Page was protected.
- Steatite (d:q707896 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Talk (mineraal) already used by item Q134583.
- Query (d:q3428776 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Datenbanksprache already used by item Q3428604.
- Pluralismo (d:q333024 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Pluralisme already used by item Q228677.
- Olifante (Terra di Mezzo) (d:q1095530 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Middle-earth animals already used by item Q2700354.
- SISD (d:q1139736 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Flynnsche Klassifikation already used by item Q339387.
- Roma antica (d:q1747689 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link barwiki:Remisches Reich already used by item Q2277.
- MIMD (d:q1149237 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Flynnsche Klassifikation already used by item Q339387.
- Waterbasket (d:q2185549 - check) - Page was protected.
- MISD (d:q1190992 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Flynnsche Klassifikation already used by item Q339387.
- Pan troglodytes (d:q4126704 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link kgwiki:Kimpenzi already used by item Q80174.
- Monarchia costituzionale (d:q41614 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link huwiki:Monarchia already used by item Q7269.
- Simmetria di gauge (d:q3507960 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Gauge theory already used by item Q214850.
- La Rioja (d:q1749093 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Rioja already used by item Q225311.
- Weasley (famiglia) (d:q716534 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link viwiki:Ron Weasley already used by item Q173998.
- Sapore (d:q2231258 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Shahpur already used by item Q1174360.
- Spirometro (d:q1344868 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nowiki:Spirometri already used by item Q653305.
- Lingua cinese mandarino (d:q9192 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Mandariinikiina already used by item Q727694.
- TeX Users Group (d:q1753649 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:TeX already used by item Q5301.
- Opzione call (d:q1508707 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Optie already used by item Q187860.
- Neutronio (d:q1195471 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Neutrino already used by item Q2126.
- SAN (d:q224020 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:San already used by item Q2794117.
- Scrittura ieratica (d:q208111 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Hieroglyfer already used by item Q132659.
- Tu quoque, Brute, fili mi! (d:q617371 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Gaius Iulius Caesar already used by item Q1048.
- SPECTRE (d:q2069518 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Figuren aus James-Bond-Filmen already used by item Q1412102.
- Universo espanso (Guerre stellari) (d:q3551295 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nowiki:Star Wars already used by item Q462.
- Sovrani d'Austria (d:q166877 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Liste des souverains d'Autriche already used by item Q701649.
- Template:Fr (d:q6233021 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cebwiki:Plantilya:Fr icon already used by item Q5620893.
- Razza ariana (d:q718909 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Arjalaiset already used by item Q179733.
- Neoliberismo (d:q162719 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cswiki:Liberalismus already used by item Q6216.
- Metaniera (d:q15247 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Tanker already used by item Q14970.
- Pentium Extreme Edition (d:q1889761 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Pentium D already used by item Q749081.
- Template:COL (d:q6070535 - check) - Page was protected.
- Template:ZAF (d:q5884972 - check) - Page was protected.
- Vernaccia di San Gimignano (d:q1401752 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Vernaccia di San Gimignano already used by item Q2759624.
- Radiofonia (d:q3928864 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link vecwiki:Radio already used by item Q872.
- Tutti i miei robot (d:q923895 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Nous les robots already used by item Q913482.
- Monomero (d:q178827 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link huwiki:Molekula already used by item Q11369.
- Litificazione (d:q1191052 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Diagenesis already used by item Q180621.
- Prezzo d'esercizio (d:q1929310 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Derivatinstrument already used by item Q66295.
- Mace Windu (d:q51725 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Figuren aus Star Wars already used by item Q51805.
- Template:LTU (d:q6079185 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link etwiki:Mall:LTU already used by item Q5834721.
- Template:PER (d:q6073492 - check) - Page was protected.
- Senbee Norimaki (d:q1057652 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Dr. Slump characters already used by item Q3900283.
- Template:TUR (d:q5623076 - check) - Page was protected.
- Template:IND (d:q6080498 - check) - Page was protected.
- Template:MEX (d:q5614537 - check) - Page was protected.
- Millisecondo (d:q723733 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Sekunde already used by item Q11574.
- Lois Griffin (d:q853073 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Family Guy already used by item Q5930.
- Vettura mid-size (d:q4010528 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Family car already used by item Q1940287.
- Teorema di Huygens-Steiner (d:q828284 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Moment d'inertie already used by item Q165618.
- Zaphod Beeblebrox (d:q637202 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link barwiki:Pangalaktischer Donnergurgler already used by item Q259299.
- Rob Bourdon (d:q19205 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Linkin Park already used by item Q261.
- Nani del Caos (d:q2246201 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Warhammer Fantasy Battle already used by item Q928197.
- Wikipedia:Pagine promozionali o celebrative (d:q4663309 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Wikipedia:Interessenkonflikt already used by item Q4657322.
- Murrue Ramius (d:q2755291 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Liste des personnages de Gundam Seed already used by item Q986199.
- Potenziale scalare (d:q1856609 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Champ de vecteurs already used by item Q186247.
- Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? (d:q2357290 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Liste lateinischer Phrasen/Q already used by item Q1435931.
- Lampada di Davy (d:q902796 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Grubenlampe already used by item Q371150.
- Karma (d:q132196 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cswiki:Karma (buddhismus) already used by item Q2673416.
- Tofet (d:q1298788 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Gehenna already used by item Q558093.
- Stele di Axum (d:q2308606 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Obelisken in Rom already used by item Q123809.
- Licensing Act (d:q1055486 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Patent Theatre already used by item Q381395.
- Parte reale (d:q1156910 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Komplexe Zahl already used by item Q11567.
- Oslo (contea) (d:q1067954 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Oslo already used by item Q585.
- Operazione primitiva (d:q1188648 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Datentyp already used by item Q190087.
- Template:DPL (d:q6449012 - check) - Page was protected.
- Yamaha (d:q4022440 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Yamaha Corporation already used by item Q188454.
- Intel 80387 (d:q2486154 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:X87 already used by item Q291904.
- Soggetto di diritto (d:q3964035 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Legal personality already used by item Q155076.
- Leila Organa (d:q51797 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Figuren aus Star Wars already used by item Q51805.
- VI dinastia egizia (d:q269979 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Altes Reich already used by item Q177819.
- Poise (d:q2100949 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link etwiki:Poised already used by item Q809245.
- V dinastia egizia (d:q269237 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Altes Reich already used by item Q177819.
- Saruman (d:q216489 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Figuren in Tolkiens Welt already used by item Q1204735.
- World Championship Wrestling (d:q130171 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link elwiki:World Wrestling Entertainment already used by item Q35339.
- Trincarino (d:q1752400 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link etwiki:Reeling already used by item Q1771667.
- Valore attuale netto (d:q192472 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Contante waarde already used by item Q1100466.
- Visual Memory Unit (d:q1540152 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Sega Dreamcast already used by item Q184198.
- Lilangeni dello Swaziland (d:q4823 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link sswiki:Umbuso weSwatini already used by item Q1050.
- Mutatis mutandis (d:q153046 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Liste lateinischer Phrasen/M already used by item Q1436149.
- Trattato per la Preservazione dello Spazio (d:q2518989 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Outer Space Treaty already used by item Q256608.
- Plateosauridae (d:q1195385 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Plateosaurus already used by item Q131046.
- Trabant (d:q153681 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Trabant already used by item Q3536117.
- Meteora (d:q131136 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Meteoroid already used by item Q7012.
- Thecodontosauridae (d:q1056049 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Tekodontozaur already used by item Q131300.
- Signori del sistema (d:q923634 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Goa'uld already used by item Q19823.
- Suddivisioni dell'Albania (d:q3976647 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Albaniens prefekturer already used by item Q104251.
- Plottigat (d:q2246485 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Liste der Bewohner Entenhausens already used by item Q42897.
- Tahuantinsuyo (d:q6609847 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Imperio incaico already used by item Q28573.
- Riviera del Brenta (d:q476842 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Brenta (river) already used by item Q214551.
- Voci bianche (d:q1376492 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Sopran already used by item Q30903.
- Teorema di Weierstrass (d:q752375 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Stetigkeit already used by item Q170058.
- Planescape (d:q2345291 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Dungeons and Dragons already used by item Q1375.
- Sol (chimica) (d:q2488530 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Suspension already used by item Q26100.
- Villel (d:q1650948 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Villel already used by item Q1302604.
- Simone (d:q4117588 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Simon already used by item Q1962932.
- Principe germanico (d:q3922018 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Germanic kingship already used by item Q5402094.
- Semiretta (d:q1147832 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Line (geometry) already used by item Q37105.
- Lunghezza di Planck (d:q207387 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Planck-Einheiten already used by item Q468999.
- Nilo Bianco (d:q4814791 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Nil already used by item Q3392.
- Relazione di congruenza (d:q319400 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Congruence already used by item Q299600.
- Motore a cilindri contrapposti (d:q678276 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link huwiki:Otto-motor already used by item Q191801.
- Trotto (d:q1798287 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Pferdegangart already used by item Q754659.
- Lessico (d:q8096 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link rowiki:Lexic already used by item Q6499736.
- Torrente (d:q1437299 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Ravine already used by item Q2042028.
- Oruro (d:q35246 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eowiki:Oruro already used by item Q1061368.
- Template:It (d:q6023090 - check) - Page was protected.
- Tipo di carattere vettoriale (d:q1759637 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Computer font already used by item Q1147633.
- Trofa (d:q987964 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Trofa already used by item Q415175.
- San Pietro del Carso (d:q252154 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Pivka already used by item Q3501699.
- Reiderland (d:q2140086 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link stqwiki:Reiderlound already used by item Q176279.
- Sindal (d:q1552182 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Sindal already used by item Q3177752.
- Ringe (Danimarca) (d:q1552156 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link rowiki:Ringe already used by item Q303111.
- Vipacco (d:q2527695 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Gmina Vipava already used by item Q1002229.
- Radlje ob Dravi (d:q1005364 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Radlje ob Dravi already used by item Q6565933.
- Vojnik (d:q16469 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Gmina Vojnik already used by item Q2134561.
- Penryn (computer) (d:q2754921 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Intel Core 2 already used by item Q216334.
- Lingua prussiana (d:q35501 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eowiki:Praprusoj already used by item Q109073.
- Milligrammo (d:q3858009 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Orders of magnitude (mass) already used by item Q846759.
- Phoenix (shuttle) (d:q2088493 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Hopper (spacecraft) already used by item Q451569.
- Template:Sistema operativo (d:q5856866 - check) - Page was protected.
- Memoria (fisiologia) (d:q3854380 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link trwiki:Bellek already used by item Q492.
- Regole di derivazione (d:q1079958 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Pochodna already used by item Q29175.
- Quintale (d:q940052 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Centena (unidad de masa) already used by item Q1267081.
- Interpretariato (d:q280221 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Language interpretation already used by item Q210439.
- Son Gohan (d:q752269 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:Llista de personatges de Bola de Drac already used by item Q2365866.
- Tempio Jedi (d:q2484106 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Jedit already used by item Q51724.
- Viviers (d:q229030 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link pmswiki:Viviers already used by item Q274774.
- Uku Pacha (d:q2351561 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Pacha (Inca mythology) already used by item Q2294755.
- Luna (Terra di Mezzo) (d:q1055330 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Ainur already used by item Q78498.
- Oisy (d:q256661 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link pmswiki:Oisy already used by item Q742695.
- Mortemer (d:q294287 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link pmswiki:Mortemer already used by item Q750727.
- Plainville (d:q230134 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link pmswiki:Plainville already used by item Q1073265.
- Monts (d:q355428 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link pmswiki:Monts already used by item Q1170894.
- Martincourt (d:q295545 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link pmswiki:Martincourt already used by item Q1101245.
- Rocquemont (d:q294152 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link pmswiki:Rocquemont already used by item Q1167429.
- Senantes (d:q343737 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link pmswiki:Senantes already used by item Q1137853.
- Vieux-Moulin (d:q294277 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link pmswiki:Vieux-Moulin already used by item Q1158078.
- Rully (d:q294176 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link pmswiki:Rully already used by item Q612972.
- Rouville (d:q251662 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link pmswiki:Rouville already used by item Q1172791.
- Sully (d:q176808 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link pmswiki:Sully already used by item Q1013724.
- Mortefontaine (d:q236314 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link pmswiki:Mortefontaine already used by item Q989850.
- Versigny (d:q295876 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link pmswiki:Versigny already used by item Q867428.
- Saint-Agnan (d:q226781 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link pmswiki:Saint-Agnan already used by item Q1020285.
- Valore nominale (d:q311198 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link idwiki:Nilai pari already used by item Q975735.
- Marcy (d:q233478 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link pmswiki:Marcy already used by item Q687267.
- Mercury (d:q3855084 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link tlwiki:Merkuryo already used by item Q48397.
- Peace Sells... But Who's Buying? (d:q741493 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Peace Sells... But Who's Buying? already used by item Q2034792.
- Moyenneville (d:q255727 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link pmswiki:Moyenneville already used by item Q1029200.
- Re dei Sepolcri (d:q2246508 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Warhammer-universumi already used by item Q988665.
- Saint-Maximin (d:q295539 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link pmswiki:Saint-Maximin already used by item Q245587.
- Rocles (d:q231400 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Rocles already used by item Q511012.
- Saint-Martial (d:q231495 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ocwiki:Saint-Martial already used by item Q1624798.
- Legends of the Dark Knight (d:q1055033 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Batman (Comicserien) already used by item Q810850.
- Salins (d:q1627830 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ocwiki:Salins already used by item Q2532501.
- Lacoste (d:q254386 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:Lacoste already used by item Q309031.
- Matrice antihermitiana (d:q2268788 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Hermitesche Matrix already used by item Q652941.
- Octeville (d:q3498110 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Cherbourg-Octeville already used by item Q160199.
- Lingue regionali (d:q770220 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link idwiki:Bahasa daerah already used by item Q61566.
- Narcy (d:q342482 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link pmswiki:Narcy already used by item Q614449.
- Aubiers (d:q4862440 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Nueil-les-Aubiers already used by item Q779573.
- Machault (d:q120331 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ocwiki:Machault already used by item Q2532327.
- Saint-Jean-aux-Bois (d:q179947 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link pmswiki:Saint-Jean-aux-Bois already used by item Q1147834.
- Tannay (d:q233227 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link pmswiki:Tannay already used by item Q1147820.
- Saint-Aignan (d:q228239 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Saint-Agnan already used by item Q226781.
- Real-time (d:q3988 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Realtime already used by item Q347066.
- Sith (d:q51771 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Jedi already used by item Q51724.
- Viktor Krum (d:q1251394 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Figuren der Harry-Potter-Romane already used by item Q208255.
- Stewie Griffin (d:q837909 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Family Guy already used by item Q5930.
- Noldor (d:q6672460 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Figuren in Tolkiens Welt already used by item Q1204735.
- Liquid Snake (d:q2356484 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of characters in the Metal Gear series already used by item Q3051172.
- Miserey (d:q1073375 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Miserey already used by item Q1938756.
- LYS (d:q226303 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link pmswiki:Lys already used by item Q667543.
- Livry (d:q233501 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link pmswiki:Livry already used by item Q848294.
- Leugny (d:q183190 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Leugny already used by item Q128865.
- RIX (d:q230968 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link pmswiki:Rix already used by item Q615153.
- Saint-Germain-des-Bois (d:q342666 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link pmswiki:Saint-Germain-des-Bois already used by item Q578099.
- Saint-Martin-du-Puy (d:q342727 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link pmswiki:Saint-Martin-du-Puy already used by item Q718558.
- Sorbey (d:q252491 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link pmswiki:Sorbey already used by item Q59216.
- Ternant (d:q251544 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link pmswiki:Ternant already used by item Q52887.
- Limite di una funzione (d:q33540 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Limiet already used by item Q177239.
- Space Marine (d:q1565663 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Warhammer-universumi already used by item Q988665.
- Valmont (d:q246338 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link pmswiki:Valmont already used by item Q628033.
- Spyder (d:q2251764 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Type de carrosserie already used by item Q55989.
- Planeta Eskoria (d:q1931669 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link huwiki:Planeta Eskoria already used by item Q1237051.
- Massa mancante (d:q3850883 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Dark matter already used by item Q79925.
- Lunghezza d'onda Compton (d:q1145377 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Compton-Effekt already used by item Q171516.
- Raistlin Majere (d:q2264362 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Dragonlance characters already used by item Q938912.
- Jaden Korr (d:q3160424 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy already used by item Q55295.
- Nolay (d:q247744 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link pmswiki:Nolay already used by item Q16308.
- Verges (d:q2515790 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Verge already used by item Q447884.
- Wikipedia:Bot/Autorizzazioni (d:q4615128 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link crhwiki:Vikipediya:Botlar already used by item Q4048867.
- Ryan McNeil (d:q3943074 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:The Young and the Restless characters (1990s) already used by item Q3556035.
- NPSH (d:q2632337 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Pumpe already used by item Q134574.
- Ordine della Fenice (d:q178453 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Feeniksin kilta already used by item Q713701.
- Provincia di Bujumbura Mairie (d:q1816580 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Bujumbura already used by item Q3854.
- Yet Another Setup Tool (d:q432424 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:SUSE already used by item Q16691.
- SID (d:q228006 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Sid (homonymie) already used by item Q4928727.
- Rosso di Montepulciano (d:q3941695 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Vino Nobile di Montepulciano already used by item Q541959.
- Rosso di Montalcino (d:q25993 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Brunello di Montalcino already used by item Q26667.
- Micologia (d:q7175 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link lawiki:Mycologia already used by item Q1962302.
- Significante (d:q651943 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Dicotomias saussureanas already used by item Q673473.
- Teorie del valore (d:q2755077 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Werttheorie already used by item Q1467669.
- Reostato (d:q1544620 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Potentiometer already used by item Q187868.
- Ratto delle sabine (d:q1048568 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Romulus und Remus already used by item Q2197.
- Trasformazione ciclica (d:q3997733 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Thermodynamischer Kreisprozess already used by item Q75920.
- Piazza del Campidoglio (d:q34921 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Capitoline Hill already used by item Q34925.
- Shelob (d:q1234661 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link simplewiki:Middle-earth characters already used by item Q1204735.
- Sorellanza stregonesca (d:q1765450 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Scheibenwelt-Romane already used by item Q253295.
- Stargate Infinity (d:q837622 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Stargate already used by item Q11927.
- Mario Party (d:q6507722 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Mario Party already used by item Q1196737.
- Meetra Surik (d:q2704496 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Star Wars characters already used by item Q51805.
- Paperinika (d:q2250228 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Iines Ankka already used by item Q715763.
- Stargate SG-1: The Alliance (d:q1055943 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Stargate games already used by item Q2574797.
- Kreia (d:q3816863 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic characters already used by item Q54278.
- RollerCoaster Tycoon (d:q5800778 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:RollerCoaster Tycoon already used by item Q828749.
- Pompa turbomolecolare (d:q2594794 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Vakuumpumpe already used by item Q745837.
- Meriadoc Brandibuck (d:q219498 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Figuren in Tolkiens Welt already used by item Q1204735.
- Peregrino Tuc (d:q219493 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Figuren in Tolkiens Welt already used by item Q1204735.
- Teoria assiomatica degli insiemi (d:q904423 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Set theory already used by item Q12482.
- Oro nativo (d:q898406 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Gold already used by item Q897.
- Senato galattico (d:q1056528 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Galactic Republic already used by item Q733195.
- Walt Disney Pictures (d:q191224 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:The Walt Disney Company already used by item Q7414.
- Lista di laghi e dighe della Svizzera (d:q688064 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Szwajcaria already used by item Q39.
- Merge sort (d:q189057 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nowiki:Sorteringsalgoritme already used by item Q181593.
- Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos (d:q207948 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Warcraft already used by item Q815739.
- Irving Gould (d:q3802158 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Commodore already used by item Q208305.
- The Jimi Hendrix Experience (d:q1407424 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Jimi Hendrix already used by item Q5928.
- Membri della Lituania del Parlamento europeo (d:q2250491 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link rowiki:Europarlamentari pentru Polonia 2004-2009 already used by item Q2786225.
- Thor (Marvel Comics) (d:q717588 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Figuren aus dem Marvel-Universum already used by item Q614085.
- Quarta Era (d:q1631070 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Chronologie de la Terre du Milieu already used by item Q2349670.
- Stile (d:q1426912 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Style already used by item Q224350.
- Libro di Isaia (d:q131458 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Jesaja already used by item Q188794.
- X-Chat Aqua (d:q4021181 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:XChat already used by item Q206713.
- Indoari (d:q1267849 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Aryens already used by item Q179733.
- Titolazione (tessile) (d:q3991920 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Feinheit (Textilien) already used by item Q904443.
- Secante (trigonometria) (d:q1467935 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Trigonometric functions already used by item Q93344.
- Provincia di Cebu (d:q13786 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Cebu already used by item Q6447129.
- Macchina ciclica (d:q3842023 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Thermodynamischer Kreisprozess already used by item Q75920.
- Grand Tour (d:q6682302 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link skwiki:Grand tour already used by item Q866427.
- Meryl Silverburgh (d:q2703860 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of characters in the Metal Gear series already used by item Q3051172.
- Tempio di Vesta (d:q753791 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Templo de Vesta already used by item Q576929.
- The Best of Yes (d:q1319134 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Yes discography already used by item Q284703.
- Patty e Selma Bouvier (d:q1444398 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Die Simpsons (Familie) already used by item Q9762.
- Trunks (d:q757302 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:Llista de personatges de Bola de Drac already used by item Q2365866.
- Polarizzatore (d:q868354 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Polarizer already used by item Q2120971.
- Pittore (d:q1028181 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Artist already used by item Q713197.
- Semipiano (d:q37025 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Upper half-plane already used by item Q3258885.
- Uranismo (d:q2704283 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Karl Heinrich Ulrichs already used by item Q60318.
- Minas Morgul (d:q841752 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link simplewiki:Middle-earth locations already used by item Q1248416.
- Tom Bombadil (d:q280608 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Figuren in Tolkiens Welt already used by item Q1204735.
- Life (d:q226583 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Life (homonymie) already used by item Q3238362.
- Videl (d:q2294744 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Dragon Ball characters already used by item Q1346690.
- Son Goten (d:q839766 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:Llista de personatges de Bola de Drac already used by item Q2365866.
- Tempio romano (d:q867143 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Tempel already used by item Q44539.
- Italia nord-occidentale (d:q2725942 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Oberitalien already used by item Q4345530.
- Orient Express (disambigua) (d:q3885796 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link idwiki:Orient Express (disambiguasi) already used by item Q440686.
- Segreto di Stato (d:q3954400 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link hrwiki:Klasificirani podatci already used by item Q846498.
- Quo vadis? (d:q229893 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link trwiki:Quo Vadis already used by item Q1573326.
- Windows XP Media Center Edition (d:q2643528 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Microsoft Windows XP already used by item Q11248.
- Waylon Smithers (d:q1504443 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Figuren aus Die Simpsons already used by item Q267149.
- Matrice quadrata (d:q2739329 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Matrix (mathematics) already used by item Q44337.
- Mamma (d:q1211074 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Mama already used by item Q229114.
- Robots (d:q756238 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Robot already used by item Q11012.
- Punto vernale (d:q80360 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Equinox already used by item Q1315.
- Letteratura cavalleresca (d:q1159457 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Romance already used by item Q224798.
- Proiezione Universale Trasversa di Mercatore (d:q1329238 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Transverse Universelle de Mercator already used by item Q588975.
- Puerpera (d:q3925389 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:Puerperi already used by item Q749115.
- Piano orizzontale (aeronautica) (d:q1096168 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Plan horizontal already used by item Q5567717.
- Templari Neri (d:q2905484 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Space Marines (Warhammer 40,000) already used by item Q1565663.
- Mamma Oca (d:q142305 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link skwiki:Moja matka hus already used by item Q174524.
- Sliver - The Best of the Box (d:q1986224 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:With the Lights Out already used by item Q1140480.
- Vittoria di Pirro (d:q170765 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Pyrrhos already used by item Q172353.
- Taulanti (d:q1271795 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of ancient tribes in Illyria already used by item Q649179.
- Zaalbar (d:q4023572 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic characters already used by item Q54278.
- Preprocessing (d:q3910836 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Preprocessor already used by item Q918333.
- Sword and sorcery (d:q1999690 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Heroic fantasy already used by item Q2625243.
- Aleph-zero (d:q5074552 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Aleph number already used by item Q908627.
- Karttikeya (d:q380817 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link afwiki:Kaartika already used by item Q475279.
- Superpippo (d:q1189175 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Hessu Hopo already used by item Q111135.
- Turbogetto (d:q723916 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Strahltriebwerk already used by item Q178777.
- New Wave (fantascienza) (d:q2296283 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Science-Fiction already used by item Q24925.
- Template:MAR (d:q5980779 - check) - Page was protected.
- Vita media (fisica) (d:q1758559 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Exponential decay already used by item Q574576.
- Template:BTN (d:q6077878 - check) - Page was protected.
- Template:COD (d:q5895478 - check) - Page was protected.
- Template:HKG (d:q6073848 - check) - Page was protected.
- Template:PRK (d:q6074025 - check) - Page was protected.
- Template:PAK (d:q6051649 - check) - Page was protected.
- Template:MMR (d:q6013316 - check) - Page was protected.
- Template:SDN (d:q6071605 - check) - Page was protected.
- Nar Shaddaa (d:q2704726 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Star Wars moons already used by item Q3251029.
- Metodo champenoise (d:q2141675 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Champanhe (vinho) already used by item Q134862.
- Template:THA (d:q6077583 - check) - Page was protected.
- USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-J) (d:q2248682 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Rymdskeppet Enterprise already used by item Q989888.
- Metodo (programmazione) (d:q815844 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Funktion (programmering) already used by item Q190686.
- Template:IRN (d:q6071454 - check) - Page was protected.
- Xubuntu (d:q72688 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Ubuntu already used by item Q381.
- W.I.T.C.H. (d:q501456 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:W.I.T.C.H. already used by item Q266800.
- Terra d'Otranto (d:q743941 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link lawiki:Sallentum already used by item Q735628.
- RJ-11 (d:q2488884 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Parikaapeli already used by item Q192808.
- Metroid Prime (d:q1765733 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Metroid already used by item Q12397.
- Palazzo del Laterano (d:q848394 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Lateran already used by item Q468405.
- Prince of Persia: Le sabbie del tempo (d:q715292 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Prince of Persia already used by item Q157387.
- Teste di cuoio (d:q3985223 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:SWAT already used by item Q324563.
- Pro forma (d:q2481549 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Latein im Recht already used by item Q1062797.
- La costa dei barbari (film 1964) (d:q1688681 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Coast of Skeletons already used by item Q5138219.
- Diritto di superficie (d:q2630687 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link srwiki:Zakup already used by item Q690076.
- Serie C (d:q3957677 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Lega Pro already used by item Q607965.
- Maude Flanders (d:q1766178 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Famille Flanders already used by item Q3239553.
- Shmi Skywalker (d:q51804 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nowiki:Liste over rollefigurer i Star Wars already used by item Q51805.
- Microquasar (d:q2140232 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:X-ray binary already used by item Q5961.
- Moto superluminale (d:q2486351 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Vitesse supraluminique already used by item Q44207.
- Template:Finestra (d:q6231472 - check) - Page was protected.
- START I (d:q3943945 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (I) already used by item Q931492.
- Sangue gitano (film 1918) (d:q832816 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Carmen (1918 film) already used by item Q5043406.
- Meccanismo biella-manovella (d:q49720 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Crankshaft already used by item Q49718.
- Motore in corrente alternata (d:q1435839 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Driefasige asynchrone motor already used by item Q207450.
- Trasporti in Andorra (d:q1296145 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nowiki:Andorra already used by item Q228.
- Logica filosofica (d:q491412 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Philosophie de la logique already used by item Q2476757.
- Sottoclasse (informatica) (d:q1366323 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Inheritance (object-oriented programming) already used by item Q212542.
- Prince of Persia: Spirito guerriero (d:q743155 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Prince of Persia already used by item Q157387.
- Moltiplicazione di matrici (d:q1049914 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Matrix (Mathematik) already used by item Q44337.
- Visione notturna (d:q5353651 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cswiki:Noktovizor already used by item Q328989.
- Portatore dell'Anello (d:q986514 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:One Ring already used by item Q19852.
- Parrucca (d:q105507 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link huwiki:Haj already used by item Q28472.
- Isola di Ventotene (d:q1085906 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Ventotene already used by item Q128230.
- Ius civile (d:q1251097 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Ius civile already used by item Q3156035.
- WHAX (d:q1065075 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:BackTrack already used by item Q319307.
- Pinza freno (d:q2712997 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Disc brake already used by item Q755174.
- La Rue-Saint-Pierre (d:q294268 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link pmswiki:La Rue-Saint-Pierre already used by item Q1416873.
- Spot the Pigeon (d:q1930949 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Wind & Wuthering already used by item Q383663.
- Linux Day (d:q1938861 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Linux user group already used by item Q1138237.
- Pixel shader (d:q1369131 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Shader already used by item Q633182.
- Pascoli (disambigua) (d:q3896947 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Giovanni Pascoli already used by item Q375998.
- Ryo Saeba (d:q3454058 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eowiki:City Hunter already used by item Q714064.
- Tuffo dal palco (d:q2069643 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Crowdsurfing already used by item Q1141718.
- Sindrome di Klinefelter (d:q207133 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link rowiki:Cromozomul X already used by item Q61333.
- Libero (pallavolo) (d:q975915 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Libero already used by item Q4967819.
- Political Compass (d:q1071833 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Politisches Spektrum already used by item Q210918.
- Parametri orbitali (d:q272626 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Orbite already used by item Q4130.
- Orizzonte di particella (d:q2482717 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Observable universe already used by item Q221392.
- Osgiliath (d:q1048752 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link simplewiki:Middle-earth locations already used by item Q1248416.
- MALP (d:q5437321 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Technologies terriennes dans Stargate already used by item Q928866.
- Selvatico (d:q3954964 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Wild man already used by item Q1071580.
- Specie aliena (d:q183368 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link lbwiki:Neobiota already used by item Q4706486.
- Nedoceratops hatcheri (d:q132602 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Triceratops already used by item Q14384.
- Roadster (d:q828170 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Type de carrosserie already used by item Q55989.
- Monofilia (d:q210958 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Kladistik already used by item Q192210.
- Vigilia di Natale (d:q106010 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dawiki:Jul already used by item Q19809.
- Macabro (d:q2705215 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link idwiki:Rumah Dara already used by item Q972562.
- Angelo Orlando (d:q6423720 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Angelo Orlando already used by item Q3617126.
- Otto Disc (d:q1634927 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of recurring The Simpsons characters already used by item Q2237599.
- Piccolo aiutante di Babbo Natale (d:q1425114 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Die Simpsons (Familie) already used by item Q9762.
- Umbridae (d:q917598 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Hundsfische already used by item Q926320.
- Sovrani visigoti (d:q379363 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Visigoths already used by item Q23693.
- Massime conversazionali (d:q1783521 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Cooperative principle already used by item Q979096.
- Bail Organa (d:q6315462 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Star Wars characters already used by item Q51805.
- XXVII dinastia egizia (d:q926624 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Achemenidzi already used by item Q389688.
- Ralph Winchester (d:q1458168 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Figuren aus Die Simpsons already used by item Q267149.
- Tortello (araldica) (d:q2666470 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Roundel already used by item Q2049919.
- Trattamento (cinema) (d:q2345947 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Drehbuch already used by item Q103076.
- Mondo magico di Harry Potter (d:q5410773 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Univers de Harry Potter already used by item Q154224.
- Apparecchio elettrico (d:q1273786 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Rozdzielnica elektryczna already used by item Q1128622.
- IndyCar Series (d:q119822 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link brwiki:IndyCar Series already used by item Q832052.
- Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner (d:q1058692 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link jawiki:ZONE OF THE ENDERS already used by item Q3080448.
- Return on investment (d:q939134 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Annuitetsmetoden already used by item Q372799.
- Statira (d:q470337 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link hrwiki:Stateira II. already used by item Q5429464.
- Parallelismo (d:q3895170 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Parallelismus already used by item Q299497.
- Metodo Martinotti (d:q1957747 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Sparkling wine production already used by item Q2141675.
- Unione Sportiva Avellino (d:q4005008 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Associazione Sportiva Avellino 1912 already used by item Q298217.
- Insieme di definizione (d:q3799151 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link iswiki:Formengi already used by item Q192439.
- Vertigo (d:q122669 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link hewiki:DC Comics already used by item Q2924461.
- Materie di studio a Hogwarts (d:q1647221 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link viwiki:Hogwarts already used by item Q174097.
- Logaritmo naturale (d:q204037 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Logarithmus already used by item Q11197.
- Mario Kart DS (d:q858564 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Mario Kart already used by item Q188196.
- Neo Geo CDZ (d:q3874648 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Neo-Geo CD already used by item Q2703883.
- Metropolitan Opera House (d:q188031 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Metropolitan-ooppera already used by item Q1176382.
- SwanCrystal (d:q1336803 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:WonderSwan already used by item Q1065792.
- SG-1000 Mark III (d:q1192432 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Master System already used by item Q209868.
- Lista di console (d:q1046663 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:Consola de joc already used by item Q8076.
- WonderSwan Color (d:q1048035 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:WonderSwan already used by item Q1065792.
- Panel (d:q1348059 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Panel already used by item Q257444.
- Mahaut d'Artois (d:q1166728 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:Matilde de Brabant already used by item Q264017.
- Riven: il seguito di Myst (d:q2265002 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Myst already used by item Q6497116.
- Video jockey (d:q6399436 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cswiki:VJing already used by item Q616077.
- Vulcan Raven (d:q2249106 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of characters in the Metal Gear series already used by item Q3051172.
- Psycho Mantis (d:q2738882 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of characters in the Metal Gear series already used by item Q3051172.
- Armando (d:q6394196 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Herman already used by item Q1158570.
- Parametro (d:q3895223 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Parameter already used by item Q346905.
- Super Smash Bros. Melee (d:q1052131 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Super Smash Bros. already used by item Q870981.
- Paradiddle (d:q1928734 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Drum rudiment already used by item Q1301709.
- Segnali di fuoco (d:q3954298 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Optical communication already used by item Q1469765.
- Vima Sunrider (d:q1059655 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Liste de Jedi already used by item Q51742.
- Nomi Sunrider (d:q2250475 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Liste de Jedi already used by item Q51742.
- Ottica attiva (d:q1054449 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Teleskop already used by item Q4213.
- Regolazioni della vela (d:q1420487 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Sailing already used by item Q192520.
- Primi ministri del Galles (d:q3921791 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cywiki:Prif Weinidog (First Minister) already used by item Q1362210.
- Pesca con la mosca (d:q898886 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Sportfiske already used by item Q283534.
- Nelson Muntz (d:q1511163 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Figuren aus Die Simpsons already used by item Q267149.
- Tassonomia di Flynn (d:q5654169 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Flynnsche Klassifikation already used by item Q339387.
- Thranduil (d:q746840 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Figuren in Tolkiens Welt already used by item Q1204735.
- Ulmo (d:q78523 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Valar (Terra di Mezzo) already used by item Q78493.
- Nightcrawler (d:q5342183 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Figuren aus dem Marvel-Universum already used by item Q614085.
- Yaddle (d:q2481658 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Star Wars characters already used by item Q51805.
- Zett Jukassa (d:q1060074 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Liste de Jedi already used by item Q51742.
- Mr. Satan (d:q2294767 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Dragon Ball characters already used by item Q1346690.
- Kopecz (d:q3816447 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Star Wars already used by item Q462.
- Torre di controllo (d:q918324 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Air traffic control already used by item Q221395.
- Leviathan (Guerre stellari) (d:q3831352 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic already used by item Q725902.
- Sith Trooper (d:q3962333 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic already used by item Q725902.
- Melian (d:q753788 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Majar already used by item Q719506.
- Linguaggio di interrogazione (d:q845739 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nowiki:Database already used by item Q8513.
- Trilogia (d:q149010 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Mehrteiler already used by item Q614101.
- Wikipedia:Nome utente (d:q4664077 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link euwiki:Wikipedia:Lankideen izenak already used by item Q4026973.
- Saiyan (d:q2000106 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Dragon Ball already used by item Q2020.
- Tuziorismo (d:q4000974 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Catholic probabilism already used by item Q1370181.
- Presunzione di conoscenza della legge (d:q3911256 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Ignorantia juris non excusat already used by item Q25664.
- Kristiansund (d:q109483 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link etwiki:Kristiansund already used by item Q3362082.
- Tilion (d:q1091455 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Majar already used by item Q719506.
- Xizor (d:q2633028 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Star Wars characters already used by item Q51805.
- Tavion Axmis (d:q2706230 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Personnages de Jedi Knight already used by item Q2383077.
- Poliploidia (d:q213410 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Ploidia already used by item Q118406.
- Template:Spam (d:q4663330 - check) - Page was protected.
- Paperi della Giustizia (d:q3894731 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Darkwing Duck already used by item Q383914.
- Svedberg (d:q1472674 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Sedimentationskoeffizient already used by item Q3132613.
- Chrysophyta (d:q1763065 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link idwiki:Alga keemasan already used by item Q114269.
- Tan Yuster (d:q2250258 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Liste de Jedi already used by item Q51742.
- Yarael Poof (d:q2632619 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Star Wars characters already used by item Q51805.
- Uinen (d:q1075692 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link lawiki:Ainur already used by item Q78498.
- Nico Robin (d:q1190653 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:Llista de personatges de One Piece already used by item Q83490.
- Tekli (d:q3982640 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Star Wars characters already used by item Q51805.
- Sindar (d:q1647099 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Alver (Terra di Mezzo) already used by item Q203904.
- Radagast (d:q719492 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Majar already used by item Q719506.
- Teleri (d:q1647092 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Figuren in Tolkiens Welt already used by item Q1204735.
- Template:Userbox (d:q3926105 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Usuario:Userbox/Userbox already used by item Q5522386.
- Micah Giett (d:q2250566 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Liste de Jedi already used by item Q51742.
- M4a (d:q336316 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:MPEG-4 already used by item Q219763.
- Statista (d:q372436 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Statesman already used by item Q956727.
- Vilya (d:q2354291 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Trois anneaux des Elfes already used by item Q3359656.
- Narya (d:q931279 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Trois anneaux des Elfes already used by item Q3359656.
- Nenya (d:q2296086 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Trois anneaux des Elfes already used by item Q3359656.
- Poligono regolare (d:q714886 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Polygon already used by item Q37555.
- Serious Sam: The First Encounter (d:q948180 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Serious Sam already used by item Q3288692.
- Julius Rosenberg (d:q2739096 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Julius and Ethel Rosenberg already used by item Q769097.
- Sottoclasse (biologia) (d:q5867051 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Biological classification already used by item Q11398.
- MOS 6501 (d:q1151472 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:MOS Technology 6502 already used by item Q255528.
- Template:Cassetto (d:q5872264 - check) - Page was protected.
- Sal Maroni (d:q2706880 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Universo DC already used by item Q1152150.
- Tesar Sebatyne (d:q3984943 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Star Wars characters already used by item Q51805.
- Io (psicologia) (d:q486893 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link hrwiki:Svjesno ja already used by item Q1982425.
- Watto (d:q51801 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Anexo:Personajes menores de Star Wars already used by item Q1061854.
- Stroma (d:q558313 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cswiki:Stroma already used by item Q557179.
- Numa Rar (d:q3879337 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Liste de Jedi already used by item Q51742.
- Telemedicina (d:q46994 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:EHealth already used by item Q4930.
- Rosh Penin (d:q907262 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Personnages de Jedi Knight already used by item Q2383077.
- Parasite Eve (d:q95057 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Parasite Eve already used by item Q1902203.
- Peso corporeo umano (d:q620876 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Peso already used by item Q25288.
- Nintendo DS Lite (d:q844552 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Nintendo DS already used by item Q170323.
- Lionel Hutz (d:q1504628 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Postacie w serialu Simpsonowie already used by item Q267149.
- Personal firewall (d:q1931790 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Firewall already used by item Q80998.
- Lott Dod (d:q3197607 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Star Wars characters already used by item Q51805.
- Triple DES (d:q134983 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Data Encryption Standard already used by item Q135035.
- Tramezzo (d:q2705982 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Wall already used by item Q42948.
- Kirk e Luann Van Houten (d:q1792627 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of recurring The Simpsons characters already used by item Q2237599.
- Prova ontologica (d:q373152 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Gottesbeweis already used by item Q1699404.
- Oxalis corniculata (d:q162795 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link idwiki:Daun asam kecil already used by item Q1640921.
- Ultimate Vedova Nera (d:q4003188 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Black Widow (Natalia Romanova) already used by item Q369197.
- Samosata (d:q1026347 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link trwiki:Samsat already used by item Q667098.
- Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection (d:q1053784 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Nintendo DS already used by item Q170323.
- Tribunale militare (d:q3998645 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Military justice already used by item Q28737.
- Miniera (d:q1133125 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Mine (gisement) already used by item Q44497.
- Picosecondo (d:q3902709 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Ordre de grandeur (temps) already used by item Q838801.
- Sharad Hett (d:q1062050 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Liste de Jedi already used by item Q51742.
- Sonia (d:q4327105 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Sonia (name) already used by item Q143995.
- Ulic Qel-Droma (d:q2250235 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Star Wars characters already used by item Q51805.
- Segnatura (editoria) (d:q1896029 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Signature already used by item Q188675.
- Rajab (d:q194210 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Muslimska kalendern already used by item Q28892.
- Rito latino (d:q2725872 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Latin Church already used by item Q597526.
- Maw (personaggio) (d:q3853008 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II already used by item Q55291.
- Resina (d:q405976 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Harz already used by item Q343715.
- Punch e Judy (d:q2250832 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Jan Klaassen (pop) already used by item Q954170.
- Template:PD-Italia (d:q5849933 - check) - Page was protected.
- Pirata Orango (d:q1061768 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Mickey Mouse universe already used by item Q2634715.
- Sparklehorse (d:q1481379 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Mark Linkous already used by item Q1031340.
- Reginaldo (d:q2141390 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link huwiki:Rajnald already used by item Q2532287.
- Voyage 34 (d:q4016528 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Voyage 34: The Complete Trip already used by item Q4016530.
- Sega Mega Jet (d:q1760212 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Variations of the Sega Mega Drive already used by item Q498676.
- Shira Brie (d:q2249741 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Star Wars characters already used by item Q51805.
- Specie di Lithops (d:q3966317 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Lithops already used by item Q133283.
- Tanis Mezzelfo (d:q1061793 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Dragonlance characters already used by item Q938912.
- Basilio (d:q4926514 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Pasi already used by item Q4926778.
- Rigetto di trapianto (d:q1765748 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Transplantation already used by item Q105196.
- Lutezia (d:q270273 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link lawiki:Lutetia already used by item Q90.
- Rete A (d:q3933601 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:DeeJay TV already used by item Q1136662.
- Mobile Switching Center (d:q1361988 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Network switching subsystem already used by item Q1572479.
- Reiser4 (d:q2293002 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Reiser File System already used by item Q687074.
- Troy McClure (d:q1504550 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Figuren aus Die Simpsons already used by item Q267149.
- Meseta (d:q821626 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Hochebene already used by item Q75520.
- Sifo-Dyas (d:q2632312 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Star Wars characters already used by item Q51805.
- Rebaudioside A (d:q427000 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Steviol glycoside already used by item Q415043.
- KCR (d:q564692 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Kowloon-Canton Railway already used by item Q1550214.
- Mick Thomson (d:q315199 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Slipknot (band) already used by item Q254138.
- Kandalf (d:q102402 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Konqi already used by item Q252309.
- Microsecondo (d:q842015 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Sekunde already used by item Q11574.
- Orchid (d:q408670 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Orchid already used by item Q18609.
- Irite (d:q2346396 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Uveitis already used by item Q280027.
- Strap-on dildo (d:q1639034 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Dildo already used by item Q10801.
- Tantalite-(Mn) (d:q3980910 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Tantalite already used by item Q637080.
- USS Phoenix (CL-46) (d:q1088018 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:ARA General Belgrano already used by item Q540580.
- Pennywise (personaggio) (d:q3899150 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Se (kirja) already used by item Q602288.
- Yttrocolumbite-(Y) (d:q4023132 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Columbite already used by item Q899841.
- Personaggi di Doom (d:q2988576 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link huwiki:Doom-sorozat already used by item Q655219.
- Demanio (d:q5871222 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:State property already used by item Q2396633.
- Saesee Tiin (d:q2343363 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Star Wars characters already used by item Q51805.
- Gruppo Editoriale Lamprakis (d:q3777350 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Lambrakis Press Group already used by item Q4042573.
- Vespri (d:q827135 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link huwiki:Vecsernye already used by item Q1420628.
- Zekk (d:q4024090 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Liste de Jedi already used by item Q51742.
- Puntatore (programmazione) (d:q118155 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Datatyp already used by item Q190087.
- Sultans of Swing (d:q2270916 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ltwiki:Dire Straits (albumas) already used by item Q731870.
- Superstrato (linguistica) (d:q913935 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Stratum (linguistics) already used by item Q27630.
- Ebraismo rabbinico (d:q1366914 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cswiki:Judaismus already used by item Q9268.
- Vergere (d:q1061667 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Liste de Jedi already used by item Q51742.
- Roberta (d:q1727063 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link huwiki:Roberta already used by item Q3984804.
- Streen (d:q3975936 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Liste de Jedi already used by item Q51742.
- Nyarlathotep (d:q621416 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Cthulhu-Mythos already used by item Q12038.
- La Croix (d:q1211210 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Croix (symbole) already used by item Q40843.
- Propilei (d:q3407649 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Propileos already used by item Q275136.
- San Hill (d:q1061792 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Star Wars characters already used by item Q51805.
- Versione beta (d:q1550400 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Version d'un logiciel already used by item Q1211457.
- Ommin (d:q2250953 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Rymdimperiet already used by item Q52347.
- Wat Tambor (d:q2257113 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Clone Wars (Star Wars) already used by item Q1133061.
- Teorema di Laplace (d:q2044612 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Determinante already used by item Q178546.
- Sly Moore (d:q3962923 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Star Wars characters already used by item Q51805.
- Praxeum (d:q2822253 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Jedi already used by item Q51724.
- Yoctosecondo (d:q4022801 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Ordre de grandeur (temps) already used by item Q838801.
- Zeptosecondo (d:q1402105 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Ordre de grandeur (temps) already used by item Q838801.
- Mandalore (d:q1210030 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Personnages de Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords already used by item Q3375882.
- Nyingmapa (d:q848771 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Buddhalaisuus already used by item Q748.
- Windows XP Professional x64 Edition (d:q245793 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:Windows XP already used by item Q11248.
- Template:Categorizzare (d:q5884621 - check) - Page was protected.
- Lobo il papero (d:q3835949 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Amalgam Comics publications already used by item Q1888894.
- Woden Valley (d:q1075130 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Canberra already used by item Q3114.
- Gallo (d:q5558222 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Kukko already used by item Q6442504.
- Spazzole (musica) (d:q1412242 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Percussion mallet already used by item Q724743.
- Risaia (d:q842623 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Reis already used by item Q5090.
- Terza battaglia dell'Isonzo (d:q637320 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Bitwy nad Isonzo already used by item Q681517.
- Lohengrin (opera) (d:q23085 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link glwiki:Lohengrin already used by item Q3459538.
- Prima battaglia dell'Isonzo (d:q615324 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Bitwy nad Isonzo already used by item Q681517.
- Triangolo isoscele (d:q875937 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Triangle already used by item Q19821.
- Martin Prince (d:q1983092 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Figuren aus Die Simpsons already used by item Q267149.
- Racconti perduti (d:q3928529 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:El libro de los cuentos perdidos already used by item Q340401.
- Lud figlio di Heli (d:q2309524 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Lludd already used by item Q1857350.
- Aiuto:Abbozzo (d:q4663261 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Wikipedia:Artikel already used by item Q3891539.
- Scaricamento (d:q7126717 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Download e Upload already used by item Q1188265.
- Vanyar (d:q6630667 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Figuren in Tolkiens Welt already used by item Q1204735.
- Soggetto (cinema) (d:q4923854 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Synopsis already used by item Q1427116.
- La piccola casa nella prateria (d:q5400672 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Unsere kleine Farm already used by item Q839869.
- Metal Gear Solid (d:q6582527 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link hrwiki:Metal Gear Solid already used by item Q216655.
- Caricamento (d:q7126699 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Descarga de archivos already used by item Q7126717.
- Bemolle (d:q7001368 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cswiki:Posuvka already used by item Q816335.
- Montatore (d:q7042855 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Film editing already used by item Q237893.
- Template:ESP (d:q7157563 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link etwiki:Mall:ESP already used by item Q7158352.
- Template:POL (d:q5887381 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link etwiki:Mall:POL already used by item Q7174665.
- Majesty (d:q703510 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Majesty already used by item Q345924.
- Scam (d:q7023752 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:Frau already used by item Q28813.
- Convoluzione di Dirichlet (d:q6453184 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Zahlentheoretische Funktion already used by item Q140744.
- Template:IRQ (d:q6921402 - check) - Page was protected.
- Template:Test (d:q5911293 - check) - Page was protected.
- Aiuto:Variabili (d:q7213977 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Help:Magic words already used by item Q4483522.
- Template:Vandalismo (d:q7063122 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Template:Uw-vandalism4im already used by item Q5637461.
- Mezzaluna (Islam) (d:q3592503 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Wassende maan en ster already used by item Q878431.
- Vagabondo (d:q3553251 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Vagrancy (people) already used by item Q416718.
- Politeismo radicale (d:q3907422 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Polytheism already used by item Q9163.
- Lagunen-deutsch (d:q36797 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:German dialects already used by item Q2306552.
- La rabbia e l'orgoglio (d:q2257334 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Oriana Fallaci already used by item Q153700.
- Transponder (d:q849640 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Toisiotutka already used by item Q1196868.
- Megabit (d:q3332814 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Bit already used by item Q8805.
- Nichole Van Croft (d:q1063252 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Playboy Playmates of 2000 already used by item Q2926120.
- Rebecca Ramos (d:q1067036 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Playboy Playmates of 2003 already used by item Q1165549.
- Shadowtrooper (d:q3958982 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast already used by item Q55298.
- Tincalconite (d:q910888 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link etwiki:Booraks already used by item Q3513011.
- Merchandising (d:q740777 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nowiki:Spin-off already used by item Q283308.
- Professor Frink (d:q1458159 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Postacie w serialu Simpsonowie already used by item Q267149.
- Tuck Carbunkle (d:q1063280 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of My Life as a Teenage Robot characters already used by item Q6578311.
- Nora Wakeman (d:q3878309 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of My Life as a Teenage Robot characters already used by item Q6578311.
- Coppa del Mondo di sci alpino 2000 - Risultati uomini (d:q6516855 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Alpiner Skiweltcup 1999/2000 already used by item Q776969.
- Microsoft Office 2007 (d:q644542 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link jawiki:Microsoft Office already used by item Q11255.
- Prima guerra balcanica (d:q177918 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Balkanoorlogen already used by item Q165725.
- Programmazione genetica (d:q629498 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Genetisk programmering already used by item Q187787.
- Opzione binaria (d:q3884264 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Binary option already used by item Q549269.
- Pazaak (d:q3507946 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of fictional games already used by item Q2320975.
- Within the Woods (d:q905743 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:The Evil Dead (franchise) already used by item Q921605.
- Pianeti di Stargate (d:q4940469 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Stargate (device) already used by item Q19820.
- Trinity College (Dublino) (d:q258464 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Universiteit van Dublin already used by item Q2496094.
- Subaru Impreza WRX STi (d:q2296844 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Subaru Impreza already used by item Q391342.
- Oriental metal (d:q2659045 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Folkmetal already used by item Q484179.
- Migrazione (d:q193145 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Migration (biologi) already used by item Q1800545.
- Sesshomaru (d:q1069859 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:Llista de personatges d'Inuyasha already used by item Q1747129.
- Rancor (d:q575787 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Star Wars creatures already used by item Q481919.
- Tino (Grecia) (d:q211285 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Tinos already used by item Q1231074.
- Khentamentyu (d:q3814989 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Khenti-Amentiu already used by item Q620863.
- Perigonio (d:q2641351 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Perigonblatt already used by item Q756954.
- Telespalla Mel (d:q1589536 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of recurring The Simpsons characters already used by item Q2237599.
- Seggio elettorale (d:q3954257 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Legislature already used by item Q11204.
- Professor Strambic (d:q2705269 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Mario franchise characters already used by item Q603432.
- Template:Antico testamento (d:q7105640 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dawiki:Skabelon:Navboks Gamle Testamente already used by item Q5757794.
- Rapporto di trasmissione (d:q2403634 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eowiki:Transmisia rilatumo already used by item Q5378501.
- Val Ferret (d:q1846533 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Val Ferret already used by item Q650607.
- M4v (d:q3841183 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:MPEG-4 already used by item Q219763.
- Norfair (d:q3878409 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Zebes already used by item Q2251396.
- Indice di Divisia (d:q3798201 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Divisia index already used by item Q5284413.
- Sistema di riferimento cartesiano (d:q62912 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Koordinaatisto already used by item Q11210.
- Palombaro (d:q3590981 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Nurkowanie already used by item Q179643.
- Secco Jones (d:q2315146 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Luettelo televisiosarjan Simpsonit hahmoista already used by item Q267149.
- Quadrivio (d:q273822 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Artes liberales already used by item Q189329.
- Trivio (d:q205186 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Siedem sztuk wyzwolonych already used by item Q189329.
- Sakalava (d:q1355221 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Historia Madagaskaru already used by item Q769743.
- Iniezione diretta (d:q3798778 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Injection (moteur) already used by item Q3151330.
- Naraku (d:q941659 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:Llista de personatges d'Inuyasha already used by item Q1747129.
- Tratta atlantica degli schiavi africani (d:q118382 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dawiki:Slaveri already used by item Q8463.
- Zeno (disambigua) (d:q191806 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Zeno already used by item Q189664.
- Pasta (disambigua) (d:q1178397 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link simplewiki:Paste already used by item Q249741.
- Nuceria Alfaterna (d:q470839 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Nocera Inferiore already used by item Q81138.
- Nome in codice Dark Winter (d:q3877918 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Dark Winter already used by item Q5223487.
- Star Wars: Dark Forces (d:q55287 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Star Wars: Jedi Knight already used by item Q55305.
- Tessaiga (d:q2517011 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Inuyasha (hahmo) already used by item Q858425.
- Radix sort (d:q830223 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nowiki:Sorteringsalgoritme already used by item Q181593.
- Kohaku (d:q1779694 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Anexo:Lista de personagens de InuYasha already used by item Q1747129.
- Tripla doppia (d:q1445182 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Double (Basketball) already used by item Q1251376.
- Lupi Siderali (d:q1602054 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Space Marines (Warhammer 40,000) already used by item Q1565663.
- Religioni maggiori (d:q6957341 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eowiki:Religio already used by item Q9174.
- Spinella Tappo (d:q2517086 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Personnages de Artemis Fowl already used by item Q2686046.
- Template:Sockpuppet (d:q6583322 - check) - Page was protected.
- Primo Stato (d:q1069703 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Estates of the realm already used by item Q657326.
- Narsil (d:q20149 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Luettelo Keski-Maan aseista already used by item Q860590.
- Steam (informatica) (d:q337535 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nowiki:Valve Corporation already used by item Q193559.
- Rotazione (matematica) (d:q848368 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Rotation already used by item Q225299.
- Sha Gojyo (d:q1069893 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Saiyuki characters already used by item Q4387220.
- OLT (d:q394293 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Olt already used by item Q1199620.
- WWE SmackDown (d:q35622 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link hewiki:WWE already used by item Q35339.
- Universo di Warcraft (d:q849468 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Warcraft already used by item Q815739.
- Teorema del massimo modulo (d:q1050230 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Maximumprinzip (Mathematik) already used by item Q1914255.
- Categoria:Modelli francesi (d:q7043807 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Kategoria:Francuskie modelki already used by item Q6290820.
- Zooming User Interface (d:q1232548 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link idwiki:Prezi already used by item Q386957.
- Unique Identification Number (d:q1938727 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link skwiki:ICQ already used by item Q58166.
- Alessio (nome) (d:q5260987 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Alexis already used by item Q5263290.
- Volgin (d:q2251921 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of characters in the Metal Gear series already used by item Q3051172.
- Solidus Snake (d:q2517120 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of characters in the Metal Gear series already used by item Q3051172.
- Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake (d:q1995422 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Metal Gear already used by item Q216655.
- Roy Campbell (d:q2252096 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of characters in the Metal Gear series already used by item Q3051172.
- Politica della Colombia (d:q1154133 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Kolumbien already used by item Q739.
- Tholme (d:q3990554 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Liste de Jedi already used by item Q51742.
- Un posto al sole (d:q4004011 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:A Place in the Sun already used by item Q404538.
- Walking bass (d:q2164509 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Bassline already used by item Q810540.
- Morgan Katarn (d:q1069713 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Personnages de Jedi Knight already used by item Q2383077.
- Roronoa Zoro (d:q858432 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:Llista de personatges de One Piece already used by item Q83490.
- Alter-globalizzazione (d:q2385364 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link glwiki:Altermundismo already used by item Q191442.
- Usop (d:q1078696 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:Llista de personatges de One Piece already used by item Q83490.
- Serra Keto (d:q2252152 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Liste de Jedi already used by item Q51742.
- Isola di Lipari (d:q499519 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eowiki:Lipari already used by item Q496389.
- Teorema di Zeckendorf (d:q1188392 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Fibonacci-Folge already used by item Q47577.
- SVO (d:q295122 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cswiki:Slovosled already used by item Q257885.
- Toro (I Cavalieri dello zodiaco) (d:q2517217 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Anexo:Lista de Cavaleiros de Atena already used by item Q3359024.
- Radish (d:q2345156 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Saiyans de Dragon Ball already used by item Q3469316.
- Micene di Sagitter (d:q2517225 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Anexo:Lista de Cavaleiros de Atena already used by item Q3359024.
- Scorpio (I Cavalieri dello zodiaco) (d:q2518195 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Anexo:Lista de Cavaleiros de Atena already used by item Q3359024.
- Trasformazioni dei Saiyan (d:q3321033 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Dragon Ball already used by item Q2020.
- Sistema chiuso (d:q1468684 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Thermodynamisches System already used by item Q503327.
- Relazioni internazionali della Repubblica di Macedonia (d:q2534041 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Makedonska namnkonflikten already used by item Q1139479.
- MiniSD Card (d:q306445 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Secure Digital already used by item Q466977.
- Sfera unitaria (d:q1307800 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:N-esfera already used by item Q306610.
- Salacious Crumb (d:q2730049 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Jabba the Hutt already used by item Q51794.
- Low Power Devices (d:q2279986 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nowiki:Privatradio already used by item Q770588.
- Spazio di misura (d:q3966101 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Measure (mathematics) already used by item Q192276.
- Sanji (d:q1061765 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:Llista de personatges de One Piece already used by item Q83490.
- Jon Landau (d:q522288 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Jon Landau already used by item Q132451.
- Reazione di neutralizzazione (d:q3931196 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Neutralisering already used by item Q234733.
- The Dry Salvages (d:q3986703 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Four Quartets already used by item Q2468448.
- Luminocity (d:q1877259 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Luminosity already used by item Q105902.
- Tommy Portimo (d:q1077140 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Sonata Arctica already used by item Q191660.
- Oggi (d:q193168 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Instant already used by item Q3151690.
- Larnite (d:q1427157 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Belite already used by item Q4598593.
- USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) (d:q834003 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Enterprise (Raumschiff) already used by item Q989888.
- Pirates! Gold (d:q3905597 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Sid Meier's Pirates! already used by item Q2096756.
- Maestro Muten (d:q1752065 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:Llista de personatges de Bola de Drac already used by item Q2365866.
- Plagioclasio (d:q714830 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Feldspat already used by item Q170258.
- Mario, Marta, Audiface e Abaco (d:q3848243 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Maris, Marthe, Audifax et Abacum already used by item Q1595063.
- Ninfomania (d:q1436099 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Hypersexuality already used by item Q267907.
- Intelletto (d:q1973406 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link simplewiki:Intellect already used by item Q353284.
- Procedura di infrazione (d:q3422518 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:European Court of Justice already used by item Q1518827.
- Soundtrack to Your Escape (d:q1342987 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:In Flames already used by item Q258546.
- Garamond (carattere) (d:q246110 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Claude Garamond already used by item Q442851.
- QtParted (d:q1187660 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:GNU Parted already used by item Q1486221.
- Joruus C'baoth (d:q2253906 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Star Wars characters already used by item Q51805.
- Mon Mothma (d:q2631047 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Star Wars characters already used by item Q51805.
- Tanuki (d:q1771860 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Japanese raccoon dog already used by item Q6158972.
- Template:SRB (d:q6074138 - check) - Page was protected.
- Numero EINECS (d:q856386 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:European Commission number already used by item Q201132.
- Ratchet & Clank 3 (d:q2292483 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Ratchet & Clank already used by item Q5170139.
- The Settlers II: Veni, Vidi, Vici (d:q1995487 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Die Siedler already used by item Q1163239.
- Santo Sepolcro (disambigua) (d:q3949503 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Holy Sepulchre (disambiguation) already used by item Q415450.
- Scala Kinsey (d:q221890 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Alfred Kinsey already used by item Q186561.
- Passamontagna (d:q211003 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Pipo already used by item Q795738.
- SysOp (d:q875146 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Bulletin board system already used by item Q210499.
- Kislev (Warhammer) (d:q2253561 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:Warhammer already used by item Q928197.
- Rai Radio 1 (d:q2558786 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ruwiki:RAI already used by item Q19616.
- Spazio misurabile (d:q3966106 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Sigma-algebra already used by item Q217357.
- Robert Langdon (d:q210548 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Illuminati (Buch) already used by item Q182502.
- VideoGuard (d:q2456434 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Zugangsberechtigungssystem already used by item Q228323.
- Triforza (d:q1999118 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link simplewiki:The Legend of Zelda (series) already used by item Q12393.
- Monti (d:q253719 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eowiki:Monti already used by item Q340920.
- Capitano di corvetta (d:q279704 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Majoor already used by item Q983927.
- SK Teletech (d:q498856 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:SK Telecom already used by item Q493145.
- Ispettore superiore (d:q3803371 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Chief inspector already used by item Q1589524.
- WWE Extreme Rules (d:q52700 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:WWE already used by item Q35339.
- Sostituto commissario (d:q3965179 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Chief inspector already used by item Q1589524.
- Ispettore (polizia italiana) (d:q3803360 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:Inspector (rang policial) already used by item Q511138.
- Baglio (nautica) (d:q3632874 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Barrot (bateau) already used by item Q1206419.
- Ultimate Venom (d:q4003186 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Eddie Brock already used by item Q2604715.
- Music from the OC: Mix 4 (d:q1767642 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Music on The O.C. already used by item Q6942416.
- Motorball (d:q1087939 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Gunnm already used by item Q810987.
- Music from the OC: Mix 5 (d:q3868569 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Music on The O.C. already used by item Q6942416.
- Terre Orientali (d:q1073349 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Minor places in Arda already used by item Q2512113.
- Thor (Stargate) (d:q2255993 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Asgard (Stargate) already used by item Q528820.
- Sclerodermia (d:q958797 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link srwiki:Sistemska skleroza already used by item Q5340515.
- Music from the OC: Mix 1 (d:q1758536 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Music on The O.C. already used by item Q6942416.
- WWE Undisputed Championship (d:q2718543 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:WWE Championship already used by item Q332814.
- Seconda Fondazione (d:q853927 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Stiftelseserien already used by item Q1564644.
- Storia dell'Antartide (d:q722537 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eowiki:Antarkto already used by item Q51.
- Phonon (d:q1857280 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:KDE Software Compilation 4 already used by item Q1346625.
- Release candidate (d:q1072356 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Software release life cycle already used by item Q1211457.
- Narratore (d:q755070 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Voice over already used by item Q2375490.
- Template:Bio (d:q6249834 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link scwiki:Template:Bio already used by item Q5153934.
- Tempo proprio (d:q1056595 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Zeitdilatation already used by item Q185918.
- Mirafiori Sud (d:q3858754 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Fiat Mirafiori already used by item Q610004.
- RitaExpress (d:q3937204 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Rita Borsellino already used by item Q446794.
- Luser (d:q838191 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link jawiki:LART already used by item Q6457105.
- The Trial (d:q400803 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:The Trial already used by item Q35725.
- Retrotrascrizione (d:q2463669 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Transkription (Biologie) already used by item Q177900.
- Saggio (disambigua) (d:q539402 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Assay already used by item Q739897.
- The Princess Bride (d:q398634 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:The Princess Bride already used by item Q1935913.
- Metroid Prime Hunters (d:q1139244 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Metroid already used by item Q12397.
- The Magus (d:q1210616 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Der Magus already used by item Q1195350.
- Staffa (equitazione) (d:q191657 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Jalustin already used by item Q499897.
- Morocco (d:q488261 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Morocco already used by item Q2374422.
- The Doctor (d:q1635708 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Doctor already used by item Q1233862.
- Turambar (d:q2632740 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of kings of Gondor already used by item Q2083400.
- The Unknown (d:q3989788 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Unknown already used by item Q400506.
- Tao Bai Bai (d:q2345108 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Humains de Dragon Ball already used by item Q3143109.
- Sisters (d:q400581 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Sisters already used by item Q2290362.
- Ramponi (d:q1124273 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Klimmateriaal already used by item Q2639207.
- Storia del Capo di Buona Speranza (d:q678590 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Nederlandse Kaapkolonie already used by item Q4807130.
- Ramacharaka (d:q3929837 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:William Walker Atkinson already used by item Q1335019.
- Raksha (d:q3929730 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Rakshasa already used by item Q1049467.
- Jake La Furia (d:q3806286 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Club Dogo already used by item Q1061860.
- Nokia N70 (d:q1153608 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Nokia Nseries already used by item Q755904.
- Portale:Calcio (d:q6556892 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link sqwiki:Wikipedia:Projekti Futboll already used by item Q202865.
- Utility ColorSync (d:q4006770 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:ColorSync already used by item Q1111151.
- Sedia cantilever (d:q964287 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nowiki:Brno (stol) already used by item Q2738352.
- Vapore saturo (d:q4008666 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Vapor pressure already used by item Q2661322.
- Setsuna Meiou (d:q912969 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Sailor Moon already used by item Q1643098.
- Cordace (d:q3198914 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Cordax already used by item Q730233.
- T-Mobile (d:q327634 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link skwiki:Slovak Telekom already used by item Q540733.
- Roy Snyder (d:q3942027 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of recurring The Simpsons characters already used by item Q2237599.
- Sistema politico degli Stati Uniti d'America (d:q330963 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Yhdysvallat already used by item Q30.
- Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance (d:q2252574 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty already used by item Q907226.
- PMPO (d:q617965 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Altavoz already used by item Q570.
- Petardo (d:q1902301 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Petarda already used by item Q588748.
- TPB (d:q400755 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:The Pirate Bay already used by item Q22663.
- Zooplancton (d:q842627 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Plankton already used by item Q25367.
- Sinonimo (tassonomia) (d:q1040689 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link simplewiki:Synonym already used by item Q42106.
- Piatto China (d:q2451592 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Becken (Musikinstrument) already used by item Q190172.
- Tumulilande (d:q1047639 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Minor places in Middle-earth already used by item Q1248416.
- Metal Gear: Snake's Revenge (d:q1152426 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Metal Gear already used by item Q216655.
- Lancia del Destino (d:q1620906 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Holy Lance already used by item Q478195.
- Socio accomandante (d:q328142 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dawiki:Kommanditselskab already used by item Q165758.
- Metal Gear: Ghost Babel (d:q2600361 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Metal Gear already used by item Q216655.
- Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops (d:q1996911 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Metal Gear already used by item Q216655.
- Pop metal (d:q3908370 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Glam metal already used by item Q188539.
- Tuor (d:q1806136 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Figuren in Tolkiens Welt already used by item Q1204735.
- Vettore di Burgers (d:q623093 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Versetzung (Materialwissenschaft) already used by item Q737571.
- Template:Pdf (d:q6128471 - check) - Page was protected.
- UPA Dance (album) (d:q4002042 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:UPA Dance already used by item Q771528.
- Papilla linguale (d:q862867 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Langue (anatomie) already used by item Q9614.
- Kalimba (d:q2642697 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Lamellophon already used by item Q1467960.
- Space cake (d:q2631671 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Haschisch already used by item Q151980.
- Sentimento (d:q205555 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link liwiki:Geveul already used by item Q2320220.
- Politica del Regno Unito (d:q678363 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Storbritannien already used by item Q145.
- Problema di assegnazione (d:q620614 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Zuordnungsproblem already used by item Q2809764.
- L'ultima battaglia (film 1989) (d:q3819758 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Lucifer : Le Dieu des Enfers already used by item Q2734397.
- Tonacacihuatl (d:q1074582 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Tonacatecuhtli already used by item Q2703840.
- Oro (araldica) (d:q430099 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Heraldische kleur already used by item Q3404720.
- NexentaOS (d:q1750938 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:GNU-Varianten already used by item Q1475825.
- Romulus (Star Trek) (d:q2786172 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Romulan already used by item Q268082.
- Riforma liturgica (d:q200990 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Mass of Paul VI already used by item Q670146.
- Turbomacchina (d:q63973 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Turbomachine already used by item Q3542266.
- Travel Bug (d:q2632019 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Geocaching already used by item Q14930.
- PlanetQuest (d:q2706660 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ruwiki:BOINC already used by item Q209563.
- Ring gag (d:q1077111 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Gag (BDSM) already used by item Q2706246.
- Pop rap (d:q2572585 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Hip hop already used by item Q11401.
- Wellington (regione) (d:q856010 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link miwiki:Te Whanga-nui-a-Tara already used by item Q23661.
- Krynn (d:q3817196 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Dragonlance locations already used by item Q2707022.
- Valarin (d:q1073785 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Vala (Middle-earth) already used by item Q78493.
- Orion (Metallica) (d:q2326379 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Master of Puppets already used by item Q187507.
- Sam Jones (d:q450512 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Samuel Jones already used by item Q1795980.
- Vivi Orunitia (d:q4015690 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Characters of Final Fantasy IX already used by item Q2658101.
- Ovestron (d:q1232159 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Sprachen und Schriften in Tolkiens Welt already used by item Q2141342.
- Operatore bilineare (d:q3883915 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Bilinear map already used by item Q1086961.
- Vixie cron (d:q2712690 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Cron already used by item Q300864.
- Teletrasporto (Star Trek) (d:q652985 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Star-Trek-Technologie already used by item Q2332178.
- Yamcha (d:q843345 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:Llista de personatges de Bola de Drac already used by item Q2365866.
- Prefetture dell'Albania (d:q104251 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link simplewiki:Albania already used by item Q222.
- Vibroarma (d:q4011059 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Star Wars weapons already used by item Q4353132.
- Situazione kafkiana (d:q287215 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Franz Kafka already used by item Q905.
- Malariacontrol.net (d:q2518117 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ruwiki:Africa@HOME already used by item Q1075599.
- Radici dell'hip hop (d:q1432877 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Hip hop music already used by item Q11401.
- Ron Stoppable (d:q1188011 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Kim Possible characters already used by item Q240506.
- PackageMaker (d:q3888667 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Apple Developer Tools already used by item Q420916.
- Pixie (software) (d:q3905929 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Apple Developer Tools already used by item Q420916.
- Quinlan Vos (d:q1188045 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Star Wars characters already used by item Q51805.
- Tigro (d:q4446039 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Neue Abenteuer mit Winnie Puuh already used by item Q1470724.
- Template:Lingue (d:q6231092 - check) - Page was protected.
- Property List Editor (d:q3923959 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Apple Developer Tools already used by item Q420916.
- Medico olografico d'emergenza (d:q1226311 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Doctor (Star Trek: Voyager) already used by item Q34359.
- Stato federato degli Stati Uniti d'America (d:q35657 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link simplewiki:List of U.S. states already used by item Q1682357.
- Songs of Faith and Devotion Live (d:q935449 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Songs of Faith and Devotion already used by item Q390234.
- Amidismo (d:q262244 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Terra Pura already used by item Q732344.
- Ranuccio Farnese (d:q2131205 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Ranuccio Farnese (cardeal) already used by item Q708666.
- Sinope (astronomia) (d:q17433 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link huwiki:Sinope (hold) already used by item Q1288921.
- Oscar alle migliori didascalie (d:q3886486 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:1st Academy Awards already used by item Q109886.
- Quahog (d:q2254022 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Family Guy already used by item Q5930.
- MicroSD (d:q482531 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Secure Digital already used by item Q466977.
- Oscar alla migliore produzione artistica (d:q3298549 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:1st Academy Awards already used by item Q109886.
- SDRAM (d:q746478 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:DRAM already used by item Q189396.
- NUbuntu (d:q899396 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Liste von Linux-Distributionen already used by item Q726392.
- Portiere (calcio) (d:q201330 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Torwart already used by item Q172964.
- Synth pop (d:q1298934 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link idwiki:Electropop already used by item Q188450.
- Isotta Fraschini (d:q1674581 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Isotta Fraschini Motori already used by item Q1328738.
- Patriarcato di Antiochia dei melchiti (d:q1239092 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Melkite Greek Catholic Patriarchs of Antioch already used by item Q1861170.
- Dorset Naga (d:q7235712 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Naga Bhut Jolokia already used by item Q426850.
- Superfosfato (d:q899094 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Monocalcium phosphate already used by item Q414673.
- Rafa (d:q3928930 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Rafael Nadal already used by item Q10132.
- Rischiatutto (d:q499767 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Teleturnieje nadawane w TVP2 already used by item Q5312285.
- Polledro (d:q2518400 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Personnages de Artemis Fowl already used by item Q2686046.
- SS Botany Bay (d:q2254729 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Khan Noonien Singh already used by item Q23031.
- Recovery Time Objective (d:q1080590 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Disaster Recovery already used by item Q1140205.
- Rai Sport (d:q3929527 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Rai Sport 1 already used by item Q1616554.
- Presidenti dell'Ucraina (d:q3911080 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link idwiki:Daftar Presiden Ukraina already used by item Q579677.
- USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-C) (d:q1193849 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Starship Enterprise already used by item Q989888.
- WWE Backlash (d:q1044551 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Backlash (2009) already used by item Q2555369.
- Laboratory Information System (d:q1091922 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Laboratory information management system already used by item Q1798149.
- Pussy Galore (gruppo musicale) (d:q2712704 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Pussy Galore already used by item Q2119114.
- Staffa (anatomia) (d:q499897 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Gehoorbeentje already used by item Q816052.
- Primi ministri della Repubblica turca (d:q474514 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:Primer Ministre de Turquia already used by item Q2430415.
- Ippovia (d:q1639395 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Ruiterpad already used by item Q2026382.
- Regola della mano destra di Fleming (d:q2257916 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Fleming's left-hand rule for motors already used by item Q1766251.
- Omeisauridae (d:q2254506 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Mamenchisauridae already used by item Q138692.
- Rai Radio 3 (d:q2558766 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ruwiki:RAI already used by item Q19616.
- Landaulet (d:q4044718 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Landau (hippomobile) already used by item Q2144333.
- Italia nord-orientale (d:q579075 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Oberitalien already used by item Q4345530.
- Scudo deflettore (Star Trek) (d:q2253638 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Jargon de Star Trek: A-E already used by item Q3162718.
- Ponte ologrammi (d:q2069486 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Star-Trek-Technologie already used by item Q2332178.
- Texas Legends (d:q2479685 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Texas Legends already used by item Q168506.
- Saturazione (magnetismo) (d:q2630994 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Ferromagnetismus already used by item Q184207.
- Partito Democratico della Sinistra (d:q1294923 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link vecwiki:Democrateghi de Sanca already used by item Q541679.
- Uka Uka (d:q2253896 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Crash Bandicoot series characters already used by item Q1087500.
- Suplex (d:q2293072 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Liste der Wrestling-Kampftechniken already used by item Q721438.
- Quadrifoglio (d:q756314 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Klee already used by item Q101538.
- Livello di transizione (d:q3835503 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Flight level already used by item Q1335035.
- Thriller medico (d:q3990887 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Thriller (genre) already used by item Q182015.
- Tiroxina (d:q216852 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Thyroid hormone already used by item Q422106.
- Personaggi di Majora's Mask (d:q3900353 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask already used by item Q732943.
- Mario Golf (d:q1898865 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Mario sports games already used by item Q1758628.
- Optometria (d:q618211 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Optik already used by item Q14620.
- Template:PHL (d:q5622431 - check) - Page was protected.
- Wikipedia:Regola dei tre ripristini di pagina (d:q4656567 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Wikipedia:Edit warring already used by item Q4759272.
- Pressione critica (d:q3911178 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Critical point (thermodynamics) already used by item Q111059.
- Template:SGP (d:q6079507 - check) - Page was protected.
- La Colombe (d:q348548 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Colombe (homonymie) already used by item Q5982112.
- Ottavio Acquaviva d'Aragona (cardinale 1654) (d:q3887198 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Ottavio Acquaviva d'Aragona (1560-1612) already used by item Q710756.
- Titis (d:q3991847 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Saint Seiya characters already used by item Q617064.
- SEAT Terra (d:q4887020 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:SEAT Marbella already used by item Q1754781.
- Orgoglio e pregiudizio (film 2005) (d:q270385 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link srwiki:Gordost i predrasuda already used by item Q170583.
- Pitch shift (d:q60630 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Pitch shifter already used by item Q2097206.
- Template:IDN (d:q5884846 - check) - Page was protected.
- Nitrus Brio (d:q2255369 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Personnages de Crash Bandicoot already used by item Q1087500.
- Taijitu (d:q1465408 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eowiki:Jino kaj Jango already used by item Q62744.
- Moto contrario (d:q1785483 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Mouvement harmonique already used by item Q852177.
- Third Division (d:q1436448 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link simplewiki:Football League Two already used by item Q48837.
- Terra rossa (d:q946580 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Terra roxa (solo) already used by item Q4390536.
- Kokiri (d:q2523118 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Universo de The Legend of Zelda already used by item Q1399781.
- Shafrir (d:q898366 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Python (missile) already used by item Q15728.
- L'Anti-Edipo (d:q1235943 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Schizoanalyse already used by item Q1760767.
- Seaxburh del Wessex (d:q3476862 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Seaxburg already used by item Q269875.
- Ripper Roo (d:q3936383 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Luettelo Crash Bandicoot -pelisarjan hahmoista already used by item Q926400.
- Luoghi dell'Universal Century (d:q3840777 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Universal Century already used by item Q2713151.
- Scatha (d:q2706729 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Dragon (Middle-earth) already used by item Q2014788.
- Modulo di distanza (d:q1193682 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Absolute Helligkeit already used by item Q159653.
- Turgon (d:q1135680 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Lista Calaquendich already used by item Q431704.
- Vorta (d:q2519191 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Star Trek races already used by item Q1700422.
- Nitros Oxide (d:q1087500 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Luettelo Crash Bandicoot -pelisarjan hahmoista already used by item Q926400.
- Orioniani (d:q716321 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Star Trek races already used by item Q1700422.
- Sphagnum (d:q30019 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Torfowcowate already used by item Q5878611.
- Wendy Testaburger (d:q47788 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of students at South Park Elementary already used by item Q47653.
- Storia degli Stati Uniti d'America (periodo coloniale) (d:q1055643 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link simplewiki:History of the United States already used by item Q131110.
- Lord Worm (d:q3836787 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Cryptopsy already used by item Q745915.
- Sega Rally Championship (d:q1754927 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Sega Rally already used by item Q770677.
- Torre di controllo del traffico aereo (d:q3995644 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Tower (Luftfahrt) already used by item Q918324.
- Rhudaur (d:q2292317 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Arnor already used by item Q213223.
- Micropalo (d:q1081196 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Deep foundation already used by item Q1129209.
- Miles O'Brien (d:q2020365 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Figuren im Star-Trek-Universum already used by item Q16375.
- Nana (film 2005) (d:q2518795 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link jawiki:NANA already used by item Q423658.
- Shin (I Cavalieri dello zodiaco) (d:q2708721 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Saint Seiya characters already used by item Q617064.
- Kirrin Island (d:q1088125 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:The Famous Five (series) already used by item Q1134354.
- Legatura di portamento (d:q863575 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Legato already used by item Q649116.
- Jupiler (d:q153960 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Piedboeuf Brewery already used by item Q2206530.
- Dardani (Balcani) (d:q7043335 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link idwiki:Dardani already used by item Q827501.
- Lizard (d:q409773 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Lagarto already used by item Q1178458.
- Personaggi di Final Fantasy X (d:q2788406 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Personnages de Final Fantasy X et X-2 already used by item Q2258420.
- Cratere Goya (d:q3696634 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Goya (crater) already used by item Q5590156.
- Segni d'aria (d:q3408379 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Astrological sign already used by item Q1795024.
- Lingua guliguli (d:q3120761 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Kazukuru language already used by item Q1089069.
- Sant'Elia (Rieti) (d:q5397252 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Sant'Elia (Rieti) already used by item Q2558938.
- Sciacquone (d:q3952282 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Flush toilet already used by item Q268534.
- Superkick (d:q2629490 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Professional wrestling attacks already used by item Q721438.
- Reggicalze (d:q13722 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Garter (stockings) already used by item Q13742.
- Prestonia (d:q763760 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Prestonia already used by item Q514417.
- Settima battaglia dell'Isonzo (d:q934807 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Isonzoschlachten already used by item Q681517.
- Tomahawk (disambigua) (d:q219182 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cswiki:Tomahawk already used by item Q938176.
- Marcatori dei campionati italiani di calcio (d:q461306 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Meilleurs buteurs du championnat d'Italie de football already used by item Q2731497.
- Segni d'acqua (d:q3408344 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Astrological sign already used by item Q1795024.
- Ultramarine (d:q3548091 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Ultramarine (disambiguation) already used by item Q364158.
- Isola di Ustica (d:q3593327 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Isla de Ustica already used by item Q192129.
- Warhammer 40.000: Dawn of War - Winter Assault (d:q1154938 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War already used by item Q1061708.
- Rabbit (d:q3142693 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Fork bomb already used by item Q524059.
- Limacidae (d:q1757029 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Egelschnecken already used by item Q1297101.
- Magli dell'Imperatore (d:q3149420 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Space Marines (Warhammer 40,000) already used by item Q1565663.
- S-300P (d:q3943300 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link azwiki:S-300 already used by item Q48446.
- Salamandre (Warhammer 40.000) (d:q3469593 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Space Marines (Warhammer 40,000) already used by item Q1565663.
- Lunch (personaggio) (d:q2257841 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Humains de Dragon Ball already used by item Q3143109.
- Rhynochetos jubatus (d:q669634 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link zeawiki:Rhynochetidae already used by item Q2639899.
- WNBA Eastern Conference (d:q4017018 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Eastern Conference (NBA) already used by item Q238240.
- WNBA Western Conference (d:q4017024 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Eastern Conference (NBA) already used by item Q238240.
- Tre miracoli di san Zanobi (Botticelli Londra) (d:q3998130 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Vida de San Cenobio already used by item Q919490.
- Rebel Meets Rebel (album) (d:q1084576 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Rebel Meets Rebel already used by item Q673378.
- Yajirobei (d:q2706838 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Humains de Dragon Ball already used by item Q3143109.
- UGM-133A Trident II (d:q484374 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Trident (missile) already used by item Q1073517.
- Moguri (d:q2479291 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Final Fantasy (pelisarja) already used by item Q189842.
- Ampelodesmos (d:q1092575 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Hesperostipa spartea already used by item Q3134721.
- Targhe automobilistiche vaticane (d:q1758761 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Transport in Vatican City already used by item Q1282502.
- Red Ribbon (d:q1346690 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Dragon Ball characters already used by item Q2365866.
- Torso (d:q2261656 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Trunk (anatomy) already used by item Q160695.
- Tenshinhan (d:q2069673 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:Llista de personatges de Bola de Drac already used by item Q2365866.
- Shenron (d:q1360226 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:Llista de personatges de Bola de Drac already used by item Q2365866.
- Nathan Gale (d:q2634261 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Dimebag Darrell already used by item Q311050.
- Naji al-Ali (d:q3335321 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Nadschi al-Ali already used by item Q726269.
- Macis (d:q1882876 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Nutmeg already used by item Q83165.
- Uranai Baba (d:q2523937 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Humains de Dragon Ball already used by item Q3143109.
- Pavo (d:q201251 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Asiatische Pfauen already used by item Q3917160.
- Tyto (d:q375716 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Kapuggla already used by item Q535374.
- Manuel Ezequiel Bruzual (d:q2498979 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Manuel Ezequiel Bruzual already used by item Q428957.
- Termidoro (d:q751871 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Franska revolutionskalendern already used by item Q181974.
- Nami (d:q877964 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:Llista de personatges de One Piece already used by item Q83490.
- TonyTony Chopper (d:q1152213 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:Llista de personatges de One Piece already used by item Q83490.
- Pratile (d:q837145 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Franska revolutionskalendern already used by item Q181974.
- Power ballad (d:q1077388 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Ballad already used by item Q182659.
- Pozzo sacro nuragico (d:q3909778 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Brunnenheiligtum (Sardinien) already used by item Q568792.
- Nox (Stargate) (d:q1068247 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Mythology of Stargate already used by item Q3437072.
- Teorema di Bolzano (d:q3749578 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Teorema del valor intermedio already used by item Q245098.
- Ventoso (d:q837288 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Franska revolutionskalendern already used by item Q181974.
- Saab 340 AEW&C (d:q1819000 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Saab 340 already used by item Q277491.
- Nevoso (d:q837255 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Franska revolutionskalendern already used by item Q181974.
- Phalanx CIWS (d:q852083 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:M61 Vulcan already used by item Q725972.
- Piovoso (d:q837271 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Franska revolutionskalendern already used by item Q181974.
- Molto forte, incredibilmente vicino (d:q1626551 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Jonathan Safran Foer already used by item Q359548.
- Liquidazione coatta amministrativa (d:q2594302 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Insolvenzverwalter already used by item Q316697.
- Rheinmetall Condor (d:q2463977 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Sonderwagen already used by item Q878047.
- V.I.N.CENT (d:q4006888 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:The Black Hole already used by item Q304029.
- Vegeth (d:q2401972 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Luettelo Dragon Ballin hahmoista already used by item Q2365866.
- Riku Harada (d:q997532 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of D.N.Angel characters already used by item Q3816764.
- La Marche de l'empereur (d:q1092470 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:March of the Penguins already used by item Q330113.
- PS Company (d:q1088869 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Free-Will already used by item Q2665428.
- Zarbon (d:q2707385 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Aliens de Dragon Ball already used by item Q2836852.
- SALT I (d:q1184068 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Strategic Arms Limitation Talks already used by item Q623994.
- Mani di Ferro (d:q3844607 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Space Marines (Warhammer 40,000) already used by item Q1565663.
- M83 (gruppo musicale) (d:q615471 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link glwiki:M83 (grupo musical) already used by item Q4435432.
- Tre miracoli di san Zanobi (Botticelli New York) (d:q3998131 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Vida de San Cenobio already used by item Q919490.
- Kongo (d:q417703 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Congo already used by item Q35930.
- N'Kata Del Gormo (d:q3869298 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Liste de Jedi already used by item Q51742.
- Jiraiya (d:q912184 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nowiki:Figurer fra Naruto already used by item Q718482.
- Windows Live Hotmail (d:q3903488 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Outlook.com already used by item Q219136.
- TheOpenCD (d:q2714283 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link rowiki:OpenDisc already used by item Q1076360.
- Maria Maddalena d'Austria (d:q93757 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link simplewiki:Maria Magdalena of Austria already used by item Q312297.
- Rob Levin (d:q49815 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Freenode already used by item Q300885.
- Murtagh (d:q2292232 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Inheritance Cycle characters already used by item Q372527.
- Stephanus Jacobus du Toit (d:q1401026 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Genootskap van Regte Afrikaners already used by item Q1465079.
- Papu Papu (d:q834252 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Luettelo Crash Bandicoot -pelisarjan hahmoista already used by item Q926400.
- Turles (d:q2520289 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Saiyans de Dragon Ball already used by item Q3469316.
- Kemono (d:q1738531 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Furry fandom already used by item Q599853.
- Decorazione (d:q6149036 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Dekoration already used by item Q1232942.
- Re Vegeta (d:q3930905 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Saiyans de Dragon Ball already used by item Q3469316.
- Squiddi Tentacolo (d:q1064404 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Svampbob Fyrkant already used by item Q83279.
- Nano-emissive display (d:q3870144 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Field emission display already used by item Q971766.
- Vendemmiaio (d:q837299 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Franska revolutionskalendern already used by item Q181974.
- Rei Hino (d:q840529 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Sailor Moon already used by item Q1643098.
- Usagi Tsukino (d:q757015 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Sailor Moon already used by item Q1643098.
- Tiny Tiger (d:q926400 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Personnages de Crash Bandicoot already used by item Q1087500.
- Sanguinaccio insaccato (d:q154482 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link pflwiki:Grieweworschd already used by item Q7046.
- Laminazione a freddo (d:q1722734 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Rolling (metalworking) already used by item Q452648.
- USS Clarence E. Walsh (d:q4002104 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory already used by item Q533304.
- Roran (d:q2493505 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Luettelo Perillinen-kirjasarjan hahmoista already used by item Q372527.
- Sette Piccole Fortune (d:q2707109 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Peking Opera School already used by item Q2822290.
- Locomotiva FS E.402B (d:q1389716 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:FS Class E.402 already used by item Q370423.
- Okan'e (d:q1091665 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Vowel reduction in Russian already used by item Q2344209.
- Tizio, Caio, Sempronio (d:q3992017 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Sin nombre already used by item Q302057.
- Wastegate (d:q2590813 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Turbolader already used by item Q185525.
- Rain (Mortal Kombat) (d:q2606284 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Personnages de Mortal Kombat already used by item Q3781077.
- Riconquista di Costantinopoli (1261) (d:q1400402 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Alexios Strategopoulos already used by item Q471132.
- Soon-Yi Previn (d:q1140914 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Woody Allen already used by item Q25089.
- Virione (d:q2257243 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Virus already used by item Q808.
- Cressida (gruppo musicale) (d:q3697080 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Cressida (band) already used by item Q2801046.
- Rajiformes (d:q6496983 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link trwiki:Vatoz already used by item Q6495741.
- Third wave of ska (d:q3990466 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Ska already used by item Q54365.
- National Wrestling Alliance (d:q1068680 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link elwiki:World Wrestling Entertainment already used by item Q35339.
- Semicroma (d:q1079082 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Croche (musique) already used by item Q339575.
- Semibiscroma (d:q2366126 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Croche (musique) already used by item Q339575.
- Negi Springfield (d:q2519702 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Negima! Magister Negi Magi characters already used by item Q1092626.
- Selettrone (d:q1087203 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Sfermion already used by item Q2347008.
- Surveyor 3 (d:q837685 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Surveyor already used by item Q339963.
- Marionetta (d:q189888 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ltwiki:Buratinas already used by item Q1810078.
- Yami Yugi (d:q4022471 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Yugi Mutou already used by item Q662389.
- Wonder Boy (d:q780496 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Wonder Boy already used by item Q2139949.
- Yue Ayase (d:q2257502 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Negima! Magister Negi Magi characters already used by item Q1092626.
- Sayo Aisaka (d:q2257492 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Negima! Magister Negi Magi characters already used by item Q1092626.
- Quadrupla doppia (d:q1778263 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Double (Basketball) already used by item Q1251376.
- Mina navale (d:q189929 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nowiki:Mine already used by item Q1481202.
- Jimmy (d:q2348060 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link scnwiki:Jimmy already used by item Q359252.
- The Ultimate Warrior (d:q3989769 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Warrior (wrestler) already used by item Q333421.
- Zehlendorf (Berlino) (d:q324402 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Zehlendorf already used by item Q4708753.
- Lista di cittadini di Tatooine minori (d:q3834378 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Star Wars characters already used by item Q51805.
- Mutaito (d:q2258460 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Humains de Dragon Ball already used by item Q3143109.
- Squadra Ginew (d:q2630540 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:Llista de personatges de Bola de Drac already used by item Q2365866.
- Province del Madagascar (d:q864133 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Madagaskar already used by item Q1019.
- Ricerca sul campo (d:q1402508 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Field research already used by item Q1340510.
- Misa Kakizaki (d:q1092728 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Negima! Magister Negi Magi characters already used by item Q1092626.
- Misora Kasuga (d:q2258175 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Negima! Magister Negi Magi characters already used by item Q1092626.
- Serapeo (d:q281132 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Serapejon already used by item Q521646.
- Tp61/613 (d:q1087978 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Torped 613 already used by item Q3012635.
- Suaeda maritima (d:q159453 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link etwiki:Rand-soodahein already used by item Q619453.
- Sotto tiro (romanzo) (d:q3965259 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Nick Stone Missions already used by item Q3638872.
- Ticuna (d:q5363631 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link quwiki:Tikuna simi already used by item Q1815205.
- Onda sferica (d:q1752521 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Wave equation already used by item Q193846.
- Teaser (d:q341048 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Teaser already used by item Q619066.
- Template:MTQ (d:q6073434 - check) - Page was protected.
- Piccole labbra (d:q1211892 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Schamlippe already used by item Q1406501.
- Phoenicopteridae (d:q3901583 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Flamingot already used by item Q41994.
- Will Parry (d:q2633642 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:His Dark Materials already used by item Q129240.
- Ryo Hazuki (d:q3943147 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Shenmue already used by item Q654354.
- Son Gohan (nonno di Son Goku) (d:q2480835 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Humains de Dragon Ball already used by item Q3143109.
- Ino Yamanaka (d:q718831 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Anexo:Lista de personagens de Naruto already used by item Q30334.
- Kvalsund (d:q1794835 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Kvalsunds kommun already used by item Q493007.
- Piano astrale (d:q2486172 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Plane (esotericism) already used by item Q247700.
- Temari (d:q1088263 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Geografia de Naruto already used by item Q379032.
- Neutro (conduttore) (d:q1413194 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Installatiedraad already used by item Q192043.
- Penetrazione (d:q367837 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:Coit already used by item Q5873.
- Torre della Muda (d:q1088273 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Palazzo dell'Orologio already used by item Q753046.
- Universo immaginario (d:q559618 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link liwiki:Geofictie already used by item Q1822655.
- X.Org Foundation (d:q1778572 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:X.Org already used by item Q518900.
- Magnano (mestiere) (d:q852718 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:Serralleria already used by item Q2304418.
- Letargia (d:q1651205 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link azwiki:Letargiya already used by item Q9690.
- Maxakali (d:q2520785 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Maxakali already used by item Q3029682.
- Nicola di Antiochia (d:q2049864 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Nikolaiitat already used by item Q605184.
- Sporangio (d:q4832012 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Sporange already used by item Q461275.
- V.F. (d:q420610 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link zhwiki:VFD already used by item Q1410223.
- Scetticismo filosofico (d:q1998646 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Sceptycyzm already used by item Q1395219.
- OSDL (d:q3353202 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Linux Foundation already used by item Q858851.
- Tavola calda (d:q1318768 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Imbiss already used by item Q749316.
- Olio combustibile (d:q214199 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eowiki:Mazuto already used by item Q898757.
- Nathaniel (d:q2520352 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Bartimaeus characters already used by item Q3900213.
- Primarchi (d:q1744949 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Space Marines (Warhammer 40,000) already used by item Q1565663.
- San Pelagio (Duino-Aurisina) (d:q3006145 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Duino-Aurisina already used by item Q16934.
- Lista di cattivi minori (Guerre stellari) (d:q3834377 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Personnages de Jedi Knight already used by item Q2383077.
- Altorilievo (d:q5784272 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Kohokuva already used by item Q245117.
- Legatura di frase (d:q3829600 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dawiki:Italienske og franske musikudtryk already used by item Q3255006.
- QY (d:q1286399 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:European Air Transport Leipzig already used by item Q479159.
- Storia della psicologia (d:q261215 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Tijdlijn psychologie already used by item Q1820576.
- Tablas (d:q3512768 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Tabla already used by item Q14749.
- Montgomery Montgomery (d:q1088893 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of supporting A Series of Unfortunate Events characters already used by item Q430399.
- Piscina di Siloam (d:q1483483 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Silwan already used by item Q2448062.
- Categoria:Presidenti del Sudafrica (d:q6587216 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link zuwiki:Category:Abongameli yamazwe already used by item Q5741273.
- Piper L-4 (d:q3905507 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Piper J-3 Cub already used by item Q1162019.
- Setsuna Sakurazaki (d:q2259491 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Negima! Magister Negi Magi characters already used by item Q1092626.
- Sideritis syriaca (d:q2376648 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Sideritis already used by item Q431310.
- Tipo primitivo (d:q3991688 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Tipo de dato elemental already used by item Q1188648.
- Radek Zelenka (d:q2291432 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Atlantis (Gwiezdne wrota) already used by item Q1998855.
- Tauromachia (d:q184940 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cswiki:Korida already used by item Q5772845.
- Pia madre (d:q1647118 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Hirnhaut already used by item Q268930.
- Saint-Nicolas (d:q232751 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link pmswiki:Saint-Nicolas already used by item Q35404.
- U1 (d:q2472052 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:U1 (Hamburg) already used by item Q248623.
- Tabella di decompressione (d:q1183689 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Decompression (diving) already used by item Q1183684.
- Panthera leo somaliensis (d:q3893465 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Leijona already used by item Q140.
- Panthera leo massaicus (d:q2262382 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Lion d'Afrique already used by item Q950590.
- Panthera leo bleyenberghi (d:q3893470 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Lion d'Afrique already used by item Q950590.
- Panthera leo verneyi (d:q3893467 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Leijona already used by item Q140.
- Panthera leo hollisteri (d:q3207725 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Lion d'Afrique already used by item Q950590.
- Panthera leo azandica (d:q3893464 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Lion d'Afrique already used by item Q950590.
- MyDeejay (d:q3868815 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Deejay Tv already used by item Q1136662.
- Mostro marino (d:q920028 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dawiki:Uhyre already used by item Q276453.
- Produttore cinematografico (d:q3282637 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eowiki:Produktoro already used by item Q27887.
- Panthera leo nubica (d:q3893469 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Leijona already used by item Q140.
- Mortal Kombat Gold (d:q2598607 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Mortal Kombat 4 already used by item Q925269.
- Orochimaru (d:q1744341 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link rowiki:Akatsuki already used by item Q308939.
- Sixaxis (d:q3485682 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Anexo:Accesorios PlayStation 3 already used by item Q2537404.
- Living with a Hernia (d:q3305111 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Polka Party! already used by item Q3282930.
- Muro della vergogna (d:q2231031 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Muro de seguridad already used by item Q1314535.
- Monti Beor (d:q3862434 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Inheritance Cycle already used by item Q2699024.
- Triangolo di Kanizsa (d:q3325180 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Illusory contours already used by item Q2629943.
- Byakugan (d:q4994687 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Jutsu (Naruto) already used by item Q714915.
- Sistema di visione artificiale (d:q3962213 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Computer vision already used by item Q844240.
- WU (d:q400579 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Wu already used by item Q2135412.
- Template:Sportivo (d:q5904762 - check) - Page was protected.
- Sakurako Shiina (d:q2259626 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Negima! Magister Negi Magi characters already used by item Q1092626.
- Procaviidae (d:q2388549 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Tamaanit already used by item Q53099.
- LOL (d:q226677 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cswiki:LOL already used by item Q590444.
- Sloan Digital Sky Survey (d:q840332 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Heelal already used by item Q1.
- Operatore aggiunto (d:q1509647 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Hermiteskt konjugat already used by item Q6532724.
- Spagna (metropolitana di Roma) (d:q1241701 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Spagna (metrostation) already used by item Q1971682.
- Patrick Stella (d:q1077456 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Svampbob Fyrkant already used by item Q83279.
- Turion 64 X2 (d:q295109 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:AMD Turion already used by item Q253278.
- Local Government Area dell'Australia (d:q1867183 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Local government in Australia already used by item Q1543924.
- Tranciato di legno (d:q3997420 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Faner already used by item Q477683.
- Malekith (d:q1089379 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Malekith the Accursed already used by item Q3281842.
- Terminator X (d:q1117508 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Public Enemy already used by item Q209182.
- Rothgar (d:q2520136 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Luettelo Perillinen-kirjasarjan hahmoista already used by item Q372527.
- Media center (d:q1194334 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Media center already used by item Q1527192.
- Probot (album) (d:q3922321 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Probot already used by item Q1350608.
- Orizzonte pedologico (d:q878214 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Suelo already used by item Q36133.
- Template:Lang (d:q6610935 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Szablon:Lang already used by item Q5657015.
- Panthera leo vereshchagini (d:q3241788 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Panthera leo spelaea already used by item Q192492.
- Naked (motociclismo) (d:q1964027 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Types of motorcycles already used by item Q63354.
- Rodiano (d:q3939890 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Redon, Ille-et-Vilaine already used by item Q206837.
- Termini (metropolitana di Roma) (d:q1246972 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Station Roma Termini already used by item Q754485.
- Shuhei Hisagi (d:q2262164 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Soul Reapers in Bleach already used by item Q435258.
- Universal Subscriber Identity Module (d:q2362986 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Subscriber identity module already used by item Q230110.
- Metal Magic Records (d:q3855452 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Pantera already used by item Q180880.
- Porta del Paradiso (d:q2480856 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link euwiki:San Joan bataiotegia (Florentzia) already used by item Q732511.
- Sha'ban (d:q220914 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Muslimska kalendern already used by item Q28892.
- Settima minore (d:q2640962 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nowiki:Septim already used by item Q899412.
- Monumento nazionale (d:q893745 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Monumento nacional already used by item Q807887.
- Santino (d:q3148886 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Andachtsbild already used by item Q489632.
- Sevastopol (d:q410035 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Sebastopol (homonymie) already used by item Q401661.
- Isolamento termico (d:q1318897 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Thermal insulation already used by item Q918306.
- La casa nella prateria (d:q839869 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link simplewiki:Little House on the Prairie already used by item Q5400672.
- Legno strutturale (d:q1131979 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Holzbau already used by item Q1363743.
- Rei (Beyblade) (d:q2530533 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Beyblade characters already used by item Q1044079.
- Moscato (d:q1331272 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link etwiki:Muscat already used by item Q181486.
- Rilla Roo (d:q3935832 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Crash Bandicoot series characters already used by item Q1087500.
- Kei (Beyblade) (d:q1087582 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Beyblade already used by item Q309386.
- Luciano Benetton (d:q3838528 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Benetton family already used by item Q1276172.
- Voto di fiducia (d:q330094 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Motion of no confidence already used by item Q329547.
- SNAFU (d:q1193381 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of military slang terms already used by item Q7218260.
- Coppa del Mondo di sci alpino 1967 - Risultati uomini (d:q6516397 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Alpiner Skiweltcup 1967 already used by item Q1757311.
- Coppa del Mondo di sci alpino 1968 - Risultati uomini (d:q6516823 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Alpiner Skiweltcup 1968 already used by item Q369646.
- Rabi' II (d:q273815 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Muslimska kalendern already used by item Q28892.
- Storia dell'Alto Adige (d:q1753570 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Zuid-Tirol already used by item Q15124.
- Spartizione dell'Africa (d:q1113465 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Afrikan kolonisaatio already used by item Q2353647.
- Swiss-Prot (d:q2629752 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:UniProt already used by item Q905695.
- Isola Bathurst (d:q810809 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Bathurst already used by item Q224948.
- Magli Scarlatti (d:q3843247 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Space Marines (Warhammer 40,000) already used by item Q1565663.
- Montatura equatoriale (d:q1061971 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Montierung already used by item Q1205231.
- Smeraldi del Caos (d:q2520779 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Sonic the Hedgehog (series) already used by item Q1046812.
- You're My Best Friend/'39 (d:q839848 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link hewiki:A Night At The Opera already used by item Q193477.
- Insight (d:q1553259 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Aha-erlebnis already used by item Q399754.
- Strada statale 2 Via Cassia (d:q4359722 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Via Cassia already used by item Q849300.
- Terrestre (album) (d:q3984748 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Subsonica already used by item Q2305471.
- Renault 3 (d:q2143822 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Renault 4 already used by item Q247716.
- Monte Santo di Lussari (d:q6535375 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Camporosso (Tarvis) already used by item Q498125.
- Tetralogia (d:q1443637 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Mehrteiler already used by item Q614101.
- Lista di maestri Jedi minori (d:q3834434 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Liste de Jedi already used by item Q51742.
- Quentin Makepeace (d:q1089606 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Bartimaeus characters already used by item Q3900213.
- It's Late (d:q1089702 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nowiki:Sheer Heart Attack (sang) already used by item Q1287566.
- Zampone Modena (d:q1032101 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Cotechino already used by item Q1137797.
- Nothoprocta kalinowskii (d:q3878769 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Ornate Tinamou already used by item Q1267803.
- Revocazione (d:q6509517 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Widerrufsrecht already used by item Q4590027.
- Tessuto vegetale (d:q2707831 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Gewebe (Biologie) already used by item Q40397.
- Satomi Hakase (d:q1092691 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Negima! Magister Negi Magi characters already used by item Q1092626.
- Strada europea E201 (d:q3444668 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:N8 already used by item Q1771632.
- Star Wars: Battlefront II (d:q54865 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Star Wars: Battlefront already used by item Q54869.
- Music from the OC: Mix 6 (d:q1767650 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Music on The O.C. already used by item Q6942416.
- Lista di personaggi Imperiali minori (Guerre stellari) (d:q3834458 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Star Wars characters already used by item Q51805.
- Oceano (d:q9430 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nowiki:Hav already used by item Q165.
- Pallanza (d:q3892388 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Verbania already used by item Q3639.
- OIL (d:q565176 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Oil (disambiguation) already used by item Q296742.
- Intersezione a raso (d:q504802 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dawiki:Kryds (trafik) already used by item Q1777515.
- Patriot (d:q1402575 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Patriotismo already used by item Q6241.
- Sovrana (d:q584496 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dawiki:Britisk pund already used by item Q25224.
- Tropico del Capricorno (d:q177440 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Wendekreis (Breitenkreis) already used by item Q149273.
- Provincia di Adalia (d:q40249 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link kuwiki:Antalya already used by item Q6487.
- Coronato (d:q3693988 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:Coronat (moneda) already used by item Q3395485.
- Jumada I (d:q852002 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Muslimska kalendern already used by item Q28892.
- Jakobsweg in Alto Adige (d:q3806321 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link euwiki:Donejakue bidea already used by item Q41150.
- Printf (d:q838016 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link huwiki:Printf already used by item Q1240375.
- Jumada II (d:q822218 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Muslimska kalendern already used by item Q28892.
- Nodoka Miyazaki (d:q2526779 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Negima! Magister Negi Magi characters already used by item Q1092626.
- Natsumi Murakami (d:q2261279 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Negima! Magister Negi Magi characters already used by item Q1092626.
- Piazza Grande (Modena) (d:q2718057 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Modena already used by item Q279.
- Zazie Rainyday (d:q1092653 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Negima! Magister Negi Magi characters already used by item Q1092626.
- Satsuki Yotsuba (d:q1092645 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Negima! Magister Negi Magi characters already used by item Q1092626.
- Isla Mujeres (d:q1020769 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eowiki:Isla Mujeres (komunumo) already used by item Q927815.
- Morfeo (d:q194012 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link idwiki:Oneiroi already used by item Q578584.
- Romolo e Remo (d:q2197 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cowiki:Romulu already used by item Q2186.
- Tropico del Cancro (d:q176635 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Wendekreis (Breitenkreis) already used by item Q149273.
- Tessuto muscolare (d:q797559 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Spiercel already used by item Q2649770.
- Tango (d:q25116 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Tango already used by item Q338450.
- Zefiro (d:q467515 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Anemoi already used by item Q476682.
- Mosa-Renanese del Sud (d:q3865986 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Limburgisch already used by item Q102172.
- Oggetto container (d:q1643805 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nowiki:Container already used by item Q232627.
- Yuri Ruley (d:q1093775 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:MxPx already used by item Q221101.
- Chione (d:q6496304 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link euwiki:Kione already used by item Q1554139.
- Wicket W. Warrick (d:q2707503 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Star Wars characters already used by item Q51805.
- Timgad (d:q459629 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link viwiki:Timgad already used by item Q3528992.
- Malinke (d:q1887443 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Mandinka people already used by item Q819186.
- Robigus (d:q2159753 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Robigalia already used by item Q1234157.
- Scuola primaria in Italia (d:q9842 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Enseignement primaire already used by item Q975085.
- The Stig (d:q1409858 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Top Gear already used by item Q33162.
- Programma Space Shuttle (d:q1775296 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Avaruussukkula already used by item Q48806.
- Oracolo di Delfi (d:q682558 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Oracle grec already used by item Q217123.
- Template:NGA (d:q6073911 - check) - Page was protected.
- Procedura di consultazione (d:q2521351 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Legislature of the European Union already used by item Q944550.
- Nien Nunb (d:q2526049 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Star Wars characters already used by item Q51805.
- Spodosol (d:q2311892 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Podzol already used by item Q192813.
- Multispazio (d:q1621751 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Mini MPV already used by item Q1762136.
- Salume (d:q10426 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Lihakauppa already used by item Q260568.
- Quota latte (d:q627396 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Quota laitier en Europe already used by item Q3414772.
- Mega Man Zero (d:q2484133 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Mega Man Zero already used by item Q3235856.
- Video digitale (d:q173131 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Digital Video already used by item Q3796889.
- Vaso di Dewar (d:q912050 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Vacuum flask already used by item Q23664.
- Tinaminae (d:q2542765 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Tinamidae already used by item Q19172.
- Template:Valle (d:q6424848 - check) - Page was protected.
- Strogg (d:q2260974 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Quake (series) already used by item Q902784.
- Sigaro cubano (d:q2300270 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Cigar already used by item Q1576.
- Televisione digitale terrestre in Italia (d:q3983006 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Television in Italy already used by item Q1988219.
- Rifasamento (d:q1757449 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Power factor already used by item Q750454.
- Wonsaponatime (d:q1754589 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:John Lennon Anthology already used by item Q1419487.
- Nikki Wood (d:q2260752 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Personnages de Buffy contre les vampires et d'Angel already used by item Q3014357.
- Ricerca e soccorso (d:q741964 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Meripelastus already used by item Q739192.
- UFC (d:q2467011 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Ultimate Fighting Championship already used by item Q186471.
- Disputa sugli universali (d:q6497539 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Universaux already used by item Q875797.
- Steve Marker (d:q2418017 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Garbage already used by item Q485673.
- XPath (d:q16340 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link hewiki:XSL already used by item Q32061.
- Microcitosi (d:q1091552 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Mikrozytose already used by item Q1934082.
- Simlish (d:q830753 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Die Sims already used by item Q184816.
- Kagura (d:q2235195 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Kagura already used by item Q1348260.
- Comune medievale (d:q5107861 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Ciudades-estado italianas already used by item Q4115680.
- Mark Vanderbilt (d:q1095522 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Kamelot already used by item Q457368.
- Ombromanto (d:q2707949 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Middle-earth animals already used by item Q2700354.
- Scisma d'Occidente (d:q26189 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dawiki:Skisma already used by item Q41521.
- Roger (American Dad!) (d:q1061673 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:American Dad already used by item Q210311.
- Rufus (Kim Possible) (d:q1047820 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Luettelo televisiosarjan Kim Possible hahmoista already used by item Q240506.
- Tasslehoff Burrfoot (d:q2260188 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Dragonlance characters already used by item Q938912.
- Sharingan (d:q2526121 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Jutsu (Naruto) already used by item Q714915.
- WIE (d:q347109 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Internet Explorer already used by item Q1575.
- Renault Floride (d:q3932858 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Renault Floride et Caravelle already used by item Q614939.
- Vergine delle Rocce (Parigi) (d:q4009972 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Virgem das Rochas already used by item Q269342.
- Distribuzione monoalbero (d:q209418 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link mswiki:Aci sesondol atas already used by item Q1163122.
- SIN (d:q400786 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link etwiki:Sin already used by item Q224334.
- Tigre (zodiaco cinese) (d:q740762 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Chinesische Astrologie already used by item Q724950.
- Passato prossimo (d:q1417024 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link anwiki:Pasato perfecto compuesto d'indicativo already used by item Q625420.
- Sitemap (d:q1503327 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cswiki:Sitemap already used by item Q1343954.
- Programmazione procedurale (d:q1418502 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Imperatief programmeren already used by item Q275596.
- Stefano Verderi (d:q3972771 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Le Vibrazioni already used by item Q839773.
- Tagliola (d:q1539808 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Animal trapping already used by item Q34168.
- Storia moderna (d:q3281534 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cywiki:Cyfnod Modern Cynnar already used by item Q5308718.
- Pasta di mandorla (d:q2631692 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Marzipan already used by item Q106252.
- The Prophet's Song (d:q925161 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:A Night at the Opera (Queen album) already used by item Q193477.
- Jeff LaBar (d:q1131159 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Cinderella (yhtye) already used by item Q384023.
- Where You Come From (d:q3445877 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Official Live: 101 Proof already used by item Q1768504.
- Un bacio appassionato (d:q369379 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Just a Kiss already used by item Q821965.
- Storia dell'Iraq (d:q695980 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Irak already used by item Q796.
- Satal Keto (d:q3950735 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Tales of the Jedi: The Freedon Nadd Uprising already used by item Q1070525.
- Polvere di Cantor (d:q2521921 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Cantor set already used by item Q273188.
- Lia (Bibbia) (d:q128847 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link huwiki:Lea already used by item Q4924652.
- Wedge Antilles (d:q52310 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Rebellalliansen already used by item Q52316.
- WaterWorld Too (d:q4018512 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:One Be Lo already used by item Q3352570.
- My Happy Ending (d:q846503 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ltwiki:Under My Skin already used by item Q204617.
- Nobody's Home (d:q827383 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ltwiki:Under My Skin already used by item Q204617.
- Storia del comunismo (d:q2583742 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Communisme already used by item Q6186.
- Wash It All Off (d:q4018346 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Foetus (band) already used by item Q935068.
- Satellite Tethered (d:q3473930 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Space tether already used by item Q503520.
- Sguscio (d:q2053305 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Star Wars air, aquatic, and ground vehicles already used by item Q4412312.
- Samuele (profeta) (d:q6577515 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link viwiki:Samuel already used by item Q629347.
- Juniperus turbinata (d:q3811306 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Juniperus phoenicea already used by item Q183497.
- Zabulon (d:q614575 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link hrwiki:Zebulun (pleme) already used by item Q2534999.
- Panencefalite subacuta sclerosante (d:q2475919 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Masern already used by item Q79793.
- Risonanza magnetica nucleare (d:q209402 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link sqwiki:Neuroimazheria already used by item Q551875.
- Tuber magnatum (d:q2360313 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Truffle already used by item Q2690965.
- La morte e la fanciulla (d:q2510941 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:La Jeune Fille et la Mort already used by item Q425233.
- Tatzelwurm (d:q929345 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Lindworm already used by item Q287065.
- Tuber melanosporum (d:q1093314 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link euwiki:Boilur beltz already used by item Q2690965.
- Re di Borgogna (d:q889901 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link etwiki:Burgundia kuningriik already used by item Q530670.
- Terra (Dragon Ball) (d:q2542783 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Dragon Ball already used by item Q2020.
- Paulus Atreides (d:q1093466 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:House Atreides already used by item Q780740.
- The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages (d:q2078596 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages already used by item Q889739.
- British Leyland (d:q2046187 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:British Leyland Motor Corporation already used by item Q919694.
- Rasengan (d:q2522231 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Jutsu (Naruto) already used by item Q714915.
- Martha Kent (d:q3850003 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Jonathan and Martha Kent already used by item Q2521223.
- Yoshimitsu (d:q3572679 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Yoshimitsu already used by item Q1826108.
- Music and Me (Michael Jackson) (d:q49600 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Music & Me already used by item Q44209.
- Antonio De Martino (d:q3619506 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Antonio De Martino already used by item Q4776568.
- Servitrice (d:q1627992 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords already used by item Q74669.
- One Cold Winter's Night (DVD) (d:q3882491 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:One Cold Winter's Night already used by item Q1754130.
- Patriziato (Svizzera) (d:q683385 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Bourgeoisie (Suisse) already used by item Q2922319.
- Planisfero (d:q653848 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Maa already used by item Q2.
- Transetto (d:q202949 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Kirchenschiff already used by item Q188714.
- Mitologia babilonese (d:q3859450 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Babylonian religion already used by item Q797944.
- Mughetto (malattia) (d:q3327495 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link simplewiki:Candidiasis already used by item Q273510.
- Ursula (Disney) (d:q1094284 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Disney's The Little Mermaid characters already used by item Q6151636.
- Marchesi di Provenza (d:q1095239 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Liste des souverains de Provence already used by item Q1087505.
- Bojack (d:q5079671 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Aliens de Dragon Ball already used by item Q2836852.
- Template:O (d:q5754827 - check) - Page was protected.
- Oxudercinae (d:q828079 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:Boleophthalmus dussumieri already used by item Q4956081.
- Personaggi di Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (d:q54278 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Atris already used by item Q54281.
- Linguistica testuale (d:q1206895 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link slwiki:Tekstna kritika already used by item Q275456.
- Tagaste (d:q1324444 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Souk Ahras already used by item Q402992.
- Varden (d:q2526142 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Het Erfgoed already used by item Q2699024.
- Zona monetaria dell'Africa occidentale (d:q1787612 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Economic Community of West African States already used by item Q193272.
- Reticolocita (d:q1404923 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Erythropoese already used by item Q837174.
- Steccherinaceae (d:q1094897 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Meruliaceae already used by item Q2502557.
- Tema (morfologia) (d:q210523 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eowiki:Radiko already used by item Q40272.
- M95 (d:q1479929 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link zhwiki:M95 already used by item Q14351.
- Lamentazione (d:q1684811 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Lament already used by item Q1229479.
- Paul Johnson (bassista) (d:q3898090 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Saxon already used by item Q504090.
- TIE/in interceptor (d:q2521850 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:TIE fighter already used by item Q19884.
- Paprica (d:q3125515 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eowiki:Papriko already used by item Q3127593.
- Vettore (fisica) (d:q4010515 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Vector already used by item Q44528.
- Nokia 770 Internet Tablet (d:q636488 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Nokia Internet Tablet already used by item Q6267970.
- Protolaurasia (d:q2262090 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Laurasia already used by item Q132033.
- Ottotipo (d:q3354510 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Eye chart already used by item Q1094496.
- Protogondwana (d:q1014389 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Gondwana already used by item Q80583.
- Ritardo a rullini (d:q2713180 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Blowback (firearms) already used by item Q166034.
- TIE/sa bomber (d:q19897 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:TIE fighter already used by item Q19884.
- The Blues Brothers: Original Studio Recording (d:q1114949 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:The Blues Brothers (film) already used by item Q109767.
- Ritardo a gas (d:q1094875 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Blowback (firearms) already used by item Q166034.
- Regione di Kigoma (d:q747943 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Kigoma (Region) already used by item Q1371420.
- Marco Castellani (d:q3846001 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Le Vibrazioni already used by item Q839773.
- Testimone (sport) (d:q3985231 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Relay race already used by item Q327742.
- Malinconia (d:q192077 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Melancholie already used by item Q4315238.
- Itachi Uchiha (d:q1043344 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nowiki:Figurer fra Naruto already used by item Q718482.
- Punto di rugiada (d:q178828 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Luftfuktighet already used by item Q180600.
- Tectosilicato (d:q2628577 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Silicate minerals already used by item Q178977.
- Marrobbio (d:q1479008 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dawiki:Tsunami already used by item Q8070.
- Sorosilicato (d:q2707903 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Silicate minerals already used by item Q178977.
- Sermermiut (d:q3957914 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Ilulissat already used by item Q191047.
- Pronome possessivo (d:q1502460 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Possessive already used by item Q2105891.
- Kanun (d:q924171 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Qanun already used by item Q1174891.
- Nina Cortex (d:q2262564 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Luettelo Crash Bandicoot -pelisarjan hahmoista already used by item Q926400.
- Sedia Wassily (d:q2629013 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Marcel Breuer already used by item Q57588.
- Oma Desala (d:q1097524 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Ancient characters in Stargate already used by item Q4752948.
- Media tensione (d:q3853692 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Haute tension already used by item Q1139740.
- Quark (formaggio) (d:q259642 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link etwiki:Kohupiim already used by item Q622563.
- Piastra eutettica (d:q493034 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Accumulateur de froid already used by item Q2822892.
- VEI (d:q2505896 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Volcanic Explosivity Index already used by item Q210510.
- Maiuscolo (d:q98912 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link bswiki:Verzal already used by item Q3960579.
- Thule (popolo) (d:q72813 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Inuit-Kultur already used by item Q2714194.
- MBA (azienda) (d:q3841222 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Morbidelli already used by item Q1448378.
- Tatsumakisenpukyaku (d:q3981523 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Street Fighter II already used by item Q1133204.
- Dodoni (d:q7076583 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Dodoni already used by item Q1938465.
- Repubblica di Siena (d:q736727 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Histoire de Sienne already used by item Q1516612.
- The Call of Ktulu (d:q3986187 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Ride the Lightning already used by item Q190989.
- Shoryuken (d:q3482535 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Street Fighter already used by item Q288035.
- Pressione idrostatica (d:q1149672 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Fluid statics already used by item Q177807.
- Maybach 57 (d:q1992148 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Maybach 57 et 62 already used by item Q1073673.
- TOP (d:q564706 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Top already used by item Q368878.
- Sindrome di Wohlfart-Kugelberg-Welander (d:q3508662 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Spinal muscular atrophy already used by item Q580290.
- The Anger Management Tour (d:q2565877 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Eminem already used by item Q5608.
- Tapion (d:q3980987 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Aliens de Dragon Ball already used by item Q2836852.
- Theed (d:q1063304 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Star Wars cities and towns already used by item Q948724.
- Residenza (d:q7743 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Wohnsitz already used by item Q2588087.
- Lattoniere (d:q3827584 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Klempner already used by item Q852718.
- Ingegneria gestionale (d:q4489420 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Technische bedrijfskunde already used by item Q6314146.
- Pancake (d:q44541 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eowiki:Patkuko already used by item Q12200.
- Omphalotaceae (d:q2264185 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Marasmiaceae already used by item Q544997.
- Tibia (strumento musicale) (d:q3991135 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link lawiki:Tibiae already used by item Q324299.
- Procedura legislativa ordinaria (d:q1571094 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Legislature of the European Union already used by item Q944550.
- YAV (d:q4021902 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Jav, Prav and Nav already used by item Q2346851.
- Mystary EP (d:q559407 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Evanescence already used by item Q1777698.
- Legmi (d:q3829958 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Vin de palme already used by item Q839492.
- One Tree Hill Volume 2 (d:q3882648 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:One Tree Hill discography already used by item Q3882650.
- La legge del pudore (d:q2265449 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:Peticions franceses contra l'edat de consentiment already used by item Q3177911.
- Priorat (d:q15377 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Priorat already used by item Q1754563.
- Rochester (d:q218292 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link skwiki:Rochester already used by item Q507517.
- My Band (d:q3868833 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:D12 World already used by item Q621073.
- Province dell'Arabia Saudita (d:q1850478 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Provinces of Saudi Arabia already used by item Q74063.
- Reichsleiter (d:q1991957 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Struktur der NSDAP already used by item Q440902.
- Stella (Winx Club) (d:q2523777 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Anexo:Personajes de Winx Club already used by item Q2727353.
- Mithlond (d:q1800282 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Lindon (Middle-earth) already used by item Q833022.
- Dio (personaggio) (d:q2746745 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:Llista de personatges de Bola de Drac already used by item Q2365866.
- Tachigrafia (d:q3980026 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Shorthand already used by item Q181066.
- Received Pronunciation (d:q7985 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Britisches Englisch already used by item Q7979.
- Xehanort (d:q2265837 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Characters of Kingdom Hearts already used by item Q2312991.
- Pumping lemma per i linguaggi regolari (d:q2292874 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Pumping-Lemma already used by item Q1059648.
- Melone di Cantalupo (d:q477179 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link mswiki:Tembikai Susu already used by item Q47801.
- Inittab (d:q3798788 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Init already used by item Q261918.
- Jitterbug (d:q950354 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Swing (Tanz) already used by item Q123704.
- Rock sinfonico (d:q719927 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Progressive Rock already used by item Q49451.
- Maglio (d:q2121955 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link lbwiki:Marto-Pillo already used by item Q19767.
- L'autunno dell'azteco (d:q3818878 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Gary Jennings already used by item Q301372.
- Testudo werneri (d:q3985260 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Testudo kleinmanni already used by item Q253781.
- Logout (d:q3836471 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Login already used by item Q472302.
- YYH (d:q2838403 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:YuYu Hakusho already used by item Q286950.
- Storia della liturgia cristiana (d:q2285545 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Liturgia already used by item Q172331.
- Star Destroyer di classe Interdictor (d:q3968293 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Star Destroyer already used by item Q19913.
- Jason James (d:q2631222 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Bullet for My Valentine already used by item Q485385.
- Stemma della Repubblica Socialista Federale di Jugoslavia (d:q2548879 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Emblem of Yugoslavia already used by item Q1374721.
- Miles Davis Volume 2 (d:q3314081 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Miles Davis Volume 1 already used by item Q1725961.
- Mercedes-Benz C107 (d:q3854879 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Mercedes-Benz R107 and C107 already used by item Q1547602.
- Tremolo picking (d:q1113188 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Alternate picking already used by item Q685431.
- VDSL (d:q823923 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Digital Subscriber Line already used by item Q104534.
- Regno del Ponto (d:q890038 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link glwiki:Reino do Ponto already used by item Q621672.
- XNN (d:q4021484 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Xining Caojiabao Airport already used by item Q2235480.
- Sandy Cheeks (d:q1189756 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Anexo:Lista de personagens de SpongeBob SquarePants already used by item Q1193472.
- Numerazione ufficiale dei comuni svizzeri (d:q70718 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Community Identification Number already used by item Q23003.
- XIN (d:q453234 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Xin already used by item Q2867936.
- Kindjal (d:q960281 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Dagger already used by item Q182780.
- Capanna (d:q5784097 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nnwiki:Hytte already used by item Q5783996.
- Patacca (d:q3897563 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Macause pataca already used by item Q241214.
- Roger Rabbit (d:q2265878 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Who Framed Roger Rabbit characters already used by item Q6604094.
- WON (d:q5399384 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ltwiki:Vonas already used by item Q6013261.
- WSB (d:q2537731 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Wynental en Suhrentalbahn already used by item Q388208.
- Superego (d:q211507 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Id, ego and super-ego already used by item Q486893.
- WMB (d:q4017010 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:IBM WebSphere Message Broker already used by item Q5969139.
- Pupario (d:q358554 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Verpopping already used by item Q170595.
- Rotazione triennale delle colture (d:q1570397 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Crop rotation already used by item Q191258.
- Tecna (d:q390941 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Anexo:Personajes de Winx Club already used by item Q2727353.
- Mobile (Avril Lavigne) (d:q2488614 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Let Go (Avril Lavigne album) already used by item Q213039.
- Quadruplice Alleanza (1815) (d:q1997647 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Kvadrupelallianssi already used by item Q279347.
- Ritardo ad anello (d:q3937259 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Blowback (firearms) already used by item Q166034.
- Quintuplice Alleanza (d:q987667 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Sainte-Alliance already used by item Q154640.
- Seconda battaglia di Bedriaco (d:q2163922 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Bataille de Bedriacum already used by item Q386578.
- Thorondor (d:q2263409 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Aigle (Terre du Milieu) already used by item Q2292021.
- Paese del Suono (d:q1102030 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Geografia de Naruto already used by item Q379032.
- Julia Carpenter (d:q2276597 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Spider-Man already used by item Q79037.
- Corte di cassazione (d:q1767520 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link hrwiki:Kasacijski sud already used by item Q1138599.
- Vesica piscis (d:q1431666 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Aureola already used by item Q374192.
- Scar (Disney) (d:q2291314 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of The Lion King characters already used by item Q2640658.
- Pulcino (d:q2283425 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Chick already used by item Q1072129.
- Jungle Man (d:q2346742 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Freaky Styley already used by item Q279093.
- Philippe Breton (d:q1106507 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Philippe Breton already used by item Q1365259.
- Steel Dragon (d:q1103571 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Rock Star already used by item Q1470523.
- Paul Day (d:q1042239 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Tidigare medlemmar i Iron Maiden already used by item Q3372309.
- Rotrude di Treviri (d:q469702 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Charles Martel already used by item Q3301.
- Personaggi di Grey's Anatomy (d:q2593873 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Anexo:Lista de personagens de Grey's Anatomy already used by item Q2339290.
- Segretario generale del PCUS (d:q1048744 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nowiki:Sovjetunionens kommunistiske parti already used by item Q79854.
- UTO (d:q564741 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Udo already used by item Q350727.
- VLR (d:q234605 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Network switching subsystem already used by item Q1572479.
- Moto orbitale (d:q3866304 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Orbit already used by item Q4130.
- Settima coalizione (d:q2724511 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Hundred Days already used by item Q199955.
- Novese (d:q3879073 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:U.S.D. Novese already used by item Q16339.
- Jorgen Von Strangle (d:q3810104 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of The Fairly OddParents characters already used by item Q1115755.
- Tanauan (d:q409420 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Tanauan, Batangas already used by item Q1730.
- Weird (d:q2712502 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Weird already used by item Q3567104.
- Tomas Bodin (d:q3992561 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:The Flower Kings already used by item Q912990.
- Maserati Bora (d:q1857154 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Maserati Bora already used by item Q2027703.
- Ryan Wombacher (d:q3943108 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Bleeding Through already used by item Q302155.
- Marta Peterson (d:q3849958 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Bleeding Through already used by item Q302155.
- Tony Scaglione (d:q2716916 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Whiplash (band) already used by item Q5607798.
- Rubinetteria (d:q3942158 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Diving cylinder already used by item Q1260914.
- Miniatura (d:q8362 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Kirjamaalaus already used by item Q48498.
- Porta Caelimontana e Porta Querquetulana (d:q3457868 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Porte Caelimontane already used by item Q689334.
- Tumblelog (d:q3542017 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Microblogging already used by item Q92438.
- Lothar Heimberg (d:q3837482 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Scorpions already used by item Q124147.
- Steve Tucker (d:q3973409 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Morbid Angel already used by item Q309001.
- Trixie Tang (d:q3999172 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:The Fairly OddParents already used by item Q39037.
- Template:Battaglie della Prima coalizione (d:q6949804 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Mall:Kampanj Franska revolutionskrigen already used by item Q6855740.
- Regista teatrale (d:q3387717 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link sqwiki:Regjisori already used by item Q1248362.
- Martijn Spierenburg (d:q2347915 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Within Temptation already used by item Q57138.
- Jordan Mancino (d:q3810024 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:As I Lay Dying (band) already used by item Q693583.
- Ur-elemento (d:q1118730 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Ur-element already used by item Q1896657.
- RWP (d:q3928418 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Rana Wickrama Padakkama already used by item Q7290670.
- Categoria:Primi computer (d:q6816476 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Categorie:Geschiedenis van de computer already used by item Q5905423.
- ROY (d:q397534 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Roy already used by item Q1255408.
- Svizzera tedesca (d:q689055 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Languages of Switzerland already used by item Q1751392.
- SIX (d:q255089 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:6 (number) already used by item Q23488.
- Little Fighter 2 (d:q2334340 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Little Fighter already used by item Q494227.
- Lista di client IRC (d:q2622988 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link simplewiki:Internet Relay Chat already used by item Q73.
- Spin-orbitale (d:q3493527 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Atomic orbital already used by item Q53860.
- OHC (d:q564587 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Overhead camshaft already used by item Q1163122.
- Personaggi della Guida galattica per gli autostoppisti (d:q1039078 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Liftarens guide till galaxen already used by item Q3107329.
- OBO (d:q609446 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Roporudomasowiec already used by item Q15272.
- PFA (d:q419490 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Perfluoroalkoxy already used by item Q145925.
- MOQ (d:q3841462 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Pirsig's metaphysics of Quality already used by item Q3855429.
- MAU (d:q3272725 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Mau already used by item Q138315.
- MUU (d:q3841684 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Yaaku language already used by item Q34222.
- NGR (d:q565144 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Nigeria already used by item Q1033.
- NFG (d:q3869491 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:New Found Glory already used by item Q850645.
- NLP (d:q227935 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ruwiki:NLP already used by item Q4044949.
- Spinello (mineralogia) (d:q3966764 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link iowiki:Spinelo already used by item Q191310.
- KOR (d:q1718889 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Kor already used by item Q346980.
- KPH (d:q3812133 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Kampania Przeciw Homofobii already used by item Q396875.
- Labello (d:q1799403 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link simplewiki:Labium already used by item Q1406501.
- JMU (d:q564823 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:James Madison University already used by item Q258943.
- Minicoy (d:q7195866 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link viwiki:Minicoy already used by item Q162448.
- JTI (d:q1403212 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Japan Tobacco International already used by item Q397401.
- Johnny Araya (d:q3809702 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Thine Eyes Bleed already used by item Q2301592.
- Obi-Wan Kenobi (d:q51740 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Figuren aus Star Wars already used by item Q51805.
- Planemo (d:q400144 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Planet already used by item Q634.
- Valandil (d:q2293032 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Liste des Hommes de la Terre du Milieu already used by item Q390046.
- Resistenza bajoriana (d:q3933406 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Bajoran already used by item Q788819.
- Invasion (d:q349652 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Invasion already used by item Q543084.
- Pull Harder on the Strings of Your Martyr (d:q3925507 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Ascendancy (album) already used by item Q721697.
- Roberta Faccani (d:q3938508 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Matia Bazar already used by item Q1231930.
- Underworld (album) (d:q1106731 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Underworld (disambiguation) already used by item Q242684.
- Leo Bruce (d:q1110606 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Rupert Croft-Cooke already used by item Q2176514.
- Primo console (d:q1131971 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:French Consulate already used by item Q877619.
- Lista di fiumi di Gondor (d:q1132397 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Middle-earth rivers already used by item Q5575350.
- Rombo (pesce) (d:q3940795 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link etwiki:Harilik kammeljas already used by item Q217329.
- Paradosso di Allais (d:q1890213 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Maurice Allais already used by item Q105962.
- Prodotto infinito (d:q2266843 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Productorio already used by item Q901718.
- Pausa musicale (d:q879844 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Notenwert already used by item Q312457.
- Space Marine del Caos (d:q2525797 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Warhammer-universumi already used by item Q988665.
- Sistema APUD (d:q2005880 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link slwiki:Difuzni nevroendokrini sistem already used by item Q371168.
- Juglans regia (d:q46871 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link shwiki:Orah already used by item Q2453469.
- Zampa (d:q2023206 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link etwiki:Jalg already used by item Q133105.
- Nargothrond (d:q753771 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Regionen und Orte in Tolkiens Welt already used by item Q1248416.
- Takako Chigusa (d:q2525492 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Personnages de Battle Royale already used by item Q2026447.
- Menegroth (d:q2348360 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Doriath already used by item Q641375.
- Razze di The Legend of Zelda (d:q430551 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Universe of The Legend of Zelda already used by item Q1399781.
- Velleia (d:q2511513 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Veleia already used by item Q3555301.
- Mistagogia (d:q1956886 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Hierofante already used by item Q1443775.
- Well-Known Text (d:q4018860 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Simple Feature Access already used by item Q365034.
- Superficie di Steiner (d:q2340608 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Roman surface already used by item Q697161.
- Re sotto la Montagna (d:q3930941 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:King in the mountain already used by item Q1131291.
- Storia dell'Aragona (d:q3136889 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Aragon already used by item Q4040.
- Regioni della Somalia (d:q878116 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link simplewiki:Somalia already used by item Q1045.
- Pompa ionica (d:q911011 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Pompa jonowa already used by item Q1672063.
- Nomi degli Elfi (d:q6959108 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Elf (Middle-earth) already used by item Q203904.
- TZS (d:q415763 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Tanzanian shilling already used by item Q4589.
- UGX (d:q564904 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Ugandan shilling already used by item Q4598.
- Battaglia di Isso (disambigua) (d:q3636476 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Battle of Issus (disambiguation) already used by item Q1173822.
- LKR (d:q407695 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Sri Lankan rupee already used by item Q4596.
- JOD (d:q407631 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Iod already used by item Q1103.
- UYU (d:q4002409 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Uruguayan peso already used by item Q209272.
- XAG (d:q412063 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:ISO 4217 already used by item Q37431.
- Operatore lineare chiuso (d:q320370 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Unbounded operator already used by item Q5108738.
- TJR (d:q3979593 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:The Jester Race already used by item Q1130815.
- Pelargir (d:q2620680 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Lebennin already used by item Q2261070.
- Tallonatore (d:q59319 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:Posicions del rugbi a 15 already used by item Q6583019.
- Pilone (rugby) (d:q59163 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:Posicions del rugbi a 15 already used by item Q6583019.
- Osservatore nell'acqua (d:q462760 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Luettelo Keski-Maan sivuhahmoista already used by item Q1204735.
- Toadette (d:q2609744 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Luettelo Mario-pelisarjan hahmoista already used by item Q603432.
- Ogg123 (d:q1131945 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Ogg already used by item Q188199.
- Tre quarti ala (d:q2270310 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:Posicions del rugbi a 15 already used by item Q6583019.
- Spaccato (d:q1133032 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Schnitt (Darstellung) already used by item Q845080.
- Tre quarti centro (d:q2270380 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:Posicions del rugbi a 15 already used by item Q6583019.
- Vertex shader (d:q1326260 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Shader already used by item Q633182.
- Terza linea centro (d:q2270369 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:Posicions del rugbi a 15 already used by item Q6583019.
- Poggio (Sanremo) (d:q2534613 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Poggio di San Remo already used by item Q3119751.
- La casa nova (d:q3225061 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Carlo Goldoni already used by item Q165534.
- Stadio Dinamo di Mosca (d:q4794137 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Dynamo-Stadion (Moskau) already used by item Q1475155.
- Thud! (d:q2383911 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Scheibenwelt-Romane already used by item Q253295.
- Torquato Tasso (Goldoni) (d:q3995097 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Carlo Goldoni already used by item Q165534.
- La dama prudente (d:q3822008 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Carlo Goldoni already used by item Q165534.
- Pulpul (d:q2551144 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Ska-P already used by item Q623746.
- Tootie (d:q3993384 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of The Fairly OddParents characters already used by item Q1115755.
- The Curse (Napalm Death) (d:q3283427 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:From Enslavement to Obliteration already used by item Q220026.
- Terenzio (Goldoni) (d:q3984255 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Carlo Goldoni already used by item Q165534.
- Rock in Rio (DVD) (d:q2713332 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Rock in Rio (album) already used by item Q836626.
- Show, don't tell (d:q743138 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Show, don't tell already used by item Q4781071.
- Seconda linea (d:q2270355 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:Posicions del rugbi a 15 already used by item Q6583019.
- Shallow Be Thy Game (d:q2620485 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:One Hot Minute already used by item Q117225.
- Spazio (matematica) (d:q472971 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Espace (notion) already used by item Q107.
- Shinigami (Bleach) (d:q3959568 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Univers de Bleach already used by item Q3551233.
- Zaknafein Do'Urden (d:q2268028 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:House Do'Urden already used by item Q986367.
- Teoria ergodica (d:q5498822 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Hipoteza ergodyczna already used by item Q174196.
- Squier Telecaster (d:q3967465 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Fender Telecaster already used by item Q623103.
- Love Rollercoaster (d:q2488513 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:We Started Nothing already used by item Q1578325.
- Squier Cyclone (d:q3967468 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Fender Cyclone already used by item Q599105.
- Stadio San Michele (d:q2946162 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Rugby Calvisano already used by item Q388269.
- Paludrone (d:q1109328 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Narnian creatures already used by item Q4329250.
- Videogioco isometrico (d:q4011393 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Isometric projection already used by item Q841486.
- Threshold (d:q359787 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Drempel already used by item Q1221164.
- Screwed (d:q2269454 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Paris (Paris Hilton album) already used by item Q1341876.
- Osservazione partecipante (d:q1129049 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Obserwacja (metoda badawcza) already used by item Q193181.
- Signore (d:q410953 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Seigneurie already used by item Q1550557.
- Sinapomorfia (d:q962872 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Apomorphie already used by item Q619616.
- Categoria:Template di navigazione - Russia (d:q5904361 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Kategoria:Szablony nawigacyjne - Rosja already used by item Q6578006.
- Telescopio dobsoniano (d:q1430326 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Montering (telescoop) already used by item Q1205231.
- RealDoll (d:q1201136 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eowiki:Silikona pupo already used by item Q2486564.
- Trapa (d:q2487780 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eowiki:Trapo already used by item Q161110.
- Shikken (d:q1045904 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Japanischer Regent already used by item Q1346974.
- Zaino protonico (d:q1110272 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Ghostbusters already used by item Q2365168.
- Panatenee (d:q1211252 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Panathenaic Games already used by item Q1162701.
- Kuniva (d:q550127 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:D12 already used by item Q154543.
- Tata Daewoo Commercial Vehicle (d:q498917 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:GM Daewoo already used by item Q497193.
- Telescopio Hale (d:q2471197 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Palomar-Observatorium already used by item Q191684.
- Palinsesto di Archimede (d:q1770470 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Palimpsest already used by item Q274076.
- Zero skateboards (d:q4024266 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Zero Skateboards already used by item Q191950.
- La morte dell'incredibile Hulk (d:q3823249 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:The Death of the Incredible Hulk already used by item Q672550.
- Tetri (d:q2339278 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Georgischer Lari already used by item Q4608.
- Rasiera (d:q3930397 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Ziehklinge already used by item Q198908.
- Lucio Valerio Flacco (pretore 63 a.C.) (d:q1249009 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Lucius Valerius Flaccus already used by item Q225006.
- Turrican II: The Final Fight (d:q2269628 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Turrican already used by item Q1929662.
- Piano rock (d:q2090023 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Soft rock already used by item Q217191.
- Samara Morgan (d:q2423675 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Ring characters already used by item Q4402240.
- Saggio marginale di sostituzione tecnica (d:q1113178 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Grenzrate der Substitution already used by item Q283380.
- Zama (Cartagine) (d:q1892445 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Zama Major already used by item Q145314.
- Schiaffo di Anagni (d:q2031421 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Anagni already used by item Q116404.
- Gerontofilia (d:q347967 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Parafili already used by item Q178059.
- WarioWare: Smooth Moves (d:q1075246 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:WarioWare already used by item Q1897415.
- Samurai Shodown (d:q1209867 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Samurai Shodown already used by item Q6498489.
- Sid Meier's RailRoads! (d:q2319932 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Railroad Tycoon already used by item Q1758779.
- Angelus (personaggio) (d:q3617311 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Angelus (comics) already used by item Q4763117.
- Santa Cena (d:q549609 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Abendmahl already used by item Q318915.
- Wing Commander (serie) (d:q2122173 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ruwiki:Wing Commander already used by item Q2242761.
- Orodreth (d:q1769873 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Lista Calaquendich already used by item Q431704.
- Vulpes (d:q185194 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link simplewiki:Fox already used by item Q8331.
- Vancouver Whitecaps FC (d:q1090574 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Vancouver Whitecaps already used by item Q412594.
- Template:Coord/dec2dms/dm (d:q6802460 - check) - Page was protected.
- Prem'er-Liga 2005 (d:q742708 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Championnat de Russie de football 2005 already used by item Q697143.
- Jeremy Jaynes (d:q3807957 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Luettelo tunnetuista roskapostittajista already used by item Q5078226.
- Numero semiperfetto (d:q2067166 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Vollkommene Zahl already used by item Q170043.
- Publio Cornelio Cetego (sostenitore di Mario) (d:q344826 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Quintus Fabius Maximus already used by item Q1283535.
- Paradox (d:q294815 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Paradox already used by item Q1779923.
- Krusty Krab (d:q2577733 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:SpongeBob SquarePants already used by item Q83279.
- Sam & Max: Culture Shock (d:q2964250 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Sam & Max Save the World already used by item Q1130980.
- When You're Gone (Avril Lavigne) (d:q857189 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ltwiki:The Best Damn Thing already used by item Q192257.
- Sam & Max: Reality 2.0 (d:q1130968 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Sam & Max Save the World already used by item Q1130980.
- Sam & Max: Situation: Comedy (d:q3485525 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Sam & Max Save the World already used by item Q1130980.
- Sam & Max: The Mole, the Mob, and the Meatball (d:q3946318 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Sam & Max Save the World already used by item Q1130980.
- Worms Reinforcements (d:q3532108 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Worms (videopeli) already used by item Q278771.
- Tag (firma) (d:q2529977 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Graffiti already used by item Q17514.
- Sam & Max: Bright Side of the Moon (d:q3208543 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Sam & Max Save the World already used by item Q1130980.
- Ogiva (d:q2713784 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Coiffe (astronautique) already used by item Q1757575.
- Sam & Max: Abe Lincoln Must Die! (d:q2744439 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Sam & Max Save the World already used by item Q1130980.
- Worms United (d:q4020984 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Worms (videopeli) already used by item Q278771.
- Palazzo delle Tuileries (d:q234364 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Tuileries already used by item Q818517.
- Tregua di Dio (d:q924432 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Godsvrede already used by item Q644681.
- Presidente del Vietnam (d:q866680 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nowiki:Liste over Vietnams presidenter already used by item Q6594712.
- Unas (d:q2291986 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Mythology of Stargate already used by item Q3437072.
- Sant'Angelo (Amatrice) (d:q1113309 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Sant'Angelo already used by item Q1874669.
- Neofascismo (d:q696116 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Rechtsextremismus already used by item Q204481.
- Rettifica (lavorazioni meccaniche) (d:q4990821 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Slijpen already used by item Q245761.
- Nemu Kurotsuchi (d:q2537164 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Soul Reapers in Bleach already used by item Q435258.
- Nissan Almera Tino (d:q2092725 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Nissan Almera already used by item Q1141759.
- Microsoft Messenger per Mac (d:q1376811 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Windows Live Messenger already used by item Q71493.
- Lond Daer Enedh (d:q2713854 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Minor places in Middle-earth already used by item Q1248416.
- Storia della scultura (d:q2713770 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Sculpture already used by item Q11634.
- LGW (d:q415529 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Gatwick Airport already used by item Q8703.
- NZE (d:q3869749 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:New Zealand English already used by item Q44661.
- MKW (d:q3841383 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Mario Kart Wii already used by item Q838707.
- Marco Atilio Regolo (disambigua) (d:q406566 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Marcus Atilius Regulus already used by item Q318718.
- ODE (d:q2796499 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Ode (homonymie) already used by item Q423656.
- Saccharomycotina (d:q508019 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link trwiki:Saccharomycetales already used by item Q5147886.
- STI (d:q2208091 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link idwiki:Universitas Islam Indonesia already used by item Q350752.
- Rickettsiosi (d:q646664 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Rickettsia already used by item Q627992.
- Pireninae (d:q3849670 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Pteromalidae already used by item Q1930883.
- Quinto Fulvio Flacco (d:q2123404 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Fulvius Flaccus already used by item Q413679.
- Taolu (d:q2269279 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Chinese martial arts already used by item Q3705105.
- Rockstar Toronto (d:q1989672 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Rockstar Games already used by item Q94912.
- Rockstar Leeds (d:q1750959 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Rockstar Games already used by item Q94912.
- Panda (antivirus) (d:q3893124 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Panda Security already used by item Q666869.
- Senato (Canada) (d:q841180 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Kanadas parlament already used by item Q475689.
- Equisetum (d:q28114 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frrwiki:Equisetales already used by item Q5291566.
- VNE (d:q4007041 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:V speeds already used by item Q986260.
- Presidenti della Georgia (d:q843405 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link etwiki:Gruusia riigipeade loend already used by item Q878294.
- Rockstar North (d:q94893 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Rockstar Games already used by item Q94912.
- VDM (d:q2505753 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Van der Moolen already used by item Q445820.
- Opel Vivaro (d:q2025342 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Renault Trafic already used by item Q1140952.
- Renault Thalia (d:q2702123 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nahwiki:Renault Symbol already used by item Q1521859.
- Sistema chinina-callicreina (d:q2270510 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Kinine already used by item Q421924.
- [[:Regno d'Italia (Sacro Romano Impero)] (d:q838931 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link etwiki:Itaalia kuningriik (keskaegne) already used by item Q5343710.
- Quarzo citrino (d:q334719 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Quartz already used by item Q43010.
- Ted Sabbioso (d:q3982517 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Hobbits already used by item Q2620361.
- Monarchia spagnola (d:q889833 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link lawiki:Monarchia Hispanica already used by item Q766543.
- Un tram che si chiama Desiderio (d:q4004095 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:A Streetcar Named Desire already used by item Q403382.
- The Early Years, Volume Two (d:q1759411 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:The Early Years (album series) already used by item Q1756088.
- Ostello (d:q654772 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Albergue juvenil already used by item Q1589077.
- The LOX (d:q3987847 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:D-Block already used by item Q2300842.
- The Black Rider (d:q1759267 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link trwiki:The Black Rider (oyun) already used by item Q1485213.
- Miriagono (d:q1897973 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Polygon already used by item Q37555.
- Sturm Brightblade (d:q2528846 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Dragonlance characters already used by item Q938912.
- Kagome Higurashi (d:q934495 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Anexo:Lista de personagens de InuYasha already used by item Q1747129.
- Wolseley (d:q530099 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Wolseley already used by item Q415094.
- Virtual Circuit Identifier (d:q2528368 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Asynchronous Transfer Mode already used by item Q206047.
- Solea (zoologia) (d:q531725 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Solea already used by item Q1617757.
- Swing (musica) (d:q1939054 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Swing (jazz performance style) already used by item Q1419559.
- Spoiler (veicoli) (d:q3966950 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Spoiler already used by item Q226159.
- String.h (d:q307236 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:C string handling already used by item Q845796.
- Moschea di Fittja (d:q2529197 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Fittja already used by item Q5455513.
- Santuario per i mammiferi marini (d:q1537757 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eowiki:Pelago (vivmedio) already used by item Q3411746.
- Piscina olimpionica (d:q2084454 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Schwimmbecken already used by item Q1501.
- Populous: The Beginning (d:q1070478 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Populous already used by item Q1239244.
- Midi (d:q299300 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link simplewiki:Afternoon already used by item Q4440997.
- Lana Lang (d:q944728 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link simplewiki:Smallville already used by item Q180228.
- Steve Summers (d:q3973399 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Pretty Boy Floyd (American band) already used by item Q1370393.
- Yamamura Sadako (d:q2596301 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Ring characters already used by item Q4402240.
- Cane a sei zampe (d:q3655238 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Perro de seis patas already used by item Q6072874.
- Xerogel (d:q455333 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Gel already used by item Q185744.
- Orihime Inoue (d:q498184 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Liste der Bleach-Charaktere already used by item Q262087.
- Ubuntu Studio (d:q214390 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Ubuntu already used by item Q381.
- Ron Matthews (d:q2472572 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Tidigare medlemmar i Iron Maiden already used by item Q3372309.
- Rivestimento per immersione (d:q2270123 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Chemical Solution Deposition already used by item Q1069196.
- Numero di Liouville (d:q1755697 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Liouville number already used by item Q2894653.
- Silver and Gold (A.S.A.P.) (d:q3960714 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:ASAP (band) already used by item Q2271828.
- LKJ (d:q564911 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Linton Kwesi Johnson already used by item Q557775.
- LEG (d:q412416 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:LEG already used by item Q1798008.
- Template:Edificio religioso (d:q6172571 - check) - Page was protected.
- NUJ (d:q3869670 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:National Union of Journalists already used by item Q2843420.
- NPN (d:q341944 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Transistor bipolaire already used by item Q188946.
- OAA (d:q397687 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Fondation d'Auteuil already used by item Q3075601.
- PUO (d:q3888253 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Fever of unknown origin already used by item Q1405631.
- L'amante militare (d:q3201760 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Carlo Goldoni already used by item Q165534.
- Rand al'Thor (d:q2362626 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nowiki:Tidshjulet already used by item Q4470.
- Wall of Death (d:q3327992 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Moshing already used by item Q1463560.
- Unplugged in Boston (d:q1133003 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Megadeth already used by item Q83431.
- Tar Valon (d:q2538985 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Wheel of Time locations already used by item Q2249508.
- WMI (d:q411502 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Windows Management Instrumentation already used by item Q1423114.
- TZC (d:q564896 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Tzotzil language already used by item Q36809.
- XAN (d:q398513 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:Shan already used by item Q299840.
- ZIK (d:q136171 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eowiki:ISO 639-3 z already used by item Q3845019.
- Steve Fox (d:q2629058 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Liste des personnages de Tekken already used by item Q1153348.
- Nihil obstat (d:q1994297 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Imprimatur already used by item Q955005.
- Quinque compilationes antiquae (d:q2713165 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Decretal already used by item Q1183753.
- Moiraine Damodred (d:q2715468 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Wheel of Time characters already used by item Q2116322.
- Trouble (Akon) (d:q3540875 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Akon already used by item Q32849.
- Skipper (d:q1897112 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Sea captain already used by item Q849424.
- Stan (personaggio) (d:q897274 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Luettelo Monkey Island -pelisarjan hahmoista already used by item Q5404761.
- Will Turner (d:q1764242 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link simplewiki:Pirates of the Caribbean already used by item Q202857.
- Voodoo Lady (d:q831595 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Luettelo Monkey Island -pelisarjan hahmoista already used by item Q5404761.
- Tour dei British and Irish Lions 1888 (d:q3996164 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:British and Irish Lions already used by item Q733600.
- Mammuthus lamarmorae (d:q1157559 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Dwarf elephant already used by item Q5656368.
- Puffy (d:q1432255 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:OpenBSD already used by item Q34215.
- Towel Day (d:q241666 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Douglas Adams already used by item Q42.
- WrestleMania I (d:q50805 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:WrestleMania already used by item Q35516.
- The Rose (d:q419378 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Rose (disambiguation) already used by item Q1251065.
- Mercuric (d:q3855075 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Element Eighty already used by item Q1327765.
- Pagan metal (d:q1457545 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Folkmetal already used by item Q484179.
- Stripped (Rammstein) (d:q1077447 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Stripped (song) already used by item Q949181.
- Militante (d:q1481938 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Militant already used by item Q6851920.
- Wednesday 13 (gruppo musicale) (d:q1812953 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Wednesday 13 already used by item Q538634.
- Pancreatite cronica (d:q1996053 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Pankreatitis already used by item Q1527888.
- Kavadarci (d:q3814035 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Kavadarci Municipality already used by item Q1155055.
- Template:Personaggio (d:q5645908 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Plantilla:Ficha de personaje already used by item Q5646610.
- Yokozuna (d:q1067277 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Makuuchi already used by item Q1345471.
- Super Smash Bros. Brawl (d:q843131 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Super Smash Bros. already used by item Q870981.
- Satira menippea (d:q1131776 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Menippean satire already used by item Q2994242.
- Storia dell'arte (d:q50641 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Kunstgeschichte already used by item Q50637.
- Robots Exclusion Standard (d:q3939332 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Protocole d'exclusion des robots already used by item Q80776.
- Minhiriath (d:q2621137 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Minor places in Middle-earth already used by item Q1248416.
- The History Boys (d:q1236851 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:The History Boys already used by item Q5572447.
- Solid (KDE) (d:q2463685 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:KDE Platform already used by item Q2293057.
- Papercut (d:q19998 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ltwiki:Hybrid Theory already used by item Q19862.
- Storia della televisione (d:q1517344 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Televisie already used by item Q289.
- Nerdanel (d:q2475686 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Lista Calaquendich already used by item Q431704.
- Taylor Townsend (d:q2528340 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:OC already used by item Q194427.
- Zetsu (d:q712840 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Naruto characters already used by item Q718482.
- Toki (d:q421971 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Toki (videojuego) already used by item Q2300687.
- Riabilitazione (d:q227301 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Rehab already used by item Q2787781.
- Repetitive Strain Injury (d:q877796 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Enfermedad profesional already used by item Q637816.
- Patto di Omar (d:q1131209 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Pacte d'Umar already used by item Q1652238.
- Life's a Bitch (d:q3832163 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Illmatic already used by item Q847541.
- Ulquiorra Schiffer (d:q1341182 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Hollows in Bleach already used by item Q370000.
- Pace Vigile (d:q2546268 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Third Age already used by item Q40404.
- Mandrino (d:q136706 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Klauwplaat already used by item Q19818.
- Prince of Persia 3D (d:q1066134 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Prince of Persia already used by item Q157387.
- Peugeot Lion VA, VC e VY (d:q1118213 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Lion-Peugeot already used by item Q1123635.
- Tomi Putaansuu (d:q724517 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Lordi already used by item Q23471.
- Marfa Vasil'evna Sobakina (d:q5480807 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Marfa Sobakina already used by item Q151609.
- Pieve di San Pancrazio (Cavriglia) (d:q3904679 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Cavriglia already used by item Q52075.
- Kazuya Mishima (d:q1992933 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Tekken already used by item Q219623.
- J.T. Leroy (d:q1676714 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Laura Albert already used by item Q3042851.
- ZX Interface 1 (d:q2587464 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Sinclair ZX Spectrum already used by item Q23882.
- Ventricolo sinistro (d:q876089 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Herz already used by item Q1072.
- Venera-D (d:q1639887 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Venera-Mission already used by item Q192144.
- Pipino Piranha (d:q1188397 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Mario franchise characters already used by item Q603432.
- Nemici in Ocarina of Time (d:q2533508 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:The Legend of Zelda -pelisarjan hahmot already used by item Q2698862.
- Prodotto cronologicamente ordinato (d:q5948207 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Path-ordering already used by item Q3885125.
- Umbrella Corporation (d:q1066784 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Resident Evil characters already used by item Q19949.
- Semionciale (d:q1751876 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Uncial script already used by item Q784235.
- Major Indoor Soccer League (2001) (d:q2528728 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Major Indoor Soccer League already used by item Q1886110.
- Meclemburgo-Schwerin (d:q586559 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Mecklenburg-Schwerin already used by item Q158445.
- Vaccinium myrtillus (d:q5413585 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Mustikka already used by item Q13178.
- Ostoher (d:q3886966 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of kings of Gondor already used by item Q2083400.
- Sassonia-Coburgo-Saalfeld (d:q700663 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link brwiki:Sachsen-Saalfeld already used by item Q2606275.
- Regioni metropolitane della Germania (d:q1132300 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Metropolregion already used by item Q1907114.
- Maialino pancia a tazza (d:q945552 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Sus scrofa domestica already used by item Q787.
- Personaggi di Ed, Edd & Eddy (d:q1133154 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link trwiki:Ed, Edd ve Eddy already used by item Q719856.
- Siriondil (d:q2610283 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of kings of Gondor already used by item Q2083400.
- Livello di base (d:q423794 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link euwiki:Bokale already used by item Q320282.
- Tarannon (d:q3981063 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of kings of Gondor already used by item Q2083400.
- Narmacil I (d:q2716150 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of kings of Gondor already used by item Q2083400.
- Veronica Donovan (d:q1063148 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Prison Break characters already used by item Q1547236.
- John KillerBob (d:q3809393 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Necrodeath already used by item Q1815406.
- Gon (personaggio) (d:q723105 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Masashi Tanaka already used by item Q523540.
- Solanum gilo (d:q2670836 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Solanum aethiopicum already used by item Q257366.
- Zio Paperone e la Stella del Polo (d:q907801 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link simplewiki:DuckTales already used by item Q214107.
- Jamboree mondiale dello scautismo (d:q843065 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Jamboree already used by item Q745325.
- Peso (Necrodeath) (d:q3900734 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Necrodeath already used by item Q1815406.
- Relazioni diplomatiche della Santa Sede (d:q1134680 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of diplomatic missions of the Holy See already used by item Q249328.
- Wikipedia:Amministratori/Candidati (d:q4048254 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link simplewiki:Wikipedia:Requests for permissions already used by item Q5453037.
- Yakovlev (d:q4022394 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Yakovlev (surname) already used by item Q1679633.
- NGI (d:q561102 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Nationalgeographisches Institut already used by item Q925456.
- The Pick of Destiny (d:q2006933 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Kostka przeznaczenia already used by item Q667799.
- Santuario di Fátima (d:q2627029 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Fatiman Neitsyt Maria already used by item Q719524.
- Tol Brandir (d:q2272995 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Minor places in Middle-earth already used by item Q1248416.
- Xenu (d:q1123649 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dawiki:Scientology already used by item Q131036.
- Things You've Never Done Before (d:q3990441 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Roxx Gang already used by item Q378212.
- Sarma (d:q359258 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Dolmar already used by item Q339193.
- Sesheta (d:q3958143 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link simplewiki:Seshat already used by item Q478490.
- Vingilot (d:q514982 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Middle-earth objects already used by item Q6470959.
- Oceania (1984) (d:q1291432 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Nations of Nineteen Eighty-Four already used by item Q2337419.
- Personaggi di Resident Evil 4 (d:q3900392 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Liste des personnages de Resident Evil already used by item Q19949.
- Luoghi in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (d:q3840794 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time already used by item Q213911.
- Love 'Em and Leave 'Em (d:q3837719 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Roxx Gang already used by item Q378212.
- Old, New, Borrowed & Blue (d:q3881499 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Old New Borrowed and Blue already used by item Q3234530.
- The Voodoo You Love (d:q3989900 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Roxx Gang already used by item Q378212.
- Simca-Fiat 11CV (d:q3961027 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Fiat 518 Ardita already used by item Q962789.
- Scrat (d:q1088515 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Ice Age already used by item Q305250.
- Template:Stato storico (d:q6036853 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nowiki:Mal:Infoboks land already used by item Q5621162.
- X2 (protocollo) (d:q2532408 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:56 kbit/s modem already used by item Q684874.
- Telemnar (d:q2610197 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of kings of Gondor already used by item Q2083400.
- Sais (d:q381038 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link huwiki:Szaisz already used by item Q1293953.
- The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Master Quest (d:q2714265 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time already used by item Q213911.
- Tarondor (d:q2537910 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of kings of Gondor already used by item Q2083400.
- Pain for Pleasure (d:q731369 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:All Killer, No Filler already used by item Q654056.
- Uwe Wessel (d:q4006829 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Gamma Ray (band) already used by item Q154129.
- Minardil (d:q2610268 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of kings of Gondor already used by item Q2083400.
- LHA (d:q409044 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link srwiki:LHA already used by item Q368782.
- Posizione anatomica (d:q488415 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link idwiki:Daftar istilah anatomi already used by item Q264251.
- Panda (Tekken) (d:q2529937 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Liste des personnages de Tekken already used by item Q1153348.
- Prevenzione dell'AIDS (d:q1053083 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eowiki:Aidoso already used by item Q12199.
- Spleen (d:q1754920 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Spleen already used by item Q9371.
- Personaggi di Final Fantasy Tactics (d:q6148488 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Final Fantasy Tactics already used by item Q591378.
- Un pezzo da galera (d:q1403962 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Jailbird already used by item Q6123598.
- Sanada Yukimura (d:q3948081 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dawiki:Samurai Deeper Kyo-figurer already used by item Q1065939.
- Sergei Dragunov (d:q2529544 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Luettelo Tekken-pelisarjan hahmoista already used by item Q1153348.
- Ugello de Laval (d:q902354 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Tobera already used by item Q250840.
- Speak to Me (d:q840710 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link hewiki:The Dark Side of the Moon already used by item Q150901.
- Sindrome di Werner (d:q1154619 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Progeri already used by item Q213098.
- John Bull (compositore) (d:q511463 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:John Bull already used by item Q742971.
- Navarino (Grecia) (d:q7263152 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:Pilos already used by item Q215141.
- Narmacil II (d:q2609980 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of kings of Gondor already used by item Q2083400.
- Qeqertarsuatsiaq (d:q1133831 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Qeqertarsuatsiaq already used by item Q2121518.
- Progetto Alpha (d:q2530281 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:James Randi already used by item Q294918.
- Long Road (d:q3836638 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Merkin Ball already used by item Q2715145.
- Ponte tibetano (d:q3908194 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Pont de singe already used by item Q3916505.
- Ritmo alfa (d:q2469782 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Elektroenzephalografie already used by item Q179965.
- Meadowlands del New Jersey (d:q3853432 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Meadowlands already used by item Q500249.
- Terza Lega (calcio) (d:q223355 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Structure pyramidale des ligues de football en Suisse already used by item Q954813.
- Painkiller Jane (serie televisiva) (d:q2005464 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Painkiller Jane already used by item Q898115.
- Universo osservabile (d:q221392 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Universum already used by item Q1.
- MMX (disambigua) (d:q412105 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:MMX already used by item Q904336.
- Template:VAT (d:q6048132 - check) - Page was protected.
- St. Louis Stars (d:q1942096 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:California Surf already used by item Q176383.
- Stormcrowfleet (d:q1141433 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Skepticism already used by item Q981397.
- Portland Timbers (d:q1031200 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Timbers de Portland already used by item Q439411.
- Walther PPK (d:q837004 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cswiki:Walther PP already used by item Q311237.
- Signori di Robotech (d:q1134431 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Robotech characters already used by item Q6591485.
- Template:Squadra di pallacanestro (d:q5852612 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Template:Infobox basketball club already used by item Q5648512.
- Pseudoprimo (d:q1136176 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Kleine stelling van Fermat already used by item Q188295.
- Torri costiere del Salento (d:q3995743 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Salento already used by item Q735628.
- Modello di Lorentz-Drude (d:q3859864 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Modelo de Drude already used by item Q910043.
- ZX Interface 2 (d:q2458003 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Sinclair ZX Spectrum already used by item Q23882.
- Pireo (prefettura) (d:q845827 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link lawiki:Piraeus (unitas regionalis) already used by item Q1784863.
- L'erede fortunata (d:q3819014 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Carlo Goldoni already used by item Q165534.
- Welcome to Our Neighborhood (d:q945630 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Slipknot already used by item Q254138.
- Preromanticismo (d:q2614483 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cswiki:Preromantismus already used by item Q754602.
- Categoria:Singoli di Rihanna (d:q6486739 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Luokka:Rihannan kappaleet already used by item Q6486550.
- Storia della Transnistria (d:q2530796 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Transnistrien already used by item Q907112.
- Arkengemma (d:q5948250 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Middle-earth objects already used by item Q6470959.
- Scooby Gang (d:q2571674 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Scooby-Doo already used by item Q205683.
- Rinoa Heartilly (d:q1134269 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Anexo:Lista de personagens de Final Fantasy VIII already used by item Q2607464.
- VMU (d:q565249 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Sega Dreamcast already used by item Q184198.
- Topesio (d:q1202011 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Mickey Mouse universe already used by item Q2634715.
- Sailor Galaxia (d:q2273595 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Shadow Galactica already used by item Q931190.
- Riserva Naturale del Delta della Lena (d:q2275723 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cswiki:Delta Leny already used by item Q2298744.
- Regno di Alba (d:q3932046 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Koninkrijk Schotland already used by item Q230791.
- Naruto: Clash of Ninja (d:q2502662 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Naruto: Clash of Ninja (series) already used by item Q718563.
- Reason (Melanie C) (d:q854101 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ltwiki:Melanie C already used by item Q151830.
- Kevin Wasserman (d:q2335614 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link huwiki:The Offspring already used by item Q157041.
- VOS (d:q2506388 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Vos already used by item Q242615.
- Naomi Hunter (d:q1134495 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of characters in the Metal Gear series already used by item Q3051172.
- The Bronze (d:q2274313 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Sunnydale already used by item Q2479024.
- Tales of Eternia: The Animation (d:q2529876 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Tales of Eternia already used by item Q2301154.
- Seminarista (d:q1155081 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Seminary already used by item Q233324.
- MTV Italia (d:q3841568 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:MTV Italia already used by item Q173935.
- Negazionismo (d:q574456 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Historierevisionism already used by item Q874803.
- Template:Infobox grattacielo (d:q6238351 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Szablon:Budynek infobox already used by item Q5906647.
- Insieme induttivo (logica) (d:q504608 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Axiom of infinity already used by item Q920450.
- She-Ra (d:q126856 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:She-Ra already used by item Q126883.
- Lada-Vaz Kalina (d:q1146667 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Lada Kalina/VAZ-1118 already used by item Q3265609.
- Trattato di Wehlau (d:q364120 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Treaty of Bromberg already used by item Q688969.
- Nokia N73 (d:q1076461 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Nokia Nseries already used by item Q755904.
- Sport da combattimento (d:q7128792 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nnwiki:Kampsport already used by item Q11417.
- Rattenberg (d:q408791 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Rattenberg already used by item Q261778.
- Pain (disambigua) (d:q411121 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Pain already used by item Q206378.
- Penzing (d:q449512 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Penzing already used by item Q541494.
- Parcheggio a pagamento (d:q574511 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Parkeerautomaat already used by item Q2171162.
- Pietra paesina (d:q3373742 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Ruinenmarmor already used by item Q2175519.
- Fisica dell'atmosfera (d:q5334416 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cswiki:Aeronomie already used by item Q16360.
- Mr. White (James Bond) (d:q2533047 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of James Bond villains already used by item Q2331347.
- Tiefenbach (Cham) (d:q837065 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link uzwiki:Tiefenbach already used by item Q836698.
- Trombino e Pompadour (d:q49134 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Luettelo South Parkin sivuhahmoista already used by item Q47226.
- Morter-Incoronate (d:q1151485 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Murter-Kornati already used by item Q3503912.
- Rouge the Bat (d:q2288335 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Sonic the Hedgehog (spelserie) already used by item Q1046812.
- The Final Cuts (d:q3987034 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Recover (Great White album) already used by item Q3931380.
- Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit (d:q3800520 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:UFO conspiracy theory already used by item Q2715405.
- Pieve di San Pancrazio (Lucca) (d:q3904680 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Lucca already used by item Q13373.
- Wajima (d:q241177 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Wajima already used by item Q823896.
- Seme (manga) (d:q2276522 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Seme already used by item Q2268971.
- Turun Palloseura (calcio) (d:q4000719 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link azwiki:TPS (futbol klubu, Turku) already used by item Q223813.
- Teurgo mistico (d:q3985340 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of prestige classes already used by item Q3834381.
- Rockstar Vancouver (d:q2020713 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Rockstar Games already used by item Q94912.
- Nokia E90 Communicator (d:q930359 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Nokia Eseries already used by item Q5993584.
- Rockstar London (d:q2083043 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Rockstar Games already used by item Q94912.
- Pointer Inglese (d:q1238092 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Pointteri already used by item Q769804.
- Taumaturgo (Dungeons & Dragons) (d:q3981556 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of prestige classes already used by item Q3834381.
- Struttura interna della Terra (d:q1664027 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Geosfera already used by item Q241284.
- Memoria (elettronica) (d:q66221 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link simplewiki:Computer memory already used by item Q5830907.
- Palma del martirio (d:q640050 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Palm branch (symbol) already used by item Q696809.
- Obelisco (disambigua) (d:q3880471 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Obelisk (disambiguation) already used by item Q2553090.
- Schifo (natante) (d:q611564 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Skiff already used by item Q237935.
- Picnometro (d:q855716 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Densidade already used by item Q29539.
- Nissan Terrano II (d:q523437 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dawiki:Nissan Terrano already used by item Q452035.
- Aspides (d:q3147648 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Athena's Saints already used by item Q2708055.
- Black il Lupo (d:q2279920 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Saint Seiya characters already used by item Q617064.
- Remanufacture - Cloning Technology (d:q2555149 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Demanufacture already used by item Q1185162.
- Porkeri (d:q282870 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Porkeri already used by item Q943723.
- UTC-12 (d:q2146 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Huso horario already used by item Q12143.
- Ora di Dublino (d:q843840 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Time in the Republic of Ireland already used by item Q4127133.
- Patamon (d:q2296385 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Liste des personnages de Digimon Adventure already used by item Q1276765.
- Oxycoccus (d:q13181 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Isokarpalo already used by item Q374399.
- Isengard (gruppo musicale) (d:q221072 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Gylve Nagell already used by item Q339423.
- Ogre (Tekken) (d:q2536359 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Luettelo Tekken-pelisarjan hahmoista already used by item Q1153348.
- Mondadori (d:q1210855 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Arnoldo Mondadori Editore already used by item Q85355.
- Mythimna (d:q2281523 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Mythimna already used by item Q2366633.
- WrestleMania 23 (d:q50917 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nowiki:WrestleMania already used by item Q35516.
- One Rode to Asa Bay (d:q3539138 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Hammerheart already used by item Q570720.
- SIVI (d:q3943674 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Astra SpA already used by item Q750234.
- The Roots of Sepultura (d:q1757637 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Roots (Sepultura album) already used by item Q852919.
- Johan Hegg (d:q2486389 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Amon Amarth already used by item Q192863.
- Stirpe dei Mille (d:q1141668 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Chaos Space Marines already used by item Q2444998.
- University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations (d:q259641 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cswiki:First Certificate in English already used by item Q2319598.
- Processo spinoso (d:q915235 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Wirbel (Anatomie) already used by item Q180323.
- Processo trasverso (d:q1187810 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Wirbel (Anatomie) already used by item Q180323.
- Sotalia fluviatilis (d:q935680 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Sotalia already used by item Q1341231.
- Platanistoidea (d:q19078 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link brwiki:Platanistidae already used by item Q950620.
- Val Poschiavo (d:q664209 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Poschiavo already used by item Q69503.
- Val Calanca (d:q672814 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Calanca already used by item Q179690.
- Vol. 4 (Lullacry) (d:q4016072 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Lullacry already used by item Q633509.
- UTC+12:45 (d:q7110 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Huso horario already used by item Q12143.
- UTC+13 (d:q7118 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Huso horario already used by item Q12143.
- UTC-11 (d:q2154 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Huso horario already used by item Q12143.
- UTC-9 (d:q2183 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Huso horario already used by item Q12143.
- UTC+6:30 (d:q6923 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Huso horario already used by item Q12143.
- UTC+3:30 (d:q6773 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Huso horario already used by item Q12143.
- UTC+10:30 (d:q7065 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Huso horario already used by item Q12143.
- UTC+10 (d:q7056 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Huso horario already used by item Q12143.
- UTC+14 (d:q7130 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Huso horario already used by item Q12143.
- Parador Nacional de Turismo (d:q3895081 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Parador de Turismo already used by item Q1476845.
- UTC+11:30 (d:q7080 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Huso horario already used by item Q12143.
- UTC+9:30 (d:q7048 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Huso horario already used by item Q12143.
- UTC-8 (d:q2204 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Huso horario already used by item Q12143.
- Steve Smith (personaggio) (d:q2532395 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:American Dad already used by item Q210311.
- UTC-9:30 (d:q2171 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Huso horario already used by item Q12143.
- Yzma (d:q1143257 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of The Emperor's New Groove characters already used by item Q6599629.
- UTC+4:30 (d:q6792 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Huso horario already used by item Q12143.
- Trapper (d:q2308103 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link hrwiki:Traper already used by item Q34168.
- Web 3.0 (d:q1062677 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Web 2.0 already used by item Q131164.
- Mercedes-Benz W164 (d:q1755651 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Mercedes-Benz M-Class already used by item Q849935.
- Mercedes-Benz W163 (d:q1419334 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Mercedes-Benz M-Class already used by item Q849935.
- Blu oltremare (d:q219660 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link simplewiki:Navy blue already used by item Q5975887.
- Repubblica Federale Ceca e Slovacca (d:q1998866 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Checoslovaquia already used by item Q33946.
- System Shock 2 (d:q1371495 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:System Shock already used by item Q1151634.
- UTC-3:30 (d:q6510 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Huso horario already used by item Q12143.
- Otoh Gunga (d:q1188499 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Naboo already used by item Q257155.
- UTC-7 (d:q2212 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Huso horario already used by item Q12143.
- Mrs. Bric (d:q2284795 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Beauty and the Beast (1991 film) already used by item Q179673.
- UTC+5:30 (d:q6828 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Huso horario already used by item Q12143.
- Nick Hipa (d:q3876013 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:As I Lay Dying (band) already used by item Q693583.
- Southwark (d:q730706 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Southwark already used by item Q5273898.
- Mr. Big (James Bond) (d:q2282814 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of James Bond villains already used by item Q2331347.
- Mancinismo (d:q789447 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Handedness already used by item Q2421902.
- Lamiak (d:q2577796 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link euwiki:Lamia already used by item Q200073.
- Ossigeno disciolto (d:q6294669 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Oxygen saturation already used by item Q7115960.
- Turok-Han (d:q1141623 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Personnages de Buffy contre les vampires et d'Angel already used by item Q3014357.
- Lega Cattolica (d:q226091 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:Lliga Santa already used by item Q293074.
- Passamaneria (d:q1122919 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Posament already used by item Q1398005.
- Sousa (genere) (d:q3965392 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Sousa (Gattung) already used by item Q309999.
- Repubblica d'Armenia (d:q3933238 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Armenia already used by item Q399.
- Morte da ventilatore (d:q303331 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dawiki:Fan Death already used by item Q4038625.
- Pisanka (d:q3905720 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Pisanka (Polish) already used by item Q1404341.
- Tecmo (d:q1423789 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Koei Tecmo Holdings already used by item Q1576915.
- Sacred 2: Fallen Angel (d:q2334324 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Sacred already used by item Q1757845.
- Oggetti magici in Sailor Moon (d:q3881102 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Sailor Senshi already used by item Q598798.
- Paleolitico superiore (d:q479505 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Paleolitikum already used by item Q40203.
- Paleolitico medio (d:q626270 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Paleolitikum already used by item Q40203.
- True Ogre (d:q1152526 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Liste des personnages de Tekken already used by item Q1153348.
- Mario (serie) (d:q4803535 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Super Mario already used by item Q4802838.
- Nokia N95 (d:q223895 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Nokia Nseries already used by item Q755904.
- Saints Row (d:q2020055 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Saints Row already used by item Q683841.
- Tromboon (d:q840638 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:P. D. Q. Bach already used by item Q1190508.
- Testosterone 17beta-deidrogenasi (NADP+) (d:q1148286 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Testosterone 17beta-dehydrogenase already used by item Q409188.
- Miyavizm (d:q1052185 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Miyavi already used by item Q311181.
- Isocitrato deidrogenasi (NADP+) (d:q3802625 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Isocitrate dehydrogenase already used by item Q261968.
- Iron Man (disambigua) (d:q223806 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link skwiki:Iron Man already used by item Q910905.
- Media di Naruto (d:q3853688 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Naruto already used by item Q642.
- Politica degli autori (d:q1291289 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Auteur already used by item Q788514.
- Scaramanzia (d:q1761455 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cswiki:Apotropaion already used by item Q620591.
- Opt-out (d:q1368455 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Rozszczepienie (media) already used by item Q3042982.
- Petaloudes (d:q2716246 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Tal der Schmetterlinge already used by item Q2389778.
- Caridea (d:q80117 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link simplewiki:Shrimp already used by item Q1517781.
- Studenti biblici (d:q1677287 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Bijbelonderzoekers already used by item Q343029.
- Scaldabagno (d:q14931 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eowiki:Boligilo already used by item Q2461178.
- Quickselect (d:q3927837 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Selection algorithm already used by item Q3252726.
- Otite media (d:q223254 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Otite already used by item Q480700.
- Shining Wizard (d:q4994522 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Professional wrestling attacks already used by item Q721438.
- Vampyroteuthis infernalis (d:q2509902 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link lawiki:Vampyroteuthis infernalis already used by item Q579822.
- Predalien (d:q1144976 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Alien (creature in Alien franchise) already used by item Q209758.
- Personaggi minori di Naruto (d:q718482 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Anexo:Lista de personagens de Naruto already used by item Q30334.
- Tentomon (d:q2345634 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Liste des personnages de Digimon Adventure already used by item Q1276765.
- Pico (famiglia) (d:q1144408 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Ducado de Mirandola already used by item Q1615455.
- NGC 4656 (d:q3869510 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link trwiki:NGC 4656 ve NGC 4657 already used by item Q859020.
- Primeira Liga 2003-2004 (d:q3921717 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Championnat du Portugal de football 2003-2004 already used by item Q1155019.
- Puppy Linux (d:q240116 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link hewiki:Puppy Linux already used by item Q6635708.
- Wasei-eigo (d:q1063328 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Gairaigo already used by item Q1491365.
- R15 (d:q261998 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:R-15 already used by item Q2616285.
- Predicatori (Warhammer 40.000) (d:q3569886 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Chaos Space Marines already used by item Q2444998.
- Joseph Davidovits (d:q900870 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link rowiki:Iosif Rabinovici already used by item Q363835.
- Tommy Gunn (d:q1144311 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Rocky V already used by item Q82949.
- Taranee Cook (d:q930097 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:W.I.T.C.H. already used by item Q266800.
- Categoria:Castelli della Germania (d:q5899239 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Kategori:Slott i Tyskland already used by item Q6020963.
- Kakau (d:q705974 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Kakau already used by item Q1392261.
- Mellin (d:q448908 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link etwiki:Mellin already used by item Q445016.
- Middlesbrough (borough) (d:q2673020 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Middlesbrough already used by item Q171866.
- Sandersdorf (d:q3187639 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link rowiki:Sandersdorf-Brehna already used by item Q2885796.
- Weferlingen (d:q2554197 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link rowiki:Oebisfelde-Weferlingen already used by item Q668316.
- Kisuke Urahara (d:q1196931 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cebwiki:Bleach (serye) already used by item Q904.
- Piante magiche in Harry Potter (d:q1146055 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Univers de Harry Potter already used by item Q154224.
- Sakura (Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE) (d:q3945186 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle characters already used by item Q1074361.
- Stimolazione tetanica (d:q3973591 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Tetanie already used by item Q511818.
- Wikipedia:Mappa dei wikipediani (d:q7111487 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link rowiki:Wikipedia:Wikipedist already used by item Q3189084.
- Numskull (d:q1155305 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Luniz already used by item Q1535899.
- Raccogli-imballatrice (d:q1552846 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nowiki:Rundballepakker already used by item Q805203.
- Ponor (d:q937236 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Ponor already used by item Q237400.
- Orneblenda (d:q1057300 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Amphibolgruppe already used by item Q17159.
- Legione Alfa (d:q2839502 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Chaos Space Marines already used by item Q2444998.
- Truciolato (d:q898776 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Madera already used by item Q287.
- R 66 e R 126 (d:q3928445 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:HDE 268835 already used by item Q847346.
- Sarcosphaera (d:q1154887 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Sarcosphaera already used by item Q2030523.
- Pericolo imminente (d:q1196642 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Clear and Present Danger already used by item Q1392442.
- Tartiflette (d:q1759775 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Tartiflette met Hervekaas already used by item Q3784816.
- Peter Petrelli (d:q1050850 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Luettelo televisiosarjan Heroes hahmoista already used by item Q1538416.
- Verbenico (d:q1092393 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Vrbnik already used by item Q2534997.
- Warhammer 40.000: Dawn of War - Soulstorm (d:q1367520 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Warhammer 40.000: Dawn of War already used by item Q1061708.
- Volksraad (d:q2359913 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Volksraad already used by item Q1986457.
- Silenziatore (motore) (d:q1165721 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Pakoputkisto already used by item Q1971413.
- Opere e documenti di Benedetto XVI (d:q1154102 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Lijst van encyclieken van paus Benedictus XVI already used by item Q1050696.
- Tune in, Tokyo... (d:q2720187 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Green Day discography already used by item Q857064.
- Obito Uchiha (d:q2643341 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Clan Uchiwa already used by item Q713872.
- Sylar (d:q1052076 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Luettelo televisiosarjan Heroes hahmoista already used by item Q1538416.
- Nnoitra Jirga (d:q2609214 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Hollows in Bleach already used by item Q370000.
- Daihatsu Sirion (d:q5209131 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link trwiki:Toyota Passo already used by item Q205608.
- Rangiku Matsumoto (d:q4896907 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Luettelo Bleachin sivuhahmoista already used by item Q479308.
- Post-Panamax (d:q2278582 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Panamax already used by item Q852387.
- Orologio astronomico di Strasburgo (d:q2716513 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Astronomische Uhr already used by item Q5275.
- Tia Harribel (d:q1153413 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Hollows in Bleach already used by item Q370000.
- Beaujolais (d:q7179060 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Beaujolais already used by item Q616.
- Windows Live Search (d:q1146863 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Bing already used by item Q182496.
- Neliel Tu Oderschvank (d:q2715771 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Hollows in Bleach already used by item Q370000.
- Fudbalski Klub Belasica (d:q1642914 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Belasiza Petritsch already used by item Q6707867.
- Moses (personaggio) (d:q3866105 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Anexo:Lista de Cavaleiros de Atena already used by item Q3359024.
- Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (d:q3843546 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Maintenance, repair, and operations already used by item Q1043452.
- Lilly Kane (d:q1172672 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Veronica Mars characters already used by item Q6603475.
- Kibibit (d:q3815076 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Bit already used by item Q8805.
- Lucanidae (d:q208786 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link slwiki:Jelenak already used by item Q3176879.
- Template:BVT (d:q6170165 - check) - Page was protected.
- R. Giskard Reventlov (d:q2606035 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Robot series characters already used by item Q432305.
- Template:UMI (d:q6072912 - check) - Page was protected.
- Template:WLF (d:q5932950 - check) - Page was protected.
- Template:TKL (d:q6071573 - check) - Page was protected.
- Sorgente idrotermale (d:q867648 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Musta savuttaja already used by item Q1335848.
- Template:SPM (d:q6076484 - check) - Page was protected.
- Template:HMD (d:q6237441 - check) - Page was protected.
- Shaoran (d:q1150411 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Shoran Li already used by item Q705039.
- Monadnock (d:q1139493 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link anwiki:Pueyo testigo already used by item Q502899.
- Melibe fimbriata (d:q3854212 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Melibe viridis already used by item Q3020287.
- Splinter (Tartarughe Ninja) (d:q2082114 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Anexo:Lista de personagens de Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles already used by item Q252662.
- Paese del Fuoco (d:q712357 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Geografia de Naruto already used by item Q379032.
- Moe Greene (d:q2284305 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Gudfadern already used by item Q243556.
- Oliver (d:q386128 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link skwiki:Oliver already used by item Q2110096.
- Template:BLM (d:q6168417 - check) - Page was protected.
- Staddle (d:q3967715 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Bree (Middle-earth) already used by item Q731638.
- Ulama (d:q1762047 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Jogo de bola mesoamericano already used by item Q610098.
- The Dope Show (d:q3986690 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Mechanical Animals already used by item Q752883.
- Roccia ultrafemica (d:q1143398 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link etwiki:Ultraaluseline kivim already used by item Q2477647.
- Quincy (Bleach) (d:q1364961 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Univers de Bleach already used by item Q3551233.
- Isola di Amity (d:q3802974 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Jaws (film) already used by item Q189505.
- Police (Polonia) (d:q208022 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link viwiki:Police already used by item Q35535.
- Episodi di Una mamma per amica (quinta stagione) (d:q5234077 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cywiki:Rhestr penodau Gilmore Girls already used by item Q1781100.
- Template:Tnavbar-header (d:q7014444 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Template:Navbar-header already used by item Q5645811.
- NGC 2207 e IC 2163 (d:q5029196 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link hrwiki:NGC 2207 already used by item Q5028933.
- Peter Silberman (d:q1401347 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Terminator (franchise) already used by item Q620588.
- Linfa (botanica) (d:q76626 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ltwiki:Sula already used by item Q865598.
- Parco di Monza (d:q3390595 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Villa royale de Monza already used by item Q1579923.
- Trinity Church (d:q3998892 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Liste von Dreifaltigkeitskirchen already used by item Q1863326.
- Siuan Sanche (d:q2284141 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Wheel of Time characters already used by item Q2116322.
- Orodreth (Sovrintendente di Gondor) (d:q3886140 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Stewards of Gondor already used by item Q943808.
- Oltretomba (d:q154365 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link simplewiki:Hell already used by item Q564.
- Super Street Fighter II (d:q3504316 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Street Fighter II already used by item Q1133204.
- Showdown (poker) (d:q2279344 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Poker already used by item Q80131.
- Mobster (d:q1404030 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Gangster already used by item Q46961.
- Tonfa (d:q29228 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Porrete already used by item Q392326.
- Template:Utente Germania (d:q5615077 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Benutzer:Vorlage/aus Deutschland already used by item Q5524449.
- Sharon Marsh (d:q47311 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dawiki:South Park-familier already used by item Q47286.
- Niki Sanders (d:q1073278 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Postacie z serialu Herosi already used by item Q1538416.
- James Hurley (d:q6271494 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Twin Peaks characters already used by item Q2575638.
- Min Farshaw (d:q3051598 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Wheel of Time characters already used by item Q2116322.
- Punto di Gergonne (d:q1751577 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Cercles inscrit et exinscrits d'un triangle already used by item Q354337.
- Punto di Nagel (d:q2302892 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Cercles inscrit et exinscrits d'un triangle already used by item Q354337.
- Ottone I (d:q396171 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Liste der Herrscher namens Otto already used by item Q1432179.
- Livadeia (d:q210698 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nowiki:Lebadea already used by item Q1767902.
- Vite parallele (d:q842337 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Plutarch already used by item Q41523.
- Jalgpalliklubi Maag Tammeka Tartu (d:q908543 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:JK Tammeka Tartu already used by item Q1096943.
- Ray Barbieri (d:q3930612 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Warzone (band) already used by item Q645420.
- Prestito (finanza) (d:q189539 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Darlehen already used by item Q1166334.
- Raipur (d:q372773 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ltwiki:Raipuras already used by item Q865789.
- Selezione sessuale (d:q206913 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Naturligt urval already used by item Q43478.
- Sali minerali (d:q189598 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:Bioelement already used by item Q705835.
- Territori d'oltremare (d:q3984771 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Dependent territory already used by item Q161243.
- Neopaganesimo est europeo (d:q3874688 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Neopaganismo eslavo already used by item Q1258217.
- Tabaqui (d:q1153407 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of The Jungle Book characters already used by item Q3900193.
- Keith Mars (d:q2284488 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Veronica Mars already used by item Q4529.
- Unknown (personaggio) (d:q246146 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Tekken characters already used by item Q1153348.
- Weevil Navarro (d:q1153498 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Anexo:Lista de personagens de Veronica Mars already used by item Q2283086.
- Nevrite (d:q2307256 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Peripheral neuropathy already used by item Q945238.
- Two World Trade Center (d:q1127212 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:World Trade Center already used by item Q11235.
- IPod classic 6G (d:q3788760 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:IPod Classic already used by item Q306222.
- Ray Santilli (d:q1171006 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Santilli-Film already used by item Q1934156.
- Orione (I Cavalieri dello zodiaco) (d:q3885890 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Saint Seiya characters already used by item Q617064.
- Lester (Gothic) (d:q3830943 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Lista postaci z serii gier Gothic already used by item Q4435763.
- Alessi (comico) (d:q4966577 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link viwiki:Alexis already used by item Q5263290.
- Lee (Gothic) (d:q3829358 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Lista postaci z serii gier Gothic already used by item Q4435763.
- Transaction processing (d:q844565 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Transactie (dataopslag) already used by item Q848010.
- Ugolino Martelli (d:q1399461 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Ugolino Martelli already used by item Q2474052.
- Overdose (d:q3505252 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Vergiftung already used by item Q114953.
- The Alphabetchadupa (d:q3985633 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Betchadupa already used by item Q3639105.
- Latta (d:q2556927 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Tinning already used by item Q272953.
- The Betchadupa EP (d:q3985943 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Betchadupa already used by item Q3639105.
- Karate gi (d:q2725358 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Keikogi already used by item Q979202.
- Sindrome da deficit di adesione leucocitaria (d:q1154422 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Leukozyt already used by item Q42395.
- Stream (azienda) (d:q3975926 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Stream TV already used by item Q3975928.
- Rosalie Hale (d:q2716380 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Twilight characters already used by item Q371125.
- Monteverde (disambigua) (d:q354653 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Monteverde already used by item Q55064.
- Turdoides melanops (d:q2554381 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Black-lored Babbler already used by item Q2226307.
- Minho (d:q2561606 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Mino already used by item Q418775.
- Juan de Pareja (d:q1352058 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:Retrat de Juan de Pareja already used by item Q4717953.
- Ventricolo destro (d:q1308310 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Herz already used by item Q1072.
- Maestro di scacchi (d:q680271 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Meester (schaken) already used by item Q1049520.
- Thorondir (d:q3990825 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Stewards of Gondor already used by item Q943808.
- Lindsey (d:q441499 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link simplewiki:Lindsey already used by item Q1826319.
- Pneumatico chiodato (d:q2140628 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Pneu d'hiver already used by item Q115170.
- Tasso (matematica) (d:q1144560 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Rate already used by item Q346589.
- Sd.Kfz. 232 (d:q1092789 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Sd.Kfz. 234/2 already used by item Q225222.
- Growing Up (album) (d:q6139184 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Growing Up already used by item Q4039729.
- Chaka Demus (d:q5078503 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Chaka Demus & Pliers already used by item Q1059270.
- Stricto sensu (d:q2607211 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Liste de locutions latines already used by item Q87248.
- Raggio della morte (d:q2638786 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Rayon de la mort already used by item Q1341528.
- Sottovento (d:q3965318 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Loefzijde en lijzijde already used by item Q372001.
- Progressione del record mondiale dei 100 m stile libero (d:q1202761 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link etwiki:100 m vabaujumine already used by item Q5107751.
- Naga (Warcraft) (d:q822086 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Naga (fantastyka) already used by item Q6121239.
- Riflessologia plantare (d:q3935337 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nowiki:Refleksologi already used by item Q449058.
- Recettore transmembrana (d:q2476074 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Rezeptor already used by item Q208467.
- Luna, Artemis e Diana (d:q1048982 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Sailor Moon already used by item Q1643098.
- Strutter (d:q2606613 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Kiss (musikalbum) already used by item Q739935.
- Ted Sprague (d:q3847161 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Heroes characters already used by item Q1538416.
- Kronenbourg (azienda) (d:q3817142 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Kronenbourg Brewery already used by item Q1397604.
- Yamaha YZF-R125 (d:q1462612 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Yamaha YZF already used by item Q3571442.
- Melezio di Licopoli (d:q3854188 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Melitios de Lycopolis already used by item Q1352126.
- Maggie O'Connell (d:q3843137 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Northern Exposure characters already used by item Q370202.
- Shelly Marie Tambo (d:q3504836 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Northern Exposure characters already used by item Q370202.
- Maurice J. Minnifield (d:q3852426 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Northern Exposure characters already used by item Q370202.
- Variag (d:q2288847 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Easterlings already used by item Q2256412.
- Template:MONTHNUMBER (d:q5834186 - check) - Page was protected.
- Metodo Hare-Niemeyer (d:q3855629 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Metoda Hare'a-Niemeyera already used by item Q116243.
- Sunshine Superman (compilation) (d:q3977083 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Sunshine Superman (album) already used by item Q1041103.
- SAGE (d:q3943402 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Sage (homonymie) already used by item Q3260592.
- Lews Therin Telamon (d:q2727041 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Wheel of Time characters already used by item Q2116322.
- Vespula (d:q1065202 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eowiki:Vespo already used by item Q1076176.
- V-Rally 2 (d:q2333604 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:V-Rally already used by item Q635706.
- Pianta protocarnivora (d:q2608392 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Fleischfressende Pflanzen already used by item Q18240.
- Lato A (d:q3827523 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Face (disque) already used by item Q215233.
- Registro dello stato civile (d:q254213 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Burgerlijke stand already used by item Q745221.
- Pachypodium saundersii (d:q3888502 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Pachypodium lealii already used by item Q310804.
- Marilyn Whirlwind (d:q3847986 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Northern Exposure characters already used by item Q370202.
- Priori (Stargate) (d:q1604473 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Ori (Stargate) already used by item Q849248.
- Salamander (disambigua) (d:q3945304 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Caudados already used by item Q53663.
- MW 50 (d:q466689 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Injection d'eau dans les moteurs already used by item Q1936109.
- Lista delle missioni del programma Constellation (d:q1756197 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cswiki:Program Constellation already used by item Q1766751.
- Tegola (d:q268547 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Tile already used by item Q468402.
- Palinomorfo (d:q2538019 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Palynology already used by item Q212919.
- SWAT 4: The Stetchkov Syndicate (d:q2718380 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:SWAT 4 already used by item Q1151933.
- Opel 1.8 L (d:q213239 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Opel 1,2 Liter/Opel 6 already used by item Q6438673.
- Principessa Kakyuu (d:q3922027 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Sailor Moon characters already used by item Q2663932.
- Orion 8 (d:q1225561 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cswiki:Program Constellation already used by item Q1766751.
- Orion 7 (d:q255508 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cswiki:Program Constellation already used by item Q1766751.
- Orion 10 (d:q950182 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cswiki:Program Constellation already used by item Q1766751.
- Orion 9 (d:q1225566 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cswiki:Program Constellation already used by item Q1766751.
- Orion 4 (d:q1225532 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cswiki:Program Constellation already used by item Q1766751.
- Orion 6 (d:q1225541 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cswiki:Program Constellation already used by item Q1766751.
- Volta Nero (d:q1256528 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Volta (Fluss) already used by item Q192415.
- Province del Burundi (d:q476075 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link huwiki:Burundi already used by item Q967.
- Muda (termine giapponese) (d:q1951705 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Lean production already used by item Q380772.
- Orion 11 (d:q950219 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cswiki:Program Constellation already used by item Q1766751.
- Orion 5 (d:q1225547 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cswiki:Program Constellation already used by item Q1766751.
- Opel 1.3 L (d:q196120 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Opel 1,2 Liter/Opel 6 already used by item Q6438673.
- Opel 2.0 L (d:q277131 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Opel 1,2 Liter/Opel 6 already used by item Q6438673.
- Categoria:Siti web pornografici (d:q6058828 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Category:Erotica and pornography websites already used by item Q6336972.
- Storia del Bangladesh (d:q839809 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Bangladesh already used by item Q902.
- Tiscali TV (d:q3991791 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Tiscali already used by item Q726572.
- Xciter (album) (d:q4021757 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Dokken already used by item Q831041.
- Presidente del Consiglio dei ministri (titolo) (d:q2341302 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dawiki:Regeringschef already used by item Q2285706.
- Rotuma (d:q459763 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Rotuma already used by item Q2169106.
- Myotismon (d:q3869122 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Liste des personnages de Digimon Adventure already used by item Q1276765.
- Two Phase Locking (d:q2290484 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Sperrverfahren already used by item Q2309307.
- Striginae (d:q744219 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Strigidae already used by item Q26012.
- Provincia di Kadavu (d:q1196481 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fjwiki:Kadavu already used by item Q1048944.
- Surniinae (d:q845411 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Strigidae already used by item Q26012.
- Template:Min (d:q5648658 - check) - Page was protected.
- Castellengo (d:q6822004 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Castellengo already used by item Q5756806.
- Antifo (d:q4775127 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Antiphos fils de Priam already used by item Q582141.
- The Unforgiven II (d:q2081611 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:The Unforgiven (song) already used by item Q923359.
- UCH (d:q565185 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Universidad de Chile already used by item Q232141.
- Tradizionista (d:q1172458 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Hadith studies already used by item Q2737409.
- Verin Mathwin (d:q3658853 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Wheel of Time characters already used by item Q2116322.
- Nanyue (d:q827040 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Eerste Chinese overheersing van Vietnam already used by item Q2631302.
- Silver the Hedgehog (d:q2331713 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Liste des personnages de Sonic the Hedgehog already used by item Q1637173.
- Cecilia Metella Balearica Minore (d:q6454825 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Caecilia Metella Dalmatica already used by item Q6454823.
- Pages (software) (d:q756852 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ruwiki:IWork already used by item Q306020.
- Numbers (software) (d:q1056778 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ruwiki:IWork already used by item Q306020.
- L'uomo che ascolta i cavalli (d:q3819965 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Monty Roberts already used by item Q963523.
- Shogo Kawada (d:q2577749 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Battle Royale characters already used by item Q2026447.
- Tiny Tim (d:q5632567 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Tiny Tim already used by item Q979347.
- Shawwal (d:q685440 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Muslimska kalendern already used by item Q28892.
- Personaggi di Sailor Moon (d:q2663932 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Sailor Moon already used by item Q1643098.
- Stuff Pack per The Sims 2 (d:q2290121 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:The Sims 2 already used by item Q182771.
- Silent Hunter III (d:q3483842 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Silent Hunter already used by item Q634069.
- Ivan il Terribile, Parte II - La congiura dei boiardi (d:q1436866 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Ivan IV de Russie already used by item Q7996.
- Principato di Orange (d:q549449 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ocwiki:Principat d'Aurenja already used by item Q2281221.
- Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas (d:q1325327 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six already used by item Q6800442.
- PFC Naftex Burgas (d:q2299849 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:FK Neftochimik already used by item Q1389002.
- Sergei Vladimir (d:q1169978 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Resident Evil characters already used by item Q19949.
- Volvo V40 (d:q1574600 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Volvo S40 already used by item Q756322.
- Petrova (d:q3901110 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Petrowa already used by item Q1080274.
- Word Whiz (d:q4020813 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of minor Apogee Software video games already used by item Q3968321.
- Neon Genesis Evangelion: The Feature Film (d:q2720295 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ruwiki:Evangelion: Death and Rebirth already used by item Q967664.
- Antianira (d:q4896834 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Antianeira already used by item Q281929.
- Terre Selvagge (d:q1231524 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Regionen und Orte in Tolkiens Welt already used by item Q1248416.
- Jumpman (d:q2737362 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:Mario already used by item Q12379.
- Scilla (Niso) (d:q2293894 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eowiki:Skilo already used by item Q193115.
- Torace degli insetti (d:q942508 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link tlwiki:Toraks already used by item Q592177.
- Matilde II di Borbone (d:q223228 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Mathilde II de Bourbon already used by item Q671858.
- Where Does It Hurt (d:q4019438 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Alexz Johnson already used by item Q239786.
- Quartetto delle Amazzoni (d:q1163255 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Dead Moon Circus already used by item Q902925.
- Pilsner (bicchiere) (d:q2712655 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Beer glassware already used by item Q516844.
- Ruoli della pallacanestro (d:q1148974 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Baloncesto already used by item Q5372.
- Personaggi di Streghe (d:q3577134 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Luettelo televisiosarjan Siskoni on noita hahmoista already used by item Q240611.
- Revolutions per Minute (d:q399540 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:RPM already used by item Q223956.
- Lana di roccia (d:q685073 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Mineraalivilla already used by item Q611617.
- Xenophilius Lovegood (d:q2019811 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Figuren der Harry-Potter-Romane already used by item Q208255.
- Wikia Search (d:q1075624 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Wikia already used by item Q17459.
- Rzeczpospolita (politica) (d:q6504570 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Rzeczpospolita already used by item Q2178518.
- The Message (d:q397988 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:The Message (album) already used by item Q513219.
- Teoria del campo cristallino (d:q4465748 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Kristallfeld- und Ligandenfeldtheorie already used by item Q898951.
- Meno di zero (d:q1815659 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Less than Zero already used by item Q403830.
- Satar Jabar (d:q2726895 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse already used by item Q334720.
- Signore (titolo nobiliare) (d:q2366336 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Grundherrschaft already used by item Q1550557.
- Occhiello (moda) (d:q2017717 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Knopf already used by item Q160464.
- Carrie Bebris (d:q3660734 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Carrie Bebris already used by item Q5046206.
- Millepora (d:q3857994 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Fire coral already used by item Q1409569.
- Template:Numero voci in Vetrina (d:q6518195 - check) - Page was protected.
- Episodi di Prima o poi divorzio! (prima stagione) (d:q6408380 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Yes, Dear episodes already used by item Q3729559.
- Spilla di sicurezza (d:q840333 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Nadel already used by item Q142690.
- Luoghi di Sailor Moon (d:q5614271 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Sailor Moon already used by item Q1643098.
- Alfa Romeo Jupiter (d:q5955145 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Alfa Romeo 125 already used by item Q3610946.
- Palomino (d:q1996502 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Cream-Gen des Pferdes already used by item Q474657.
- Lobkowicz (d:q302413 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link hrwiki:Vaclav Euseb Lobkowitz already used by item Q517182.
- Take off (economia) (d:q3980303 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Rostow's stages of growth already used by item Q474317.
- Marble problem (d:q3845332 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Cirkels van Malfatti already used by item Q182497.
- (Best Live) (d:q3596273 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Live (James Taylor album) already used by item Q3835141.
- Medetomidina (d:q427179 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link huwiki:Dexmedetomidin already used by item Q412133.
- Sonnolenza (d:q1077823 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Sommeil already used by item Q35831.
- Numero primo di Wolstenholme (d:q2550445 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Satz von Wolstenholme already used by item Q1724049.
- Vettore (biotecnologie) (d:q4010516 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Vector already used by item Q1420778.
- Meiofauna (d:q1296600 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Meiobenthos already used by item Q336458.
- Pannoni (d:q1414264 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of ancient tribes in Illyria already used by item Q649179.
- The Ultimate Doom (d:q3989762 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Doom already used by item Q189784.
- Personaggi di Mobile Battleship Nadesico (d:q1403279 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Martian Successor Nadesico already used by item Q701317.
- Radicale ossidrile (d:q427071 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Hydroxigrupp already used by item Q104116.
- L'imbroglione (d:q3819184 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Dirty Rotten Cheater already used by item Q5229945.
- Rivoluzione Zafferano (d:q843962 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Myanmar already used by item Q836.
- Tamera Mowry (d:q2341056 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Tia et Tamera Mowry already used by item Q956479.
- Tomo Takino (d:q845305 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Azumanga Daioh characters already used by item Q6563135.
- Stile di birra (d:q2625849 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Bier already used by item Q44.
- Orseolo (d:q2293671 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Orseolo already used by item Q1277674.
- Pocketful of Sunshine (d:q3392984 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:N.B. (album) already used by item Q929433.
- Raven (Tekken) (d:q2720052 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Luettelo Tekken-pelisarjan hahmoista already used by item Q1153348.
- Ossido di ferro (d:q721849 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Eisen already used by item Q677.
- Umani (Dragon Ball) (d:q4003307 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Dragon Ball characters already used by item Q2365866.
- Wendland (d:q149731 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Wendland already used by item Q412009.
- Ralph Roe (d:q2129762 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Theodore Cole and Ralph Roe already used by item Q1316007.
- Stella fuggitiva (d:q769363 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Stellar kinematics already used by item Q6440.
- Stella iperveloce (d:q1036344 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Stellar kinematics already used by item Q6440.
- Verbatim (d:q1402140 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Verbatim already used by item Q3555747.
- Tinosu (d:q2720323 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link rowiki:Tinosu, Prahova already used by item Q6455577.
- Preaccensione (d:q2872456 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Engine knocking already used by item Q1135198.
- Rex Van de Kamp (d:q897832 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Desperate Housewives characters already used by item Q950111.
- The Sims Pet Stories (d:q2080909 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Les Sims : Histoires already used by item Q2648057.
- Uva fragola (d:q4006817 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dawiki:Amerikansk Vin already used by item Q311720.
- Noviodunum (d:q1706885 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link rowiki:Castrul roman Noviodunum already used by item Q3373059.
- Pazienza (disambigua) (d:q3898415 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Pazienza already used by item Q2065468.
- Taylor Locke (d:q3981670 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Rooney (band) already used by item Q935905.
- Sogni (film) (d:q418809 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Sonho already used by item Q36348.
- Live @ KlangArt 2 (d:q3835164 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Live @ KlangArt already used by item Q2735833.
- Padishar Creel (d:q3888747 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Minor Humans in Shannara already used by item Q6869100.
- Raikou (d:q2090128 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Raikou, Entei et Suicune already used by item Q1261997.
- Sonata per pianoforte n. 19 (Beethoven) (d:q146396 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Piano Sonatas Nos. 19 and 20 (Beethoven) already used by item Q146492.
- Pena pecuniaria (d:q690133 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Amende already used by item Q5644797.
- Monte Echia (d:q2794197 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Castel dell'Ovo already used by item Q645041.
- Miscello di Ripe (d:q3858986 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:Miscel already used by item Q5790750.
- Regno dei Funghi (d:q2328785 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Super Mario (series) already used by item Q4802838.
- Sevel (d:q3480791 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Sevel already used by item Q2596793.
- Invasioni barbariche (d:q1221354 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Invasions barbares already used by item Q131192.
- Orso Bartholomew (d:q2619359 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Capitaines corsaires already used by item Q2084374.
- Regione centrale (Uganda) (d:q429685 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Districts of Uganda already used by item Q3539870.
- The Early Singles (Pink Floyd) (d:q2619741 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cswiki:Shine On (album, Pink Floyd) already used by item Q835054.
- Live Trax (d:q1956107 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Megadeth already used by item Q83431.
- Mandarino (colore) (d:q3844391 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:School bus yellow already used by item Q987293.
- Maresciallo di campo (d:q2579265 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Sotamarsalkka already used by item Q111837.
- Prescienza (d:q3402373 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Precognition already used by item Q520667.
- Nemici di Ben 10 (d:q3874601 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Personnages secondaires de Ben 10 already used by item Q435172.
- Teenagers from Mars (d:q3982565 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Static Age already used by item Q2634009.
- Sensual Seduction (d:q953403 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Sexual Eruption already used by item Q2275600.
- Pterophyllum leopoldi (d:q887504 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Pterophyllum already used by item Q214145.
- Ordine di San Giovanni del baliaggio di Brandeburgo (d:q4498889 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Balley Brandenburg des Ritterlichen Ordens St. Johannis vom Spital zu Jerusalem already used by item Q187549.
- Ryoko (d:q1169948 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Tenchi Muyo! characters already used by item Q2293739.
- Kiyone Makibi (d:q1172991 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Tenchi Muyo! characters already used by item Q2293739.
- Mihoshi Kuramitsu (d:q3857323 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Tenchi Muyo! characters already used by item Q2293739.
- Washu Hakubi (d:q4018488 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Tenchi Muyo! supporting characters already used by item Q3297138.
- Tenchi Masaki (d:q3983401 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Tenchi Muyo! characters already used by item Q2293739.
- Verde-giallo (d:q1406264 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Shades of green already used by item Q628657.
- Ocha ni gosu (d:q852615 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Hiroyuki Nishimori already used by item Q1153258.
- Verde Arlecchino (d:q3305070 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Shades of green already used by item Q628657.
- Rat Salad (d:q3930455 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Paranoid (album) already used by item Q271787.
- Mortal Kombat Advance (d:q3324551 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 already used by item Q1313980.
- OptiPNG (d:q739707 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Portable Network Graphics already used by item Q178051.
- Verde smeraldo (d:q2465494 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Shades of green already used by item Q628657.
- Rathaus Spandau (d:q7152946 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Rathaus Spandau (Berlin U-Bahn) already used by item Q650704.
- Malibu Comics (d:q1414981 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ruwiki:Punisher Kills the Marvel Universe already used by item Q4047642.
- Ripetizione in tandem (d:q3456514 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Short tandem repeat already used by item Q427199.
- Verde mimetico (d:q4009899 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Shades of green already used by item Q628657.
- Q (James Bond) (d:q287297 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Figuren aus James-Bond-Filmen already used by item Q1412102.
- Ponte Leccia (d:q3907982 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Morosaglia already used by item Q270675.
- Statistiche dei piloti di Formula 1 (d:q3328813 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Formel-1-Statistik already used by item Q174108.
- Teorema della funzione inversa (d:q931001 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Satz von der impliziten Funktion already used by item Q848375.
- VVT-iE (d:q4007086 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:VVT-i already used by item Q2312817.
- Ridondanza (ingegneria) (d:q1204361 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Redundancja already used by item Q122192.
- Carico utile (d:q1436593 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link iawiki:Carga utile already used by item Q1424639.
- 'Ndrina Ruga (d:q3942364 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Ride already used by item Q349185.
- USB OTG (d:q1150103 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Universal Serial Bus already used by item Q42378.
- Pustola (d:q1172159 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Cutaneous condition already used by item Q949302.
- Sacro e profano (film 2008) (d:q946478 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Madonna (artist) already used by item Q1744.
- Trichomoniasi vaginale (d:q745865 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dawiki:Trichomonas vaginalis already used by item Q132595.
- Segreto messianico (d:q1169822 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Evangelium nach Markus already used by item Q107388.
- Volcanalia (d:q2553618 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Vulcan (mythology) already used by item Q4640.
- True Tears (d:q286051 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ruwiki:True Tears already used by item Q3911723.
- Numero semiperfetto primitivo (d:q2550888 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Semiperfect number already used by item Q2067166.
- Re (carte) (d:q516114 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link trwiki:King already used by item Q648768.
- Virtual XI World Tour (d:q2294453 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Virtual XI already used by item Q200725.
- Whiskerville (d:q4019492 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Duck universe already used by item Q11940.
- Zapan (d:q4023829 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Personnages de Gunnm already used by item Q1994133.
- Station-to-Shuttle Power Transfer System (d:q1519193 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Electrical system of the International Space Station already used by item Q5357747.
- Landmaster (Star Fox) (d:q1171240 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Star Fox (series) already used by item Q1501747.
- Medonte (d:q1155364 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link shwiki:Medon already used by item Q397744.
- Augusto di Schwarzburg-Sondershausen (d:q3629722 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:August I. von Schwarzburg-Sondershausen already used by item Q762023.
- Regione di Itasy (d:q573931 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link skwiki:Itasy already used by item Q4176881.
- U + Ur Hand (d:q2293305 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:I'm Not Dead already used by item Q159164.
- Template:Ghiacciaio (d:q6548399 - check) - Page was protected.
- Merozoite (d:q2296434 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Apicomplexa lifecycle stages already used by item Q140401.
- Shusuke Fuji (d:q3261190 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of The Prince of Tennis characters already used by item Q374080.
- Urluiu (d:q2304230 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Bogdana, Teleorman already used by item Q950842.
- Shuichiro Oishi (d:q1171203 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of The Prince of Tennis characters already used by item Q374080.
- Quinta battaglia dell'Isonzo (d:q775561 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Isonzoschlachten already used by item Q681517.
- Stele egizia (d:q3972842 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Estela already used by item Q178743.
- Lake Louise (d:q1367398 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Lake Louise already used by item Q415048.
- Knapsack (d:q3815907 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Backpack already used by item Q5843.
- Template:Catena montuosa (d:q6243636 - check) - Page was protected.
- Creek (One Piece) (d:q6303909 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Armada de Creek already used by item Q2861694.
- Lega Nazionale A (hockey su ghiaccio) (d:q3829472 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cswiki:National League A already used by item Q688866.
- LeathaFace: The Legends Underground (Part I) (d:q3829294 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Krayzie Bone already used by item Q529555.
- Pop-off (d:q2328278 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Turbolader already used by item Q185525.
- Ocosingo (d:q53543 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eowiki:Ocosingo (komunumo) already used by item Q53556.
- O2 Arena (Praga) (d:q692207 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:O2-arenan already used by item Q5364202.
- Sentinel (d:q250178 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cswiki:Sentinel already used by item Q287891.
- 2x2 (d:q3598738 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Cuatrobrazos already used by item Q5793415.
- Saint Margaret's Chapel (d:q2061784 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Edinburgh Castle already used by item Q212065.
- Bestiale (d:q3639060 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Bestia (personaje de Ben 10) already used by item Q5727253.
- Inferno (Ben 10) (d:q3798498 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Fuego (Omnitrix) already used by item Q5870023.
- Segreto bancario svizzero (d:q689125 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Banking in Switzerland already used by item Q674304.
- Ottone III (disambigua) (d:q399829 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Liste der Herrscher namens Otto already used by item Q1432179.
- Yamaha XS 850 (d:q4022449 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Yamaha XS750 already used by item Q1423630.
- Spettroscopia Raman (d:q862228 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Diffusion Raman already used by item Q466824.
- Ritsuko Akagi (d:q2550924 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Neon Genesis Evangelion characters already used by item Q1142683.
- Sharpay Evans (d:q2296163 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Anexo:Lista de personagens de High School Musical already used by item Q2287094.
- Tel'aran'rhiod (d:q3517240 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Wheel of Time locations already used by item Q2249508.
- Rotolone (d:q3941790 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Cannonbolt already used by item Q5747570.
- Gigante (Ben 10) (d:q3764053 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Muy Grande already used by item Q5398934.
- Idem (personaggio) (d:q3791794 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Ditto (personaje de Ben 10) already used by item Q5811519.
- Marina (One Piece) (d:q2628117 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link idwiki:Daftar karakter One Piece already used by item Q83490.
- Siming Neijiaquan (d:q1663990 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Neijia already used by item Q3263658.
- Still Life (film 2005) (d:q3973566 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Still Life (2006) already used by item Q1371155.
- Too Raw for Retail (d:q3993363 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Krayzie Bone already used by item Q529555.
- Organizzazione della Cooperazione Centro-Asiatica (d:q2297670 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Eurasian Economic Community already used by item Q473996.
- L'urlo del gatto (d:q3820117 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Goosebumps Series 2000 already used by item Q2314792.
- Seno (matematica) (d:q152415 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nowiki:Trigonometriske funksjoner already used by item Q93344.
- Preservazione provvidenziale della Bibbia (d:q3910956 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Divine providence already used by item Q866338.
- Rachel Gatina (d:q2299566 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of One Tree Hill characters already used by item Q2750149.
- The Angus Drive (d:q1954191 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Avril Lavigne discography already used by item Q599239.
- Legge di potenza (d:q556382 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Machtsfunctie already used by item Q428971.
- Personaggi di Fullmetal Alchemist (d:q848444 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Anexo:Lista de personagens de Fullmetal Alchemist already used by item Q373202.
- Riti dei Masai (d:q3937271 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Maasai mythology already used by item Q6721220.
- Ophisurus serpens (d:q3884109 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Serpent eel already used by item Q2051566.
- Macy's Day Parade (d:q2304850 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Warning (Green Day album) already used by item Q213694.
- Prezzo di mercato (d:q180107 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Taloudellinen tasapaino already used by item Q836133.
- Template:Discografia (d:q5657873 - check) - Page was protected.
- Vita sintetica (d:q1067150 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Synthetic biology already used by item Q862838.
- Pancreatite acuta (d:q854573 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Pankreatitis already used by item Q1527888.
- Riflettori radar (d:q1249999 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Catadioptre already used by item Q6460983.
- Zhoujia Tanglangquan (d:q986233 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Zuidelijke bidsprinkhaanstijl already used by item Q1152016.
- Soprano drammatico (d:q2164335 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Soprano already used by item Q30903.
- Valdostani (d:q1403351 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Aosta Valley already used by item Q1222.
- Subliminal Records (d:q3976523 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Erick Morillo already used by item Q739896.
- Yuko Ichihara (d:q2298337 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of xxxHolic characters already used by item Q3900443.
- Luigi di Guisa (d:q3840290 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Louis de Lorraine already used by item Q1724462.
- Vatsiputriya (d:q4009018 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Pudgalavada already used by item Q1638029.
- Nekla (d:q554075 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Nekla (gmina) already used by item Q1005827.
- Piecki (d:q556805 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Piecki already used by item Q1211628.
- Postomino (d:q557778 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Postomino already used by item Q1660636.
- Pyzdry (d:q554788 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Pyzdry (gmina) already used by item Q990779.
- Temptation (Emigrate) (d:q3983362 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Emigrate (album) already used by item Q898275.
- Ursus arctos gobiensis (d:q1533533 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Karhu already used by item Q36341.
- Srokowo (d:q554050 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Srokowo already used by item Q390746.
- My World (Emigrate) (d:q3868920 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Emigrate (album) already used by item Q898275.
- Walce (d:q2605858 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Walzen (Oberschlesien) already used by item Q2547707.
- Virginia Dighero (d:q1403436 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Italian supercentenarians already used by item Q2405838.
- Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Jungle Storm (d:q1828342 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link glwiki:Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon already used by item Q1422301.
- Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Desert Siege (d:q2604001 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link glwiki:Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon already used by item Q1422301.
- Rosa arancio (d:q5402922 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Peach (color) already used by item Q5148721.
- Walter Noll (d:q1403491 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Walter Noll (Mathematiker) already used by item Q2545647.
- Aula (chiesa) (d:q607600 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Nef already used by item Q188714.
- Archon (d:q357829 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Archon already used by item Q346450.
- Lista dei poeti russofoni (d:q2727246 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Liste russischsprachiger Schriftsteller already used by item Q935820.
- Personaggi di One Piece (d:q83490 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Anexo:Lista de personagens de One Piece already used by item Q432142.
- Murdoc Nicalls (d:q2628482 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Murdoc already used by item Q3099306.
- Parasite Dolls (d:q1353054 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link jawiki:A.D.POLICE already used by item Q289871.
- Terza via (fascismo) (d:q695868 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Derde Weg already used by item Q494792.
- Tigre celtica (d:q855736 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Wirtschaft Irlands already used by item Q8062.
- Polso paradosso (d:q2550477 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Puls already used by item Q191733.
- Zelgadis Greywords (d:q1403453 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Slayers characters already used by item Q1060490.
- Pneumotorace iperteso (d:q440153 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Pneumothorax already used by item Q203601.
- Sonsorol (isola) (d:q2299763 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Sonsorol already used by item Q866699.
- Villa Arnaldi (d:q2298571 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Villa Arnaldi already used by item Q2524813.
- Klik & Play (d:q1774378 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Klik already used by item Q1253866.
- Seconda guerra balcanica (d:q184183 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Balkanoorlogen already used by item Q165725.
- Live at Gilman Street (d:q3835253 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Green Day discography already used by item Q857064.
- Top Gear (videogioco) (d:q2721899 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Top Gear already used by item Q910.
- Sweet Children (d:q1047882 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Green Day already used by item Q47871.
- Ratto talpa (d:q2469570 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:Cryptomys already used by item Q136488.
- Template:PermissionOTRS (d:q6588199 - check) - Page was protected.
- Windows Live Account (d:q4020357 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Microsoft account already used by item Q641542.
- TruPrevent Technologies (d:q3999807 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Panda Security already used by item Q666869.
- Smoker (d:q2727057 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Marine (One Piece) already used by item Q2311695.
- The Cinema Show (d:q2306237 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Selling England by the Pound already used by item Q750081.
- Tolstaja (d:q2439444 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Tolstoy (disambiguation) already used by item Q34509.
- Nervo frenico (d:q737313 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link trwiki:Nervus phrenicus already used by item Q6098602.
- Read My Lips (Sophie Ellis-Bextor) (d:q387122 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ukwiki:Theaudience already used by item Q1743540.
- One Eyed Jacks (d:q3882497 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Twin Peaks already used by item Q2085.
- Shinobu Miyake (d:q5962441 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Urusei Yatsura characters already used by item Q2302027.
- Regioni della Turchia (d:q1328578 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Geographical regions of Turkey already used by item Q155991.
- Stop Drop and Roll!!! (d:q2553912 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Foxboro Hot Tubs already used by item Q1003262.
- Unwanted (d:q2558989 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Let Go (Avril Lavigne album) already used by item Q213039.
- Zino Davidoff (d:q124135 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Davidoff already used by item Q501422.
- Quinto Servilio Cepione (console 140 a.C.) (d:q3927955 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Quintus Servilius Caepio (consul en -140) already used by item Q1494921.
- Takashi Kawamura (d:q1404889 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of The Prince of Tennis characters already used by item Q374080.
- Quan Chi (d:q2721594 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Personnages de Mortal Kombat already used by item Q3781077.
- Stuart Richardson (d:q1407544 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Lostprophets already used by item Q18852.
- Shinnok (d:q2727803 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Mortal Kombat characters already used by item Q1051987.
- Security market line (d:q848344 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Capital Asset Pricing Model already used by item Q848354.
- Shutaro Mendo (d:q4388000 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Urusei Yatsura characters already used by item Q2302027.
- Sektor (d:q2477510 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Personnages de Mortal Kombat already used by item Q3781077.
- Zaglossus robustus (d:q2551107 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link simplewiki:Long-beaked echidna already used by item Q784836.
- RenderMan (d:q1779394 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link zhwiki:PRMan already used by item Q855971.
- Subaru Sumeragi (d:q2308692 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Personnages de X already used by item Q2501890.
- Legatus legionis (d:q1404897 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link bswiki:Legatus legionis already used by item Q212624.
- Palmon (d:q2325033 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Liste des personnages de Digimon Adventure already used by item Q1276765.
- Sfintere esofageo inferiore (d:q3958693 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Cardia already used by item Q1542842.
- Ynys Vectis (d:q4022786 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:History of the Isle of Wight already used by item Q5869574.
- Volto segreto (d:q4016340 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Masque (homonymie) already used by item Q173815.
- Taurus (d:q111104 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link euwiki:Taurus already used by item Q172556.
- Nose tackle (d:q1407076 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Tackle already used by item Q24976.
- Melodifestivalen 2007 (d:q2302218 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Zweden op het Eurovisiesongfestival 2007 already used by item Q2468586.
- Storia del Gruppo Fiat (d:q3973924 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Groupe Fiat already used by item Q940689.
- Riza Hawkeye (d:q3434022 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Anexo:Lista de personagens de Fullmetal Alchemist already used by item Q373202.
- Arwing (d:q1406624 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Star Fox (series) already used by item Q1501747.
- Julia Winter (d:q270980 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (film) already used by item Q218235.
- Ordine Costantiniano di San Giorgio (d:q3885148 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Konstantinorden already used by item Q1329801.
- Radio Disney Jams 10 (d:q3928734 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Radio Disney Jams series already used by item Q1408540.
- Tonty (d:q1424037 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Ankronikka already used by item Q214107.
- Mail on Sunday (d:q3278180 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:The Mail on Sunday already used by item Q2463285.
- Sinodo di Antiochia (d:q398215 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Synods of Antioch already used by item Q1988085.
- Torcibruco (d:q2551547 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Liste des personnages de Mario already used by item Q603432.
- Pikmin 2 (d:q1196801 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Pikmin already used by item Q1198484.
- Se stiamo insieme (singolo) (d:q3953504 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Riccardo Cocciante already used by item Q471344.
- Same Difference (d:q1936126 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Same Difference already used by item Q3470729.
- Lust (d:q3840906 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Anexo:Lista de personagens de Fullmetal Alchemist already used by item Q373202.
- Make It Rain (d:q3843637 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Me, Myself & I (album) already used by item Q2076728.
- Raiga Kurosuki (d:q3929546 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Ninja World already used by item Q1088263.
- Radio Audizioni Italiane (d:q3928691 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:Radiotelevisione Italiana already used by item Q19616.
- Slip (biancheria intima) (d:q6582103 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link gnwiki:Chulu already used by item Q198763.
- Palo di fondazione (d:q3102562 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cswiki:Pilota already used by item Q1129209.
- Regola della presa della mano destra (d:q457901 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Right-hand rule already used by item Q1366301.
- Point of No Return (Frank Sinatra) (d:q2897555 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Point of no return (disambiguation) already used by item Q183461.
- L.I.F.E. (d:q3820167 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:VYP (Voice of the Young People) already used by item Q2547216.
- Macrocito (d:q3842169 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Makrozytose already used by item Q1886493.
- Tell Arqa (d:q2637191 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Arqa already used by item Q675858.
- McGraw-Hill, Publishing Group Italia (d:q868587 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link huwiki:McGraw-Hill already used by item Q1175211.
- San Andreas (Grand Theft Auto) (d:q2090000 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas already used by item Q83265.
- Souther (d:q2303567 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Fist of the North Star characters already used by item Q1185778.
- Template:Div col (d:q5889743 - check) - Page was protected.
- Template:Div col end (d:q5899344 - check) - Page was protected.
- Cottage (d:q5783996 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Vakantiehuis already used by item Q1371789.
- Park Kul'tury-Radial'naja (d:q1341402 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Park Kultury (Moscow Metro) already used by item Q1340440.
- Voices (Disturbed) (d:q1445635 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link trwiki:The Sickness already used by item Q1025970.
- Sack (football americano) (d:q1854464 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Amerikansk fotboll already used by item Q41323.
- Komsilga (d:q999307 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link viwiki:Komsilga already used by item Q6428633.
- San Casimiro (Venezuela) (d:q2475546 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ltwiki:San Kasimiras already used by item Q3068584.
- Leonard Knight (d:q3830308 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Salvation Mountain already used by item Q1549866.
- Valerie Malone (d:q4994064 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Beverly Hills, 90210 characters already used by item Q2637263.
- Verbi Divini Minister (d:q1453021 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Minister (duchowny) already used by item Q1423891.
- Syphon Filter: Combat Ops (d:q3979173 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow already used by item Q1403142.
- Move This Mountain (d:q3866531 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Get Over You / Move This Mountain already used by item Q1409156.
- Perdita di eterozigosi (d:q2617554 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Heterozygotie already used by item Q501898.
- Inhuma (d:q2104143 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Inhuma already used by item Q1995938.
- Viper (cinema) (d:q4013866 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Digital cinematography already used by item Q1224918.
- Medusa (zoologia) (d:q30178 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ruwiki:Medusozoa already used by item Q6596143.
- Paul Arthurs (d:q1195785 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Oasis already used by item Q382890.
- Nucleosintesi delle supernovae (d:q1150817 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Nukleosynteesi already used by item Q471702.
- Media agency (d:q967140 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Advertising agency already used by item Q216931.
- Regno di Giuda e Israele (d:q3185305 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fjwiki:Na Matanitu Cokovata ni Isireli already used by item Q230407.
- Reticolo sarcoplasmatico (d:q2303537 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Endoplasmic reticulum already used by item Q79927.
- Pentola (d:q2366864 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Cookware and bakeware already used by item Q154038.
- Quadro (diritto) (d:q3926620 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Cadre (entreprise) already used by item Q999897.
- Membrana semipermeabile (d:q866317 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Semipermeabiliteit already used by item Q2599396.
- Regno di Pergamo (d:q2022162 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Attalid dynasty already used by item Q321029.
- MBK Europe (d:q2725930 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:MBK industrie already used by item Q225472.
- Proposte di riforma del genere in esperanto (d:q2561008 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Riisme already used by item Q590938.
- Like This (Marques Houston) (d:q3832337 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Veteran (album) already used by item Q4010465.
- L'uomo con la barba ma senza i capelli (d:q3820005 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Count Olaf's theater troupe already used by item Q2259816.
- Arenaria (zoologia) (d:q6629045 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Svart roskarl already used by item Q618751.
- La donna senza la barba ma con i capelli (d:q3822178 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Count Olaf's theater troupe already used by item Q2259816.
- Still Got the Blues (d:q1939451 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Gary Moore already used by item Q185147.
- Lugi (d:q1094816 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Vandaler already used by item Q42211.
- Tear It Up (d:q3981847 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Let's Get It: Thug Motivation 101 already used by item Q1939044.
- Unione economica e monetaria ovest-africana (d:q1929699 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Economic Community of West African States already used by item Q193272.
- Castoroides ohioensis (d:q1041043 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Castoroides already used by item Q1866419.
- Manosinistra (d:q1784468 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Main gauche already used by item Q1818243.
- Windows DreamScene (d:q1066247 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Windows Vista already used by item Q11230.
- Lepilemur (d:q3830736 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link trwiki:Oyuncu makigiller already used by item Q834470.
- Categoria:Televisione in Polonia (d:q7465312 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link szlwiki:Kategoryjo:Polske telewizyjne stacyje already used by item Q7465387.
- Spike Spiegel (d:q2570349 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Personnages de Cowboy Bebop already used by item Q749192.
- Porsche 909 Bergspyder (d:q1968938 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Porsche 907 already used by item Q1888233.
- What It Do (d:q4019278 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:I Need Mine already used by item Q1132446.
- Risoluzione DNS inversa (d:q1388487 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Domain Name System already used by item Q8767.
- Nikki e Paulo (d:q51321 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Paulo (Lost) already used by item Q51322.
- Personaggi di Hitman 2: Silent Assassin (d:q3900316 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Hitman characters already used by item Q6573298.
- Penetranza incompleta (d:q3899047 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Penetrance already used by item Q516389.
- Rose e Bernard (d:q51343 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Rose Henderson already used by item Q51344.
- Spazio intergalattico (d:q167287 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Outer space already used by item Q4169.
- Mitospora (d:q1451834 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Conidium already used by item Q612960.
- Shran (d:q2573029 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of minor recurring characters in Star Trek: Enterprise already used by item Q1613623.
- Masini (d:q1206803 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Masini already used by item Q6783289.
- Lolla (d:q286388 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Spelze already used by item Q1421859.
- Tamaran (d:q2305881 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:DC-Universum already used by item Q1152150.
- Star City (fumetto) (d:q1419655 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:DC-Universum already used by item Q1152150.
- Segni di terra (d:q3408380 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Astrological sign already used by item Q1795024.
- Personaggi di Hitman: Blood Money (d:q3900315 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Hitman characters already used by item Q6573298.
- Man-At-Arms (d:q1453007 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Asemies already used by item Q579516.
- Provincia di Derna (d:q3924566 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Derna District already used by item Q26124.
- Provincia di Misurata (d:q3924628 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Misrata District already used by item Q32845.
- Isabella di Spagna (d:q398274 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Isabelle d'Espagne already used by item Q3155064.
- Mallgoth (d:q3843951 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Goth subculture already used by item Q212954.
- Zoey 101: Music Mix (d:q2310787 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Zoey 101 already used by item Q218281.
- UXGA (d:q1143979 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Graphics display resolution already used by item Q55804.
- Speed badminton (d:q1074830 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link huwiki:Speedminton already used by item Q1290731.
- Channidae (d:q503788 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link tlwiki:Dalag already used by item Q2305395.
- Piede torto congenito (d:q3902739 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Pied bot already used by item Q1162164.
- N.Y.P.D. (d:q3446234 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:New York City Police Department already used by item Q328473.
- Live at Hammersmith (Whitesnake) (d:q1766012 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Live...in the Heart of the City already used by item Q1970054.
- Lealista (d:q2555173 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Loyalist already used by item Q1872663.
- Sesquialtera (d:q1419646 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Register (Orgel) already used by item Q1446290.
- Walda (d:q2463414 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Lijst van koningen van Rohan already used by item Q2339226.
- Validatore (d:q4007970 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Validation des billets already used by item Q1345575.
- Lingua chamicura (d:q2155119 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link hrwiki:Chamicura already used by item Q5359703.
- Sant'Ippolito (d:q5403472 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Sant'Ippolito already used by item Q2369985.
- Sysyphus (d:q1586415 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link hewiki:Ummagumma already used by item Q206271.
- Zona speciale di conservazione (d:q1191622 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Vogelschutzrichtlinie already used by item Q5637838.
- Supremo (personaggio) (d:q1421468 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Gods (Marvel Comics) already used by item Q5410118.
- Organologo (d:q3885744 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Organology already used by item Q899293.
- Segretario generale del partito comunista (d:q3954365 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:General Secretary already used by item Q6501749.
- Lealisti dell'Impero Unito (d:q3829231 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Loyaliste already used by item Q2555173.
- Lucio Cornelio Lentulo Lupo (d:q3838832 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Lucius Cornelius Lentulus Lupus already used by item Q1873583.
- Underflow (d:q4004597 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Arithmetic underflow already used by item Q669129.
- Lebkuchen (d:q2740122 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link hrwiki:Licitar already used by item Q3068890.
- Maria di Coucy (d:q2465095 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Maria van Coucy already used by item Q433548.
- Love After Death (d:q3837728 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Bang Tango already used by item Q2270327.
- Valpolicella Ripasso (d:q1973962 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Valpolicella already used by item Q852467.
- Richard Wilkins (d:q2554169 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Buffy och vampyrerna already used by item Q183513.
- Ready to Go (Bang Tango) (d:q3930969 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Bang Tango already used by item Q2270327.
- Keith Wayne (d:q2344447 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Night of the Living Dead already used by item Q623051.
- YQ (d:q416478 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Australie already used by item Q408.
- Ministero dell'Interno (d:q1575872 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link idwiki:Daftar Menteri Dalam Negeri Italia already used by item Q1541071.
- Storia del campionato europeo di calcio (d:q3973954 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link hrwiki:Europsko prvenstvo u nogometu already used by item Q260858.
- SOS (d:q214266 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Morsecode already used by item Q79897.
- The Wizarding World of Harry Potter (d:q2290138 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Universal Orlando Resort already used by item Q778011.
- Pre-rilascio (d:q1193100 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Multitasking already used by item Q192969.
- Sahih (d:q2557051 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Hadith terminology already used by item Q5637909.
- The Lizzie McGuire Movie (colonna sonora) (d:q5179134 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:The Lizzie McGuire Movie already used by item Q743190.
- Supporto avanzato di rianimazione cardiovascolare (d:q379607 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Advanced Life Support already used by item Q4586939.
- NGC 6050 (d:q1080238 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Arp 272 already used by item Q698560.
- Colpo di Pechino (d:q3683705 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Beijing Coup already used by item Q1049741.
- Stephen Bury (d:q3973168 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Neal Stephenson already used by item Q312853.
- Una delle ultime sere di carnovale (d:q4004187 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Carlo Goldoni already used by item Q165534.
- Pedogenesi (entomologia) (d:q152840 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Neoteny already used by item Q603178.
- Uomini alla ventura (d:q4006120 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:What Price Glory? already used by item Q1209396.
- VDSL2 (d:q1444374 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Very High Speed Digital Subscriber Line already used by item Q823923.
- The Collection 1999-2006 (d:q1455866 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Sonata Arctica already used by item Q191660.
- The Court of the Crimson King (d:q2328111 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link hewiki:In the Court of the Crimson King already used by item Q212799.
- YYZ (d:q399772 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Toronto Pearson International Airport already used by item Q242066.
- Phil Leotardo (d:q2556991 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of The Sopranos characters already used by item Q288944.
- Paradosso asiatico (cardiologia) (d:q3895085 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Green tea already used by item Q484083.
- ProjeKct Six (d:q3922853 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:ProjeKcts already used by item Q2716130.
- Stepanova (d:q411679 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Stepanov already used by item Q1671194.
- The Meaning of Life (The Offspring) (d:q2558890 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Ixnay on the Hombre already used by item Q583876.
- ProjeKct Two (d:q1423949 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:ProjeKcts already used by item Q2716130.
- Wizards of Mickey (d:q137735 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Le Cycle des magiciens (Disney) already used by item Q137717.
- Rimm (d:q349053 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Rambus Inline Memory Module already used by item Q875237.
- Saurashtra (d:q1069636 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Kathiawarin niemimaa already used by item Q1408929.
- Pista Uno (d:q1291426 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Nations of Nineteen Eighty-Four already used by item Q2337419.
- Tender point (d:q3983410 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Fibromyalgia already used by item Q540571.
- Macropus (d:q174322 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link jbowiki:kanguru already used by item Q5070208.
- Regola di Ramsey (d:q1757797 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Modelo de crecimiento de Ramsey already used by item Q3137640.
- Lancia Delta (2008) (d:q1452549 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Lancia Delta already used by item Q897994.
- X: Beyond the Frontier (d:q1190522 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:X (Spieleserie) already used by item Q1383570.
- Renault N7Q e N7U (d:q3932863 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Volvo Modular engine already used by item Q3866398.
- La profezia del mago (d:q3823723 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Het zwaard van de waarheid already used by item Q255711.
- Membri della Marina (One Piece) (d:q2311695 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of One Piece characters already used by item Q83490.
- Vecchia teoria dei quanti (d:q2566926 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Quantenphysik already used by item Q1144457.
- Betancourt (d:q6466885 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Betancourt already used by item Q346827.
- Michelle Bauer Santos (d:q3856865 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Guiding Light already used by item Q1145764.
- Rick Bauer (d:q3934994 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Guiding Light characters already used by item Q3647789.
- Piastra neurale (d:q2314823 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Neurulation already used by item Q1388375.
- ROM (d:q139956 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link rowiki:Rom (dezambiguizare) already used by item Q359438.
- Paese (area geografica) (d:q6256 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frpwiki:Payis (L) already used by item Q842807.
- Videogiochi di Batman (d:q4011388 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Batman video games already used by item Q613112.
- Invincible (5ive) (d:q837061 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Invincible already used by item Q226841.
- Lan Mandragoran (d:q2829194 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Wheel of Time characters already used by item Q2116322.
- Izapa (d:q2334607 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Izapa already used by item Q2732564.
- Windows Internet Explorer 8 (d:q841259 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cswiki:Internet Explorer already used by item Q1575.
- Stigmata (d:q2349459 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Stigma already used by item Q218300.
- Rue Meridian (d:q3942316 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Shannara characters already used by item Q3931490.
- Revelations (d:q3458434 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ruwiki:Revelation already used by item Q405210.
- L'ultimo Halloween (d:q3819830 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Goosebumps Series 2000 already used by item Q2314792.
- Loial (d:q1451189 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Wheel of Time characters already used by item Q2116322.
- Rivoluzione di novembre (d:q170306 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link brwiki:Reveulzi spartakour already used by item Q313329.
- Keep on Galloping (d:q3814238 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Korven Kuningas already used by item Q641291.
- Minnie Goodsoup (d:q3858568 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Monkey Island (series) already used by item Q533239.
- Trix (Winx Club) (d:q723012 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Winx Club characters already used by item Q2727353.
- Morto ma non sepolto (d:q3865964 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Goosebumps Series 2000 already used by item Q2314792.
- Max (Beyblade) (d:q1450940 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Beyblade already used by item Q309386.
- Monkey D. Garp (d:q2327791 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Anexo:Lista de personagens de One Piece already used by item Q432142.
- RealD Cinema (d:q1420132 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:RealD already used by item Q3421578.
- Thriller Bark (d:q2557829 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of One Piece characters already used by item Q83490.
- Yoshikage Kira (d:q1450970 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Diamond Is Not Crash already used by item Q3026116.
- Nydam Mose (d:q457810 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Nydamskeppet already used by item Q3916477.
- Porche (d:q416695 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Kuisti already used by item Q816741.
- La notte dei mostri di fango (d:q3823376 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Goosebumps (original series) already used by item Q303476.
- Satana (Devilman) (d:q3950739 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Devilman already used by item Q2632547.
- Terrore dagli abissi n.2 (d:q3984788 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Goosebumps (original series) already used by item Q303476.
- Terrore dagli abissi (d:q2879800 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Goosebumps (original series) already used by item Q303476.
- Ponente (d:q1858399 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Wiatr already used by item Q8094.
- Wudangquan (d:q4021107 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Wudang chuan already used by item Q2324353.
- Metamorfosi totale (d:q3855503 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Goosebumps (original series) already used by item Q303476.
- Minaccia nel fango (d:q3858310 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Goosebumps (original series) already used by item Q303476.
- Periciclo (d:q2567471 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Wurzel (Pflanze) already used by item Q41500.
- Shadowgeist (d:q1428086 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Personnages de Street Fighter already used by item Q1188538.
- Thunder Hawk (d:q2558136 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Street Fighter characters already used by item Q1188538.
- Vendetta strisciante (d:q3236470 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Goosebumps (original series) already used by item Q303476.
- Un mostro in cucina (d:q4003959 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Goosebumps (original series) already used by item Q303476.
- Scimmia (zodiaco cinese) (d:q740674 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Chinesische Astrologie already used by item Q724950.
- La vendetta degli gnomi (d:q3824800 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Goosebumps (original series) already used by item Q303476.
- Nitrogenasi (flavodossina) (d:q3877384 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Nitrogenase (flavodoxin) already used by item Q4340843.
- Ossido nitrico sintasi (d:q3886826 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Nitric oxide synthase already used by item Q417619.
- Secret of Mana (d:q1800173 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Seiken Densetsu already used by item Q587964.
- When Love Comes to Town (d:q4019355 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:When Love Comes to Town already used by item Q2654626.
- Teoria del mondo a ferro-zolfo (d:q2327934 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Chemische Evolution already used by item Q231218.
- Posizione di Lucena (d:q2455683 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Turmendspiel already used by item Q1798173.
- TrackMania DS (d:q1432682 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:TrackMania already used by item Q813266.
- Finnforest (d:q6306095 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Finnforest already used by item Q2608438.
- Wasting Time (blink-182) (d:q1446124 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Cheshire Cat (Blink-182 album) already used by item Q835722.
- Altara (d:q7468074 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Wheel of Time locations already used by item Q2249508.
- Malkier (d:q3843945 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Wheel of Time locations already used by item Q2249508.
- Un sacchetto di biglie (d:q1451786 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Joseph Joffo already used by item Q740374.
- Shienar (d:q1451185 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Wheel of Time locations already used by item Q2249508.
- L'assassino abita al 21 (d:q2313239 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:L'assassin habite au 21 already used by item Q3204926.
- Robert Curry (d:q3938245 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Day26 already used by item Q175052.
- Lemmings (blink-182) (d:q1446055 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Dude Ranch (album) already used by item Q846755.
- Jenny Lang Ping (d:q2088815 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Lang Ping already used by item Q1804849.
- Uomini che odiano le donne (d:q678288 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Millennium-serien already used by item Q847022.
- Miriametro (d:q1970718 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:Metre already used by item Q11573.
- Lee Martin (disambigua) (d:q3228908 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Lee Robert Martin already used by item Q219372.
- Super tuscan (d:q2894856 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Tuscan wine already used by item Q532538.
- Personaggi de I Cavalieri dello zodiaco - The Lost Canvas - Il mito di Ade (d:q2724179 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Anexo:Lista de personagens de Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas already used by item Q1083283.
- Scarlet (d:q367268 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link iowiki:Skarlato already used by item Q2268159.
- Toki (Ken il guerriero) (d:q1436467 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Fist of the North Star characters already used by item Q1185778.
- Tyler Connolly (d:q2323768 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Theory of a Deadman already used by item Q744242.
- Xen (Half-Life) (d:q1194359 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Half-Life-universumin paikat already used by item Q2660212.
- Just a Moment (d:q3811526 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Street's Disciple already used by item Q1585563.
- Provincia Centrale (Papua Nuova Guinea) (d:q874942 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eowiki:Okcidenta Provinco (Papuo-Nov-Gvineo) already used by item Q849790.
- Ralph Cifaretto (d:q2725607 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of The Sopranos characters already used by item Q288944.
- Neuralterapia (d:q377130 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Neuraaltherapie already used by item Q2881369.
- La ragazza che giocava con il fuoco (d:q1137369 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nowiki:Jenta som lekte med ilden already used by item Q847022.
- Partecipanti Olimpici Indipendenti (d:q258438 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eowiki:Sendependaj olimpiaj partoprenantoj already used by item Q6587910.
- Udalguri (d:q4002578 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Odalguri already used by item Q2727362.
- Ingram MAC-11 (d:q2580436 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Ingram MAC already used by item Q864465.
- Naamloze Vennootschap (d:q1436139 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Naamloze vennootschap already used by item Q134161.
- The X Factor (Regno Unito) (d:q4431988 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cywiki:The X Factor already used by item Q5453652.
- Categoria:Scrittori indonesiani (d:q6502136 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Kategorie:Literatur (Indonesisch) already used by item Q6509201.
- Praefectus Vigilum (d:q5087350 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Praefectus vigilum already used by item Q2107371.
- Sior Todero brontolon (d:q3961954 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Carlo Goldoni already used by item Q165534.
- Tamriel (d:q777423 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cswiki:Elder Scrolls already used by item Q466530.
- Premio Stalin (d:q2329480 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:USSR State Prize already used by item Q758861.
- Lokkafelli (d:q3836491 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Eysturoy already used by item Q200939.
- Ritafjall (d:q3937256 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Eysturoy already used by item Q200939.
- Spyro the Dragon (d:q858391 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Spyro already used by item Q927422.
- Suikoden II (d:q3503174 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Suikoden (spelserie) already used by item Q209612.
- Just Let Go (d:q3811494 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Fischerspooner already used by item Q1420144.
- Rose (Street Fighter) (d:q2558257 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Personnages de Street Fighter already used by item Q1188538.
- Scratch and Bite (d:q3953040 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Treat (band) already used by item Q1171077.
- Poonch (d:q2575156 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Poonch already used by item Q2090315.
- Organized Crime (d:q3885664 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Treat (band) already used by item Q1171077.
- The Pleasure Principle (Treat) (d:q3988777 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Treat (band) already used by item Q1171077.
- Renesmee Cullen (d:q2456444 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Twilight characters already used by item Q371125.
- Strength in Numbers (Tyketto) (d:q3975994 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Tyketto already used by item Q1106996.
- Shego (d:q1188460 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Kim Possible characters already used by item Q240506.
- Sixty Years On (d:q3962424 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Elton John (album) already used by item Q1138432.
- The King Must Die (d:q3987824 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Elton John (album) already used by item Q1138432.
- Eastern Time Zone (d:q941023 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Zeitzone already used by item Q12143.
- The Cage (d:q3986167 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Elton John (album) already used by item Q1138432.
- The Greatest Discovery (d:q3987392 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Elton John (album) already used by item Q1138432.
- Keroro (personaggio) (d:q1192947 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Sgt. Frog characters already used by item Q908818.
- People of the Sun (d:q2577978 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link elwiki:Rage Against the Machine already used by item Q72092.
- Pesci (astrologia) (d:q1254190 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nowiki:Fiskene (stjernetegn) already used by item Q3380265.
- Veleno d'inchiostro (d:q2565832 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Tintenwelt-Trilogie already used by item Q632554.
- Kolonia (d:q514165 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Kolonia already used by item Q1210272.
- Basilio Giordano (d:q3635808 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Basilio Giordano already used by item Q4867438.
- Shark Attack 3 (d:q2321552 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Shark Attack (film) already used by item Q1439739.
- Scared Straight (d:q3951607 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Ten Foot Pole already used by item Q607475.
- Passenger (d:q340713 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Passenger already used by item Q598257.
- Ipermnesia (d:q3801516 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Spontaneous recovery (psychology) already used by item Q4138732.
- Maldini (d:q1887134 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Paolo Maldini already used by item Q483027.
- Sar-e Pol (d:q410727 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Sar-i Pul already used by item Q1467829.
- No More Tears (Enough Is Enough) (d:q2317968 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:No More Tears (Enough Is Enough) already used by item Q3545334.
- Scattering di neutroni (d:q1451740 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Neutronenstreuung already used by item Q910499.
- Jaoh (d:q3807084 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:A Lenda dos Defensores de Atena already used by item Q1442591.
- La sfera di cristallo (d:q2320838 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Goosebumps (original series) already used by item Q303476.
- Mano di mummia (d:q3844787 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Goosebumps (original series) already used by item Q303476.
- Lagoa da Prata (d:q1749899 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Lagoa da Prata (Azoren) already used by item Q1800464.
- Pimenta (d:q1635025 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Pimenta already used by item Q165199.
- Una giornata particolare (romanzo) (d:q3225223 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Goosebumps (original series) already used by item Q303476.
- Valentines (EP) (d:q1955971 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Rainbow (Mariah Carey album) already used by item Q570912.
- Un insopportabile ronzio (d:q4003889 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Goosebumps (original series) already used by item Q303476.
- Vergine dei Poveri (d:q1044403 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Banneux already used by item Q806889.
- UnOpened (d:q836611 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Ecliptica already used by item Q259383.
- Revelation (Journey) (d:q1449404 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Journey (musikalbum) already used by item Q1408341.
- Wolf & Raven (d:q898104 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Silence (Sonata Arctica album) already used by item Q1094330.
- Musica dell'oriente asiatico (d:q3868595 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Music of Asia already used by item Q525073.
- Last Drop Falls (d:q898099 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Silence (Sonata Arctica album) already used by item Q1094330.
- Lucas Entertainment (d:q3838352 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Lucas Entertainment already used by item Q363022.
- Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection (d:q2290448 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Tekken 5 already used by item Q1052488.
- Noesi (d:q2575530 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Nous already used by item Q835041.
- Template:Grotta (d:q6035036 - check) - Page was protected.
- Victoria's Secret (singolo) (d:q432310 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Winterheart's Guild already used by item Q2888860.
- Istituto Nazionale di Ricerche Spaziali (d:q3803654 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:National Institute for Space Research already used by item Q1108347.
- Lista di numeri 1 del mondo ATP (d:q583537 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Liste der Weltranglistenersten im Herrentennis already used by item Q1854270.
- Sphagnidae (d:q1422487 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:Esfagne already used by item Q30019.
- Viceammiraglio (d:q4011114 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Vice admiral already used by item Q214443.
- Soul Revolution Part II (d:q2779167 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Soul Revolution already used by item Q968352.
- Metropolitan (film) (d:q3855743 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Metropolitan (film, 1935) already used by item Q1448742.
- Storia della Toscana (d:q925552 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link glwiki:Toscana already used by item Q1273.
- Piano di campionamento (d:q2564360 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Zufallsstichprobe already used by item Q49908.
- Paralouatta marianae (d:q3895190 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Paralouatta already used by item Q1431061.
- Tommotiano (d:q2765305 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Cambrian already used by item Q79064.
- Kapela (d:q1286015 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Kapela already used by item Q6366539.
- Lampada di Wood (d:q961734 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Lampa Wooda already used by item Q3099563.
- Sistotremataceae (d:q80840 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Hydnaceae already used by item Q2466809.
- Jasin Todd (d:q3162856 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Shinedown already used by item Q1063812.
- Shanks (One Piece) (d:q2321523 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link idwiki:Daftar karakter One Piece already used by item Q83490.
- Rampur (d:q1487593 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Rampur already used by item Q443405.
- Manic Eden (album) (d:q3844626 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Manic Eden already used by item Q3844628.
- Italian Baseball League (d:q1133894 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Italian Baseball League already used by item Q2949872.
- Sebastian (d:q118765 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link vowiki:Sebastian already used by item Q4928170.
- Personaggi di Keroro (d:q908818 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Sgt. Frog already used by item Q582630.
- TrackMania Forever (d:q1452784 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:TrackMania already used by item Q813266.
- Tess Mercer (d:q1451047 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Personnages de Smallville already used by item Q461676.
- Lemurinae (d:q1077900 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Lemuridae already used by item Q186462.
- Never Ending Story (d:q3875125 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Mother Earth (album) already used by item Q129135.
- Terme di Agrippa (d:q518832 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Thermes d'Agrippa already used by item Q3523833.
- Rotore (elettrotecnica) (d:q193466 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eowiki:Rotoro already used by item Q397849.
- Vittoria Vetra (d:q1606225 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Angels & Demons already used by item Q182502.
- Will Truman (d:q2564330 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Will & Grace already used by item Q212135.
- E venne chiamata Due Cuori (d:q5961700 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Marlo Morgan already used by item Q268254.
- J. D. Edwards (d:q2456368 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ukwiki:Oracle JD Edwards EnterpriseOne already used by item Q4041726.
- My Medicine (d:q3868874 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Ego Trippin' already used by item Q908374.
- Mr. Precision (d:q3866811 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Rise Against already used by item Q246352.
- Sao Feng (d:q2732063 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Pirates of the Caribbean characters already used by item Q2632661.
- Windows NT 6.0 (d:q408315 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Windows NT already used by item Q486487.
- Osteodontornis orri (d:q3886904 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Osteodontornis already used by item Q1068980.
- Motonautica ai Giochi olimpici (d:q3866328 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Motonautisme aux Jeux olympiques already used by item Q765662.
- Niemand (d:q3876665 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Ego (album) already used by item Q2726029.
- Tito Flavio Sabino (d:q405499 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Titus Flavius Sabinus already used by item Q2437128.
- Post hoc ergo propter hoc (d:q732404 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Cum hoc ergo propter hoc already used by item Q310486.
- Mal di stomaco (d:q3843721 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Tradimento already used by item Q3997176.
- Sankt Wolfgang (disambigua) (d:q1206888 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Sankt Wolfgang already used by item Q548507.
- Ricky Brown (d:q3935045 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Rickey Brown already used by item Q3935035.
- Network society (d:q2740984 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link slwiki:Virtualna skupnost already used by item Q210980.
- SSID (d:q1043562 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:IEEE 802.11 already used by item Q193228.
- Vuoto legislativo (d:q2995606 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Vide juridique already used by item Q830480.
- Serratula tinctoria (d:q7215753 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link rowiki:Serratula already used by item Q118158.
- Tailleur (d:q1452217 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Suit (clothing) already used by item Q614806.
- JD Stuart (d:q3805210 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:36 Crazyfists already used by item Q227525.
- Uomo Tigre II (d:q4006163 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Tiger Mask already used by item Q1211572.
- Miura (gruppo musicale) (d:q3859589 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Diego Galeri already used by item Q1220429.
- Star Wars: Bounty Hunter (d:q55219 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Star-Wars-Spiele already used by item Q54300.
- Strada di Birmania (d:q2030584 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Bataille de Latroun (1948) already used by item Q2096397.
- The Approaching Curve (d:q3985683 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:The Sufferer & the Witness already used by item Q303144.
- Windows 4.x (d:q4020350 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Windows 9x already used by item Q609733.
- Storia delle campagne dell'esercito romano (d:q2328983 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Rooman sotahistoria already used by item Q1114493.
- Sakastan (d:q3945171 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Sistan already used by item Q757169.
- The Black Swan (d:q3986007 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Black swan (disambiguation) already used by item Q227531.
- Temptations (Tupac Shakur) (d:q2672776 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link hewiki:The Temptations already used by item Q846373.
- Basketbol'nyj klub Spartak Sankt-Peterburg (d:q5391248 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:BK Spartak Pietari already used by item Q796205.
- Pedra Azul (d:q1650924 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Pedra Azul already used by item Q2066328.
- Presa di Lepanto (1603) (d:q3910855 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Battle of Modon already used by item Q2597432.
- Piano focale (d:q1928801 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eowiki:Obturatoro already used by item Q691823.
- Oakland Raiders 2008 (d:q3880355 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:2008 Oakland Raiders season already used by item Q4611694.
- Modelli nucleari (d:q3859832 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Atomic nucleus already used by item Q37147.
- Potere politico (d:q2101636 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Power (social and political) already used by item Q25107.
- Problema del terminale nascosto (d:q2565413 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Avoidance already used by item Q944633.
- Zwergschnauzer (d:q38999 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Schnauzer already used by item Q38421.
- Radical chic (d:q667229 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link elwiki:Gauche caviar already used by item Q3052630.
- Supercella (d:q747894 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Gewitter already used by item Q2857578.
- Yog-Sothoth (d:q621413 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Cthulhu-Mythos already used by item Q12038.
- Tracy Strauss (d:q2483204 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Luettelo televisiosarjan Heroes hahmoista already used by item Q1538416.
- Sottovuoto generazionale (d:q3965319 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Dari (Italian band) already used by item Q3702524.
- Myth II: Soulblighter (d:q2331763 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Myth (Computerspiel) already used by item Q2165032.
- Nazionale di pallacanestro dell'Inghilterra (d:q3589695 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:England men's national basketball team already used by item Q2736656.
- Sage (I Cavalieri dello zodiaco) (d:q3944808 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Anexo:Lista de Cavaleiros de Atena already used by item Q3359024.
- The Wolf is Loose (d:q3990065 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Blood Mountain (album) already used by item Q885135.
- Saints Row 2 (d:q2006628 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Saints Row already used by item Q683841.
- MacBook Air Late 2008 (d:q3841918 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:MacBook Air already used by item Q488192.
- Mimi Tachikawa (d:q2779377 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Liste des personnages de Digimon Adventure already used by item Q1276765.
- Pedro Barbosa (d:q942727 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Pedro Barbosa already used by item Q7159469.
- Izzy Izumi (d:q3432987 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Liste des personnages de Digimon Adventure already used by item Q1276765.
- Recioto di Gambellara (d:q1606991 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Vin de paille already used by item Q1058490.
- Takeshi Momoshiro (d:q1469865 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of The Prince of Tennis characters already used by item Q374080.
- Supercentenari francesi (d:q1463483 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Supercentenaire already used by item Q1200828.
- Terry Ollis (d:q3984821 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Hawkwind already used by item Q285966.
- Lady Fantasy (d:q1606447 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Mirage (Camel album) already used by item Q1753605.
- Ken Ichijouji (d:q2356454 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Zero Two already used by item Q715731.
- Kari Kamiya (d:q3190648 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Digimonin sivuhahmot already used by item Q3900276.
- Tai Kamiya (d:q2291498 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Liste des personnages de Digimon Adventure already used by item Q1276765.
- Volta Bianco (d:q1259188 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Volta (Fluss) already used by item Q192415.
- Time Again (d:q1511974 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Time Again already used by item Q3528922.
- Storia di Palau (d:q2090069 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Palau already used by item Q695.
- Stretch Films (d:q3976007 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:John R. Dilworth already used by item Q2734593.
- Microsoft Office 2010 (d:q689579 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Microsoft Office already used by item Q11255.
- Salty la foca (d:q3945855 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Mickey Mouse universe already used by item Q2634715.
- Macropinocitosi (d:q3842184 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Pinocytosis already used by item Q321362.
- Zazu (d:q2576258 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of The Lion King characters already used by item Q2640658.
- Microsoft Kids (d:q3857016 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Microsoft Home already used by item Q641579.
- Tuck & Roll (d:q4000164 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:A Bug's Life already used by item Q216153.
- Podoscyphaceae (d:q80901 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Polyporales already used by item Q1343309.
- Scolapasta (d:q1057060 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Sieb already used by item Q381155.
- Ornithodira (d:q133190 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Avemetatarsalia already used by item Q133187.
- Insegna (diritto) (d:q1607773 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Signage already used by item Q1211272.
- Insegna (diritto) (d:q1607773 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Signage already used by item Q1211272.
- Ryuk (d:q2328583 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Luettelo Death Noten hahmoista already used by item Q6453043.
- Troy Bolton (d:q3541019 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of High School Musical characters already used by item Q2287094.
- Project64 (d:q2318870 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Nintendo-64-Emulator already used by item Q1993135.
- Oberdrum (d:q3880488 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Oberlienz already used by item Q690195.
- Netto (d:q32032 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Netto already used by item Q1978779.
- Romanzo cortese (d:q5147136 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Romance (heroic literature) already used by item Q738473.
- Supernova di tipo Ia (d:q582000 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Supernova already used by item Q3937.
- NoiseMaker Compilation - Laboratorio 1 (d:q718494 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link huwiki:Benessere 1 already used by item Q4027470.
- Shinigami (Death Note) (d:q2287182 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Luettelo Death Noten hahmoista already used by item Q6453043.
- Rafiki (d:q326075 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of The Lion King characters already used by item Q2640658.
- Runebergintorttu (d:q1817903 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Johan Ludvig Runeberg already used by item Q215339.
- Personaggi de I maghi di Waverly (d:q2734276 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Alex Russo already used by item Q384512.
- WWE The Great American Bash 2008 (d:q2430825 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:WWE The Bash already used by item Q5585467.
- Renamon (d:q2569520 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Digimon Tamers characters already used by item Q3253021.
- Pip Pirrup (d:q47908 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of students at South Park Elementary already used by item Q47653.
- Pura lana vergine (d:q3925894 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Woolmark already used by item Q3569876.
- Seguidillas (d:q3954441 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Seguidilla already used by item Q1973457.
- Let 'Em Know (d:q2335860 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Papa Roach discography already used by item Q1956250.
- Territorio occupato (d:q2577883 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Military occupation already used by item Q188686.
- Uomo Nucleare (d:q4006158 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Superman IV: The Quest for Peace already used by item Q1123006.
- Katsuwonus pelamis (d:q633957 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nawiki:Iy already used by item Q152.
- Stato di Palestina (d:q219060 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Palestina (land) already used by item Q407199.
- Ufficio degli Affari Speciali (d:q1810214 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Scientologie already used by item Q131036.
- Ultraforce (serie animata) (d:q4003267 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Ultraforce already used by item Q4003269.
- Ontologia (fisica) (d:q3882784 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Physicalism already used by item Q269114.
- Un barattolo mostruoso n.2 (d:q4003695 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Goosebumps (original series) already used by item Q303476.
- Mercedes-Benz M157 (d:q3854903 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Mercedes-Benz M 152/M 157/M 278 already used by item Q1138036.
- Ducati 1198 (d:q5780728 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Ducati 1098/1198 already used by item Q648431.
- Linea Rinkai (d:q3832729 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Tokyo Waterfront Area Rapid Transit Rinkai Line already used by item Q225095.
- The March of the Black Queen (d:q834262 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Queen II already used by item Q223181.
- La serva amorosa (d:q3824142 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Carlo Goldoni already used by item Q165534.
- Partito Socialista Italiano (disambigua) (d:q2055014 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Italian Socialist Party already used by item Q590750.
- The Pearl (d:q1208837 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Pearl (disambiguation) already used by item Q232412.
- La perla (d:q3823533 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Pearl (disambiguation) already used by item Q232412.
- Miles gloriosus (d:q1230918 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Miles Gloriosus already used by item Q1786372.
- Protesi transradiale (d:q3924229 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Prosthesis already used by item Q181802.
- Widescreen signaling (d:q3525157 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:PALplus already used by item Q1657380.
- Template:= (d:q5406510 - check) - Page was protected.
- Tradimento (reato) (d:q160128 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cswiki:Zrada already used by item Q2166722.
- Inside Out (d:q452671 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Inside Out already used by item Q783088.
- Terraformazione di Venere (d:q917241 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Venuskolonisation already used by item Q5983202.
- Blumberg (disambigua) (d:q4869655 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Bloomberg already used by item Q4869501.
- The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night (d:q2329197 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Spyro already used by item Q927422.
- Tognone (d:q2334015 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Mickey Mouse family already used by item Q6838744.
- Jubbal (d:q2286859 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Jubbal already used by item Q3187887.
- Pic Carlit (d:q2476121 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Ravensburger already used by item Q697136.
- Sterlina maltese (d:q3973268 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Maltese lira already used by item Q174467.
- Capra messinese (d:q5874135 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of goat breeds already used by item Q198442.
- Walter A. Brown Trophy (d:q2576471 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of NBA champions already used by item Q2626167.
- Argentata dell'Etna (d:q5873263 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of goat breeds already used by item Q198442.
- Leprechaun (personaggio) (d:q3830748 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Leprechaun (franchise) already used by item Q1763934.
- Signoria di Cesarea (d:q1608299 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Vassals of the Kingdom of Jerusalem already used by item Q1419627.
- The Dawning of Mournful Hymns (d:q3986532 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Mournful Congregation already used by item Q2278773.
- Shin (Ken il guerriero) (d:q2333048 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Personnages de Ken le survivant already used by item Q1185778.
- The Monad of Creation (d:q3988366 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Mournful Congregation already used by item Q2278773.
- Derivata di Siria (d:q5874156 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of goat breeds already used by item Q198442.
- Presidenti delle Isole Marshall (d:q718550 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Wyspy Marshalla already used by item Q709.
- Ren Tao (d:q3515394 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Shaman King characters already used by item Q2334111.
- Jasdan (d:q1714838 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:Jasdan already used by item Q1683756.
- Matt Pelissier (d:q1207885 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link simplewiki:My Chemical Romance already used by item Q483285.
- Lettiera (d:q2512035 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Serrapilheira already used by item Q911285.
- Martin Beck Award (d:q1616499 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Schwedischer Krimipreis already used by item Q1790354.
- Nokia 3650 (d:q1761879 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link tlwiki:Nokia 3600/3650 already used by item Q5988354.
- Progetto Azzurro (d:q3922689 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:The Stand already used by item Q149552.
- Protovangelo (d:q3924351 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Gospel of James already used by item Q328435.
- Shepton Mallet (d:q1236661 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Simon Browne already used by item Q5587952.
- Rhonin (d:q819980 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Personnages de Warcraft already used by item Q301885.
- Serbatoio (acquedotto) (d:q6501028 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cswiki:Vodojem already used by item Q274153.
- Nymphomyia (d:q5317788 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ruwiki:Nymphomyiidae already used by item Q1936442.
- Stato insulare (d:q112099 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eowiki:Listo de insulaj nacioj already used by item Q6859151.
- Jizan (d:q27660 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Jizan (provins) already used by item Q269973.
- Istone-arginina N-metiltransferasi (d:q3803868 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Histone-arginine N-methyltransferase already used by item Q4463911.
- Wiener Sportklub (d:q4019705 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ltwiki:Wiener SK already used by item Q266962.
- Lucy (personaggio) (d:q3839048 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Elfen Lied already used by item Q214771.
- Val-Hala (d:q4007299 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Empty Sky already used by item Q1753065.
- PlayStation Portable 3000 (d:q2737730 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:PlayStation Portable already used by item Q170325.
- Teena Mulder (d:q3982561 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of The X-Files characters already used by item Q368992.
- Western Ford Gateway (d:q4019179 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Empty Sky already used by item Q1753065.
- Western Ford Gateway (d:q4019179 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Empty Sky already used by item Q1753065.
- The Sims (serie) (d:q3989301 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Liste des jeux Sim already used by item Q3250387.
- Lady What's Tomorrow? (d:q3825501 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Empty Sky already used by item Q1753065.
- Palatua (d:q3889398 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Pales (Mythologie) already used by item Q654604.
- Umanesimo secolare (d:q312226 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Humanismus already used by item Q46158.
- Neu! 2 (d:q1979123 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link elwiki:Neu! already used by item Q181874.
- Sakura Kasugano (d:q2450317 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Personnages de Street Fighter already used by item Q1188538.
- Neu! 4 (d:q1819448 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link elwiki:Neu! already used by item Q181874.
- Sineus e Truvor (d:q2738563 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Riourik already used by item Q7990.
- Spyro Fusion (d:q3967342 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Crash Bandicoot Purple: Ripto's Rampage and Spyro Orange: The Cortex Conspiracy already used by item Q1052116.
- Sciroforione (d:q2335707 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Attic calendar already used by item Q758195.
- For the love of God (d:q6400207 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link mkwiki:For the Love of God already used by item Q262784.
- Stormo (d:q120997 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Schwarmverhalten already used by item Q3851846.
- Sprattus sprattus (d:q506823 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link afwiki:Sprot already used by item Q4725619.
- Pista di atletica leggera (d:q1754240 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Atletismo already used by item Q542.
- Westerland (d:q350712 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Westerland (Alemanha) already used by item Q27998.
- Yu~ki (d:q2576952 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Malice Mizer already used by item Q853545.
- L'ora di Hitchcock (d:q3819650 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Alfred Hitchcock Presents already used by item Q1247206.
- Nokia 3110 (d:q2578057 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Nokia 3110 Classic already used by item Q1766174.
- Proceleusmatico (d:q5873546 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Versfot already used by item Q1651051.
- The Kingdom 2 (d:q1621638 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dawiki:Riget already used by item Q1331994.
- San Vitale (d:q3948046 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Vitalis already used by item Q539636.
- Lunar Lander (d:q2590391 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Lunar Lander already used by item Q1759969.
- Twilight (Leona Lewis) (d:q1614831 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Leona Lewis already used by item Q183519.
- Personaggi di Happy Tree Friends (d:q1615183 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link huwiki:Happy Tree Friends already used by item Q207627.
- Windows Server 2008 R2 (d:q11226 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Windows Server 2008 already used by item Q11233.
- Isthmian League South Division (d:q2576642 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Isthmian League already used by item Q18571.
- Isthmian League Premier Division (d:q1674855 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Isthmian League already used by item Q18571.
- Trimmer (elettronica) (d:q3998854 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Variabler Kondensator already used by item Q1347410.
- Isthmian League North Division (d:q2576614 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Isthmian League already used by item Q18571.
- Victor Klemper (d:q4011261 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of The X-Files characters already used by item Q368992.
- Terzo Anziano (d:q3984919 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of The X-Files characters already used by item Q368992.
- Real World Records (d:q325866 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Real World Studios already used by item Q387707.
- Pasquale Villani (d:q3897163 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Pat Villani already used by item Q7144094.
- Rifugiati palestinesi (d:q3935386 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Palestijns vluchtelingenprobleem already used by item Q1506487.
- Son of a Preacher Man (d:q2574754 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Soulicious already used by item Q182900.
- Smif-n-Wessun (d:q3963004 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Smif-N-Wessun already used by item Q2002410.
- Pantone (d:q2050040 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Pantone Matching System already used by item Q749816.
- Township (d:q3266850 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Township already used by item Q346810.
- The Legend of Spyro: L'Alba del Drago (d:q1779348 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Spyro already used by item Q927422.
- Silva (poesia) (d:q2695940 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link hrwiki:Dodatak:Da Silva already used by item Q6327150.
- Sails (d:q3944971 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Empty Sky already used by item Q1753065.
- All the Girls Love Alice (d:q6590970 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Goodbye Yellow Brick Road already used by item Q827363.
- Steve Hamilton (d:q6932895 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Steve Hamilton already used by item Q1039444.
- Ruth-Anne Miller (d:q3942964 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Northern Exposure characters already used by item Q370202.
- The Scaffold (d:q3989135 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Empty Sky already used by item Q1753065.
- Coppa del Mondo di sci alpino 1972 - Risultati uomini (d:q6516798 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Alpiner Skiweltcup 1971/1972 already used by item Q1667811.
- Mercedes-Benz OM621 (d:q3854922 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Mercedes-Benz OM 615/OM 616/OM 621 already used by item Q1473636.
- Coppa del Mondo di sci alpino 1969 - Risultati uomini (d:q6516817 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Alpiner Skiweltcup 1967 already used by item Q1757311.
- Wii Speak (d:q1353567 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Wii already used by item Q8079.
- Coppa del Mondo di sci alpino 1971 - Risultati uomini (d:q6516408 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Alpiner Skiweltcup 1970/1971 already used by item Q201921.
- Coppa del Mondo di sci alpino 1970 - Risultati uomini (d:q6516834 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Alpiner Skiweltcup 1969/1970 already used by item Q2164135.
- Trimmer (vela) (d:q1622695 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Potentiometer already used by item Q187868.
- Verrettone (d:q4010217 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Quarrel already used by item Q891691.
- Oakland Raiders 2009 (d:q3880356 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:2009 Oakland Raiders season already used by item Q4614519.
- Disco labiale (d:q87389 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dawiki:Labret already used by item Q1799543.
- Toque (d:q795738 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Gorro already used by item Q1149531.
- Nyabinghi (d:q3879965 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Nyahbinghi already used by item Q454316.
- The Weight (d:q2734855 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Music from Big Pink already used by item Q1063385.
- Nitty Gritty / Plumskinzz (d:q3877386 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:KMD already used by item Q2569242.
- War Child (d:q447344 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:War Child already used by item Q1508355.
- Royal Indian Air Force (d:q3942064 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Indian Air Force already used by item Q330658.
- Zalod (d:q2738574 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Jhalod already used by item Q3808247.
- Zalod (d:q2738574 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Jhalod already used by item Q3808247.
- Un mostro in vacanza (d:q4003957 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Goosebumps (original series) already used by item Q303476.
- TQFP (d:q843932 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Quad Flat Package already used by item Q676152.
- TQFP (d:q843932 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Quad Flat Package already used by item Q676152.
- TK-210 (d:q2577372 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Typhoon-class submarine already used by item Q330080.
- Squama (d:q2365510 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link lawiki:Reptilium scuta already used by item Q682153.
- Rete da posta (d:q3933632 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Gillnetting already used by item Q3244125.
- Uno spicchio di tenebra (d:q1618062 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:The Dark Is Rising Sequence already used by item Q1618095.
- Intermedio di reazione (d:q7458208 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Overgangstoestand already used by item Q906964.
- Premio Wolf per la fisica (d:q845333 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Nagroda Wolfa already used by item Q739936.
- Sony Ericsson G900 (d:q2734633 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Sony Ericsson products already used by item Q612370.
- Ishamael (d:q3155257 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Forsaken (Wheel of Time) already used by item Q1953627.
- Kinopanorama (d:q2342712 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Kinopanorama already used by item Q3197186.
- La finta ammalata (d:q3822419 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Carlo Goldoni already used by item Q165534.
- Joe Kido (d:q3808665 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Liste des personnages de Digimon Adventure already used by item Q1276765.
- The Giver (d:q399333 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:The Giver already used by item Q258953.
- Pentapoli dorica (d:q3899240 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Doric hexapolis already used by item Q1233764.
- Publio Elio Peto (d:q441683 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Publius Aelius Paetus already used by item Q943175.
- UCI ProTour 2009 (d:q2466872 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:UCI World Ranking 2009 already used by item Q926131.
- Jean de Serres (d:q3807720 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Jean de Serres already used by item Q3175712.
- Ontology Inference Layer (d:q3882789 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:DAML+OIL already used by item Q354124.
- Satellite troiano (d:q1359002 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Co-orbital configuration already used by item Q1707270.
- Le bourru bienfaisant (d:q3220600 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Carlo Goldoni already used by item Q165534.
- Yashiro Nanakase (d:q1038132 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of The King of Fighters characters already used by item Q1055148.
- Yashiro Nanakase (d:q1038132 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of The King of Fighters characters already used by item Q1055148.
- Rosalie Aprile (d:q1621219 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of The Sopranos characters already used by item Q288944.
- Lingua nahuatl huaxteca centrale (d:q3832951 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Huasteca Nahuatl already used by item Q3832950.
- Urbanista (d:q131062 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Urbanismo already used by item Q59950.
- Joseph Daquin (d:q3810194 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Joseph Daquin already used by item Q3184808.
- Muhammad (nome) (d:q5837762 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Mohammed already used by item Q230261.
- Remember a Day (d:q1195002 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link hewiki:A Saucerful of Secrets already used by item Q207661.
- The Wall - Live in Berlin (d:q840476 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:The Wall already used by item Q151114.
- Verticillium (d:q2452570 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Verticillium-Welke already used by item Q500536.
- Nice (Unix) (d:q1050563 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link huwiki:Nice (Unix) already used by item Q1217746.
- Windows Sidebar (d:q828312 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link elwiki:Windows Vista already used by item Q11230.
- Promo (d:q448585 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Singel already used by item Q134556.
- Presidenti del Kosovo (d:q3911057 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Lijst van presidenten van Kosovo already used by item Q886947.
- Primo ministro del Kosovo (d:q3921894 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Lijst van premiers van Kosovo already used by item Q116102.
- Olio di jatropha (d:q2364038 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Jatropha curcas already used by item Q74644.
- Lista delle missioni Cosmos 1971-1980 (d:q3834112 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Kosmos satellites already used by item Q2347832.
- Lista delle missioni Cosmos 1981-1990 (d:q3834110 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Kosmos satellites already used by item Q2347832.
- Lista delle missioni Cosmos 2001-2010 (d:q3834114 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Kosmos satellites already used by item Q2347832.
- Lista delle missioni Cosmos 1991-2000 (d:q3834113 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Kosmos satellites already used by item Q2347832.
- Professor Rattigan (d:q1622838 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Basil of Baker Street already used by item Q2886835.
- Pluridens walkeri (d:q3906796 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Halisaurus already used by item Q134622.
- Ultra-Humanite (d:q2555492 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Schurken im Superman-Universum already used by item Q2252005.
- Robert Kinsey (d:q2346020 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Personnages secondaires de la Terre dans Stargate SG-1 already used by item Q285031.
- Veemon (d:q2577561 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Digimon Adventure characters already used by item Q1276765.
- Sergej Novikov (d:q1076545 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Siergiej Nowikow already used by item Q299674.
- Precisione e recall (d:q2359161 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Beurteilung eines Klassifikators already used by item Q2776546.
- La casa dei lupi mannari (d:q3821646 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Goosebumps (original series) already used by item Q303476.
- Novikov (d:q3879077 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Novikov already used by item Q1076700.
- Canonici regolari della Congregazione di San Vittore (d:q2603431 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Canons Regular already used by item Q1270388.
- Ipersonno (d:q4967741 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Stase already used by item Q1043043.
- Regione del Polog (d:q1587956 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Polog already used by item Q2604025.
- Template:Demografia (d:q6120583 - check) - Page was protected.
- Internet company (d:q3800506 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Advertising agency already used by item Q216931.
- Wikipedia:Wheel war (d:q4048307 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Wikipedia:Administrators already used by item Q4039395.
- Kadazandusun (d:q427838 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link idwiki:Suku Dayak Kadazan already used by item Q1433882.
- Violetto di genziana (d:q1761300 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Kristallviolett already used by item Q420705.
- Vulcano (vulcano) (d:q1648022 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Vulcano already used by item Q397909.
- Orizzonte cosmologico (d:q2348536 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Observable universe already used by item Q221392.
- Jai Ho (d:q2735985 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Jai ho already used by item Q6123492.
- Tell Me Something I Don't Know (d:q3983036 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Comme Cendrillon 2 : Une autre histoire de Cendrillon already used by item Q550520.
- Onda sonora (d:q3882459 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Son (physique) already used by item Q11461.
- Locomotiva Siemens ES 64 F 4 (d:q900785 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Siemens EuroSprinter already used by item Q174852.
- Shine on Through (d:q3959561 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:A Single Man (album) already used by item Q1215498.
- Return to Paradise (Elton John) (d:q3933853 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:A Single Man (album) already used by item Q1215498.
- The Elder Scrolls IV: Shivering Isles (d:q49610 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion already used by item Q49607.
- Lucano (d:q3838344 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Luacano already used by item Q1620686.
- Rhythm of Love (d:q399232 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Rhythm of Love already used by item Q648643.
- Let There Be More Light (d:q912930 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link hewiki:A Saucerful of Secrets already used by item Q207661.
- Not Now John (d:q3344426 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link hewiki:The Final Cut already used by item Q208227.
- Clayton (Disney) (d:q4994521 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Tarzan (1999 film) already used by item Q208696.
- Paesi anglosassoni (d:q3888880 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Angloesfera already used by item Q541576.
- Puntatori a funzione (d:q2736305 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Zeiger (Informatik) already used by item Q118155.
- Tilapia (d:q47793 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Tilapia already used by item Q3879276.
- Pollachius virens (d:q5125285 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link iswiki:Ufsi already used by item Q5123445.
- Shooting Star (Elton John) (d:q3959703 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:A Single Man (album) already used by item Q1215498.
- Reverie (Elton John) (d:q3933928 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:A Single Man (album) already used by item Q1215498.
- Kalkriese (d:q767809 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eowiki:Kalkriese already used by item Q474089.
- Prima Repubblica cecoslovacca (d:q140359 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Checoslovaquia already used by item Q33946.
- Lovesick (d:q3837865 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:A Single Man (album) already used by item Q1215498.
- Open Sud de France (d:q8500 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cswiki:Grand Prix de Tennis de Lyon already used by item Q8496.
- Scrittura shui (d:q752854 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Sui language already used by item Q3112388.
- Strangers (Elton John) (d:q3975828 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:A Single Man (album) already used by item Q1215498.
- Paul Banks (d:q1986211 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Interpol (Band) already used by item Q331790.
- WordArt (d:q1626764 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Microsoft Office shared tools already used by item Q1414515.
- Love Songs in the Digital Age According to Gabry Ponte (d:q3837797 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Gabry Ponte already used by item Q468692.
- Carl Sweetchuck (d:q6320946 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Police Academy characters already used by item Q247465.
- Over and Over (d:q3887646 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Like a Virgin already used by item Q250406.
- Seconda Repubblica cecoslovacca (d:q2010024 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Checoslovaquia already used by item Q33946.
- White Lady White Powder (d:q4019532 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:21 at 33 already used by item Q1753114.
- Tom Kaulitz (d:q1622098 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Tokio Hotel already used by item Q386216.
- Satellite Award per il miglior attore non protagonista (d:q1635307 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Satellite Awards already used by item Q40024.
- Tockins (d:q2348822 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Characters in Disney's Beauty and the Beast already used by item Q5073797.
- Murrina (d:q6434691 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Millefiori already used by item Q748940.
- Tyson Ritter (d:q2736922 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:The All-American Rejects already used by item Q214237.
- Qualificazioni al campionato mondiale di calcio 2006 - CONCACAF (d:q1054431 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Phase qualificative de la Coupe du monde de football 2006 already used by item Q155069.
- Spindle (d:q3966762 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Hard disk drive already used by item Q4439.
- Lars Alexandersson (d:q2737453 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Luettelo Tekken-pelisarjan hahmoista already used by item Q1153348.
- Les Corts (d:q959944 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link trwiki:Camp de Les Corts already used by item Q918580.
- Junkers Ju 85 (d:q326825 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Junkers Ju 88 already used by item Q155661.
- UCI America Tour (d:q1063430 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:UCI Continental Circuits already used by item Q36836.
- UCI Europe Tour (d:q1194340 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:UCI Continental Circuits already used by item Q36836.
- Santa Faustina (d:q3949012 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Faustine already used by item Q348146.
- Ninja del Villaggio della Foglia (d:q3575531 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Naruto characters already used by item Q718482.
- Poeti georgiani (d:q1631784 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Georgian Poetry already used by item Q1509327.
- La testa di House (d:q1659413 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Saison 4 de Dr House already used by item Q169054.
- Thaddeus Harris (d:q1628045 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Police Academy characters already used by item Q247465.
- Storia della Bretagna (d:q1638627 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Bretagne already used by item Q12130.
- Storia della Corea (d:q713414 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Korea already used by item Q18097.
- Meccano (d:q1183277 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cswiki:Merkur (stavebnice) already used by item Q3562286.
- Vinnie Stigma (d:q2527113 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Agnostic Front already used by item Q395013.
- Quantum (James Bond) (d:q2553899 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of James Bond villains already used by item Q2331347.
- La scala (The Ladder) (d:q3824007 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Gaetana already used by item Q3281463.
- Myctophidae (d:q1975704 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Lantaarnvissen already used by item Q2026301.
- Unified WWE Tag Team Championship (d:q2463116 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:WWE Tag Team Championship already used by item Q1059464.
- Nothing but Song (d:q3878743 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Revolution in Me already used by item Q2347726.
- Nothing but Song (d:q3878743 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Revolution in Me already used by item Q2347726.
- Metrotranvia (d:q2393012 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Szybki tramwaj already used by item Q1268865.
- Portale:Animali (d:q7470306 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Portal:Lebewesen already used by item Q7470356.
- Jules de Goncourt (d:q1234248 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Edmond und Jules de Goncourt already used by item Q622283.
- Lick It (d:q3832013 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Dwarves (band) already used by item Q969914.
- Zodiak Media Group (d:q4024629 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Zodiak Media already used by item Q3575678.
- Template:Favorevole (d:q6257793 - check) - Page was protected.
- Processo Weldon (d:q1631931 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Walter Weldon already used by item Q440666.
- Perissomma (d:q5641262 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ruwiki:Perissommatidae already used by item Q1631943.
- Mare Island (d:q1631406 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ruwiki:Mare Island NSY already used by item Q657784.
- Jeholopterus ningchengensis (d:q3807831 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Jeholopterus already used by item Q2924821.
- Tony Zucco (d:q1638511 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Schurken im Batman-Universum already used by item Q1494652.
- Love Is Dead (singolo Kerli) (d:q1636210 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Monsters (D'espairsRay album) already used by item Q1945355.
- Cestino (informatica) (d:q6503178 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Papierkorb already used by item Q120475.
- Modello concettuale (informatica) (d:q1634555 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Objektorientierte Analyse und Design already used by item Q1237775.
- White Limousine EP (d:q4019538 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Duncan Sheik already used by item Q1265451.
- Luna nera (romanzo) (d:q3840652 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Anita-Blake-Serie already used by item Q549364.
- Notturno op. 15 n. 1 (Chopin) (d:q1060858 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Nocturnes, Op. 15 (Chopin) already used by item Q1632466.
- Notturno op. 15 n. 2 (Chopin) (d:q3878967 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Nocturnes, Op. 15 (Chopin) already used by item Q1632466.
- The Guild 2 (d:q2352364 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Die Gilde already used by item Q1213047.
- Linea di successione al trono della Cambogia (d:q3832838 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of kings of Cambodia already used by item Q833205.
- Linea di successione al trono del Qatar (d:q3832835 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of emirs of Qatar already used by item Q1649527.
- Template:Autocat musica (d:q5642731 - check) - Page was protected.
- Tignanello (d:q445149 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Antinori already used by item Q3983126.
- Roxy (Winx Club) (d:q2364143 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Winx Club characters already used by item Q2727353.
- Linea di successione al trono dell'Oman (d:q3832839 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of rulers of Oman already used by item Q742996.
- Srbosjek (d:q2011228 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Jasenovac concentration camp already used by item Q155032.
- Linea di successione al trono del Kuwait (d:q3832831 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of emirs of Kuwait already used by item Q246932.
- Religione in Albania (d:q1379768 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Albanien already used by item Q222.
- Malattia di Werdnig-Hoffmann (d:q2362826 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Spinal muscular atrophy already used by item Q580290.
- Shrek (franchise) (d:q3959800 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Shrek (franchise) already used by item Q1203222.
- Ricuperatori Cowper (d:q1435974 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Regenerative heat exchanger already used by item Q1897817.
- Ubuntu Server Edition (d:q1632996 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Ubuntu (operating system) already used by item Q381.
- Souvenir (Eric Johnson) (d:q3359483 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Souvenir (disambiguation) already used by item Q398834.
- Shake Your Money Maker (d:q1784484 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Shake Your Money Maker (album) already used by item Q611131.
- Corona di Cristiano V di Danimarca (d:q3693960 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Absolute Krone already used by item Q332446.
- Corona di Cristiano V di Danimarca (d:q3693960 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Absolute Krone already used by item Q332446.
- Voto del Bodhisattva (d:q1780631 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eowiki:Voto already used by item Q1144504.
- Qiblih (d:q2006830 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Qibla already used by item Q175047.
- World fusion music (d:q4020968 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:World music already used by item Q205049.
- Ulich (d:q1208639 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Ulichs already used by item Q1785737.
- Vhost (d:q1645988 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Internet Relay Chat already used by item Q73.
- Repubblica di Estonia (d:q3933243 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Estonia already used by item Q191.
- Protesi combinata (d:q3924228 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Tandprotes already used by item Q143567.
- Stadtbezirk (d:q2740635 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Bezirk already used by item Q264441.
- Nana di ghiaccio (d:q2575152 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link simplewiki:Plutoid already used by item Q131731.
- Sony Ericsson G502 (d:q2353874 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Sony Ericsson products already used by item Q612370.
- We Got the Party (d:q1641822 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Hannah Montana 2/Meet Miley Cyrus already used by item Q738179.
- Shin (Naruto) (d:q3959537 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Geografia de Naruto already used by item Q379032.
- Lucia da Siracusa (d:q183240 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link euwiki:Santa Luzia already used by item Q760.
- Odon (d:q522380 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Odon already used by item Q729029.
- Roues libres (d:q3941846 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Roue libre already used by item Q1293233.
- Sirona (mitologia) (d:q700106 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:Mitologia celta already used by item Q1106575.
- Squalo (James Bond) (d:q2361723 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Figuren aus James-Bond-Filmen already used by item Q1412102.
- Regions Morgan Keegan Championships and the Cellular South Cup 2009 (d:q1053118 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cswiki:Regions Morgan Keegan Championships 2009 already used by item Q2358736.
- Nucleo esterno (d:q857867 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Erdkern already used by item Q193927.
- Nucleo esterno (d:q857867 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Erdkern already used by item Q193927.
- Republic RF-84F Thunderflash (d:q3933264 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Republic F-84 Thunderjet already used by item Q160853.
- WWE Backlash 2009 (d:q2555369 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:WWE Backlash already used by item Q1044551.
- Stagionatura (d:q1635082 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Beton already used by item Q22657.
- Mercedes-Benz OM602 (d:q3854918 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Mercedes-Benz OM 601/OM 602/OM 603 already used by item Q742077.
- Suigetsu Hozuki (d:q3976756 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Geografia de Naruto already used by item Q379032.
- Rivoluzione neolitica (d:q180548 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Neolitikum already used by item Q36422.
- Tribe (d:q3538737 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Heimo already used by item Q346592.
- Saisyu Kusanagi (d:q1636873 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of The King of Fighters characters already used by item Q1055148.
- Kaang (d:q3812381 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Khoisan religion already used by item Q3306421.
- Reserva (d:q177325 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link mgwiki:Reserva already used by item Q2097856.
- Categoria:Singoli di Lady Gaga (d:q6142716 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Luokka:Lady Gagan kappaleet already used by item Q7214452.
- Oreoleptis torrenticola (d:q5336689 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nowiki:Oreoleptidae already used by item Q3885524.
- Rufus (Street Fighter) (d:q2355125 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Personnages de Street Fighter already used by item Q1188538.
- Sum (divisione amministrativa) (d:q1761350 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Sum already used by item Q1518096.
- Wrangell (d:q4021011 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Wrangel already used by item Q231623.
- Queste del Saint Graal (d:q3927744 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Lancelot-Grail already used by item Q1467333.
- Virtual CloneDrive (d:q1636842 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:SlySoft already used by item Q475928.
- Sfera dei Quattro Spiriti (d:q3958659 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:InuYasha already used by item Q182056.
- Mistral (natante) (d:q683513 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Surfbrett already used by item Q457689.
- La macchina stregata (d:q3822927 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Goosebumps Series 2000 already used by item Q2314792.
- L'anello maledetto (d:q3206330 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Goosebumps Series 2000 already used by item Q2314792.
- VB 10b (d:q1152949 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:VB 10 already used by item Q1344253.
- Storia della pallacanestro (d:q2602257 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link simplewiki:Basketball already used by item Q5372.
- Litografia colloidale (d:q3834994 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Impression tridimensionnelle already used by item Q229367.
- The Mosquito (d:q493551 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:The Mosquito already used by item Q6453688.
- Jennifer Ayache (d:q2364370 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Superbus (band) already used by item Q691657.
- Storia della Corea del Sud (d:q494973 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Coreia do Sul already used by item Q884.
- Kara Milovy (d:q3812915 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:The Living Daylights already used by item Q272064.
- Varva (d:q835591 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Lustosavikronologia already used by item Q470711.
- Tom Dooley (d:q5623723 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Thomas Dooley already used by item Q695751.
- La nuova famiglia Addams (d:q2048374 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link rowiki:Noua Familie Addams already used by item Q266532.
- Stadio Giuseppe Moccagatta (d:q2484922 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:U.S. Alessandria Calcio 1912 already used by item Q16348.
- Sassonia-Saalfeld (d:q3950716 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Sachsen-Coburg-Saalfeld already used by item Q700663.
- Neuroscienze cognitive (d:q1138951 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Neurobik already used by item Q3314776.
- Todd Morse (d:q372757 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:H2O (American band) already used by item Q584282.
- Skip list (d:q2005893 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Liste (Datenstruktur) already used by item Q7003418.
- Within (album Wuthering Heights) (d:q1639703 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Wuthering Heights (band) already used by item Q1645985.
- Maestro di campo (d:q1549431 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Maestre de Campo already used by item Q6729362.
- Rosemarie von Trapp (d:q3941455 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Maria von Trapp already used by item Q93624.
- Mirror (D'espairsRay) (d:q1938561 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link jawiki:D'espairsRay already used by item Q1273059.
- Runo Misaki (d:q2355332 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Bakugan Battle Brawlers already used by item Q632746.
- Realismo (letteratura) (d:q667661 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Realisme (literatuur) already used by item Q1871127.
- Seth (Street Fighter) (d:q2602235 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Personnages de Street Fighter already used by item Q1188538.
- Stadio dell'Accademia Militare del Cairo (d:q1850929 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Stade Al Salam already used by item Q430815.
- Marja Bolkonskaja (d:q1648509 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:War and Peace already used by item Q161531.
- Rifabutina (d:q1135705 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Rifabutin already used by item Q2798217.
- WWE The Bash 2009 (d:q5585754 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:WWE The Bash already used by item Q5585467.
- Manio Acilio Glabrione (d:q257143 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Acilius Glabrio already used by item Q358586.
- Shriek (DC Comics) (d:q3545621 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Batman Beyond already used by item Q1339570.
- Metal Slug Anthology (d:q1150627 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Metal Slug already used by item Q636707.
- Popoli finnici (d:q2367703 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Baltic Finns already used by item Q3745748.
- Rosette (d:q347433 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Rosette already used by item Q1227490.
- Wisu (d:q4020525 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Great Perm already used by item Q385084.
- Sophie Neveu (d:q2739161 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of The Da Vinci Code characters already used by item Q6599579.
- Lingue finniche del Volga (d:q900795 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Volga Finns already used by item Q1439159.
- Sykes (d:q421747 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Sykes already used by item Q2786431.
- Yun (Street Fighter) (d:q2552447 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Personnages de Street Fighter already used by item Q1188538.
- Stampa lenticolare (d:q2449853 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Linsenraster-Bild already used by item Q356186.
- Puddles Of H2O (d:q3925376 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Grass Roots (Atban Klann album) already used by item Q1645566.
- Uncanny X-Men (d:q1399747 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:X-Men already used by item Q128452.
- Seconda guerra messenica (d:q2075775 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Messenische Kriege already used by item Q5555632.
- Jack Atlas (d:q1646091 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's characters already used by item Q2555280.
- Regina Mab (d:q2736774 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Queen Mab already used by item Q2122569.
- Nissan R90 (d:q694526 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Nissan R90C already used by item Q7041040.
- WWE Night Of Champions 2009 (d:q1231425 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:WWE Night of Champions already used by item Q1053180.
- Mises (d:q3859021 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Von Mises already used by item Q960032.
- Scacchiera a diffusione (d:q1102408 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:VIC cipher already used by item Q2304066.
- Resa del Giappone (d:q6540361 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Actes de capitulation du Japon already used by item Q665554.
- Sheldon Cooper (d:q629583 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:The Big Bang Theory already used by item Q8539.
- Quejigo (d:q3927574 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Quercus faginea already used by item Q2432250.
- Parco naturale di Stupinigi (d:q3895658 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Palazzina di caccia of Stupinigi already used by item Q19834.
- Prunus domestica (d:q44120 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link trwiki:Erik already used by item Q6401215.
- Tutto quello che avreste voluto sapere sul sesso* (*ma non avete mai osato chiedere) (romanzo) (d:q1647059 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex* (*But Were Afraid to Ask) already used by item Q499697.
- Muselar (d:q2365138 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Virginal already used by item Q922337.
- Twenty Four Seven (d:q4001034 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:24/7 service already used by item Q1571749.
- Leo Nardus (d:q1642398 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Leo Nardus already used by item Q4423922.
- Tanbur (d:q3424319 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link trwiki:Tambur already used by item Q4989127.
- Ozymandias (poesia) (d:q662166 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Ozymandias already used by item Q2519747.
- Wolf WR3 (d:q4020653 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Wolf WR1 already used by item Q2303687.
- Wolf WR4 (d:q4020655 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Wolf WR1 already used by item Q2303687.
- Xantomatosi (d:q4021721 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Xanthoma already used by item Q1199732.
- Yuzuriha (d:q4023297 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Anexo:Lista de personagens de Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas already used by item Q1083283.
- Gostinij dvor (d:q6681463 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Gostiny Dvor already used by item Q2386997.
- Gostinij dvor (d:q6681463 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Gostiny Dvor already used by item Q2386997.
- Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Unstruttal (d:q884430 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Unstruttal (Verbandsgemeinde) already used by item Q478740.
- Storia della pizza (d:q2359423 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Pizza already used by item Q177.
- Mis primeras grabaciones (d:q2737742 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Selena albums discography already used by item Q2901534.
- Yuhao Zhan (d:q4023192 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Nan Quan Mama already used by item Q699914.
- Yato (d:q4022597 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Saint Seiya characters already used by item Q617064.
- Petsamo (d:q403241 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:Petxenga already used by item Q1013438.
- La maschera maledetta n.2 (d:q3226443 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Goosebumps (original series) already used by item Q303476.
- Porcaro (disambigua) (d:q3908445 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Porcaro already used by item Q2104356.
- Stalker (d:q200437 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link simplewiki:Stalker already used by item Q224330.
- Interrex (storia romana) (d:q560509 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:Interrex already used by item Q634484.
- Ost-in-Edhil (d:q2560990 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Eregion already used by item Q840539.
- Speed Demon (d:q2477155 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Speed Demon already used by item Q905780.
- Souris (d:q405437 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Souris (homonymie) already used by item Q225839.
- Olympic Airlines (d:q2021591 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link plwiki:Olympic Air already used by item Q583843.
- Vivitar (d:q4015729 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Vivitar already used by item Q1321103.
- Volta della Cappella Sistina (d:q844675 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Sixtinische Kapelle already used by item Q2943.
- Periodo elladico (d:q937774 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link etwiki:Hellenism already used by item Q989940.
- Teri Bauer (d:q1095612 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Personnages secondaires dans 24 heures chrono already used by item Q3124967.
- Matlalcueitl (d:q1647366 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Chalchiuhtlicue already used by item Q752213.
- Naturalista (d:q18805 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Natural history already used by item Q484591.
- Lavandula multifida (d:q941807 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Lavandula multifida already used by item Q3219775.
- Zilog Z180 (d:q1851918 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Zilog Z80 already used by item Q203315.
- To Travel for Evermore (d:q3530104 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Wuthering Heights (band) already used by item Q1645985.
- La famiglia Partridge 2200 A.D. (d:q3284379 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:The Partridge Family already used by item Q654652.
- Melittis (d:q3854250 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Melittis melissophyllum already used by item Q158925.
- Rima sillabica (d:q2361304 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Syllable already used by item Q8188.
- Scartamento largo (d:q3951723 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Spurweite (Bahn) already used by item Q214519.
- Welcome to the Dance (d:q4018836 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Welcome to the Dance already used by item Q2557467.
- Love Story (d:q26478 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Love Story already used by item Q729991.
- San Girolamo nello studio (d:q398861 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Hieronymus (Kirchenvater) already used by item Q44248.
- Nag screen (d:q2277134 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Harceliciel already used by item Q1195197.
- Mextli (d:q3855832 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Metztli already used by item Q1876916.
- Monti Psiloriti (d:q3862459 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Mount Ida (Crete) already used by item Q83659.
- Shift-and-add (d:q1647406 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Stack already used by item Q227244.
- Serious Sam Advance (d:q3957907 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Serious Sam already used by item Q3288692.
- Limite inverso (d:q2634828 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Limes (Kategorientheorie) already used by item Q1322614.
- Preti operai (d:q3911274 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Arbeiterpriester already used by item Q627219.
- Steve Coy (d:q1646438 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Dead or Alive (band) already used by item Q368961.
- Yohken Asakura (d:q4022816 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Shaman King characters already used by item Q2334111.
- Locomotiva Locomotion (d:q3836269 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Locomotion No 1 already used by item Q738131.
- Tomari-te (d:q2457763 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Okinawan martial arts already used by item Q1052901.
- Sergej Makarov (d:q522958 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link hrwiki:Sergej Makarov already used by item Q185207.
- Referendario (d:q465288 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Referendaris already used by item Q1885441.
- Vance Astro (d:q4008490 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Vance Astrovik already used by item Q3545872.
- Wartburg 311 (d:q2603908 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Wartburg (Pkw) already used by item Q59181.
- Rockawillie (d:q3939760 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Sabrina Salerno already used by item Q232479.
- Thunderstruck (singolo) (d:q2430003 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:The Razors Edge already used by item Q165617.
- Vienna lager (d:q2395665 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Lager already used by item Q253481.
- U-55 (d:q446703 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ruwiki:U-55 already used by item Q406053.
- Yufka (d:q2601766 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Markook already used by item Q2095020.
- Mafia (d:q18550 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Sicilian Mafia already used by item Q1458155.
- Taylor McKessie (d:q1645978 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of High School Musical characters already used by item Q2287094.
- Teleangectasia (d:q1634800 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Escleroterapia already used by item Q6298197.
- Template:Diagramma scacchi di alice (d:q6676142 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Plantilla:Diagrama de ajedrez doble already used by item Q6602295.
- Moscerino (d:q2234359 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Knut already used by item Q232034.
- Lazarus (d:q3828201 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Lazarus already used by item Q1183616.
- Manigoldo (d:q3844684 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Anexo:Lista de Cavaleiros de Atena already used by item Q3359024.
- Marsiliana d'Albegna (d:q5403638 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Marsiliana d'Albegna already used by item Q2855078.
- The Donnas (album) (d:q1648775 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:The Donnas already used by item Q1056412.
- Sonda a fascio di elettroni (d:q1123901 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Electron beam prober already used by item Q5358161.
- Pesi leggeri (d:q1051922 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link simplewiki:Lightweight already used by item Q1217037.
- Klaus Wortmann (d:q3815818 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Antropophagus already used by item Q1888486.
- Stati di Rydberg (d:q5072464 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Rydberg-Zustand already used by item Q2178236.
- Yolanda Kakabadse (d:q4022842 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Yolanda Kakabadse already used by item Q377263.
- Kipling (d:q454554 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Rudyard Kipling already used by item Q34743.
- Presidente dell'India (d:q313383 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link idwiki:Daftar Presiden India already used by item Q890016.
- Necropolis (album) (d:q2721264 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Vader (banda) already used by item Q622982.
- Lisa Johansson (d:q3833360 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Draconian (band) already used by item Q160574.
- Toot & Puddle (d:q3283487 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Holly Hobbie already used by item Q5882074.
- Sasha (d:q418664 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link skwiki:Sacha already used by item Q4482635.
- Oreb (d:q3885501 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Oreb and Zeeb already used by item Q7100996.
- Norshirakan (d:q3878507 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Adiabene already used by item Q149747.
- Ser Lock (d:q1647869 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Mickey Mouse universe already used by item Q2634715.
- Union (C) (d:q893290 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Verbund (Datentyp) already used by item Q2805567.
- OSHA (d:q3880238 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:OSHA already used by item Q239407.
- Trambaix (d:q2075468 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cawiki:Tram already used by item Q118983.
- Lingua laz (d:q1160372 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link shwiki:Laze (Rogatica) already used by item Q34192.
- Pancasila (d:q2049221 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link mswiki:Lambang negara Indonesia already used by item Q142845.
- Zervanismo (d:q1423009 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cswiki:Zurvan already used by item Q230478.
- Lazistan (d:q2284447 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Lazistan already used by item Q636919.
- Pasotti (d:q3896973 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Pasotti already used by item Q2055659.
- Lingue siouan (d:q34181 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Siouan-Catawbantalen already used by item Q3512745.
- Umi no Misaki (d:q2397682 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Kou Fumizuki already used by item Q2247833.
- Ursa (DC Comics) (d:q1650123 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of minor DC Comics characters already used by item Q1753332.
- Kartveli (popolo) (d:q1208755 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Kartvelian peoples already used by item Q6373590.
- Velotaxi (d:q2090282 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Fietstaxi already used by item Q1362895.
- Toyota Urban Cruiser (d:q1915522 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Toyota ist already used by item Q1818526.
- Opetia (d:q5319418 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ruwiki:Opetiidae already used by item Q1649464.
- La Conquista (d:q3820751 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Spanish colonization of the Americas already used by item Q1047607.
- Kresna (d:q2662531 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Kresna already used by item Q406476.
- Turkmeneli (d:q2554184 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Iraqi Turkmen Front already used by item Q1424473.
- Spettroscopia di emissione (d:q1651219 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Emission spectrum already used by item Q216817.
- The Jimmy Timmy Power Hour 3: The Jerkinators (d:q3987757 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:The Jimmy Timmy Power Hour already used by item Q1689412.
- Viviano (nome) (d:q5078262 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Vivien already used by item Q1219368.
- Portuguese D. Ace (d:q2084755 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link idwiki:Daftar karakter One Piece already used by item Q83490.
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop (d:q2720305 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:SUSE Linux Enterprise Server already used by item Q1759786.
- Peterskirche (d:q3900977 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Peterskirche already used by item Q2079665.
- Re dell'Iraq (d:q2284551 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Royaume d'Irak already used by item Q149805.
- Rivfader (d:q3433541 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Midnattens widunder already used by item Q545835.
- Webinar (d:q4018726 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Web conferencing already used by item Q1543677.
- Nopal (d:q3367716 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Opuntia already used by item Q158991.
- Parco nazionale Alti Tauri (d:q696014 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Hohe Tauern already used by item Q679359.
- Rickrolling (d:q695677 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Rick Astley already used by item Q219237.
- Karnobat (d:q2476853 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Karnobat already used by item Q406227.
- Kameno (d:q2476879 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Kameno already used by item Q405191.
- Sirenidae (d:q240755 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link trwiki:Sirenidae already used by item Q2103674.
- Tomorrow (U2) (d:q3992944 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:October (album) already used by item Q269674.
- Seconds (U2) (d:q3954065 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:War (U2 album) already used by item Q331811.
- One More Minute (d:q3308620 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Dare to Be Stupid already used by item Q2399183.
- Samuel "Screech" Powers (d:q3946611 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Saved by the Bell characters already used by item Q3600309.
- Surrender (U2) (d:q3978179 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:War (U2 album) already used by item Q331811.
- Nigel Clough (d:q1989584 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link simplewiki:Derby County F.C. already used by item Q19470.
- Ramsey (cognome) (d:q5070535 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link cswiki:Ramsey already used by item Q228083.
- Lasagna (singolo) (d:q3304957 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Even Worse already used by item Q3282969.
- Taco Grande (d:q3309043 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Off the Deep End already used by item Q1649762.
- Regulus (I Cavalieri dello zodiaco) (d:q1650970 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link ptwiki:Anexo:Lista de Cavaleiros de Atena already used by item Q3359024.
- Salorino (Svizzera) (d:q3945757 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Mendrisio already used by item Q69041.
- Scala di colori (d:q3951396 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Color space already used by item Q166863.
- Marolta (d:q1651143 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Acquarossa already used by item Q158149.
- Ponto Valentino (d:q1651161 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Acquarossa already used by item Q158149.
- Leontica (d:q3830650 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Acquarossa (Suisse) already used by item Q68358.
- Largario (d:q3827069 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Acquarossa already used by item Q158149.
- Prugiasco (d:q3924788 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Acquarossa already used by item Q158149.
- Tremate! (d:q3998237 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Goosebumps Series 2000 already used by item Q2314792.
- Montagnola (Svizzera) (d:q694086 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Collina d'Oro already used by item Q69062.
- Solothurn S-18/1000 (d:q4529850 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link viwiki:Solothurn S-18 already used by item Q1062499.
- Tesserete (d:q3387646 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Capriasca already used by item Q69043.
- Viganello (d:q693420 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Lugano already used by item Q7024.
- Piccolo grande eroe (d:q1847868 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Everyone's Hero already used by item Q2387727.
- Petrini (d:q399070 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Petrini already used by item Q7178825.
- Stockholm Syndrome (d:q2090054 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link idwiki:Sindrom Stockholm already used by item Q180242.
- Ringtone (d:q3936043 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Internet Leaks already used by item Q3284461.
- Alginato di sodio (d:q1187513 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Alginic acid already used by item Q422092.
- Skipper Dan (d:q3962538 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Internet Leaks already used by item Q3284461.
- Wii Fit Plus (d:q1151487 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link jawiki:Wii Fit already used by item Q840121.
- Neji Hyuga (d:q718982 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Naruto already used by item Q642.
- Mambo (musica) (d:q1646666 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link etwiki:Mambo already used by item Q333002.
- Missing You (d:q398737 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Missing You already used by item Q2473527.
- Process mining (d:q2608526 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Process Mining already used by item Q1341374.
- Planismo (d:q3391464 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Planned economy already used by item Q189724.
- Penisola del Musandam (d:q3415656 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link fiwiki:Musandam already used by item Q372144.
- Daughtry (album) (d:q570865 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Daughtry already used by item Q877858.
- Scareglia (d:q3951609 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Valcolla already used by item Q67967.
- La Florida (d:q416652 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Florida already used by item Q229278.
- Insone (d:q3799178 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Valcolla already used by item Q67967.
- Piandera (d:q3901923 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link dewiki:Valcolla already used by item Q67967.
- Monete del dollaro statunitense (d:q3253199 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nowiki:Dollarmynt (USA) already used by item Q1186710.
- Luoghi de I Simpson (d:q3526785 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Springfield (The Simpsons) already used by item Q151076.
- Provincia di Borkhar-e Meymeh (d:q3924532 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Borkhar County already used by item Q1289256.
- Yuya (Egitto) (d:q517662 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link eswiki:Yuya y Tuyu already used by item Q270376.
- Ordnance Factory Khamaria (d:q3885485 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Khamaria, Jabalpur already used by item Q3352141.
- Sandra Schleret (d:q2627510 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Elis (band) already used by item Q684837.
- Shun Kazami (d:q2398469 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:Bakugan Battle Brawlers already used by item Q632746.
- White Robe (d:q4019546 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Vesyolye Ulybki already used by item Q3618788.
- Tamama (d:q1192879 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of Sgt. Frog characters already used by item Q908818.
- Paradox France (d:q1747400 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link frwiki:AGEod already used by item Q4489332.
- Sir Leigh Teabing (d:q3961992 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:List of The Da Vinci Code characters already used by item Q6599579.
- Truth (d:q413495 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Waarheid (doorverwijspagina) already used by item Q7122790.
- Stabilimento Sevel Val di Sangro (d:q2094876 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Sevel already used by item Q3480791.
- Treno regionale (d:q1072319 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link nlwiki:Stoptrein already used by item Q1412403.
- Intervallo QT (d:q2488448 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Elektrokardiografi already used by item Q79785.
- Umorismo scatologico (d:q2284331 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Off-color humor already used by item Q40776.
- International Superstar Soccer (d:q2609656 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:International Superstar Soccer already used by item Q1666955.
- Vocale anteriore (d:q5505949 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link svwiki:Vokal already used by item Q36244.
- Lingue filippine centrali maggiori (d:q3832998 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Central Philippine languages already used by item Q3119651.
- Valuta debole (d:q4008378 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:Hard currency already used by item Q1421756.
- Stddef.h (d:q1050715 - check) - save-failed: Edit not allowed: Site link enwiki:C data types already used by item Q5015130.
- Apprendistato (Italia) (d:q253567 - check) - save-failed: Site link simplewiki:Apprenticeship already used by item Q6869278.
- Serie televisiva (d:q5398426 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Television program already used by item Q15416.
- Vangeli giudeo-cristiani (d:q4008565 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Jewish-Christian gospels already used by item Q6189715.
- Asteroidi troiani di Giove (d:q8101032 - check) - save-failed: Site link fiwiki:Troijalainen asteroidi already used by item Q19635.
- Controimmagine (d:q9298913 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Image (mathematics) already used by item Q860623.
- Rollio (d:q1628824 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Euler angles already used by item Q751290.
- Ecuba (d:q3718809 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Hecuba already used by item Q193433.
- Stercorarius (d:q1053111 - check) - save-failed: Site link fiwiki:Kihut already used by item Q205323.
- Categoria:Registi polacchi (d:q7366072 - check) - save-failed: Site link fiwiki:Luokka:Puolalaiset elokuvaohjaajat already used by item Q6699932.
- Membranofoni (d:q212892 - check) - save-failed: Site link shwiki:Membranofoni instrumenti already used by item Q7850718.
- Lingua isolante (d:q7423311 - check) - save-failed: Site link fiwiki:Analyyttinen kieli already used by item Q209544.
- Motorola 68EC040 (d:q9291739 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Motorola 68040 already used by item Q674007.
- Howard Rockerduck (d:q7887580 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Duck universe already used by item Q11940.
- Qui, Quo e Qua (d:q11965 - check) - save-failed: Site link dewiki:Liste der Bewohner Entenhausens already used by item Q42897.
- Categoria:Brema (d:q8272220 - check) - save-failed: Site link lbwiki:Kategorie:Bremen already used by item Q7214352.
- Marciano (imperatore) (d:q178004 - check) - save-failed: Site link brwiki:Marcianus already used by item Q1172220.
- Frognerparken (d:q1126911 - check) - save-failed: Site link plwiki:Park Vigelanda already used by item Q7460945.
- Tuvok (d:q9108122 - check) - save-failed: Site link dewiki:Figuren im Star-Trek-Universum already used by item Q16375.
- Categoria:Motociclismo (d:q8048132 - check) - save-failed: Site link eowiki:Kategorio:Motorciklado already used by item Q6170634.
- Margotta (d:q1402114 - check) - save-failed: Site link dewiki:Abmoosen already used by item Q8340653.
- Magna cum laude (d:q6581478 - check) - save-failed: Site link dewiki:Promotion (Doktor) already used by item Q849697.
- Specie di Jasminum (d:q9304430 - check) - save-failed: Site link dewiki:Echter Jasmin already used by item Q515610.
- Mebibyte (d:q79758 - check) - save-failed: Site link dewiki:Byte already used by item Q8799.
- Conduzione termica (d:q7465774 - check) - save-failed: Site link etwiki:Soojusjuhtivus already used by item Q487005.
- Escursionismo (d:q3418846 - check) - save-failed: Site link scnwiki:Escursiunismu already used by item Q6537379.
- Duomo di Ivrea (d:q7882645 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Ivrea already used by item Q9409.
- Template:CHN (d:q6875242 - check) - Page was protected.
- Template:AUT (d:q6822991 - check) - save-failed: Site link etwiki:Mall:AUT already used by item Q6169790.
- Template:ARG (d:q6665689 - check) - save-failed: Site link etwiki:Mall:ARG already used by item Q5644111.
- Template:BLR (d:q6708347 - check) - save-failed: Site link etwiki:Mall:BLR already used by item Q4973.
- Imbardata (d:q9288712 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Euler angles already used by item Q751290.
- Mork (d:q7888611 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:List of The Neverending Story characters already used by item Q1412184.
- Herpes labiale (d:q2364836 - check) - save-failed: Site link dewiki:Herpes simplex already used by item Q6473911.
- Diaframma (ottica) (d:q6434802 - check) - save-failed: Site link fiwiki:Valotusaukko already used by item Q261732.
- Consoli alto imperiali romani (d:q19082 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:List of Roman consuls already used by item Q8121255.
- Consoli tardo imperiali romani (d:q3248815 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:List of Roman consuls already used by item Q8121255.
- Lista di asteroidi (1001-2000) (d:q6607073 - check) - save-failed: Site link slwiki:Seznam asteroidov (1001-1250) already used by item Q8341218.
- Wikipedia:Autobiografie (d:q4657322 - check) - save-failed: Site link dewiki:Wikipedia:Interessenkonflikt already used by item Q4663309.
- Lista di asteroidi (2001-3000) (d:q1110360 - check) - save-failed: Site link cswiki:Seznam planetek 2251-2500 already used by item Q3194250.
- Categoria:Golfi (d:q6122193 - check) - save-failed: Site link fiwiki:Luokka:Lahdet already used by item Q7270493.
- Marmellata (d:q1269 - check) - save-failed: Site link dewiki:Marmelade already used by item Q5834964.
- Template:CIV (d:q6737432 - check) - Page was protected.
- Categoria:Automobili Opel (d:q7037276 - check) - save-failed: Site link fiwiki:Luokka:Opel already used by item Q8903477.
- Template:ISL (d:q6064691 - check) - save-failed: Site link etwiki:Mall:ISL already used by item Q8802047.
- SM-65 Atlas (d:q7578232 - check) - save-failed: Site link fiwiki:Atlas (raketti) already used by item Q22949.
- Curva di livello (d:q193311 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Contour line already used by item Q6653802.
- Incubo (Ultimate Marvel) (d:q9296972 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Ultimate Galactus Trilogy already used by item Q936172.
- Bandiera della pace (d:q8042899 - check) - save-failed: Site link eswiki:Bandera LGBT already used by item Q7676378.
- Questione di fiducia (ordinamento italiano) (d:q3927762 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Motion of no confidence already used by item Q329547.
- Presidenti del Messico (d:q628004 - check) - save-failed: Site link nlwiki:Lijst van staatshoofden van Mexico already used by item Q8310435.
- Won coreano (d:q8050311 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Korean won already used by item Q8047970.
- Nemo plus iuris ad alium transferre potest quam ipse habet (d:q6452728 - check) - save-failed: Site link frwiki:Contrat de vente en France already used by item Q83337.
- Miles "Tails" Prower (d:q194135 - check) - save-failed: Site link svwiki:Sonic the Hedgehog (spelserie) already used by item Q1046812.
- Equazione del moto (d:q215007 - check) - save-failed: Site link euwiki:Higidura zuzen eta uniformeki azeleratu already used by item Q376908.
- Fantastico (d:q5967378 - check) - save-failed: Site link zhwiki:Fantastique already used by item Q2387832.
- Toponimo (d:q7884789 - check) - save-failed: Site link hrwiki:Toponim already used by item Q485762.
- Categoria:Template di navigazione - Regno Unito (d:q9171928 - check) - save-failed: Site link plwiki:Kategoria:Szablony nawigacyjne - Wielka Brytania already used by item Q7097712.
- Cynara cardunculus (d:q7186137 - check) - save-failed: Site link ptwiki:Cardo already used by item Q538906.
- Cifrario polialfabetico (d:q374230 - check) - save-failed: Site link eswiki:Cifrado de Trithemius already used by item Q3709033.
- Gelicidio (d:q1192031 - check) - save-failed: Site link dewiki:Regen already used by item Q7925.
- Consolato (diplomazia) (d:q7843791 - check) - save-failed: Site link eowiki:Konsulo already used by item Q225749.
- Seggiolini volanti (d:q1062491 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Swing ride already used by item Q177002.
- Categoria:Utenti lt-1 (d:q6488920 - check) - save-failed: Site link ilowiki:Kategoria:Agar-aramat lt-N already used by item Q6489040.
- Baroque Works (d:q8085657 - check) - save-failed: Site link frwiki:Baroque Works already used by item Q2726975.
- Template:TOCleft (d:q8383694 - check) - save-failed: Site link nlwiki:Sjabloon:Inhoud links already used by item Q5626794.
- Regno di Prussia (d:q27306 - check) - save-failed: Site link svwiki:Preussen already used by item Q38872.
- Khuzdul (d:q7462260 - check) - save-failed: Site link dewiki:Sprachen und Schriften in Tolkiens Welt already used by item Q2141342.
- Ludovico (d:q6698984 - check) - save-failed: Site link eowiki:Ludoviko already used by item Q5039608.
- Lista di asteroidi (10001-11000) (d:q313521 - check) - save-failed: Site link slwiki:Seznam asteroidov (10001-10250) already used by item Q8338921.
- Lista di asteroidi (10001-11000) (d:q313521 - check) - save-failed: Site link slwiki:Seznam asteroidov (10001-10250) already used by item Q8338921.
- Giovanni (personaggio) (d:q1790404 - check) - save-failed: Site link frwiki:Team Rocket already used by item Q1066881.
- Iniettore (d:q425705 - check) - save-failed: Site link frwiki:Injecteur already used by item Q2167111.
- Template:Infobox colori (d:q7975414 - check) - save-failed: Site link mtwiki:Mudell:Infobox Kulur already used by item Q3257809.
- Template:Province della Turchia (d:q6363718 - check) - save-failed: Site link huwiki:Sablon:TUR already used by item Q6172251.
- Virgo (personaggio) (d:q2728119 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:List of Saint Seiya characters already used by item Q617064.
- Thibault (d:q8014714 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:List of minor characters in Peanuts already used by item Q2738358.
- Maztica (d:q7886035 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Abeir-Toril already used by item Q2664788.
- Template:Cartella (d:q9080073 - check) - save-failed: Site link fiwiki:Malline:Kehyslaatikko already used by item Q5657377.
- Guardia nera (Dungeons & Dragons) (d:q9296770 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:List of prestige classes already used by item Q3834381.
- Qu Rahn (d:q9298092 - check) - save-failed: Site link frwiki:Personnages de Jedi Knight already used by item Q2383077.
- Convocazioni per il campionato mondiale di calcio 2006 (d:q7801115 - check) - save-failed: Site link nlwiki:Japan op het wereldkampioenschap voetbal 2006 already used by item Q7800692.
- Tahiri Veila (d:q7888620 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:List of Star Wars characters already used by item Q51805.
- Magia divina (d:q9296749 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Magic of Dungeons & Dragons already used by item Q1077092.
- Oriente (d:q1277694 - check) - save-failed: Site link anwiki:Orient already used by item Q205653.
- Conti e duchi di Puglia e Calabria (d:q2324047 - check) - save-failed: Site link dewiki:Liste der Herrscher von Neapel already used by item Q2862798.
- Tusken (d:q2266831 - check) - save-failed: Site link nowiki:Liste over raser i Star Wars already used by item Q3249581.
- File manager spaziale (d:q7888831 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:File manager already used by item Q732970.
- Cronologia di Guerre stellari (d:q436300 - check) - save-failed: Site link eowiki:Stel-milita kalendaro already used by item Q8202157.
- Roy (Peanuts) (d:q8014701 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:List of minor characters in Peanuts already used by item Q2738358.
- Zero Point Module (d:q2363107 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Ancient technology in Stargate already used by item Q3645544.
- Categoria:Cantoni della Francia divisi per dipartimento (d:q7778215 - check) - save-failed: Site link fiwiki:Luokka:Ranskan kantonit already used by item Q7766723.
- Innocenti Elba (d:q7489152 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Fiat Duna already used by item Q1481464.
- Muschi (d:q25347 - check) - save-failed: Site link hrwiki:Mahovine already used by item Q29993.
- Profilassi (d:q1773974 - check) - save-failed: Site link dewiki:Prophylaxe (Zahnmedizin) already used by item Q93935.
- Lemuri (personaggio) (d:q3830151 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:List of Saint Seiya characters already used by item Q617064.
- Ruolo di genere (d:q1662673 - check) - save-failed: Site link frwiki:Sexisme already used by item Q93200.
- Template:Brano musicale (d:q9001861 - check) - Page was protected.
- R-36M (d:q7268861 - check) - save-failed: Site link fiwiki:R-36 already used by item Q6451506.
- Corvi Sanguinari (d:q7888289 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War already used by item Q1061708.
- Epotoransu! Mai (d:q1027027 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Yuu Watase already used by item Q234417.
- R-27 (SLBM) (d:q498695 - check) - save-failed: Site link frwiki:BM25 Musudan already used by item Q6452748.
- Eskimo (abbigliamento) (d:q9300679 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Anorak already used by item Q567688.
- Categoria:Automobili Autobianchi (d:q8836479 - check) - save-failed: Site link cswiki:Kategorie:Automobily Autobianchi already used by item Q8279872.
- Jiaozi (personaggio) (d:q2956504 - check) - save-failed: Site link ptwiki:Anexo:Lista de personagens de Dragon Ball already used by item Q2365866.
- Eufuismo (d:q8346457 - check) - save-failed: Site link dewiki:Schwulststil already used by item Q8346360.
- Pasto (d:q657221 - check) - save-failed: Site link eswiki:Comida already used by item Q6460735.
- Beregond (d:q793290 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Beregond and Bergil already used by item Q7471989.
- Personaggi minori di Dragon Ball (d:q7883442 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:List of Dragon Ball characters already used by item Q2365866.
- Vino cotto (d:q7884162 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Italian wine already used by item Q1125341.
- Worms (serie) (d:q7903060 - check) - save-failed: Site link simplewiki:Worms (video game) already used by item Q278771.
- Battaglia di Normandia (d:q8641370 - check) - save-failed: Site link lbwiki:Operatioun Overlord already used by item Q16471.
- Categoria:Portali sull'Africa (d:q8122238 - check) - save-failed: Site link idwiki:Kategori:Portal:Afrika already used by item Q8122368.
- Balivo (d:q329441 - check) - save-failed: Site link simplewiki:Bailiff already used by item Q4996207.
- Categoria:Cordati (d:q8734609 - check) - save-failed: Site link nowiki:Kategori:Virveldyr already used by item Q7157902.
- Regni di Arda (d:q7482125 - check) - save-failed: Site link frwiki:Meneltarma already used by item Q1451024.
- Formazione professionale (d:q6869278 - check) - save-failed: Site link nlwiki:Beroepsopleiding already used by item Q828812.
- Sistema solare interno (d:q7879772 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Solar System already used by item Q544.
- Simon Lovelace (d:q7885699 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:List of Bartimaeus characters already used by item Q3900213.
- Jakob Hyrnek (d:q7885375 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:List of Bartimaeus characters already used by item Q3900213.
- Nonno (d:q167918 - check) - save-failed: Site link nlwiki:Opa already used by item Q1873935.
- Seconda repubblica austriaca (d:q3953995 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:History of Austria already used by item Q187830.
- Madonna di Provenzano (d:q3842730 - check) - save-failed: Site link frwiki:Madonna di Provenzano already used by item Q3276182.
- Sistema muscolare (d:q7348512 - check) - save-failed: Site link aywiki:Janchi kamana already used by item Q7365.
- Template:Personaggi di Dragon Ball (d:q7466054 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Template:Dragon Ball already used by item Q7466109.
- L'ombra dell'Impero (d:q7487677 - check) - save-failed: Site link frwiki:Les Ombres de l'Empire already used by item Q1905019.
- Lista di battaglie di Arda (d:q7471393 - check) - save-failed: Site link nlwiki:Laatste Bondgenootschap already used by item Q1038272.
- Eingetragener Verein (d:q9299236 - check) - save-failed: Site link dewiki:Verein already used by item Q48204.
- Categoria:Modelli canadesi (d:q8085715 - check) - save-failed: Site link plwiki:Kategoria:Kanadyjskie modelki already used by item Q6277149.
- Template:Mongolia (d:q5612146 - check) - save-failed: Site link fiwiki:Malline:Mongolia already used by item Q8734248.
- Minuscolo (d:q8185162 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Letter case already used by item Q8188561.
- Furtum (d:q5509780 - check) - save-failed: Site link lawiki:Furtum already used by item Q2727213.
- Drenaggio sottosuperficiale (d:q7481320 - check) - save-failed: Site link frwiki:Drainage agricole already used by item Q3746082.
- Approvvigionamento (d:q829492 - check) - save-failed: Site link simplewiki:Supply already used by item Q542869.
- Dinastia Zhou orientale (d:q307066 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Zhou Dynasty already used by item Q35216.
- Categoria:Aziende di componentistica veicoli italiane (d:q9038867 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Category:Automotive companies of Italy already used by item Q8280340.
- Ceramica geometrica (d:q1503278 - check) - save-failed: Site link etwiki:Geomeetriline stiil already used by item Q852337.
- Trilogia di Elminster (d:q9303776 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:The Elminster Series already used by item Q3998824.
- Nikita (d:q8043021 - check) - save-failed: Site link fiwiki:Nikita already used by item Q4964037.
- Perversione (d:q626217 - check) - save-failed: Site link dawiki:Parafili already used by item Q178059.
- Template:Regioni della Somalia (d:q7278520 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Template:Somalia topics already used by item Q6466088.
- Lista di fiumi del Beleriand (d:q7468574 - check) - save-failed: Site link nlwiki:Sirion already used by item Q1777908.
- Crimson Mentone (d:q3697214 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:List of The Fairly OddParents characters already used by item Q1115755.
- Piedistallo (d:q251238 - check) - save-failed: Site link nlwiki:Sokkel (beeld) already used by item Q268205.
- Borsk Fey'lya (d:q7887911 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:List of Star Wars characters already used by item Q51805.
- Body Slam (d:q7887883 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Professional wrestling throws already used by item Q721137.
- Lista di Elfi di Arda (d:q7465372 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:List of Middle-earth Elves already used by item Q2469477.
- Caso Valenciennes-Olympique Marsiglia (d:q7880263 - check) - save-failed: Site link dewiki:Division 1 1992/93 already used by item Q1231072.
- Categoria:Transatlantici (d:q9298617 - check) - save-failed: Site link dewiki:Kategorie:Passagierschiff already used by item Q7302071.
- Template:Precision1 (d:q8496339 - check) - Page was protected.
- Prato (agricoltura) (d:q7777019 - check) - save-failed: Site link euwiki:Larre already used by item Q30121.
- Kon (personaggio) (d:q2482878 - check) - save-failed: Site link ptwiki:Anexo:Lista de personagens de Bleach already used by item Q262087.
- Speedball 2: Brutal Deluxe (d:q7888606 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Speedball (video game) already used by item Q384153.
- Discografia dei Death (d:q3709484 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Death discography already used by item Q5247320.
- Shadow of the Beast II (d:q7888614 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Shadow of the Beast already used by item Q1481597.
- Curva di domanda (d:q8981416 - check) - save-failed: Site link ptwiki:Demanda already used by item Q4402708.
- Categoria:Antifascisti italiani (d:q8557909 - check) - save-failed: Site link frwiki:Antifascisme already used by item Q210189.
- Categoria:Dissidenti sovietici (d:q8085596 - check) - save-failed: Site link ltwiki:Kategorija:Rusijos disidentai already used by item Q9090009.
- Moriquendi (d:q7503864 - check) - save-failed: Site link svwiki:Alver (Terra di Mezzo) already used by item Q203904.
- Scuola di Gaza (d:q3953273 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Procopius of Gaza already used by item Q557776.
- Pete Junior Gambadilegno (d:q7884166 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Pete (Disney) already used by item Q11947.
- Valacar (d:q8092671 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:List of kings of Gondor already used by item Q2083400.
- Presidente della Camera dei deputati (Italia) (d:q7478095 - check) - save-failed: Site link idwiki:Ketua parlemen already used by item Q1758037.
- Calimehtar (d:q8088114 - check) - save-failed: Site link frwiki:Liste des Hommes de la Terre du Milieu already used by item Q7463279.
- Residuo (d:q411194 - check) - save-failed: Site link dewiki:Residuum already used by item Q2145720.
- Orsoline dell'unione romana (d:q836521 - check) - save-failed: Site link nlwiki:Ursulinen already used by item Q2250880.
- Pinna caudale (d:q7887513 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Fish anatomy already used by item Q854873.
- Loto (personaggio) (d:q3837488 - check) - save-failed: Site link ptwiki:Anexo:Lista de Cavaleiros de Atena already used by item Q3359024.
- Odds Ballklubb (d:q7481496 - check) - save-failed: Site link fiwiki:Odd Grenland already used by item Q215302.
- Caraffa (d:q9470641 - check) - save-failed: Site link frwiki:Caraffa already used by item Q351733.
- Covarianza e controvarianza (d:q7253388 - check) - save-failed: Site link frwiki:Covariant et contravariant already used by item Q362640.
- Repubblica Sovietica di Naissaar (d:q665833 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Naissaar already used by item Q1132553.
- Mercedes-Benz W169 (d:q1703678 - check) - save-failed: Site link frwiki:Mercedes-Benz Classe A already used by item Q49384.
- Categoria:Province storiche della Svezia (d:q8387707 - check) - save-failed: Site link dewiki:Kategorie:Landschaft (Schweden) already used by item Q5666229.
- Paleolitico inferiore (d:q7463501 - check) - save-failed: Site link svwiki:Paleolitikum already used by item Q40203.
- Capra Nubiana (d:q7985566 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Anglo-Nubian already used by item Q2637507.
- Deuce to 7 Triple Draw (d:q7886115 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Lowball (poker) already used by item Q4356784.
- Joe Shlabotnik (d:q8014731 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:List of minor characters in Peanuts already used by item Q2738358.
- Template:SJM (d:q8115607 - check) - Page was protected.
- Lingua flessiva (d:q318917 - check) - save-failed: Site link eowiki:Lingva tipologio already used by item Q192625.
- Spettro di Seta (d:q9291762 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:List of Watchmen characters already used by item Q3900434.
- Composizioni di Johannes Brahms (d:q1363961 - check) - save-failed: Site link dewiki:Johannes Brahms already used by item Q7294.
- Episodi di Dirt (prima stagione) (d:q7885710 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:List of Dirt episodes already used by item Q425663.
- Takao (personaggio) (d:q3546404 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:List of Beyblade characters already used by item Q1044079.
- Milten (d:q3858087 - check) - save-failed: Site link plwiki:Lista postaci z serii gier Gothic already used by item Q4435763.
- Beregond (Sovrintendente di Gondor) (d:q9163070 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Stewards of Gondor already used by item Q943808.
- Gregory Brian Waldis (d:q3776559 - check) - save-failed: Site link dewiki:Gregory B. Waldis already used by item Q122231.
- Suore della Provvidenza rosminiane (d:q2167538 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Sisters of Providence of the Institute of Charity already used by item Q7531357.
- Categoria:Registi albanesi (d:q8983487 - check) - save-failed: Site link fiwiki:Luokka:Albanialaiset elokuvaohjaajat already used by item Q8983430.
- Pelforth (d:q7888790 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Heineken brands already used by item Q4033654.
- Categoria:Didattica (d:q7559243 - check) - save-failed: Site link ptwiki:Categoria:Ensino already used by item Q7014224.
- James Marcus (personaggio) (d:q3806662 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:List of Resident Evil characters already used by item Q19949.
- The Thor Trilogy (d:q3989631 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:List of minor Apogee Software video games already used by item Q3968321.
- Niso (Pandione) (d:q3877324 - check) - save-failed: Site link eswiki:Niso already used by item Q1136201.
- Teorema di Proth (d:q3771212 - check) - save-failed: Site link dewiki:Prothsche Primzahl already used by item Q593418.
- Categoria:Italiani per secolo (d:q7761160 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Category:Italian people by century already used by item Q7778706.
- Congiuntivite primaverile (d:q3686833 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Vernal keratoconjunctivitis already used by item Q4119259.
- Melograno (colore) (d:q8217074 - check) - save-failed: Site link eswiki:Caqui (color) already used by item Q650770.
- Categoria:Patologi danesi (d:q9499889 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Category:Danish pathologists already used by item Q8447578.
- Parco nazionale dei monti Udzungwa (d:q1294175 - check) - save-failed: Site link swwiki:Milima ya Udzungwa already used by item Q1955037.
- Risicoltura (d:q7885006 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Oryza sativa already used by item Q161426.
- Verde marino (d:q9293438 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Shades of green already used by item Q628657.
- Killers (gruppo musicale) (d:q9384603 - check) - save-failed: Site link svwiki:Paul Di'Anno already used by item Q313505.
- Episodi di Samantha chi? (prima stagione) (d:q7885701 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:List of Samantha Who? episodes already used by item Q1356670.
- Regni del Sud (d:q1206988 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Southern and Northern Dynasties already used by item Q49696.
- Categoria:Aree naturali protette del Burkina Faso (d:q9037634 - check) - save-failed: Site link ptwiki:Categoria:Parques nacionais de Burkina Faso already used by item Q7360314.
- Linguaggio CB (d:q9303371 - check) - save-failed: Site link frwiki:Citizen-band already used by item Q770588.
- Sabbia (colore) (d:q9303163 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Brown already used by item Q47071.
- Matamune (d:q9303139 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:List of Shaman King characters already used by item Q2334111.
- Cadillac Type 53 (d:q9303349 - check) - save-failed: Site link dewiki:Cadillac Type 51 already used by item Q673226.
- Illecito civile (d:q9305780 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Tort already used by item Q158970.
- Ivanov (d:q1676046 - check) - save-failed: Site link cswiki:Ivanov already used by item Q1175575.
- Riflesso di prensione palmare (d:q7884476 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Primitive reflexes already used by item Q1472071.
- Mega Man (serie) (d:q7565689 - check) - save-failed: Site link eswiki:Mega Man already used by item Q437523.
- Pylea (d:q9303277 - check) - save-failed: Site link svwiki:Angel (TV-serie) already used by item Q212156.
- Specie di Gradungulidae (d:q3834200 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Gradungulidae already used by item Q10549.
- Surf pop (d:q8095474 - check) - save-failed: Site link dewiki:Surf already used by item Q361692.
- Pinnath Gelin (d:q9304013 - check) - save-failed: Site link plwiki:Gondor already used by item Q213586.
- Jayson Paul (d:q909252 - check) - save-failed: Site link plwiki:Cryme Tyme already used by item Q599364.
- Survivor (d:q732398 - check) - save-failed: Site link zhwiki:Survivor already used by item Q398847.
- Zope 3 (d:q9302930 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Zope already used by item Q836650.
- Max Medina (d:q9302498 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:List of Gilmore Girls characters already used by item Q383465.
- Giygas (d:q9302554 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:EarthBound already used by item Q2529000.
- Ram Man (d:q9289633 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:List of Masters of the Universe characters already used by item Q2721140.
- Villa romana di Aosta (d:q4012803 - check) - save-failed: Site link frwiki:Villa romaine de la Consolata already used by item Q3558924.
- Coppa Mussolini (d:q7886343 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Venice Film Festival already used by item Q49024.
- Tedesca (d:q3982529 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Mullet (haircut) already used by item Q1410374.
- Demoleonte (d:q3044434 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Demoleon already used by item Q5256152.
- Sonda Hall (d:q8017597 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Hall effect sensor already used by item Q1431247.
- Categoria:Mafiosi immaginari (d:q9883209 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Category:Fictional mobsters already used by item Q7691883.
- Fedrigoni Group (d:q3742008 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Fedrigoni already used by item Q3067962.
- Categoria:Serie televisive poliziesche (d:q9055364 - check) - save-failed: Site link fiwiki:Luokka:Rikossarjat already used by item Q7484724.
- Cresfonte (d:q3697063 - check) - save-failed: Site link fiwiki:Kresfontes already used by item Q1788026.
- Izzy Stradlin and the Ju Ju Hounds (d:q9302671 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Izzy Stradlin already used by item Q320621.
- Omi (personaggio) (d:q3882171 - check) - save-failed: Site link ptwiki:Omi already used by item Q719073.
- Shark Attack 2 (d:q7884485 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Shark Attack (film) already used by item Q1439739.
- Stati per nome locale (d:q2336414 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:List of countries and capitals in native languages already used by item Q2600199.
- Kirk Gleason (d:q9302519 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:List of Gilmore Girls characters already used by item Q383465.
- Michel Gerard (d:q9301631 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:List of Gilmore Girls characters already used by item Q383465.
- Episodi di Samantha chi? (seconda stagione) (d:q7886081 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:List of Samantha Who? episodes already used by item Q1356670.
- Lakhimpur (d:q8584167 - check) - save-failed: Site link cawiki:Lakhimpur already used by item Q42743.
- Brian Migdol (d:q9179282 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:List of Black Flag band members already used by item Q3618513.
- Ecto 1 (d:q9284176 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Ghostbusters (franchise) already used by item Q2365168.
- Bullseye (Toy Story) (d:q9302881 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:List of Toy Story characters already used by item Q2235021.
- Il commissario Montalbano (d:q9302120 - check) - save-failed: Site link dewiki:Andrea Camilleri already used by item Q334219.
- Lumiq Studios (d:q3840610 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Lumiq Studios already used by item Q6703330.
- Radio Bemba Sound System (gruppo musicale) (d:q7886801 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Manu Chao already used by item Q207898.
- Messalina di Foligno (d:q7883921 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Felician of Foligno already used by item Q1343984.
- Naruto: Ninja Destiny (d:q9301655 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:List of Naruto video games already used by item Q3267168.
- Midquel (d:q9302746 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Sequel already used by item Q261636.
- Categoria:Territori palestinesi (d:q9885855 - check) - save-failed: Site link nlwiki:Categorie:Palestijnse Autoriteit already used by item Q5819664.
- Sebastian (Disney) (d:q7885388 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:List of Disney's The Little Mermaid characters already used by item Q6151636.
- Personaggi di Gunslinger Girl (d:q9302600 - check) - save-failed: Site link jawiki:GUNSLINGER GIRL already used by item Q907885.
- Jagger (d:q9301713 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:List of Fist of the North Star characters already used by item Q1185778.
- Stati nel 2008 (d:q1609781 - check) - save-failed: Site link frpwiki:Payis (L) already used by item Q842807.
- Plumbicon (d:q9302644 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Video camera tube already used by item Q289138.
- Bratz (serie animata) (d:q7803245 - check) - save-failed: Site link nlwiki:Bratz already used by item Q844684.
- Emeralopia (d:q7757581 - check) - save-failed: Site link etwiki:Kanapimedus already used by item Q7758678.
- Hide and Seek (Plastic Tree) (d:q7884154 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Hide and Seek already used by item Q419845.
- Morti nel 2009 (d:q276210 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Lists of deaths by year already used by item Q8803453.
- Effy (d:q9299106 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:List of Winnie-the-Pooh characters already used by item Q1153462.
- Hochschule (d:q9304087 - check) - save-failed: Site link dewiki:Hochschule already used by item Q38723.
- Bart (personaggio) (d:q9301731 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:List of Fist of the North Star characters already used by item Q1185778.
- Fzoul Chembryl (d:q9291714 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:List of Forgotten Realms characters already used by item Q2253749.
- Kristen Forrester (d:q9301739 - check) - save-failed: Site link enwiki:Forrester family already used by item Q8564690.
- Area metropolitana di Parigi (d:q1081225 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Sannita|Sannita]]
for the following reason(s):
technical reasonsThis block (ID #1379) has been set to expire: 12:47, 4 May 2013. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Sannita|Sannita]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Sannita|Sannita]]
for the following reason(s):
technical reasonsThis block (ID #1379) has been set to expire: 12:47, 4 May 2013. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Sannita|Sannita]] or another administrator. - Shogun (miniserie televisiva) (d:q3959683 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Lassie (d:q941640 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Uccelli di rovo (d:q9262969 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Makkoshotyka (d:q1095548 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Template:Immortal (d:q8085889 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Uomo che fuma (d:q1071461 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Cavalieri Ospitalieri (d:q187549 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Calcio agli Island Games 2007 (d:q4819027 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Rogna (malattia) (d:q1358140 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Concettismo (d:q1759385 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - London Trams (d:q1619003 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Categoria:Reti televisive sportive (d:q8802312 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Il Golem (d:q1622001 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Magellan (One Piece) (d:q3843119 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Diocesi di Nebbio (d:q9302097 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Stazione di Roma Balduina (d:q3970701 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Step'anakert (d:q129352 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Sintropia (d:q3961950 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Categoria:Agenti respiratori (d:q8657553 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Teatro Dante (Sansepolcro) (d:q3981960 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Atmosfera di Io (d:q2869536 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Atmosfera di Ganimede (d:q2869535 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Phytophthora (d:q311294 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Medium Access Control (d:q3853837 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Maltesi (d:q1286876 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Associazione Sportiva Pro Belvedere Vercelli (d:q9301778 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Mahendragarh (d:q2249788 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Up and under (d:q9301905 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Categoria:Crateri di Callisto (d:q6213728 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Atmosfera di Europa (d:q7885366 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Categoria:Gruppi montuosi (d:q7704317 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Gareth Bryne (d:q7886108 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Atrax robustus (d:q4661821 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Khedrup Gyatso (d:q3814990 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Pentaspecchio (d:q3899242 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Kit car (d:q9301683 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Limerence (d:q1210705 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Pallavolo maschile ai Giochi panamericani (d:q7888604 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Categoria (filosofia) (d:q714737 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Larvell Jones (d:q1747312 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Zed (Scuola di polizia) (d:q4024065 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Pollachius pollachius (d:q752683 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Dorieo (d:q3037046 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Mafioso rap (d:q9302696 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Telediffusione (d:q1652121 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Vaso sanguigno (d:q988343 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Orbital 2 (d:q384695 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Settimana Internazionale di Coppi e Bartali 2009 (d:q3958374 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Willie il gigante (d:q9301642 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Pattani (d:q1025966 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Composizioni di Franz Liszt (S.351 - S.999) (d:q2736138 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - V-wing (d:q9298900 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (d:q1521623 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Gantu (d:q9301466 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Prunus serrulata (d:q165321 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Sviluppo (cinema) (d:q7886044 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Capitan Futuro (anime) (d:q9046782 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Conium maculatum (d:q218041 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Categoria:Re di Sukhothai (d:q8995100 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Template:Contrario (d:q6064718 - check) - Page was protected.
- Io sono (singolo) (d:q3801228 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Poli Distillerie (d:q3907242 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Studio op. 10 n. 12 (Chopin) (d:q147265 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Nala (d:q2365445 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Commissioned Corps (d:q3873184 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Aeroporti in Albania (d:q1839796 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Onorificenze spagnole (d:q1528285 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Categoria:500 Miglia di Indianapolis (d:q8546181 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Lord Mayor (d:q1869906 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Ordine Militare di Guglielmo (d:q1521491 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Corona della regina di Norvegia (d:q3693956 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Corona dell'imperatrice Eugenia di Francia (d:q3693952 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Famiglia di San Francisco (d:q3738934 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Platanista gangetica (d:q210872 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Moses Hightower (d:q1637228 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Bleiddwn (d:q9302383 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Teodoro e l'invenzione che non va (d:q2601723 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Corona di Giorgio IV (d:q2900154 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Pallavolo maschile ai Giochi del Mediterraneo (d:q7885755 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Storia di Genova (d:q9301980 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Capitoli di Naruto (d:q1051146 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - No (negazione) (d:q3877443 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Sony Ericsson G705 (d:q9301454 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Nokia E50 (d:q1780607 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Fugaku Uchiha (d:q8273411 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Template:Carica pubblica (d:q5830052 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Rischio di tasso (d:q3936435 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - It Came Upon the Midnight Clear (d:q1094974 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Template:ESC (d:q6591614 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Psicopatologia (d:q624758 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Pontosaurus (d:q9303550 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Placca dello Yangtze (d:q2323550 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Partito Libertariano (d:q629258 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Testimoni di Geova per nazione (d:q9304767 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Pharao (d:q2366305 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Dodongo (d:q9302537 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Brema-Verden (d:q694594 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Medibank International 2009 - Doppio femminile (d:q3853741 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Template:Elezione del papa (d:q6547972 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Monte Corona (d:q3861487 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Template:Nazionale irachena Olimpiadi 2004 (d:q8831055 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Sistema dinamico lineare stazionario (d:q1808960 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Template:Nazionale serba under-21 europei 2009 (d:q9013876 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Medicina d'emergenza-urgenza (d:q2861470 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Manchester United Football Club 1999-2000 (d:q3844351 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Template:Giorno giuliano (d:q7486321 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - The Sound of Music (d:q1022513 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Mister Mistoffelees (d:q1647969 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Rum Tum Tugger (d:q3942616 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Johto (d:q607459 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Vespidae (d:q7037230 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Zucchetti (d:q4024914 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Te lo volevo dire (d:q3981805 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Nokia E71 (d:q1634751 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Pathet Lao (d:q858887 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Categoria:F.K. Crvena zvezda (d:q10136140 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Categoria:Allenatori dei St. Louis Bombers (d:q8809271 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Rendimento meccanico (d:q2628085 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Popolazione biologica (d:q1098652 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Progenitore comune (d:q333018 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Template:SS Lazio (d:q8062777 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Raquel del Rosario (d:q1077821 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Template:Calcio Urawa Red Diamonds rosa (d:q9019213 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Sisifo (I Cavalieri dello zodiaco) (d:q7886142 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Rocque Joaquin de Alcubierre (d:q519496 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Istituto di lingue delle Orsoline Wenzao (d:q706940 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Vizir ayyubidi d'Egitto (d:q7887194 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Vetro dicroico (d:q1209450 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Monopartitismo (d:q50686 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Monopartitismo (d:q50686 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Categoria:Competizioni ciclistiche neozelandesi (d:q8436963 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Kia Pride (d:q169964 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Template:Licenza software (d:q8852541 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Categoria:Gruppi musicali j-pop (d:q7959432 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Seeley Booth (d:q1286779 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Nostra Signora del Monte Carmelo di Garabandal (d:q1066282 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Vampire Hunter D (d:q1072082 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Vampire Hunter D (d:q1072082 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Wakfu (d:q935970 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Yahiko (personaggio) (d:q9301753 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Linea Schomburgk (d:q9301669 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Jenakijeve (d:q1686835 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Libro fuori catalogo (d:q3831846 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Sherry Palmer (d:q941827 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Manuale HACCP (d:q3844965 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator.You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by[[User:Addshore|Addshore]]
for the following reason(s):
[[Special:DispatchStats]] at 6 hours and 2 minutes lag. It seems 1000epm may be a tiny bit to fast, Owner can unblockThis block (ID #1384) has been set to expire: infinite. Even if blocked, you will usually still be able to edit your user talk page and email other editors. To discuss the block, you may contact [[User:Addshore|Addshore]] or another administrator. - Seeland (Svizzera) (d:q2265231 - check) - cant-edit: Edit not allowed: * {| id="mw-blocked-text" style="border:2px solid #000; width:100%; margin:0 auto 6px auto;" | You are still able to view pages and data entries, but you are now not able to edit, move, or create them.
You are currently unable to edit Wikidata.Editing from Legobot has been blocked (disabled) by