CMT fair – Stuttgart 2017 to showcase tourist Albania

In the run-up to the grand event, the Stuttgart Tourism Fair , the media outlets are echoing the Albanian tourist reality. This fair will provide a good springboard for achieving far better results in attraction of tourists and not only , as well as those seeking to operate in the field of tourism.
Albania partner country of CMT 2017
This year the tourism fair CMT Stuttgart has been a success. On the whole the organizers welcomed on the 9 days of the fair about 2 000 exhibitors and 220000 visitors on the CMT in Stuttgart. Special travel themes such as cycling, golf, wellness, cruise ships and culture have attracted a lot of attention. In the upcoming January, CMT will be presenting holiday ideas, the most beautiful travel destinations from around the globe. Albania as a partner country and Nordschwarzwald as a partner region in the feature of caravanning and motor home show will have a special role in this event.
Since 2011, the independent travelers’ guide, The Lonely Planet, has recommended its community to go to Albania putting this country watered by the Ionian sea on the top list.
Albania has natural beauty in such abundance that you might wonder why it’s taken 20 years for the country to take off as a tourist destination since the end of a particularly brutal strain of communism in 1991. So backward was Albania when it emerged blinking into the bright light of freedom that it needed two decades just to catch up with the rest of Eastern Europe. Now that it arguably has done so, Albania offers a remarkable array of unique attractions, not least due to this very isolation: ancient mountain behavior codes, forgotten archaeological sites and villages where time seems to have stood still are all on the menu. With its stunning mountain scenery, a thriving capital in Tirana and beaches to rival any elsewhere in the Mediterranean, Albania has become the sleeper hit of the Balkans. But hurry here, as word is well and truly out.
The number of tourists coming to Albania is increasing on an annual basis. In 2004 it was seen by 588.000 visitors. While five years later, as many as 1,8 mln foreign tourists have chosen to visit Albania. “Last year Albania welcomed nearly 4 mln guests with 90 percent of them from Europe, ” according to Ardit Çollaku, director general of National Tourism Agency. The overwhelming majority come from countries like Kosovo, Macedonia and Montenegro, followed by Greece,Italy and Germany.