I like to think I’m pretty awesome!

If you want to see lots more pictures of me, my family, or cool things follow me on my INSTAGRAM
I am a Fun Energetic mother. I have two girls that just rule my every waking moment. I also have a little man that rules not only waking moments but sleeping ones too! We love finding fun things to do and traveling anywhere we can. We make an adventure out of everything. You can’t imagine what my backyard has been or the down stairs closet leads too! I love blogging and feel passionate about it. It’s fun to try to bring some of my personality into my posts. I’m not perfect and why would I wanna be!!! Being yourself and showing your kids that is ok, is the best thing to teach them growing up. (of course along with please and thank you) As well as to be excepting of everyone along the walk of life.

This is a Lifestyle BLOG. Sometimes we talk about REAL life “Sh*T” Sometimes we can’t sugar coat everything. Once in a while I post one too many selfies and over load my instagram with pet photos! Why? WHY NOT!
I try to do as much as I can outdoors. I took up kayaking and hiking more. My kids love it. We have three cats a Bernese puppy in our future! We love all pets, We’d own a zoo if we could!
I’m human and a mom. Things happen, are said, and done. All you have to do at the end of every good or bad chapter is to keep looking forward to your new one.
I am always up for travel! <3 I hope I get to visit some amazing places one day. New Zealand being my number one!
Here are some pictures of me and my Family! Check out Instagram for a lot more looks into my everyday life! Also Our Bernese has an INSTA! Bernese_Nova
I am 28
Oldest daughter Natalia
Youngest daughter Kaylin
My son Logan
My son Logan
My family!
My son was born early by 5 weeks. He was in the NICU for week. That was the longest/hardest time ever mentally, physically and every other way you’d like to put. I think I only kept going because of hospital coffee, friends/family, and faith it would be over soon.Praying everyday was our last!

My oldest is very goofy and has a crazy amount of energy! My youngest is the girly girl and loves to just be a girl! The boy- Well He’s the baby!