Foursquare ではパリでお友達との出かけるのにぴったりのスポットを検索できます:

  • 9.5

    La Cave de Septime

    ワインバー 3 rue Basfroi パリ, Île-de-France

    皆さんは「 」とも言っています(32 Tip):

    • Emily W.
      Emily Wilson: "I just love it here. Awesome service, delicious selection of natural wines, nice snacks, cool vibe. Snag some seats if you can, then linger as long as your heart desires."
  • 9.4

    Hoppy Corner

    ビールバー 34 rue des Petits Carreaux パリ, Île-de-France

    皆さんは「 」とも言っています(29 Tip):

    • Maurice G.
      Maurice Garcia: "Great selection, knowledgeable and friendly staff. Fast wifi."
  • 9.6

    Grand Bassin du Jardin du Luxembourg

    噴水 Jardin du Luxembourg パリ, Île-de-France

    皆さんは「 」とも言っています(25 Tip):

    • Lucky
      Lucky: "Gorgeous spot in even more gorgeous park! 10/10"
  • 9.5

    L'Oiseau Blanc

    フランス料理店 19 avenue Kléber パリ, Île-de-France

    皆さんは「 」とも言っています(20 Tip):

    • Papa S.
      Papa S: "Wonderful atmos on 6th fl of Peninsula. Foie gras was yummy, duck was delicious & the L’Envol (a propeller shaped chocolate, peanut butter, praline, sorbet dessert) is fabulous! Gd wine selection too"
  • 9.5


    美術館 1 rue de la Légion d'Honneur パリ, Île-de-France

    皆さんは「 」とも言っています(829 Tip):

    • いなつ 中.
      いなつ 中福: "学生の場合、オランジュリー美術館との共通券を買うよりも学割でそれぞれ券を購入したほうが安い。国際学生証が必要。"
  • 9.4

    Shakespeare & Company

    書店 37 rue de la Bûcherie パリ, Île-de-France

    皆さんは「 」とも言っています(283 Tip):

    • ivapetrov_
      ivapetrov_: "A place full of magic. Every single detail is a peace of art. A place, where you feel the incredible power of books, where you can read, write, breathe...a source of inspiration for book lovers."


  • 9.6


    Pont Alexandre III パリ, Île-de-France

    皆さんは「 」とも言っています(159 Tip):

    • Kate D.
      Kate Davis: "The Pont Alexandre III is one of the most popular bridges in Paris. With golden statues on top of pillars, ornate lamp posts, intricate architecture and details and more it's worth a visit."
    • Sam P.
      Sam Pezzullo: "One of my favorite spots in Paris. This bridge is so ornate and beautiful, and it has an amazing view of the Eiffel Tower. Great way to top off a long walk down the Champs Élysées."
  • 9.5

    Place du Trocadéro

    広場 Place du Trocadéro et du 11 Novembre パリ, Île-de-France

    皆さんは「 」とも言っています(291 Tip):

    • Lynea D.
      Lynea Davenport: "The crowd around the Eiffel Tower is always so large, this place gives you full view of the tower, beautiful at night. Amazing view. If you go at night, have a good night-setting on your camera."
    • Natalie D.
      Natalie Davis: "Grab your friends and go to Trocadero to watch le Tour Eiffel sparkle at night. One of the best views of the entire tower. Photoshoots are a common sight during the day--great place to people watch."
  • 9.5

    Cour Carrée

    歩行者天国 Cour Carrée パリ, Île-de-France

    皆さんは「 」とも言っています(18 Tip):

    • Tim H.
      Tim Hettler: "Peek through archways to see the Louvre’s illuminated I. M. Pei pyramid to the west, St.-Germain l’Auxerrois Church to the east, Rue de Rivoli to the north and Institut de France to the south."
    • Jibé
      Jibé: "Kissing by night in the dark in the golden cour is a must"

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