Steam Ship Newfoundland of 1872 - Her configuration as shown is as it would have been during the annual spring seal hunt. Outlook or ‘buckets’ in her masts, where the 'bucketmen’ would have been freezing they’re buckets off while trying to spot a path through the ice or spot the seals. Lots of boats to go hunting on more open water, or travel between ice shelves. The wooden beams or ties hanging down the side of the hull served the crew well to get on and off the ice, for instance when the vessel got stuck. The crew would climb overboard onto the ice and either do a 'tug-of-war’ by actually pulling the ship by rope, or they would chip away chunks of ice with sticks, picks and other tools. If all of that wouldn’t get the ship free, out came the always popular explosives, which were handled with a casualness not often seen today. A relatively heavy 'bumper’ surrounded the entire vessel and her bows were heavily reinforced.The little white outhouse forward is exactly that, 'stuff’ would just fall along the port side hull, the streaking it created has not been duplicated on the model 😉
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