Let Jellicle Ships be Unconfined (Posts tagged munkustrapxpouncival)

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Munkustrap Supporting and Encouraging His Boys (relationship unspecified).

Pouncival and Alonzo read to me as being around the same age in this production: Alonzo is Much Baby, and both he and Pouncival get a 'shy young romance' arc (with Demeter and Victoria respectively).

So Munkustrap gets to mentor them both!

Erick Gonzalez Santiago as Pouncival, Marco Salazar as Munkustrap, and Carlos Hampshire as Alonzo, Mexico 2018 (X).

c: alonzo c: munkustrap c: pouncival alonzoxpouncival alonzoxmunkustrap munkustrapxpouncival stage cats

Have some adorable Munkupounce, courtesy of Alexander Auler and Matthew Levick (who are a couple offstage)! This is season 3 of the Vienna revival, and Matthew is a swing this season instead of being the first cast Bill Bailey. So far he’s been on as Carbucketty, Alonzo, Coricopat, Bill Bailey, and Mistoffelees. Alex commented, “super proud of my boy for crushing the swing life”.

3 October 2021 (X).


sensitive pairing c: munkustrap c: pouncival c: carbucketty carbuckettyxmunkustrap munkustrapxpouncival munkupounce

Brazilian Munkupounce is rather adorable. Munkustrap just keeps making eye contact with him and smiling, and they have their little inside jokes….


Pounce understands his little looks and gestures, and copies him…

… and they’re such good buddies that Munk will definitely let him and Tumble get away with anything, right?


… oh.



He can’t believe it. He has to stop and check. Munkustrap won’t even look at him.

But all is soon forgiven. He spots a leg! He can cuddle the leg.


Munkustrap spotted the incoming boy and was expecting him to go between the legs - shifting his weight to give him room - but a leg cuddle is good too. He welcomes him in and gives him a pat.

They’re good friends again!

Brazil 2010: probably Julio Mancini as Munkustrap and Rodrigo Werneck as Pouncival.

Photos so you can properly appreciate the cute:

c: pouncival c: munkustrap stage cats sensitive pairing munkustrapxpouncival platonic or romantic your choice!


Munkustrap Supporting and Encouraging His Boys (relationship unspecified).

Pouncival and Alonzo read to me as being around the same age in this production: Alonzo is Much Baby, and both he and Pouncival get a 'shy young romance' arc (with Demeter and Victoria respectively).

So Munkustrap gets to mentor them both!

Erick Gonzalez Santiago as Pouncival, Marco Salazar as Munkustrap, and Carlos Hampshire as Alonzo, Mexico 2018 (X).

c: alonzo c: munkustrap c: pouncival stage cats alonzoxmunkustrap alonzoxpouncival munkustrapxpouncival

Munkustrap welcoming Alonzo with a hug and a pat for doing some Good Dancing with Tugger. Alonzo hugging his leg. 🥺

(And then they settle down to watch all the lovely wiggling butts in front of them. 😌)

Troika trailer, 2001. Ronnie Nelson as Alonzo, Grant Turner as Munkustrap, Jarrett Alí Boyd as Deuteronomy, Everett Taylor as Plato (in front of Tugger), David A. Blonn as Pouncival (in front of Deuteronomy), Shylo Smith as Victoria, and McCree O’Kelley as Mistoffelees.

suggestive content stage cats alonzoxmunkustrap and depending on how you want to read it we have your choice of alonzoxmistoffelees alonzoxpouncival munkustrapxpouncival mistoffeleesxmunkustrap platoxpouncival mistoffeleesxvictoria munkustrapxplato so I shall add sensitive pairing just to be safe

I'm here to carry on the show's tradition of shipping kittens with older characters feel free to join if you're so inclined


munkutuggerpounce. 😌

just. AU where Tuggerstrap are old friends and occasional lovers and then along comes eager young kid and Munkustrap is all restrained about his clumsy obvious advances but adores him and tries to mentor-zone him (and these are Cats characters so of course they’re still cuddly anyway) then Tugger wanders in from wherever he’s been for weeks and completely fails and mentor-zoning and Pounce suddenly has TWO big warm sexy guys to make eyes at! only this new one is happy to openly return his flirting and also team up with him to plot to make Munkustrap give in and kiss him.

and yes this does fit very nicely into the BatB au sensitive pairing twice over in fact! c: munkustrap c: tugger c: pouncival munkustrapxpouncival munkustrapxtugger pouncivalxtugger munkustrapxpouncivalxtugger
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