An official army family and MWR Site

Recreational Shooting Range

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Every third Sunday of every month is Ladies Day at the Range. Ladies shoot for half price all day! 

Fort Johnson is nestled in the heart of sportsman paradise! It's only fitting that we offer a shooting range full of opportunities to help hone your skills. The range accommodates many shooting styles and skill levels.


  • skeet/trap range
  • pistol range
  • rifle range
  • archery
  • paintball
  • (NEW) air soft

Groups or clubs may rent the range at a reduced rate.

Events may be rescheduled due to range control commitments.

Paintball Tournament Registration Form
FP Form 563 - Weapons Registration Form
AR 190-3
AR 190-11
Price List

Monday through Thursday by Reservation Only.

* Minimum of 15 paying patrons at $15 per person ($225) for 2 hours.

*Minimum of 25 paying patrons at $15 per person ($375) for 3.5 hours.

TypeRange Fee (All Ranges)
Price$10 per day
TypePistol shooting
Price$10 per day
TypeRifle Shooting 

$10 per day

Price$10 for 25 clays
TypeShotgun/Rifle Rental
Price$10 per day
TypeBow and 5 Arrows
Price$5.00 per day
Type20 Targets for 3D Archery   

Paintball Rental Fee

Includes Mask, Gun, Air, and Field Use

Type(Air Soft) Gun, 1000BBs, facemask, and field fees


TypeAir Refill (air only)
Price$1 per fill

500 Paint-balls

Type Price
Range Fee (All Ranges) $10 per day
Pistol shooting $10 per day
Rifle Shooting 

$10 per day

Skeet/Trap  $10 for 25 clays
Shotgun/Rifle Rental $5
Archery $10 per day
Bow and 5 Arrows $5.00 per day
20 Targets for 3D Archery    $10 

Paintball Rental Fee

Includes Mask, Gun, Air, and Field Use

(Air Soft) Gun, 1000BBs, facemask, and field fees


Air Refill (air only) $1 per fill

500 Paint-balls




Hunting on Fort Johnson

For more information about hunting on Fort Johnson, please follow this link:

Hunting Information

Transporting Firearms on Fort Johnson

Hunters and marksmen not assigned to Fort Johnson are welcome to use the Wildlife Management area and Recreational Shooting Range if they follow a few basic guidelines. These rules are designed to make access to available leisure activities more convenient, while assuring the safety of the post population and its visitors. 

In accordance with JRTC and Fort Johnson Regulation 190-3

Chapter 6 Transporting Firearms 6-1

Transport Of Firearms

Persons subject to this regulation will only transport privately owned firearms onto and within the Installation for authorized uses in accordance with Chapters 2 and 5. Privately owned firearms will be transported in vehicles only while traveling in a direct route to and from hunting areas, dog training areas, target ranges or other authorized activity locations. No stops are authorized. a. The carrying of a loaded firearm in a vehicle is prohibited. b. Privately owned firearms carried in a vehicle will be secured in the trunk. For vehicles without a trunk, firearms will be encased in a container. At no time will firearms be transported in the glove compartment, under the driver’s seat or in a console between the driver’s and passenger’s seat. Firearms will be transported in such a manner that they will not be readily available to the driver or passengers. Commercially available trigger locks and other security devices are strongly recommended to deter and prevent loss and theft. c. Personnel who remove privately owned firearms from the Installation will comply with applicable federal, state and local laws pertaining to ownership, possession and registration. d. The carrying of a concealed weapon on the Installation is prohibited regardless of whether a state or county permit has been obtained. For the purpose of this regulation, a concealed weapon is any instrument used or designed for the purpose of inflicting grievous bodily harm that is carried on the person in such a way as to be hidden from ordinary view. Folded knives with blades shorter than 3 inches are excluded from this definition. e. Privately owned firearms or other weapons will not be carried into public buildings, except as authorized in Chapter 5 and will not be carried into buildings or open areas where alcoholic beverages are served. f. The provisions of this section shall not apply to persons vested with police powers when in the actual discharge of official duties. g. The provisions of this section shall not apply to persons vested with police powers that are not actually discharging their official duties provided that such persons are full-time active officers and have on their person valid identification as law enforcement officers.



More Outdoor Recreation


GC 2 Gun Shoot

Come to the Shooting Range and participate in the Garrison Commander 2 Gun Shoot event!

Mar 22 8 am - 12 pm

GC 2 Gun Shoot

Come to the Fort Johnson Shooting Range and enter the Garrison Commanders 2 Gun Shoot event! Sign in starts at 0800 Competitors must show no later than 0845 for safety brief, shooting begins at 0900 Competitors must bring their own firearm and ammunition (250 rounds suggested), competitors must also have a case or empty chamber indicator and range approved hoslter for handguns Ages 12+ for Fort Johnson and community Participants will have to provide their own firearms, ammunition, and PPE (hearing protection and eye protection) Commonly used calibers: handgun - 9mm, 45acp, 40 S&W, 10 mm. rifle - 5.56x45, .223 remington, .308 winchester Whats needed: semi automatic handgun and semi automatic rifle (no .22 lr) good form fitting kydex holster and atleast 3 magazines per firearm this match will be a 2 gun competition focusing on practical shooting abilities while under pressure. participants will engage in a series of stages designed to test various shooting skills including target acquisition, problem solving, and transitioning from firearm to firearm

Mar 22 8 am - 12 pm

Dye Hard Color Run

Apr 5 9 am - 10 am

Dye Hard Color Run

Apr 5 9 am - 10 am

Garrison Commander 2 Gun Shoot

Demonstrate your precision and skill with various firearm disciplines. Emphasize your tactical shooting techniques, aiming accuracy and speed under pressure in a competitive environment!

Jun 28 8 am - 12 pm

Garrison Commander 2 Gun Shoot

Demonstrate your precision and skill with various firearm disciplines. Emphasize your tactical shooting techniques, aiming accuracy and speed under pressure in a competitive environment!

Jun 28 8 am - 12 pm