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There are people on the planet who have a desire to create very uncomfortable situations for other human beings. Most unfortunately there is real evil in the world, and not from vampires or zombies. Nope. Evil most often comes from seemingly ordinary people. Sometimes the individuals or groups who are doing evil even think they are doing the right thing, but many others know exactly what they are doing. They enjoy bringing grief to other people’s lives.

For musician Cat Ridgeway, being on the road is a perk of her job. “I split my time between Orlando and Vail these days,” said Ridgeway, who is promoting her latest single “Sprinter.” [The album of the same name will be released on March 28.] “A little over a year ago, I was offered an incredible opportunity to play at some of the swanky resorts in Colorado during the ski season. I’m a sucker for adventure, so I just went for it and moved across the country without really knowing what to expect [but] it was awesome and I got invited back. So, for the last two winters, I’ve been playing all over the Vail Valley [and then] coming home to Florida and using it as a touring base in the off-season.” Ridgeway shares her adventures and music on Facebook (, Instagram ( and on her website (

Orvieto is one of the most striking, memorable, and enjoyable hill towns in central Italy. About 90 minutes from Rome, Orvieto sits majestically high above the valley floor atop a big chunk of tufo (tuff) volcanic stone, overlooking cypress-dotted Umbrian plains. A visit here will reward you with a delightful, perfectly preserved, and virtually traffic-free world highlighted by a colorful-inside-and-out cathedral and some of Italy's best wine.

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