About the Journal
Journal on Interactive Systems, ISSN: 2763-7719 (formerly, SBC Journal on 3D Interactive Systems, 2236-3297)
Aims & Scope
The Journal on Interactive Systems (JIS) covers all the aspects related to the design, development, evaluation, and use of interactive computing systems and the effects of their use in different domains.
JIS is an open-access journal, meaning all content is freely available to people or their institutions without charge. People are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles or use them for any other lawful purpose without asking the publisher's or the authors' prior permission. JIS has no Article Processing Charges (APC) or additional charges for authors and readers.
The journal is inherently interdisciplinary, and its main goals include:
- Disseminate original scientific works on interactive systems, their design, evaluation, and application.
- Introduce scientific projects under development by research groups focused on contributing to the state-of-the-art of the related themes.
- Openly disseminate high-quality research results for a broad audience.
Authors are invited to submit original contributions – written in English – presenting experimental or theoretical results, case studies, surveys, and new ideas and applications with advances in a broad spectrum of technical areas.
JIS operates in a continuous flow process: when a paper is accepted, and the Editorial Committee approves its camera-ready version, it receives a DOI number and is published online. ORCID registration is mandatory to authenticate the authors' identity. Authors retain the copyright and full publishing rights without restrictions. For more information, see the Editorial Workflow and the Authors Guidelines.
Topics include but are not limited to:
Topics in Interactive Systems
- Accessibility
- Adaptability
- Affective and emotional aspects
- Audio techniques
- Collaboration
- Communicability
- Computer animation and simulation
- Computer graphics
- Cultural aspects
- Design methods, processes, artifacts, tools, approaches
- Design patterns
- Digital literacy
- Ergonomics
- Ethical issues
- Evaluation methods, process, artifacts, tools, approaches
- Hardware
- Human values
- Information management
- Innovative input and output devices
- Innovative interaction techniques
- Interface and interaction
- Legal issues
- Modelling
- Parallel processing
- Privacy
- Programming languages and techniques
- Simulation
- Security
- Social issues
- Software engineering
- Theories and concepts
- Trust
- Usability
- User eXperience
- Visualization
Interactive Systems in specific domains
- Advertisement
- Agriculture
- Artificial Intelligence
- Augmented Reality
- Big Data
- Brain-Computer Interaction
- Commerce
- Data-driven applications
- Digital Art
- Disinformation, misinformation, and fake news
- Education
- e-Gov
- Entertainment
- Extended Reality
- Games
- Geoinformatics
- Health
- Holography
- Industry
- Information Systems
- Information Retrieval
- Interactive Digital TV
- Internet of Things
- Interactive Systems in Challenging Contexts
- Metaverses
- Mixed Reality
- Mobile Computing
- Persuasive Computing
- Pervasive Computing
- Robotics
- Science
- Smart Cities
- Social Networks
- Social Software
- Tangible Computing
- Virtual Reality
- Wearable Computing
Contributions are accepted as full papers in several manners:
- Concluded scientific works presenting algorithms, concepts, new devices, or techniques
- On-going research presenting new ideas with preliminary results and critical discussions, addressing important problems, describing systems' implementations, etc.
- Surveys with a critical vision of a specific area, including a complete revision of the state-of-the-art and presenting a rigorous methodology (e.g., systematic reviews)
- Essays, Position articles, or tutorials deeply covering a specific topic from a theoretical or practical point of view.
JIS adopts the best editorial practices, valuing open, inclusive, democratic, and free science and adopting COPE's (Committee on Publication Ethics) core practices. Authors are encouraged to share their research data and materials to complement their publications, adding rigor and reproducibility. Authors are also invited to critically examine their references, background, and methods, striving to avoid and fight different biases in science (e.g., gender bias, race, ethnicity, social class, disability, etc.). JIS has specific processes and instructions to deal with post-publication issues and communications from readers.
JIS is a Brazilian Computer Society (SBC) publication established in 2010 and maintained by three Research Communities: Human-Computer Interaction, Games, and Virtual Reality.
JIS subscribes to the PKP Preservation Network.
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