animated 2k venus model 低ポリ 3Dモデル

animated 2k venus model 3Dモデル
$ 49.99
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  • 多角形:
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a very accurate model of venus. the model comes in three formats:
-.blend, rendered with cycles, as seen in the images;
-.obj, with material and texture applied;
-.dae, with material texture applied;

the model is animated as it spins around its axis.
the texture size is 2048 x 1024.
it contains bump and diffuse textures.

this 3d model was originally created in blender 2.71 and rendered with cycles.
the model has materials applied in all formats, and are ready to import and render.
the model is built strictly out of quads and is subdivisable.

it comes in separate parts, named correctly for the sake of convenience.

for any problems please feel free to contact me.

don't forget to rate and enjoy! 印刷 準備: いいえ
異なるフォーマットが必要な場合、サポートチケットを開き、注文をしてください。3Dモデルをこれらに変換できます: .stl, .c4d, .obj, .fbx, .ma/.mb, .3ds, .3dm, .dxf/.dwg, .max. .blend, .skp, .glb. 3D シーンは変換しません .step、.iges、.stp、.sldprt などの形式。!

ダウンロード animated 2k venus model 3Dモデル obj dae blend から dragosburian

venus 2k 4k 8k space universe realistic science photorealistic solar system astronomy cosmos galaxy milky way astro orbit earth


animated 2k venus model 3Dモデル