Menyang kontèn


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Dhokumèntasi modhul iki bisa digawé ing Modhul:languages/data3/h/doc

local u = mw.ustring.char

-- UTF-8 encoded strings for some commonly used diacritics
local GRAVE     = u(0x0300)
local ACUTE     = u(0x0301)
local CIRC      = u(0x0302)
local TILDE     = u(0x0303)
local MACRON    = u(0x0304)
local BREVE     = u(0x0306)
local DOTABOVE  = u(0x0307)
local DIAER     = u(0x0308)
local CARON     = u(0x030C)
local DGRAVE    = u(0x030F)
local INVBREVE  = u(0x0311)
local DOTBELOW  = u(0x0323)
local RINGBELOW = u(0x0325)
local CEDILLA   = u(0x0327)

local Latn = {"Latn"}

local m = {}

m["haa"] = {
	otherNames = {"Han", "Dawson", "Moosehide", "Han-Kutchin"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["hab"] = {
	"Hanoi Sign Language",
	scripts = Latn, -- when documented

m["hac"] = {
	otherNames = {"Gorani", "Avromani", "Awroman", "Awromani", "Hawramani", "Hawrami", "Hewrami", "Hourami", "Howrami", "Ourami"},
	scripts = {"ku-Arab"},

m["had"] = {

m["haf"] = {
	"Haiphong Sign Language",

m["hag"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["hah"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["hai"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["haj"] = {
	scripts = {"as-Beng", "Latn"},
	ancestors = {"inc-oas", "tbq-pro"},

m["hak"] = {
	scripts = {"Hani"},
	ancestors = {"ltc"},

m["hal"] = {

m["ham"] = {

m["hao"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["hap"] = {

m["har"] = {
	scripts = {"Ethi"},

m["has"] = {

m["hav"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["haw"] = {
	scripts = Latn,
	sort_key = {
		from = {"ā", "ē", "ī", "ō", "ū" },
		to   = {"a", "e", "i", "o", "u" }} ,

m["hax"] = {
	"Southern Haida",
	ancestors = {"hai"},

m["hay"] = {

m["haz"] = {

m["hba"] = {

m["hbb"] = {
	otherNames = {"Kilba"},

m["hbn"] = {

m["hbu"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["hca"] = {
	"Andaman Creole Hindi",
	ancestors = {"hi", "bn", "ta"},

m["hch"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["hdn"] = {
	"Northern Haida",
	ancestors = {"hai"},

m["hds"] = {
	"Honduras Sign Language",
	otherNames = {"Honduran Sign Language"},
	scripts = Latn, -- when documented

m["hdy"] = {

m["hea"] = {
	"Northern Qiandong Miao",
	otherNames = {"Black Miao"},

m["hed"] = {

m["heg"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["heh"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["hei"] = {

m["hem"] = {

m["hgm"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["hgw"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["hhi"] = {
	"Hoia Hoia",

m["hhr"] = {

m["hhy"] = {

m["hia"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["hib"] = {

m["hid"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["hif"] = {
	"Fiji Hindi",
	scripts = Latn,
	ancestors = {"awa"},

m["hig"] = {
	otherNames = {"Higgi", "Higi"},

m["hih"] = {

m["hii"] = {

m["hij"] = {

m["hik"] = {

m["hil"] = {
	scripts = Latn,
	entry_name = {
		from = {"Á", "á", "É", "é", "Í", "í", "Ó", "ó", "Ú", "ú", MACRON},
		to   = {"A", "a", "E", "e", "I", "i", "O", "o", "U", "u"}} ,

m["hio"] = {
	otherNames = {"Tsoa", "Kua", "Cua", "Hiechware", "Cirecire", "Cire-cire", "Cire-Cire", "Cire Cire"},

m["hir"] = {

m["hit"] = {
	scripts = {"Xsux"},

m["hiw"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["hix"] = {
	otherNames = {"Hixkaryána"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["hji"] = {

m["hka"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["hke"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["hkk"] = {
	"Hunjara-Kaina Ke",

m["hkn"] = {
	otherNames = {"Mel", "Khaonh"},

m["hks"] = {
	"Hong Kong Sign Language",

m["hla"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["hlb"] = {
	scripts = {"Deva", "Orya"},
	ancestors = {"inc-mgd"},

m["hld"] = {
	"Halang Doan",
	otherNames = {"Duan", "Doan"},

m["hle"] = {
	otherNames = {"Sansu"},

m["hlt"] = {
	"Nga La",
	otherNames = {"Matu Chin", "Matu"},

m["hma"] = {
	"Southern Mashan Hmong",
	otherNames = {"Southern Mashan Miao"},

m["hmb"] = {
	"Humburi Senni",
	otherNames = {"Central Songhay"},

m["hmc"] = {
	"Central Huishui Hmong",
	otherNames = {"Central Huishui Miao"},

m["hmd"] = {
	otherNames = {"A Hmao", "Big Flowery Miao", "Large Flowery Miao"},
	scripts = {"Latn", "Plrd"},

m["hme"] = {
	"Eastern Huishui Hmong",
	otherNames = {"Eastern Huishui Miao"},

m["hmf"] = {
	"Hmong Don",

m["hmg"] = {
	"Southwestern Guiyang Hmong",

m["hmh"] = {
	"Southwestern Huishui Hmong",
	otherNames = {"Southwestern Huishui Miao"},

m["hmi"] = {
	"Northern Huishui Hmong",
	otherNames = {"Northern Huishui Miao"},

m["hmj"] = {
	otherNames = {"Gedou Miao"},

m["hmk"] = {
	otherNames = {"Ye-Maek", "Yemaek"},

m["hml"] = {
	"Luopohe Hmong",

m["hmm"] = {
	"Central Mashan Hmong",
	otherNames = {"Central Mashan Miao"},

m["hmp"] = {
	"Northern Mashan Hmong",
	otherNames = {"Northern Mashan Miao"},

m["hmq"] = {
	"Eastern Qiandong Miao",
	otherNames = {"Black Miao"},

m["hmr"] = {
	ancestors = {"lus"},

m["hms"] = {
	"Southern Qiandong Miao",
	otherNames = {"Black Miao"},

m["hmt"] = {
	otherNames = {"Kapau"},

m["hmu"] = {

m["hmv"] = {
	"Hmong Dô",
	otherNames = {"Hmong Do"},

m["hmw"] = {
	"Western Mashan Hmong",
	otherNames = {"Western Mashan Miao"},

m["hmy"] = {
	"Southern Guiyang Hmong",

m["hmz"] = {
	"Hmong Shua",
	otherNames = {"Hmong Sua"},

m["hna"] = {
	otherNames = {"Mina (Cameroon)", "Hina", "Besleri"},

m["hnd"] = {
	"Southern Hindko",
	ancestors = {"lah"},

m["hne"] = {
	scripts = {"Deva"},
	ancestors = {"pka"},

m["hnh"] = {
	scripts = {"Latinx"},

m["hni"] = {

m["hnj"] = {
	"Green Hmong",
	otherNames = {"Hmong Njua", "Hmong Leng", "Mong Leng", "Green Miao", "Blue Hmong"},
	scripts = {"Latn", "Hmng"},

m["hnn"] = {
	otherNames = {"Hanuno'o"},
	scripts = {"Hano", "Latn"},

m["hno"] = {
	"Northern Hindko",
	otherNames = {"Kagani", "Hazara Hindko", "Hindki of Hazara"},
	scripts = {"Arab"},
	ancestors = {"lah"},

m["hns"] = {
	"Caribbean Hindustani",
	otherNames = {"Caribbean Bhojpuri"},
	ancestors = {"bho"},

m["hnu"] = {

m["hoa"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["hob"] = {
	"Austronesian Mari",
	otherNames = {"Mari (Madang Province)", "Hop"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["hoc"] = {
	scripts = {"Wara", "Orya", "Deva", "Latn"},

m["hod"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["hoe"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["hoh"] = {

m["hoi"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["hoj"] = {
	otherNames = {"Harauti"},
	ancestors = {"mwr"},

m["hol"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["hom"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["hoo"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["hop"] = {
	otherNames = {"Moqui"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["hor"] = {

m["hos"] = {
	"Ho Chi Minh City Sign Language",
	scripts = Latn, -- when documented

m["hot"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["hov"] = {

m["how"] = {
	otherNames = {"Haoni", "Baihong", "Hao-Bai", "Ho"},

m["hoy"] = {

m["hoz"] = {

m["hpo"] = {

m["hps"] = {
	"Hawai'i Pidgin Sign Language",
	otherNames = {"Hawaiian Sign Language", "Hula", "Hawaii Sign Language"},
	scripts = Latn, -- when documented

m["hra"] = {

m["hrc"] = {
	"Niwer Mil",
	otherNames = {"Tangga"}, -- this variety of Tangga macrolanguage is on Tangga island
	scripts = Latn,

m["hre"] = {
	otherNames = {"Hrê"},

m["hrk"] = {

m["hrm"] = {
	"Horned Miao",

m["hro"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["hrp"] = {

m["hrt"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["hru"] = {

m["hrw"] = {
	"Warwar Feni",
	otherNames = {"Feni"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["hrx"] = {
	otherNames = {"Riograndenser Hunsrückisch"},
	scripts = Latn,
	ancestors = {"gmw-cfr"},

m["hrz"] = {
	otherNames = {"Harzandi"},
	ancestors = {"xme-ttc-nor"},

m["hsb"] = {
	"Upper Sorbian",
	aliases = {"Upper Lusatian", "Upper Wendish"},
	scripts = Latn,
	sort_key = {
		from = {"č",  "ć",   "ě",  "ch", "ł",  "ń",  "ó", "ř",  "š",  "ž",  "ź"    },
		to   = {"c~", "c~~", "e~", "h~", "l`", "n~", "o", "r~", "s~", "z~", "z~~" }} , --the digraph ch comes after h; ł comes before l

m["hsh"] = {
	"Hungarian Sign Language",
	scripts = Latn, -- when documented

m["hsl"] = {
	"Hausa Sign Language",
	scripts = Latn, -- when documented

m["hsn"] = {
	scripts = {"Hani"},
	ancestors = {"ltc"},

m["hss"] = {

m["hti"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["hto"] = {
	"Minica Huitoto",
	otherNames = {"Minica", "Minica Witoto"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["hts"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["htu"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["hub"] = {
	otherNames = {"Huambiza", "Wambisa"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["huc"] = {
	otherNames = {"ǂ’Amkoe", "ǂHȍã", "ǂHȍȁn"},
	scripts = {"Latinx"},

m["hud"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["huf"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["hug"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["huh"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["hui"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["huj"] = {
	"Northern Guiyang Hmong",

m["huk"] = {

m["hul"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["hum"] = {

m["huo"] = {

m["hup"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["huq"] = {
	otherNames = {"Hainan Cham", "Hui", "Huihui", "Sanya Hui", "Utsat", "Utset"},

m["hur"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["hus"] = {
	otherNames = {"Huastek", "Huasteka", "Huasteque", "Huaxteca", "Huaxteco", "Huaxteque", "Huastecan"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["huu"] = {
	"Murui Huitoto",
	otherNames = {"Murui", "Murui Witoto"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["huv"] = {
	otherNames = {"San Mateo del Mar Huave", "San Dionisio del Mar Huave", "Santa María del Mar Huave", "San Francisco del Mar Huave"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["huw"] = {
	otherNames = {"Palumata"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["hux"] = {
	"Nüpode Huitoto",
	otherNames = {"Nüpode", "Nüpode Witoto"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["huy"] = {

m["huz"] = {
	scripts = {"Cyrl"},
	translit_module = "huz-translit",
	entry_name = {
		from = {ACUTE},
		to   = {}},

m["hvc"] = {
	"Haitian Vodoun Culture Language",
	otherNames = {"Langaj", "Langay"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["hvk"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["hvn"] = {
	otherNames = {"Savu"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["hwa"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["hwo"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["hya"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

return m