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Tafauseful plant Jhyuk
Á̱kum a̱lyootC. nucifera Jhyuk
Taxon nameCocos nucifera Jhyuk
Taxon rankspecies Jhyuk
Parent taxonCocos Jhyuk
Has fruit typedrupe Jhyuk
Seed dispersalnautochory Jhyuk
Jen ntsa55 million years BCE Jhyuk
Hardiness of plant10 Jhyuk
Taxon rangeFujian, Tibet Autonomous Region, Guangdong Jhyuk
NZTCS conservation statusvagrant Jhyuk
Taxon author citationL. Jhyuk
GRIN URLhttps://npgsweb.ars-grin.gov/gringlobal/taxonomydetail.aspx?id=11043 Jhyuk
Flora of the Hawaiian Islands URLhttps://naturalhistory2.si.edu/botany/hawaiianflora/speciesdescr.cfm?genus=Cocos&species=nucifera Jhyuk

Kwakwa yet zwa sum a̱kwon (Cocos nucifera) ku shi mang tanke zwa a̱kwon tswan (Arecaceae) ku si yet mbam mami zwa kukwon hywa. Achin lyoot "kwakwa" (ke a kwop "kwakwa") huhwa yet a̱kwon kwakwa, zwan ji, ke sum-a̱kwon,