Portland, ME 207-671-0807

Organization Helping Parents & Schools Keep Their Children Safe

Keeping Kids Safe is a non-profit 501(c)3 agency

Keeping Kids Safe

It’s up to us

Organization Helping Parents & Schools Keep Their Children Safe

Why Keeping Kids Safe?

According to FBI.gov, in 2012 there were 476,373 missing children (under 18 years of age) is the U.S. Recent statistics from the US Dept. of Education show that 30% of students are bullies or victims of bullies and approximately 160,000 children stay home from school for fear of being bullied. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children reports that 93% of children ages 10-17 go online and 1 in 25 children ages 10 to 17 received an online sexual solicitation where the solicitor tried to make offline contact. According to usa.gov, 1 in 5 kids online has been sexually solicited and less than 10% of those solicitations are reported to authorities. This is why we feel so passionately about child safety and doing what we can to protect the children in our communities. Remember it’s up to us to protect our most valuable asset..Our children!!

We are a non profit 501(c)3 agency. Our mission is to bring together resources for parents, schools and child caregivers to help keep our children safe. In addition to providing valuable information, Keeping Kids Safe also offers educational, safety presentations including : Internet Safety, SextingCyber Anti-Bullying Awareness education, Child Sex Trafficking Awareness education, Personal Safety Training (Kid Escape, Date Escape) and Child ID App, and other advanced Safety Products – all valuable tools in keeping our kids safe

Keeping Kids Safe has received endorsement and support from:

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Beth Schultz

The Keeping Kids Safe presentation had a tremendous impact on the students at Bonny Eagle High School. With their fast-paced and gripping presentation, both Mike O’Neal and Mike Mercer held their attention for almost two hours. The presentation was filled with true stories, eye-catching graphics, and poignant online clips about the dangerous consequences of bullying and cyber bullying. I highly recommend this presentation! With Mike and Mike’s experiences in law enforcement, they know exactly how to shape a powerful message so it is heard and absorbed by today’s young people.

Beth Schultz
Former Principal BEHS