Cosimo de' Medici
National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.; Samuel H. Kress Collection, accession...
National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.; Samuel H. Kress Collection, accession no. 1957.14.840a

(1389–1464). At the dawn of the Renaissance, Cosimo de’ Medici was the first of his family to dominate Florentine life. Known as Cosimo the Elder and the Father of His Country, he established the family’s political power, which lasted from 1434 to 1537. Besides ruling Florence, he was also a leading figure in the revival of scholarship and as a patron of the arts.

Cosimo de’ Medici was born on September 27, 1389, in Florence (now Italy). His father was the wealthy banker and manufacturer Giovanni di Bicci de’ Medici, and he trained by working for his family’s bank. In time Cosimo became the wealthiest man of his era; his bank had branches in all of Europe’s leading financial centers, and he also managed the Vatican’s finances. His wealth and political power aroused the jealousy of other leading families of Florence. One of them, the Albizzi family, tried to overthrow him in 1431. They had him arrested for the capital crime “of having sought to elevate himself higher than others.” Instead of fleeing, Cosimo let himself be imprisoned in a small dungeon in the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence. But Cosimo’s supporters bribed officials, and instead of the death sentence the Albizzi desired, Cosimo was banished from Florence. He retired to Padua and Venice, where he was received like a sovereign. Exactly one year later, a sudden and unexpected move by the Medici, in which they doctored elections, gave them the signoria (council of government). Cosimo triumphantly reentered the city, and his enemies went into exile, never to return. It was the beginning (1434) of the Medici rule.

Cosimo refused all titles of lordship and held political office for only six months. Yet for 30 years he dominated civic life, supported by the city’s old patrician families, the pillars of Florence’s economy and society. He was a popular leader with simple manners and a fondness for quoting folksy sayings. Out of his vast wealth, he gave gifts and loans to all orders in society as well as to churches and religious orders. His political moves were moderate and gradual, and he saw to it that only supporters rose to important government posts. In 1439 Cosimo hosted the Council of Florence, where officials of the Greek Orthodox church agreed to accept some Roman Catholic beliefs. Even though the agreement soon broke down, the council helped establish the importance of Florence in foreign affairs. In 1458, when some popular opposition to his policies appeared, he created a Senate composed of 100 loyal supporters (the Cento, or Hundred). In everything but name, he was the prince of Florence for 30 years.

Cosimo’s love of the arts led him to encourage all the masters of an age abounding in geniuses: the sculptors Lorenzo Ghiberti and Donatello and the painters Andrea del Castagno, Fra Angelico, and Benozzo Gozzoli. He not only commissioned works by these artists but also treated them as friends at a time when people still looked upon them as manual workers. He had a passion for building. He commissioned works from leading architects such as Filippo Brunelleschi, including his work on the church of San Lorenzo, and Michelozzo, including the convent of San Marco and the Medici Chapel at Santa Croce. It was Michelozzo who created the Medici Palace, the building that was the family’s first move away from their traditional image of humility.

As a patron of scholarly studies, Cosimo organized a methodical search for ancient manuscripts, within Christian lands and even, with the permission of the Ottoman sultan Mehmed II, in the Muslim East. The manuscripts found by his agents form the core of the great library that is called the Laurentian (Laurenziana), after his grandson. He opened it to the public and employed copyists in order to disseminate scholarly works. Cosimo also attended lectures by Greek scholars and, at age 50, he became an ardent admirer of Plato. He even re-created Plato’s ancient academy in his villa at Careggi, near Florence. At the same time the University of Florence resumed teaching Greek, which had been unknown in the West for 700 years. Thus Cosimo was one of the fathers of humanism.

In 1440 Cosimo prematurely lost his brother, who had been his staunchest supporter. In 1463 he lost his most gifted son, Giovanni, while his other son, Piero, was sickly and almost constantly bedridden. Cosimo died in Careggi on August 1, 1464, and a huge crowd accompanied his body to the tomb in San Lorenzo.