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Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
Death Valley National Park
Scenics of America/PhotoLink/Getty Images
Scenics of America/PhotoLink/Getty Images

The lowest point in the Western Hemisphere, Death Valley is also famous as a scene of suffering in the gold rush of 1849. There many gold seekers nearly lost their lives in searing heat. They gave the valley its grim name.

The valley is a deep trough in southeastern California between the Panamint Range on the west and the steep slopes of the Amargosa Range on the east. It is about 140 miles (225 kilometers) long and 5 to 15 miles (8 to 24 kilometers) wide. Nearly 550 square miles (1,425 square kilometers) of its area lie below sea level, and it contains the lowest dry land in the country, 282 feet (86 meters) below sea level. Less than 100 miles (160 kilometers) away towers Mount Whitney, 14,495 feet (4,418 meters) above sea level.

The scorching heat has reached 134° F (57° C). Despite this heat, more than 600 kinds of plants thrive there as well as rattlesnakes, lizards, coyotes, rabbits, roadrunners, and other animals. The average annual rainfall is less than 2 inches (5 centimeters). The bed of the Amargosa River, which cuts through the valley, is a series of dry channels for most of the year. White salts, mostly borax, crust great areas of the soil. These once provided nearly all the country’s domestic borax.

Death Valley National Monument was created in 1933. It consists of about two thirds of the valley and a small area in Nevada. Death Valley became a national park in 1994.