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Courtesy of the Universitatsbibliothek, Jena, Ger.
Courtesy of the Universitatsbibliothek, Jena, Ger.

(1848–1925). A German mathematician and philosopher, Gottlob Frege was the founder of modern mathematical logic. He discovered the fundamental ideas that have made possible the whole modern development of logic.

Friedrich Ludwig Gottlob Frege was born on Nov. 8, 1848, in Wismar, Mecklenburg-Schwerin. In 1869 Frege entered the University of Jena, where he studied for two years. For two more years he studied mathematics, physics, chemistry, and philosophy at the University of Göttingen. He spent his entire working life as a teacher at Jena, lecturing in all branches of mathematics.

In 1879 Frege published his Conceptual Notation, in which, for the first time, a system of mathematical logic in the modern sense was presented. There followed a period of intensive work on the philosophy of logic and mathematics, which resulted in The Foundations of Arithmetic (1884), a masterpiece of philosophical writing.

In 1902, however, some fallacies were pointed out in his system of logic by the influential philosopher Bertrand Russell. This effectively marked the end of his productive life. He retired during World War I and went to live in Bad Kleinen, in Mecklenburg, where he died on July 26, 1925. Recognition of his importance was delayed until long after his death.