The North Carolina Experiment Station released cold-hardy Raleigh St. Augustine in 1980. Although finer textured (with a narrower blade) and more tolerant of shade than Floratam, Raleigh develops dense ground coverage. Raleigh St. Augustine is medium green in color, SAD virus resistant and is best grown in heavier clay soils. History – Our farms grew the first Raleigh Foundation Stock in Texas. The stock was shipped from North Carolina to Texas, expanded as Foundation Stock at our farms, and then distributed to the Texas Growers through the Texas Sod Producers Association. Today, Raleigh is the most widely grown variety of St. Augustine in Texas.
- Medium green color
- Cold tolerant
- Shade tolerant
- SAD Virus resistant
- Develops dense ground coverage
Intended Use: Commercial, Residential
Mowing Height: 2″ – 3″
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