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E Vicipaedia

Classis : Arachnida 
Ordo : Araneae 
Subordo : Mesothelae 
Familia : Liphistiidae 
Thorell, 1869

Liphistiidae sunt familia aranearum subordinis Mesothelarum, cui sunt tres genera et 89 species in Asia Meridiorientali, Sinis, et Iaponia endemicae. Eae inter basalissimas araneas vivas ponuntur. In Iaponia, Heptathela kimurai (vulgo kimura-gumo) a paene omnibus agnoscitur.

Nexus interni


[recensere | fontem recensere]
Ryuthela secundaria.
  • Coddington, J. A., et H. W. Levi. 1991. Systematics and Evolution of Spiders (Araneae). Annu. Rev. Ecol. Syst. 22:565-592. doi 10.1146/annurev.es.22.110191.003025.
  • Ono, H. 1999. Spiders of the genus Heptathela (Araneae, Liphistiidae) from Vietnam, with notes on their natural history. The Journal of Arachnology 27(1):37-43. PDF.
  • Murphy, Frances, et Murphy, John. 2000. An Introduction to the Spiders of South East Asia. Kuala Lumpur: Malaysian Nature Society.
  • Haupt, J. 2004. The Mesothelae: a monograph of an exceptional group of spiders (Araneae: Mesothelae). Zoologica 154:8. ISSN 0044-5088, ISBN 3-510-55041-2. Abstractum.
Cuniculus Heptathelae kimurai.

Nexus externus

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Vide "Liphistiidas" apud Vicispecies.
Vicimedia Communia plura habent quae ad Mesothelas spectant (Mesothelae, Liphistiidae).

Haec stipula ad arachnidum spectat. Amplifica, si potes!