Launch Zoom on startup

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Configure your laptop or desktop to launch Zoom on startup to avoid missing Zoom Phone calls. Once configured, the Zoom client application will launch in the background automatically each time you restart your computer.


The Zoom application includes a setting that causes Zoom to launch every time you restart your computer. To enable this feature:

  1. Launch the Zoom application on your PC
  2. Select the Settings gear icon in the upper left corner of the application window (Fig 1)
  3. From the General tab, select "Start Zoom when I start Windows." This will reveal "Silently start Zoom when I start Windows." Select this second option if you want Zoom to launch in the background (Fig 2). Otherwise, the Zoom application window will open on your screen whenever you restart your computer.
  4. Close the Settings window. Your change will be saved automatically.


On a Mac, you need to set Zoom to open at login. To enable this:

  1. Launch the Zoom application on your Mac
  2. Control-click on the Zoom icon (Fig 3.1) on the dock, hover over Options (2), and select Open at Login (3)

Ask questions, get help

Contact the Technical Support Center ([email protected], 507-457-5240, Somsen Hall 207) with any Zoom Phone technical problems or questions about the rollout schedule. Contact TLT ([email protected]) with questions about how to configure and use Zoom Phone.

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