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Keith Valley Middle School Library
Ancient City-State in China
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Keith Valley Middle School Library: Ancient City-State in China
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Introduction to Ancient China
Ancient China - British Museum
Ancient China - Social Studies for Kids
Ancient China Facts - KidsKonnect
Ancient China for Kids - Ducksters
Ancient China for Kids - Mr. Donn
Chinese History - Ibiblio
Timeline for Early China - Indiana University
MyBib Citations
Ancient China Geography - British Museum
Geography of Ancient China - Ducksters
Geography of China - Mr. Donn
Daily Life
Daily Life in Ancient China - Ducksters
Ancient Chinese Daily Life - History for Kids
Ancient Chinese Farming - Ancient China
Farming and Sericulture -
Government of Ancient China - Ancient
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Ancient civilizations reference library [electronic resource]
Judson Knight ; Stacy A. McConnell and Lawrence W. Baker, editors.
Publication Date: 2000
Ancient civilizations of Iraq, Egypt, India, China, Central America and other regions are the focus of this remarkable contribution to student reference.
Ancient civilizations
Grolier Educational
Call Number: REF 930 ANC
Publication Date: 2000
A multi-volume encyclopedia with alphabetically arranged topics relating to ancient civilizations and the discovery of famous archaeological sites.
CIA World Factbook
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FactCite (eBooks)
Scholastic Go! (General Encyclopedia & Websites)
World Book Encyclopedia
Grade 6
Ancient City-State in Egypt >>