International Arcade Museum Library
Join Over 20,429 Contributors On Our Journey By Making A Tax-Deductible Donation Today!

How You Can Help

Make a Single Tax-
Deductable Donation

Donate via check or money order:
International Arcade Museum Library
530 S. Lake Ave. Ste 450
Pasadena, CA 91101

Monthly Donor Subscription Levels

Sega Ixion Prototype, 1983
Donated to Library


The International Arcade Museum Library is an IRS recognized 501(c)3 non-profit public charity, and as such donations are fully deductible as permitted by law. Please consult your tax planner for more information.

There are a number of ways you can contribute.

  • PayPal Individual Donation
  • PayPal Monthly Donation Subscription
  • eBay Giving Works - Donate via eBay, or sell an item and earmark a percentage of proceeds. eBay will even highlight your auction listing as a result! We are a certified Giving Works charity.
  • Check / Money Order donations - can be mailed to the address provided below.
  • Sponsor A Project - Sponsor a specific project or acquisition. For example, the Library offers a complete run of Billboard Magazine from 1941 to 1970. A set of microfilm covering the years 1896 through 1940 would be a great addition, though would require one or more sponsorships totalling about $10,000.
  • Estate Gifts - Please contact us directly.
  • Memorabilia, Machines, Games, Magazines, Books, Art and Archives - please contact us before sending items.
  • Tell A Friend - tell your friends, write about us, and go to to Library Home and share us via one of the social media buttons.
  • Collection Leads - do you know where an amazing artifact is hiding? Did you see an incredible artifact on eBay? Please let us know by emailing us at the address at the bottom of this page.
  • Volunteer - we can use volunteers in a variety of ways. Let us know your skills and interests and we'll put you to work!


The International Arcade Museum Library, Inc. is a leading library and research facility focused on the Arcade, Coin-op, and Videogame amusement industry and its role in society.

Although we are operating in our Southern California location, our current facility is suited only for visits by small numbers of researchers. Neither our facility nor our staffing levels are geared for visits by large numbers of enthusiasts or the general public. We are essentially at the incubation stage. We are currently looking for a much larger facility, as well as for the means to properly support it.

We graciously ask for your support in helping us obtain, catalog, preserve and present archive materials as well as in obtaining and staffing a larger facility.

Please note that the entire management and board of directors of the organization donate their services on a volunteer basis. We treat every donation with care and respect and work to maximize the return on every dollar while remaining focused on our goals.

Our fundraising to date has been done quietly via personal contacts and our web site. We are now ready to let widen that net.

More information on our progress to date can be found on the IAML Finances & Governance page.