About Me and Life's Journey to Perfection

About, Life's Journey to Perfection...
Hi, welcome to my blog. In this world we are learning and growing. Nobody is perfect and that is why we are here.   On our life's journey we are asked to try our best. We are asked to pattern our lives after the Savior, love one another and serve each other. It is only through the atonement and resurrection of Christ that we can reach perfection.  I would love for this blog to be a place that we can share tips to help each other on our journey of coming to know and striving to be more like our Savior.

I started Life's Journey to Perfection, when we were living away from family and in a different state. Some of my friends had encouraged me to share some of my ideas. So, I followed their encouragements and started the blog. If I could give anyone thinking about blogging or just starting to blog some advice, it would be, to share what you are passionate about and to come up with a reason why you are blogging. When we really understand our "why", it will help us to stay focused, overcome discouragements, avoid comparisons and avoid getting burned out. I am grateful for each person who visits my blog and recognize that it's not about the numbers, it's about the person. If I can help just one person, then my time and efforts are well worth it!

A little bit about Me

 My name is Kim, I am a stay at home mom and wife. Having three energetic little boys keeps me constantly on my toes. I still try to find time though to pursue some of the things I like to do. Some of my hobbies include:

Crafting (Digi Scrap-booking, paper crafts, sewing, needle work, crocheting(beginner), kids crafts, etc), the list could go on and on, I love to try out new ways of crafting!

Cooking (I do enjoy to cook, sometimes anyways. I love to take recipes and change them up a little bit. A lot of times in hopes of making them a little bit healthier.)

Poetry (I enjoy writing poems, many family members have been recipients of these poems. I took a creative writing class when I was in high school, which sparked the interest.)

Drawing (I enjoy drawing. I began at a young age looking at pictures of horses and trying to draw them. I have taken an online class on the basics and would love to learn more.)

Piano (I am not the best and I probably should have taken more lessons, but I do love to sit down and play some music. My favorite is LDS church music!)

Exercise and Being Active (Okay, so this is one that me and my husband both enjoy. Do not be surprised if you see us walking or riding our bikes around miles away from home. I am constantly trying new exercises and reading about how to be healthy.)

Service (This includes fulfilling any callings I might have in my church. I think if a person truly has a desire to be happy, then they need to serve others.  A lot of my post center around my callings in the church. I love to come up with engaging ways to share and learn about the gospel.)

Camping (This is an oldy and a newby. Growing up my family was camping or fishing every weekend. Recently, my own little family has taken the hobby up. I love to post about our little family journeys.)

Gardening (I love flowers!! My yard is full of all kinds of different plants. I am new to vegetable gardening and have enjoyed it and hope to try out a new plant each year in my garden)

MOM (This is who I am to my kiddos! I love being there in my kids lives, being to their sporting events, helping out at their school, and just being their for them. Yes, being a mom can be hard at times. I am learning as I go. This is another part of the journey that at times I may share, the crazy life of being a mom.)

How did I get into doing crafts?
My mom has sewed and crochet since I was born. She made some of our clothes and a lot of her home decor. She tried to get me into sewing when I was little and I refused (totally regretting it now). She also always had fun stuff for us to do, whether it be stuff with beads, leather work or helping make homemade gifts. My Nana (mom's mom), I would say is pretty crafty. She would always get me little craft projects to do. I think that is maybe what started my interest. I also remember being at my other grandma's and her always having a crochet blanket project she was working on. She taught me how to finger crochet a little rope.  I love trying out new ways to craft. There is just something about sitting down and designing or creating an object and then seeing the finished piece.

More about me:
I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints which has helped me throughout my life's journey.  It is who makes me, me. The choices I make, the person I am is centered around my belief that I am a daughter of my Heavenly Father and I have a strong desire to follow his plan. I am so grateful for the callings I have been able to serve in, it has helped further my knowledge, build skills and has strengthened my testimony. It seems like as soon as I graduated high school, I was called to serve in primary. I served in primary for probably 15 years either as a primary teacher, activity days leader, primary presidency member or primary president. I loved serving those cute children of God, who have amazing testimonies and are so loving.  Currently, I get to serve the Young Women in our ward, they are amazing and help me learn and grow daily. Plus it's fun to have some girl time and do some girly thing! Other callings I've held are Relief Society Home Family and Enrichment committee member and visiting teacher. I love to share my experience that my callings have brought into my life.  I am excited to be able to share with you some of my thoughts and ideas and would love to hear yours also, so we can try to help each other on our "Journey to Perfection".


  1. "Life's Journey to Perfection" Isn't it nice that no matter what we do in life we can always strive to do better. I'm so very proud of you and the things you have accomplished. You are truely a daughter of God and one that I'm very proud to call My Daughter.
    Love ya, Great job on the post.

  2. Hi Kim,

    I couldn't find an email link so I hope this message finds its way to you. I recently published a book through Cedar Fort titled "Mormon Origami." It contains 25 different LDS themed paper folding designs that can be used by parents and teachers. I was wondering if you would be interested in writing a book review on it in exchange for my sending you a free copy. Thanks for your time.

    Todd Huisken

  3. Dear Kim,
    Even though I'm am only 10 there is still a lot of information that will help me during family home evening, when I'm stressed and I can show these cute printables to my siblings. Thank you so much for all of your help. It is so nice to meet another ACTUAL mormon on the computer.. it makes me feel good...Please keep adding new exciting information to your website!
    Leah Haynes

  4. I wish I could agree with the name of the blog. Life is not about becoming perfect but influencing others to salvation in Jesus Christ by our example. If all we do is focus on being perfect our lives would be self centered...not Christ centered. I say this in love - being a past mormon I know some of the terminology can be misconstrued by others.

    1. Tammy thank you for your comment. The thought behind Life's Journey to Perfection is that one day we will be perfected through Christ's atonement and resurrection. We will not be perfect on this earth. That is why it is our life's journey. We will be test and tried along the way, we will make mistakes, but through the atonement we can be forgiven. It is through Christ that when he comes again and we are resurrected that we will be perfected and made whole. My goal is to strive to live the teachings of Christ, strengthening my relationship with the Savior, so one day I can be perfected through him and dwell with him for eternity. Living Christ's teachings involves constantly loving and serving those around us, that is what charity is, that is what the Savior's life was all about.

    2. I have to apologize, to me the word perfect always meant something different - probably because I am not a mature Christian. After some seeking and reading in my Bible I find that "The Bible does call us to be “perfect as [our] heavenly Father is perfect” (Matthew 5:48). The Greek word for “perfect” here is telios. It means “brought to its end, completed, or perfect.” So, to be “perfect” in this sense is not how perfectionists so often imagine it. Rather, it is to be completed in Christ."

      So you can see to the person who is not mature in Christ what I mean about terminology that is used. I learned something new today. So I will take back what I said and now realize your blog title is actually a representation of completion in Christ as in fulfilling His will for our lives.

      My experience in the LDS community was very different and misconstrued so many meanings to me at that time. I am so grateful for my Heavenly Father and His son Jesus Christ who has shown me His truth and gift of salvation.

      You have a lovely blog and are a true representation of authentic love in Christ. God bless you.

    3. I would like to share that, as Tammy's unfortunate experience illustrates, the KJV Bible, as a part of our scriptural Standard Works, nevertheless, contain numerous translation errors wherein meanings of Hebrew words/concepts clearly understood in Christ's time, were lost in the English words the translators assigned to them -- eg. "Perfection". This is a challenge for us.

      The English word "perfect" today -- has an entirely different meaning than it meant in the more accurate Greek usage of nearly 2000 years ago. And Greek was the first "Gentile" translation of the Hebrew texts. The KJV has been translated from 3 to 4 different ancient languages to get to what we have now. And yes, there is gross misunderstanding of many concepts even within the LDS community as well as believers as a whole. This is what Heavenly Father foresaw, and is why we were given the Book of Mormon.
      The Book of Mormon was written by Hebrews from Jerusalem who came to the New World who awaited, preached and taught of Christ, yet lived the Law of Moses. It was delivered to Joseph Smith to translate, by the gift of God from the ONE original language of the authors. They understood that they were writing for US in our day, because as Tammy discovered ,"many plain and precious truths" have been taken from our Bible. Even in their day the authors of the BoM understood the necessity of having the scriptures (old Testament for them) and keeping accurate records or suffer apostasy and damnation as a people. -- FYI -- Until a few years ago, I've always understood "damnation" meant you would be cast down to a fiery red subterranean Hell while being prodded with a pitchfork and that was your eternity if you were so unfortunate to suffer it.

      NO, its not. Again its a misrepresentation of concepts. Hell, however unpleasant, is a temporary condition. Damnation means an individual is burdened with unrepented sin that stops his progression toward Eternal Life (to inherit all that God has and to live with him). As always, we as LDS are expected to study, learn and seek knowledge and if we strive to do so, we will be given the truths. I apologize for the winded post, but I do testify in the name of Jesus Christ.

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  7. Hi - I love your blog and I use it for the primary - Thanks from France -

    1. Thank you so much for your comment!! So neat that we can have an influence on each other all over the world :)

  8. Hi! I just want to say thank you for your blog! I use it constantly as primary president. And girl, looking at your blog I think you've made it to perfection! I am amazed at how on top of everything you are. Anyway, just wanted to say thank you and that you're awesome and your stuff is super helpful!

    1. Thank you, thank you Michelle!! You are the sweetest!! :) I am so grateful for your comment! Believe me there is a ton of stuff I can improve on, that's what is great about this life, we are always striving to be better :)

  9. HI Kim. I just want to let you know you are truly talented. I love your blog and it's been super helpful to me in my calling and the FHE. Love it!

    1. Thank you so much Michelle :) Really your comment means so much!!!

  10. Hi Kim, thank you so much for your blog. i always use it in
    the primary. its very useful and simple.

    1. Thank you so much for you great comment :) It means so much!!

  11. Thank you so much for this wonderful blog. I need to update my 72-hour kit and rebuilt my food storage. Love your suggestions and ideas. So glad I found you!

    1. Yay!! So glad you found me too :) Food Storage is a continuous endeavor. I need to do mine again too ;)

  12. Just want to say thank you so much for your great ideas, they are inspiring and have helped me so much in my calling. Equally they have saved me a lot of time. I am also trying your idea of ponderizing the seminary scriptures. Thank you so much for sharing.

    1. Thank you so much for your sweet comment! I am so excite you are trying the ponderizing! :)

  13. Hi Kim, I really enjoy your blog and all the ideas! I saw your post about the youth activity and wondered where you got the info for the baskets you assembled? I'm thinking this would be a good idea to with my extended family. Would you share the list of items and instructions for the baskets? My email is [email protected]. Thank you!

  14. Greetings from Denmark - you really have saved me with your sharing time for week 3 Jan. 2017. From my heart thank you for sharing your wonderful talent. Enjoyed reading about you and your family. I definitely will stop by for inspiration again. Thanks <3

  15. Thank you so much for sharing your ideas! My friend recommended your blog to me a few months ago when I was called into our ward Primary Presidency. I have really enjoyed reading (and using) your ideas. Thanks again from Canada!

    1. Thank you Erin! I just saw this & so grateful for your comment!

  16. Your site is my very favorite one for Sharing Time ideas! Thank you for taking the time to keep up with it all. It is definitely a blessing to so many others who need a little spark of imagination added to their lessons. Thank you!!!

    1. Thank you so much Shandra!!! It makes me so happy to hear that they are useful! :)

  17. Hello Kim,
    I thank you with much humility for your website and sharing your talents, you have saved me with all the sharing time. I wanted to know what the work you create is called? I also wanted to know if there is a software equivalent to use for other kinds of activities? I Do not wish in anyway to copy or take your ideas, I just want to use something simple and more towards my needs. Again, thank you for all the time you put in to help so many of us!


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