From Liquipedia Commons Wiki
Standarises generation of links for various platforms.
The following
will generate this:
Or simply call it from LUA.
- Programmatic name: Links
- makeFullLink(platform: string, id: string, variant:string) → URL
Returns a URL for the given platform, linking to the specified ID. "variant" is used to specify the variant of the links, this allows links to be different for different usages.
- makeFullLinksForTableItems(links: table, variant: string) → table of URLs
Table Version of
See all our documentation here.
The above documentation is transcluded from Module:Links/doc. (edit | history) Editors can experiment in this module's sandbox (create | mirror) and testcases (create) pages. Subpages of this module. |
--- -- @Liquipedia -- wiki=commons -- page=Module:Links -- -- Please see to contribute -- local Array = require('Module:Array') local Class = require('Module:Class') local Lua = require('Module:Lua') local Table = require('Module:Table') local CustomData = Lua.requireIfExists('Module:Links/CustomData', {loadData = true}) or {} local Links = {} local PREFIXES = { ['365chess'] = { '', player = '', match = '', }, ['5ewin'] = { '', player = '', team = '', }, abiosgaming = {''}, apexlegendsstatus = {''}, ['apple-podcasts'] = {''}, afreeca = { '', stream = '', }, aoezone = { '', player = '' }, ['ask-fm'] = {''}, b5csgo = { '', player = '', team = '' }, ballchasing = { match = '', }, battlefy = {''}, bilibili = { '', stream = '', }, ['bilibili-stream'] = {''}, bluesky = {''}, booyah = {''}, bracket = {''}, breakingpoint = {match = ''}, cc = {''}, cdl = {match = ''}, challengermode = { '', player = '', team = '', match = '', }, challonge = { '', player = '', }, chesscom = { '', player = '', match = '', }, chessgames = { '', player = '', match = '', }, chessresults = {''}, chzzk = {''}, civdraft = {match = ''}, cntft = {''}, corestrike = {''}, cfs = {''}, datdota = { '', player = '', team = '' }, daumcafe = {''}, dbstats = {match = ''}, discord = {''}, dlive = {''}, dotabuff = { '', player = '', team = '' }, douyin = {''}, douyin_page = {''}, douyu = {''}, ebattle = {match = ''}, esea = { '', player = '', team = '', match = '', }, ['esea-d'] = {''}, esl = { '', team = '', player = '', match = '', }, esplay = {''}, esportal = {''}, etf2l = { '', team = '', player = '', match = '', }, facebook = {''}, ['facebook-gaming'] = {''}, faceit = { '', team = '', player = '', }, ['faceit-c'] = {''}, ['faceit-hub'] = {''}, ['faceit-org'] = {''}, fanclub = {''}, fide = { '', player = '', }, geoguessr = {''}, gol = {match = ''}, gosugamers = {''}, gplus = {''}, halodatahive = { '', team = '', player = '', match = '', }, home = {''}, haojiao = { '', team = '', player = '', }, huyatv = {''}, iccup = {''}, instagram = {''}, interview = {'', match = ''}, jcg = {match = ''}, kick = {''}, kuaishou = {''}, ['letsplaylive-old'] = { '', team = '', player = '', }, letsplaylive = { '', team = '', player = '', match = '', }, lichess = { '', player = '', match = '' }, linkedin = { team = '', player = '', }, loco = {''}, lolchess = {''}, lrthread = {'', match = ''}, mapdraft = {match = ''}, matcherino = {''}, matcherinolink = {''}, mildom = {''}, mplink = {match = ''}, -- Should this key be renamed? niconico = {''}, nimotv = {''}, ['nwc3l'] = { '', team = '', player = '', }, openrec = {''}, opl = { match = '' }, osu = { '', player = '', }, overgg = {match = ''}, owl = { match = '', }, ozf = {match = ''}, patreon = {''}, pf = {match = ''}, playlist = {''}, preview = {'', match = ''}, qrindr = {match = ''}, quakehistory = {match = ''}, r6esports = { match = '', }, reddit = { '', match = '', }, replay = {''}, recap = {'', match = ''}, review = {'', match = ''}, rgl = { '', team = '', player = '', match = '', }, rooter = {''}, royaleapi = { '', match = '' }, rules = {''}, shift = { '', match = '', }, siegegg = { '', team = '', player = '', match = '', }, sk = {''}, smashboards = {''}, snapchat = {''}, soop = {''}, sostronk = {''}, ['start-gg'] = { '', player = '', }, steam = {''}, steamtv = {''}, strikr = {''}, privsteam = {''}, pubsteam = {''}, smiteesports = {match = ''}, spotify = {''}, steamalternative = {''}, stats = {'', match = ''}, stratz = { '', player = '', team = '' }, stream = {''}, telegram = {''}, tespa = {match = ''}, tftv = { '', player = '', match = '', }, tiktok = {''}, tlpd = {''}, tlpdint = { '', team = '', player = '', }, tlpdkr = { '', team = '', player = '', }, tlpdsospa = { '', team = '', player = '', }, tlprofile = {''}, tlstream = {''}, tonamel = {''}, toornament = {''}, ['trackmania-io'] = { '', player = '', }, trovo = {''}, twitch = {''}, twitter = {''}, vidio = {''}, vk = {''}, vlr = { '', team = '', player = '', match = '', }, vod = {''}, weibo = {''}, wl = {match = ''}, yandexefir = {''}, youtube = {''}, zhangyutv = {''}, zhanqitv = {''}, } PREFIXES = Table.merge(PREFIXES, CustomData.prefixes or {}) local SUFFIXES = { chessresults = {'.aspx'}, cntft = {'/1'}, esportal = {'/event/info'}, facebook = { '', stream = '/live', }, gol = {match = '/page-game/'}, iccup = {'.html'}, ['faceit-c'] = {'/'}, ['faceit-hub'] = {'/'}, vk = { '', stream = '/live', }, } SUFFIXES = Table.merge(SUFFIXES, CustomData.suffixes or {}) local ALIASES = { ['ask-fm'] = {'', 'askfm'}, douyu = {'douyutv'}, esl = {'eslgaming'}, ['facebook-gaming'] = {'fbgg'}, home = {'website', 'web', 'site', 'url'}, huyatv = {'huya'}, ['letsplaylive-old'] = {'cybergamer'}, replay = {'replays'}, rules = {'rulebook'}, ['start-gg'] = {'startgg', 'smashgg'}, yandexefir = {'yandex'}, zhanqitv = {'zhanqi'}, } local ICON_KEYS_TO_RENAME = { ['bilibili-stream'] = 'bilibili', daumcafe = 'cafe-daum', ['esea-d'] = 'esea-league', ['faceit-c'] = 'faceit', ['faceit-c2'] = 'faceit', ['faceit-l'] = 'faceit', ['faceit-hub'] = 'faceit', ['faceit-org'] = 'faceit', matcherinolink = 'matcherino', playlist = 'music', privsteam = 'steam', pubsteam = 'steam', steamalternative = 'steam', tlpdint = 'tlpd', tlpdkr = 'tlpd-wol-korea', tlpdsospa = 'tlpd-sospa', douyin_page = 'douyin', } local MATCH_ICONS = { ['365chess'] = { icon = 'File:365chess_allmode.png', iconDark = 'File:365chess_allmode.png', text = '365Chess matchpage' }, ballchasing = { icon = 'File:Ballchasing icon.png', text = 'Ballchasing replays' }, breakingpoint = { icon = 'File:Breaking Point GG icon lightmode.png', iconDark = 'File:Breaking Point GG icon darkmode.png', text = 'Breaking Point matchpage' }, cdl = { icon = 'File:Call of Duty League lightmode.png', iconDark = 'File:Call of Duty League darkmode.png', text = 'Call of Duty League matchpage' }, challengermode = { icon = 'File:Challengermode icon.png', text = 'Match page on Challengermode' }, chesscom = { icon = 'File:ChessCom_allmode.png', iconDark = 'File:ChessCom_allmode.png', text = ' matchpage' }, chessgames = { icon = 'File:Chessgames_allmode.png', iconDark = 'File:Chessgames_allmode.png', text = 'Chessgames matchpage' }, civdraft = { text = 'Civ Draft', icon = 'File:Civ Draft Icon.png' }, datdota = { icon = 'File:DatDota-icon.png', text = 'datDota' }, dbstats = { icon = 'File:Diabotical icon.png', text = 'QuakeLife matchpage' }, dotabuff = { icon = 'File:DOTABUFF-icon.png', text = 'DOTABUFF' }, ebattle = { icon = 'File:Ebattle Series allmode.png', text = 'Match page on ebattle' }, esl = { icon = 'File:ESL_2019_icon_lightmode.png', iconDark = 'File:ESL_2019_icon_darkmode.png', text = 'Match page on ESL' }, esea = { icon = 'File:ESEA icon allmode.png', text = 'ESEA Match Page' }, etf2l = { icon = 'File:ETF2L.png', text = 'ETF2L Match Page' }, faceit = { icon = 'File:FACEIT icon allmode.png', text = 'FACEIT match room' }, gol = { icon = ' allmode.png', text = 'GolGG Match Report', }, halodatahive = { icon = 'File:Halo Data Hive allmode.png', text = 'Match page on Halo Data Hive' }, headtohead = { icon = 'File:Match Info Stats.png', text = 'Head-to-head statistics' }, interview = { icon = 'File:Interview32.png', text = 'Interview' }, jcg = { icon = 'File:JCG-BMS icon.png', text = 'JCG matchpage' }, lichess = { icon = 'File:Lichess_lightmode.png', iconDark = 'File:Lichess_darkmode.png', text = 'Game page on Lichess' }, logstf = { icon = 'File:Logstf_icon.png', text = ' Match Page ' }, logstfgold = { icon = 'File:Logstf_gold_icon.png', text = ' Match Page (Golden Cap) ' }, lpl = { icon = 'File:LPL_Logo_lightmode.png', iconDark = 'File:LPL_Logo_darkmode.png', text = 'Match page on LPL Play' }, lrthread = { icon = 'File:LiveReport32.png', text = 'Live Report Thread' }, mapdraft = { text = 'Map Draft', icon = 'File:Map Draft Icon.png' }, mplink = { icon = 'File:Osu single color allmode.png', text = 'Match Data' }, opl = { icon = 'File:OPL Icon 2023 allmode.png', text = 'OPL Match Page' }, overgg = { icon = 'File:overgg icon.png', text = ' matchpage' }, owl = { icon = 'File:Overwatch League 2023 allmode.png', text = 'Overwatch League matchpage' }, ozf = { icon = 'File:ozfortress-icon.png', text = 'ozfortress Match Page' }, pf = { icon = 'File:Plus Forward icon.png', text = 'Plus Forward matchpage' }, preview = { icon = 'File:Preview Icon32.png', text = 'Preview' }, qrindr = { icon = 'File:Quake Champions icon.png', text = 'Qrindr matchpage' }, r6esports = { icon = 'File:Rainbow 6 Esports 2023 lightmode.png', iconDark = 'File:Rainbow 6 Esports 2023 darkmode.png', text = 'R6 Esports Match Page' }, recap = { icon = 'File:Reviews32.png', text = 'Recap' }, reddit = { icon = 'File:Reddit-icon.png', text = 'Reddit Thread', }, review = { icon = 'File:Reviews32.png', text = 'Review' }, rgl = { icon = 'File:RGL_Logo.png', text = 'RGL Match Page' }, royaleapi = { icon = 'File:RoyaleAPI_allmode.png', text = 'RoyaleAPI Match Page' }, shift = { icon = 'File:ShiftRLE icon.png', text = 'ShiftRLE matchpage' }, siegegg = { icon = 'File:SiegeGG icon.png', text = 'SiegeGG Match Page' }, smiteesports = { icon = 'File:SMITE default lightmode.png', iconDark = 'File:SMITE default darkmode.png', text = 'Smite Esports Match Page' }, stats = { icon = 'File:Match_Info_Stats.png', text = 'Match Statistics' }, stratz = { icon = 'File:STRATZ_icon_lightmode.svg', iconDark = 'File:STRATZ_icon_darkmode.svg', text = 'STRATZ' }, tespa = { icon = 'File:Tespa icon.png', text = 'Tespa matchpage' }, tftv = { icon = '', text = 'TFTV Match Page' }, vlr = { icon = 'File:VLR icon.png', text = 'Matchpage and Stats on VLR' }, wl = { icon = 'File:Winstons Lab-icon.png', text = 'Winstons Lab matchpage' }, } MATCH_ICONS = Table.merge(MATCH_ICONS, CustomData.matchIcons or {}) ---@param links {[string]: string} ---@return {[string]: string} function Links.transform(links) local function iterateLinks(tbl, aliases) local index = 1 local function getValue(keys) for _, key in ipairs(keys) do if tbl[key] then return tbl[key] end end end local function suffixAliases(alias) return alias .. index end return function() local keys =, suffixAliases) local value = getValue(keys) if index == 1 and not value then value = getValue(aliases) end index = index + 1 if value then return (index - 1), value else return nil end end end local transformedLinks = {} for linkKey in pairs(PREFIXES) do local aliases = ALIASES[linkKey] or {} table.insert(aliases, 1, linkKey) for index, link in iterateLinks(links, aliases) do transformedLinks[linkKey .. (index == 1 and '' or index)] = link end end return transformedLinks end ---@param platform string ---@param id string? ---@param variant string? ---@param fallbackToBase boolean? #defaults to true ---@return string function Links.makeFullLink(platform, id, variant, fallbackToBase) if id == nil or id == '' then return '' end local prefixData = PREFIXES[platform] if not prefixData then return '' end local suffixData = SUFFIXES[platform] or {} local prefix = prefixData[variant] local suffix = suffixData[variant] if fallbackToBase ~= false then prefix = prefix or prefixData[1] suffix = suffix or suffixData[1] end if not prefix then return '' end return prefix .. id .. (suffix or '') end ---@param links {[string]: string} ---@param variant string? ---@param fallbackToBase boolean? #defaults to true ---@return {[string]: string} function Links.makeFullLinksForTableItems(links, variant, fallbackToBase) return, function(key, item) return key, Links.makeFullLink(Links.removeAppendedNumber(key), item, variant, fallbackToBase) end) end --remove appended number --needed because the link icons require e.g. 'esl' instead of 'esl2' ---@param key string ---@return string function Links.removeAppendedNumber(key) return (string.gsub(key, '%d$', '')) end ---Builds the icon for a given link ---@param key string ---@param size number? ---@return string function Links.makeIcon(key, size) return '<i class="lp-icon lp-' .. (ICON_KEYS_TO_RENAME[key] or key) .. (size and (' lp-icon-' .. size) or '') .. '></i>' end ---Fetches Icon Data for a given key ---@param key string ---@return {icon: string, text: string, iconDark: string?}? function Links.getMatchIconData(key) return MATCH_ICONS[Links.removeAppendedNumber(key)] end return Class.export(Links, {frameOnly = true})