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- Programmatic name: Logic
- emptyOr(val1: value, val2: value, default: value) → value
Returns the first non empty value
- isEmpty(val: any) → boolean
Checks if a value or table is empty
- isNumeric(val: value) → boolean
Checks if a value is Numeric
- isNotEmpty(val: any) → boolean
Checks if a value or table is not empty
- nilOr(...) → value
Returns the first non nil value. Function arguments are lazily evaluated, providing a way to short circuit checks.
- nilThrows(val: any) → value or error
Throws an error if val is nil
- readBool(val: value) → boolean
Alias for readTrue
- readBoolOrNil(val: value) → boolean?
Converts a boolean from its representations (true/false, 1/0, or their strings), or nil if not a representation.
- tryCatch(try: function, catch: function) → result or catch of the result
Tries to execute the "try" function. If that fails it will execute the "catch"
- try(f: function) → ResultOrError
Executes the function, and places its result or caught error in a ResultOrError instance.
See all our documentation here.
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--- -- @Liquipedia -- wiki=commons -- page=Module:Logic -- -- Please see to contribute -- local Logic = {} ---Returns `val1` if it isn't empty else returns `val2` if that isn't empty, else returns default ---@generic A, B, C ---@param val1 A? ---@param val2 B? ---@param default C? ---@return A|B|C|nil function Logic.emptyOr(val1, val2, default) if not Logic.isEmpty(val1) then return val1 elseif not Logic.isEmpty(val2) then return val2 else return default end end ---Returns the first non nil value ---@param ... any? ---@return any? function Logic.nilOr(...) local args = require('Module:Table').pack(...) for i = 1, args.n do local arg = args[i] local val if type(arg) == 'function' then val = arg() else val = arg end if val ~= nil then return val end end return nil end ---Checks if a given object (table|string|nil) is empty ---@param val table|string|nil ---@return boolean ---@overload fun(val: any):false function Logic.isEmpty(val) if type(val) == 'table' then local Table = require('Module:Table') return Table.isEmpty(val) else return val == '' or val == nil end end ---Checks if a given object (table|string|nil) is not empty ---@param val table|string|nil ---@return boolean ---@overload fun(val: any):true function Logic.isNotEmpty(val) if type(val) == 'table' then local Table = require('Module:Table') return Table.isNotEmpty(val) else return val ~= nil and val ~= '' end end ---@generic V ---@param val V? ---@return V? function Logic.nilIfEmpty(val) return Logic.isNotEmpty(val) and val or nil end ---Checks if a given object (table|string|nil) is deep empty ---i.e. is empty itself or only contains objects that are deep empty ---@param val table|string|nil ---@return boolean ---@overload fun(val: any):false function Logic.isDeepEmpty(val) local Table = require('Module:Table') return Logic.isEmpty(val) or type(val) == 'table' and Table.all(val, function(key, item) return Logic.isDeepEmpty(item) end) end ---Inverse of `Logic.isDeepEmpty` ---@param val table|string|nil ---@return boolean ---@overload fun(val: any):true function Logic.isNotDeepEmpty(val) return not Logic.isDeepEmpty(val) end ---Check if the input is a representation of a boolean ---@param val string|number|boolean|nil ---@return boolean function Logic.readBool(val) return val == 'true' or val == 't' or val == 'yes' or val == 'y' or val == true or val == '1' or val == 1 end ---Reads a boolean string/number representation to a boolean. ---If the supplied value is nil will return nil ---@param val string|number|boolean|nil ---@return boolean? function Logic.readBoolOrNil(val) if Logic.readBool(val) then return true elseif val == 'false' or val == 'f' or val == 'no' or val == 'n' or val == false or val == '0' or val == 0 then return false else return nil end end ---Throws an error if the supplied value is nil ---@param val any? ---@return any function Logic.nilThrows(val) if val == nil then error('Unexpected nil', 2) end return val end ---Trys to execute a function. ---If it fails executes a catch function ---@param try function ---@param catch function ---@return any? function Logic.tryCatch(try, catch) local ran, result = pcall(try) if not ran then catch(result) else return result end end ---@param f fun(): any ---@return RoEResult|RoEError function Logic.try(f) local ResultOrError = require('Module:ResultOrError') return ResultOrError.try(f) end ---Returns the result of a function if successful. Otherwise it returns the result of the second function. ---If the first function fails, its error is logged to the console and stashed away for display. ---@generic T ---@param f fun(): T ---@param other? fun(error: Error): any ---@param makeError? fun(error: Error): Error function that allows customizing Error instance being logged and stashed. ---@return T function Logic.tryOrElseLog(f, other, makeError) return Logic.try(f) :catch(function(error) local Error = require('Module:Error') if not Error.isError(error) then error = Error(error) end error.header = 'Error occured while calling a function: (caught by Logic.tryOrElseLog)' if makeError then error = makeError(error) end require('Module:Error/Ext').logAndStash(error) if other then return other(error) end end) :get() end ---Returns the result of a function if successful. Otherwise it returns nil. ---If the first function fails, its error is logged to the console and stashed away for display. ---@generic F:function ---@param f F ---@param makeError? fun(error: Error): Error function that allows customizing Error instance being logged and stashed. ---@return F function Logic.wrapTryOrLog(f, makeError) return function(...) --Need to pack the vararg, so it can be passed to the inner function local args = require('Module:Table').pack(...) return Logic.tryOrElseLog(function() return f(unpack(args)) end, nil, makeError) end end ---Checks if a provided value is numeric ---@param val number|string|nil ---@return boolean function Logic.isNumeric(val) return tonumber(val) ~= nil end ---Determines whether two values are equal. Table values are compared recursively. ---@param x any ---@param y any ---@return boolean function Logic.deepEquals(x, y) if x == y then return true elseif type(x) == 'table' and type(y) == 'table' then local Table = require('Module:Table') return Table.deepEquals(x, y) else return false end end return Logic