
From Liquipedia Commons Wiki
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Builds Results/Achievements Table.

Is customizable on a per wiki basis via Module:ResultsTable/Custom


Query Conditions[edit]

Limit the query to only fetch results with the given game
Limit the query to only fetch results that were achieved >= the start date
Limit the query to only fetch results that were achieved <= the end date
Limit the query to only fetch results with the given placement
Limit the query to only fetch results with the given liquipedia tier
You can enter several tiers sep. by ,. Example: |tier=1,2
Order in which the lpdb query should sort
default: desc
Sort column after which the lpdb query should sort
for achievements the default is weight, for results the default is date
If set to true this will make the query for team opponents also look for non team results of players that were on the team while they achieved the placement
Field with which additional conditions can be added via Module:ResultsTable/Custom
Field with which conditions can be completely overwritten via Module:ResultsTable/Custom
|playerLimit= |coachLimit=
amount of players the query has to be expect when querying player/coach results
use the according param for the according query type

General Settings[edit]

|querytype= MANDATORY!!!
Type of the participant for which to query
Valid entries are: solo, team, coach
Do not display the lastVs/Score column
Displays and additional game icons column
Set to true to query achievements instead of results
limits amount of returned rows (unles limit is overwritten); sorts by weight during the query


Manually provided data passed in form of a lua table in the format the query would return
Intended to be only used via Module:ResultsTable/Custom
Circumvents the lpdb query of Module:ResultsTable/Base
Manual Input that gets added at the bottom of the results/achievements table
Intended to be used via Module:ResultsTable/Custom, for an example see starcraft2:Module:ResultsTable/Custom
The coach/player/team for which to query data
In main space this defaults to the BASEPAGENAME
In other namespaces if the FULLPAGENAME contains "results" it defaults to TitleParts[#TitleParts - 1]
In other namespaces if the FULLPAGENAME does not contain "results" it defaults to SUBPAGENAME

-- @Liquipedia
-- wiki=commons
-- page=Module:ResultsTable
-- Please see to contribute

local Abbreviation = require('Module:Abbreviation')
local Class = require('Module:Class')
local Currency = require('Module:Currency')
local Game = require('Module:Game')
local LeagueIcon = require('Module:LeagueIcon')
local Lua = require('Module:Lua')
local Page = require('Module:Page')
local Placement = require('Module:Placement')
local Table = require('Module:Table')

local BaseResultsTable = Lua.import('Module:ResultsTable/Base')

local OpponentLibrary = require('Module:OpponentLibraries')
local Opponent = OpponentLibrary.Opponent

--- @class ResultsTable: BaseResultsTable
local ResultsTable =

---Builds the Header of the results/achievements table
---@return Html
function ResultsTable:buildHeader()
	local header = mw.html.create('tr')
		:tag('th'):css('width', '100px'):wikitext('Date'):done()
		:tag('th'):css('min-width', '80px'):wikitext('Place'):done()
		:tag('th'):css('min-width', '75px'):wikitext('Tier'):done()

	if self.config.showType then
		header:tag('th'):css('min-width', '50px'):wikitext('Type')

	if self.config.displayGameIcons then
		header:tag('th'):node(Abbreviation.make('G.', 'Game'))

	header:tag('th'):css('width', '420px'):attr('colspan', 2):wikitext('Tournament')

	if self.config.queryType ~= or Table.isNotEmpty(self.config.aliases) then
		header:tag('th'):css('min-width', '70px'):wikitext('Team')
	elseif self.config.playerResultsOfTeam then
		header:tag('th'):css('min-width', '105px'):wikitext('Player')

	if not self.config.hideResult then
		header:tag('th'):css('min-width', '105px'):attr('colspan', 2):addClass('unsortable'):wikitext('Result')

	header:tag('th'):attr('data-sort-type', 'currency'):wikitext('Prize')

	return header

---Builds a placement row of the results/achievements table
---@param placement table
---@return Html
function ResultsTable:buildRow(placement)
	local placementCell = mw.html.create('td')
	Placement._placement{parent = placementCell, placement = placement.placement}

	local row = mw.html.create('tr')

	local tierDisplay, tierSortValue = self:tierDisplay(placement)

	row:tag('td'):attr('data-sort-value', tierSortValue):wikitext(tierDisplay)

	if self.config.showType then

	if self.config.displayGameIcons then
		row:tag('td'):node(Game.icon{game =})

	local tournamentDisplayName = BaseResultsTable.tournamentDisplayName(placement)

		:tag('td'):css('width', '30px'):attr('data-sort-value', tournamentDisplayName):wikitext(LeagueIcon.display{
			icon = placement.icon,
			iconDark = placement.icondark,
			link = placement.parent,
			name = tournamentDisplayName,
			options = {noTemplate = true},
		:tag('td'):attr('data-sort-value', tournamentDisplayName):css('text-align', 'left'):wikitext(Page.makeInternalLink(

	if self.config.playerResultsOfTeam or
		self.config.queryType ~= or
		Table.isNotEmpty(self.config.aliases) then

		row:tag('td'):css('text-align', self.config.hideResult and 'left' or 'right')
			:attr('data-sort-value', placement.opponentname)
			{teamForSolo = not self.config.playerResultsOfTeam, flip = not self.config.hideResult}

	if not self.config.hideResult then
		local score, vsDisplay, groupAbbr = self:processVsData(placement)
			:tag('td'):css('text-align', 'left'):cssText(groupAbbr and 'padding-left:14px' or nil):node(vsDisplay or groupAbbr)

	local useIndivPrize = self.config.useIndivPrize and self.config.queryType ~=
			useIndivPrize and placement.individualprizemoney or placement.prizemoney,
			{dashIfZero = true, displayCurrencyCode = false, formatValue = true}

	return row

return ResultsTable