Standard library for tables in lua. For arrays see Module:Array.
- Programmatic name: Table
- copy(tbl: table) → table
Returns a shallow copy of this table
- deepCopy(tbl: table) → table
Returns a deep copy of this table
- filter(tbl: table, predicate: function, argument: any) → table
Filters the table using the given predicate function, with an optional second argument if given
- includes(tbl: table, value: any) → boolean
Returns true if the table includes this entry
- isEmpty(tbl: table) → table
Returns true if this table is empty
- randomize(tbl: table) → table
Randomizes the given table using Fisher-Yates in place
- size(tbl: table) → int
Returns the number of entries in the table
- uniqueKey(tbl: table) → Key?
Returns the unique key in an table. Returns nil if the table is empty or has multiple keys.
- iter.spairs(tbl: table, order: function) → function
Iterate over table in a sorted order
- iter.forEach(tbl: table, lambda: function) → function
Iterate over table in a forEach fashion
- iter.forEachIndexed(tbl: table, lambda: function) → function
Iterate over table in a Index fashion
- iter.forEachPair(tbl: table, lambda: function) → function
Iterate over table in a forEachPair fashion
- mergeInto(target: table, ...: table(s)) → table
Copies entries from the second table into the first table, overriding existing entries. The first table is mutated in the process. (Can be called with more than two tables. The additional tables are merged into the first table in succession.)
- merge(...: table(s)) → table
Creates a table with entries merged from the input tables, with entries from the later tables given precedence. Input tables are not mutated.
- map(xTable: table, f: function) → table
Applies a function to each entry in a table and places the results as entries in a new table.
- mapValues(xTable: table, f: function) → table
Applies a function to each value in a table and places the results in a new table under the same keys.
- extract(tbl: table, key: table-key) → value
Removes a key from a table and returns its value.
- getByPath(tbl: table, path: array) → value
Returns the value at a location in a nested table. The location is specified by path.
- getByPathOrNil(tbl: table, path: array) → value?
Returns the value at a location in a nested table, or nil if it can't be accessed. The location is specified by path.
- setByPath(tbl: table, path: array, value: any) → nil
Sets a value at a location in a nested table. The location is specified by path.
- any(tbl: table, predicate: function) → boolean
Whether any entry of a table satisfies a predicate.
- all(tbl: table, predicate: function) → boolean
Whether all entries of a table satisfy a predicate.
- pack(...: values) → table
Polyfill of lua 5.2 table.pack
- mapArgumentsByPrefix(args: table, prefixes: table, f: function) → table
Extracts prefixed keys interleaved with numeric indexes from an arguments table, and applies a transform to each key or index
- mapArguments(args: table, indexFromKey: function, f: function) → table
Extracts keys based on a passed `indexFromKey` function interleaved with numeric indexes from an arguments table, and applies a transform to each key or index
See all our documentation here.
The above documentation is transcluded from Module:Table/doc. (edit | history) Editors can experiment in this module's sandbox (create | mirror) and testcases (create) pages. Subpages of this module. |
--- -- @Liquipedia -- wiki=commons -- page=Module:Table -- -- Please see to contribute -- local Table = {} ---@deprecated ---Use Array.randomize function Table.randomize(tbl) return require('Module:Array').randomize(tbl) end ---Get the size of a table ---@param tbl table ---@return integer function Table.size(tbl) local i = 0 for _ in pairs(tbl) do i = i + 1 end return i end ---@param tbl table ---@param value any ---@param isPattern boolean? ---@return boolean function Table.includes(tbl, value, isPattern) for _, entry in pairs(tbl) do if isPattern and string.find(entry, value) or not isPattern and entry == value then return true end end return false end ---@generic K, V, T ---@param tbl {[K]: V} ---@param predicate fun(value?: V, argument?: T): boolean ---@param argument T? ---@return {[K]: V} function Table.filter(tbl, predicate, argument) local filteredTbl = {} local foundMatches = 1 for _, entry in pairs(tbl) do if predicate(entry, argument) then filteredTbl[foundMatches] = entry foundMatches = foundMatches + 1 end end return filteredTbl end ---@generic K, V ---@param tbl {[K]: V} ---@param predicate fun(key?: K, value?: V): boolean ---@return {[K]: V} function Table.filterByKey(tbl, predicate) local filteredTbl = {} for key, entry in pairs(tbl) do if predicate(key, entry) then filteredTbl[key] = entry end end return filteredTbl end ---Return true if table is empty or nil ---@param tbl table? ---@return boolean function Table.isEmpty(tbl) if tbl == nil then return true end -- luacheck: push ignore --it is intended that the loop is executed at most once for _, _ in pairs(tbl) do return false end -- luacheck: pop return true end ---Return true if table is neither empty nor nil ---@param tbl table? ---@return boolean function Table.isNotEmpty(tbl) return not Table.isEmpty(tbl) end ---Shallow copies a table ---@generic T:table ---@param tbl T ---@return T function Table.copy(tbl) local result = {} for key, entry in pairs(tbl) do result[key] = entry end return result end ---Recursively copies a table. --- ---Specifically: for each entry, the value is deep copied and the key is not. ---Entries provided by the __pairs metamethod are copied. Metatables are not ---copied (unless enabled by options.copyMetatable). --- ---options.copyMetatable ---If enabled, deep copies the metatable of tables. Disabled by default. --- ---options.reuseRef ---If a table reference exists at two locations in the input, then this option ---will allow the locations to share a reference in the output. Enabled by default. ---@param tbl_ table ---@param options? {copyMetatable: boolean, reuseRef: boolean} ---@return table function Table.deepCopy(tbl_, options) options = options or {} assert(type(tbl_) == 'table', 'Table.deepCopy: Input must be a table') local function deepCopy(tbl) local result = {} for key, value in pairs(tbl) do result[key] = type(value) == 'table' and deepCopy(value) or value end if options.copyMetatable then local metatable = getmetatable(tbl) if type(metatable) == 'table' then setmetatable(result, deepCopy(metatable)) end end return result end if options.reuseRef ~= false then local FnUtil = require('Module:FnUtil') deepCopy = FnUtil.memoize(deepCopy) end return deepCopy(tbl_) end ---Determines whether two tables are equal, by comparing their entries. Table ---values are compared recursively. ---@param xTable table ---@param yTable table ---@return boolean function Table.deepEquals(xTable, yTable) local Logic = require('Module:Logic') assert(type(xTable) == 'table', 'Table.deepEquals: First argument must be a table') assert(type(yTable) == 'table', 'Table.deepEquals: Second argument must be a table') for key, value in pairs(xTable) do if not Logic.deepEquals(value, yTable[key]) then return false end end for key, _ in pairs(yTable) do if xTable[key] == nil then return false end end return true end --- ---Copies entries from the second table into the first table, overriding existing ---entries. The first table is mutated in the process. --- ---Can be called with more than two tables. The additional tables are merged into ---the first table in succession. ---@param target table ---@param ... table ---@return table function Table.mergeInto(target, ...) local objs = Table.pack(...) for i = 1, objs.n do if type(objs[i]) == 'table' then for key, value in pairs(objs[i]) do target[key] = value end end end return target end ---Creates a table with entries merged from the input tables, with entries from ---the later tables given precedence. Input tables are not mutated. ---@param ... table ---@return table function Table.merge(...) return Table.mergeInto({}, ...) end --[[ Recursively merges entries from the second table into the first table, overriding existing entries. The first table is mutated in the process. Can be called with more than two tables. The additional tables are merged into the first table in succession. All tables except the last table may be mutated. Example: Table.deepMergeInto({a = {x = 3, y = 4}}, {a = {y = 5}}) -- Returns {a = {x = 3, y = 5}} ]] ---@param target table ---@param ... table ---@return table function Table.deepMergeInto(target, ...) local tbls = Table.pack(...) for i = 1, tbls.n do if type(tbls[i]) == 'table' then for key, value in pairs(tbls[i]) do if type(target[key]) == 'table' and type(value) == 'table' then Table.deepMergeInto(target[key], value) else target[key] = value end end end end return target end ---@param ... table ---@return table function Table.deepMerge(...) return Table.deepMergeInto({}, ...) end ---Applies a function to each entry in a table and places the results as entries --in a new table. -- --Example: --`{a = 3, b = 4, c = 5}, function(k, v) return 2 * v, k end)` --Returns `{6 = 'a', 8 = 'b', 10 = 'c'}` ---@generic K, V, U, T ---@param xTable {[K] : V} ---@param f fun(key?: K, value?: V): U, T ---@return {[U] : T} function, f) local yTable = {} for xKey, xValue in pairs(xTable) do local yKey, yValue = f(xKey, xValue) yTable[yKey] = yValue end return yTable end --[[ Extracts prefixed keys interleaved with numeric indexes from an arguments table, and applies a transform to each key or index. Used for template calls that support both prefixed and indexed params. See Module:ParticipantTable/Starcraft, Module:GroupTableLeague for examples of how it is used. Example: In the template call {{Foo |A |p2=B |C |player4=D }} Table.mapArgumentsByPrefix(args, {'p', 'player'}, f) will invoke f(1, 1) f('p2', 2, 'p') f(2, 3) f('player4', 4, 'player') ]] ---@generic K, T ---@param args {[K] : any} ---@param prefixes string[] ---@param f fun(key?: K, index?: integer, prefix: string?): T ---@param noInterleave boolean? ---@return {[integer?] : T} function Table.mapArgumentsByPrefix(args, prefixes, f, noInterleave) local function indexFromKey(key) local prefix, index = key:match('^([%a_]+)(%d+)$') if Table.includes(prefixes, prefix) then return tonumber(index), prefix else return nil end end return Table.mapArguments(args, indexFromKey, f, noInterleave) end --- Extracts keys based on a passed `indexFromKey` function interleaved with numeric indexes -- from an arguments table, and applies a transform to each key or index. -- -- Most common use-case will be `Table.mapArgumentsByPrefix` where -- the `indexFromKey` function retrieves keys based on a prefix. -- ---@generic K, T, I ---@param args {[K] : any} ---@param indexFromKey fun(key?: K): I?, ... ---@param f fun(key?: K, index?: integer, ...?: any): T ---@param noInterleave boolean? ---@return {[I] : T} function Table.mapArguments(args, indexFromKey, f, noInterleave) local entriesByIndex = {} -- Non-numeric args for key, _ in pairs(args) do local function post(index, ...) if index and not entriesByIndex[index] then entriesByIndex[index] = f(key, index, ...) end end if type(key) == 'string' then post(indexFromKey(key)) end end if noInterleave then return entriesByIndex end -- Numeric index entries fills in gaps of prefixN= entries if not disabled local entryIndex = 1 for argIndex = 1, math.huge do if not args[argIndex] then break end while entriesByIndex[entryIndex] do entryIndex = entryIndex + 1 end entriesByIndex[entryIndex] = f(argIndex, entryIndex) end return entriesByIndex end ---Applies a function to each value in a table and places the results in a new --table under the same keys. -- --Example: --`Table.mapValues({1, 2, 3}, function(x) return 2 * x end)` --Returns `{2, 4, 6}` -- --The return is not parsed correctly yet by extension, ---@generic K, V, T ---@param xTable {[K] : V} ---@param f fun(value?: V): T ---@return {[K] : T} function Table.mapValues(xTable, f) local yTable = {} for xKey, xValue in pairs(xTable) do yTable[xKey] = f(xValue) end return yTable end ---Whether all entries of a table satisfy a predicate. ---@generic K, V ---@param tbl {[K] : V} ---@param predicate fun(key?: K, value?: V): boolean ---@return boolean function Table.all(tbl, predicate) for key, value in pairs(tbl) do if not predicate(key, value) then return false end end return true end ---Whether any entry of a table satisfies a predicate. ---@generic K, V ---@param tbl {[K] : V} ---@param predicate fun(key?: K, value?: V): boolean ---@return boolean function Table.any(tbl, predicate) for key, value in pairs(tbl) do if predicate(key, value) then return true end end return false end --[[ Groups entries of a table according to a grouping function. Example: local function parity(_, x) return x % 2 end Table.groupBy({a = 3, b = 4, c = 5}, parity) -- Returns { 0 = {b = 4}, 1 = {a = 3, c = 5}, } ]] ---@generic K, V, T ---@param tbl {[K] : V} ---@param f fun(key?: K, value?: V): T ---@return {[T] : {[K]: V}} function Table.groupBy(tbl, f) local groups = {} for key, value in pairs(tbl) do local groupKey = f(key, value) if not groups[groupKey] then groups[groupKey] = {} end groups[groupKey][key] = value end return groups end ---Removes a key from a table and returns its value. ---@generic K, V ---@param tbl table<K, V> ---@param key K ---@return V function Table.extract(tbl, key) local value = tbl[key] tbl[key] = nil return value end ---@param tbl table ---@param path any[] ---@return any? function Table.getByPathOrNil(tbl, path) for _, fieldName in ipairs(path) do if type(tbl) ~= 'table' then return nil end tbl = tbl[fieldName] end return tbl end ---@param tbl table ---@param path any[] ---@param value any function Table.setByPath(tbl, path, value) for i = 1, #path - 1 do if tbl[path[i]] == nil then tbl[path[i]] = {} end tbl = tbl[path[i]] end tbl[path[#path]] = value end ---Returns the unique key in a table. Returns nil if the table is empty or has multiple keys. ---@generic K, V ---@param tbl {[K]: V} ---@return K? function Table.uniqueKey(tbl) local key0 = nil for key, _ in pairs(tbl) do if key0 ~= nil then return nil end key0 = key end return key0 end ---Returns the entries of a table as an array of key value pairs. The ordering of the array is not specified. ---@generic K, V ---@param tbl {[K]: V} ---@return {[1]: K, [2]: V}[] function Table.entries(tbl) local entries = {} for key, value in pairs(tbl) do table.insert(entries, {key, value}) end return entries end -- Polyfill of lua 5.2 table.pack ---@generic V ---@param ... V ---@return {n: integer, value...: V} function Table.pack(...) return {n = select('#', ...), ...} end -- -- iterator functions -- Table.iter = {} -- iterate over table in a sorted order ---@generic K, V ---@param tbl {[K]: V} ---@param order? fun(tbl: table, a: K, b: K): boolean ---@return function function Table.iter.spairs(tbl, order) -- collect the keys local keys = {} for k in pairs(tbl) do keys[#keys+1] = k end -- if order function given, sort by it by passing the table and keys a, b, -- otherwise just sort the keys if order then table.sort(keys, function(a,b) return order(tbl, a, b) end) else table.sort(keys) end -- return the iterator function local i = 0 return function() i = i + 1 if keys[i] then return keys[i], tbl[keys[i]] end end end --[[ Iterates over table entries whose keys are prefixed numbers. The entries are visited in order, starting from 1. The iteration stops upon a skipped number. If requireIndex is disabled, for the first entry, both `prefix` and `prefix1` are valid keys, with a preference for the latter. Example: ``` local args = { p = {}, p1 = {}, p2 = {}, p3 = {}, foo = {}, p10 = {}, } for key, player, index in Table.iter.pairsByPrefix(args, 'p') do mw.log(key) end ``` will print out `p1 p2 p3` ]] ---@param tbl table ---@param prefixes string|string[] ---@param options? {requireIndex: boolean} ---@return fun(): string?, any?, integer? function Table.iter.pairsByPrefix(tbl, prefixes, options) options = options or {} if type(prefixes) == 'string' then prefixes = {prefixes} end local getByPrefixes = function(index) for _, prefix in ipairs(prefixes) do local key = prefix .. index if tbl[key] then return key, tbl[key] end end end local i = 1 return function() local key, value = getByPrefixes(i) if options.requireIndex == false and i == 1 and not value then key, value = getByPrefixes('') end i = i + 1 if value then return key, value, (i - 1) else return nil end end end ---@deprecated Use Array.forEach ---@generic V ---@param tbl V[] ---@param lambda fun(item: V) function Table.iter.forEach(tbl, lambda) for _, item in ipairs(tbl) do lambda(item) end end ---@deprecated Use Array.forEach ---@generic V ---@param tbl V[] ---@param lambda fun(index: integer, item: V) function Table.iter.forEachIndexed(tbl, lambda) for index, item in ipairs(tbl) do lambda(index, item) end end ---@generic K, V ---@param tbl {[K]: V} ---@param lambda fun(key: K, val: V?) function Table.iter.forEachPair(tbl, lambda) for key, val in pairs(tbl) do lambda(key, val) end end return Table