
From Liquipedia Overwatch Wiki
Hero Information
Real Name:
Sloan Cameron
Release Date:
Base of Operations:
Canada Nova Scotia, Canada (formerly)
Voice Actor(s):
Valeria Rodríguez

Sloan "Venture" Cameron is a Damage hero in Overwatch 2.


Smart Excavator
Ability: Weapon
Affects: Enemies
Launch a seismic charge that bursts after a short distance.

Damage:80 (direct)
Up to 45 (AOE)
Max range:16 meters
Projectile speed:50 m/s
Ability: Cooldown
Affects: Self, Enemies
Move underground and become invulnerable. Emerge to deal damage.

LSHIFT 8 seconds
Damage:Up to 110 (max charge)
Duration:4 seconds
Movement speed:+40% (underground)
Up to 14 m/s (emerging at max charge)
Drill Dash
Ability: Cooldown
Affects: Self, Enemies
Dash forward, pushing enemies back.

RM 8 seconds
Damage:40 (initial impact)
60 (subsequent impacts)
5 (Burrow)
Duration:0.5 seconds
Movement speed:20 m/s
Maximum range:10 meters
Ability: Melee
Affects: Enemies
Quick melee deals more damage.

Duration:0.7 seconds
Explorer's Resolve
Ability: Passive
Affects: Self
Using abilities grants temporary shields.
Ultimate:75 shields
Abilities:40 shields
Duration:3 seconds
Tectonic Shock
Ability: Ultimate
Affects: Enemies
Send out damaging shockwaves.

Duration:7 seconds
Max range:25.15 meters


Sloan Cameron had an affinity for finding lost things since they were a child. They never lived in one place for long, and each new home meant a new expedition—on which they unearthed treasures, trinkets, and traces of the past. Their unusual talent drew them to the Wayfinder Society: a group of archaeologists and historians from around the globe. At sixteen, they started an apprenticeship with the organization and never looked back.

Due to their unfettered bravery, Sloan was a unique addition to the brilliant minds of the Wayfinders. From ancient ruins to dormant omniums, dangerous expeditions quickly became their go-to assignments. They often returned from digs covered in dirt, bruises, and local fauna, but always with a smile on their face, eager to learn about the artifacts they’d recovered. Their dedication eventually saw them graduate from their apprenticeship, making them a full-fledged member of the Wayfinder Society.

Sloan’s fearlessness came in handy for more than just expeditions. With increasing threats to Wayfinder sites, security often fell into their hands. Looters, scavengers, even master thieves would try to steal artifacts recovered by the Wayfinders. But with their excavating tools and quick wit, Sloan managed to fend off any would-be troublemakers.

While on site at Ilios, Sloan had to grapple with their most challenging enemy yet: Talon. The shadowy organization plundered the site with reckless abandon, leaving Sloan with no choice but to stand up to them. After a long-fought scrap, Sloan succeeded in driving them out. But in the wake of the attack, something stuck in their mind. What would such a powerful organization be hunting for in these ruins? It was a mystery, indeed… and Sloan could never leave a mystery unsolved.


  • Venture was available for a public playtest from March 28 to 31, 2024.
  • Venture is Overwatch's first nonbinary hero.
  • Venture is Mexican-Canadian and is Overwatch's first dual-nationality hero.

Version History[edit]

Notable Players[edit]

This list shows the top 5 Venture players by earnings. For a full list of Venture players, click here.
