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Puslapis iš Vikipedijos, laisvosios enciklopedijos.

Vikipedijos forume galima diskutuoti su kitais projekto dalyviais apie Vikipedijos projektą visais jums rūpimais klausimais, ypač susijusiais su Vikipedijos vidaus tvarka. Forumas nėra skirtas pagalbos dėl naudojimosi Vikipedija prašymams (tam galima pasinaudoti puslapiu Vikipedija:Pagalbos biuras) ar klausimams apie dalykus, nesusijusius su Vikipedija (tam galima pasinaudoti puslapiu Vikipedija:Informacijos biuras).

Naują temą galima įrašyti pasinaudojus šia nuoroda.


Call for Wikimania 2018 Scholarships

Hi all,

We wanted to inform you that scholarship applications for Wikimania 2018 which is being held in Cape Town, South Africa on July 18–22, 2018 are now being accepted. Applications are open until Monday, 22 January 2018 23:59 UTC.

Applicants will be able to apply for a partial or full scholarship. A full scholarship will cover the cost of an individual's round-trip travel, shared accommodation, and conference registration fees as arranged by the Wikimedia Foundation. A partial scholarship will cover conference registration fees and shared accommodation. Applicants will be rated using a pre-determined selection process and selection criteria established by the Scholarship Committee and the Wikimedia Foundation, who will determine which applications are successful. To learn more about Wikimania 2018 scholarships, please visit: wm2018:Scholarships.

To apply for a scholarship, fill out the multi-language application form on:

It is highly recommended that applicants review all the material on the Scholarships page and the associated FAQ before submitting an application. If you have any questions, please contact: wikimania-scholarships at or leave a message at: wm2018:Talk:Scholarships. Please help us spread the word and translate pages!

Best regards, David Richfield and Martin Rulsch for the Scholarship Committee 21:24, 20 gruodžio 2017 (EET)[atsakyti]

User group for Military Historians


"Military history" is one of the most important subjects when speak of sum of all human knowledge. To support contributors interested in the area over various language Wikipedias, we intend to form a user group. It also provides a platform to share the best practices between military historians, and various military related projects on Wikipedias. An initial discussion was has been done between the coordinators and members of WikiProject Military History on English Wikipedia. Now this discussion has been taken to Meta-Wiki. Contributors intrested in the area of military history are requested to share their feedback and give suggestions at Talk:Discussion to incubate a user group for Wikipedia Military Historians.

MediaWiki message delivery (aptarimas) 12:46, 21 gruodžio 2017 (EET)[atsakyti]

Medičių Madona

Garsaus italų dailininko Mikelandželo Buonaročio sukurta skulptūra.Mikelandžeas ją gamino nuo 1521-ūjų iki 1534-ūjų metų.Pati skulptūra yra 2 metrų ir 26 centimetrų aukščio bei apie 3 tonų svorio.Ji buvo išskaptuota Florencijoje, Medičių koplyčioje.

Taip.--SubRE (aptarimas) 11:37, 14 sausio 2018 (EET)[atsakyti]

Moderation issues on Lithuanian Wikipedia

Could someone please take a look at suspected moderation bias and excessive deletion? More details at – Alternative link (same location) – 17:35, 24 sausio 2018 (EET) (Domeikavietis, from an online proxy)[atsakyti]

Visų pirma, atkreipiu dėmesį, kad Vikipedijoje redaguodamas straipsnius (daugiausia apie Domeikavą) naudojotės jau ne viena paskyra, kas yra Vikipedijos taisyklių pažeidimas. Visų antra, Jūsų keitimai tiek mano, tiek kitų naudotojų buvo ne kartą atmesti (turinys netinkamas enciklopedijai ir pan.). Negalima sakyti, kad viskas absoliučiai netinkama enciklopedijai, bet visgi čia ne geltonieji puslapiai ir straipsnių nepildome tarsi būtume nekilnojamojo turto agentai, suinteresuoti, kad žmonės pirktų būstą būtent Domeikavoje. Taigi, neaprašinėjame kiekvienos atidarytos vaistinės ir pan. --Homo ergaster (aptarimas) 17:50, 24 sausio 2018 (EET)[atsakyti]
Beje, Vikipedija rašoma lietuvių kalba, EN Wiki čia nelabai kuo susijusi. --Homo ergaster (aptarimas) 17:52, 24 sausio 2018 (EET)[atsakyti]
Kurias paskyras turite omenyje? Nes turiu Domeikavietis. Viena paskyra, Domeikavietis. Kartais, kai buvau išsilogines, redagavau su IP. Ir nesupratęs kad Wikimedia ir Wikipedia yra tas pats buvau susikūręs kitą vartotoją nuotraukai įkelti. Taip kad kitų paskyrų nėra. Dabar esu priverstas prisijungti per proxy, nes esu uzblokuotas (mano nuomone be priezasties). Neesu NT agentas, bet esu Domeikavos gyventojas ir esu suinteresuotas kad informacija apie Domeikavą būtų lengvai randama. Ir toks faktas kaip Domeikavoj yra x muziejus ar y centras vargu ar paveikia NT pirkėjus. 18:42, 24 sausio 2018 (EET)[atsakyti]
Prašom nemeluoti dėl klonų. Braižas identiškas: --Homo ergaster (aptarimas) 18:45, 24 sausio 2018 (EET)[atsakyti]
Drąsu teigti kad meluoju... Jeigu atrodo kad ten aš, viešinkit IP adresus, browser fingerprint ir kt. Pažiūrėsim ar meluoju ar kažkas klaidingai atrodo. Aš pažįstu kas turi casus fortuitus nick'a bet tai nekeicia fakto kad tai neesu as. Bet net ne tame esmė. Jeigu ta informacija iš Domeikavos puslapio pašalinta deramai, tokiu atveju einu pagal ta pacia logika pratrinti kitu Wiki puslapiu apie Lietuvos miestus. Matau kad bus daug ką trinti apie Jonavos kolektyvus, Palangos pastatus ar Visagino transportą. As aisku sarkastiskai, bet kodel taikomi dvigubi standartai? Gal butu laikas dali teksto apie Domeikava visgi sugrazinti? Ar bent duoti konkretesnes instukcijas kokios informacijos ieskoti jeigu noriu praplesti Domeikavos Wiki poskyre? 19:00, 24 sausio 2018 (EET) (Domeikavietis)[atsakyti]
Aš čia neesu tam kad pyktis. Man atrodo kad pakeitimai geri. Wiki taisykles skaičiau. Jeigu negeri, norėčiau praplėsti kad butu gerai. Kokios informacjos ieškoti ir kokių nuotraukų padaryti? 19:02, 24 sausio 2018 (EET)[atsakyti]
Na, tai kad Jūsų atveju drąsu teigti, jog nenaudojate klonų. Užtenka palyginti indėlį (ypač kreipimąsi į EN Wiki TeaHouse)... --Homo ergaster (aptarimas) 19:07, 24 sausio 2018 (EET)[atsakyti]
Beje, šis ne itin enciklopediškas keitimas irgi Jūsų (, vėl kišamas Teahouse, kuris su LT Wiki nieko bendro neturi... --Homo ergaster (aptarimas) 19:11, 24 sausio 2018 (EET)[atsakyti]

#WikiGap in Vilnius with the Swedish Embassy

Hi fellow Wikimedians,

Wikimedia Sverige is working with the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs to organize the WikiGap initiative on 8 March 2018. The Swedish Embassy in Vilnius has reached out to me and they are interested in hosting an edit-a-thon – so we are looking for volunteers interested in discussing possibilities directly with the embassy. You can read more about the initiative on Meta, it will take place in more than 30 countries around the world in March. It would be great to see Lithuania joining.

Are you interested in helping out? Please let me know and I will happily connect you with the embassy staff.

Best regards, --Sara Mörtsell (WMSE) (aptarimas) 11:06, 31 sausio 2018 (EET)[atsakyti]

Hi, @Sara Mörtsell (WMSE):, thank you for sharing this interesting event. As far as I know Lithuanian Wikipedia had never done before an edit-a-thon, so it will be probably hard to find any moderators. However I think this is a good opportunity to break the ice in our small community. How many people you need for this event to happen?--Zygimantus (aptarimas) 13:24, 31 sausio 2018 (EET)[atsakyti]
@Zygimantus:Excellent to hear back from you. I agree that this may be an interesting opportunity for Wikimedians to meet in person in your community. The event should be organized so that they meet what resources are available. If there is one Wikimedia volunteer involved perhaps the event should be open to about five participants to learn how to make small edits, if there are two volunteers helping maybe there can be more participants. Discussing with the Embassy staff may give some ideas of what they would like to see happen, and they will learn about what help and support is available from the Wikipedia community. --Sara Mörtsell (WMSE) (aptarimas) 18:50, 31 sausio 2018 (EET)[atsakyti]
Hi, @Sara Mörtsell (WMSE):, I would be happy to help any event, which would promote Wikipedia.--Dirgela (aptarimas) 20:01, 31 sausio 2018 (EET)[atsakyti]
Great! I will send wikimail so that emails can be exchanged there. --Sara Mörtsell (WMSE) (aptarimas) 11:10, 1 vasario 2018 (EET)[atsakyti]
@Dirgela:@Zygimantus: It seems I'm unable to work out how wikimail works on, can you please email me your contact details so that I can connect you with the Embassy staff. My contacts are on my user page. I'm very interested to see where this can go. Thanks --Sara Mörtsell (WMSE) (aptarimas) 11:15, 1 vasario 2018 (EET)[atsakyti]
@Sara Mörtsell (WMSE): it works here: Special:EmailUser. You need to enter only one username.--Zygimantus (aptarimas) 12:42, 1 vasario 2018 (EET)[atsakyti]

of closing the gender gap and other gaps relevant for diversity on Wikipedia. Matyt, ne apie indų poetes ir indėnų tautas rašyti reiks. Diversity šiais laikais reiškia labai konkrečią vieną "įvairovę". Panašu, kad čia į gražų pakelį įvyniota visokių žydrųjų propaganda. Nieko nuostabaus - iš skandinavų tik to ir galima tikėtis... Hugo.arg (aptarimas) 12:00, 1 vasario 2018 (EET)[atsakyti]

@Hugo.arg: man rodos, jog čia nėra jokios potekstės, kurią tu įžvelgi. Čia su tuo „Gender gap“ tiesiog siekiama įtrauki daugiau moterų redaguoti Vikipediją, t.y., panaikinti stereotipą, jog wiki redaguoja daugiausia vyrai ir taip pasiekti 50/50 santykį.--Zygimantus (aptarimas) 12:36, 1 vasario 2018 (EET)[atsakyti]
Mielai pasidalinsime įspūdžiais pabendravę su švedais. Kas kokiom temom rašo man nelabai svarbu, svarbiau, kad tai darytų teisingai, su šaltiniais, neutraliai, kad nebūtų kažkokio požiūrio propagandos. Jei kas mano, kad Vikipedija labai gerai propagandai tai pasistengsiu atkalbėti :)--Dirgela (aptarimas) 19:29, 1 vasario 2018 (EET)[atsakyti]
@Hugo.arg: Euroskeptiškmumas tavo išlindo. Viskas ten tvarkoje. Economist--Vaidila (aptarimas) 18:07, 7 balandžio 2018 (EEST)[atsakyti]

„Its precise target is Wikipedia, a user-generated online encyclopedia on which some 90% of the content is created by men. Of its biographies, 80% are about males.“--Vaidila (aptarimas) 18:11, 7 balandžio 2018 (EEST)[atsakyti]

CEE Spring 2018 — international article contest — looking for local coordinator

Wikimedia CEE Spring 2018 is annual article writing contests which will happen for the 4th time this year. International team is looking for a local coordinator from each country in Central and Eastern Europe and wee need one from Lithuania. Local coordinator is responsible for:

  • Creating article list about Lithuania (recommendation: 100 topics which have decent article in English Wikipedia, do not need to be most important topics about Lithuania)
  • Creating local information page about contest
  • Promoting contest (site notice, social media, talk page messages,...)
  • (Optional) evaluate results and decide on winners in several categories. International team will provide automatic statistics if you create a talk page template and add to all new articles (details fill follow). You can get prize money for winners (up to 400 EUR) from the international team.

If you are interested, contact me for details and sign up as local coordinator on this page. --Papuass (aptarimas) 17:28, 13 vasario 2018 (EET)[atsakyti]

@Zygimantus:, @Hugo.arg:: as past organizers, are you willing to do it again? --Papuass (aptarimas) 17:10, 15 vasario 2018 (EET)[atsakyti]

This time I will pass as I would have other things to do on the spring. Hugo.arg (aptarimas) 17:21, 15 vasario 2018 (EET)[atsakyti]

Anyone else willing to organize it? Article list can be reused from last year. Creating more content in other languages would be a nice way to celebrate Lithuania 100th anniversary. --Papuass (aptarimas) 12:05, 21 vasario 2018 (EET)[atsakyti]
@Zygimantus:, @Hugo.arg: surenkit savaitės iniciatyvą kaip pernai ir tiek. Nelabai norėčiau būti kordinatorium.--Vaidila (aptarimas) 09:19, 13 kovo 2018 (EET)[atsakyti]
@Vaidila:, taigi čia yra visai atskiras regiono konkursas, kuris trunka nuo kovo 21 iki gegužės 31 d. ir dėl to nelabai tiktų kaip savaitės iniciatyva. Bet ok, pažiūrėsiu, ką galiu padaryti, straipsnių sąrašą galima naudoti iš praeitų metų.--Zygimantus (aptarimas) 10:27, 13 kovo 2018 (EET)[atsakyti]
@Zygimantus: mėnesio šalies projekto jau nebeliko, belieka savaitės iniciatyva.--Vaidila (aptarimas) 10:38, 13 kovo 2018 (EET)[atsakyti]
@Vaidila: gerai, tada kadangi konkursas prasideda kovo 21 d. (trečiadienis), o savaitės iniciatyva pas mus - pirmadieniais, tai pasiūlysiu iniciatyvą ne šiai, o dar kitai savaitei, kad būtų ne per anksti.--Zygimantus (aptarimas) 15:15, 16 kovo 2018 (EET)[atsakyti]

Galicia 15 - 15 Challenge

Wikipedia:Galicia 15 - 15 Challenge is a public writing competition which will improve improve and translate this list of 15 really important articles into as many languages as possible. Everybody can help in any language to collaborate on writing and/or translating articles related to Galicia. To participate you just need to sign up here. Thank you very much.--Breogan2008 (aptarimas) 16:18, 12 kovo 2018 (EET)[atsakyti]

A.J.Greimas - savaitės iniciatyva?

Siūlau skelbti savaitės iniciatyva. Straipsnyje lietuvių kalba dominuoja biografija, jis gana fragmentiškas. 2017 buvo paskelbti Greimo metais, gera proga praleista :) -- šis nepasirašytas komentaras buvo paliktas naudotojo Ke an (aptarimasindėlis) 09:19, 21 kovo 2018‎ (EET)[atsakyti]

Parašykite pasiūlymą Vikipedija:Savaitės iniciatyvos pasiūlymai.
Nors gal vertėtų išplėsti iki, tarkim, „Semiotika“? --Martynas Patasius (aptarimas) 22:10, 21 kovo 2018 (EET)[atsakyti]
Str. gan išsamus palyginus su lt viki normomis. Dabar jau 2018 m. o tokių siaurių iniciatyvų, kaip kad semiotika geriau nesiūlyti, kalbotyra ar pan. jau gal ir įdomiau būtų.--Vaidila (aptarimas) 22:42, 21 kovo 2018 (EET)[atsakyti]

Fotografijų naudojimas

Sveiki,kaip ikrauti kazkokia fotografija kazkokiai temai,bet ji nepriklauso man o wikimedijoj jos nera (pvz. politiko portretas,prekybos centro nuotrauka),bet noriu ja panaudot straipsnyje?- --Adam.kozl (aptarimas) 14:29, 3 balandžio 2018 (EEST)[atsakyti]

Na, jei nuotrauką saugo autorių teisės, jos panaudoti Vikipedijoje negalėsite. --Homo ergaster (aptarimas) 16:05, 3 balandžio 2018 (EEST)[atsakyti]

Suprantu,bet jeigu jie be aut. Teisiu, bet ne mano ,galiu naudoti? --Adam.kozl (aptarimas) 16:27, 3 balandžio 2018 (EEST)[atsakyti]

Net jei ir nenurodyta, kad nuotrauka saugoma autorių teisių, apsauga vis vien taikoma pagal nutylėjimą. Tiesa, galima panaudoti nedidelės raiškos logotipus, albumų, knygų viršelius („sąžiningas naudojimas“). --Homo ergaster (aptarimas) 16:35, 3 balandžio 2018 (EEST)[atsakyti]

1K naujausi keitimai

Neberodo daugiau nei 1K naujausių keitimų. Kas atsitiko, neįmanoma nė dviejų dienų pertraukos padaryti ir taip jau mėnesį laiko...Kažkokia klaida, bet pavyko užkrauti 10K pašalinant &enhanced=1&urlversion=2, bet visvien rodo neva tai 1k ribą. [1]...kitaip bekraunant užlūžta.--Vaidila (aptarimas) 17:57, 7 balandžio 2018 (EEST)[atsakyti]

Time to bring embedded maps (‘mapframe’) to most Wikipedias

CKoerner (WMF) (talk) 00:38, 25 balandžio 2018 (EEST)[atsakyti]


Birgit Müller (WMDE) 17:53, 7 gegužės 2018 (EEST)[atsakyti]

Klaida registravimosi puslapyje

Puslapyje Specialus:Sukurti paskyrą (visų pirma reikia atsijungti) skiltyje prieš CAPTCHA kodą, paspaudus plačiau, yra rodomas šis tekstas:MediaWiki:Captchahelp-text, ir šis tekstas yra pasenęs, skiriasi nuo angliško:en:Special:Captcha/help. Jį reikia atnaujinti, tačiau to padaryti neįmanoma, nes rašo: Šiame puslapyje yra apsaugotas nuo piktnaudžiavimo programinės įrangos sąsajos tekstas. Gal kas nors gali sutvarkyti šį puslapį? Manvydasz (aptarimas) 14:35, 20 gegužės 2018 (EEST)[atsakyti]

New Wikipedia Library Accounts Available Now (May 2018)

Hello Wikimedians!

The TWL OWL says sign up today!

The Wikipedia Library is announcing signups today for free, full-access, accounts to research and tools as part of our Publisher Donation Program. You can sign up for new accounts and research materials on the Library Card platform:

  • Rock's Backpages – Music articles and interviews from the 1950s onwards - 50 accounts
  • Invaluable – Database of more than 50 million auctions and over 500,000 artists - 15 accounts
  • Termsoup – Translation tool


Many other partnerships with accounts available are listed on our partners page, including Baylor University Press, Loeb Classical Library, Cairn, Gale and Bloomsbury.

Do better research and help expand the use of high quality references across Wikipedia projects: sign up today!
--The Wikipedia Library Team 21:03, 30 gegužės 2018 (EEST)

You can host and coordinate signups for a Wikipedia Library branch in your own language. Please contact Ocaasi (WMF).
This message was delivered via the Global Mass Message tool to The Wikipedia Library Global Delivery List.

Taisyklių priėmimas

Gal laikas būtų priimti dar keletą taisyklių? Pirma eilėje turbūt būtų Vikipedija:Mandagumas. Toliau gal tiktų Vikipedija:Minimalūs reikalavimai straipsniui, Vikipedija:Šablonai, Vikipedija:Infolentelės...

Tad gal kas tiems projektams turėtumėte kokių pastabų? --Martynas Patasius (aptarimas) 22:52, 10 birželio 2018 (EEST)[atsakyti]

Pastabų neatsirado, balsavimas dėl Vikipedija:Mandagumas pradėtas. --Martynas Patasius (aptarimas) 23:22, 14 birželio 2018 (EEST)[atsakyti]

Update on page issues on mobile web

CKoerner (WMF) (talk) 23:58, 12 birželio 2018 (EEST)[atsakyti]

Asmeninė smėlio dėžė

Latviai turi, o mes ne. Čia todėl, kad brukalą tingėtumėte trinti ar geriau kai naudotojų aptarimuose kiti kuria str.?--Vaidila (aptarimas) 13:01, 22 birželio 2018 (EEST)[atsakyti]

Kažkada kažkas panašaus buvo – žr. Vikipedija:Forumas/Archyvas 2#Juodraštis?.
Neatrodo, kad būtų pasiteisinę.
Ir tvirtinimus, kad „asmeninė smėlio dėžė“ išties kuo nors padeda, šiaip jau reikėtų kaip nors pagrįsti. O kol kas jie, beje, net kaip reikiant (drąsiai, tiesiai) neišsakyti. --Martynas Patasius (aptarimas) 00:07, 23 birželio 2018 (EEST)[atsakyti]
Aš kasdien esu priverstas naudotis en wiki juodraščiu todėl, kad dėlioju išnašas vizualiai redaguodamas, o taisau tekstus paprastai. Be to, naujokai pastoviai savo naudotojo psl. aptarimuose pradeda kurti str.--Vaidila (aptarimas) 09:47, 23 birželio 2018 (EEST)[atsakyti]
Be to, naujokai pastoviai savo naudotojo psl. aptarimuose pradeda kurti str.“ – tai tėra pusė atsakymo, kurio reikėtų. Mažesnioji. Dar reikia parodyti, kad su „smėlio dėže“ būtų kitaip.
Taip, tai padaryti sunku. Bet, manau, įmanoma.
Ir šiaip reikėtų visokios statistikos – kas, kiek, kaip tas „smėlio dėžes“ naudoja... --Martynas Patasius (aptarimas) 16:50, 23 birželio 2018 (EEST)[atsakyti]

Del Veliuonos herbo

Jūs rašote, kad žuvis, pavaizduota Veliuonos herbe yra karšis, o knygoje "Veliuona", išleistoje po 2000 metų rašoma, kad žuvis yra karpis su vilko dantimis. Yra aprašyta visa herbo istorija. Tai kaip čia yra iš tikrųjų? Kur reikėtų taisyti>

Global preferences are available

22:19, 10 liepos 2018 (EEST)

Consultation on the creation of a separate user group for editing sitewide CSS/JS

New user group for editing sitewide CSS / JS

Enabling a helpful feature for Template editors

CKoerner (WMF) (talk) 00:28, 7 rugpjūčio 2018 (EEST)[atsakyti]

Photographic trip for wikipedians

There is a plan to make a photo-trip between August 24-26 from Estonia to Lithuania. That would focus on the route of Rail Baltica.

According to the current estimate in Estonia, we may have 2 cars full of people and from Latvia 1 car. We may start from Tallinn on August 24th, so that we can also have one get-together to celebrate the birthday of Estonian Wikipedia. And the plan to end in Lithuania.

Are there also some wikipedians in Lithuania that are interested to participate? Kruusamägi (aptarimas) 16:52, 8 rugpjūčio 2018 (EEST)[atsakyti]

So, are there any interested Lithuanians? Kruusamägi (aptarimas) 11:26, 10 rugpjūčio 2018 (EEST)[atsakyti]
+ are there some wikipedians in Kaunas who might join Estonians and Latvians during lunch in 26th of August? Kruusamägi (aptarimas) 00:54, 18 rugpjūčio 2018 (EEST)[atsakyti]

Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2018

(Sorry for writing in English only, but I do not speak any Lithuanian. Please do not hesitate to add a translation of my post into Lithuanian)

Dear Lithuanian Wikipedians,

I am a member of the organising team of Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2018, a meeting of Wikipedians from our region, Central and Eastern Europe. I am contacting you because we need representation from Lithuanian community. Unfortunately, no Lithuanian Wikipedians registered so far.

Wikimedia CEE Meeting is a three-day conference where participants can: learn from experience of other countries of our region (for example, recruiting new editors or working with museums), participate in trainings (for example, Wikidata or bots) or work on regional projects (such as CEE Spring) etc.

This year Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2018 will be organised in Lviv, Ukraine, on 13–15 October.

We have two scholarships for the Lithuanian community. Each scholarship covers travel from Lithuania to Lviv and back, hotel, meals and conference participation.

We are looking for participants who are: people most involved in decision-making in your community, people who organise online collaborations, people who lead partnerships between Wikipedia community and other organisations, people who prepared offline events. Participants should speak English as the conference will be in English. The registration page for participants is here: m:Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2018/Participants

Can you please suggest names of people who will be good representatives of Lithuanian community? Are any of you interested in participating in this conference?

Thank you, on behalf of Wikimedia CEE Meeting team — NickK (aptarimas) 06:39, 9 rugpjūčio 2018 (EEST)[atsakyti]

Pinging participants of previous events, active administrators and most active Vikipedija:Savaitės iniciatyva participants: Audriusa, Creative, Dirgela, E rulez, Homo ergaster, Hugo.arg, Italas, JonasS, MHz`as, Nomad, Powermelon, SQORP, Vaidila, Vilensija, ZygimantusNickK (aptarimas) 06:48, 9 rugpjūčio 2018 (EEST)[atsakyti]
I'd be happy to participate. October is still far away but I believe I will be able to make time for this event. --Nomad (aptarimas) 14:52, 9 rugpjūčio 2018 (EEST)[atsakyti]
Hi Nomad and thank you for your interest! I would suggest to wait a few days to wait if anyone else is interested or if there are any suggestions from the community. In any case it is already great to see your interest as we did not have any participants from Lithuanian community last year — NickK (aptarimas) 17:32, 9 rugpjūčio 2018 (EEST)[atsakyti]
Hi, three days event is too long for me, thank you for invitation, Nomad would be a great representative.--Dirgela (aptarimas) 20:36, 9 rugpjūčio 2018 (EEST)[atsakyti]
The deadline for registration for the Lithuanian community representatives is 15 August. As there are no objections against Nomad's application, I think we can consider that his application is accepted and he can register: m:Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2018/Participants. We still have one place available for the second representative of the Lithuanian community, so feel free to apply if you are interested in — NickK (aptarimas) 18:50, 10 rugpjūčio 2018 (EEST)[atsakyti]
In absence of others who are interested, I cannot deny my interest in attending this event. At Wikimania, several Wikimedians pointed to the fact that offline collaboration in Lithuania and within the Lithuanian language community does barely exist. As a Lithuanian grown up in Germany (and intent to return to Lithuania next year), I am highly interested in improving the situation and think the CEE conference might be especially useful as a start. Also, I would be very happy if establishing a user group could succeed by the end of this year. However, I recognise that due to my absence of substantial edits to the Lithuanian language Wikipedia, I do not represent the Lithuanian language Wikipedia community very well. Therefore, I would of course yield precedence to another community member more qualified than me. --Vogone (aptarimas) 03:37, 11 rugpjūčio 2018 (EEST)[atsakyti]

Hello, braliukas! Vogone, I might have been one of these people at Wikimania :) I would recommend Lithuanian community to embrace this opportunity (and those which will follow it). Latvian community has greatly benefited from being part of bigger Wikimedia community and in many cases the support has come from CEE people. There is also an opportunity to attend a 2 day meeting in Stockholm a week before CEE Meeting for up to 5 Lithuanians (will post about it shortly). --Papuass (aptarimas) 15:27, 14 rugpjūčio 2018 (EEST)[atsakyti]

Just to remind you that you have less than two days left to register your delegates. Nobody from Lithuanian community registered yet.
Nomad, I think your application is supported. Can you please confirm if you will be able to participate.
I do confirm I will be able to :) Thank you again for the invitation --Nomad (aptarimas) 21:55, 14 rugpjūčio 2018 (EEST)[atsakyti]
Unfortunately nobody else answered positively. Audriusa, Creative, E rulez, Homo ergaster, Italas, JonasS, MHz`as, Powermelon, SQORP, Vaidila, Zygimantus: are any of you interested in participation?
If nobody else is interested, do you approve Vogone as a representative of Lithuanian community?
Thanks — NickK (aptarimas) 16:01, 14 rugpjūčio 2018 (EEST)[atsakyti]
Not that I am against Vogone participating in the event, but it would be difficult to say that he is representing Lithuanian community for the reasons he has pointed out himself.--Dirgela (aptarimas) 20:45, 14 rugpjūčio 2018 (EEST)[atsakyti]
Dirgela, can you perhaps suggest other users, or convince anyone I listed above? Unfortunately only Nomad answered possibly, and several users including you answered negatively. Otherwise, if three-day conference is too long for you, maybe you can come for at least two days (you can take a night bus on Friday evening, spend Saturday and Sunday at the conference and come back by a night bus by Monday morning)? We are already happy to have one participant from Lithuania but it would be better to have two :) Thanks — NickK (aptarimas) 22:29, 14 rugpjūčio 2018 (EEST)[atsakyti]
Dirgela: Labas vakaras! Iš vienos pusės aš suprantu, kad Jums dėl manęs gali kilti abejonių. Bet kita vertus manau, kad lietuvių bendruomenė - tai daugiau, nei lietuviška Vikipedija. Dalyvaujant dviese, Nomad būtų geru šio projekto reprezentantu, o aš vykčiau kaip lietuvių bendruomenės atstovas, dirbantis su kitais Vikimedijos projektais. Be to tai būtų puiki proga asmeniškai susipažinti su Nomadu ir su juo kalbėtis apie naujus su Lietuva susijusius projektus. O tai ir yra tokių CEE susitikimų tikslas. Šį forumo skyrių aš radau visai atsitiktinai, ieškodamas aktyviųjų, kuriuos sudomintų mano pasiūlymas su manimi inicijuoti naują Vikimedija lietuvių dalyvių grupę. Ketinau savo pasiūlymą pavešinti forume, kai mano idėja taps konkretesne. Todėl jei Jūs nuspręsite, kad aš nesu tinkamas atstovas reprezentuoti Lietuvą, aš nenusivilsiu. Norėjau tik paaiškinti, kad būtų Jums suprantama, dėl ko aš išvis užpretendavau. Ir apsidžiaugčiau, jei galėčiau prisidėti. --Vogone (aptarimas) 23:25, 14 rugpjūčio 2018 (EEST)[atsakyti]
Actually, I don't see why there should be so much emphasis on "representing Lithuanian Wikipedia".
If that meeting had some sort of power to give orders to us or do something like adopting resolutions in our name, sure, it would make a difference to us, then we would care who gets to represent us.
But if you are only going to have fun talking about Wikipedia (and maybe learn something new, make some friends etc.), why should any of us who are not going to participate care about who is going to participate?
Especially given that it does look like in this case you do not have more volunteers than you can afford. --Martynas Patasius (aptarimas) 03:31, 15 rugpjūčio 2018 (EEST)[atsakyti]
Exactly — neither this meeting, nor establishing an user group will force any user who just wants to keep writing articles about his/her favourite topic to change his or her ways. What can change is that users who are interested in organizing events (article/photo contests, etit-a-thons, working with students, museums, archives, people from other countries) will have more opportunities, support and training available. --Papuass (aptarimas) 10:18, 15 rugpjūčio 2018 (EEST)[atsakyti]
  • Today is the last day of the registration. Nomad has already registered, and only Vogone applied for the second place from Lithuania. Despite reminders here and on talk pages, nobody else accepted, and several people refused. It was never told that people have to represent Lithuanian Wikipedia, we are looking for people to represent Lithuanian community which is not exactly the same. As a result, I would suggest to approve that the two delegates from Lithuanian community will be Nomad and Vogone. Vogone, can you please quickly fill in the registration form at m:Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2018/Participants? Thanks — NickK (aptarimas) 23:18, 15 rugpjūčio 2018 (EEST)[atsakyti]
    Thank you a lot. I have just submitted my registration. --Vogone (aptarimas) 01:55, 16 rugpjūčio 2018 (EEST)[atsakyti]

We confirm that we have received registrations of Nomad and Vogone who will represent the Lithuanian community at CEE Meeting 2018 in Lviv. Thank you for your participation! — NickK (aptarimas) 12:36, 16 rugpjūčio 2018 (EEST)[atsakyti]

Wikimedia Northern Europe Meeting 2018 (5-7 October 2018)

A week before CEE Meeting, there will be Wikimedia Northern Europe Meeting 2018 in Stockholm, Sweden. This meeting has a goal to find how people in Nordic countries can work toghter. The Baltics have the benefit of belonging to both Nordic and CEE regions, so we are all invited. There is an opportunity for up to 5 people from Lithuanian community to attend the meeting (flight costs, accommodation and food is covered).

I will be there with people from Latvian community, as well as people from Estonia. There is no deadline yet and it will be fine if less that 5 Lithuanians come.

Please consider joining us. --Papuass (aptarimas) 10:27, 15 rugpjūčio 2018 (EEST)[atsakyti]

Thank you, I am going to keep an eye on this page. I'd love to participate here too but I am not sure if I'll be able, yet. --Nomad (aptarimas) 13:16, 15 rugpjūčio 2018 (EEST)[atsakyti]
Deadline for decision to attend is August 26. --Papuass (aptarimas) 23:27, 16 rugpjūčio 2018 (EEST)[atsakyti]
Pinging the same people Audriusa, Creative, Dirgela, E rulez, Homo ergaster, Hugo.arg, Italas, JonasS, MHz`as, Nomad, Powermelon, SQORP, Vaidila, Vilensija, Vogone, Zygimantus — are you interested in attending the meeting in Stockholm? --Papuass (aptarimas) 12:04, 20 rugpjūčio 2018 (EEST)[atsakyti]
Unfortunately, I already have other plans for that weekend. --Vogone (aptarimas) 15:06, 20 rugpjūčio 2018 (EEST)[atsakyti]
I have no opportunities. --SQORP (aptarimas) 12:54, 20 rugpjūčio 2018 (EEST)[atsakyti]
Hi, I probably won't be able to make it.Zygimantus (aptarimas) 13:43, 20 rugpjūčio 2018 (EEST)[atsakyti]