What is Warnament?

Warnament is a turn-based grand strategy designed together with the community to combine simplicity, depth, and a high level of customization.

You can play as theocratic France during lunch and attack Berlin playing as communist Luxembourg by dinner. Or create your own scenario featuring alternative history or something completely unrelated to the real world whatsoever.

Influence and manipulate

  • Declare wars and sign peace treaties, make pacts and alliances
  • Guarantee the independence of your allies, force someone into vassalage, or simply insult your opponents (as seen on TV)
  • Get rich by trading with the big shots of global politics or choke your opponents with economic sanctions
  • Drag your allies into international conflicts: the more, the deadlier!

Crush and rule

  • Wipe out your enemies with a deadly array of military forces—from infantry to nuclear bombs
  • Rule the seven seas with cruisers, battleships, and aircraft carriers
  • Protect your land with fortresses and other defensive infrastructure
  • Despise the laws of warfare using a chemical or nuclear weapon

Expand and thrive

  • Progress through the technology tree to discover a wide variety of buildings and structures
  • Choose one of half a dozen political regimes, and make political decisions that might change the course of history
  • Control each province of your country independently to ensure an economic and scientific breakthrough

Create, share, and play your own worlds

  • Make your own scenarios in the included editor
  • Use the editor for creating your own maps, as historically accurate (or not) as you want
  • Share them with other players, if you wish to: best community-made content even makes it into the official game

What to expect?

How to support the game?

To support our tiny development team you can buy a Supporter's pack at this very page and at Warnament.com (if your bank card doesn't work here use Warnament.com). It is a limited-time Pay What You Want offer for early supporters of the game so they can grab really exclusive stuff. What's included?

  • Warnament Soundtrack by Arman Mkhitarian (5 tracks in WAV,  MP3, and FLAC formats).
  • Warnament Art Pack (20+ pictures featuring early days generated and hand-drawn art, concepts, and 4K wallpapers).
  • Bonus Game: Cold Path DRM-free version for Windows, macOS, and Linux (Cold Path is our previous strategy game which is also available for Android completely free).
  • Access to the "full-of-bugs-super-unstable-regularly-updated" closed beta version of Warnament for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android. Scenario Editor is also included. New update every 1-2 weeks 🚀!
  • Access to the Supporters channel in our Discord (you will receive an invitation in a few days, unfortunately not immediately).

Keys for Steam, Google Play, and other platforms where the game will be released ⚠️ ARE NOT INCLUDED ⚠️ but...

👑 Noble Supporter Certificate grants a free copy of the game on any platform it is released and gives a special mention in the game's credits.

How to follow the development?

You are welcome to our Discord and YouTube so you never miss an announcement or community voting. 


And don't forget to subscribe to the Warnament Dev Updates. All the news compiled with a lot of exclusive images will be delivered right into your email inbox.

Our Twitter is also a great thing to be followed.

The press pack is here.

How to get more involved?

There is a community translation going on, please feel free to join and help to localize the game into your language, here is the link. Closer to the release we will also provide a professionals-made translation along with the community-made one.

You can create maps, and scenarios and run your own roleplay servers. The best place to start doing that and ask all the questions is our Discord.


Buy Now$1.00 USD or more

In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $1 USD. You will get access to the following files:

Warnament_FULLGAME_Windows_0.9.31.267.zip 218 MB
Warnament_FULLGAME_MacOS_0.9.31.267.zip 221 MB
Warnament_FULLGAME_Linux_0.9.31.267.zip 217 MB
Warnament Art Pack 60 MB
if you pay $1.99 USD or more
Warnament Soundtrack 860 MB
if you pay $4.99 USD or more
Bonus Game: Cold Path game DRM-free 128 MB
if you pay $9.99 USD or more
Noble Supporter Certificate 3.2 MB
if you pay $99 USD or more

Also available on

Download demo

Warnament Map Editor Windows.zip 7.1 MB
Warnament Map Editor Android.apk 10 MB
Warnament_DEMO_Linux_0.9.31.267.zip 217 MB
Warnament_DEMO_MacOS_0.9.31.267.zip 221 MB
Warnament_DEMO_Windows_0.9.31.267.zip 218 MB

Development log

View all posts


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can I download on ipad 

this happened when I chose the "Send them Ultimatums" after declaring war on France

Why can't i update the game on windows? I can do it on my android.

Can you add so that you can shoose in scenario editor what culture provinces should have in the start

Yes, I'll add it with revolutions update


how about ios


because its on adroid

Will be available later (no exact date)


Best political game I have ever  played that is simple however  HOI4 is good still but warnment is a lot simpler than HOI4

How will you design the future included scenarios to be as realistic as possible to historical events?

Using events in scenario editor


Why does the demo have a world map (that's supposedly not available in the demo), but the paid version does not show a world map?

you can download custom maps in the discord, you can download the maps into the games folder


Hey, the game seems fun but for some reason the amount of soldiers is overlapping and I can't make out any of the numbers. Even provinces without soldiers (because I moved them) show that there are soldiers



tragedy, do not recommend for anyone


Sorry, but I have another game idea: Make the peace confferances have more feutures like when you librate you can give more provinces than Just their Capital province. Also that you can take resources and to choose wich states to be demilitarized zones. And also so you can take Their War machines(Infantry should not be included) and their Generals(They will boost the efficency to troopes). Finally add so that they remove all of their culture in your borders. Please answer this and be honest what you think.

Hello! I support that peace conference should be reworked, but not sure that way. I invite you to join our discord, there is #suggestions forum for game ideas. It's better to discuss such things there



This game is stalking me at this point. Found it first through a bunch of random steam tag searches, then on Youtube on a new account, now is even recommended on Itch.io.  Might as well give this a whirl.

When will the world map come out? Please make it public! Can a developer answer this comment


Hello! The world map hasn't been released yet; it's planned to be added in the coming months

Okay! Will be great!

Game idea: Make Vassals different levels from lvl 1 to 3. Lvl 1 you only have control of who they are at war with and you can store your army at their terretory. Lvl 2 you also Have your country in their name like "brittish Netherlands" plus that you get 25% of their money and resource income. Lvl 3 is when you get half of their Income and they have the same color like your nation and they have the same flag like you( flags should be added when you click on a country). Make sure that in order for a vassal to become independent they need to declare war and make an agreement. Also rename vassals to puppet states cuz it's just a better name.)


That sounds great. I'll save it to my task list (not 100% it will be added, but I'll think about it)

Thanks for Responding to my comment! This game is just great!

this game is great but for some reason when i got the game it did not come with map editor, i use to have this game and it use to come with map editor but i re downloaded it and it does not have map editor anymore, can someone plese tell me why

You can download Map Editor for free on this page in the Demo section

Niestety nie mogę zakupić gry 

Very good game!

Great Game, however the Shaders on any quality in the newer Versions make the Water Black

Hello, i am commenting for the same reason, when i get in the game, i move around, and its really laggy, one time it crashed my pc. This is not a storage problem, or a wifi problem, i have checked many times. Ive also changed settings in the game like graphics and stuff, still, no help. I commented about this a month ago, but no response from anyone. I expect a response within a week of this one comment being posted.

Hi. Could you write version of the game? (numbers)
There should be debug_log file in the folder of the game. Please send it.
Also please write down the specifications of your computer.


Why there is no android version anymore

The full version of the game is now available on Google Play for free so you don't need the older closed beta version anymore: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ludenio.a7&_xm=190743.27332121...

before I buy the game I want to know if you buy it on itch.io you get the updates still or not?

Just want to make sure in case I'm wasting money

Yes, new update every two weeks

yo how do i put mods into it like the world map

Just put the files in the game's folder

i bought/sign up for the closed beta i hope it has the features like on mobile

bruh, the demo is dumb, because when i load into the map, i just starts lagging, i have perfect wifi, so this shouldnt be happening. 

Isn't the game offline? Must be a system specs problem.

Bro i can't find the steel plant

Nvm found it

i have down loade it from itch but how do i play it

Unzip it and run Warnament.exe

(1 edit)

how do i unzip it

Seems cool but I got a dollar stolen from me since I didn't get the game, it shows on my bank but not here

Strange. Try to check your email. If it doesn't help, you can send me receipt of purchase to make refund

Great game but it does not work on phones

Could you write in more details?

Got this gifted to me after playing the Demo for a few months. The paid version adds a lot more content for just a dollar. The game requires strategy without being too complex. Would and in fact am recommending. Wish this game had a larger community surrounding it however as it is difficult to find a solution to a question online if you have one. Once the upcoming content gets added as well this is sure to be an even better game.

Deleted 168 days ago

Yes, you can play with steam users together

(2 edits)

I just play the browser. Fun except it just won't load. Well it will load but only until this point.  right under the zoom button 

(2 edits)

Ive had the same problem! Wut computer do you play on


Could you write the full model name of your Chromebook?

(1 edit)

HP Chromebook 11 G6 EE, I think

Well. I know a tested way how to run it on similar model.
1) download version of Warnament for linux
2) open folder of this file in terminal
3) try to run using ./Warnament.x86_64
4) if there are some errors, try:
    a) chmod +x ./Warnament.x86_64
    b) sudo apt-get install libopenal-dev
    c) sudo apt-get install libglu1

If it doesn't help, please write me in Discord

I've been wondering. Does ANYBODY know if this will get a iOS port?

It will, but there is no exact date

(2 edits)

This is one of the best itch.io games (and definitely the best itch.io strategy game)

Deleted 210 days ago

Hi! Yes, that's possible. But remember: you cannot trade occupied provinces


After testing, I would say not worth to buy tanks.

New troops is much stronger.

Massive defense + multiple tanks = easy lose

Tested in multiplayer game.

Deleted 210 days ago

If i can pay using Gcash, i would litteraly pay for this game

There are more ways to pay on warnament.com

Sadly, Philippine Cyber Security is getting tighter, Paying using paypal is complicated here, plus well uhh imma admit, im a 14yr old i dont have cards, Also let me know if you guys have a plan adding Gcash payment, i would litteraly buy it.

can you send a download link from itch io


Played a bit of the demo so far and it plays great, not as complex as something like HOI4 which i can appreciate! 
Will you be adding tanks to the game also, like properly animated tanks?

Hi. There are animations! All animations of tank | Warnament Grand Strategy - YouTube

(1 edit)

Oh yeah, it's a flame tank it appears?
Will there be any that shoot regular shells?

1) Yes
2) Maybe. If I can make it look pretty, then yes :)

Deleted post
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