See 2 more- Synopsis
- Set in 1920s Shanghai, the series will tell the story of how 10-year-old Sam Wing met the young Mogwai called Gizmo. Along with a teenage street thief named Elle, Sam and Gizmo take a perilous journey through the Chinese countryside, encountering, and sometimes battling, colorful monsters and spirits from Chinese folklore. On their quest to return Gizmo to his family and uncover a legendary treasure, they are pursued by a power-hungry industrialist and his growing army of evil Gremlins.
In February 2021, ahead of the series premiere, the series was renewed for a second season. - Genre
- TV Series Animation Comedy Fantasy Prequel 1920s
- Director
- Cast
- Year / Country:
- 2023 / United States
- Original title:
- Gremlins: Secrets of the Mogwai
- Running time
- 22 min.
- Screenwriter
- Music
Categories 1
Related Movies 1
More info about Gremlins: Secrets of the Mogwai (TV Series)
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