Now in theaters | Future projects
Release: 2025
Cape Fear
directorNick Antosca (Creator)
Release: 05/15/2026
Untitled Spielberg UFO Movie
directorSteven Spielberg
Notable Awards
Academy Awards (Oscars)
3 Awards
23 Nominations
Golden Globes Awards
10 Awards
33 Nominations
Emmy Awards
4 Nominations
Main Awards from his/her Movies / Series
Schindler's List
64 Nominations
42 Awards
Saving Private Ryan
61 Nominations
22 Awards
83 Nominations
22 Awards
Credited with
Related with
Filmography by rating
All movies of Steven Spielberg order by release year (minimum 20 user ratings)
- Evolution graph movie type movie
- TV Series
- Documentaries
Avg. Rating of these 122 movies
Evolution by number of ratings
Movie with most rat count of 122 movies
All movies of Steven Spielberg order by release year (minimum 20 user ratings)
- Evolution graph movie type movie
- TV Series
- Documentaries