Did you know that National Audubon and Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance (formerly known as Madison Audubon) are two separate organizations?
If you’re on this website, chances are you value birds. We do too! A frequent question we hear is: How are we linked with and how do we differ from National Audubon? Let's shed some light.
Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance (SoWBA), formerly called Madison Audubon, is an official chapter of the National Audubon Society and one of the most active of more than 450 local chapters in the nation. Our mission aligns with National Audubon’s, but people are often surprised to learn that we are separate, distinct non-profit organizations in almost every aspect. Here’s how the two organizations relate:
Our staffing, programming, sanctuaries, fundraising, outreach, events, field trips—pretty much everything—is created, implemented, and funded separately. That allows us to tailor absolutely everything to the needs and concerns of southern Wisconsin's birds and bird-lovers.
100% of your donations made directly to SoWBA are put to work in the ten southern Wisconsin counties we serve.
If you're a member of National Audubon, you automatically receive a local chapter membership too. About $3 of each National membership comes to us as your local chapter. Any additional donations made to National go to support their important national and international work.
You can also choose to be a member of SoWBA without joining National Audubon. Simply go to swibirds.org/join.
Our membership drives and mailings are separate and unconnected. To manage your National Audubon membership, magazine, and mailing preferences, visit National's website or respond to one of their renewal notices.
Two Great Egrets, photo by USFWS Midwest
That is a lot to process! If you have more questions, we’d be glad to answer them. Give us a call at 608-255-2473 or send an email to [email protected].
Whether you support Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance, National Audubon, or both, we are so grateful for your love of birds. If you are a National member and enjoy SoWBA’s work, we invite your local involvement and support. Regardless, you'll keep getting this fabulous newsletter with updates on what our organization is doing in southern Wisconsin.
We hope you will support BOTH organizations to ensure that valuable birds and their habitats are protected at multiple scales—this is the best way to ensure long-term protection.
Thank you for your support of bird conservation.
Cover photo by Monica Hall