Shark side of the moon

by manikin timeshark

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Ice queen 06:33


Probably the most insane, crazy, mad & schitzoid album we've produced over the years. it's been in gestation from early 2021, with the first tracks - "devil's den" (parts 1 & 2) recorded originaly for the moogtron 3 album, which transmorphed into a completely different album! even the name of the band has been changed to "panikin' crimeshark" for this album, as manikin timeshark didn't quite fit with the music as you'll hear. beginning with "Ice queen", it's immediately apparent, that the music is quite removed from our original jazz/prog/spacerock style, that we've been producing over the last 13 yrs. "Ice queen then, is morelike the prodigy, with moogtron singing in a keith flint style tone -with the song itself written about liz truss, the tory prime minister who was only in power for 1 month only in 2022. then, the mood changes again with "they have to explain" - a similar sequence to pink floy'ds "on the run", with professor paul owen as special guest, on narration, using floyd's "speak to me" as inspiration. "flight of the shitehawks" was martin "golly" clayton's title to this wild prog style instrumental. with golly squeeling out a guitar solo, then the "flight" takes off with moogtron playing some keith emerson stylee runs, with inspiration from "633 squadron". more ELP stylee is realised in "maggot in my brain" -another track originaly written for the moogtron 3 album. "viva bos vegos" and "talkin' to my tinnies were inspired by moogtron -living in boscombe, and "several species" is another track inspired by pink floyd. overall, a quite insane, off the cuff mish mash of different genres, plugged together! (mike "moogtron" hewetson jan 2023)


released January 19, 2023

mike "moogtron" hewetson - keyboards, sequences, drums, bass guitar, vocals.
marton "golly" clayton- guitars.
professor paul owen- vocals on tracks 2/6.
damian "space" maguire- drums on track 6


all rights reserved



manikin timeshark Bournemouth, UK

Manikin timeshark began as far back as 2004, originaly a concept of damian maguire (drums) as a drum n' bass/dance band. before changing the name to manikin timeshark, in 2010, more musicians were recruited, and a full band took the stage at the winchester -bournemouth in oct 2010. debut album "a trick in time" was released in 2012. 2 more albums since then, and a new album in the offing. ... more

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