How can an infinite number of mathematicians figure out their own hat colours?
Can you prove that there are arbitrarily many primes in arbitrarily big intervals?
Three mathematicians discuss a beautiful flower garden and the coloured flowers within.
Two realtors discuss who's netting the award for highest average commission, but it isn't clear who the winner is...
Please help me identify these 100 light bulbs by turning ON and OFF their switches.
We discuss the look-and-say sequence, its behaviour, variations of it, and a Python implementation.
Today I learned that the length of the terms of the “look-and-say” sequence has a well-defined growth rate.
In this article we try to crack Wordle, a variation of mastermind played with (English) words.
Can you help these kids trick or treat their entire neighbourhood in this Halloween special?
How can two doctors operate two patients with only two pairs of latex gloves?!
If I scramble a Rubik's cube for long enough, will it solve itself?