Straightforward plans and pricing.

Leverage PE and M&A for yourself, or for your team.

Mergr Pro Web


Search & Filter

  • 4.7K Private Equity Firms
  • 80K M&A Professionals
  • 205K Transactions
  • 207K Companies
  • 3.7K Advisors

& More

  • Rankings
  • Analytics
  • Export Data via CSV

Other Products

Mergr for Salesforce
Mergr Data Direct
Mergr M&A Archive

Power your team or project by directly integrating investor and M&A data into your Salesforce accounts or business workflows.

  • Enrich or Jumpstart Your CRM
  • Better Understand Your Customers
  • Save Prospecting Time for Your Team

Why choose Mergr?

Daily Updates

Daily Updates

New records, transactions, and data added every day.

No Learning Curve

No Learning Curve

Instantly get up to speed researching all records types.

No Limits

No Limits

Slice, dice, and search without constraints.

Single Source

Single Source

Stay on top of M&A with one utility.


What's the difference between Mergr Pro Web and Mergr for Salesforce or Mergr Data Direct?

Mergr Pro Web is our self-serve product where you can easily sign-up and immediately gain access to our data and search tools via our website. Mergr Pro Web comes with a 7-day free trial and monthly billing.

Mergr for Salesforce offers access to the Mergr dataset through our direct Salesforce integration. If you’re interested in enriching your Salesforce accounts with ownership, acquisition, and other key M&A data points, or looking-up and creating new accounts or leads (quickly), then contact us to learn more about our Mergr for Salesforce solution.

Mergr Data Direct offers a means to integrate Mergr records via our API or custom file exports. Enrich your CRM, incorporate M&A data into your workflows, or better understand your customers and vendors with direct access to our underlying data.

Mergr M&A Archive is an embeddable search engine focused on our collection of original M&A press announcements. Uncover new opportunities and insights with a time-saving, easy-to-use research tool for your team.

How often is the data updated and where does it come from?

We update and add PE/M&A data every day. There is no central source for PE firm or M&A deal info and our goal is to do the hard work of researching on a continual and historical basis. All data is original and sourced internally (with humans). We do not partner or license data from outside 3rd parties.

How can I cancel?

For our self-serve product, Mergr Pro Web, cancelling is easy and just takes a couple of clicks. Simply navigate to your 'Account' page and select the 'Close Account' tab. If you cancel during the 7-day free trial, you will owe nothing. If you cancel during a billing period, your account will automatically de-activate at the end of that period. You can review and download all invoices in your 'Account' area as well.

Do you offer annual pricing?

Yes. For Mergr Pro Web, if you prefer to pay annually, we offer a 2-month discount (so $1,500/yr). Whether you're in the 7-day trial period or month-to-month, just contact us if you'd like to switch and we'll make the change at the next bill date. Mergr for Salesforce, Mergr Data Direct, and Mergr M&A Archive are only available via an annual subscription.

Do you cover venture capital firms or financings?

No. Our focus is strictly covering private equity firms and M&A (late stage investments or acquisitions).

Can I add additional users to my Mergr Pro Web account?

Yes. Once signed up, if you would like to bring Mergr to more members of your team, contact us via our chat widget or at [email protected] and we can easily add 1 or more users at a discounted per-user rate to your account.