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New Readers/Quarterly goals

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

Teams at the Wikimedia Foundation set and report on goals every three months.



Q4 (April - June 2018)

Objective (from annual plan) Key Result Dependencies
1.1 Coordinated marketing efforts (campaigns) with launch events in target countries/markets that educate potential readers on what Wikipedia is and the value that it offers, developed in partnership with local networks of advocates. The New Readers team pilots awareness-building efforts that consult, collaborate, and train community members on how to continue strategic marketing initiatives.
  • [Mexico] Hire agency and develop community marketing committee for video release in Q4/Q1.
  • [Iraq & Nigeria] Deliver final reports of earlier campaigns.
  • [India] Videos launch and earn more than 3 million total viewership. Deliver wrap-up report of India campaign. (deferred from Q3)
Communications (lead), Programs, Global Reach, WMMX, Hindi Marketing Committee
2.1 Build better interfaces for offline support for individuals who sometimes have internet access across all platforms, working hand in hand with existing solutions (both community and external). In particular:
  • extend functionality in Android app
  • build initial offline functionality for the mobile web
[Nigeria] Execute product marketing campaign for offline functionality in the Android app, particularly Reading Lists, with intent to understand if offline features drive adoption/retention in data-constrained markets Communications & Audiences (co-lead), Partnerships
2.3. Better understand the existing ecosystem of solutions for offline support of Wikimedia content. Assess if it would be useful to partner with existing efforts (such as Kiwix or distributors) and move forward on those that have potential through product, grants, and/or partnerships. Sign term sheet and begin deployment of pilot program to support offline medical Wikipedia in Nigeria. Partnerships (lead), Internet in a Box, Kiwix, James Heilman, The Africa Center

Q3 (January - March 2018)

Objective (from annual plan) Key Result Dependencies
1.1 Coordinated marketing efforts (campaigns) with launch events in target countries/markets that educate potential readers on what Wikipedia is and the value that it offers, developed in partnership with local networks of advocates. The New Readers team pilots awareness-building efforts that consult, collaborate, and train community members on how to continue strategic marketing initiatives. [India] Video launches and earn more than 3 million total viewership. Deliver wrap-up report of India campaign. Communications (lead), Programs, Global Reach, WMMX, Hindi Marketing Committee
1.2. Rapid Grants focused on raising awareness through community advocacy. The Community Resources team will work with Communications to develop a Rapid Grant application for awareness-building projects. We will facilitate a training and a check-in meeting for a cohort of grantees to build capacity, gather feedback, and support knowledge sharing between awareness advocates.

2.2. The Inspire campaign will address awareness, rather than Offline.

The Inspire campaign and Rapid Grants round should both be conducted in Q3.

Targets: Inspire campaign generates 150 ideas with 300 participants. The Rapid Grants round has 20 proposals.

Community Resources (lead), Programs, Communications, Finance
1.3. Pursue partnerships with mission-aligned governments, for-profit companies, media houses, and non-profit organizations to launch initiatives that allow new readers to discover Wikipedia  and Wikimedia content, through inclusion in the partners' programs, products, or services and distribution of marketing materials. Explore inbound opportunities for inclusion in potential partners' products. Assess potential impact of each opportunity. For those that are judged viable, develop implementation and evaluation plan for pilot. Programs, Readers, Global Reach
2.3. Conduct an environmental scan to better understand the existing ecosystem of solutions for offline support of Wikimedia content;develop an offline strategy; conduct impact assessment for offline solutions in India, Mexico, and Nigeria;  prepare and test  an approach for distributing offline content in each target country that includes context-specific need/demand for offline solutions, recommendations on relevant offline solutions, and potential partners for distribution of solutions. Support offline medical distribution in Nigeria. Global Reach (lead), Readers, TBD

Q2 (October - December 2017)

Objective (from annual plan) Key Result Dependencies
1.2 Rapid Grants focused on raising awareness through community advocacy. The Community Resources team will work with Communications to develop a Rapid Grant application for awareness-building projects. We will facilitate a training and a check-in meeting for a cohort of grantees to build capacity, gather feedback, and support knowledge sharing between awareness advocates. Finalize content and outreach plan for Inspire campaign and round of Rapid Grants in Q3 to support communities increasing awareness locally. Community Resources, Programs, Communications
2.1 Build better interfaces for offline support for individuals who sometimes have internet access across all platforms, working hand in hand with existing solutions (both community and external). In particular:
  • extend functionality in Android app
  • build initial offline functionality for the mobile web
Work with Android team to deploy Offline Libraries (ZIM files) feature in Android app, allowing readers who have ZIM files to open and read them in the app. Figure out how to serve ZIMs in the app, and begin to resolve those blockers. Readers (Android + Infrastructure), Legal, Communications, Programs, Partnerships?
2.3 Better understand the existing ecosystem of solutions for offline support of Wikimedia content. Assess if it would be useful to partner with existing efforts (such as Kiwix or distributors) and move forward on those that have potential through product, grants, and/or partnerships. Support offline educational community through funding, advising, and distribution. Continue to support grantees and develop distribution paths for offline Wikipedia products (Wikipedia Android app as well as community created products). Programs, Community Resources, Global Reach

Q1 (July - September 2017)

Objective (from annual plan) Key Result Dependencies
1.1 Coordinated marketing efforts (campaigns) with launch events in target countries/markets that educate potential readers on what Wikipedia is and the value that it offers, developed in partnership with local networks of advocates. The New Readers team pilots awareness-building efforts that consult, collaborate, and train community members on how to continue strategic marketing initiatives. Deliver report and present results of Iraq campaign, including roll-up of data from social media, Wikipedia usage, and phone survey results. Global Reach, Communications, Analytics
2.1 Build better interfaces for offline support for individuals who sometimes have internet access across all platforms, working hand in hand with existing solutions (both community and external). In particular:
  • extend functionality in Android app
  • build initial offline functionality for the mobile web
Deploy button for readers to download PDFs from the mobile website (already works using system dialog). Readers (Web)
2.3 Better understand the existing ecosystem of solutions for offline support of Wikimedia content. Assess if it would be useful to partner with existing efforts (such as Kiwix or distributors) and move forward on those that have potential through product, grants, and/or partnerships. Deliver a plan to distribute offline Wikipedia at a national level in 1-3 target countries. Plan should include product, partnerships, and grant strategies as appropriate. Global Reach, Community Resources



Q4 (April - June 2017)

Team Objective Key result Link to team goals
Product: Reading Better support offline users by allowing them to browse and download collections of content via ZIM files in the Android app. Requirements defined and documented in partnership with Android and Reading Services team, including consultation with the Kiwix team. MediaWiki
[Web] Improve the quality of printed content on mobile to support offline usage Update and improve current print styles for mobile
[Web] Assess the possibility of providing an offline-capable app and unifying content through various services to improve performance and development speed. Define and scope changes to the mobile website for development in 2017-2018
[Android] Support offline users, by adding support to import, read and search offline content from the ZIM format to the Android app. Design and release to beta a version of the app which allows importing, reading and searching the ZIM format.
Partnerships and Global Reach Increase awareness of Wikipedia in our target countries. Collaborate with the Comms team in the launch of awareness campaigns in Nigeria and India Meta
Publish second phone survey results for Iraq after Asiacell's marketing campaign.
Synthesize the learnings from past workshops into precise opportunities to increase readership, within each vertical (awareness, offline, affordability) to execute in the next fiscal year. Publish map (or another pertinent format) with offline distribution opportunities for specific user needs, synthesized into design principles.
Kick-off "Public Policy Task Force" and establish its scope and goals for Q1 of FY 2017-18.
Design Research Consult with Mobile Web team as needed about evaluative research, to accomplish evaluative testing as needed. Moving offline concepts toward usability and usefulness for new readers. Mediawiki
Contribute design research perspectives and collaboration to Comms team and awareness efforts. Support Comms and the rest of the team in increasing awareness of Wikipedia in target countries.
Contribute design research perspectives and collaboration to Partnerships / Global Reach in support of affordability efforts. Support Global Reach / Partnerships in increasing affordability in target countries.
Communications Create and launch promotional materials in Nigeria Plan, produce, and publish video content in Nigeria to promote Wikipedia with Nigerian cultural approach. Earn more than 1 million views on content among Nigerian internet users.
Consult and plan promotional approach in India Select marketing partner (agency) for India language pilot and establish community collaborations to creating promotional videos that reflect community views