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Foreslår etablering av norsk stiftelse for Wikimedia


Artikler om chapters på meta: m:Wikimedia_chapters, m:Local chapter FAQ (engelsk)

Ref. diskusjon om finansiering (hvor Jeblad konkret viser at vi kan få ulike former for støtte) og innlegg over her (om Nasjonal Digital Læringsarena), så tror jeg tiden er inne for å etablere en norsk Wikimediastiftelse. Det virker som om at vi ved en stiftelse har store muligheter for å motta midler og da bør vi benytte den anledningen. Hensikten blir å søke ulike former støtte fra det private/offentlige for å utvide aktiviteten, spesielt mht nynorsk, samisk, digitale læremidler og kunnskapsoverføring i-land/u-land. Ulf Larsen 9. mar 2007 kl. 17:23 (CET)

Liten rettelse, de jeg har snakket med har sagt nei og argumentert med at vi ikke har noe offisielt hode i Norge. Det er ikke automatikk i at de vil si ja om vi har et slikt, men jeg tror det er en nødvendighet for å få et ja. — Jeblad 9. mar 2007 kl. 18:11 (CET)
Den er god, jeg vil støtte ideen med tid og penger og håper at vi raskt kan stable en norsk stiftelse på bena. Med private/statlige bidrag bør vi kunne få økonomi til å lønne en/flere som da kan arbeide med områder vi som har dette som fritidsbeskjeftigelse ikke har mulighet for. Stikkord her er informasjonsarbeid, arbeid med utvidelse av vår samling digitale media, arbeid mot nye sponsorer osv. - en lang liste med mulige og viktige arbeidsfelt. For ordens skyld, at vi har en/flere fast ansatte i en norsk Wikimediastiftelse hverken bør eller vil frata oss andre vårt svært viktige arbeid, eller arbeidsglede. Når vi når et visst nivå er det nødvendig med fast ansatte, noen typer arbeid tror jeg best kan drives med folk som er tilgjengelig på en daglig basis. Og for ordens skyld, igjen: Jeg er IKKE aktuell for noen slik fast stilling, det er en haug andre her som er bedre kvalifisert enn jeg og jeg er godt fornøyd med den jobben jeg har. Grunnen til at jeg engasjerer meg i dette er at jeg tror vi nå har nådd et punkt hvor etablering av en norsk stiftelse kan utløse betydlige midler, og at det er en anledning vi ikke bør la gå fra oss! Ulf Larsen 9. mar 2007 kl. 20:04 (CET)
En av de første tingene en bør gjøre er å se på om vi kan få noen stipendiater, men da må vi finne ut hva disse skal gjøre. — Jeblad 10. mar 2007 kl. 02:02 (CET)
Bra initiativ (sier en som har stifta, leda og vært ansatt i mange oggasjhoner, og definitivt IKKE skal gjøre det igjen!).
Noen må si det, sjøl om det kan provosere de relisjøse her: Skal vi komme i posisjon overfor staten, er en sånn fundasjon NØDT TIL å inkludere våre nynorske søstre og brødre. (Og, så snart det dukker opp noen i terrenget, noen fra SAMISK Wikipedia!)
Noen som IKKE SKJØNNER det?
Noen som - seriøst, og ikke på tull - er MOT det?
Hvis og når dette er avklara, åssen får vi dem med?
bestehexer Togrim 10. mar 2007 kl. 02:14 (CET)
Jeg er ikke mot i den forstand at jeg vil forsøke å stoppe planer om opprettelse av en stiftelse; blir det opprettet en stiftelse er jeg villig til å bidra til det arbeidet. Men jeg har en viss skepsis, som jeg skal prøve å konkretisere i noen punkter:
  • En stiftelse er en juridisk person som forvalter en formue. For å opprette en stiftelse trengs en grunnkapital på minst 100 000. Det er i utgangspunktet ikke åpning for å minske grunnkapitalen under dette beløpet, hvilket betyr at vi binder opp en betydelig sum som kunne vært brukt til Wikipedia. Det finnes mulighet for unntak fra dette, men så langt jeg kan forstå det er det vanskelig å få innvilget det. Normalt brukes stiftelsesformen der man har en betydelig formue og fordeler avkastningen av denne. F.eks. har Kirkens Bymisjon en grunnkapital på 194 millioner; det gir en avkastning som monner slik at det er et poeng å bruke stiftelsesformen.
  • En stiftelse har etter loven et styre som er flertallsstyrt, og ikke konsensusstyrt. Dette kan omgås ved å utgi konsensus for å være resultat av en avstemning, men utad må vi ha en stiftelse som ikke følger Wikipedias prinsipper om konsensus.
  • Stiftelsestilsynet har betydelige muligheter til å gripe inn i driften, og en stiftelse kan raskt bli påvirket av endringer i lovgivningen.
  • En stiftelse er ikke en medlemsorganisasjon. Det går an å ha medlemmer i en parallell organisasjon, som så oppnevner et representantskap som utpeker styremedlemmene i stiftelsen. Det vil ikke være mulig å la wikipedia-brukere velge styrerepresentanter direkte; det må skje i et formelt definert organ.
Det er flere ting jeg kunne nevne, men dette er de viktigste. Summa summarum ser jeg ikke behovet for å bruke en så rigid form som en stiftelse, så lenge vi ikke sitter på en stor formue som skal forvaltes, ikke minst når vi for å sikre brukernes medbestemmelsesrett i stiftelsen må ha en parallell medlemsorganisasjon. En slik organisasjon vil også være en juridisk person, den vil ha et valgt styre (som kan velges f.eks. på et årsmåte av og blant alle medlemmer som er interessert i å delta), den står mye friere i forhold til vedtekter og den må forholde seg til langt mindre rapportering til statlige tilsyn. Med andre ord, jeg vil være langt mer positiv til en medlemsorganisasjon enn en stiftelse. Cnyborg 10. mar 2007 kl. 03:30 (CET)
Vi velger den organisasjonsform som tjener formålet og som er mest praktisk, gjerne medlemsorganisasjon for meg. Det viktigste er å etablere noe offentlige og private aktører (som ABM utvikling og Fritt ord) kan forholde seg til og som kan brukes for å utløse midler. At en slik organisasjon omfatter nynorsk og samisk wikipedia anser jeg som innlysende. Hvis Chris Nyborg som dreven organisasjonsmann kunne kommet med en skisse til vedtekter så hadde det vært veldig bra og gitt oss noe å starte på. Ulf Larsen 10. mar 2007 kl. 03:54 (CET)
Regner med du også inkluderer alle andre wikimediaprosjekter (wikibooks, wiktionary, wikikilden, etc) på norske språk da? -- SLB (no) 11:45, 10 March 2007 (UTC)Reply
Jeg kan godt bidra til et utkast til vedtekter. Skal se på hva jeg har liggende fra andre organisasjoner, slik at vi får med de viktigste elementene; jeg har vært med på å grunnlegge noen organisasjoner og på fullstendige revideringer av vedtekter, så jeg har mye rart på PC'en. Cnyborg 13:48, 11 March 2007 (UTC)Reply
Eg trur det er lurt å vurder å opprette denne organisasjone som eit samvirkelag. Medlemskap i laget vil vere opent td. for dei som betaler inn andelskapital (td. 100,-) og har meir enn (td. 500 edits kvart år) Eit samvirkelag er den billigaste måten å bli ein eigen juridisk person, då det ikkje er krav til minimumskapital. Gjennom vedtekter kan ein regulere alt om korleis laget skal styrast. Noko å tenkje på trur eg. nn:Brukar:Stykkjet på nn (16:03, 10 March 2007 (UTC))


Jeg kan ikke se hvordan et samvirkelag kan være enklere å opprette enn en medlemsorganisasjon, som også er en juridisk person. Så fort man går over i en selskapsform binder man seg til helt spesifikke styreformer og en masse rapportering. En medlemsorganisasjon må bare registreres i enhetsregisteret med et sett vedtekter og en kontaktperson, så er det opprettet en juridisk person. Cnyborg 13:46, 11 March 2007 (UTC)Reply

Ser ut til at medlemsorganisasjon er veien å gå. Da er det vel bare å sette i gang å rable ned noen vedtekter? 16:26, 11 March 2007 (UTC)Reply

Jeg begynner å skrive på det nå, på Wikimedia Norge/Utkast til vedtekter. Vær oppmerksom på at jeg begynner rett på, uten å ha tegnet opp noen helhetlig skisse. Det betyr at det er lettere å diskutere ting underveis, og at man må huske at dette ikke er et forslag til vedtekter, men bare et arbeidsutkast som skal ende opp i et forslag. Cnyborg 17:01, 11 March 2007 (UTC)Reply

Diskusjonstråd flyttet hit fra Tinget

Jeg har flytta hele diskusjonen hit, til Meta. Det er flere grunner til dette. For det første vil en dette være en norgesbasert stiftelse for Wikimedia-prosjektene. Den vil omfatte flere språk, blant annet norsk (bokmål og nynorsk), nord- og (forhåpentligvis en dag) sørsamisk, kvensk, finsk, romani, norsk tegnspråk og en rekke andre innvandrer- og minoritetsspråk. For det andre vil en slik organisasjon være til nytte for alle Wikimedia-prosjektene, ikke bare Wikipedia. Det blir derfor feil å ta det opp på Tinget på bokmåls-Wikipediaen, simpelthen fordi det er det største norskspråklige prosjektet. Jon Harald Søby 21:36, 10 March 2007 (UTC)Reply

Jeg foreslår at denne diskusjonen tas der den hører hjemme, slik at man kan få med nynorsk og samisk. Oppretter en diskusjonsside på m:Talk:Wikimedia Norge 10. mar 2007 kl. 10:15 (CET)

Jeg tror ikke det er mange som vil finne denne diskusjonen der. Dette er det stedet hvor en slik diskusjon vil nå lesere og derved også få bredde i diskusjonen. Jeg har imidlertid lagt inn en invitasjon på Samfunnshuset slik at nynorskfolket vet om denne diskusjonen. Haros 10. mar 2007 kl. 10:30 (CET)
Takk for invitasjon. Cnyborgs innspill om stiftelsesformen er nyttig. Tenker man på medlemsorganisasjon blir det ekstremt viktig å tenke på ting rundt makt - demokrati. Hvor mye kan de aktive medlemmene i "Norsk Wikipedialag" binde opp de bidragsyterne som ikke ønsker/har tid til organisasjonsarbeide? Hvordan unngår man at sekretariatet blir et styrende organ? (Kjent problemstilling fra bort i mot alle norske organisasjoner). Men viktigst; hvilket spørsmål er fast organisering svaret på? Jeg tror det er viktig å stille spørsmålet presist før man gir seg i kast med svaret. --Ekko 10. mar 2007 kl. 10:42 (CET)
For å ta det siste først så mener jeg fast organisering er svaret på spørsmålet om muligheter for økonomiske bidrag til Wikipedia i Norge (samisk, nynorsk og bokmål/riksmål). Som Fritt ord sier i spørsmålet om ikke Wikipedia heller burde fått pengene som SNL har fått, «vi har ikke fått noen søknad fra Wikipedia», samme forhold gjelder for Nasjonal Digital Læringsarena og ABM - andre mulige bidragsytere er også tenkelig.
Når det gjelder hva medlemsorganisasjonen bør gjøre og muligheten for å «binde opp» så mener jeg det følger av det over og av våre generelle retningslinjer. Medlemsorganisasjonen bør etableres for å utfylle de frivillige bidragsyterne, ikke overkjøre de. Medlemsorganisasjonen bør konsentrere seg om saker som frivillige bidragsytere ikke klarer å løse, samme gjelder for eventuelle fast ansatte, om vi etterhvert får midler som kan åpne for dette. Ulf Larsen 10. mar 2007 kl. 11:00 (CET)
Til Ekkos innlegg: Jeg er enig i at det er svært viktig å tenke på demokratiet i en organisasjon. Jeg mener en medlemsorganisasjon er den beste formen å velge når man har et fokus på brukernes medbestemmelsesrett; stiftelser, samvirkelag og andre selskapsformer har en del statlige føringer som gir styrene svært mye makt. Et vanlig grep i organisasjoner er at man krever mer enn alminnelig flertall, f.eks. 2/3, for å endre vedtektene, og dermed gjør det vanskelig for enkeltgrupperinger å ta over makten. Cnyborg 13:53, 11 March 2007 (UTC)Reply
Et «local chapter» er relatert til Wikimedia Foundation og ikke Wikipedia. Denne distinksjonen er nokså viktig. Den betyr blant annet at en slik organisasjon ikke jobber for Wikipedia spesifikt, heller ikke for et enkelt språk, men jobber for Wikimedia sine prosjekter.
I nederland er det såvidt jeg husker en organisering hvor en forening kontrollerer en stiftelse. Jeg tror ikke valg av selskapsform er et reelt problem. Problemet er nok snarere om vi skal ha et slikt local chapter eller ikke. — Jeblad 10. mar 2007 kl. 11:40 (CET)

De norske brukerne på en: bør også kontaktes for å bli hørt. Mvh Røed (d · en) 10. mar 2007 kl. 14:09 (CET)

Må si at jeg stiller meg litt skeptisk til vi skal blande inn staten. Jeg liker også dårlig ideen om at noen skal få betalt for sine bidrag her mens enkelte ikke får.--Ezzex 10. mar 2007 kl. 17:58 (CET)

Det er ikke kun spørsmål om å få statlig støtte, private bidragsytere (bedrifter, stiftelser) kan også være aktuelle. Og en krone er en krone, uansett hvor den kommer fra. Det viktige er at vi beholder uavhengighet - i den forbindelse har f.eks vissnok Wikimedia sentralt sagt nei til større sponsorer fordi det ville være en risiko mht å begrense vår frihet.
jeg er litt redd for at staten skal blande seg inn i virksomheten å legger føringer på driften og utformingen.--Ezzex 10. mar 2007 kl. 19:38 (CET)
Velger vi å organisere det som en medlemsorganisasjon har staten ikke noe med driften å gjøre. Det anser jeg for en av fordelene med den formen. Cnyborg 13:43, 11 March 2007 (UTC)Reply
Når det gjelder å få betalt for bidrag - om vi f.eks på kort tid kraftig kan øke antallet artikler på nynorsk (nå ca 20 tusen), samisk (ca. 1500) og språk viktige for innvandrergrupper som urdu (ca 5000), tamil (ca 7400) og singalesisk (ca 200) ved betalte bidragsytere - hvorfor ikke? Ved å danne en forening kan vi se på muligheten for å søke om midler fra NORAD, å ha wikipedia tilgjengelig på språk fra utviklingsland må være positivt, og langt mer kosteffektivt enn det meste av den bistand de ellers driver med. Utvikling av slike wikipedier for innvandrergrupper vil og kunne ha en integrerende effekt, jeg ser i det hele tatt mange gode argumenter for at vi bør forsøke dette og for at det kan utløse betydlige midler som kan gi wikipedia et løft. Ulf Larsen 10. mar 2007 kl. 19:27 (CET)

Eg siterar Jeblad frå lenger opp: Et «local chapter» er relatert til Wikimedia Foundation og ikke Wikipedia. Denne distinksjonen er nokså viktig. Den betyr blant annet at en slik organisasjon ikke jobber for Wikipedia spesifikt, heller ikke for et enkelt språk, men jobber for Wikimedia sine prosjekter. Då er vel ei rimeleg oppsumering så langt at:

  1. Ein ny norsk organisasjon vil måtte jobbe for Wikimedia generelt?
  2. Når me ber om pengar blir det til Wikimedia generelt?
  3. Om me berre ber om pengar til drift av Wikipedia på norsk blir det i strid med pkt. 1?
  4. Men at å nytte "Wikimedia Noreg" til eit arbeide for t.d. å gjera media i statsarkiva tilgjengelege på Commons, vil vera både ein god ting og i tråd med pkt. 1?

Dersom dette held stikk trur eg at eg er for eit "Wikimedia Noreg", men trur at for å gje Wikipedia på norsk eit direkte løft må det andre tiltak til i tillegg. -- Ekko 09:26, 11 March 2007 (UTC)Reply

Jeg tror ikke det blir i strid med punkt 1 om man ber om penger til Wikipedia på bokmål, Wikinytt, Wikibooks på norsk eller noe annet spesifikt prosjekt. En organisasjon som jobber for flere ting vil som oftest ta imot øremerkede gaver. Ta f.eks. Røde Kors eller Redd Barna, de driver et veldig omfattende arbeid med mange virkefelter, men man kan godt gi til et spesifikt prosjekt og si at der skal min gave brukes. Det «Wikimedia Norge/-eg» må passe på er å søke om penger til alle prosjektene, men det er opp til giverne hvilke man faktisk får penger til. Cnyborg 13:43, 11 March 2007 (UTC)Reply
Jeg er svært skeptisk til å la folk få betalt for å skrive "tradisjonelle" artikler, om noen skal få betalt, må det være for å digitalisere/lobbe, eller kompensere for de som hr større utgifter i wikipediasammenheng (f.eks tapt arbeidstid/reisekostnader). Jeg frykter at dette vil føre til A og B brukere i mye større grad en hva admin/vanlig bruker gjør. Røed 14:38, 11 March 2007 (UTC)Reply
Jeg synes også vi må være forsiktige med å ha betalte artikkelforfattere, fordi det lett kan oppfattes galt, blant annet ved at andre blir redde for å redigere slike artikler. Det er noen tilfeller hvor jeg kan se for meg at det er nyttig, f.eks. til å dekke kostnader ved å sitte på et museum eller i et arkiv i en periode for å benytte materiale derfra. I forhold til å betale lønn ser jeg på det som mest aktuelt i forhold til oppgaver utenom den vanlige driften, som det å skrive og følge opp søknader, føre regnskap (mange bidrag, særlige fra offentlige etater, utløser rapporteringsplikt for pengene), sette opp budsjetter i forbindelse med søknader, koordinere innsatsen mellom forskjellige prosjekter osv. Cnyborg 16:44, 11 March 2007 (UTC)Reply
Betalte bidragsytere er ikke det viktigste ved diskusjonen rundt behovet for en medlemsorganisasjon og eventuell disponering av midler fra statlig/private, men jeg vil uansett flagge at jeg ikke er negativ til fast ansatte. For å gi en boost til f.eks samisk wikipedia mener jeg det må være på sin plass. Nynorsk kan kanskje og ha noe å hente på det. Og - en av mine kjepphester, wikimedia for andre språklige minoriteter her i landet, som urdu, tamil osv. Vi vet det fremdeles er velutdannede innvandrere som enten ikke har noe å gjøre, eller vasker med en universitetseksamen - tenk om vi kunne tilby de å jobbe med å utvikle wikimedia innen sitt morsmål!
I Aftenposten lørdag 10. mars, kultursidene står det at "Kunnskapsministeren har satt av 50 millioner kroner i år til digitale læremidler." Og det er bare et område vi kan bidra innen, vi bør absolutt også kunne søke bistands og/eller midler for integrering. Cnyborg nevner kostnader ved å sitte på arkiv osv - meget viktig, bare ta de enorme billedarkiv som f.eks i praksis ikke er tilgjengelig fordi ingen har tid til å jobbe mot de? Administrativt er og viktig for å ha et skikkelig transparant grep om pengebruken. Et annet område vi kan bidra innen om vi får midler - Mediawiki, såvidt jeg vet har de stort behov for ytterligere utviklere. Flere norske organisasjoner drar allerede nytte av programvaren, ikke mer enn rett og rimelig at man gir noe tilbake i form av utviklerstillinger.
Hvis Cnyborg kan sette opp et utkast til vedtekter og en løs skisse for gjennomføringen av oppstart samme så hadde det vært veldig bra. Jeg synes vi og bør se oss etter en mulig første fast ansatt som nettopp skal drive slik koordinering osv som er nevnt over. Og før noen kommenterer dette, husk at vår moderstiftelse i Florida også har fast ansatte. Til sist, jeg dro igang dette, og jeg vil støtte med det jeg kan men av flere grunner så er jeg ikke interessert i å sitte i noe form for styre eller være fast ansatt; så det er sagt! Ulf Larsen 18:28, 11 March 2007 (UTC)Reply
Utkastet er påbegynt på Wikimedia Norge/Utkast til vedtekter. Cnyborg 21:06, 11 March 2007 (UTC)Reply

Det første valget


Så, hvordan skal det første valget foregå? Er ikke lenge igjen før vi har alt som trengs i boks, så vi kan kanskje begynne å tenke på dette også? -- Atluxity 21:48, 15 March 2007 (UTC)Reply

Interesserte brukere


Er listen Interesserte brukere ment å omfatte alle som har interesse av diskusjonen, eller bare de som er tilhengere av å opprette enheten Wikimedia Norge? Guaca 22:59, 21 March 2007 (UTC)Reply

Alle som er interesserte i foreningen. Og for å gjøre det klart, satte jeg opp seksjonen uten å kunngjøre det noe sted, verken her eller på Wikipedia, og Sitenotice lenka bare til diskusjonssida, så det er ikke rart det ikke var så mange som skrev seg på i begynnelsen. Det var bare ment som en liten uformell liste (dvs, man må ikke skrive seg på der sjøl om man er interessert). Jon Harald Søby 18:23, 23 March 2007 (UTC)Reply

Jaja forening???



Begynner vi å nærme oss en viss enighet? Er Wikimedia Norge/Utkast til vedtekter såpass avklart at vi kan begynne å vurdere den videre fremdriften? Jeblad 12:16, 9 April 2007 (UTC)Reply

Jeg er ikke enig i styresammensetningen. At samisk Wikipedia med 0 aktive brukere skal være representert med like mange som no: blir temmelig meningsløst. Det samme blir punktet om et styremedlem fra et annet prosjekt enn no:, nn: og se: (bare et eksempel: Wiktionary er vel en god kandidat til å være det mest aktive prosjektet etter disse, og der er Meco eneste aktive bruker). En slik forening vil vel også bare være å betrakte som en slags venneforening som arbeider for å støtte WM-prosjektene, og har ikke noen autoritet i forhold til disse, og jeg ser at det i andre land (DE, FR) er kontingentbetalende medlemmer - de som engasjerer seg i foreningen - som velger styremedlemmene. Slik ser jeg gjerne også at vi har det. Siden foreningen skal arbeide for alle prosjektene blir det kunstig å dele opp styremedlemmer på den måten. Jeg synes også antallet styremedlemmer kan være mer fleksibelt. Noen ganger har man få tilgjengelige, andre ganger har man noen flere som kan gjøre en jobb. Jeg sitter i styrer med betydelig mer enn 7 medlemmer, og vet av erfaring at det er heller sjelden alle kan komme på styremøter. Av et styre på 11 personer (i en rimelig stor organisasjon med et tusentall medlemmer) har man endt opp med 3 på styremøte. Særlig i en veldig frivillig organisasjon og med geografiske avstander så kan et større styre enn 7 ikke skade. Kph 03:17, 9 May 2007 (UTC)Reply

Kritikken fra KPH har et godt poeng: Så lenge (hvis?) samisk wikipedia ikke har noen aktive MEDLEMMER, blir det vanskelig å gå inn for STYREMEDLEM fra dem. Desverre.
Samtidig mener jeg prinsippet er riktig og nødvendig. Ikke minst i forhold til kulturdeptet og politiske myndigheter (bl.a. Sametinget!) tror jeg det er helt nødvendig at ei representativ forening for Wikipedia i Norge representerer og likebehandler ALLE Wikipediaer som bruker offisielle norske skriftspråk og har sine røtter i Norge.
Heller ikke kan vi gjøre krav på spesialbehandling av bokmålsWikipediaen fordi den er størst og har flest registrerte medlemmer. Den nå meget respektable nynorskWikipediaen, som bl.a. er atskillig bedre enn flere Wikipediaer som formelt er større (og har mange artikler som er bedre enn bokmålsWikipediaen åsså) bør ha sin egen representasjon, som ikke er styrt av oss bokmålsbrukere.
FORSLAG: Et lite tillegg eller to:
  • I styret er det satt av en plass til en representant for hver av wikipediaene på offisielle norske skriftspråk: nokmål. nynorsk og nordsamisk. (Så lenge nordsamisk ikke har aktive medlemmer som deltar i foreninga, vil denne plassen bli stående åpen.) Eller noe liknende.
  • Evt kan noe liknende vurderes for andre norske Wiki-prosjekter. Dette kan jeg ærlig talt ikkeno om, så jeg foreslår at folk med større kunnskaper enn meg tenker over det?
Med beste hexer 15:33, 9 May 2007 (UTC) (PS. Åssen kommer jeg på lista over "interesserte brukere"?)Reply
Ojon. Dette var Togrim 15:36, 9 May 2007 (UTC)! Fortsatt bestehexer ...Reply
Hvis det snakk om spesialbehandling så gjelder jo det i tilfelle samisk og ikke no. Som jeg sier over så må en slik forening representere wikimedianere, de som engasjerer seg i Wikimedia, og der er det ikke noen grunn til å dele dem opp etter hvilket språk de snakker/hvor de er aktive, sålenge de er aktive på et av prosjektene med relevans for Norge og interessert i Wikimedia. Det er jo de som kommer på generalforsamling som velger styret. Jeg synes uansett det ville blitt helt feil at den første samen som "comes along" kan gjøre krav på en styreplass. Når/hvis vi får en ildsjel i Wikimedia som engasjerer seg på samisk Wikipedia er det selvfølgelig strålende, men å reservere plasser til personer som ikke er der blir feil. Kph 03:59, 10 May 2007 (UTC)Reply



Forslaget til vedtekter virker stabilt, og jeg tror det er på tide å finne ut når (og eventuelt hvor) vi skal ha et stiftelsesmøte for å få starta denne foreninga. Jeg synes det bør være rundt slutten av mai–begynnelsen av juni. Det er (forhåpentligvis) god nok tid til at folk kan planlegge det slik at de får kommet. Sted antar jeg vil være Oslo, men jeg har ikke peiling på lokaler. (Vi kan håpe på pent vær, og ta det i friluft?) Vi bør også sette opp en agenda for møtet, slik at det blir litt organisert. (Jeg gir beskjed til alle som har skrevet seg på som interesserte, dersom de har en wikikonto her eller på engelsk, bokmål eller nynorsk Wikipedia.) Jon Harald Søby 17:10, 17 April 2007 (UTC)Reply

Ser selv at jeg har ikke mulighet på noen av de nevnte (eksamenstider), men kansje mulighet for å "delta" digitalt om det finnes en løsning for dette. Noe som er mulig? Røed 10:40, 18 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
Foreslår Kristiania i gamle Østbanehallen, de har et lokale det er mulig å leie - kan sjekke det opp om det er interesse for det. Fordelen med Kristiania er at det er veldig sentralt for oss som kommer med tog. Ulflarsen 10:44, 18 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
Har sjekket med Kristiania [1], møterommet der tar omlag 25 personer, og om noen av oss spiser/drikker så er det eventuelt fritt å benytte det. Ulflarsen 11:39, 18 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
Kommer an på tiden på dagen men på formiddagen er det mulig å ha større møter i Presseklubben. Ellers har jeg et par kontakter vi kan trekke på for å bruke et lokale med plass til flere, eventuelt sette opp videokonferanse. Jeblad 17:51, 18 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
Det enkleste om det ikke er mange som ønsker å følge med er å bruke videostreaming med Windows Media Encoder. Dette fungerer opp til 25 brukere. Ulempen er at denne generer en videostrøm som ikke er spesielt åpen for andre klienter. Vi bruke Windows Messenger, Skype, Gtalk, IRC eller andre løsninger for å lage en tilbakekanal. Det enkleste vil vel være å bruke en kanal #wikimedia-no eller lignende. Jeblad 18:12, 18 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
Foreslår at det fastsettes en dato nå, gjerne så sent som mulig, ser ut som det er flest som kan da og at det ordnes med lokale, virker som Jeblad har gode kontakter. Ulflarsen 09:54, 30 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
Støtter forslaget til Ulf, og sånn som det står nå blir stiftelsesmøte 23. juni 2007. Skal vi gå aktivt ut å annonsere stiftelsesmøte? -- Atluxity 17:56, 30 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
Lørdagen etter, dvs 30. juni er det ingen som ikke kan, det er kanskje en bedre dag? Ulflarsen 18:22, 2 May 2007 (UTC)Reply
Jeg tror det er bedre å ha den litt lenger unna fellesferien, så 23. juni virker bedre. Vet ikke hvorfor færre har skrevet seg på den siste, men det kan hende det har med ferieplanlegging å gjøre, så man er usikre. Da er det bedre å ta en dato som det er litt mindre sjanse at krasjer med ferien, eller hva? Jon Harald Søby 10:48, 4 May 2007 (UTC)Reply
Høres fornuftig ut, vi kan gjerne gå for 23. juni for min del. Om det er enighet om det så trengs et sted, forsto det som Jeblad gjerne tok den biten. Ulflarsen 16:16, 4 May 2007 (UTC)Reply
Det er snakk om andre interessante ting som skal foregå i Oslo 14-15juni. Mulig det er fornuftig å bruke denne datoen da det ikke er mulig å reise til Oslo hver helg.--Nina-no 18:38, 6 May 2007 (UTC)Reply
Ser ut som 23. er den mest populære, men samme for min del - uansett bør noen skjære gjennom, låse dato & avtale lokale så vi kan ha stiftelsesmøtet. Venter vi mer nå så risikerer vi at folk avtaler andre saker og det ender med at vi ikke får gjort det før på høsten. Ulflarsen 07:43, 8 May 2007 (UTC)Reply
Enig, ingen grunn til flere runder nå. Kan vi ikke bare bestemme 23., og så la herr Blad (eller andre) finne lokale.Johannes Kaasa 12:47, 8 May 2007 (UTC)Reply
Da blir det altså stiftelsesmøte 23. juni, forslag til lokaler? Helst til en pris som passer til vår nåværende inntekt som organisasjon. -- Atluxity 21:51, 8 May 2007 (UTC)Reply
Dersom vi avslutter møtet innen klokka 14.00 kan jeg nok ordne lokaler i Nasjonalbiblioteket ganske kostnadsfritt. Bombadil 22:10, 8 May 2007 (UTC)Reply
Nasjonalbiblioteket er vel like bra som noe annet sted, hva med 11-13, det vi ikke har klart å krangle oss frem til innen den tid er vel ikke verdt å krangle om.... :-) Ulflarsen 21:07, 9 May 2007 (UTC)Reply
Da prøver jeg å få booket et møterom hos Nasjonalbiblioteket (Solli plass i Oslo) i løpet av uka, om ingen kommer med noen store protester. Bombadil 19:21, 13 May 2007 (UTC)Reply
Møterom er nå i boks. Auditoriet hos Nasjonalbiblioteket er booket. Kan noen utarbeide noe forslag til pressemelding om møtet, og også en mer offisiell beskjed på forsida. Angående mulighet for streaming av møtet skal jeg sjekke dette når jeg kommer tilbake til Mo (sitter på Blindern og ser på studiner nå :) Bombadil 11:41, 22 May 2007 (UTC)Reply

Kan noen av dere som bor i oslo ta med noen termoser med kaffe til møtet? Bombadil 20:08, 24 May 2007 (UTC)Reply

Aktuelle helger


Setter opp noen aktuelle helger her, skriv på navnet ditt dersom du kan/ikke kan komme.

12. mai 2007 (eksempel)
  • Ja
  1. ~~~~
  • Nei
  1. ~~~~
19. mai 2007
  • Ja
  1. Jon Harald Søby 17:10, 17 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  2. Bombadil 11:25, 18 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  3. --Harrywad 11:36, 18 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  4. Johannes Kaasa 11:43, 18 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  5. Helge Høifødt
  6. Atluxity 18:19, 18 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  • Nei
  1. Cnyborg 13:08, 18 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  2. Kjetil r 16:28, 18 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  3. --Nina-no 17:19, 18 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  4. Dittaeva 09:23, 19 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  5. Jpfagerback 20:54, 29 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
26. mai 2007
  • Ja
  1. Jon Harald Søby 17:10, 17 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  2. Ulflarsen 10:40, 18 April 2007 (UTC) - er den datoen som passer best for meg.Reply
  3. --Harrywad 11:36, 18 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  4. Cnyborg 13:08, 18 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  5. Johannes Kaasa 11:43, 18 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  6. Helge Høifødt
  7. Kjetil r 16:28, 18 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  8. Atluxity 18:19, 18 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  9. Jpfagerback 20:54, 29 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  • Nei
  1. --Nina-no 17:19, 18 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  2. Dittaeva 09:23, 19 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
2. juni 2007
  • Ja
  1. Jon Harald Søby 17:10, 17 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  2. Ulflarsen 10:40, 18 April 2007 (UTC) Må ordne meg fri, men er muligReply
  3. --Harrywad 11:36, 18 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  4. Johannes Kaasa 11:43, 18 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  5. Cnyborg 13:08, 18 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  6. Helge Høifødt
  7. Kjetil r 16:28, 18 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  8. Atluxity 18:19, 18 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  • Nei
  1. --Nina-no 17:19, 18 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  2. Dittaeva 09:23, 19 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  3. Jpfagerback 20:54, 29 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
9. juni 2007
  • Ja
  1. Jon Harald Søby 17:10, 17 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  2. --Harrywad 11:36, 18 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  3. Johannes Kaasa 11:43, 18 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  4. Cnyborg 13:08, 18 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  5. Kjetil r 16:28, 18 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  6. Kantor 17:14, 18 April 2007 (UTC)
  7. Atluxity 18:19, 18 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  8. Dittaeva 09:23, 19 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  • Nei
  1. --Nina-no 17:19, 18 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  2. Beagle84 19:16, 22 April 2007 (UTC) (Da skal jeg og Nina spise bløtkake..)Reply
  3. Jpfagerback 20:54, 29 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
16. juni 2007
  • Ja
  1. Jon Harald Søby 17:10, 17 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  2. --Nina-no 10:24, 18 April 2007 (UTC) (pga.eksamen der dato ikke er avklart er dette den eneste jeg kan si sikkert)Reply
  3. Ulflarsen 10:40, 18 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  4. Beagle84 10:51, 18 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  5. --Harrywad 11:36, 18 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  6. Johannes Kaasa 11:43, 18 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  7. Sindre Skrede 12:03, 18 April 2007 (UTC) (Har verken penger eller tid, men dette er nok den eneste helgen jeg eventuelt har mulighet. Får støtte dere telepatisk, om ikke annet.)Reply
  8. Cnyborg 13:08, 18 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  9. Kjetil r 16:28, 18 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  10. Atluxity 18:19, 18 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  • Nei
  1. Helge Høifødt
  2. Jpfagerback 20:54, 29 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
23. juni 2007
  • Ja
  1. Jon Harald Søby 11:26, 18 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  2. --Harrywad 11:36, 18 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  3. Johannes Kaasa 11:43, 18 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  4. Bombadil 11:48, 18 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  5. Beagle84 11:58, 18 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  6. Cnyborg 13:08, 18 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  7. Kjetil r 16:28, 18 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  8. Kantor 17:14, 18 April 2007 (UTC)
  9. Atluxity 18:19, 18 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  10. Ulflarsen 15:01, 24 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  11. Jpfagerback 20:54, 29 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  • Nei
  1. Helge Høifødt
30. juni 2007
  • Ja
  1. Jon Harald Søby 11:26, 18 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  2. --Harrywad 11:36, 18 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  3. Johannes Kaasa 11:43, 18 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  4. Beagle84 11:58, 18 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  5. Kjetil r 16:28, 18 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  6. Atluxity 18:19, 18 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  7. Ulflarsen 15:01, 24 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  8. Jpfagerback 20:54, 29 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
  • Nei



Beklager hvis dette har vært diskutert noe annet sted, isåfall har jeg oversett det. Er det noen som har forslag på styrekandidater? Noen som har lyst å sitte i styret selv? Bombadil 22:13, 8 May 2007 (UTC)Reply

  • Selv syns jeg følgende aspekter er viktige og må ivaretas når et varig styre skal velges:
  • Geografisk spredning (By og land, hand i hand)
  • Kjønnsspredning (Burde ikke by på vansker)
  • Aldersspredning (Burde heller ikke by på vansker)
  • "Erfaringsspredning" (ikke bare admins i styret)
Bombadil 08:01, 9 May 2007 (UTC)Reply
Enig Bombadil,derfor mente jeg også at 7 var for få i styret, jeg tror 11 er et bedre tall enn 7. Det blir jo ganske mye arbeid som skal fordeles også. Tror vel ikke det skader med noen flere folk som kan bidra med arbeid.Lurer egentlig på hvorfor noen er redd for at flere skal inn i styret. Vi har jo masse folk som kan gjøre en innsats der.--Harrywad 00:32, 10 May 2007 (UTC)Reply
Jeg vil ihvertfall nominere Haros til styret. Jeg syntes Haros er en veldig voksen kar, som klarer å holde seg nøytral og kommer med bra innlegg til viktige diskusjoner. Han har alltid holdt hodet kaldt, og alltid vært konstruktiv og ryddig i sin oppførsel på wikipedia. -- Atluxity 17:23, 10 May 2007 (UTC)Reply
Vi må vel ha et interimsstyrer før vi kan velge et ordentlig styre. På stiftelsesmøte får vi jo ikke valgt et styre, ikke før møte heller. Jeg tror det tar noen måneder før vi får et ordentlig styre på bena, det er jo mye som må ordnes før alt er klart til valg.--Harrywad 22:44, 10 May 2007 (UTC)Reply
Tror også at stiftelsesmøtet bør velge et (relativt lite) interimstyre, hvor alle/de fleste holder til på samme geografiske sted (Oslo?), som så forbereder det første ordinære årsmøtet i Wikimedia Norge på sensommeren/tidlig høst en gang. User:Bombadil 07:18, 11 May 2007 (UTC)Reply
Det kan godt hende du har rett, Harry, jeg har ingen erfaring med det å stifte hverke det ene eller det andre. Ikke vet jeg hva "interimsstyre" er heller, men jeg tror jeg skjønner sammenhengen. -- Atluxity 17:51, 11 May 2007 (UTC)Reply

Det er et midlertidig styre som skal ordne med alle formaliteter og forberede valget av det ”ordentlige” styret. Før stiftelsen har vi jo egentlig ingen medlemmer eller mulighet til å avholde et valg. Derfor må vi som er på stiftelsesmøte velge et midlertidig styre. Vi som møter opp er de eneste som kan være medlemmer og dermed ha stemmerett. Derfor blir det et midlertidig styre vi velger, hvor mange det blir avhenger jo også litt av hva som må ordnes før vi kan få det ”ekte” styret på bena. Det er heller ingen selvfølgelighet at de som blir med i interimstyre blir valg til det vanlige styret. Det er heller ingen selvfølgelighet at det er administratorer fra Wp i styret, et styrearbeid er ganske forskjellig fra administratorrollen og artikkelskrivning. Selv ser jeg både administratorer og ”vanlige” brukere som kan være nyttige i styret. Som det påpekes så ofte ”en administrator er bare en vanlig bruker med flere knapper”. Det kommer muligens også en av de samiske brukerne på stiftelsesmøte. --Harrywad 20:31, 11 May 2007 (UTC)Reply

Kandidater til et styre bør ha et minimum av aktivitetsnivå, og dette bør settes relativt høyt. Jeg kan vanskelig tenke meg en situasjon hvor dette ikke er på over 4-5 000 bidrag. Dette kommer rett og slett av at dette er mennesker som det vil være en forutsetning at skal legge mye tid i prosjektet. Dette er ikke et «underprosjekt» hvor bidragsyterne kan springe vekk i det øyeblikk de går lei. Det er også en del krav som stilles til et styre, noe som gjør at jeg tror det er umulig med anonyme brukere og det er også umulig med mindreårige. I tillegg må disse brukerne ha en tilstrekkelig bakgrunn innen tilsvarende arbeid da vi ikke har tid eller mulighet til å gi noen form for opplæring. Skal et slikt prosjekt ha tilstrekkelig drive så er det også viktig at styret er tilstrekkelig lite så det er effektivt. Et styre på 11 personer virker for meg å være en svært ugunstig løsning. Jeg tror det er langt mer hensiktsmessig å ha et så lite styre som mulig, kanskje 5 personer er en passende antall, ikke minst fordi dette fortsatt er håndterbart i et telefonmøte. Jeblad 09:42, 19 May 2007 (UTC)Reply

  • Ser vel ikke helt sammenhengen her Jeblad, om vi har viktige bidragsytere som produserer mange artikler eller jobber iherdig med vandalisme på Wp, bør de vel fortsette med dette. At vi skal "fjerne" de 9-11 viktigste bidragsyterne fra Wp er ikke så smart. En slik organisasjon er heller ikke det samme som å redigere eller skrive artikler på Wp. For meg høres slike krav ut som et lite gjennomtenkt krav. Sitter man i styret må/bør dette gå ut over innsatsen man kan bidra med på Wp.

Jeg ser heller ikke at en bidragsyter er mer skikket til en styreplass selv om h*n har 8000 redigeringer kontra en med 1500. Jeg vil heller forvente at et styre består av "normale" brukere, uansett bør det ikke bestå av en overvekt av administratorer. Administratorene på Wp er en minoritet, derfor bør de ikke være overvektige i styret av en slik organisasjon heller. Administratorene gjør en viktig jobb på Wp, derfor bør de fleste fortsette med dette. En slik styrejobb går selvfølgelig utover den tiden man ellers kan bruke på Wp, det vil jo eller være merkelig.

Om noen tror at en slik jobb blir enkel og uten høye krav om innsats og bruk av sin fritid tar de feil. En styreplass vil kreve mye hardt arbeid og mye av fritiden, dette er ting en som påtar seg en styreverv må være klar over. Er man ikke villig til å ofre ganske mye tid og energi bør man takke nei til en slik "jobb". Så et krav om et høyt antall redigeringer er ikke holdbart. Jeg forstår heller ikke at en som "skriver" 1000 automatiske artikler (via en "boot") er så mye "dyktigere" enn en som skriver 100 manuelt. Jeg ser heller ikke at de som retter 1000 kommafeil er dyktigere eller mer skikket til en styreplass enn de som har skrevet 100 artikler. Eller oss som lagrer hele tiden i en artikkel. Jeg tror heller dette kravet er en "snikinnføring" av at styret bare skal bestå av administratorer. Selv har jeg ingen problemer med å oppfylle kravene dine med 5000 bidrag, så jeg er ikke redd for meg selv. Nei slike krav kan vi ikke ha, ikke er det videre smart heller. Jeg har da lest her på Wp om bidragsytere som har mange tusen redigeringer som blir trøtt og lei, eller truer med å trekke seg om de blir motsagt, derfor ser jeg ikke sammenhengen i det du gir som grunnlag til dine krav om 4-5000 bidrag. Jeg tror det viktigste er at vi finner folk som er villig til å arbeide og som kan ofre mye fritid, så får det heller være greit om de har 1000 redigeringer.

Det at det også blir vanskelig med flere enn 5 er en litt merkelig påstand, jeg tror det er viktigere at vi fokuserer på løsninger enn en fokus på problemer. Selvfølgelig er det ikke vanskelig med et telefonmøte eller videomøte selv med 20 personer. Vi bør for all del unngå et styre som ikke kan eller vil samarbeide med flere, eller en bred gruppe av bidragsyterne.--Harrywad 23:49, 30 May 2007 (UTC)Reply

Jeg er helt enig med Harry her, at styrekandidater skal ha flere tusen redigeringer faller på sin egen urimelighet. Det er overhodet ikke gitt at de med mange redigeringer er best egna til å drive en organisasjon, og det vil heller ikke være produktivt for Wikipedia med et slikt krav.
Jeg synes imidlertid at vi kan starte med et relativt lavt antall styremedlemmer (sju virker fornuftig), og så heller utvide det etter hvert dersom styret mener det er behov for det. Spesielt i interimfasen tror jeg et stort styre heller er et handikapp enn en fordel; i stedet er det meget viktig at styret er mest mulig åpne om alt de gjør (jeg tror et interimstyre bør være åpent om alt, da det ikke er ment å komme i situasjoner der noe annet skulle være nødvendig), og involvere medlemmene i alt, og ta deres meninger og oppfatninger til nøye vurdering. Både en wiki og en e-postliste vil bli oppretta for Wikimedia Norge, og dette er ypperlige arenaer for slik community input. Jon Harald Søby 22:21, 7 June 2007 (UTC)Reply
Jeg er enig med at et interimstyre ikke behøver være så stort, men det ordinære styret bør være temmelig stort. Ikke glem at det er mange funksjoner som skal dekkes og at vi bor i et langstrakt lang. Styret vil også være de ”eneste” som skal arbeide for Wikimedia, selv om andre selvfølgelig vil bidra. Det at møter blir vanskeligere er heller ikke så farlig, majoriteten av tiden skal de arbeide med prosjektet. Dess flere som kan bidra med sin fritid, dess bedre. Det vil være uforholdsmessig mye arbeid for et lite styre, jeg tror det er bedre å starte med et stort styre, så kan eventuelt årsmøtet avgjøre om det blir for stort senere. Et interimstyre på 5-7 tror jeg er passelig, jeg regner med som en selvfølge at det skal være åpenhet om arbeidet til både interimstyre og det ordinære styret. --Harrywad 01:57, 8 June 2007 (UTC)Reply



Et lite spørsmål vedrørende anonymitet. De som skal ha stemmerett må jo ha betalt kontingent, men skal folk kunne bruke ”nick”? Betalers navn Bruker 91. Blir ikke dette litt vanskelig da? Eller er det bare for oss som ikke er anonyme? Noen tanker rundt dette?--Harrywad 22:35, 8 May 2007 (UTC)Reply

Man må nok betale under fullt navn, men det navnet vil selvsagt ikke bli offentliggjort dersom personen sjøl ikke vil det. Men man bør nok oppgi hva slags brukernavn man bruker på grunn av dette med stemmerett. Jon Harald Søby 22:38, 8 May 2007 (UTC)Reply
Ja det var det jeg også mente, man må vel også ha ”ekte” navn om vi skal ha støtte, men de som skal ha verv må jo selvfølgelig stå fram med fult navn. Det er jo ellers mange muligheter for ”anonym” betalingsmåter på nette også da. Men blir det betalt med fult navn så er det jo ”offentlig”, medlemslisten kan vel ikke være hemmelig egentlig? -- 00:53, 9 May 2007 (UTC)(dette var meg, --Harrywad 08:41, 9 May 2007 (UTC))Reply
Medlemslista bør være hemmelig, jeg ser ingen grunn til å offentliggjøre den. ZorroIII 09:44, 11 May 2007 (UTC)Reply
Støtter dette, ser ingen grunn til å offentliggjøre medlemslista. -- Atluxity 10:16, 14 May 2007 (UTC)Reply
Det som kan være et problem er den dagen kulturdept. sier "Nå vil vi se hvem disse 50000000 medlemmene deres vi utbetaler støtte for er", og vi da har masse kallenavn fra wikipedia på lista. Tror nok vi må forholde oss til at de som ønsker å være medlemmer i Wikimedia Norge, de kan ikke være anonyme. Bombadil 14:23, 14 May 2007 (UTC)Reply
Det er ihvertfall helt klart at vi ikke kan offentligjøre noe som knytter sammen navn og alias. -- Atluxity 15:10, 14 May 2007 (UTC)Reply
Vi kan nok ha en intern medlemsliste som består av nick, men vi kan ikke gå ut med at denne er representativ. I samme øyeblikk som det blir spurt etter en offisiell medlemsliste så må det være identifiserbare personer på denne. Det betyr ikke at denne må koble navn og nick. Jeblad 09:47, 19 May 2007 (UTC)Reply
Det er vel forsåvidt heller ikkje naudsynt med kobling mellom kallenamn på nett og medlemskap i stiftinga - ein kan i praksis godt vera medlem i stiftinga utan å registrere brukar eller bidra på nettet i det heile. Og omvendt. I tillegg kjem problematikken med at ein kanskje har 3 ulike kallenamn på bokmål, nynorsk og samisk Wikipedia. Medlemsregisteret kan ein gjennom vedtekter avgjere om skal vera lukka eller offentleg. Ved evt. kontroll/revisjon blir eit lukka register handsama konfidensielt. Eg ser personleg heller ingen grunn til å ha eit offentleg medlemsregister. -- 12:16, 26 May 2007 (UTC)Reply

Wikimedia Norge/Utkast til vedtekter


Det virker som om dette har blitt litt glemt, og den virker ikke ferdig. Hadde vært fint om folk kunne sett litt mer på denne og diskusjonen der. -- Atluxity 06:57, 14 May 2007 (UTC)Reply



Vi må jo få meddelt omverdenen om hva vi har på trappene, og jeg foreslår at vi sender ut følgende tekst til aktuelle mottakere:

Wikimedia Norge stiftes
Norske wikipedia-brukere inviterer 23. juni klokka 11.00 til stiftelsesmøte for en norsk Wikimedia-forening. Møtet finner sted i auditoriet hos Nasjonalbiblioteket på Solli Plass i Oslo. Foreningen skal ifølge den foreslåtte formålsparagrafen styrke Wikimedias prosjekter på norsk og samisk, herunder Wikipedia, Wikinytt, Wiktionary, Wikiquote, Wikibooks og Wikikilden ved:
  • Å samle inn økonomiske midler gjennom gaver og støtteordninger, og å fordele disse midlene.
  • Å koordinere samarbeidet mellom prosjektene, og å samarbeide med eksterne parter der dette kan tjene Wikimedias prosjekter.
  • Å styrke samarbeidet med Wikimedias prosjekter i andre nordiske land.
  • Å markedsføre Wikimedias prosjekter overfor befolkningen.
  • Å være et forhandlingsorgan overfor myndigheter og organisasjoner i forhold til opphavsrettslige spørsmål.
På stiftelsesmøtet kommer det til å bli valgt en arbeidsgruppe som skal forberede valg av det første styret, det skal vedtas vedtekter, og det kommer til å bli diskusjoner omkring arbeidsform og prioriteringer i den første driftsperioden.
Alle interesserte er hjertelig velkommen til møtet.

Håper på forbedringsforslag til denne teksten. Bombadil 08:13, 23 May 2007 (UTC)Reply

Ettersom ingen har kommet med motforestillinger tar jeg nå denne teksten i bruk i promotering av møtet. Bombadil 07:47, 30 May 2007 (UTC)Reply
Dersom dere bruker teksten eller varianter av den til noe, føy på under her hvor dere har sendt den.

Agenda for stiftelsesmøte


Vi må jo ha en agenda.

  1. Godkjenning og innkalling og saksliste
  2. Valg av møteleder.
  3. Valg av referent.
  4. Godkjennelse av vedtekter.
  5. Interimstyrets mandat og oppgaver.
  6. Utnevnelse av interinstyre..
  7. Eventuelt.

Noe mer?--Harrywad 22:08, 23 May 2007 (UTC)Reply

La til godkjenning av innkalling og saksliste. Røed 20:08, 24 May 2007 (UTC)
Jeg tror ikke et interimstyre er nødvendig. Vi har god tid og jeg ser ikke at vi trenger avgjørelser mellom stiftelsesmøtet og styrevalget. Det vil holde å opprette en arbeidsgruppe for å gjennomføre styrevalget. Btd 20:20, 24 May 2007 (UTC)
Et interimstyre eller ei arbeidsgruppe er vel egentlig ett fett, men jeg tror et interinstyre er det mest fornuftige.--Harrywad 22:45, 24 May 2007 (UTC)Reply

Styret - størrelse


For å samle diskusjonen litt starter jeg et nytt undertema her. Har tenkt litt mer på dette med størrelse på styret, og ser at det fins gode argumenter for både stort og lite styre. Jeg heller også mer og mer bort fra ideen om et interimstyre, men mener at vi må velge et skikkelig styre som får drive foreninga frem til første ordinære årsmøte. Når det gjelder størrelsen på styret har jeg pønsket ut et kompromissforslag. Styret består av 11 personer, som velger et arbeidsutvalg blant sine egne medlemmer. Foreningens valgte leder skal sitte i arbeidsutvalget, ellers står styret fritt til å velge arbeidsutvalget. På denne måten får man både et bredt sammensatt styre, og en spisset ledelse med stor arbeidskapasitet i forhold til foreninga. Dersom jeg får positive tilbakemeldinger på denne tankegangen skal jeg sette meg og utarbeide noen vedtektsendringsforslag som gjør dette mulig. Bombadil 14:29, 26 May 2007 (UTC)Reply

Mener du at vi som deltar på stiftelsesmøte skal velge et styre? Ellers tror jeg også at 11 er et bra tall på styret.--Harrywad 22:09, 26 May 2007 (UTC)Reply
Aha, ser i forrige tema hva dere mener, og synes det høres mest fornuftig ut: Stiftelsesmøtet vedtar størrelse på styret, og velger ei gruppe som forbereder et snarlig styrevalg. Bombadil 11:39, 29 May 2007 (UTC)Reply

<<<<<<< Maktglade tullinger! :-) Dere forsøker å institusjonalisere en bevegelse som henter sin drivkraft fra det fatktum at produksjonen skjer på frivillig og uorganisert basis. Kjedelige mennesker skal alltid gripe fatt i det entusiaster har skapt. La de tusen blomster blomstre, og la Wiki være fri fra Kulturdepartementets politiske føringer! Hilsen Eddy.

Denne meldinga viser en total mangel på forståelse på hva dette går ut på. Jon Harald Søby 20:06, 29 May 2007 (UTC)Reply
Ikke nødvendigvis. Selv om det for de fleste som nå med glede imøteser dannelsen av WikiMedia Norge ganske utvilsomt ikke handler om slike hensikter, vil det være naivt å se bort fra at det utvilsomt eksisterer miljøer som i dette finner en velkommen tilvekst til sitt repertoar av virkemidler for å styre det virkelighetsbilde den norske befolkningen utsettes for. I likhet med utestengelsen av meg fra et av de norske Wikipedia-prosjektene vil naturligvis ingen som handler ut fra slike motiver tilkjennegi sin egentlige agenda, men det hele vil utelukkende bli presentert med «logiske» og fornuftige begrunnelser (ikke fullt så fornuftige i mitt tilfelle, vil jeg mene, dersom man går prosessen etter i sømmene. Det er det ingen som så langt har villet gjøre). De som kjenner litt til hvordan samfunnet styres bak fasaden av politikere og demokratiske prosesser vet at slik er det. Det store flertall av folk blir imidlertid rutinemessig fôret med en retusjert, offisiell virkelighet som ikke etterlater rom for at slikt spill på høyt plan faktisk er en del av bildet. For disse blir antydninger og påstander om at det er slik lette å avfeie som paranoide vrangforestillinger uten rot i virkeligheten. Med i det bildet hører også at mange av dem som prøver å få fram sannheten som de opplever å ha fått tak på en flik av, ofte er mennesker med for små ressurser til å gi seg i kast med en slik oppgave. Disse lar seg som regel lett avspore (eller lede inn i endeløse labyrinter og blindgater) av de mange avledningstiltak som er opprettet nettopp for dette formål. Det er etter hvert ganske mange som er på let etter virkelighetsforklaringer de kan feste lit til etter hvert som det blir mer og mer åpenbart at det som presenteres i offentlige media er et velregissert, koordinert skuespill hvis eneste hensikt er å få folk til å se en annen vei hver gang det skjer noe virkelig som kunne bidratt til å gi en større helhetsforståelse, altså dersom folk fikk anledning til å fordøye det og sette bitene sammen med andre hendelser som tidligere, tilsvarende var blitt glattet over eller omskrevet (det som på engelsk kalles spinn og som ikke overraskende er et lite kjent begrep i Norge). __meco 14:47, 1 June 2007 (UTC)Reply
Sikkert greit det meco, men det var vel ikke det vi skulle diskutere under styrets størrelse. Er du uenig i utestengingen av deg så har du jo klage. Uansett så er ikke dette riktige stedet for en slik klage. Hvor stort styre foreslår du da? --Harrywad 16:17, 1 June 2007 (UTC)Reply



"Medlemmene betaler en årlig kontingent som bestemmes av styret. Stemmeberettigede er de som har betalt kontigent, og har vært registrert på minst ett av Wikimedias norsk- eller samiskspråklige prosjekter i minst seks måneder og har minst 2000 bidrag, og ikke er permanent utestengt."

Dette er urimelige krav, her er det altså høyere krav til å kunne stemme enn til å bli administrator på no.wp. Jeg tenker her på kravene til 2000 bidrag og de seks månedene. Dette er så spesielle krav at man må lure på hva som egentlig ligger bak dette. Tenker man på den samiske Wp betyr det at ikke mange er stemmeberettigede. På no.wp betyr det at stort sett at bare administratorer er stemmeberettigede. Dette er krav som ikke kan godkjennes og minner om en kupping fra store bidragsytere og utestegning av flertallet av medlemmene på Wp. Slikt kan ikke tolereres.

Teksten bør heller lyde noe tilsvarende dette:

"Medlemmene betaler en årlig kontingent som bestemmes av årsmøte. Stemmeberettigede er de som har betalt kontingent, og har vært registrert på minst ett av Wikimedias norsk- eller samiskspråklige prosjekter i minst en måned og har minst 100 bidrag, og ikke er permanent utestengt."

Hva er deres synspunkt?--Harrywad 12:40, 2 June 2007 (UTC)Reply



Jeg tror man bør strebe etter en mer inkluderende forening en det ser ut som at noen nå ønsker. Dette minner mer om Gutteklubben-Grei, enn en organisasjon for å ivareta Wikipedias interesser. Vi bør strebe etter flest mulige medlemmer og åpenhet, ikke bruke så mye energi i å finne måter der vi utestenger eller knebler enkeltpersoner eller grupper. I starten var vedtektene temmelig bra, men nå utvikler de seg i en farlig retning.

Organisasjonens vedtekter og lover går nå i en retning av at bare en meget liten gruppe vil ha reell innflytelse. De mindre prosjektene og bidragsyterne blir også ”diskriminert”, bare vi som er ”store” og helst tilhører no.Wp har innflytelse. Jeg burde vel egentlig sett dette som en fordel for meg personlig siden jeg både er ganske stor og er mest aktiv på no.Wp, men jeg vil heller at Wikimedia Norge skal omfavne mange, ikke bare en liten utvalgt gruppe.

Når man også hører at styret allerede er ”valgt” forstår man at noen må forandre spillereglene så bare noen kan velges og av utvalgte stemmeberetige. Tenk dere en organisasjon med flere tusen medlemmer, men bare 100 stemmeberetige og bare 20 som kan oppfylle kravene til en styreplass. Dette er ikke bare udemokratisk men også uetisk. Det at Wikipedia ikke er et demokrati er i dette tilfellet helt irrelevant. Vi bør bruke tiden på å få inn mange medlemmer og et brett styre som virkelig representerer bredden i Wikipedia.

Dette maktspillet som foregår nå er usundt! --Harrywad 13:48, 2 June 2007 (UTC)Reply

  • Tar man som utgangspunk ”kravet” om 5000 bidrag til et styremedlem, og 2000 bidrag og seks måneder sammenhengende medlemskap for stemmerett, ser man at noe er galt.

nn.Wp har 20 administratorer, men 55 % oppnår ikke kravene til å kunne bli styremedlem. 25 % vil heller ikke være stemmeberettiget. Tar man andre Wp.prosjekter ser man dette enda bedre. Tar man no.Wp oppfyller selvfølgelig alle administratorene kravene ;-). Ser man så på bidragsytere som ikke er administratorer blir tingene enda klarere. Her er det noen som vil sikre sitt eget eller ”venners” kandidatur. Vi risikerer her en organisasjon styrt og valgt av et mindretall, de blir heller ikke representative for Wikipedias bidragsytere. Jeg tror heller ikke nødvendigvis at en bidragsyter med 10000 redigeringer er en bedre lobbyist eller styremedlem enn en med 1000 bidrag.

Slutt med denne ”kuppingen” av Wikimedia Norge, fjern slike urimelige ting fra vedtektene. Prøv heller med dialog og samarbeid, la oss få inn flest mulige fra de forskjellige prosjektene, ikke nødvendigvis inn i styret men til å engasjere seg i Wikimedia Norge. Dit kommer vi ikke om vi nekter dem medlemskap og stemmerett. Ikke vær så redd for at flere får innflytelse på en organisasjon som Wikimedia Norge, det er sikkert mange dyktige folk som ikke nødvendigvis er administratorer eller på no.wp , muligens med mange tiårs styreerfaring også, da får det heller være greit at de bare har noen få bidrag. --Harrywad 20:02, 2 June 2007 (UTC)Reply

jeez... du bruker mange ord for å si enkle ting... Hvordan mener DU det burde være da? Jeg syntes det er intressant at «styret allerede er "valgt"», kan du fortelle mer om dette? Tror det er noe flere burde få vite mer om. Jeg syntes du har mange gode argumenter når det gjelder krav osv, men er ikke enig i at no.wp prøver å kuppe Wikimedia. Jeg mener det til dels har vært tanker om forskjellsbehandlig av prosjekter, men absolutt ikke til fordel for no.wp. Jeg syntes det er litt leit at du mener det foregår et maktspill, det er absolutt ikke slik jeg oppfatter det. -- Atluxity 17:48, 6 June 2007 (UTC)Reply

Om du vil ha det enkelt så får jeg prøve på det, tar det med valg og medlemmer først.

  • Alle kan bli medlem av Wikimedia Norge, også personer som er utestengt fra noen av Wikipedias prosjekter. (Ser ingen grunn til at vi skal nekte noen medlemskap)
  • Stemmeberettigede er medlemmer som har betalt kontingenten og er over 18 år, og som har hatt en konto på Wp i minimum 30 dager, og har minimum 30 ”Distinct pages edited” (man må med andre ord ha redigert 30 forskjellige sider, ikke bare lagret samme artikkelen 30 ganger.), og ikke er utestengt fra et av Wp sine prosjekter.
  • Alle stemmeberettigede er valgbar til verv i Wikimedia Norge.

Selv med disse reglene tror jeg vi er strengere enn de fleste interesseorganisasjoner i Norge. --Harrywad 19:46, 6 June 2007 (UTC)Reply

  • Så får jeg ta det neste, no.wps ”kupping”
Når det nesten bare blir deltagerne på no.Wp som oppfyller de meget spesielle kravene som har blitt forsøkt ”tilrettelagt” her, karakteriserer jeg det som en slags kupping. Siden det i realiteten blir no.Wp som ”bestemmer”.--Harrywad 20:22, 6 June 2007 (UTC)Reply
Flott, da slipper man misforståelser nå det blir så enkelt lagt frem som mulig. Jeg regner med at du mener «... og ikke er utestengt fra et av WM sine prosjekter.», Wikimedia, ikke wp for wikipedia. Jeg kunne nok også tenke meg at det gjaldt permanente blokkeringer, og ikke midlertidige blokkeringer. Jeg syntes det er virker litt "tabloid" lagt frem, det her med "kupping". -- 20:58, 6 June 2007 (UTC)Reply



Vi trenger bare et valg, ikke 4-5 forskjellige, hvorfor gjøre ting så himla vanskelig. Man stiller til valg for det prosjektet man er mest aktiv i (edit count).

Man kan da få en valgliste som kan se noe slik ut:

Anders(nn,wp) (Virkelige navn)
Atluxity (no,wp) (Virkelige navn)
C (no,wp) (Virkelige navn)
Cnyborg(no,wp) (Virkelige navn)
Haros (no,wp) (Virkelige navn)
Harrywad (no,wp) (Harry Wad)
Kph (no,wp) (Virkelige navn)
Nina (no,wp) (Virkelige navn)
Nsaa (no,wp) (Virkelige navn)
Ranveig (nn,wp) (Virkelige navn)
SBJ (se.wp) (Virkelige navn)
Tannkrem (nn.wp) (Virkelige navn)
Vibeke(no,wp) (Virkelige navn)
navn1 (no,wp) (Virkelige navn)
navn2 (no,wp) (Virkelige navn)
navn3 (nn.wp) (Virkelige navn)
navn4 (nn.wp) (Virkelige navn)
navn5 (se.wp) (Virkelige navn)
navn6 (no,wp) (Virkelige navn)
navn7 (no,wp) (Virkelige navn)
navn8 (no,wp) (Virkelige navn)
osv Her kan det jo være 50 kandidater om ønskelig.

(Virkelige navn er påført siden man ikke kan være anonym i styret, ”nicket” er der så folk lettere kan se hva personen står for på Wikipedia. navn1, 2 osv er bare for at jeg ikke gidder å finne flere navn).

  • Man gir så sin stemme til de 11 personene man vil ha inn i styret. (om det er 11 vi skal ha). De tre fra no.wp, nn,wp og se.wp med fleste stemmer er sikret plass (så fremt alle stiller med en kandidat), så kommer de 8 andre med fleste stemmer. De to med flest stemmer blir leder og nestleder. Dette er både demokratisk, enkelt og ikke minst mest oversiktlig.--Harrywad 21:08, 6 June 2007 (UTC)Reply

Krav til stemmeberettigede, kandidater osv


Jeg finner det vanskelig å godta noe annet enn at de er stemmeberettiget som er involvert i et offisielt prosjekt fra Wikimedia Foundation, og at de i dette prosjektet har «mer enn et ubetydelig antall bidrag, hvis de ikke har en blokkeringshistorikk». Sett en grense på 250 bidrag, et greit rundt tall. Er de tidligere blokkert så øk grensen til 1000 bidrag. Brukere stemmer som representant for det prosjektet de velger å representere, og hvor de har tilstrekkelig med bidrag. Hver bruker har en stemme, og stemmerett kan ikke overdras.

Kandidater til styret må en kunne anta at har en tilstrakkelig tilknyttning til ett eller flere prosjekt av betydning for Norge. Det bør også kunne stilles krav om at de tidligere har arbeidet for Wikimediaprosjekter og vist vilje og evne til å representere disse på en positiv måte. Det er en fordel om kandidatene har en bakgrunn innen organisasjonsarbeid men ikke noe krav. Jeblad 10:51, 7 June 2007 (UTC)Reply

Kravet om 250 bidrag kan i mange tilfeller være lavere enn mitt krav på 30 ”Distinct pages edited”. En person som har vært innom og bidratt på 30 sider, vet hva ting dreier seg om, det er også de færreste som bare har dette som livserfaring eller kompetanse innen data. Det at man tror/mener at folk er mer sikket til å stemme på kandidater etter 1000 bidrag enn 30 er jeg ikke så sikker på. Mange bruker lang tid til å lese ting på Wp, man kan dermed være like, om ikke mer ”sikket” til å avgjøre hvem som skal sitte i styret med 5 bidrag som med 500.
Hvem som blir valgt inn i styret avgjøres jo av de stemmeberettigede, det er ikke nødvendig med noen begrensninger på hvem som kan velges inn i styret av de stemmeberetige. Dette er mennesker som skal fronte Wikimedia Norge og drive ”lobbyvirksomhet”, om de har skrevet mange artikler eller ikke avgjør ikke deres kvalifikasjoner som styremedlem. Jeg overlater til de stemmeberettigede å velge de beste kandidatene, uansett vil jeg ikke legge føringer for slikt. Jet tror bidragsyterne på Wp er like slikket til det som oss som deltar i denne debatten.
Frem for alt vil jeg arbeide for at vi skal lage en inkluderende forening, ikke en ekskluderende. Dette tror jeg er mer i Wikipedias ånd enn alle disse begrensningene og denne kvantitetsarrogansen.
”Brukere stemmer som representant for det prosjektet de velger å representere, og hvor de har tilstrekkelig med bidrag. Hver bruker har en stemme, og stemmerett kan ikke overdras.” Dette forstår jeg ikke, Jeblad? Hvorfor skal man stemme som representant for et prosjekt? Jeg stemmer for meg, på kandidater som representerer et prosjekt. Se for øvrig mitt forslag over, Valget--Harrywad 12:30, 7 June 2007 (UTC)Reply
Å sitte i styret kan være arbeidskrevende. Dette skal være et koordinerende organ som også skal søke å samle inn midler og forvalte dem. Vi trenger ikke noen polsk riksdag med 11 medlemmer. Fem får være mer enn nok. For eksempel tre administratorer og to brukere. Når det gjelder overtall av administratorer, så begrunner jeg det krav med innsikt, kompetanse og ansvarlighet. Og det må være personer man har full tillit til vil kunne samarbeide, inngå kompromisser og opptre utad med kompetanse og autoritet. Det bør heller ikke være et krav at de bor i Oslo. Det finnes andre måter å kommunisere på enn å møtes over bordet. Man bør være svært forsiktige med personer med blokkeringshistorie og utpreget diskusjonsiver. Dette skal først og fremst fungere. Når jeg ser hvor lett man blir angrepet så trenger man personer som ikke er så lettantennelige.
Det er først og fremst et arbeid som skal gjøres.
Når dette er sagt, så beklager jeg at behovet for anonymitet kanskje vil medføre at noen av våre aller beste vil vegre seg. --Frode Inge helland 05:30, 8 June 2007 (UTC)Reply
At en stemmer som representant for et prosjekt kommer av at en ikke bør ha mulighet til å ta med slekt og venner for å albue seg inn i styret. Det er forøvrig helt sammenfallende med valgene til Wikimedia Foundation, uten at jeg husker de faktiske grensene som ble satt i det her tilfellet. eg er også enig i at 11 personer er alt for mye. 5 personer er langt mer passende. Det vil også være vanskelig å få deltagere fra alle prosjekter, og hvis vi klarer å få til 3 fra bokmål og 2 fra nynorsk så tror jeg vi har gjort en veldig god jobb. Vi bør vel også få klargjort om vi kan ha hemmelige medlemmer i et styre. Jeblad 09:57, 8 June 2007 (UTC)Reply
Det tror jeg ikke blir noe problemer med "mitt" forslag til valggjennomføring. Det er styret til Wikimedia Norge vi skal velge, derfor bør medlemmene være involvert i hele valget. På "min" måte oppfyller vi alle kravene til demokrati og medbestemmelse. --Harrywad 11:55, 8 June 2007 (UTC)Reply
  • Jeg ser fremdeles ingen annen grunn til at vi skal ha mange valg enn at det blir mindre oversiktlig. Jeg forstår virkelig ikke at man på forhånd ”vet” at men ikke kan få et fungerende styre på mer enn 5 personer. Dette er bare antagelser uten noen form for forankring til virkeligheten. Og setter begrensninger og forutsetninger som ikke er reelle.
Ser man på forslaget ”Valget” vil dette løse de fleste problemene. Her kan alle medlemmene stemme over alle kandidatene, samtidig som vi sikrer at prosjektene som er ”forfordelt” får inn sine representanter. Det at noen albuer seg frem er ikke mer sannsynlig på denne måten enn andre, sannsynligvis mindre. Men jeg ser jo at man ikke kan drive med like mye ”påvirkning” og lobbyisme for sin egen og andres kandidatur på ”min” valgmåte. Denne valgmåten er vel egentlig ikke min, men den måtes som det er normalt i en forening. Man har på denne måten mulighet til å finne de rette kandidatene til Wikimedia Norge, uavhengig hvilket prosjekt de tilhører. Selv har jeg et par kandidater på nn.wp som jeg vil støtte for en styreplass i Wikinedia. Noe som jeg kan på denne måten, om jeg må bruke ”Jeblads metode” har jeg oppfattet at jeg bare har påvirkning på hvem som kommer fra no.wp. Slik form for valg er ikke forenlig med hva som gagner Wikimedia eller hva som regnes som normalt, men er en konstruert og unødvendig form for "udemokrati". Medlemmene (de stemmeberettigede) skal ha innvirkning på hele styrets sammensetning, ikke bare på en liten del. Ikke forstår jeg at slike krumspring og fiksfakserier er nødvendig eller forenelig med vanlig oppfatning av hvordan et demokratisk valg skal gjennomføres.--Harrywad 13:36, 8 June 2007 (UTC)Reply
Jeg skjønner ærlig talt ikke hvordan du klarer å komme til en konklusjon at en bare kan stemme på folk fra samme prosjekt. Det jeg skrev er at en velger å representere ett prosjekt, med en stemme. Om du registerer konto på 200 prosjekter så har du fortsatt ikke mer enn en stemme. Videre er det velkjent for alle som har sittet i prosjektgrupper at blir disse for store så fungerer de svært dårlig. En gruppe på 11 personer er å be om problemer. Hvis det er et reellt ønske om å ha så mange som 11 i et styre så tror jeg vi bør ha en votering over det for sjansen for å få et defunc styre er alt for stor. Da bør de gå til valg med en klar visshet om at det kan bli svært vanskelig å levere resultater. Jeblad 19:08, 9 June 2007 (UTC)Reply
Muligens har jeg missforstått dette med valget, eller så har det vært uklart forklart. Kan ikke noen forklare en stakkar som ikke får dette med seg, helst veldig detaljert så det ikke kan missforståes. Jeg har ikke bedt om 200 stemmer, du kan lese mitt detaljerte forslag vedrørende valget, det bør ikke kunne missforståes. Muligens har du erfaringen med samarbeidsproblemer om det er flere som man må samarbeide med, jeg har en annen. Nå er heller ikke dette EN prosjektgruppe, men en gruppe som skal jobbe med flere prosjekter. Om man tror at dette dreier seg om et prosjekt så tror jeg at man er feilinformert. Styret skal vel jobbe med ganske mange prosjekter samtidig så jeg tror ikke det er så store faren for at de får for lite å gjøre, ei heller at de løper i bena på hverandre. Har man problemer med å samarbeide med forskjellige personer eller har vansker med å forholde seg til flere mennesker samtidig så bør man vell heller ikke påta seg slike verv. --Harrywad 19:27, 9 June 2007 (UTC)Reply
Jeg vil støtte Jeblad når han sier at han tror det blir vanskelig å ha et styre med 11 stykker. Disse folka skal tross alt kunne møte hverandre en gang i blandt, og det er vanskelig nok med 5 stykker. Jeg tror heller vi burde bassere oss på ARBEIDSGRUPPER dersom det trengs. Dette vil gi oss en fleksibilitet som kan være veldig nyttig. -- Atluxity 21:40, 9 June 2007 (UTC)Reply
Vedtektene blir jo avgjort på stiftelsesmøtet, vi får se hva som blir utfallet der. Ikke glem at det nesten er umulig å forandre disse vedtektene i ettertid, så "bastante" vedtekter som det nå er håper jeg ikke at blir vedtatt av stiftelsesmøtet. Man kan faktisk ha et like stort/lite styre med den forrige ordlyden av Kph, samtidig som den var mer framtidsrettet. Jeg tror heller ikke at jeg har hørt om et styre som består at et antall som er partall, uten at lederen har dobbeltstemme. Men det finnes sikkert, om ikke så blir dette det eneste i Norge. Det i seg selv vil vel skaffe oss mediedekning. 4 i styret, tre som er fra no.wp, nn.wp og se,wp, pluss en fjerdeperson, vi er da temmelig sikret at Wikipedias andre prosjekter ikke kommer inn i styret. Ikke kan dette så lett forandres i ettertid heller. Dette tror jeg ikke får gjennomslag på stiftelsesmøtet, eller jeg håper ikke det.--Harrywad 14:01, 11 June 2007 (UTC)Reply
11 personer i styret er hinsides. Fem er mer enn nok. Hvis et prosjekt ikke blir representert kan man ha en passus om rullering. Forslag til endring av vedtektene kan legges frem på ett årsmøte og vedtas eller forkastes på neste. Værre behøver det ikke være.
Kreves 2/3 flertall, så det er ikke så enkelt, men om du leste hva Kph skrev så var det ikke 11, MEN ”inntil 11 medlemmer”. Med den ordlyden kan man faktisk ha et styre på både 3 så vell som 11. 4 hører uansett ikke hjemme i noen sammenheng. Om det skulle være mulighet til ”rullering” må det også inn. Dette blir jo avklart på møte så jeg er ikke nervøs for at dette som står nå blir godkjent. --Harrywad 17:22, 11 June 2007 (UTC)Reply
Er helt enig at sammensetningen må være ulikt tall. 11 er å skyte seg selv i foten.--Frode Inge Helland 19:25, 11 June 2007 (UTC)Reply
"inntil 11" :-) --Harrywad 22:30, 11 June 2007 (UTC)Reply
Bedre med et mer begrenset antall, men dog oddetall - det har dere rett i. Det er ikke noe som hindrer at andre kan tilknyttes et styre for spesifikke oppgaver underveis, så en begrensning på 11 vil der være et hinder, akkurat som det kan være fór for diskusjonsglade som trenger et agendapunkt for å starte dem. 5 er brukbart gjengs. God plan. Noorse 22:39, 11 June 2007 (UTC)Reply

Video fra stiftelsesmøtet


Jeg foreslår at vi setter opp en videooverføring for de som ikke kan være tilstede på møtet. Denne vil da kun ha spredning til et begrenset antall brukere som ellers ikke vil ha mulighet til å involvere seg. Jeblad 12:06, 8 June 2007 (UTC)Reply

Blir dette åpent for alle eller bare en "forhåndsgodkjent" gruppe? En annen ting med møtet er det økonomiske, hvem betaler for ting? Stifterne?--Harrywad 12:32, 8 June 2007 (UTC)Reply
Det vil vel bli opp til bombadil å få ordnet det praktiske rundt en slik videooverføring, ihvertfall delvis. Om noen har utstyr og kompetanse så er jo det flott. Når det gjelder det økonomiske, og da tolker jeg det som du mener rundt akkurat det aktuelle møtet, så ser jeg ingen utgiftsposter enda... -- Atluxity 21:34, 9 June 2007 (UTC)Reply

Arbeidet med å gjøre norsk Wikimedia til en integrert del av den norske statsforvaltningen

Irrelevant konspirasjonsavsnitt fra person med en meget alternativ virkelighetsoppfattelse fjerna av Jon Harald Søby. De som vil finne det kan gjøre det her, men vennligst ikke mat trollene. Jon Harald Søby 12:29, 21 June 2007 (UTC)Reply
OK da sier jeg bare, uenig med deg. --Harrywad 13:22, 21 June 2007 (UTC)Reply
Slik gjør man i diktaturer med meninger man ikke liker. Du unnslår seg ikke for å utøve din makt som steward på Meta-Wiki til ren meningssensur. Dersom ingen andre finner at de vil utfordre deg i din sensurgjerning så har jeg i alle tilfelle lagt innlegget mitt åpent tilgjengelig (og søkbart) som en egen underside til min brukerside her på Meta-Wiki, her.
__meco 15:28, 21 June 2007 (UTC)Reply

Vedtekter på norsk


Ser at vedtektene for Wikimedia Noreg eksisterer på Samisk på bokmål. Kvi finst dei ikkje på norsk? -- 19:57, 13 September 2007 (UTC)Reply

Jeg regner med du mener hvorfor de ikke finnes på nynorsk. Det er fordi ingen har oversatt dem enda. Det er fritt fram. :) -- SLB (no) 00:19, 14 September 2007 (UTC)Reply

Alternativt referat fra stiftelsesmøtet


Et alternativt referat fra stiftelsesmøtet kan lese her. __meco 10:28, 16 September 2007 (UTC)Reply

Riksmål og bokmål



"Norsk bokmål, nynorsk og nordsamisk likestilles i organisasjonen.[...]"

Siden både Riksmål og bokmål er tillat i Wikipedia, vil det ikke da også være naturlig å tillate det i Wikimedia Norge også?

Riksmål er i praksis et subsett av den offisielle norske skriftnormen bokmål. Skal vi tillate riksmål må vi også tillate høgnorsk og evt. andre uoffisielle skriftnormer eller -språk. Det blir lite hensiktsmessig å ha alle disse i vedtektene. -- SLB (no) 18:08, 28 September 2007 (UTC)Reply

Du kan ikke sammenligne Riksmål med Høgnorsk. Sistnevnte er det svært få som bruker, så det ville neppe by på noe problem. Men hvis en følger din logikk: Wikimedia skal jo også være på Nordsamisk; hvorfor innebærer ikke dette at dere må ha med en rekke andre minoritetsspråk i tillegg? Mange i Norge bruker f.eks. pakistansk, svensk, arabisk etc. etc. Jeg tør påstå at det er flere som skriver Riksmål til dagelig enn samisk. At Wikimedia nå skal utelukke en levende tellemåte og en rekke vanlige ord, synes jeg er dumt. Jeg vet at Wikipedia tillater riksmålsformer, og da er det vel en selvfølge at stiftelsen som skal verne og arbeide for nettopp dette leksikonet tillater det samme.

Jeg synes dere burde endre vedtekten til:

"Norsk bokmål/riksmål, nynorsk og nordsamisk likestilles i organisasjonen.[...]"

Inbjudan till Wikimedia Sveriges årsmöte den 15 mars i Göteborg



Vi i Wikimedia Sverige tycker att det skulle vara kul ifall någon eller några av er som är aktiva i Wikimedia Norge skulle vilja komma på vårt årsmöte den 15 mars 2008. Det äger rum i Göteborg, i Stadsbiblioteket. Mer information finns på vår sida om årsmötet eller så kan man maila mig. Med vänliga hälsningar, svHannibal 12:16, 6 February 2008 (UTC)Reply



Jeg etterlyser informasjon om hva som skjer og hvordan framdriften er.--Harrywad 00:44, 20 February 2008 (UTC)Reply

Protokoll 2008


La meg først få takke for tilliten dere har vist ved å velge meg som leder for 2008/2009. Har noen peiling på når protokoll fra årsmøtet vil foreligge, jeg vil for eksempel gjerne vite hvilke vedtekter jeg skal lede organisasjonen etter?. Dessuten fint hvis folka i styret kan ta kontakt med meg enten på IRC eller på mail snarest. Bombadil 07:36, 23 June 2008 (UTC)Reply

Jeg skal legge ut referatet snart, skal bare kontakte Jeblad, Harry og Hans for å sørge for at det ikke er noe feil eller noe som mangler. Jon Harald Søby 10:19, 24 June 2008 (UTC)Reply
Be også Hans om å oppdatere vedtektene. Jeg kan ordne engelsk, bare jeg sitter med en diff. Det samiske må Trond ordne (og hvis noen nynorskkyndige (undertegnet ikke inkludert) vil oversette så er det fritt frem for det). — H92 (t · c · no) 17:22, 25 June 2008 (UTC)Reply



Wee! http://w2.brreg.no/enhet/sok/detalj.jsp?orgnr=993101583 ! ZorroIII 22:05, 23 September 2008 (UTC)Reply

Gratulationer från Wikimedia Sverige


Grattis från systerorganisationen i öster till att ni blivit godkända som chapter. Jag läste om det i ett mail från Michael Snow, men det ligger ännu inte bland resolutionerna på http://www.wikimediafoundation.org, så ganska tidigt är det fortfarande. Lycka till med era första projekt. Jag hoppas att vi kommer att ha mycket samarbete framöver.

Med vänliga hälsningar, svHannibal 13:14, 4 November 2008 (UTC) (ordförande för Wikimedia Sverige)Reply

Tack så mycket! Jon Harald Søby 22:49, 5 November 2008 (UTC) (sekreterare för Wikimedia Norge)Reply

Antall medlemmer


To korte spørsmål (hvis jeg bør spørre annetsteds, kan noen informere meg)? 1. Hvor mange registrerte medlemmer har Wikimedia Norge per i dag? 2. Er det planlagt medlemsmøter i løpet av første halvår 2009? Guaca 12:20, 16 December 2008 (UTC)Reply

Sist opptelling, det vil si bankens utskrift for november, identifiserer 14 medlemmer. Etter den tid har det kommet til noen ekstra og et firmamedlem. Sosiale treff som tidligere gikk innen konteksten av «Wikipedia» blir nå i regi av Wikimedia Norge. Det betyr at juletreffet 8. eller 9. januar (no:Wikipedia:Påmelding julebord 2008), det er fortsatt litt åpent, blir første treff i regi av WM Norge. Jeblad 11:36, 19 December 2008 (UTC)Reply

Norwegian Wikiquote


I hope you're all aware of Proposals for closing projects/Closure of Norwegian Wikinews 2. PiRSquared17 (talk) 01:21, 30 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

Wikimedia LGBT

Wikimedia LGBT+
Wikimedia LGBT+ is a proposed thematic organization that seeks to promote the development of content on Wikimedia projects which is of interest to LGBT+ communities. Proposed activities include outreach at LGBT events, Wikimania and other Wikimedia events, an international campaign called Wiki Loves Pride, and work on safe space policies, among other collaborations and interwiki projects. Active Wikimedians are welcome to join this cause! Please consider adding your name as a participant/supporter. Current tasks include translating pages, building a strong framework here at Meta, and achieving user group status (with the eventual goal of becoming a thematic organization). Your feedback is welcome on the discussion page.

--Another Believer (talk) 17:25, 1 November 2013 (UTC)Reply

This is an update from the Wikimedia Affiliations Committee. Translations are available.

The Affiliations Committee is requesting comments on proposed best practices for Wikimedia user group logos. The committee will seek community input until Saturday, May 24, 2014. After considering the community's input, the Affiliations Committee will publish on Meta-Wiki guidelines for Wikimedia user group logos.

There is already a standard format used by chapters, and that format is being applied to thematic organizations as well. Chapters and thematic organizations have also worked with Wikimedia Foundation legal in the past on custom logos. Wikimedia user groups may also create custom logos, and the new trademark policy allows for logos to be based off the community or Wikimedia Foundation logos. However, there remains a question of the best practice for standard user group logos.

Please make any comments or ask any questions on Meta-Wiki at Affiliations Committee/RFCs/Wikimedia user group logos.

Thank you - Wikimedia Affiliations Committee

Posted by the MediaWiki message delivery on 23:08, 14 May 2014 (UTC) • TranslateGet helpSubscribe or unsubscribe.

The Affiliations Committee is looking for new members. The committee's work requires communication with volunteers all over the World, negotiating skills and cultural sensitivity and the ability to understand legal texts. We try to get a healthy mix of different skill sets in our members.

Members are usually selected every twelve months for staggered two-year terms. The applications will be voted on by the current members not seeking re-election, taking into account comments put forward by the committee's members, advisers, WMF staff and board liaisons based on the membership criteria. A final decision will be made by the end of October 2014, with new members expected to join on or around 1 November 2014.

Please read the full call for candidates for more information, membership criteria, and details on how to apply.

Best regards,
Carlos Colina
Chair, Affiliations Committee

Posted by MediaWiki message delivery on behalf of the Affiliations Committee, 07:46, 5 September 2014 (UTC) • TranslateGet helpSubscribe or unsubscribe.

This is a message from the 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee. Translations are available.


I am pleased to announce that nominations are now being accepted for the 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections. This year the Board and the FDC Staff are looking for a diverse set of candidates from regions and projects that are traditionally under-represented on the board and in the movement as well as candidates with experience in technology, product or finance. To this end they have published letters describing what they think is needed and, recognizing that those who know the community the best are the community themselves, the election committee is accepting nominations for community members you think should run and will reach out to those nominated to provide them with information about the job and the election process.

This year, elections are being held for the following roles:

Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees is the decision-making body that is ultimately responsible for the long term sustainability of the Foundation, so we value wide input into its selection. There are three positions being filled. More information about this role can be found at the board elections page.

Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC)
The Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) makes recommendations about how to allocate Wikimedia movement funds to eligible entities. There are five positions being filled. More information about this role can be found at the FDC elections page.

Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) Ombud
The FDC Ombud receives complaints and feedback about the FDC process, investigates complaints at the request of the Board of Trustees, and summarizes the investigations and feedback for the Board of Trustees on an annual basis. One position is being filled. More information about this role can be found at the FDC Ombudsperson elections page.

The candidacy submission phase lasts from 00:00 UTC April 20 to 23:59 UTC May 5 for the Board and from 00:00 UTCApril 20 to 23:59 UTC April 30 for the FDC and FDC Ombudsperson. This year, we are accepting both self-nominations and nominations of others. More information on this election and the nomination process can be found on the 2015 Wikimedia elections page on Meta-Wiki.

Please feel free to post a note about the election on your project's village pump. Any questions related to the election can be posted on the talk page on Meta, or sent to the election committee's mailing list, board-elections -at- wikimedia.org

On behalf of the Elections Committee,
-Gregory Varnum (User:Varnent)
Coordinator, 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee

Posted by the MediaWiki message delivery on behalf of the 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee, 04:56, 21 April 2015 (UTC)TranslateGet helpReply

This is an update from the Wikimedia Affiliations Committee. Translations are available.

The Wikimedia Affiliations Committee is requesting comments on the approval process and agreements for Wikimedia user groups.

Wikimedia user groups are groups of Wikimedia users who support and promote the Wikimedia projects in the offline world by organizing meetups and other projects. The Wikimedia Affiliations Committee's responsibilities include approval of new Wikimedia user groups.

The committee will seek community input until Friday, May 1, 2015. The committee will then review the community's input, and publish the new process and agreements on Meta-Wiki. The committee will again seek community input approximately six months after any changes are adopted to gauge effectiveness and if any additional changes are necessary.

Please see the RFC page on Meta-Wiki for more information and to provide feedback.

Thank you - Wikimedia Affiliations Committee

Posted by MediaWiki message delivery on behalf of the Affiliations Committee, 04:26, 24 April 2015 (UTC) • TranslateGet helpSubscribe or unsubscribe.

This is a message from the 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee. Translations are available.

Voting has begun for eligible voters in the 2015 elections for the Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) and FDC Ombudsperson. Questions and discussion with the candidates for the Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) and FDC Ombudsperson will continue during the voting. Nominations for the Board of Trustees will be accepted until 23:59 UTC May 5.

The Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) makes recommendations about how to allocate Wikimedia movement funds to eligible entities. There are five positions on the committee being filled.

The FDC Ombudsperson receives complaints and feedback about the FDC process, investigates complaints at the request of the Board of Trustees, and summarizes the investigations and feedback for the Board of Trustees on an annual basis. One position is being filled.

The voting phase lasts from 00:00 UTC May 3 to 23:59 UTC May 10. Click here to vote. Questions and discussion with the candidates will continue during that time. Click here to ask the FDC candidates a question. Click here to ask the FDC Ombudsperson candidates a question. More information on the candidates and the elections can be found on the 2015 FDC election page, the 2015 FDC Ombudsperson election page, and the 2015 Board election page on Meta-Wiki.

On behalf of the Elections Committee,
-Gregory Varnum (User:Varnent)
Volunteer Coordinator, 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee

Posted by the MediaWiki message delivery 03:40, 4 May 2015 (UTC) • TranslateGet help

This is a message from the 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee. Translations are available.

Voting has begun for eligible voters in the 2015 elections for the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees. Questions and discussion with the candidates for the Board will continue during the voting.

The Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees is the ultimate governing authority of the Wikimedia Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization registered in the United States. The Wikimedia Foundation manages many diverse projects such as Wikipedia and Commons.

The voting phase lasts from 00:00 UTC May 17 to 23:59 UTC May 31. Click here to vote. More information on the candidates and the elections can be found on the 2015 Board election page on Meta-Wiki.

On behalf of the Elections Committee,
-Gregory Varnum (User:Varnent)
Volunteer Coordinator, 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee

Posted by the MediaWiki message delivery 17:20, 17 May 2015 (UTC) • TranslateGet help

This is an update from the Wikimedia Affiliations Committee. Translations are available.

The Wikimedia Affiliations Committee is pleased to introduce the launch of the Wikimedia Affiliates mailing list, which is basically a place for all the affiliates (chapters, thematic organizations, user groups) to discuss issues related to affiliates, make announcements to other affiliates, and collaborate on activities and community-wide events. The idea is to help facilitate the dialogue affiliates across our movement, plus collaborative discussions like community-wide activities, joint edit-a-thons, regional conferences, blog/report posts, or other communications from affiliates.

Each Wikimedia movement affiliate is allocated three spots on the mailing list. All affiliates may contact the Affiliations Committee to request additional spots if needed.

Please find a bit more information on Meta-Wiki and do not hesitate to contact the Affiliations Committee if you have further questions.

Thank you - Wikimedia Affiliations Committee

Posted by MediaWiki message delivery on behalf of the Affiliations Committee, 07:51, 27 October 2015 (UTC) • TranslateGet helpSubscribe or unsubscribe.

This is a message regarding the proposed 2015 Free Bassel banner. Translations are available.

Hi everyone,

This is to inform all Wikimedia contributors that a straw poll seeking your involvement has just been started on Meta-Wiki.

As some of your might be aware, a small group of Wikimedia volunteers have proposed a banner campaign informing Wikipedia readers about the urgent situation of our fellow Wikipedian, open source software developer and Creative Commons activist, Bassel Khartabil. An exemplary banner and an explanatory page have now been prepared, and translated into about half a dozen languages by volunteer translators.

We are seeking your involvement to decide if the global Wikimedia community approves starting a banner campaign asking Wikipedia readers to call on the Syrian government to release Bassel from prison. We understand that a campaign like this would be unprecedented in Wikipedia's history, which is why we're seeking the widest possible consensus among the community.

Given Bassel's urgent situation and the resulting tight schedule, we ask everyone to get involved with the poll and the discussion to the widest possible extent, and to promote it among your communities as soon as possible.

(Apologies for writing in English; please kindly translate this message into your own language.)

Thank you for your participation!

Posted by the MediaWiki message delivery 21:46, 25 November 2015 (UTC) • TranslateGet help

This is an update from the Wikimedia Affiliations Committee. Translations are available.

The Affiliations Committee – the committee responsible for guiding volunteers in establishing Wikimedia chapters, thematic organizations, and user groups – is looking for new members!

The main role of the Affiliations Committee is to guide groups of volunteers that are interested in forming Wikimedia affiliates. We review applications from new groups, answer questions and provide advice about the different Wikimedia affiliation models and processes, review affiliate bylaws for compliance with requirements and best practices, and advise the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees on issues connected to chapters, thematic organizations and Wikimedia user groups.

The committee consists of twelve members, six of whom are selected every twelve months for staggered two-year terms.

Key skills

Being a part of the Affiliations Committee requires communication with volunteers all over the world, negotiating skills, cultural sensitivity, and the ability to understand legal texts. We try to get a healthy mix of different skill sets in our members. The key skills and experience that we look for in candidates are:

  • Excitement by the challenge of helping to empower groups of volunteers worldwide.
  • Willingness to process applications through a set, perhaps bureaucratic process.
  • Readiness to participate in political discussions on the role and future of affiliates, models of affiliations, and similar questions.
  • Availability of up to 5 hours per week, and the time to participate in a monthly ~2 hour voice/video meeting.
  • International orientation.
  • Very good communication skills in English.
  • Ability to work and communicate with other languages and cultures.
  • Strong understanding of the structure and work of affiliates and the WMF.
  • Knowledge of different legal systems and experience in community building and organising are a plus.
  • Effective communication skills in other languages are a major plus.
  • Experience with or in an active affiliate is a major plus.
  • Willingness to use one's real name in committee activities (including contacts with current and potential affiliates) when appropriate.

We are looking for people who are not afraid of the workload and are motivated by helping other volunteers to get organized and form communities that further our mission around the world.

Selection process

As a reflection of our commitment to openness, transparency, and bilateral engagement with the Wikimedia community, the 2015 member selection process will include a public review and comment period. All applications received by the committee will be posted on Meta (at Affiliations Committee/Candidates/2015), and the community will be invited to provide comments and feedback about each candidate.

At the end of the public comment period, the applications will be voted on by the members of the committee who are not seeking re-election, taking into account comments put forward by the committee's members, advisors, WMF staff and board liaisons, and the community. A final decision will be made by mid-January 2016, with new members expected to join later that month.

How to apply

If you are interested in joining the committee, please send an application to affcom@lists.wikimedia.org by 31 December 2015. You will get a confirmation that your application was received.

Your application should include the following:

  • Your full name
  • Your contact information (including e-mail address and username)
  • A statement describing your relevant experience, skills, and motivation for joining the committee.

Your statement will be published for community review and feedback, so please do not include any information that you are not comfortable sharing.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email me and/or the committee as a whole. We are happy to chat or have a phone call with anyone about our work if this helps them decide to apply. Please distribute this call among your networks, and do apply if you are interested!

Best regards,
Carlos Colina
Chair, Affiliations Committee

Posted by MediaWiki message delivery on behalf of the Affiliations Committee, 16:53, 9 December 2015 (UTC) • Please help translate to your languageGet helpSubscribe or unsubscribe.

Get involved in Wikipedia 15!


This is a message from the Wikimedia Foundation. Translations are available.

As many of you know, January 15 is Wikipedia’s 15th Birthday!

People around the world are getting involved in the celebration and have started adding their events on Meta Page. While we are celebrating Wikipedia's birthday, we hope that all projects and affiliates will be able to utilize this celebration to raise awareness of our community's efforts.

Haven’t started planning? Don’t worry, there’s lots of ways to get involved. Here are some ideas:

Everything is linked on the Wikipedia 15 Meta page. You’ll find a set of ten data visualization works that you can show at your events, and a list of all the Wikipedia 15 logos that community members have already designed.

If you have any questions, please contact Zachary McCune or Joe Sutherland.

Thanks and Happy nearly Wikipedia 15!
-The Wikimedia Foundation Communications team

Posted by the MediaWiki message delivery, 20:53, 18 December 2015 (UTC)Please help translate to your languageHelpReply

Inviting you to participate in the women editing contest "The women you have never met"


Dear Wikimedia Norge,

Hope this message finds you all well :) On behalf of Iberocoop network I want to invite you to be part of the women editing contest we are organizing along with many other chapters and user groups in the movement. You are doing an excellent work on your local context and we will be so pleased to have you on board. In this very early stage, we are asking the organizations to add their interest in the following meta page Hope to see you there soon! Hugs--Anna Torres (WMAR) (talk) 15:04, 16 January 2017 (UTC)Reply

De-Recognition of Affiliates with Long-standing Non-Compliance


This is an update from the Wikimedia Affiliations Committee. Translations are available.

Recognition as a Wikimedia affiliate - a chapter, thematic organization, or user group - is a privilege that allows an independent group to officially use the Wikimedia name to further the Wikimedia mission. While most Wikimedia affiliates adhere to the basic compliance standards set forth in their agreements with the Wikimedia Foundation, a protocol has been developed to address the exceptional cases when a Wikimedia affiliate does not meet basic compliance standards and their continued recognition as a Wikimedia affiliate presents a risk to the Wikimedia movement.

In the past year, the Affiliations Committee - with support from Wikimedia Foundation staff - has made a concerted effort to address a handful of chapters with long-standing issues of non-compliance. As a result, in the coming days and months, a small number of chapters that have been unable to return to compliance through their efforts in the past year will not have their chapter agreements renewed. As a consequence, these organizations will no longer have the additional rights to use the Wikimedia trademarks, including the Wikimedia name, that had been granted under those agreements.

If you have questions about what this means for community members in the affected affiliates’ region or language areas, we have put together a basic FAQ. The FAQ talk page is available for additional questions and comments, and the Affiliations Committee is happy to answer questions directly.

Posted by MediaWiki message delivery on behalf of the Affiliations Committee, 15:55, 13 February 2017 (UTC) • Please help translate to your languageGet helpSubscribe or unsubscribe.

Review of initial updates on Wikimedia movement strategy process


Note: Apologies for cross-posting and sending in English. Message is available for translation on Meta-Wiki.

The Wikimedia movement is beginning a movement-wide strategy discussion, a process which will run throughout 2017. For 15 years, Wikimedians have worked together to build the largest free knowledge resource in human history. During this time, we've grown from a small group of editors to a diverse network of editors, developers, affiliates, readers, donors, and partners. Today, we are more than a group of websites. We are a movement rooted in values and a powerful vision: all knowledge for all people. As a movement, we have an opportunity to decide where we go from here.

This movement strategy discussion will focus on the future of our movement: where we want to go together, and what we want to achieve. We hope to design an inclusive process that makes space for everyone: editors, community leaders, affiliates, developers, readers, donors, technology platforms, institutional partners, and people we have yet to reach. There will be multiple ways to participate including on-wiki, in private spaces, and in-person meetings. You are warmly invited to join and make your voice heard.

The immediate goal is to have a strategic direction by Wikimania 2017 to help frame a discussion on how we work together toward that strategic direction.

Regular updates are being sent to the Wikimedia-l mailing list, and posted on Meta-Wiki. Beginning with this message, monthly reviews of these updates will be sent to this page as well. Sign up to receive future announcements and monthly highlights of strategy updates on your user talk page.

Here is a review of the updates that have been sent so far:

More information about the movement strategy is available on the Meta-Wiki 2017 Wikimedia movement strategy portal.

Posted by MediaWiki message delivery on behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation, 20:27, 15 February 2017 (UTC) • Please help translate to your languageGet help

Overview #2 of updates on Wikimedia movement strategy process


Note: Apologies for cross-posting and sending in English. This message is available for translation on Meta-Wiki.

As we mentioned last month, the Wikimedia movement is beginning a movement-wide strategy discussion, a process which will run throughout 2017. This movement strategy discussion will focus on the future of our movement: where we want to go together, and what we want to achieve.

Regular updates are being sent to the Wikimedia-l mailing list, and posted on Meta-Wiki. Each month, we are sending overviews of these updates to this page as well. Sign up to receive future announcements and monthly highlights of strategy updates on your user talk page.

Here is a overview of the updates that have been sent since our message last month:

More information about the movement strategy is available on the Meta-Wiki 2017 Wikimedia movement strategy portal.

Posted by MediaWiki message delivery on behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation, 19:42, 9 March 2017 (UTC) • Please help translate to your languageGet help

We invite you to join the movement strategy conversation (now through April 15)


05:00, 18 March 2017 (UTC)

Please accept our apologies for cross-posting this message. This message is available for translation on Meta-Wiki.

On behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee, I am pleased to announce that self-nominations are being accepted for the 2017 Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees Elections.

The Board of Trustees (Board) is the decision-making body that is ultimately responsible for the long-term sustainability of the Wikimedia Foundation, so we value wide input into its selection. More information about this role can be found on Meta-Wiki. Please read the letter from the Board of Trustees calling for candidates.

The candidacy submission phase will last from April 7 (00:00 UTC) to April 20 (23:59 UTC).

We will also be accepting questions to ask the candidates from April 7 to April 20. You can submit your questions on Meta-Wiki.

Once the questions submission period has ended on April 20, the Elections Committee will then collate the questions for the candidates to respond to beginning on April 21.

The goal of this process is to fill the three community-selected seats on the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees. The election results will be used by the Board itself to select its new members.

The full schedule for the Board elections is as follows. All dates are inclusive, that is, from the beginning of the first day (UTC) to the end of the last.

  • April 7 (00:00 UTC) – April 20 (23:59 UTC) – Board nominations
  • April 7 – April 20 – Board candidates questions submission period
  • April 21 – April 30 – Board candidates answer questions
  • May 1 – May 14 – Board voting period
  • May 15–19 – Board vote checking
  • May 20 – Board result announcement goal

In addition to the Board elections, we will also soon be holding elections for the following roles:

  • Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC)
    • There are five positions being filled. More information about this election will be available on Meta-Wiki.
  • Funds Dissemination Committee Ombudsperson (Ombuds)
    • One position is being filled. More information about this election will be available on Meta-Wiki.

Please note that this year the Board of Trustees elections will be held before the FDC and Ombuds elections. Candidates who are not elected to the Board are explicitly permitted and encouraged to submit themselves as candidates to the FDC or Ombuds positions after the results of the Board elections are announced.

More information on this year's elections can be found on Meta-Wiki. Any questions related to the election can be posted on the election talk page on Meta-Wiki, or sent to the election committee's mailing list, board-elections(at)wikimedia.org.

On behalf of the Election Committee,
Katie Chan, Chair, Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee
Joe Sutherland, Community Advocate, Wikimedia Foundation

Posted by MediaWiki message delivery on behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee, 03:35, 7 April 2017 (UTC) • Please help translate to your languageGet help

19:02, 3 May 2017 (UTC)

19:25, 16 May 2017 (UTC)

21:03, 23 May 2017 (UTC)

Translating Ibero-America is back! Come and join us :)


Dear Wikimedia Norge ,
Hope this message finds you well!
Again this year 2017 the Iberocoop network is launching the editing contest "Translating Ibero-American" aiming to position the Ibero-american culture outside our borders :)
You can find the contest page here
We hope your community can join us!
Hugs--Anna Torres (WMAR) (talk) 20:02, 1 June 2017 (UTC)Reply

Learning Quarterly: October 2017


L&E Newsletter / Volume 4 / Issue 14 / October 2017
Learning Quarterly

Stay tuned
blogs, events
& more!

Inviting you to participate in the women editing contest "The women you have never met"


Dear Wikimedia Norge!

Hope this message finds you all well :) On behalf of Iberocoop network I want to invite you to be part of the women editing contest we are organizing along with many other chapters and user groups in the movement. You are doing an excellent work on your local context and we will be so pleased to have you on board. In this very early stage, we are asking the organizations to add their interest in the following meta page Hope to see you there soon! Hugs----Anna Torres (WMAR) --Anna Torres (WMAR) (talk) 15:31, 25 January 2018 (UTC)Reply

Learning Quarterly: January 2018


Share your feedback in this global Wikimedia survey


Dear Wikimedia Affiliates,
My name is María Cruz and I work for the Wikimedia Foundation on the Learning and Evaluation team. In one week or so, the Foundation is starting a global survey to learn about the experiences and feedback of Wikimedians. I am writing here, because I wanted to share with you a bit more about the project.
The survey is called "Wikimedia Communities and Contributors" and is conducted annually. We will send the survey to editors across all the Wikimedia projects, as well as Wikimedia affiliates and volunteer developers. This survey is going to be our way of making sure that we can hear feedback from a significant number of users from across the projects. This research supports editors and Wikipedia’s mission. This is our second annual CE Insights survey, and we look forward to improving it every year.
We will be contacting 2 people from each affiliate, based on the primary contact information that we have. Each affiliate will receive an additional third link which they can distribute to any leader in their chapter or user group.
Go to the project page to see the results of last year’s survey, and to see how your feedback helps the Wikimedia Foundation support communities. You can sign up to be notified about the results of the survey, or to learn how you can help with planning the survey next year.
If you have any questions or concerns about this project, please feel free to send them to Edward Galvez's talk page on Meta-Wiki or email him directly at surveys(_AT_)wikimedia · org in any language. You can learn more about this project and read about frequently asked questions. You can also share your feedback on Meta-Wiki.

Thank you for your time supporting this project!
María Cruz

MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 23:42, 19 March 2018 (UTC)Reply

Learning Quarterly: June 2018


Learning Quarterly: November 2018


L&E Newsletter / Volume 5 / Issue 17 / November 2018
Learning Quarterly

Stay tuned
blogs, events
& more!

This is an update from the Wikimedia Affiliations Committee.

The Affiliations Committee – the committee responsible for guiding volunteers in establishing Wikimedia chapters, thematic organizations, and user groups – is looking for new members!

The main role of the Affiliations Committee is to guide groups of volunteers that are interested in forming Wikimedia affiliates. We review applications from new groups, answer questions and provide advice about the different Wikimedia affiliation models and processes, review affiliate bylaws for compliance with requirements and best practices, and advise the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees on issues connected to chapters, thematic organizations and Wikimedia user groups.

The committee can include up to fifteen members, roughly half of whom are selected every twelve months for staggered two-year terms. Those joining the committee during the current process will serve a two-year term ending in December 2020.

Key skills

Being a part of the Affiliations Committee requires communication with volunteers all over the world, negotiating skills, cultural sensitivity, and the ability to understand legal texts. We look for a healthy mix of different skill sets in our members, including the following key skills and experience:

- Willingness to process applications through a set, perhaps bureaucratic process.
- Readiness to participate in political discussions on the role and future of affiliates, models of affiliation, and similar topics.
- Availability of up to 5 hours per week, and the time to participate in a monthly two-hour voice/video meeting.
- International orientation.
- Fluency in English.
- Ability to work and communicate with other languages and cultures.
- Strong understanding of the structure and work of affiliates and the Wikimedia Foundation.
- Knowledge of different legal systems and experience in community building and organizing are a plus.
- Skills in other languages are a major plus.
- Experience with or in an active affiliate is a major plus.
- Strong track record of effective collaboration (such as evidenced skills at facilitation, mediation, negotiation, and so forth) are a major plus.
- Willingness to use one's real name in committee activities (including contacts with current and potential affiliates) when appropriate.

We are looking for people who are excited by the challenge of empowering volunteers to get organized and form communities that further our mission around the world. In exchange, committee members selected will gain the experience of supporting their world-wide colleagues to develop their communities as well as personal development in guiding organizational development, facilitating affiliate partnerships, and professional communications.

Selection process

As a reflection of our commitment to openness, transparency, and bilateral engagement with the Wikimedia community, the 2018 member selection process will include a public review and comment period. All applications received by the committee will be posted on Meta at Affiliations Committee/Candidates/December 2018, and the community will be invited to provide comments and feedback about each candidate.

At the end of the public comment period, the applications will be voted on by the members of the committee who are not seeking re-election, taking into account comments put forward by the committee's members, advisors, Wikimedia Foundation staff and board liaisons, and the community. A final decision will be made by mid-January 2019, with new members expected to join later that month.

How to apply

If you are interested in joining the committee, please post your application on the nomination page and send an email announcing your application to affcom@lists.wikimedia.org by 31 December 2018. Your application must include the following information:

- Your full name and Wikimedia username
- A statement describing your relevant experience, skills, and motivation for joining the committee.
- Answers to the following three questions:

  1. How do you think affiliates work best together to partner on effective projects and initiatives?
  2. What do you see as the role of affiliates in the Wikimedia movement in the next three years?
  3. What do you feel you will bring to the committee that makes you a uniquely qualified candidate?

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me and/or the committee as a whole. We are happy to chat or have a phone call with anyone about our work if this helps them decide to apply. Please distribute this call among your networks, and do apply if you are interested!

Best regards,
Kirill Lokshin
Chair, Affiliations Committee

Posted by MediaWiki message delivery on behalf of the Affiliations Committee, 06:25, 17 December 2018 (UTC)

New Affiliations Committee appointments


AffCom is excited to share with you the news that the Wikimedia Foundation Board has unanimously approved the changes to the Bylaws during the last Board meeting on January 30, 2019.

This change allows the participation of User Groups in the Affiliate-selected Board seats (ASBS) 2019 process.

To read the Board's announcement, please click here

--MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 14:45, 21 February 2019 (UTC)Reply

Help us make Wikipedia talk pages more accessible to more participants



Our team at the Wikimedia Foundation is working on a project to improve the ease-of-use and productivity of wiki talk pages. As an affiliate, I can imagine you’ve run into challenges explaining talk pages to first-time participants, or it is an consultation that would interest your members.

We want all contributors to be able to talk to each other on the wikis – to ask questions, to resolve differences, to organize projects and to make decisions. Communication is essential for the depth and quality of our content, and the health of our communities.

We're currently leading a global consultation on how to improve talk pages, and we're looking for groups that can discuss and report on their experiences using (or helping other people to use) wiki talk pages. We'd like to invite you to participate, with the user groups that you belong to. You can learn more about the consultation at Mediawiki.org and if you're interested in hosting a group discussion (on-wiki or off-wiki), you can sign up at the participant sign-up group.

If you’d like to participate or if you have any questions, please contact us and let us know. The more people participate from many horizons, the better the outcome will be.

Thank you! Trizek (WMF) 15:29, 8 March 2019 (UTC)Reply

Call for complementary facilitators and more to get the ASBS 2019 process started!


Hi everyone, hope all is fine with you!

The next weeks will be intense, as affiliates figure out their participation in the process that will soon select 2 people for the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees. Since new Bylaws established that the user groups are for the first time going to be involved in such process, a lot more support than before is certainly going to be necessary, among other things, for big and healthy conversations on the topic. Hence, please encourage members of your group to become a complementary facilitator, or sign up yourself! You can add yourself to the list on Meta or reply to me to flag availability. One person from the facilitators group should soon be selected to liaise with the Foundation Board’s Chair, María Sefidari, on behalf of all affiliates, and it may be wise to also find a deputy for them.

Finally, if you can think of any huge obstacles that would prevent your group from participating to the process (for instance, a language barrier, or lack of good decision-making mechanisms, etc.), please reach out to me directly: it is really important that we hear about them as early as possible. Thank you! Elitre (WMF) 15:23, 12 March 2019 (UTC)Reply

Update on the Affiliate-selected Board seats 2019 process


Hi all,

The Election Facilitators met on Friday, April 5. We finalized the resolution, which is now frozen. The Board of Trustees of the Wikimedia Foundation will be asked to approve the resolution.

We have made two small changes to be more inclusive. We extended the date for compliance with AffCom reporting and being in good standing to May 7 to allow time for as many Affiliates as possible to be current with these requirements. The Election Facilitators adjusted the language in case a quorum is not met during the election.

On the talk page of the resolution one issue was raised. The issue looks like to be about a possible candidate. Affiliates will have ample time to discuss the merits of candidates during nomination time, screening time, and they can cast their votes on candidates. The Election Facilitators didn't see the necessity for this change, and left the resolution on this point unchanged.

The Election Facilitators will be Abhinav Srivastava, Lane Rasberry, Jeffrey Keefer, Ad Huikeshoven, Neal McBurnett and Alessandro Marchetti. We will welcome more volunteers to assist us in this process, to reach out to the diversity in language and gender in our communities, and do so in an advisory role.

The nomination period opens on April 15. We are going to prepare nomination pages on Meta. You can expect a call for nominations. There is a draft call, including a candidates' profile section with non-binding guidelines about experience and characteristics for nominees. You are welcome to add your insights, or discuss on the talk page.

Erica Litrenta (WMF staff) supports us in this process. She will reach out to all affiliates through mail and other channels to make sure we are up to date with (user)name and contact details of your primary contact.

On behalf of the Election Facilitators, Ad Huikeshoven 10:52, 6 April 2019 (UTC)Reply

Hello everyone!

  • The Resolution has been approved by the Board of Trustees;
  • Nominations phase is now open, from April 15 00:00 UTC to April 30 23:59 UTC. See the Call for Candidates and Nominations pages;
    • Community members may ask questions of the candidates;
  • Your main representative has just received an email to confirm that they are indeed the primary contact and will perform official actions on behalf of your group (such as endorsing candidates and then voting). Some groups also need to verify their eligibility status in due time, as explained in the email;
  • New content is available to spread awareness around the process - the infographic on this page has clickable links and can be translated, and a primer is available, that we hope will be particularly helpful to those new to such a process;
  • Finally, you are welcome to help with translations! Pick one page from the ASBS category and, in the next couple of weeks, please consider translating profiles of the candidates in particular.

Thanks for your attention! The Facilitators for ASBS 2019, 07:33, 15 April 2019 (UTC)

Affiliate-selected Board seats 2019 process: your representative


Hello. The name of the only person who will vote on behalf of this group to select the next two Board members is now at m:Affiliate-selected Board seats/2019/Eligible entities. Please contact me directly as soon as possible if you need any kind of corrections there. There's only a few hours left to endorse candidates, and only the official voter can do that. I would also like to take this opportunity to remind you that you can make a difference with the necessary translations.

Appreciate your attention and your support so far! Thank you! Elitre (WMF) and Facilitators of ASBS 2019, 12:15, 29 April 2019 (UTC)Reply

Introducing Wikimedia Space: A platform for movement news and organizations


Hi Wikimedia Norge,
I’m writing to let you know that the Community Engagement department [1]at the Wikimedia Foundation is launching a new platform, Wikimedia Space. Here, you will find stories for and by contributors to the Wikimedia movement, and a space for discussions of different topics.

We know that finding information about Wikimedia activities and processes is very complicated, which makes the learning curve to enter our movement and be successful afterwards, really steep. By centralizing community stories and conversations in one shared space, we believe we are facilitating access and discoverability of topics across the movement, improving, in turn, connections among Wikimedians.

As an affiliated organization to the Wikimedia Foundation, we hope that you can share this platform with your local community, and we count on you to encourage them to add their voices. If you’d like to contribute stories, and overall, participate in the discussion section, please read our blogging guidelines and our code of conduct and join the conversation. Find more information about the project on its page on Meta.

Looking forward to seeing you at Wikimedia Space,
María Cruz, Communications and Outreach Manager, Wikimedia Foundation.
MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 17:53, 25 June 2019 (UTC) Reply


Introducing Wikimedia Diary: A memory book (notebook) for all

Wikimedia Diary
Hello Wikimedia Norge, I wanna share you about Wikimedia Diary, a public memory book (notebook) in which Wikimedians from all over the world are free to write any worth noting event/activities/experiences by them or community in this Wiki world. It is a more casual place to write about what one is up to.

As we all know, a diary is a book in which diarist keeps a daily record of events and experiences. Likewise, the basic idea of Wikimedia Diary is that we do many activities here in wiki world which we are proud of, but unfortunately it became only the history anytime. So, It is meant to record those activities on the happened date with a signature (~~~~) which is worth noting, and letting fellow Wikimedians know about what inspirational you've did. It would motivate users from all around the world to keep on cool activities and publish a note. I hope you share your activities with all of us on the page, and please let your friends know about Wikimedia Diary. Also, your feedback is welcome on the discussion page. Thank you!
Kind regards,
Tulsi Bhagat, Initiator of Wikimedia Diary, Wikimedia movement communications group.
MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 08:09, 15 November 2019 (UTC)Reply

The Affiliations Committee (AffCom) – the committee responsible for guiding volunteers in establishing Wikimedia chapters, thematic organizations, and user groups – is looking for new members!

The main role of the Affiliations Committee is to guide groups of volunteers that are interested in forming Wikimedia affiliates. We review applications from new groups, answer questions and provide advice about the different Wikimedia affiliation models and processes, review affiliate bylaws for compliance with requirements and best practices, and update the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees as well as advise them on issues connected to chapters, thematic organizations and Wikimedia user groups.

The committee consists of fourteen members, selected every twelve months for staggered two-year terms. Those joining the committee during the current process will serve a two-year term ending in December 2021.

AffCom continues to closely monitor the Wikimedia 2030 Strategy process that was initiated in 2016. While the affiliation models continue to be discussed as part of the broader strategy discussion, as no decisions have been made to change the current affiliation models yet, AffCom will continue to work in the same manner with regard to affiliate recognitions and intervention support for affiliates with issues of non-compliance in 2020. Specifically, AffCom will continue to process applications for user group and chapter/thematic organization creation, while we await the strategy next steps and begin to prepare for a smooth transition of the committee and affiliates ecosystem to any changing movement structures and systems in 2021.

Being a part of the Affiliations Committee requires communication with volunteers all over the world, negotiating skills, cultural sensitivity, and the ability to understand legal texts. We look for a healthy mix of different skill sets in our members.


Across all committee members there are additional relevant skills as well as requirements which help to support the committee and its sustainability which include both required and relevant general skills

Required Skills

  • Fluency in English
  • Availability of up to 5 hours per week, and the time to participate in a monthly one and two-hour voice/video meetings.
  • Willingness to use one's real name in committee activities (including contacts with current and potential affiliates) when appropriate.
  • Strong track record of effective collaboration
  • International orientation

Relevant Skills

  • Skills in other languages are a major plus.
  • Public Communications (English writing and speaking skills)
  • Strong understanding of the structure and work of affiliates and the Wikimedia Foundation.
  • Documentation practices
  • Interviewing experience
  • Knowledge of different legal systems and experience in community building and organizing are a plus
  • Experience with, or in, an active affiliate is a major plus.
  • Teamwork
    • Focusing on shared goals instead of disagreements
    • Focusing on the conflict at hand and not past ones
    • Ensuring each member of the team has a clearly defined role, which can help reduce disagreements over areas of responsibility
    • Project and people management to coordinate different parties on a shared plan and seeing it through to completion.
  • Problem-Solving
    • Ability to evaluate various solutions
    • Ability to consider multiple interests and points of view
    • Willingness to revisit unresolved issues
    • The capacity to recognize and respond to important matters
    • The ability to seek compromise and avoid punishing
  • Ability to work and communicate with other languages and cultures.

Given the expectations for maintaining course in 2020 and preparing for potential 2021 transitions, it is important that we are also clear about two different skill sets critical to committee support at this time. The first skillset is oriented to understanding affiliate dynamics and organizational development patterns to successfully process affiliate applications for recognition; the other is oriented to conflict prevention and intervention support for affiliates in conflict.

Affiliate Recognitions Relevant Skills

  • Administration
    • Willingness to process applications through a set, perhaps bureaucratic process.
    • Attention to detail
  • Monitoring & Strategic Development
    • Readiness to participate in political discussions on the role and future of affiliates, models of affiliation, and similar topics.
  • Organizational Awareness
    • Understanding of and community building and organizational development
    • Understanding of group dynamics
    • Awareness of the affiliates ecosystem and models

Conflict Prevention & Intervention Relevant Skills

  • Communication
    • Active listening
    • Reading nonverbal cues
    • Knowing when to interrupt and when to stay quiet
    • Being culturally sensitive at the same time remaining clear and concise when explaining a concept or opinion
  • Stress Management
    • Patience
    • Positivity
    • Ability to inject a dose of humor to dilute anger and frustration when needed
    • Taking well-timed breaks that can bring calm in the midst of flared tempers
    • Ability to manage stress while remaining alert and calm
  • Emotional Intelligence
    • Being emotionally aware,
    • Ability to control emotions and behaviors,
    • Ability to practice empathy,
    • Impartiality,
    • Don’t take anything personally,
    • Being aware of and respectful of differences.
  • Facilitation skills
    • Meeting facilitation experience
    • Peer or community mediation training
    • Peer or community mediation experience

Do you have any of these skill sets and an interest to support movement affiliates?

We are looking for people who are excited by the challenge of empowering volunteers to get organized and form communities that further our mission around the world. In exchange, committee members selected will gain the experience of supporting their world-wide colleagues to develop their communities as well as personal development in guiding organizational development, facilitating affiliate partnerships, and professional communications.

Selection process


As a reflection of our commitment to openness, transparency, and bilateral engagement with the Wikimedia community, the 2019 member selection process will include a public review and comment period. We invite you to share with us you applications, specifying your focus area you’re interested in. All applications received by the committee will be posted on Meta, and the community will be invited to provide comments and feedback about each candidate.

At the end of the public comment period, the applications will be voted on by the members of the committee who are not seeking re-election, taking into account comments put forward by the committee's members, advisors, Wikimedia Foundation staff and board liaisons, and the community. A final decision will be made by mid-January 2020, with new members expected to join later that month.

How to apply


If you are interested in joining the committee, please post your application on the nomination page and send an email announcing your application to AffCom(_AT_)lists.wikimedia.org by 10 January 2020. Your application must include the following information:

  • Your full name and Wikimedia username
  • A statement describing your relevant experience, skills, and motivation for joining the committee.
  • Answers to the following questions:
  1. How do you think affiliates work best together to partner on effective projects and initiatives?
  2. What do you see as the role of affiliates in the Wikimedia movement in the next three years?
  3. What do you feel you will bring to the committee that makes you uniquely qualified?
  4. Which subcommittee are you most interested in serving on: Recognitions OR Conflict Prevention & Intervention?

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me and/or the committee as a whole. We are happy to chat or have a phone call with anyone about our work if this helps them decide to apply. Please distribute this call among your networks, and do apply if you are interested!

On behalf of the committee,

Camelia Boban, AffCom member

Invitation to participate in Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos


Dear Wikimedia Affiliate Community,

We are inviting you to participate in Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos (WPWP), a new global contest scheduled to run from July through August 2020:

Participants will choose among Wikipedia pages without photo images, then add a suitable file from among the many thousands of photos in the Wikimedia Commons, especially those uploaded from thematic contests (Wiki Loves Africa, Wiki Loves Earth, Wiki Loves Folklore, etc.) over the years.

WPWP offers a focused task for guiding new editors through the steps of adding content to existing pages. It can be used to organize editing workshops and edit-a-thons.

The organizing team is looking for a contact person at the Chapter, Thematic group & Wikimedia User Group level (geographically or thematically), or for a language WP, to coordinate the project locally. We’d be glad for you to sign up directly at WPWP Participating Communities

Thank you,

Deborah Schwartz Jacobs

On behalf of Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos Organizing Team - 21:19, 9 May 2020 (UTC)

Call for candidates - June 2020


Hi everyone,

The Affiliations Committee (AffCom) – the committee responsible for guiding volunteers in establishing and sustaining Wikimedia chapters, thematic organizations, and user groups – is seeking new members!

The main role of the AffCom is to guide groups of volunteers that are interested in forming Wikimedia affiliates. We review applications from new groups, answer questions and provide advice about the different Wikimedia affiliation models and processes, review affiliate bylaws for compliance with requirements and best practices, and update the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees as well as advise them on issues connected to chapters, thematic organizations and Wikimedia user groups.

The committee consists of five to fifteen members, selected at least once every year, to serve two-year terms. As the committee must hold mid-year elections to replenish its members at this time, those joining the committee during the current process will serve a slightly extended term from July 2020 through December 2022.

AffCom continues to closely monitor the Wikimedia 2030 Strategy process initiated in 2016. While the affiliation models continue to be discussed as part of the broader strategy discussion, as no decisions have been made to change the current affiliation models yet, AffCom continues to work in the same manner with regard to affiliate recognitions and intervention support for affiliates with issues of non-compliance in 2020. AffCom continues to process applications for user group and chapter/thematic organization creation, while we await the strategy next steps and begin to prepare for a smooth transition of the committee and affiliates ecosystem to any changing movement structures and systems in 2021.

Being a part of the AffCom requires communication with volunteers all over the world, negotiating skills, cultural sensitivity, and the ability to understand legal texts. We look for a mix of different skill sets in our members.

Click here for further details.

James Heilman on behalf of AffCom

MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 06:18, 13 June 2020 (UTC)Reply

Affiliations Committee elections announcement June 2020


Hi everyone,

This is a friendly reminder that the Affiliations Committee (AffCom) – the committee responsible for guiding volunteers in establishing and sustaining Wikimedia chapters, thematic organizations, and user groups – is seeking new members! The deadline to post your application on the nomination page is 30 June 2020.

  • Application process: Considering the anticipated changes following the Strategy recommendations, we had a limited scope to introduce changes in the process. We have made a small but impactful addition to the application process by introducing the Self Assessment survey form which will help the committee know more about your engagement as endorsements are not consistently shared, may not be representative, and often do not speak to the specific skills needed.
  • Selection process: No change; see: Membership.

If you have any questions, please contact me and/or the committee as a whole. We are happy to answer questions about our work if this helps people decide to apply. Please distribute this announcement among your networks. Good luck to all the candidates!

On behalf of the committee,

--Rosiestep (talk) 00:49, 19 June 2020 (UTC) via MassMessagingReply

Feedback on movement names


There are a lot of conversations happening about the future of our movement names. We hope that you are part of these discussions and that your community is represented.

Since 16 June, the Foundation Brand Team has been running a survey in 7 languages about 3 naming options. There are also community members sharing concerns about renaming in a Community Open Letter.

You should have received a separate affiliate survey via email. If you have not, feel free to email brandproject(_AT_)wikimedia.org.

Our goal in this call for feedback is to hear from across the community, so we encourage you to participate in the survey, the open letter, or both. The survey will go through 7 July in all timezones. Input from the survey and discussions will be analyzed and published on Meta-Wiki.

Thanks for thinking about the future of the movement --The Brand Project team, 13:37, 2 July 2020 (UTC)

Note: The survey is conducted via a third-party service, which may subject it to additional terms. For more information on privacy and data-handling, see the survey privacy statement.

Announcing a new wiki project! Welcome, Abstract Wikipedia


Hello everyone. I am posting the announcement below, which you may have missed elsewhere, and in the hope that you can share it with your local communities. Please note that it may be available in your language at m:Special:MyLanguage/Abstract Wikipedia/July 2020 announcement. Thanks for your attention! m:User:Elitre (WMF)

Sunday September 20 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting

Birds of a feather flock together.

The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.

Following up on the August SWAN meeting and June's All-Affiliates Brand Meeting, as well as strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates, this month we are meeting on Sunday September 20, and you are all invited to RSVP here.--Pharos (talk) 01:56, 18 September 2020 (UTC)Reply

Movement Strategy - What Are Your Choices For Implementation


Hello Wikimedia Norge,

The time has come to put Strategy into work and everyone's invited to participate.

The Movement Strategy Design Group and Support Team are inviting you to organize virtual meetings with your community and colleagues before the end of October. The aim is for you to decide what ideas from the Movement Strategy recommendations respond to your needs and will have an impact in the movement. The recommendations are available in different formats and in many languages. There are 10 awesome recommendations and close to 50 recommended changes and actions or initiatives. Not everything will be implemented. The aim of prioritization is to create an 18-month implementation plan to take some of the initiatives forward starting in 2021.

Prioritization is at the level of your group, affiliate, and community. Think local and relevant! Regional and thematic platforms are great ways to prepare and share ideas. Afterwards, we will come together in November to co-create the implementation plan. More information about November’s global events will be shared soon. For now and until the end of October, organize locally and share your priorities with us.

You can find guidance for the events, the simple reporting template, and other supporting materials here on Meta. You can share your results directly on Meta, by email, or by filling out this survey. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any questions or comments, strategy2030(_AT_)wikimedia.org

We will be hosting office hours to answer any questions you might have, Thursday October 1 at 14.00 UTC (Google Meet).

MPourzaki (WMF) (talk) 16:18, 25 September 2020 (UTC)Reply

Notification of Past Due Chapter Reporting



This is a notification to bring to your attention that your organization is currently past due on its required annual reporting. Chapters and thematic organizations are required to submit 2 reports each year: an activity report and a financial statement covering all accounts and all incoming and outgoing expenses. Both reports must cover the entirety of the 12-month annual period and must be written in English, posted to meta via the Wikimedia Affiliates Data Portal.

Reports page is used to track how organizations and groups are meeting reporting requirements described in their agreements with the Wikimedia Foundation (e.g. chapter agreements, thematic organization agreements, user group agreements). It is the central place where affiliates can add reports about their activities, share their plans, and even news or social media channels with the wider movement. When new reports are available, organizations and groups should add them to this page to keep their columns up to date.

Annual reporting is due no later than 4 months following the end of an organization's fiscal year.

As noted on the Reports page, your organization’s 2019-2020 annual activities and financial reporting became past due in April.

Please be sure to:

  1. Post your 2019-2020 annual activities and financial reporting to the meta via the Wikimedia Affiliates Data Portal page as soon as possible to return to compliance with your chapter agreement.
  2. Please send an email to Wikimedia-l in order to share with a movement-wide audience.

If you have any questions or need any further guidance, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Best regards,
MKaur (WMF) (talk) 19:46, 1 October 2020 (UTC)Reply

Sunday October 25 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting

Friendship is a movement value.

The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.

Following up on the September and August SWAN meetings, and June's All-Affiliates Brand Meeting, as well as strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including the recent proposed changes to the Wikimedia Foundation Bylaws, this month we are meeting on Sunday October 25, and you are all invited to RSVP here.--Pharos (talk) 17:06, 20 October 2020 (UTC)Reply

Join the Global Conversations on November 21 and 22


Hola, こんにちは, E kaabo, Ciao, ਸਤਿ ਸ਼੍ਰੀ, Hello, سلام, Halo, Salut, 你好, Nnọọ, হ্যালো, Hallo, สวัสดี, Dzień dobry, Gyebale ko, வணக்கம், Mi Kwabo, ନମସ୍କାର, приветствие, שלום, Mholo, नमस्ते, γεια, Ahoj, ഹലോ, 여보세요, مرحبا, Բարեւ Ձեզ, Xin chào, Hallå, ಹಲೋ, Sawubona, નમસ્તે, Здраво, Merhaba, Talofa, హలో, Olá, ನಮಸ್ಕಾರ

Wikimedia Norge, we would love to see you at the upcoming Movement Strategy Global Conversations. It’s been a while.

The Movement Strategy Global Conversations will take place on Saturday November 21, 11:00 to 15:00 UTC, and Sunday November 22, 17:00 to 21:00 UTC, and you are warmly invited.

The focus will be to look at priorities identified by communities and affiliates, and to begin to create a movement-wide implementation plan for 2021. The main sessions will be in English. Any group interested to support live interpretation in another language may be able to receive a rapid grant. Let us know as soon as possible.

Please register by Nov. 20 so we can share the Zoom login information with you. If you have any questions or comments, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Support Team via Telegram, Wikimedia Chat or by email at strategy2030(_AT_)wikimedia.org.

Looking forward to seeing you on November 21 or 22.

MPourzaki (WMF) (talk) 16:05, 16 November 2020 (UTC)Reply

Call for insights on ways to better communicate the work of the movement


The Movement Strategy recommendations published this year made clear the importance of establishing stronger communications within our movement. To this end, the Foundation wants to gather insights from communities, including affiliates, on ways we all might more consistently communicate about our collective work, and better highlight community contributions from across the movement. Over the coming months, we will be running focus groups and online discussions to collect these insights. We hope your affiliate will decide to share your thoughts by participating in a focus group or joining the discussion on Meta-Wiki.

ELappen (WMF) (talk) 18:54, 18 November 2020 (UTC)Reply

Sunday November 29 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting

Take flight with us.

The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.

Following up on the August, September, and October SWAN meetings, and June's All-Affiliates Brand Meeting, as well as strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including the recent proposed changes to the Wikimedia Foundation Bylaws, this month we are meeting on Sunday November 29, and you are all invited to RSVP here.

(Note that the UTC times of and are the same as before, although a number of places have had daylight savings time changes since our last meeting).--Pharos (talk) 18:44, 24 November 2020 (UTC)Reply

Global Conversations continue on December 5 and 6


Hola, こんにちは, Ciao, Hello, سلام, Halo, Salut, 你好, Nnọọ, হ্যালো, Hallo, สวัสดี, Dzień dobry, வணக்கம், приветствие, שלום, Mholo, हैलो, γεια, Ahoj, ഹലോ, 여보세요, مرحبا, Բարեւ Ձեզ, Olá, Xin chào, Hallå, ಹಲೋ, Sawubona, Здраво, Merhaba, Talofa, హలో

Global Conversations Dec. 5 & 6

Hi Wikimedia Norge. 250 people participated in virtual Global Conversations that took place on November 21 and 22. The conversation continues on December 5 and 6 and we warmly invite you to take part. Registration is open until December 4. Looking forward to seeing you.

Since September, many groups have shared their local, regional, and thematic priorities for implementing the Movement Strategy recommendations. During the first set of Global Conversations on Nov. 21 and 22, we focused on initiatives that should be globally prioritized and coordinated. We invite you to read the selected global priorities. What do you like about them? What is missing? And what would make you want to play an active role in implementation? Share your thoughts in advance and continue the conversation on December 5 and 6.

Looking forward to seeing you again, or for the first time, on December 5 and 6.

MPourzaki (WMF) (talk) 20:58, 25 November 2020 (UTC)Reply

Sunday January 10 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting

Into the blue.

The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.

Following up on the August, September, October, and November SWAN meetings, and June's All-Affiliates Brand Meeting, as well as strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including SWAN input on Interim Global Council and Movement Charter, this month we are meeting on Sunday January 10, and you are all invited to RSVP here.

To start the exchange of ideas on the IGC early, and to help prepare before the SWAN calls, we have set up and invite everyone to participate at this etherpad. If you like a more interactive way of discussing, we have also made a jamboard. Check here for more details.

--Pharos (talk) 18:36, 1 January 2021 (UTC)Reply

Project Grant Open Call


This is the announcement for the Project Grants program open call that started on January 11, with the submission deadline of February 10, 2021.
This first open call will be focussed on Community Organizing proposals. A second open call focused on research and software proposals is scheduled from February 15 with a submission deadline of March 16, 2021.

For the Round 1 open call, we invite you to propose grant applications that fall under community development and organizing (offline and online) categories. Project Grant funds are available to support individuals, groups, and organizations to implement new experiments and proven ideas, from organizing a better process on your wiki, coordinating a campaign or editathon series to providing other support for community building. We offer the following resources to help you plan your project and complete a grant proposal:

Weekly proposals clinics via Zoom during the Open Call. Join us for #Upcoming_Proposal_Clinics|real-time discussions with Program Officers and select thematic experts and get live feedback about your Project Grants proposal. We’ll answer questions and help you make your proposal better.

Program officers are also available to offer individualized proposal support upon request. Contact us at projectgrants@wikimedia.org if you would like feedback or more information.

We are excited to see your grant ideas that will support our community and make an impact on the future of Wikimedia projects. Put your idea into motion, and submit your proposal by February 10, 2021!

Please feel free to get in touch with questions about getting started with your grant application, or about serving on the Project Grants Committee. Contact us at projectgrants(_AT_)wikimedia.org.
RSharma (WMF)MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 07:56, 28 January 2021 (UTC)Reply

Sunday February 21 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting

We are a mosiac.

The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.

Following up on the August, September, October, November, and January SWAN meetings and June's All-Affiliates Brand Meeting, as well as strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates, this month we are meeting on Sunday February 21, and you are all invited to RSVP here.

To help set priorities for the SWAN agenda, and also to help manage which global conversations should be a focus in general, we have set up and invite everyone to participate at this SWAN priorities form.

Possible topics include Community Board seats, Interim Global Council, Strategy prioritization follow-up events, Branding, Universal Code of Conduct, Grant strategy, and WMF CEO search. That is a lot of things, which are most important to cover in our upcoming SWAN meeting?

--Pharos (talk) 18:46, 15 February 2021 (UTC)Reply

Sunday March 21 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting

Community as a hand-carved gem.

The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.

Following up on the August, September, October, November, January, and February SWAN meetings and June's All-Affiliates Brand Meeting, as well as strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including Grants relaunch and Community Board seats, this month we are meeting on Sunday March 21, and you are all invited to RSVP here.

(Note that the UTC times of and are the same as before, although some places have had daylight savings time changes since our last meeting).--Pharos (talk) 04:09, 17 March 2021 (UTC)Reply

Sunday April 25 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting

Swanlings grow up together.

The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.

Following up on the August, September, October, November, January, February, and March SWAN meetings and June's All-Affiliates Brand Meeting, as well as strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including Interim Global Council + Movement Charter, WMF Resolution about the upcoming Board elections, Community Resilience and Sustainability role in Movement Strategy coordination, Grants Strategy Relaunch, Wikimedia Enterprise / OKAPI, and WMF Executive Transition

This month we are meeting on Sunday April 25, and you are all invited to RSVP here.

(Note that the UTC times of and are the same as before, although some places may have had daylight savings time changes since our last meeting).--Pharos (talk) 18:36, 21 April 2021 (UTC)Reply

Invitation for Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos 2021


Hello there,

We are inviting you to participate in Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos 2021, a global contest scheduled to run from July through August 2021.

Participants will choose among Wikipedia pages without photo images, then add a suitable file from among the many thousands of photos in the Wikimedia Commons, especially those uploaded from thematic contests (Wiki Loves Africa, Wiki Loves Earth, Wiki Loves Folklore, etc.) over the years.

In its first year (2020), 36 Wikimedia communities in 27 countries joined the campaign. Events relating to the campaign included training organized by at least 18 Wikimedia communities in 14 countries.

The campaign resulted in the addition of media files (photos, audios and videos) to more than 90,000 Wikipedia articles in 272 languages.

Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos (WPWP) offers an ideal task for recruiting and guiding new editors through the steps of adding content to existing pages. Besides individual participation, the WPWP campaign can be used by user groups and chapters to organize editing workshops and edit-a-thons.

The organizing team is looking for a contact person to coordinate WPWP participation at the Wikimedia user group or chapter level (geographically or thematically) or for a language WP. We’d be glad for you to reply to this message, or sign up directly at WPWP Participating Communities.

Please feel free to contact Organizing Team if you have any query.

Kind regards,
Tulsi Bhagat
Communication Manager
Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos Campaign
Message delivered by MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 04:48, 3 May 2021 (UTC)Reply

Affiliations Committee Call for Candidates - June 2021


This is an update from the Wikimedia Affiliations Committee. Translations are available.

The Affiliations Committee – the committee responsible for guiding volunteers in establishing Wikimedia chapters, thematic organizations, and user groups – is looking for new members!

The main role of the AffCom is to guide groups of volunteers that are interested in forming Wikimedia affiliates. We review applications from new groups, answer questions and provide advice about the different Wikimedia affiliation models and processes, review affiliate bylaws for compliance with requirements and best practices, and update the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees as well as advise them on issues connected to chapters, thematic organizations and Wikimedia user groups.

The committee consists of five to fifteen members, selected at least once every year, to serve two-year terms.

Being a part of the AffCom requires communication with volunteers all over the world, negotiating skills, cultural sensitivity, and the ability to understand legal texts. We look for a mix of different skill sets in our members.

  • Availability of up to 5-8 hours per month
  • Participate in monthly one and two-hour voice/video meetings
  • Commitment to carry out assigned tasks in a given time.
  • Facilitate and support communications
  • Affiliate Support and growth
Required and Recommended Abilities, Skills, Knowledge for Affiliations Committee Members

Strong interpersonal relationship among members of the committee and also with the Wikimedia community members. Across all committee members, there are additional relevant skills as well as requirements which help to support the committee and its sustainability which include both required and relevant general skills

  • Fluency in English
  • Availability of up to 5 hours per week, and the time to participate in a monthly one and two-hour voice/video meetings.
  • Willingness to use one's real name in committee activities (including contacts with current and potential affiliates) when appropriate.
  • Strong track record of effective collaboration
  • International orientation
Relevant for all members
  • Public Communications (English writing and speaking skills)
  • Skills in other languages are a major plus.
  • Understanding of the structure and work of affiliates and the Wikimedia Foundation.
  • Documentation practices
  • Interviewing experience
  • Experience with, or in, an active affiliate is a major plus.
  • Teamwork: Project and people management skills to coordinate and collaborate with different parties on a shared plan and see it through to completion.
  • Problem-Solving: Ability to evaluate various solutions, consider multiple interests and points of view, revisit unresolved issues, seek compromise and work and communicate across languages and cultures.

Given the expectations for maintaining the course in 2021 and preparing for potential 2021 transitions as part of the Movement Strategy implementation process, it is important that we are also clear about two different skill sets critical to committee support at this time. The first skillset is oriented to understanding affiliate dynamics and organizational development patterns to successfully process affiliate applications for recognition; the other is oriented to conflict prevention and intervention support for affiliates in conflict.

Relevant to Affiliate Recognitions
  • Administration & Attention to detail
  • Readiness to participate in political discussions on the role and future of affiliates, models of affiliation, and similar topics.
  • Awareness of the affiliates ecosystem and models and understanding of community building, organizational development, and group dynamics
Relevant to Conflict Prevention & Intervention
  • Communication skills for active listening, clear instruction and turn-taking.
  • Stress Management skills for maintaining patience and positivity
  • Emotional intelligence to maintain awareness of emotions of oneself and others to practice empathy, impartiality, and mutual respect.
  • Facilitation, negotiation, and mediation skills to guide diverse individuals and groups toward cooperation.
  • Ability to work within a team

Do you have relevant skills and interest to support movement affiliates?

We are looking for people who are excited by the challenge of empowering volunteers to get organized and form communities that further our mission around the world. In exchange, committee members will gain the experience of supporting their world-wide colleagues to develop their communities as well as personal development in guiding organizational development, facilitating affiliate partnerships, and professional communications.

Selection process

As a reflection of our commitment to openness, transparency, and bilateral engagement with the Wikimedia community, the 2021 member selection process will include a public review and comment period and a self-assessment survey for candidates to share their skills and experience. This self-assessment information will help the committee to identify the skill sets relevant to our affiliate support processes. We invite you to apply for membership to the committee and join us in supporting the affiliates. The data shared in the self-assessment will only be made available to the committee and the relevant staff support. The nomination, candidate Q&A, and endorsements will be posted on Meta for public review at https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Affiliations_Committee/Candidates/June_2021. Here the global community is welcome to provide comments and feedback about each candidate.

Once the nomination window closes June 30, 2021, the sitting members who are not candidates for re-election in this cycle will deliberate and then vote, taking into account all inputs from the meta page, self-assessment, advisors, Wikimedia Foundation staff and board liaisons, and committee member discussion.

A final decision will be made in late-July 2021, with new members to be notified for onboarding in August.

How to apply

If you are interested in joining the committee, please:

Step 1. Post your application on the nomination page by 30 June 2021. Your application must include the following information:

  1. Your full name and Wikimedia username
  2. A statement describing your relevant education, experience, abilities, skills, knowledge, availability, and motivation for joining the committee.

Step 2. Complete the self-assessment survey between June 01, 2021 and June 30, 2021.

  • The privacy statement that applies to the survey can be found here.
  • NOTE: The survey will take 15 mins. Please do not close your browser. If you need a break, you are advised to keep the browser open. In case of losing the link, please reach out to mkaur-ctr(_AT_)wikimedia.org
  • This survey must be completed before Steps 3 & 4, as it will provide more background as to the type of work and expectations of members of AffCom.

Step 3. Answers the following questions:

  • NOTE: Questions 1-3 are required for all candidates.
  • Question 4 & 5 should be answered by those interested in joining the Recognitions subcommittee.
  • Question 6 & 7 should be answered by those interested in joining the Conflicts Intervention subcommittee.
  • If you are willing to nominate yourself for both subcommittees, answer all questions.
  1. What roles have you served across any Wikimedia projects and affiliates that you think have prepared you for this role?
  2. AffCom members need to manage time, confidentiality, conflicts of interest, and diverse situations across the global movement. How do you envision managing these?
  3. Members of AffCom serve on one of two subcommittees: Recognitions OR Conflicts Intervention. Which one of these are you most interested in serving on?
  4. If you are interested in serving on the Recognitions subcommittee, what do you think makes a group of Wikimedians ready to function together as an affiliate?
  5. If you are interested in serving on the Recognitions subcommittee, what do you think are the benefits and responsibilities of functioning as formal affiliates?
  6. If you are interested in serving on the Conflicts Intervention subcommittee, please describe your experience working with conflicts resolution.
  7. If you are interested in serving on the Conflicts Intervention subcommittee, please describe how you have helped build consensus and support diversity.

Step 4. Once you have completed the above, send an email announcing your application to affcom(_AT_)wikimedia.org before the application deadline.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me and/or the committee as a whole. We are happy to chat or have a phone call with anyone about our work if this helps them decide to apply. Please distribute this call among your networks, and do apply if you are interested!

On behalf of the committee,

-- FULBERT (talk) 15:30, 15 May 2021 (UTC) via MassMessagingReply

Join the new Regional Committees for Grants


Dear all,

We hope this email finds you well and safe. The COVID 19 situation continues to affect many of us across the globe and our thoughts are with everyone affected. We are also aware that there are several processes currently in progress that demand volunteer time and we do not want to add more work to anyone's plate.

We do want to draw your attention to our new Regional Committees for Grants though as they are an opportunity for you to have an active say in the future of our Movement!

📣 So today, we invite you to join our new Regional Committees for Grants! 📣

We encourage Wikimedians and Free Knowledge advocates to be part of the new Regional Committees that the WMF Community Resources team is setting up as part of the grants strategy relaunch [2]. You will be a key strategic thought partner to help understand the complexities of any region, provide knowledge and expertise to applicants, to support successful movement activities, and make funding decisions for grant applications in the region.

👉Find out more on meta [3].

Regional Committees will be established for the following regions:

  • Middle East and Africa
  • SAARC [4] region (Includes Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, the Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka)
  • East, Southeast Asia, and Pacific (ESEAP) region
  • Latin America (LATAM) and The Caribbean
  • United States and Canada
  • Northern and Western Europe
  • Central and Eastern Europe (CEE)

👉All details about the Committees and how to apply can be found on meta [5]. Applications have to be submitted by June 4, 2021!

If you have any questions or comments, please use the meta discussion page [6].

Please do share this announcement widely with your Network.

Best wishes,

JBrungs (WMF) (talk) 10:01, 21 May 2021 (UTC) on behalf of the Community Resources Team JBrungs (WMF) (talk) 10:01, 21 May 2021 (UTC)Reply

UCoC Affiliates consultation report



We are pleased to announce the completion of the Universal Code of Conduct Affiliates consultation process early this month. The summary report of the direct consultations and survey is now available at this Meta page: https://w.wiki/3Pew.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to leave a message on the talk page of the report, or contact Mervat (@msalman-ctr@wikimedia.org) and Ramzy (@ramzym-ctr@wikimedia.org).

UCoC Team, Wikimedia Foundation
MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 08:51, 27 May 2021 (UTC)Reply

Sunday June 6 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting

Swan of healing.

The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.

Following up on the August, September, October, November, January, February, March, and April SWAN meetings, as well as last June's All-Affiliates Brand Meeting, as well as strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including Movement Charter + Movement Strategy/Events, WMF Board elections, Wikimania 2021, and Grants Regional Committees.

This month we are meeting on Sunday June 6, and you are all invited to RSVP here.

(UTC meeting times are and *Note that we have shifted the second call an hour earlier in UTC time due to popular demand and to accomodate daylight savings*.)--Pharos (talk) 20:09, 3 June 2021 (UTC)Reply

Wikimania 2021: Affiliate Program Submissions and Scholarships


Dear Wikimedia Affiliates,

Wikimania 2021 will be hosted virtually for the first time in the event's 15-year history. Since there is no in-person host, the event is being organized by a diverse group of Wikimedia volunteers that form the Core Organizing Team for Wikimania 2021.

Event Program - The program design of this Wikimania accommodates affiliates for them to curate a portion of the program. Wikimedia affiliates have an opportunity to host a series of their own sessions.

Below are some links to guide you through;

Please note that the deadline for submission is 18th June 2021.

Affiliate Scholarships - Scholarships are available to all Wikimedia movement affiliates to support practical access to and participation in Wikimania 2021 in their communities. Please read more about it in the Affiliate Announcement section here.

Office Hour - If you are left with questions, the COT will be hosting some office hours (in multiple languages), in multiple time-zones, to answer any programming questions that you might have. Details can be found here.

Best regards,

MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 13:23, 15 June 2021 (UTC)Reply

On behalf of Wikimania 2021 Core Organizing Team

Final Call for Candidates for AffCom - June 2021

Affiliations Committee (AffCom) logo

This is an update from the Wikimedia Affiliations Committee. Translations are available.

This is a final Call for Candidates for the June 2021 Affiliations Committee election.

If you are interested in running, please post your application and follow all four steps on the nomination page by 30 June 2021.

If you know somebody you think may be interested, please share this with them and encourage them to consider it. If you have any questions about this process or the requirements, please email affcom@wikimedia.org before the application deadline or reach out to any of the current members.

On behalf of the AffCom elections committee,

--- FULBERT (talk) 14:15, 20 June 2021 (UTC) via MassMessaging [[Category:AffCom Elections June 2021|]]Reply

Sunday July 25 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting

The swan or the egg?

The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.

Following up on the August, September, October, November, January, February, March, April, and June SWAN meetings, as well as last June's All-Affiliates Brand Meeting, as well as strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including Movement Charter + Drafting Committee, WMF Board elections, Wikimania 2021, and Grants Regional Committees.

This month we are meeting on Sunday July 25, and you are all invited to RSVP here.

(UTC meeting times are and *Note that we have shifted the second call an hour earlier in UTC time due to popular demand and to accomodate daylight savings*.)--Pharos (talk) 14:43, 22 July 2021 (UTC)Reply

Wikimedia Board of Trustees Election 2021 - Update


Hello; A while ago the elections for the Board of Trustees started and the final days are running: next Tuesday the elections will end. Nineteen candidates from all over the world have stood for election.

And how is it going? As of today, August 28, 5,294 voters had cast their ballots -about double the number of voters in 2017 elections at the same time, which is a solid increase, even if the number of eligible voters was larger this year (2021: 67,838 / 2017: 56,081).

However, on the tenth day, the number of voters from the Norwegian Wikipedia is 16 out of 244 eligible voters. There is still a chance to increase the percentage (6.6%) in the 3 remaining days. Any vote can make a difference; let’s select the candidates who would best support the board of trustees. Please vote: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:SecurePoll/vote/Wikimedia_Foundation_Board_Elections_2021? --Mervat (WMF) (talk) 21:42, 28 August 2021 (UTC)Reply

Sunday September 26 SWANniversary Party and All-Affiliates Strategic Meeting

Celebrate our first anniversary with SWAN-shaped desserts!

Join the SWANniversary on September 26 as we mark the first year of the Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network!

We will have the regular All-Affiliates Strategic Meeting, to be followed by a SWANniversary Party in the after hours session, likely through spatialized chat on WorkAdventure.

The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.

Following up on the August, September, October, November, January, February, March, April, June, and July SWAN meetings, as well as last June's All-Affiliates Brand Meeting, we'll look together at strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including Movement Charter + Drafting Committee, WMF Board elections, Wikimania 2021, and Grants Regional Committees.

This month we are meeting on Sunday September 26, and you are all invited to RSVP here.

(UTC meeting times are and .)--Pharos (talk) 20:05, 21 September 2021 (UTC)Reply

Learn how the Implementation Grants can support your Movement Strategy plans


We are excited to announce the reopening of the Movement Strategy Implementation Grants. This program funds projects that advance a specific Movement Strategy initiative. The projects can be big or small, but they must all make a case for advancing one initiative. Affiliates that have received funding from the Simple/Annual Plan Grants are welcome to apply.

Read more about the criteria, what to apply for, and how to apply.

Best regards,
Movement Strategy and Governance Team
Wikimedia Foundation
15:31, 21 October 2021 (UTC)

Sunday October 31 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting

A swan reflects.

The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.

Following up on the August, September, October, November, January, February, March, April, and June, July, and September SWAN meetings, as well as last June's All-Affiliates Brand Meeting, as well as strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including Movement Charter Drafting Committee Set Up Process, Next Steps for Brand Work, 2021, Wikipedia Asian Month 2021, and other ongoing activities.

This month we are meeting on Sunday October 31, and you are all invited to RSVP here.

(UTC meeting times are and *Note that we have shifted the second call a half-hour later in UTC time due to WikidataCon*.)--Pharos (talk) 01:55, 29 October 2021 (UTC)Reply

Sunday November 28 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting

Chart a new course on the swan ferry.

The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.

We'll focus on strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including Hubs+Hubs Workshop, Movement Charter+Drafting Committee, WMDE's 'Future of Wikimedia Governance' proposal, Wikipedia Asian Month 2021, and other ongoing activities.

This month we are meeting on Sunday November 28, and you are all invited to RSVP here.

(UTC meeting times are and , note that some areas recently experienced daylight savings time changes).--Pharos (talk) 20:15, 24 November 2021 (UTC)Reply

Affiliations Committee (AffCom) Call for candidates - January 2022


Translations are available.

The Affiliations Committee – the committee responsible for guiding volunteers in establishing Wikimedia chapters, thematic organizations, and user groups – is looking for new members!

The main role of the AffCom is to guide groups of volunteers that are interested in forming Wikimedia affiliates. We review applications from new groups, answer questions and provide advice about the different Wikimedia affiliation models and processes, review affiliate bylaws for compliance with requirements and best practices, and update the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees as well as advise them on issues connected to chapters, thematic organizations and Wikimedia user groups.

The committee consists of five to fifteen members, selected at least once every year, to serve two-year terms.

Being a part of the AffCom requires communication with volunteers all over the world, negotiating skills, cultural sensitivity, and the ability to understand legal texts. We look for a mix of different skill sets in our members.

  • Availability of up to 5-8 hours per month
  • Participate in monthly one and two-hour voice/video meetings
  • Commitment to carry out assigned tasks in a given time.
  • Facilitate and support communications
  • Affiliate Support and growth
Required and Recommended Abilities, Skills, Knowledge for Affiliations Committee Members

Strong interpersonal relationship among members of the committee and also with the Wikimedia community members. Across all committee members, there are additional relevant skills as well as requirements which help to support the committee and its sustainability which include both required and relevant general skills

  • Fluency in English
  • Availability of up to 5 hours per week, and the time to participate in a monthly one and two-hour voice/video meetings.
  • Willingness to use one's real name in committee activities (including contacts with current and potential affiliates) when appropriate.
  • Strong track record of effective collaboration
  • International orientation
Relevant for all members
  • Public Communications (English writing and speaking skills)
  • Skills in other languages are a major plus.
  • Understanding of the structure and work of affiliates and the Wikimedia Foundation.
  • Documentation practices
  • Interviewing experience
  • Experience with, or in, an active affiliate is a major plus.
  • Teamwork: Project and people management skills to coordinate and collaborate with different parties on a shared plan and see it through to completion.
  • Problem-Solving: Ability to evaluate various solutions, consider multiple interests and points of view, revisit unresolved issues, seek compromise and work and communicate across languages and cultures.

Given the expectations for maintaining the course in 2022 and preparing for potential 2022 transitions as part of the Movement Strategy implementation process, it is important that we are also clear about two different skill sets critical to committee support at this time. The first skillset is oriented to understanding affiliate dynamics and organizational development patterns to successfully process affiliate applications for recognition; the other is oriented to conflict prevention and intervention support for affiliates in conflict.

Relevant to Affiliate Recognitions
  • Administration & Attention to detail
  • Readiness to participate in political discussions on the role and future of affiliates, models of affiliation, and similar topics.
  • Awareness of the affiliates ecosystem and models and understanding of community building, organizational development, and group dynamics
Relevant to Conflict Prevention & Intervention
  • Communication skills for active listening, clear instruction and turn-taking.
  • Stress Management skills for maintaining patience and positivity
  • Emotional intelligence to maintain awareness of emotions of oneself and others to practice empathy, impartiality, and mutual respect.
  • Facilitation, negotiation, and mediation skills to guide diverse individuals and groups toward cooperation.
  • Ability to work within a team

Do you have relevant skills and interest to support movement affiliates?

We are looking for people who are excited by the challenge of empowering volunteers to get organized and form communities that further our mission around the world. In exchange, committee members will gain the experience of supporting their world-wide colleagues to develop their communities as well as personal development in guiding organizational development, facilitating affiliate partnerships, and professional communications.

Selection process

As a reflection of our commitment to openness, transparency, and bilateral engagement with the Wikimedia community, the 2022 member selection process will include a public review and comment period and a self-assessment survey for candidates to share their skills and their experience. This self-assessment information will help the committee to identify the skill sets relevant and supportive to our affiliate support processes. We invite you to apply for membership to the committee and join us in supporting the affiliates. The data shared in the self-assessment will only be made available to the committee and the relevant staff support. The nomination, candidate Q&A, and endorsements will still take place posted on Meta for public review at January 2022 page. Here the global community is welcome to provide comments and feedback about each candidate.

Once the nomination window closes 31 January 2022, the sitting members who are not candidates for re-election in this cycle will deliberate and then vote, taking into account all inputs from the meta page, self-assessment, advisors, Wikimedia Foundation staff and board liaisons, and committee member discussion.

A final decision will be made in late-February 2022, with new members to be notified for onboarding in February.

How to apply

If you are interested in joining the committee, please:

Step 1. Post your application on the nomination page by 31 January 2022. Your application must include the following information:

  1. Your full name and Wikimedia username
  2. A statement describing your relevant education, experience, abilities, skills, knowledge, availability, and motivation for joining the committee.

Step 2. Complete the self-assessment survey between January 1, 2021 and January 31, 2021.

  • The privacy statement that applies to the survey can be found here.
  • NOTE: The survey will take 15 mins. Please do not close your browser. If you need a break, you are advised to keep the browser open. In case of losing the link, please reach out to mkaur-ctr(_AT_)wikimedia.org
  • This survey must be completed before Steps 3 & 4, as it will provide more background as to the type of work and expectations of members of AffCom.

Step 3. Answers the following questions:

  • NOTE: Questions 1-3 are required for all candidates.
  • Question 4 & 5 should be answered by those interested in joining the Recognitions subcommittee.
  • Question 6 & 7 should be answered by those interested in joining the Conflicts Intervention subcommittee.
  • If you are willing to nominate yourself for both subcommittees, answer all questions.
  1. What roles have you served across any Wikimedia projects and affiliates that you think have prepared you for this role?
  2. AffCom members need to manage time, confidentiality, conflicts of interest, and diverse situations across the global movement. How do you envision managing these?
  3. Members of AffCom serve on one of two subcommittees: Recognitions OR Conflicts Intervention. Which one of these are you most interested in serving on?
  4. If you are interested in serving on the Recognitions subcommittee, what do you think makes a group of Wikimedians ready to function together as an affiliate?
  5. If you are interested in serving on the Recognitions subcommittee, what do you think are the benefits and responsibilities of functioning as formal affiliates?
  6. If you are interested in serving on the Conflicts Intervention subcommittee, please describe your experience working with conflicts resolution.
  7. If you are interested in serving on the Conflicts Intervention subcommittee, please describe how you have helped build consensus and support diversity.

Step 4. Once you have completed the above, send an email announcing your application to affcom(_AT_)wikimedia.org before the application deadline.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me and/or the committee as a whole. We are happy to chat or have a webinar call with anyone about our work if this helps them decide to apply. Please distribute this call among your networks, and do apply if you are interested!

On behalf of the committee,

--FULBERT (talk) 13:18, 19 December 2021 (UTC)Reply

Affiliations Committee (AffCom) Call for advisors - January 2022


Translations are available.

The Affiliations Committee – the committee responsible for guiding volunteers in establishing Wikimedia chapters, thematic organizations, and user groups – is looking for new members!

The Affiliations Committee – the committee responsible for guiding volunteers in establishing Wikimedia Chapters, Thematic Organizations, and User Groups – is looking for advisors!

The main role of the Affiliations Committee is to guide groups of volunteers that are interested in forming Wikimedia affiliates. We review applications from new groups, answer questions and provide advice about the different Wikimedia affiliation models and processes, review affiliate bylaws for compliance with requirements and best practices, and advise the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees on issues connected to chapters, thematic organizations and Wikimedia user groups.

We are looking for advisors who are excited by the challenge of empowering volunteers to get organized and form communities that further our mission around the world. In exchange, committee advisors selected will gain the experience of supporting their world-wide colleagues to develop their communities as well as personal development in guiding organizational development, facilitating affiliate partnerships, and professional communications.

AffCom advisors can engage with the committee in a variety of capacities:


Individuals with extensive movement experience can be engaged as Consultants for specific cases or initiatives by AffCom.


Individuals with specific expertise may be engaged for short-term projects for training AffCom or Affiliates. They might also lead the Capacity Building initiatives for AffCom or affiliates.


AffCom can request specific or all advisors to act as an observer in different cases to ensure neutrality & compliance with guidelines.

AffCom Support

Development of Policies: While advisors cannot create legally binding policies for the committee, they can help create policies that provide direction and support for the committee.

Planning and Implementing Community Relations: The advisors are long-term wikimedians & also include influential community leaders who can be effective at spreading the word about initiatives and services.

Supporting Subcommittees: The advisors can support subcommittees that have assigned tasks in specific areas.

Other Tasks: Advisors can be engaged to address a specific need. Such engagements are usually short-lived and are disbanded as soon as their specific goals are met.

Key skills

We look for a healthy mix of different skill sets in our advisors, including the following key skills and experience:

  1. Strong understanding of the structure and work of Wikimedia affiliates and the Wikimedia Foundation.
  2. Readiness to participate in political discussions on the role and future of affiliates, models of affiliation, and similar topics.
  3. Availability of up to 2 hours per week, and the time to participate in a monthly two-hour voice/video meeting
  4. International orientation and ability to work and communicate with other languages and cultures.
  5. Knowledge of different legal systems and experience in community building and organizing are a plus.
  6. Fluency in English is required; skills in other languages are a major plus.
  7. Experience with or in an active Wikimedia affiliate is a major plus.
  8. Strong track record of effective collaboration (such as evidenced skills at facilitation, mediation, negotiation, and so forth) is a major plus.
  9. Willingness to use one's real name in committee activities (including contacts with current and potential affiliates) when appropriate.
Selection process

As a reflection of our commitment to openness, transparency, and bilateral engagement with the Wikimedia community, the 2022 advisors selection process will include a public review and comment period. All applications must be posted on Meta between January 01 and January 31, 2022 at Affiliations Committee/Advisors/2022, and the community will be invited to provide comments and feedback about each candidate. At the end of the nomination period, the applications will be voted on by the members of the committee, taking into account comments put forward by the committee's members, advisors, Wikimedia Foundation staff and board liaisons, and the community. A final decision will be made in February 2022, with new advisors expected to begin later that month.

How to apply

If you are interested in advising the committee, please submit your candidacy on Affiliations Committee/Advisors/2022 between January 01 to January 31, 2022. Your application must include the following information:

  1. Your full name and Wikimedia username
  2. A statement describing your relevant experience, skills, and motivation for joining the committee as an advisor.
  3. The advisor role you would like to serve
  4. Answers to the following three questions:
    1. How do you think affiliates work best together to partner on effective projects and initiatives?
    2. What do you see as the role of affiliates in the Wikimedia movement in the next three years?
    3. What do you feel you will bring as an advisor to the committee that makes you a uniquely qualified candidate?

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact the committee. We are happy to chat or have a phone call with anyone about our work if this helps them decide to apply. Please distribute this call among your networks, and do apply if you are interested!

On behalf of the committee,

--FULBERT (talk) 13:17, 19 December 2021 (UTC)Reply

Subscribe to the This Month in Education newsletter - learn from others and share your stories


Dear community members,

Greetings from the EWOC Newsletter team and the education team at Wikimedia Foundation. We are very excited to share that we on tenth years of Education Newsletter (This Month in Education) invite you to join us by subscribing to the newsletter on your talk page or by sharing your activities in the upcoming newsletters. The Wikimedia Education newsletter is a monthly newsletter that collects articles written by community members using Wikimedia projects in education around the world, and it is published by the EWOC Newsletter team in collaboration with the Education team. These stories can bring you new ideas to try, valuable insights about the success and challenges of our community members in running education programs in their context.

If your affiliate/language project is developing its own education initiatives, please remember to take advantage of this newsletter to publish your stories with the wider movement that shares your passion for education. You can submit newsletter articles in your own language or submit bilingual articles for the education newsletter. For the month of January the deadline to submit articles is on the 20th January. We look forward to reading your stories.

Older versions of this newsletter can be found in the complete archive.

More information about the newsletter can be found at Education/Newsletter/About.

For more information, please contact spatnaik(_AT_)wikimedia.org.

Affiliations Committee (AffCom) Member & Advisor Elections - Final Reminder for January 2022


Translations are available.

This is a friendly reminder that the Affiliations Committee – which is responsible for guiding volunteers in establishing and sustaining Wikimedia chapters, thematic organizations, and user groups – is seeking new members and advisors! The deadline to post your application on the Member nomination page and Advisor nomination is 31 January 2022.

If you know somebody you think may be interested, please share and encourage them to consider applying. If you have any questions please email affcom@wikimedia.org before the application deadline or reach out to any of the current members. Good luck to all the candidates!

On behalf of the committee,
FULBERT (talk) 17:32, 25 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Sunday February 27 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting

To dance is to fly.

The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.

We'll focus on strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including Hubs+Dialogue, Movement Charter, Universal Code of Conduct+Enforcement Voting, Brand, International Women's Day+Gender Gap and WikiForHumanRights campaigns, and other ongoing activities.

This month we are meeting on Sunday February 27, and you are all invited to RSVP here.

(UTC meeting times are and ).----Pharos (talk) 18:06, 23 February 2022 (UTC)Reply

Sunday April 3 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting

Bots in precious metals are part of our community too.

The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.

We'll focus on strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including UCoC Voting, Hubs Global Conversation held + CEE Hub update, Movement Charter + Leadership Development Working Group, Desktop Improvements, Celebrate Women in March + International Women's Day, Wikimania 2022 survey concluded + Wikimedia Hackathon 2022 May 20-22 + local events, and other ongoing activities.

This month we are meeting on Sunday April 3, and you are all invited to RSVP here.

(UTC meeting times are and , note that some areas recently experienced daylight savings time changes).--Pharos (talk) 17:36, 29 March 2022 (UTC)Reply

Sunday May 8 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting

Swans are musical creatures.

The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.

We'll focus on strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including 2022 Board of Trustees Call for Candidates, Movement Charter/Content preliminary narrative, Human Rights Policy Community Conversations, Wikimedia Foundation Annual Plan Feedback, IP blocking and Open Proxies discussion, Wikimedia Hackathon 2022 May 20-22 + local events, and other ongoing activities.

This month we are meeting on Sunday May 8, and you are all invited to RSVP here.

(UTC meeting times are and , note that some areas recently experienced daylight savings time changes).--Pharos (talk) 18:08, 3 May 2022 (UTC)Reply

2022 Wikimedia Hackathon  - May 20th - 22nd


Hello all,

This is to invite you for this year's Wikimedia Hackathon from  May 20-22. We hope to see you there! You can share the update with your community as well.

The main event will be held online this year. We have an open call for sessions on our schedule page. If you'd like to host a session, you can simply pick an open slot in the category which best fits your topic. The developer advocacy team also put together some suggestions for how to create a fun session.

You can also add project ideas to the Phabricator Board

We will share more information soon about how to join the online space. You can also check through the list of local meetups holding around the world, you may find any closer to you.

If you have any enquiry or translation requests, please contact hlepp@wikimedia.org

See you there!

Best regards,

James Popoola

On behalf of the 2022 Wikimedia Hackathon Committee.

James Moore200 (talk) 07:32, 6 May 2022 (UTC)Reply

Sunday June 5 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting

Swan impressions.

The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.

We'll focus on strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including Movement Charter, Hubs Global Conversation this June, WMF Proposal for Movement Strategy Forum, New rounds of WMF Conference Funds including in-person events, WMF Proposal for Sound Logo Contest, WMF Elections Analysis Committee selection, wikimania:Program submissions due June 10 (scholarship and local event grants due June 3) and other ongoing activities.

This month we are meeting on Sunday June 5, and you are all invited to RSVP here.

(UTC meeting times are and ).--Pharos (talk) 20:49, 31 May 2022 (UTC)Reply

(Initial Review) Notification of Affiliate Expiration - Renewal pending submission of reporting


Greetings group contacts,

This is a notification to bring to your attention that your organization is currently past due on its required annual reporting. Wikimedia Affiliates are required to submit an annual activity report covering the entirety of the 12-month agreement period in order to prompt review for a renewal. Reports must be written in English, posted to meta via the Wikimedia Affiliates Data Portal.

This page is used to track how organizations and groups are meeting reporting requirements described in their agreements with the Wikimedia Foundation (e.g. chapter agreements, thematic organization agreements, user group agreements). It is the central place where affiliates can add reports about their activities, share their plans, and even news or social media channels with the wider movement. When new reports are available, organizations and groups should add them to this page to keep their columns up to date.

As noted on the meta Reports page, your organization’s 2022 annual reporting became past due in 2022-05-01. Please be sure to:

  • Post your 2022 annual reporting to the meta via the Wikimedia Affiliates Data Portal as soon as possible to return to compliance with your user group agreement.
  • Check that your group’s page is also up to date with past report links for historical record-keeping, and
  • Please send an email to Wikimedia-l in order to share with a movement-wide audience.

If you have any questions or need any further guidance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to wadportal(_AT_)wikimedia.org.

Best regards,
Wikimedia Affiliates Data Portal

Sunday July 3 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting

Swan celestial.

The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.

We'll focus on strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including Movement Charter, Hubs Global Conversation last week, Affiliate voting period to shortlist WMF Board candidates (July 1-15), Wikimania updates, Desktop improvements, Wikimedia Enterprise first customers, Call for program submissions and updates for a global diversity of regional/linguistic Wiki-Conferences, Wikidata:Wiki Mentor Africa and other ongoing activities.

This month we are meeting on Sunday July 3, and you are all invited to RSVP here.

(UTC meeting times are and ).--Pharos via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 12:55, 30 June 2022 (UTC)Reply

Sunday November 13 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting

bestiary (Q830560)compendium (Q1459574)reference work (Q13136).

The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.

We'll focus on strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including Wikimedia Research Fund, 2023 Ombuds commission and Case Review Committee appointments process, feedback on consultation and community session of the Movement Charter Drafting Committee, various Wikimania topics: (ideas/suggestions for Wikimania 2023, expressions of interest for Wikimania 2024 and beyond, expressions of interest to join Wikimania Steering Committee), and other ongoing activities.

This month we are meeting on Sunday November 13, and you are all invited to RSVP here.

(UTC meeting times are and
UTC times are different from before, and also note that some areas may have recently experienced daylight savings time changes.).--MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 18:18, 9 November 2022 (UTC)Reply

Notification of upcoming reporting due date


Greetings group contacts,

This is a notification to bring to your attention that your organization reporting date is coming up in 112 day(s). Wikimedia Affiliates are required to submit an annual activity report covering the entirety of the 12-month agreement period in order to prompt review for a renewal. Reports must be written in English, posted to meta via the Wikimedia Affiliates Data Portal.

This page is used to track how organizations and groups are meeting reporting requirements described in their agreements with the Wikimedia Foundation (e.g. chapter agreements, thematic organization agreements, user group agreements). It is the central place where affiliates can add reports about their activities, share their plans, and even news or social media channels with the wider movement. When new reports are available, organizations and groups should add them to this page to keep their columns up to date.

As noted on the meta Reports page, your organization’s 2023 annual reporting will be due in 2023-05-01. Please be sure to:

  • Post your 2023 annual reporting to the meta via the Wikimedia Affiliates Data Portal as soon as possible to return to compliance with your user group agreement.
  • Check that your group’s page is also up to date with past report links for historical record-keeping, and
  • Please send an email to Wikimedia-l in order to share with a movement-wide audience.

If you have any questions or need any further guidance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to wadportal(_AT_)wikimedia.org.

Best regards,
Dumisani Ndubane

Wikimedia Affiliates Data Portal

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Invitation to join the Wikimedia Affiliate strategy discussions


Hope this message finds you well. I am sharing an update about the Wikimedia Foundation Affiliate strategy initiative. In November, Nataliia Tymkiv, Chair, Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees announced the beginning of Wikimedia Foundation Affiliate strategy.

We are working on the next steps of the Affiliate strategy. We invite you to a session with the Board of Trustees, AffCom, and supporting staff to provide input into this process. These sessions will be conducted in groups and the language will be English. If you are able to attend one of these meetings, please sign up here. If you prefer a 1:1 session for a detailed discussion, please reach out to me. If you are unable to attend the meeting, please respond via the survey or in writing to askcac@wikimedia.org or on the Talk page.

This message was also sent by email to affiliate primary contacts.

Best, MKaur (WMF) 22:30, 22 May 2023 (UTC)Reply

WikiWomenCamp 2023 Scholarship Application


Hello all,

We are thrilled to announce the opening of the scholarship applications for Wiki Women Camp 2023 which will run from 20-23 October in New Delhi, India. The scholarship application deadline is July 4th, end of the day (anywhere in the world), and applicants will receive notification of decisions in mid-July.

Please submit your application directly through the provided forms available here.

If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at admin@wikiwomencamp.org.

Maffeth.opiana (talk) 11:25, 23 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
On behalf of the WikiWomenCamp 2023 Team

Sunday July 16 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting (Global Council focus, now available in ar, es, fr!)

SWAN: The Next Generation

The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.

We'll focus on strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including Wikimania Singapore, Future of SWAN, Movement Charter/Content new sections (particularly Movement Charter/Content/Global Council), other activities you submit, and we will top it all off with a grand finale AI Happy Hour / Doom Hour!

This month we are meeting on Sunday July 16, and you are all invited to RSVP here.

UTC meeting times are and
Note that we are now meeting on Zoom, with interpretation in the 2nd session in (Arabic) (Spanish) (French)--Pharos (talk) 02:41, 12 July 2023 (UTC)Reply

Call for Affiliates & Call for Trainers WikiWomenCamp 2023


Dear all,

The WikiWomenCamp 2023 team is excited to announce that the calls for Affiliates and Trainers are open now!

Self-funded affiliates attendance

If your affiliate is interested, kindly fill out the registration form by 8 August 2023, anywhere on earth. Please note that self-funded attendance means participants will be responsible for their travel, accommodation, visa (if required), and related expenses. We have 10 seats reserved for affiliates. Here is the form link: Google Forms


The call for trainers to facilitate gender-focused sessions at WikiWomenCamp 2023 is open. To propose your session(s), please submit the application form by 8th August 2023. More details about the call for trainers (benefits for trainers and key dates) are here: m:WWC2023/Program

To read more about the camp, please visit: m:WikiWomenCamp 2023

Maffeth.opiana (talk) 03:37, 29 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
On behalf of the WWC23 team

Call for Highlight Videos for WikiWomenCamp 2023


Dear Community Members,

As we gear up for the upcoming WikiWomenCamp in India, we are excited to announce a unique opportunity to share your incredible work and its impact with the global community.

What We're Looking For: We invite you to submit short (3-5 minute) videos highlighting your projects, initiatives, or efforts that have made a significant difference in addressing gender gaps. We know that many of you are doing remarkable work in various corners of the world, and we want to shine a spotlight on your achievements.

Why Short Videos: Our camp sessions are extensive, covering a wide range of topics and discussions. In the interest of time and with a commitment to showcasing the amazing initiatives across our movement, we believe that short videos are an effective way to capture and share the essence of your work.

How Your Videos Will Be Used: The selected videos will be featured on our social media channels and played during breaks at the camp. This provides an excellent opportunity for you to showcase your work to a broader audience and inspire others to get involved or collaborate with you.

Submission Guidelines:

  1. Videos should be 3-5 minutes in length.
  2. Please focus on the impact of your work, highlighting how it contributes to addressing gender gap.
  3. Be creative and engage in your presentation.
  4. Ensure video quality is clear and audible.
  5. Narration (optional): If possible, include a brief voiceover or text captions to provide context and explanation.
  6. Language: While English is preferred for wider accessibility, videos in other languages are also welcome. Kindly ensure that non-English videos are accompanied by English subtitles or captions.

Submission Deadline:

To be considered for inclusion in our camp programming, please submit your videos by Thursday, 28th September 2023. Late submissions may still be featured later on our social media channels.

How to Submit:

To avoid any issues with file sizes, we recommend using a file transfer service like WeTransfer or Google Drive while sharing your videos with us at admin@wikiwomencamp.org. In your email, include a brief description of your project, affiliate name / your name or username, and contact information.

We believe that your stories and experiences are powerful tools for change. By sharing them with our community, you contribute to a collective effort to bridge the gender gap and empower women and girls worldwide.

Thank you for being a part of the camp initiatives, and we look forward to receiving your inspiring videos.

Warm regards,
WikiWomenCamp 2023 COT

Maffeth.opiana (talk) 09:57, 21 September 2023 (UTC)Reply

Introducing the Wikimedia photo library and a workshop invite


Dear Wikimedia affiliates communications leads,

We are so excited to share a new resource with you: The Wikimedia Photo Library. In it you will find high quality images that help to tell the story of free knowledge. We hope that this library will help you in the important work you do as a communication lead. Alongside this library, we’ve also updated guidelines on how to effectively use imagery to tell brand stories.

Curious to learn more about these resources?

We will be holding a short workshop for 45 minutes on Tuesday 3 October 2023, at 16:00 UTC (add event to your calendar) and again on Thursday 5 October at 7:00 UTC (add event to your calendar) to accommodate different time zones. During these workshops, we will walk you through some examples of images that align with the Movement Brand Guidelines, some basics of quality photography and answer any questions you may have about this topic.

The need for a Wikimedia Photo Library

Our research showed that there are lots of photos available from Wikimedia events, usually featuring people using computers. There were very few images showing mobile editing or reading, and even fewer showing people using the projects in their everyday lives.

These images are the first steps in creating a photo library that is representative of the whole movement. We have added images that are aligned with the Movement Brand Guidelines in this category on Wikimedia Commons. Photography is a powerful tool to create cohesion in Wikimedia communication. Our hope is that all of you will help to build this resource out with images from your region.

By continuing to add to this category, we will be helping one another tell more impactful stories of the free knowledge movement – learn how on the Brand portal on Meta-wiki.

Thank you so much and please let me know if you have any questions. We hope to see you at one of the workshops!


Samir and the Brand Studio team --MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 16:54, 23 September 2023 (UTC)Reply

Follow up on the last message about the photography workshop


Hi everyone,

This is a reminder about our photography sessions happening this week. Also, some people reached out with concerns about not being able to open the links to meetings in the previous message. Please find a direct link to the Google Meet sessions here:

Thank you and please let me know if you have any questions. If you have any questions please reach out to selsharbaty@wikimedia.org . --MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 08:21, 2 October 2023 (UTC)Reply

Opportunities open for the Affiliations Committee, Ombuds commission, and the Case Review Committee


Hi everyone! The Affiliations Committee (AffCom), Ombuds commission (OC), and the Case Review Committee (CRC) are looking for new members. These volunteer groups provide important structural and oversight support for the community and movement. People are encouraged to nominate themselves or encourage others they feel would contribute to these groups to apply. There is more information about the roles of the groups, the skills needed, and the opportunity to apply on the Meta-wiki page.

If you are aware of participants in your affiliate who may be interested in these roles, please share this message with them.

On behalf of the Committee Support team, Keegan (WMF) (talk) 20:23, 18 October 2023 (UTC)Reply

Wikimedia Foundation Affiliates Strategy: Summary and Report


Dear Wikimedia affiliate,

Last year, the Wikimedia Foundation Board announced they started the process with creating an Affiliates Strategy in collaboration with the Affiliations Committee, the affiliates, and the broader communities with the intention to develop a strategy that will help guide the Foundation’s immediate work in supporting affiliates for the next few years, with a primary focus on the recognition process, as a direct responsibility of the Board.

Over several months, the Wikimedia Foundation Board engaged with an outside consultant to drive a review process of what work the Foundation was doing to support affiliates. The end goal was to have several recommended actions.

You can read more about the findings and the recommendations on this Meta-Wiki page.


MPossoupe_(WMF) 09:36, 24 October 2023 (UTC)Reply

Feedback invited on proposed requirements for affiliates & user groups recognition changes

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Please help translate to your language

Dear Wikimedia Affiliates,

Following up on the development of Wikimedia Foundation Affiliates Strategy, we would like to invite you to give feedback on requirements for affiliates & user groups recognition changes. You can find the details of the proposed changes in this message from Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees liaisons to the Affiliations Committee, as well as the ways to give your feedback.

We have also reached out to your contact persons via the emails provided.

Best regards,

Xeno (WMF) (talk) 14:40, 9 February 2024 (UTC)Reply

The full draft of the Wikimedia Movement Charter will soon be shared

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Please help translate to your language

Hi there,

The Movement Charter Drafting Committee is happy to announce that the full draft of the Movement Charter will be published on April 2nd, 2024. This will kick off the community engagement period from April 2nd to April 22nd.

The Movement Charter is a proposed document to define roles and responsibilities for all the members and entities of the Wikimedia Movement, including to lay out a new Global Council for movement governance.

Everyone in the Wikimedia Movement is invited to share opinions on the full version of the Charter draft – this is the last chance to offer feedback before the Charter draft is updated for the ratification vote in June 2024.

How to share your feedback?

Read the Committee's latest updates for more information.

On behalf of the MCDC,

RamzyM (WMF) 13:58, 28 March 2024 (UTC)Reply

The full Movement Charter draft awaits your review on Meta

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Please help translate to your language

Hi everyone,

The full draft of the Movement Charter has been published on Meta for your review.

Why should you care?

The Charter is important as it will be an essential document for the implementation of the 2030 strategy recommendations. Participating in the Charter discussions means that you ensure that your voice is heard and your interests are represented in shaping the future of the Movement.

Community Engagement – April 2nd to April 30th, 2024

The Movement Charter Drafting Committee (MCDC) cordially invites everyone in the Wikimedia movement to share feedback on the full draft of the Movement Charter.

Let your voice be heard by sharing your feedback it in any language on the Movement Charter talk pages, attend a community drop-in session, or email movementcharter@wikimedia.org.

Please read the Committee's latest updates for more information.

Thank you.

On behalf of the MCDC,

RamzyM (WMF) 13:07, 3 April 2024 (UTC)Reply

Affiliations Committee News (January-March 2024)

Group photo of the 2023 EduWiki Conference in Belgrade, organized by Wikipedia & Education User Group

You can find this newsletter translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Please help translate to your language

Quarterly newsletter sharing news and events about the work of Wikimedia's Affiliations Committee.

read this newsletter in fullsubscribe/unsubscribe

MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 12:55, 18 April 2024 (UTC)Reply

Board of Trustees selection call for candidates


Hello all,

The call for candidates for the 2024 Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees selection is now open from May 8, 2024 - May 29, 2024 at 23:59 UTC. The Board of Trustees oversees the Wikimedia Foundation's work, and each Trustee serves a three-year term. This is a volunteer position.

This year, the Wikimedia community will vote to fill four (4) seats on the Foundation Board in August 2024. You can see the timeline of the full selection process here.


Wikimedia is a global movement and seeks candidates from the broader community. Ideal candidates are thoughtful, respectful, community-oriented and align with the Wikimedia Foundation mission. Candidates should think about what experiences and perspectives they will bring to the Board.

The Board would like to find perspectives and voices that are essential but underrepresented in our movement. Accordingly, all candidates will be asked to include statements in their application that speak to their experiences in the world and in the movement and share how those experiences have equipped them to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Trustees commitment

Trustees serve a three year term and can serve up to three consecutive terms. The expectation is that Trustees serve on at least one of the Board’s committees. The time commitment is about 150 hours per year, excluding travel. This time is not evenly spread throughout the year. The time is concentrated around meetings.

Trustees requirements

English is the language of business for the Board. Candidates must be fluent in written and spoken English. Previous experience serving on a collective decision-making body, especially Boards or committees, and significant experience in Wikimedia (or equivalent) movement building and organizing are expected from candidates.


Candidates from all projects and communities who meet the criteria to become a Wikimedia Trustee are welcome to apply. Could you - or someone you know - be a good fit to join the Wikimedia Foundation's Board of Trustees? Encourage them to run for election. Candidates can find information and submit their nomination on the candidate application page. If you want to learn more about the role of Trustees or have questions, refer to this candidate resources page.

Community questions for candidates

All community members, including affiliates, are invited to submit questions for the Board of Trustees candidates to answer. From the list of questions, the Election Committee selects 5 questions for candidates to answer, which the candidates are expected to answer. The selected questions may be a combination of what’s been submitted from the community, if they’re alike or related. Questions can be submitted between May 8 - June 12 at 23:59 UTC. Learn more about how to submit your questions on this Meta-wiki page.

Best regards,

The Elections Committee and Board Selection Working Group

MPossoupe_(WMF) 18:33, 8 May 2024 (UTC)Reply

(Initial Review) Notification of Affiliate Expiration - Renewal pending submission of reporting


Greetings Elisabeth Carrera (WMNO), Jon Harald Søby (WMNO),

This is a notification to bring to your attention that your organization is currently past due on its required annual reporting. Wikimedia Affiliates are required to submit an annual activity report covering the entirety of the 12-month agreement period in order to prompt review for a renewal. Reports must be written in English, posted to meta via the Wikimedia Affiliates Data Portal.

This page is used to track how organizations and groups are meeting reporting requirements described in their agreements with the Wikimedia Foundation (e.g. chapter agreements, thematic organization agreements, user group agreements). It is the central place where affiliates can add reports about their activities, share their plans, and even news or social media channels with the wider movement. When new reports are available, organizations and groups should add them to this page to keep their columns up to date.

As noted on the meta Reports page, your organization’s 2024 annual reporting became past due in 2024-05-01. Please be sure to:

  • Post your 2024 annual reporting to the meta via the Wikimedia Affiliates Data Portal as soon as possible to return to compliance with your user group agreement.
  • Check that your group’s page is also up to date with past report links for historical record-keeping, and
  • Please send an email to Wikimedia-l in order to share with a movement-wide audience.

If you have any questions or need any further guidance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to wadportal(_AT_)wikimedia.org.

Best regards,

Wikimedia Affiliates Data Portal

--User:DNdubane_(WMF) 16:31, 9 May 2024 (UTC)Reply

Feedback invited on Procedure for Sibling Project Lifecycle

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Please help translate to your language

Dear Wikimedia Affiliates,

The Community Affairs Committee (CAC) of the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees invites you to give feedback on a draft Procedure for Sibling Project Lifecycle. Affiliates play important roles in the Movement, working with communities and external partners, and thus they bring valuable perspectives to the table. We warmly welcome you to the conversations. In addition, please share information about this with your affiliate membership, and any project communities your affiliate works with or supports. You can also help translate the procedure into more languages so that people can join the discussions in their language.

This draft Procedure outlines proposed steps and requirements for opening and closing Wikimedia Sibling Projects. It aims to ensure any newly approved projects are set up for success. This is separate from the procedures for opening or closing language versions of projects, which is handled by the Language Committee. It is also separate from the closing projects policy.

You can find the details of the proposal on this page, as well as the ways to give your feedback from today until the end of the day on June 23, 2024, anywhere on Earth.

We have also reached out to your contact persons via the emails provided.

On behalf of the CAC,

RamzyM (WMF) 16:08, 21 May 2024 (UTC)Reply

(First Reminder) Notification of Affiliate Expiration - Renewal pending submission of reporting


Greetings Elisabeth Carrera (WMNO), Jon Harald Søby (WMNO),

This is a notification to bring to your attention that your organization is currently past due on its required annual reporting. Wikimedia Affiliates are required to submit an annual activity report covering the entirety of the 12-month agreement period in order to prompt review for a renewal. Reports must be written in English, posted to meta via the Wikimedia Affiliates Data Portal.

This page is used to track how organizations and groups are meeting reporting requirements described in their agreements with the Wikimedia Foundation (e.g. chapter agreements, thematic organization agreements, user group agreements). It is the central place where affiliates can add reports about their activities, share their plans, and even news or social media channels with the wider movement. When new reports are available, organizations and groups should add them to this page to keep their columns up to date.

As noted on the meta Reports page, your organization’s 2024 annual reporting became past due in 2024-05-01. Please be sure to:

  • Post your 2024 annual reporting to the meta via the Wikimedia Affiliates Data Portal as soon as possible to return to compliance with your user group agreement.
  • Check that your group’s page is also up to date with past report links for historical record-keeping, and
  • Please send an email to Wikimedia-l in order to share with a movement-wide audience.

If you have any questions or need any further guidance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to wadportal(_AT_)wikimedia.org.

Best regards,

Wikimedia Affiliates Data Portal

--User:DNdubane_(WMF) 17:19, 10 June 2024 (UTC)Reply

The final text of the Wikimedia Movement Charter is now on Meta

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Please help translate to your language

Hi everyone,

The final text of the Wikimedia Movement Charter is now up on Meta in more than 20 languages for your reading.

What is the Wikimedia Movement Charter?

The Wikimedia Movement Charter is a proposed document to define roles and responsibilities for all the members and entities of the Wikimedia movement, including the creation of a new body – the Global Council – for movement governance.

Join the Wikimedia Movement Charter “Launch Party”

Join the “Launch Party” on June 20, 2024 at 14.00-15.00 UTC (your local time). During this call, we will celebrate the release of the final Charter and present the content of the Charter. Join and learn about the Charter before casting your vote.

Movement Charter ratification vote

Voting will commence on SecurePoll on June 25, 2024 at 00:01 UTC and will conclude on July 9, 2024 at 23:59 UTC. You can read more about the voting process, eligibility criteria, and other details on Meta.

If you have any questions, please leave a comment on the Meta talk page or email the MCDC at mcdc@wikimedia.org.

On behalf of the MCDC,

RamzyM (WMF) 08:43, 11 June 2024 (UTC)Reply

Wikimedia Foundation Affiliates Strategy: Affiliate health criteria and changes to User Group recognition process

This communication has been adapted from the original message.

Dear all,

We would like to thank all of you who shared feedback with us during this phase of the Wikimedia Foundation Affiliates Strategy process that started in November 2022, both on- and off-wiki. You can read the report from the first phase here.

Since that point, AffCom has been working with the Board of Trustees, Foundation staff, affiliates, and wider community members to enable them to provide appropriate guidance to affiliates regarding what it means to be an active and healthy Wikimedia organisation. As a result of those conversations, the committee has voted to adopt the following 10 criteria for affiliates, grouped into four main areas:

  • Goal delivery
  • Organisational Development
    • Good governance & communication
    • Financial & legal compliance
    • Affiliate health & resilience
  • Leadership & Inclusion
    • Diverse, skilled, and accountable leadership
    • Diversity balance (especially gender)
    • Universal Code of Conduct compliance)
  • Engagement & Collaboration
    • Internal (membership) engagement
    • Community connection
    • Partnerships & collaboration

You are encouraged to read more details about each of these criteria here, including guidance on how each can be met. All criteria will be tracked for all affiliates, except for the criteria around financial and legal compliance, which only apply to those affiliates receiving funds and/or that are incorporated.

Staff and AffCom are working on streamlining affiliate reporting requirements, and responding to feedback raised during the community feedback period about the reporting burden. The new requirements of data collected in reports would be useful also for different Foundation teams and departments, and allow for the creation of detailed regional or global reports that demonstrate affiliate health and impact.

In July 2024, AffCom will work to finalise the implementation plans for the changes to the affiliate requirements and application process. In August 2024, updates will be made to Meta-wiki and other supporting platforms.

You can follow the process here.

The insights from the 2023 process also included recognising a need to strengthen AffCom processes for evaluating potential User Groups’ furtherance of shared movement goals, sustainability, and general ability to be healthy and active movement participants. AffCom has adopted a revised process for User Group recognition, and will be pausing new User Group recognitions until September 2024.

No immediate changes are happening, except the pause of considering new User Group recognitions until September, for applications received after today, June 12, 2024. Once more detailed implementation plans are developed, there will be an update here and on the relevant Meta pages with the next steps after Wikimania.

To provide your feedback, please leave a comment on the main talk page on Meta.

Alternatively, you can join AffCom's open office hours on June 19 at 14:00 UTC or request a conversation as a part of Talking:2024. You can use the Let’s Talk to sign up for a time to speak with us.

Looking forward to your feedback!

Best regards,

Nat, Mike & Lorenzo

Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees Liaisons to the Affiliations Committee

Sunday June 23 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting (WMF BoT statement on Movement Charter ratification)

A group of SWANs heading to the meeting

Hello everyone!

The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas about current developments in the Wikimedia Movement. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for further Wikimedia 2030 strategy process work.

At this meeting we will focus on the recent statement by the WMF Board of Trustees liaisons statement on the Movement Charter in which the liaisons stated that they will be recommending the Board of Trustees not to ratify the final draft of the Movement Charter. The community and affiliate votes on the ratification are supposed to start on Tuesday, 25 June. This meeting offers a venue to discuss the situation and formulate the "next steps".

This month, we are meeting on Sunday, June 23, and you are all invited to RSVP here.

UTC meeting times are and

Nadzik (talk) 16:30, 22 June 2024 (UTC)Reply

Affiliations Committee News (April-June 2024)

AffCom group photo at Wikimedia Summit 2024 in Berlin, Germany

You can find this newsletter translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Please help translate to your language

Quarterly newsletter sharing news and events about the work of Wikimedia's Affiliations Committee.

read this newsletter in fullsubscribe/unsubscribe

MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 16:20, 15 July 2024 (UTC)Reply

Sunday July 28 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting (Results of Movement Charter ratification)

SWANs gathering for a conversation

Hello everyone!

The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas about current developments in the Wikimedia Movement. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for further Wikimedia 2030 strategy process work.

At this meeting we will focus on the results of the Movement Charter ratification. We will also discuss the aftermath of the Board of Trustees' decision to veto the Movement Charter, including their recent proposals. We will also cover updates about upcoming Wikimania 2024.

This month, we are meeting on Sunday, July 28, and you are all invited to RSVP here.

UTC meeting times are and

Nadzik (talk) 19:55, 18 July 2024 (UTC)Reply

Affiliations Committee News (July-September 2024)

AffCom session at Wikimania 2024

You can find this newsletter translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Please help translate to your language

Quarterly newsletter sharing news and events about the work of Wikimedia's Affiliations Committee.