Value Proposition Design

Defining a distinctive value proposition

Most businesses and brands are good at articulating what they do, but it can be more difficult to articulate how they deliver value for the end user.

This is because you first need to have a really good understanding of who your buyer/user/target actually is. What motivates them, what annoys them, what gap do they have in their lives that your product or service offering can fill?

Then, you need to define the key benefits your product or service delivers to help address the needs of your audience. What problem does your product or service solve, and why does that matter?

If you are planning to launch a new product or service, a strong value proposition can help to inform whether you pursue the innovation in the first place, to shape how you design the end product/service for market, and to guide how you communicate at launch and beyond.

If you are already in the market, defining your value proposition can help to inform product improvements and shape your marketing and communications strategies.
At Metrix, we can help you design a value proposition that clearly articulates who your target audience is, the benefit you provide, and what makes your offering distinctive from that of your competitors. We deliver insight-led strategy, which means that your value proposition will be based on a solid foundation of insight and developed by a team of experienced marketing strategists. You may also want to take things a bit further and develop a comprehensive brand strategy that articulates not only your value proposition, but also your vision, your purpose and your personality.

Talk to us today about how a well-defined value proposition can help you reach your goals.

Related services we offer include

Market research

Competitive intelligence

Brand strategy

Marketing strategy & planning

New product development & innovation

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Location Details


  Level 1, 91 Havelock Street,
West Perth WA 6005


  223 Liverpool Street,
Darlinghurst NSW 2010