We are a Southern Baptist Church located in Albertville, AL. We gather on Sundays and Wednesdays for regular times of Worship, Bible Study and to participate in the Great Commission.
Sunday School All Ages: 9:00am
Morning worship 10:00am
Evening worship 6:00pm
*Our nursery is available on Sunday and Wednesday.
Women's Prayer 6pm
Brown Bag Bible Study 12pm
Prayer/Bible Study 6pm
Youth. 6pm
Choir Practice 7pm
Men's Prayer 6pm
The Pastor, Music Minister and Secretary are available to assist you during office hours.
What Should I Wear?
There is no dress code for any of our services. A few guys wear slacks and a coat and others wear pullovers. The ladies wear everything from jeans to dresses. We just ask that you dress in a way that is comfortable for you, not a distraction to others and above that, helps you worship the Lord, Jesus.
We are varied in our worship music. We sing a blend of hymns, choruses and contemporary songs. We have a choir that sings special music and is always ready to receive people willing to make a joyful noise. From guitars to trumpets our choir and musicians love to sing praise to the Lord.
The preaching is expository with a focus on personal application. Our desire is two-fold; first, to see Christians grow in their walk with Jesus, second, to see the unsaved come to faith in Jesus.
Folks are welcome to use whatever translation works for them. The text on Sunday morning is usually read from the King James Version but then explained thoroughly using original languages.