Media Center


The media plays an important role in the effort to improve water quality of the Minnesota River Basin. Check out what is happening through a diverse selection of media sources that range from newspaper articles to videos to newsletters to presentations to publications to much more.  We also want to hear from you.  Go to our blog if you have a comment on anything related to the Minnesota River or want to share a media source with others.

To be persuasive we must be believable; to be believable we must be credible; to be credible we must be truthful – Edward R. Murrow


Read the latest stories about the Minnesota River in the news. Here are just a few of the stories being written about the Minnesota River Basin and the effort to understand and protect our natural resources.  To keep abreast on what is happening in the basin and beyond sign up for the Minnesota River Weekly Update, an electronic newsletter serving as a clearinghouse.

The Minnesota River Weekly Update covers relevant issues, events/workshops, grant opportunities, job announcements, water quality information, natural resource-related articles among other items.

To sign up for the Weekly Update: [email protected]

Past issues can be found at Minnesota River Weekly Update


Ask an Expert about the Minnesota River Videos -

View the many diverse videos about the Minnesota River and tributaries.  Learn about the river from a variety of people that have watched the river change over many years:
"River Revival Working Together to Save the Minnesota River" by producers John Hickman and Jon Carlson

Voices of the River - This oral history project produced by Anne Queenan is focused on recording the stories of the people who stepped up, spoke out, took action and joined forces with others to address water quality issues facing the Minnesota River.  The intent is to inspire a new generation of advocates by recording how the movement to clean up the Minnesota River got started, what it has accomplished and where it is going:

Take a tour and learn about the history in the Minnesota River Basin from long time Minnesota River residents. Interviews are captured with video clips and maps:Interviews of Longtime Residents

Minnesota Agricultural Water Resources Coalition's Sediment Seminar at Mankato, MN on June 24, 2011 -

Video Feature: Upland Water Retention for Improving Drainage and Water Quality:

Archival Videos can be found at Videos


River Talk was a quarterly, 14-page newsletter that provided a snapshot of what was happening across the Minnesota River Basin from 2007-2014. This newsletter focused on the human side of life in the basin and helping translate a unifying voice of citizens and organizations working hard to improve and protect water quality. 

Archival Issues can be found at River Talk newsletters

Watershed Newsletters
Archival Issues can be found at Watershed newsletters


Learn more about the Minnesota River Basin through presentations that cover a wide range of topics including geology, history, biology, water quality, etc. 

Archival Sources can be found at Presentations


Explore numerous animations that depict natural characteristics of the Minnesota River Basin.

flash icon Early Explorer's Journal: Joseph Nicollet (5.5 mb)

flash icon Glaciation (0.5 mb)

flash icon Valley Formation & River Warren (0.5 mb)

flash icon Interactive Hydrograph (3.2 mb)

flash icon Wetland Loss (1.1 mb) 

flash icon Wetland Restoration (1.6 mb)

flash icon Lakeshore Development (6.0 mb)



Explore portions of the Minnesota River Basin on a virtual tour. More are currently in development.

Google Earth Flyover of Basin

Minnesota River Virtual Tour

Rush River Watershed Tour

Seven Mile Creek Tour


Browse our archive of reports, news releases and other publications related to the Minnesota River Basin.

Archival Sources can be found at Publications