"Auto Hunting With My Clones" is an exciting and action-packed manhwa that follows the story of a protagonist who discovers a unique ability to create clones of himself. The series takes you on an exhilarating journey as the protagonist uses these clones to hunt monsters and gain power.
What sets this manhwa apart is its intriguing premise and the creative use of clones in battles. The action sequences are well-illustrated and keep you hooked throughout. The character development is also commendable, and you'll find yourself invested in the protagonist's growth and challenges.
While "Auto Hunting With My Clones" offers a thrilling experience, some readers might want to see more depth in the supporting characters. Additionally, the pacing can be a bit fast at times, leaving you wanting more details about the world and its lore.
Overall, if you're a fan of action-packed manhwa with a unique twist and enjoy following a protagonist's journey of self-discovery, "Auto Hunting With My Clones" is definitely worth checking out