National Academies Press: OpenBook

Last Mile in General Aviation—Courtesy Vehicles and Other Forms of Ground Transportation (2020)

Chapter: Appendix D - Sample Courtesy Vehicle Check-Out Form Used by Higginsville Municipal Airport

« Previous: Appendix C - Checklist for Airport Courtesy Vehicle Procurement
Page 87
Suggested Citation:"Appendix D - Sample Courtesy Vehicle Check-Out Form Used by Higginsville Municipal Airport." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. Last Mile in General Aviation—Courtesy Vehicles and Other Forms of Ground Transportation. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25986.
Page 87
Page 88
Suggested Citation:"Appendix D - Sample Courtesy Vehicle Check-Out Form Used by Higginsville Municipal Airport." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. Last Mile in General Aviation—Courtesy Vehicles and Other Forms of Ground Transportation. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25986.
Page 88
Page 89
Suggested Citation:"Appendix D - Sample Courtesy Vehicle Check-Out Form Used by Higginsville Municipal Airport." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. Last Mile in General Aviation—Courtesy Vehicles and Other Forms of Ground Transportation. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25986.
Page 89
Page 90
Suggested Citation:"Appendix D - Sample Courtesy Vehicle Check-Out Form Used by Higginsville Municipal Airport." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. Last Mile in General Aviation—Courtesy Vehicles and Other Forms of Ground Transportation. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25986.
Page 90

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D-1 A P P E N D I X D Sample Courtesy Vehicle Check-Out Form Used by Higginsville Municipal Airport The airport provides a courtesy vehicle as a service to out-of-town pilots. This form must be completed prior to departing the airport. Name: Address: City: State: Phone: Cell Phone: Driver’s License Number: Expires: Auto Insurance Company: Policy Number: Expires: Agent’s Name: Agent’s Contact Information: Tail No. of Aircraft: Beginning Mileage: Ending Mileage: Visible damage to the vehicle prior to rental: Visible damage to the vehicle/or vehicle operational concerns upon return: The airport is pleased to furnish you with a Courtesy Vehicle while you are visiting. We ask that you adhere to the following rules during the use of our vehicle. • Only visiting pilots that do not maintain an aircraft at the airport may check out the vehicle. • The individual who checks out the vehicle is to be the only driver of the vehicle. • Vehicle usage is limited to no more than 24 hours. Pilots who exceed the usage period, unless previously approved, will be charged $_____ for each partial hour after the twenty-four-hour limit with a maximum of $_____ per day. • Vehicle may not be driven more than __ miles from the airport without prior approval. • Vehicle is loaned with the expressed specific restriction of no alcohol or drug use while operating the vehicle. • Smoking is prohibited while in the courtesy vehicle. • Keys must be returned to airport when vehicle is returned. • Vehicle must be returned in same condition as when checked out. Damage to vehicle must be reported immediately or at time of return of vehicle.

D-2 Last Mile in General Aviation—Courtesy Vehicles and Other Forms of Ground Transportation • This Courtesy Vehicle Agreement is to be signed by the pilot prior to release of the vehicle. • The airport maintains automobile liability insurance in the amount of $X,000,000 each occurrence. Prior to use, user shall provide Airport Staff valid identification and proof of insurance of at least the minimum amounts established by State law, with said insurance being the primary coverage for the vehicle with the airport’s insurance being excess. Copies of the valid identification and proof of insurance will be attached to this form prior to department from the airport. By signing this form, I agree to the terms for use of the Airport’s Courtesy Vehicle. _________________________________________ ________________________ Signature Date Airport Courtesy Car Hold Harmless Agreement I/We,___________________________, agree to protect, defend, indemnify, save and keep harmless, the Airport against and from any and all claims, loss, cost, damage or expense, arising out of or from any accident or other occurrence while driving the airport courtesy vehicle causing injury to any person or property damage, including injury to myself/ourselves, and will comply with and perform all the requirements and provisions agreed to and required by the Airport. I/We also agree not to allow use of the vehicle by anyone who has not previously been authorized, and who has not previously agreed to protect, defend, indemnify, save and keep harmless the Airport, and whose signatures do not appear on this agreement. I/We also agree to pay for any damages to the vehicle caused by my/our use or negligence, excluding normal wear and tear of the vehicle. My/our insurance will be the primary carrier. I also acknowledge that I have a valid driver’s license and carry auto liability insurance. I/We also agree to notify the Airport of any damages or hazardous conditions immediately, and to immediately discontinue use of the vehicle until the condition can be corrected. _________________________________________________ Name of Individual _________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________ Phone # _________________________________________________

Sample Courtesy Vehicle Check-Out Form Used by Higginsville Municipal Airport D-3 Name of Company _________________________________________________ Signature Date ___________________________________ ____________________________________ Insurance Carrier Insurance Agent ___________________________________ ____________________________________ Policy # Phone #

Next: Appendix E - Sample Guidelines for Courtesy Vehicle Use Policy »
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Providing connectivity to the local community or region served by a general aviation airport is essential for providing a complete service to airport users and capturing economic benefit whether large or small.

The TRB Airport Cooperative Research Program's ACRP Synthesis 111: Last Mile in General Aviation—Courtesy Vehicles and Other Forms of Ground Transportation compiles options, practices, and tools for airports to use to develop a sustainable last-mile strategy to connect users of general aviation airports to the communities that they serve.


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