Department Seminars

Spring 2025:

Department Seminars held in Biotech G01 from 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m., unless otherwise noted.

January 23, 2025Itai Cohen, Dept. of Physics, Cornell University; Host: Andrew Bass - Uncovering motor control in insect flight
January 30, 2025
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Scott Villa, Davidson College; Hosts: Graduate Students/Ella Zhao - Symbionts, specificity, and speciation: How interactions between endosymbionts and host behavior trigger the emergence of hybrid "super" pests
February 6, 2025Jason Kerr, Max Planck Institute for Neurobiology of Behavior; Host: Jesse Goldberg - What land and sky animals see during predator-prey interactions and how to image deep cortical layers
February 13, 2025 - Cancelled
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Julio Martinez, Western University; Host: Madineh Sedigh-Sarvestani - Why do primates have view cells instead of place cells
February 27, 2025Robyn Crook, San Francisco State; Host: Ben Sandkam & Helen Stec - Cephalopods as comparative models for understanding injury-induced neural plasticity
March 6, 2025Dileep George, Google DeepMind; Host: Weinan Sun - Kant is wrong, Poincare is right: Toward a sequence-centric neurobiological theory of the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex
March 13, 2025Albert Lee, Harvard University; Host: Antonio Fernandez-Ruiz - Hippocampal representations and their uses
March 20, 2025Kern Reeve, Dept. of Neurobiology & Behavior, Cornell University; Host: Andrew Bass - Cancer, Plasticity and the Levels of Selection
March 27, 2025Jennifer Groh, Duke Institute for Brain Sciences; Host: Madineh Sedigh-Sarvestani
April 8, 2025Anne Osbourne, John Innes Centre,  Life Sciences Lecture Series; Host: Jian Hua - A Million Shades of Green: Harnessing Plant Metabolic Diversity for Food and Health Applications
April 10, 2025Marc Schmidt, UPenn;  Perry Gilbert Lecture Series; Hosts: Graduate Students/Caleb Jones
Apri 17, 2025Maria Tosches, Columbia University; Host: Jonathan Perelmuter
April 24, 2025Ann Kennedy, Northwestern University; Hosts: Graduate Students/Naman Agrawal
April 25, 2025Nachum Ulanovsky, Weizmann Institute of Science; Host: Aza Oliva
May 1, 2025Ian Ellwood, Dept. of NBB, Cornell University; Host: Andrew Bass
May 6, 2025Michelle Monje, Stanford University, Life Sciences Lecture Series; Host: Toshi Kawata