Books by Sinclair W Bell
Bell, S.W. (In preparation.) Spectacles of Blood and Glory: Gladiatorial Combats and Chariot Racing in the Roman Empire. Under advance contract with Reaktion Books.
Bell, S.W. (In preparation.) Chariot Racing in Roman Society: Athletic Competition, Sensory Experience, and Urban Spectacle.
Chariot Racing in Roman Society: Athletic Competition, Sensory Experience, and Urban Spectacle.
Bell, S.W. (In preparation.) Aethiopians in Roman Art and Society: "Race," Representation, and Social Practice.
The Spectacle of Everyday Life in the Roman Empire: Sport and Spectacula in Material Culture and Social Practice, edited by Sinclair Bell and Nathan Elkins. Berlin: De Gruyter, in preparation.

Freed Persons in the Roman World: Status, Diversity and Representation., 2024
How were freed people represented in the Roman world? This volume presents new research about the... more How were freed people represented in the Roman world? This volume presents new research about the integration of freed persons into Roman society. It addresses the challenge of studying Roman freed persons on the basis of highly fragmentary sources whose contents have been fundamentally shaped by the forces of domination. Even though freed persons were defined through a common legal status and shared the experience of enslavement and manumission, many different interactions could derive from these commonalities in different periods and localities across the empire. Drawing on literary, epigraphic, and archaeological evidence, this book provides cases studies that test the various ways in which juridical categories and normative discourses shaped the social and cultural landscape in which freed people lived. By approaching the literary and epigraphic representations of freed persons in new ways, it nuances the impact of power asymmetries and social strategies on the cultural practices and lived experiences of freed persons.

Spectacles in the Roman Empire (athletic competitions, scenic games, gladiatorial fights, and cir... more Spectacles in the Roman Empire (athletic competitions, scenic games, gladiatorial fights, and circus races) brought together generally heterogeneous crowds including, among others, magistrates, senators, knights, plebeians, slaves, women, and children. But did all layers of Roman society have easy access to the spectator stands? Did they experience these entertainments under the same conditions? Did they respond to them with the same emotions and sensations? To what extent did the composition of the provincial public differ from those of Rome? These are the central questions raised by the authors of this book who answer them by drawing upon all the available sources of evidence: graffiti, inscriptions, literature, iconography, and archaeological finds. Each contribution investigates different categories of the public and produces a finer and more nuanced understanding of Roman spectators and their diverse reception of the performances in Antiquity.

Brill's Companion to the Reception of Vitruvius., 2024
would like to thank Kyriakos Demetriou for the initial invitation to undertake the project and hi... more would like to thank Kyriakos Demetriou for the initial invitation to undertake the project and his infinite patience in awaiting the results, Sinclair Bell for taking up, like Hercules, this burden of Atlas upon his shoulders, and our stalwart contributors. Special thanks to the Centro di Studi Vitruviani of Fano, Italy, for years of support: to its current Coordinatore Scientifico, Oscar Mei, the President of the Comitato Scientifico, Eugenio La Rocca, my fellow members of the Comitato Scientifico, several of them contributors to this volume, the founding Coordinatore Scientifico, Paolo Clini, President Dino Zacchilli, Honorary President Lupo Bracci, Henry Secchiaroli, Giorgio Mangani, and the people of Fano. Grazie infinite. Sinclair Bell would like to Ingrid Rowland for her generous invitation to collaborate on this project and for her steady hand, good humor, and wisdom in seeing it through, to the contributors for their collegiality, and to Quan Pham for his assistance with various aspects of the volume's realization. The editors are indebted to Orla Mulholland and Hillary Marzec for their translations of several chapters, Jane Barry for her superlative copyediting of the volume, to the peer reviewer for their careful reading of the manuscript and many helpful suggestions, and to Giulia Moriconi, Associate Editor of Classical Studies at Brill, for her assistance at every stage.

This book surveys the practice of horse racing from antiquity to the modern period, and in this w... more This book surveys the practice of horse racing from antiquity to the modern period, and in this way offers a selective global history.
Unlike previous histories of horse racing, which generally make claims about the exclusiveness of modern sport and therefore diminish the importance of premodern physical contests, the contributors to this book approach racing as a deep history of diachronically comparable practices, discourses, and perceptions centered around the competitive staging of equine speed. In order to compare horse racing cultures from completely different epochs and regions, the authors respond to a series of core issues which serve as structural comparative parameters. These key issues include the spatial and architectural framework of races; their organization; victory prizes; symbolic representations of victories and victors; and the social range and identities of the participants. The evidence of these competitions is interpreted in its distinct historical contexts and with regard to specific cultural conditions that shaped the respective relationship between owners, riders, and horses on the global racetracks of pre-modernity and modernity.
Reviews: Anthrozoös (J. Houston); Humanimalia 31.2 (C. Willekes).
By investigating the global history of horse racing from antiquity to the modern period, it is li... more By investigating the global history of horse racing from antiquity to the modern period, it is likewise possible to overcome the traditional pitfalls in the periodization of sport history. Instead of claiming an exclusiveness of modern sport and downgrading premodern physical contests as pure phenomena of alterity, this special issue discusses racing in the horse age as a deep history of diachronically comparable practices, discourses, and perceptions centered around the competitive staging of equine speed.
Review: Etruscan and Italic Studies 23.1–2 (2020) 196–98 [S. Sabnis].
Journal of Roman Archaeology 31.2 (2018) 563–567 [N. De Grummond]; Etruscan Studies 20... more Reviews:
Journal of Roman Archaeology 31.2 (2018) 563–567 [N. De Grummond]; Etruscan Studies 20.1 (2017) 100–107 [I. Edlund-Berry]; Opuscula Romana 10 (2017) 190–91 [F. Tobin]; American Journal of Archaeology [online] 122.3 (2018) [L. Taylor]; Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2018.04.41 [V. Riedemann Lorca].
Hermathena 191 (2011 [2014]) 130–33 [U. Roth]; European Review of History 21.1 (2014) ... more Reviews:
Hermathena 191 (2011 [2014]) 130–33 [U. Roth]; European Review of History 21.1 (2014) 114–16 [T. Sandon]; Sehepunkte 14.2 (2014) [A. Lepke]; Greece & Rome 60.1 (2013) 175 [B. Levick]; Journal of Roman Archaeology 26 (2013) 662–72 [M. Laird]; Journal of Roman Studies 103 (2013) 287 [T. Urbainczyk]; Revista de história 168 (2013) 452–57 [F.D. Joly]; Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2012.10.43 [J.C. Dumont]; Classical Journal 108 (2012/13) 239–46 [E. Meyer]; The Historian 76.3 (2014) 621–22 [J. Carlsen].

Journal of Roman Archaeology 24 (2011) 512–15 [D. Ridgway]; Scholia 20.4 (2011) [R. Ro... more Reviews:
Journal of Roman Archaeology 24 (2011) 512–15 [D. Ridgway]; Scholia 20.4 (2011) [R. Roth]; American Journal of Archaeology [online] 114.3 (2010) [S. Stoddart]; Antiquity 84:324 (2010) 565–67 [T. Rasmussen]; Bulletin Antieke Beschaving 85 (2010) 212–13 [B. van der Meer]; Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2010.02.32 [C. Smith]; Classical Review 60.2 (2010) 572–74 [L. Pieraccini].
Table of Contents
1. Between Crustumerium and Eretum: Observations on the First Iron Age Phases and the Finds from the Archaic Period / Paolo Togninelli
2. Civitalba and Roman Programs of Commemoration and Unification / Peter J. Holliday
3. Etruscan Cults in Roman Times: The Strange Ruins of Chianciano Terme / David Soren and Erin Nell
4. The Gods in the Circus / Carin Green
5. Far from Etruria: Etruscan Fakes in Japan / Stephan Steingräber
6. "Etruscan" Gold from Cerverteri (and Elsewhere) in the University of Pennsylvania Museum / Jean MacIntosh Turfa
7. From Crustumerium: A Proposal against Looting. Loans in Exchange for Resources for Preservation / Francesco di Gennaro
8. How Did Painters Create Near-Exact Copies? Notes on Four Center Paintings from Pompeii / John R. Clarke
9. Is Linear Perspective Necessary? / Jocelyn Penny Small
10. Some Thoughts on the Baubo Gesture in Classical Art / Larissa Bonfante
11. One More Etruscan Couple at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston / Marjatta Nielsen
12. Dueling Warriors on Two Etruscan Bronze Mirrors from the Fifth Century B.C.E. / Alexandra A. Carpino
13. The Blood of Animals: Predation and Transformation in Etruscan Funerary Representation / P. Gregory Warden
14. The Deified Deceased in Etruscan Culture / Giovannangelo Camporeale
15. On the Origin of the Vanth: Death Harbingers and Banshees in the Etruscan and Celtic Worlds / Anthony Tuck
16. Guests, Hosts, and Politics at Herculaneum / Carol C. Mattusch
17. The Lost Iter Hetruscum of Athanasius Kircher (1665-78) / Ingrid Rowland
18. Ingrid Edlund-Berry, Larthi, Turms, and Vel: Real Etruscans in Modern Fiction"
Chronicle of Higher Education Oct. 17, 2008.
Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2... more Notice:
Chronicle of Higher Education Oct. 17, 2008.
Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2009.07.59 [J. Jacobs]; Journal of Roman Archaeology 23 (2010) 583–86 [S. Dillon]; Journal of Roman Studies 101 (2011) 255–57 [C. Damon]; Classical Review 63.1 (2013) 249–52 [J. Connolly].

Antiquity 78.302 (2004) 962.
1. American Journal of Archaeology 112 (2008... more Notice:
Antiquity 78.302 (2004) 962.
1. American Journal of Archaeology 112 (2008) 181–82 [Z. Papakonstantinou];
2. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2008.04.20 [S. Evans].
Table of Contents:
1. Eleanor Loughlin, 'Grasping the Bull by the Horns: Minoan Bull Sport' 1-8
2. Tyler Jo Smith, 'Festival? What Festival? Reading Dance Imagery as Evidence' 9-24
3. Gráinne McLaughlin, 'Professional Foul: Persona in Pindar' 25-32
4. Eleanor OKell, 'Orestes the Contender: Chariot Racing and Politics in Fifth Century Athens and Sophocles' "Electra"' 33-44
5. Arlene Allan, 'From Agonistes to Agonios: Hermes, Chaos and Conflict in Competitive Games and Festivals' 45-54
6. Greta Ham, 'Dionysiac Festivals in Aristophanes' "Acharnians"' 55-64
7. Nick Fisher, 'The Perils of Pittalakos: Settings of Cock Fighting and Dicing in Classical Athens' 65-78
8. Geoffrey Sumi, 'Civic Self-Representation in the Hellenistic World: The Festival of Artemis Leukophryene' 79-92
9. Clemence Schultze, 'Roman Games and Greek Origins in Dionysius of Halicarnassus' 93-106
10. Helen Lovatt, 'Epic Games and Real Games in Statius' "Thebaid" 6 and Virgil's "Aeneid" 5' 107-114
11. Francesca Garello, 'Sport or Showbiz? The "naumachiae" of Imperial Rome' 115-124
12. Ergün Lafli, 'Dionysiac Scenes on Sagalassian "Oinophoroi" from Seleuceia Sidera in Pisidia' 125-136
13. Julia Burman, 'Christianising the Celebrations of Death in Late Antiquity' 137-142
14. Elizabeth Tobey, 'The Sala dei Cavalli in Palazzo Te: Portraits of champions' 143-153.""
Journal (Editor) by Sinclair W Bell
Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome, 2020
The Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome began publication in 1915, shortly after the union of... more The Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome began publication in 1915, shortly after the union of the American School of Classical Studies in Rome and the American Academy in Rome. The contents of the first thirty-nine Quarto volumes have varied, consisting at different times of collections of articles, monographic studies, final excavation reports, and collections of conference papers.
Volume 40, bearing the calendar date of 1995, initiated a new phase in the life of series, which has subsequently appeared as an annual journal containing articles in the wide range of fields that have traditionally been important to the Academy. These include classical studies and archaeology, art history, and Italian cultural and historical studies from the Middle Ages to the present.
The Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome began publication in 1915, shortly after the union of... more The Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome began publication in 1915, shortly after the union of the American School of Classical Studies in Rome and the American Academy in Rome. The contents of the first thirty-nine Quarto volumes have varied, consisting at different times of collections of articles, monographic studies, final excavation reports, and collections of conference papers.
Volume 40, bearing the calendar date of 1995, initiated a new phase in the life of series, which has subsequently appeared as an annual journal containing articles in the wide range of fields that have traditionally been important to the Academy. These include classical studies and archaeology, art history, and Italian cultural and historical studies from the Middle Ages to the present.
Articles by Sinclair W Bell
Ancient History Magazine, 2025
Books by Sinclair W Bell
Unlike previous histories of horse racing, which generally make claims about the exclusiveness of modern sport and therefore diminish the importance of premodern physical contests, the contributors to this book approach racing as a deep history of diachronically comparable practices, discourses, and perceptions centered around the competitive staging of equine speed. In order to compare horse racing cultures from completely different epochs and regions, the authors respond to a series of core issues which serve as structural comparative parameters. These key issues include the spatial and architectural framework of races; their organization; victory prizes; symbolic representations of victories and victors; and the social range and identities of the participants. The evidence of these competitions is interpreted in its distinct historical contexts and with regard to specific cultural conditions that shaped the respective relationship between owners, riders, and horses on the global racetracks of pre-modernity and modernity.
Reviews: Anthrozoös (J. Houston); Humanimalia 31.2 (C. Willekes).
Journal of Roman Archaeology 31.2 (2018) 563–567 [N. De Grummond]; Etruscan Studies 20.1 (2017) 100–107 [I. Edlund-Berry]; Opuscula Romana 10 (2017) 190–91 [F. Tobin]; American Journal of Archaeology [online] 122.3 (2018) [L. Taylor]; Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2018.04.41 [V. Riedemann Lorca].
Hermathena 191 (2011 [2014]) 130–33 [U. Roth]; European Review of History 21.1 (2014) 114–16 [T. Sandon]; Sehepunkte 14.2 (2014) [A. Lepke]; Greece & Rome 60.1 (2013) 175 [B. Levick]; Journal of Roman Archaeology 26 (2013) 662–72 [M. Laird]; Journal of Roman Studies 103 (2013) 287 [T. Urbainczyk]; Revista de história 168 (2013) 452–57 [F.D. Joly]; Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2012.10.43 [J.C. Dumont]; Classical Journal 108 (2012/13) 239–46 [E. Meyer]; The Historian 76.3 (2014) 621–22 [J. Carlsen].
Journal of Roman Archaeology 24 (2011) 512–15 [D. Ridgway]; Scholia 20.4 (2011) [R. Roth]; American Journal of Archaeology [online] 114.3 (2010) [S. Stoddart]; Antiquity 84:324 (2010) 565–67 [T. Rasmussen]; Bulletin Antieke Beschaving 85 (2010) 212–13 [B. van der Meer]; Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2010.02.32 [C. Smith]; Classical Review 60.2 (2010) 572–74 [L. Pieraccini].
Table of Contents
1. Between Crustumerium and Eretum: Observations on the First Iron Age Phases and the Finds from the Archaic Period / Paolo Togninelli
2. Civitalba and Roman Programs of Commemoration and Unification / Peter J. Holliday
3. Etruscan Cults in Roman Times: The Strange Ruins of Chianciano Terme / David Soren and Erin Nell
4. The Gods in the Circus / Carin Green
5. Far from Etruria: Etruscan Fakes in Japan / Stephan Steingräber
6. "Etruscan" Gold from Cerverteri (and Elsewhere) in the University of Pennsylvania Museum / Jean MacIntosh Turfa
7. From Crustumerium: A Proposal against Looting. Loans in Exchange for Resources for Preservation / Francesco di Gennaro
8. How Did Painters Create Near-Exact Copies? Notes on Four Center Paintings from Pompeii / John R. Clarke
9. Is Linear Perspective Necessary? / Jocelyn Penny Small
10. Some Thoughts on the Baubo Gesture in Classical Art / Larissa Bonfante
11. One More Etruscan Couple at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston / Marjatta Nielsen
12. Dueling Warriors on Two Etruscan Bronze Mirrors from the Fifth Century B.C.E. / Alexandra A. Carpino
13. The Blood of Animals: Predation and Transformation in Etruscan Funerary Representation / P. Gregory Warden
14. The Deified Deceased in Etruscan Culture / Giovannangelo Camporeale
15. On the Origin of the Vanth: Death Harbingers and Banshees in the Etruscan and Celtic Worlds / Anthony Tuck
16. Guests, Hosts, and Politics at Herculaneum / Carol C. Mattusch
17. The Lost Iter Hetruscum of Athanasius Kircher (1665-78) / Ingrid Rowland
18. Ingrid Edlund-Berry, Larthi, Turms, and Vel: Real Etruscans in Modern Fiction"
Chronicle of Higher Education Oct. 17, 2008.
Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2009.07.59 [J. Jacobs]; Journal of Roman Archaeology 23 (2010) 583–86 [S. Dillon]; Journal of Roman Studies 101 (2011) 255–57 [C. Damon]; Classical Review 63.1 (2013) 249–52 [J. Connolly].
Antiquity 78.302 (2004) 962.
1. American Journal of Archaeology 112 (2008) 181–82 [Z. Papakonstantinou];
2. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2008.04.20 [S. Evans].
Table of Contents:
1. Eleanor Loughlin, 'Grasping the Bull by the Horns: Minoan Bull Sport' 1-8
2. Tyler Jo Smith, 'Festival? What Festival? Reading Dance Imagery as Evidence' 9-24
3. Gráinne McLaughlin, 'Professional Foul: Persona in Pindar' 25-32
4. Eleanor OKell, 'Orestes the Contender: Chariot Racing and Politics in Fifth Century Athens and Sophocles' "Electra"' 33-44
5. Arlene Allan, 'From Agonistes to Agonios: Hermes, Chaos and Conflict in Competitive Games and Festivals' 45-54
6. Greta Ham, 'Dionysiac Festivals in Aristophanes' "Acharnians"' 55-64
7. Nick Fisher, 'The Perils of Pittalakos: Settings of Cock Fighting and Dicing in Classical Athens' 65-78
8. Geoffrey Sumi, 'Civic Self-Representation in the Hellenistic World: The Festival of Artemis Leukophryene' 79-92
9. Clemence Schultze, 'Roman Games and Greek Origins in Dionysius of Halicarnassus' 93-106
10. Helen Lovatt, 'Epic Games and Real Games in Statius' "Thebaid" 6 and Virgil's "Aeneid" 5' 107-114
11. Francesca Garello, 'Sport or Showbiz? The "naumachiae" of Imperial Rome' 115-124
12. Ergün Lafli, 'Dionysiac Scenes on Sagalassian "Oinophoroi" from Seleuceia Sidera in Pisidia' 125-136
13. Julia Burman, 'Christianising the Celebrations of Death in Late Antiquity' 137-142
14. Elizabeth Tobey, 'The Sala dei Cavalli in Palazzo Te: Portraits of champions' 143-153.""
Journal (Editor) by Sinclair W Bell
Volume 40, bearing the calendar date of 1995, initiated a new phase in the life of series, which has subsequently appeared as an annual journal containing articles in the wide range of fields that have traditionally been important to the Academy. These include classical studies and archaeology, art history, and Italian cultural and historical studies from the Middle Ages to the present.
Volume 40, bearing the calendar date of 1995, initiated a new phase in the life of series, which has subsequently appeared as an annual journal containing articles in the wide range of fields that have traditionally been important to the Academy. These include classical studies and archaeology, art history, and Italian cultural and historical studies from the Middle Ages to the present.
Articles by Sinclair W Bell
Unlike previous histories of horse racing, which generally make claims about the exclusiveness of modern sport and therefore diminish the importance of premodern physical contests, the contributors to this book approach racing as a deep history of diachronically comparable practices, discourses, and perceptions centered around the competitive staging of equine speed. In order to compare horse racing cultures from completely different epochs and regions, the authors respond to a series of core issues which serve as structural comparative parameters. These key issues include the spatial and architectural framework of races; their organization; victory prizes; symbolic representations of victories and victors; and the social range and identities of the participants. The evidence of these competitions is interpreted in its distinct historical contexts and with regard to specific cultural conditions that shaped the respective relationship between owners, riders, and horses on the global racetracks of pre-modernity and modernity.
Reviews: Anthrozoös (J. Houston); Humanimalia 31.2 (C. Willekes).
Journal of Roman Archaeology 31.2 (2018) 563–567 [N. De Grummond]; Etruscan Studies 20.1 (2017) 100–107 [I. Edlund-Berry]; Opuscula Romana 10 (2017) 190–91 [F. Tobin]; American Journal of Archaeology [online] 122.3 (2018) [L. Taylor]; Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2018.04.41 [V. Riedemann Lorca].
Hermathena 191 (2011 [2014]) 130–33 [U. Roth]; European Review of History 21.1 (2014) 114–16 [T. Sandon]; Sehepunkte 14.2 (2014) [A. Lepke]; Greece & Rome 60.1 (2013) 175 [B. Levick]; Journal of Roman Archaeology 26 (2013) 662–72 [M. Laird]; Journal of Roman Studies 103 (2013) 287 [T. Urbainczyk]; Revista de história 168 (2013) 452–57 [F.D. Joly]; Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2012.10.43 [J.C. Dumont]; Classical Journal 108 (2012/13) 239–46 [E. Meyer]; The Historian 76.3 (2014) 621–22 [J. Carlsen].
Journal of Roman Archaeology 24 (2011) 512–15 [D. Ridgway]; Scholia 20.4 (2011) [R. Roth]; American Journal of Archaeology [online] 114.3 (2010) [S. Stoddart]; Antiquity 84:324 (2010) 565–67 [T. Rasmussen]; Bulletin Antieke Beschaving 85 (2010) 212–13 [B. van der Meer]; Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2010.02.32 [C. Smith]; Classical Review 60.2 (2010) 572–74 [L. Pieraccini].
Table of Contents
1. Between Crustumerium and Eretum: Observations on the First Iron Age Phases and the Finds from the Archaic Period / Paolo Togninelli
2. Civitalba and Roman Programs of Commemoration and Unification / Peter J. Holliday
3. Etruscan Cults in Roman Times: The Strange Ruins of Chianciano Terme / David Soren and Erin Nell
4. The Gods in the Circus / Carin Green
5. Far from Etruria: Etruscan Fakes in Japan / Stephan Steingräber
6. "Etruscan" Gold from Cerverteri (and Elsewhere) in the University of Pennsylvania Museum / Jean MacIntosh Turfa
7. From Crustumerium: A Proposal against Looting. Loans in Exchange for Resources for Preservation / Francesco di Gennaro
8. How Did Painters Create Near-Exact Copies? Notes on Four Center Paintings from Pompeii / John R. Clarke
9. Is Linear Perspective Necessary? / Jocelyn Penny Small
10. Some Thoughts on the Baubo Gesture in Classical Art / Larissa Bonfante
11. One More Etruscan Couple at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston / Marjatta Nielsen
12. Dueling Warriors on Two Etruscan Bronze Mirrors from the Fifth Century B.C.E. / Alexandra A. Carpino
13. The Blood of Animals: Predation and Transformation in Etruscan Funerary Representation / P. Gregory Warden
14. The Deified Deceased in Etruscan Culture / Giovannangelo Camporeale
15. On the Origin of the Vanth: Death Harbingers and Banshees in the Etruscan and Celtic Worlds / Anthony Tuck
16. Guests, Hosts, and Politics at Herculaneum / Carol C. Mattusch
17. The Lost Iter Hetruscum of Athanasius Kircher (1665-78) / Ingrid Rowland
18. Ingrid Edlund-Berry, Larthi, Turms, and Vel: Real Etruscans in Modern Fiction"
Chronicle of Higher Education Oct. 17, 2008.
Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2009.07.59 [J. Jacobs]; Journal of Roman Archaeology 23 (2010) 583–86 [S. Dillon]; Journal of Roman Studies 101 (2011) 255–57 [C. Damon]; Classical Review 63.1 (2013) 249–52 [J. Connolly].
Antiquity 78.302 (2004) 962.
1. American Journal of Archaeology 112 (2008) 181–82 [Z. Papakonstantinou];
2. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2008.04.20 [S. Evans].
Table of Contents:
1. Eleanor Loughlin, 'Grasping the Bull by the Horns: Minoan Bull Sport' 1-8
2. Tyler Jo Smith, 'Festival? What Festival? Reading Dance Imagery as Evidence' 9-24
3. Gráinne McLaughlin, 'Professional Foul: Persona in Pindar' 25-32
4. Eleanor OKell, 'Orestes the Contender: Chariot Racing and Politics in Fifth Century Athens and Sophocles' "Electra"' 33-44
5. Arlene Allan, 'From Agonistes to Agonios: Hermes, Chaos and Conflict in Competitive Games and Festivals' 45-54
6. Greta Ham, 'Dionysiac Festivals in Aristophanes' "Acharnians"' 55-64
7. Nick Fisher, 'The Perils of Pittalakos: Settings of Cock Fighting and Dicing in Classical Athens' 65-78
8. Geoffrey Sumi, 'Civic Self-Representation in the Hellenistic World: The Festival of Artemis Leukophryene' 79-92
9. Clemence Schultze, 'Roman Games and Greek Origins in Dionysius of Halicarnassus' 93-106
10. Helen Lovatt, 'Epic Games and Real Games in Statius' "Thebaid" 6 and Virgil's "Aeneid" 5' 107-114
11. Francesca Garello, 'Sport or Showbiz? The "naumachiae" of Imperial Rome' 115-124
12. Ergün Lafli, 'Dionysiac Scenes on Sagalassian "Oinophoroi" from Seleuceia Sidera in Pisidia' 125-136
13. Julia Burman, 'Christianising the Celebrations of Death in Late Antiquity' 137-142
14. Elizabeth Tobey, 'The Sala dei Cavalli in Palazzo Te: Portraits of champions' 143-153.""
Volume 40, bearing the calendar date of 1995, initiated a new phase in the life of series, which has subsequently appeared as an annual journal containing articles in the wide range of fields that have traditionally been important to the Academy. These include classical studies and archaeology, art history, and Italian cultural and historical studies from the Middle Ages to the present.
Volume 40, bearing the calendar date of 1995, initiated a new phase in the life of series, which has subsequently appeared as an annual journal containing articles in the wide range of fields that have traditionally been important to the Academy. These include classical studies and archaeology, art history, and Italian cultural and historical studies from the Middle Ages to the present.
The essay focuses on the first through the fourth centuries A.D., with the bulk of the evidence (literary, epigraphic, artistic, and archaeological) drawn from the first two centuries. In keeping with current directions in the study of ancient sport and spectacle, the approach adopted here places less emphasis on the legal and technical aspects of the chariot races (‘event-oriented sport history’) and more on these competitions as ‘part of a broader social canvas’ (the ‘social history of sport and spectacle’).
Many ancient and early modern works that are viewed in monochrome today were once painted in vibrant colors. Lost to time until recently, the pigments and other surface treatments that originally adorned these objects offer a deeper appreciation of the cultures from which they originate. This handsome volume features new research by more than thirty international experts in polychromy, including art historians, conservators, scientists, and photographers. Identified through advanced technologies, scientific analyses, and in-depth research, their discoveries of surviving traces of color span the globe and vary in material, including an Archaic Greek marble sphinx, an ancient Near Eastern cloisonné furniture plaque, Mexica (Aztec) limestone sculptures, and medieval and Renaissance European marbles and bronzes. This wide-ranging publication explores how these works further our understanding of ancient ideas around skin color, race, and gender; summarizes recent advances in the field; and considers polychromy’s controversial rediscovery and modern reception—highlighting the role of reconstructions such as 3D-printed replicas and virtual animations in contemporary museum practice, as well as the resurgence of polychromy techniques in postmodern and contemporary European architecture.
The essay focuses on the first through the fourth centuries A.D., with the bulk of the evidence (literary, epigraphic, artistic, and archaeological) drawn from the first two centuries. In keeping with current directions in the study of ancient sport and spectacle, the approach adopted here places less emphasis on the legal and technical aspects of the chariot races (‘event-oriented sport history’) and more on these competitions as ‘part of a broader social canvas’ (the ‘social history of sport and spectacle’).
"L’état de fébrilité du public lors des courses de chars de la Rome antique apparaît, à certains égards, comme un lieu commun dans de nombreux passages de la littérature ancienne parvenus jusqu’à nous. Néanmoins, l’engouement suscité par ces spectacles à Rome, comme dans les provinces de l’Empire, est confirmé non seulement par les ruines de cirques antiques encore visibles de nos jours à Rome, et ailleurs en Europe ou en Afrique du Nord, mais aussi par un grand nombre de représentations de cochers et de chevaux sur des mosaïques, des fresques ou encore des objets dits du quotidien (manches de couteaux, lampes à huile, coupes en verre…) conservés dans plusieurs musées à travers le monde.
Après une présentation des sources dont nous disposons sur les spectateurs des cirques romains et des difficultés d’interprétation qu’elles posent, cet ouvrage propose dans un second temps une analyse du comportement des foules dans les cirques durant les jeux, principalement à Rome, en s’appuyant aussi sur des recherches récentes concernant les réactions des supporteurs dans les stades de football de nos jours. Enfin, la dernière partie de cette étude est consacrée aux relations entretenues par les empereurs romains avec les jeux du cirque et leurs spectateurs. Elle met en évidence les nombreux intérêts, mais aussi parfois les inconvénients, que présentaient ces divertissements de masse pour le pouvoir politique dans la Rome impériale."
2. The Power of Otherness / From Human to Divine Power
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Campus Puerta de Toledo - Congress Hall (0.B.06)
29-31 May 2024
The visual and material culture of the Roman Empire provides an abundant record of encounters with or simply imaginings of foreign peoples. These images render visible complex formulations of ethnicity, social hierarchies, and power.
This lecture surveys the ways in which imperial artists represented the peoples whom the Romans referred to as Aethiopians or Nubians (i.e., “Black” Africans) in a variety of visual media. The lecture also considers how and why these works have been (mis)interpreted or sometimes altogether ignored by ancient art historians, and proposes new ways of integrating them into future, critical histories of Roman art.
The contents are arranged accordingly under three headings: (1) Greek philosophy, history, and historiography; (2) Latin literature, history, and historiography; and (3) Greco-Roman material culture, religion, and literature. These papers also coincide in myriad ways across the three headings, tracing themes such as friendship, leadership, and the reception of ideas in the arenas of philosophy, historiography, manuscript studies, poetry, medicine, art, and war. Within this delimited framework, the volume’s diversity of topics and approaches to a range of genres in the Greco-Roman world is intended both to appeal to the general scholar with varied interests and to offer students a wide scope through which to consider those genres.