Because nobody ever suspects the butterfly…

Reblog with your Victorian self.

Reblog with the meaning of your Tumblr name









and things


My evil alter ego.

that thing you cover a ~batwoman with <3

My gamertag on Xbox Live.

Willow and Tara’s cat.

From wikipedia: The corseque is a type of European pole weapon, characterised by a three-lobe blade on a 1.8 to 2.5-metre shaft. The head features a long spike and two shorter and stronger lateral blades.

The Corseque is said to have originated in Corsica, from where it takes its name. It would have evolved from the spetum in the later Middle Ages.

It was popular in Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries. Surviving examples have a variety of head forms but there are two main variants, one with the side blades (known as flukes or wings) branching from the neck of the central blade at 45 degrees, the other with hooked blades curving back towards the haft. 


Because nobody ever suspects the butterfly…

(via corseque)

of or pertaining to butterflies.




of or pertaining to butterflies.

(via professional-widow)

As long as I’m posting butterflies… this is my Gaia avatar. I’m never on Gaia anymore – between work, money problems, and then tumblr, I got entirely distracted this past year – but I was for ages. (Despite my age. Despite Gaia’s rep. I do love that...

As long as I’m posting butterflies… this is my Gaia avatar. I’m never on Gaia anymore – between work, money problems, and then tumblr, I got entirely distracted this past year – but I was for ages. (Despite my age. Despite Gaia’s rep. I do love that site.) 

When the Monarch dress came out as an exclusive rare that could only be bought with several million gold, I was like, “so this is what I’ve been hoarding all this crap for!” and held a fire sale.  Never been so happy to acquire a virtual item, ever.  And then this past fall, they finally, finally got monarch wings – and I logged in specifically to buy them, and knew I had a permanent avatar at last. 

If I ever go back (I ought to, I ran a couple of coding services I should see if need maintenance, not to mention the regs guild I had friends in) I might change my avatar again, but this is me. This is the avatar I always wanted.

Your tumblr username is now your superhero username, what are your powers?







Trolling the shit out of everyone? (Asha Greyjoy inspired username)




I wear a black latex suit and shoot blue bubbles from my fingers. They stun people with a BLOOPing sound.

My superpower?



and lemoncakes and tea


Um, my superpower is being able to confuse anybody I want. (headtrip)


To fly around and get away with all kinds of crimes… because nobody ever suspects the butterfly. Mwahahaha.


speaktruthful asked: Hi there :), thanks for the answer! And if I may ask another thing? I think it was when we "met" on SandorsSirens that you mentioned that you took the butterfly because of that funny scene in the Simpsons, but also for other reasons. Would you tell me why? Since you are Mindset in other communities?

Well, let me first explain why I’m Mindset. :) I was on the internet starting in ‘92, but my usernames were mostly just based on my real name (which was how colleges did it then). Then in ‘96, I was on Usenet (rec.arts.comics.marvel.xbooks), and a friend there started a semi-role play thing for a joke, “The Brotherhood of Slightly Peeved Mutants”, and I decided why the hell not and joined. She asked us all what our silly powers were, and I said mine were “to get into the mindset of fictional characters and be totally engulfed by their personality and pain” (yes, I was a tumblr-style fangirl with FEELS even then), and she replied, “I dub thee Mindset!”

I was rather enchanted by the name, and at first opportunity, I began using it as an email address and on forums and blogs and such. (It’s also the codename my self-insert doesn’t use, because she has a moral objection to codenames, but anyway.) And ~15 years on, I’m still using Mindset as a username… and I would be using it on tumblr, except, well, it was taken long before I got here. And my alt. name, Left of Center, was also taken, so what could I do? Use the name of my Rock Band band, I guess…

But why was that my band name? And why does nobody suspect the butterfly? And why butterflies? Well, I’ve always had a thing for them. It dates back to when I was about 8 years old, helping my dad rake the lawn on a crisp fall afternoon, when a monarch butterfly landed in the middle of my forehead. Honest to god. (It’s why, even though I have really nothing in common whatsoever with the comics character Lord Fanny, the fact that her origin story involved a butterfly landing on her forehead made me identify immediately with her, and I frequently use a picture of her as an icon.) Anyway, we figured the butterfly was migrating and had clung to me for warmth, and so we kept it for a few days (in a plastic bottle with holes, with sugar water and grass and stuff) until it got warm again and I let it go. Formative childhood memory there.

Since then, I’ve just… liked butterflies. I love all kinds, I love going to butterfly museums and habitats, I’ve had butterfly jewelry and keychains and charms and clothes. I often love characters associated with butterflies. (TV!Sansa is associated with dragonflies, which is… close enough.) If I could summon a patronus, it would definitely be a butterfly. ;) And they suit me, with my fluttering from subject to subject multitasking and such… and I love the idea of metamorphosis, becoming far more than you were… and, well, I just like them.

Now, the Simpsons thing… I think it was my bf who first associated that with me. IIRC at some point I told him about my thing for butterflies, and he said that makes sense, because nobody ever suspects the butterfly. (See, I’m secretly evil, but nobody can tell because I look so innocent and sweet and unassuming.) His tag for me over on his LJ is “nobody ever suspects the butterfly”; and looking it over, a common theme is him posting about some ridiculous link or story I found, but it’s not his fault for learning about it, it was the butterfly, I tell you! The butterfly! Mwhahahaha.

So, there you go. Hope that helps. :)

“  So happy name day, butterfly. Heart you, girl. :*
Eeeeeee. *blushes so damn hard* Thank you so much! :D


So happy name day, butterfly. Heart you, girl. :* 

Eeeeeee. *blushes so damn hard* Thank you so much! :D


Game of Thrones with lightsabers.

So butterfly tells me about this clip, and she’s all like “I realized that all the lightsaber sounds get annoying after a while” and I’m like “I seriously can’t imagine too many lightsaber sounds” and then I had to watch this clip.  (Just so we’re clear, I didn’t want to watch Neddington Stannis fight Hymie Stannister, it was the butterfly, I tell you!  The butterfly!)

So yeah, I’m watching and it’s actually a pretty awesome swordfight and I attribute about 74% of that to the lightsaber effects.  And I tell butterfly: “I’m about halfway in and I’m not sick of the lightsaber sounds at all.  I can’t imagine that’s going to change in the next 45 seconds.”  And then all of a sudden this assbag stabs Theon Baratheon or whatever his name is in the back of the knee with a spear!  I don’t know who this guy is or what his problem is, but I guess he was rooting for Alanis Bannister to win so I assume he’s a Stannis Stannister stan.  I’m just going to call him Donathan Tywyrion, because that’s a stupid name.

So anyway Jimothy Sandorster just stares at Don like “What the hell was that?” and Don’s like “Oops, I didn’t meant to,” so he kills Ron and everybody just quietly leaves like they want to split before the cops show up.

So I say to butterfly “What the hell was that?” and she’s like “Yeah I know” and I’m like “So what were they even fighting about?”  And she’s all “Well actually there’s an excellent essay on Tumblr about how King’s Island was in dispute over a treaty—”  And she does this all the time so I’m like “I meant why were they dueling if Javier’s goons were going to cheat, and why cheat if they weren’t trying to kill Nedford?” 

So butterfly dumbs it down for me and explains that Jesus Stanislaus had just always wanted to fight Fredward and in this scene he got an excuse but then Ron screwed it up.  Naturally I ask “Then why did his henchman buddy even interfere?”  And she’s like “Well, he didn’t understand that his boss wanted a fair fight, and when he saw an opportunity to interfere he took it.”  I ain’t buying that. 

So I say “Look, I just watched this clip.  Ron was standing there behind Teddard the whole time and he could have interfered as soon as the fight started, if he wanted to.  This guy is a henchman, his whole job is to shut up and do what the bad guy tells him to do, when he’s told.  The only way this clip works is if he spent 45 seconds obediently knowing his role and watching the fight, and then suddenly he just becomes stupid for no reason, and stabs Izzard because he wants his boss to kill him.”

So now I’ve got her, ha ha!  Because usually she lords it over me that I’ve never watched the show or read the books or bought the action figures or studied the official video game hint book.  So how could I possibly know that all the stuff she keeps telling me about makes no frigging sense?  But she can’t do that this time!

So that just leaves her one out, which is to totally turn on the show.  “Yeah, this scene made more sense in the books,” she says, “but when they adapted it for the show they wanted more sword fighting and titties so they just changed it, but it’s important that Howard Stark gets stabbed in the knee so they tacked it on even though it made no sense.” 

Aha, so it’s the show’s fault that people just randomly wander around doing stupid random shit.  What a dumb, bad TV show, this show that she has to watch every week and tell me about even though she already knows what happens because she read the novelization, and everybody she likes dies or gets syphilis.  I guess this means I won’t have to hear about all the stupid crap in Season 3!  (SPOILER: Tywin Tyrell convinces Joygrey Greyjoy that holding your sword backwards brings good luck, and he stabs himself to death, and I will have to hear all about it.)

In conclusion, this is why I don’t watch Game of Thrones.  Even lightsabers could not make it good.

Oh lol. My boyfriend, everybody!

Sorry, but unless you're my Secret Santa, my inbox is closed right now.

So, for now, I recommend if you have an ASOIAF meta-question, please read my Frequently Asked Questions and search my blog / check my tags to see if I’ve already answered a similar question. (If I'm feeling upto it, I might answer anyway, but I'm afraid I probably won't. But hey, I've got some good posts I think, please check 'em out.) And as always,


If you have a question about Game of Thrones, please note I am no longer in that fandom and do not watch the show anymore. If you send a GOT question anyway, I will not answer and may delete it without even reading, depending. For any questions on how the show relates to the books, you can read this post.

Thanks so much, hopefully I'll reopen properly soon.