Whether you’re a blogger, a freelance writer or simply have a special appreciation for the written word – grammar is the key to good writing and good composition. However if you’re a bit rusty on this most overlooked skill and wish to brush up on the basics, below we highlight a few sites that are all about practicing good grammar.
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The sites and blogs below all aim to inform and educate you on best practices when it comes to putting your best foot forward in your blog and article writing.
As a blogger or freelance writer, having a good command of the English language and all its various nuances can only propel your career (or business) forward. With that in mind, below we showcase and discuss four good blogs aimed at grammar geeks.
1. Grammar Girl
This blog is run by Mignon Fogarty who loves grammar so much, she created an entire blog dedicated to the topic. Grammar Girl is her personal mouthpiece where she shares tips and exercises on improving your choice of words, your punctuation, sentence structure and more. Wondering when is the right time to choose the word affect versus effect? She has you covered. How about the right place to use a comma versus a colon? This is discussed in her blog as well. For all you geeks out there, you’re so going to love Ms. Fogarty.
2. The Grammar Gang
This beacon of hope for Grammarian junkies everywhere comes courtesy of Purdue University and some mighty dedicated fans. It seems to be run by a series of volunteer teachers and other educators who have a clear and marked passion for grammar. How fun. Best use of The Grammar Gang is to perform a search for whatever grammar issues ail you or you can browse through the archives that date back to 2008 and see what “word wisdom” nuggets await.
3. Daily Writing Tips
You’ve probably heard of this one, right? It’s run by popular blogger Daniel Scocco and nicely complements his somewhat related Daily Blog Tips site. Not too mention it’s been around for quite some time. As the name suggests, with this one we get daily tips on writing which many times includes great grammar tips. There’s lots of useful and fun information on Daily Writing Tips that runs the gamut from punctuation and spelling to vocabulary and Grammar 101. We especially like the variety on this blog and how lots of different categories are covered as it pertains to the bigger overall topic of writing. A must visit for anyone interested in grammar improvement.
4. The Grammar Vandal
This one is just plain fun. The premise of this site is to highlight grammar indiscretions and after poking some gentle ribbing at it – correct it. The Grammar Vandal is run by a Bostonian female who obviously gets a major kick out of bad spelling, poor word choices and or wacky punctuations. We get a kick out of her blog and hope she updates it again soon, as it has since taken a no update policy from what we can see. Boo. We want more vandal and we want it now.
There you have it. Four good blogs aimed at grammar geeks who can’t get enough of good composition, proper spelling, clever punctuation and most important of all – a smart and well written article.
Calling All Grammar Geeks:
Would you most like to effect change or affect change? Tell me below in the comment section, promise not to correct you. Maybe.
Guest post courtesy: of Missy, who writes for a translation company on the web. Missy loves the written word so much that she writes ad nauseum and loves it when a good opportunity to improve and expand on her skill set comes a knocking.
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