News and Articles September 2013 / Page 1 | Site Map
- China’s Plan to Reduce Coal-Fired Electricity Disastrous for Global Climate
- Only Energy Isolation Equates to Energy Security
- Charging Electric Cars from Old Pay Phones
- The Eagle Has Landed … On a Wind Turbine
- Corn Residue for Biofuels, Everyone’s On Board
- Talisman Oil Stake Up for Grabs in Kurdistan
- BP Hopes for Lower Fines, Claims Far Less Oil Spilled in the Gulf than Estimated
- IKEA will Begin Selling Solar Panels at all UK Stores within 10 Months
- Britain Faces Difficult Winter Due to Tight Norwegian Natural Gas Supplies
- IPCC Claims the Oceans are Dying to Save Us from Ourselves
- Have Calm Waters Returned for Shipping Stocks?
- China to Double Power Generation by 2030
- U.S. Dept. of Energy Supports New Renewable Energy Storage System
- Big Oil Moves North Despite Climate Woes
- UN Blames Cows for Global Warming, Again
- Chevron Wins Another Victory in Ecuador Case
- Good Returns Depend on Companies with the Right Oil and Gas Combination
- A Mistake Now Could Release 14,000 Times More Radiation than Hiroshima
- Assad Comes out on Top with UN Chemical Weapon Disarmament Plan
- Solar Paint—The Next Big Thing
- Oxfam Report Shows Climate Change will Increase World Hunger by 20% by 2050
- The Best Way to Beat Today’s High Costs in Oil and Gas
- A Great Opportunity in the Oil Services Sector
- Massive Investor Risk in Turkey as Erdogan Takes on Koc
- Oil Market Forecast & Review 27th September 2013
- Iran Back in the Game?
- Maersk-Linked Company Could Win Monopoly over Russian Container Shipping
- Kenyan Security: Paying for Somalia
- Azeri Gas Sells Big in Europe
- This Week in Energy: Driving Oil’s Ups and Downs
- This Driving Force Could Change Offshore Oil
- Debate Over US Natural Gas Exports Heats Up
- Dead Bodies for Renewable Energy?
- Canadian Oil Could Soon Head West by Rail
- Devon Overtaken in S&P 500, but Still E&P Darling
- Washington Still Blocks Keystone as Canada Beats US in Energy Sustainability
- GeoSouthern's Production and Proppant Use are Down in the Eagle Ford
- The Myth of Wind Turbine Syndrome
- True Extent of Flood Damage to Colorado’s Oil Industry Becomes Clearer
- Petrobras Relocates Offices to Holland for Lower Taxes
- Greenpeace Pirates Refused Bail in Russia
- Making Money Still Matters
- World Bank: Russian Energy Strength is Economic Weakness
- 1.5 Billion Barrels of Oil – And No Takers
- On the Right Path
- Turn Your Leftovers into Energy
- Peak Oil Demand: Peak Oil Didn’t Go Away, it Just Changed its Name
- Long-Term and Short-Term Clean Tech Investment Opportunities
- Super Furry Animals’ Keyboardist to Play Gig on Top of a Wind Turbine
- Why Economic and Scientific Models Underestimate Climate Change
- Ireland Kicks off Straw-to-Electricity Plant
- Russian Demand for Large-Diameter Pipes to Grow by 50% Next Year
- Brazil Pre-Salt Reflects Changing Face of Energy Investment
- GE Unveils Breakthrough Energy Storage Tech
- German Elections Seal Fate of Renewable Energy
- Iran Claims to be Ready to do a Deal with the US
- UK Labour Party Promises to Freeze Energy Prices if Voted into Power
- Indian Government to Build 4,000MW Solar Power Plant
- Rosneft Continues Expansion in Russian Gas Market with $1.8 Billion Purchase
- Need Energy Storage? Try Abandoned Croplands
- Asian Copper Buyers: Hurting Miners?
- Iran's Rouhani May Be Driving Oil Markets Now
- Chesapeake Hints at Big Natural Gas Layoffs
- Armenia’s Metsamor NPP, Built Near Fault Line, Gets 10 Year Life Extension
- Spain Turns Sewage into Energy in World First
- Economic Forecasting in a Time of Diminishing Oil Supplies
- UK Hopes to Earn Sanctions Waiver for BP Gas Field
- Beijing to Offer Higher Prices for Clean Fuels to Encourage Production
- Will EPA’s New Power Plant Emission Regulations be the End of Coal?
- Tanker Expected at Giant Jubail Refinery in Saudi Arabia for First Ever Exports
- Battling for Something Worth Nothing
- Why Canada's Oil Future isn't Going South
- Tesla in Driverless Car Race
- Valero Bemoans Ethanol Biofuel Targets
- NATO Establishes Energy Security Center of Excellence
- Shale Gas is Not a Saviour, it is a Thorn in Renewable Energy’s Side
- How Investors will Take Advantage of the Switch from Diesel to Natural Gas
- Russian Special Forces Storm Greenpeace Ship in the Arctic
- What Happens to a Tesla Car when it Crashes?
- UK Government Rejects £25 Billion Tidal-Energy Barrage Project
- Longhorn State Eyes Energy Efficiency
- Where's the Next Play for the Giants of Oil?
- A Long Term Play that Should be on Your Radar
- Libya: The Fate of Oil under an Impotent Government
- Oil Market Forecast & Review 20th September 2013
- Turkey’s Erdogan Makes Fatal Move Taking on Koc Holding
- Engaging Iran in Syria
- NSA in Brazilian Spotlight for Spying on Petrobras
- Big Changes in Store for Statoil
- Pressure is On the World's Last Exploration Frontier
- The Era of Cheap Gasoline is Over
- Canada Ramps up Pipeline Plans
- UK Biomass: Savoir or Destroyer?
- Following Rossi’s E-Cat, Another Cold Fusion Device Attracts Commercial Interest
- Hawaii, the Greenhouse Gas Getaway
- The Problems with a Growing Population
- Sweden has Run out of Rubbish for Waste-to-Energy Industry
- Halliburton Pleads Guilty to Destroying Evidence after Gulf of Mexico Spill
- Energy-Hungry China Sees Rise in Labor Costs
- UK Wind and Marine Power Sector Employs Three Times as Many as Coal Industry
- Spot the Difference Between These Giant Gold Deposits
- What Do Slave Ships Have To Do with Carbon Capture?
- Fitch: Russian Natural Gas Export Opens Eastern Horizons
- Switchgrass Fuel: Bush Wanted It, Obama Gets It
- China Buys $5 Billion Share in Kazakhstan’s Kashagan Caspian Field
- Syria: As the World Backs Off, the Jihadists Attack
- Invest in Energy Equities to Profit when the Shale Gas Bubble Bursts
- Is Colorado’s Fracking Industry at Threat from the Floods?
- GM Hopes New Battery Tech will Steal EV Market from Tesla
- Oil & Gas Exploration: Turning Middle Earth into Mordor
- Billionaire Dan Gertler Looks for Partners to Develop Congo Oil Fields
- Is America's Oil Blessing its Curse?
- $750 Billion in Food Wasted Every Year
- US-Russian Agreement Over Syria Brings Oil Under $107
- The Lower Tertiary: A $1.5 Trillion Oil Frontier
- How the Shale Boom has Effected the US Economy
- Rumors of a $10Bn Deal for PetroChina in Russia
- The Next Shale Gas Boom will be in Australia not China
- Kuwait Decides to End Plans for a Pipeline to Bypass the Strait of Hormuz
- Deadly Explosion at Venezuelan Oil Refinery a Result Sabotage
- Libya is Improving Contract Terms to Attract more Foreign Oil Companies
- Petro-Banking
- Turkey Key to Future European Energy Security
- Endgame? New EPA Regulations Threaten U.S. Coal Industry
- The Coming Carbon Composite Revolution
- The Subsea Factory
- The Climate Change Future: Bad Beer and Expensive Chocolate
- Looming Energy Crisis Averted by Panda Poop?
- Ecuador vs Chevron Case Gets Down and Dirty
- Energy Industry Facing New Security Dilemma
- Gas Game Heats Up In Mozambique
- Turkey’s Big Electricity Plans
- Obama’s Latest Comments Cast Even More Doubt on Keystone XL Approval
- Why the Advanced Biofuel Industry is Struggling
- Las Vegas Strip to Use LED Bulbs, Saving $2 Million a Year
- Giant Pandas Help Improve the Biofuel Production Process
- Libyan Prime Minister Hopes Arrest of Strike Leaders will End Oil Protests
- Scotland Hopes for EV Revolution to Decarbonise Roads by 2050
- Could this be the Trade of the Decade?
- The World’s Best-Positioned Junior Coal Play?
- Nicaragua, the Canal to Rival Panama?
- Oil Market Forecast & Review 16th September 2013
- Final Years for Lukashenka?
- Giant Kashagan Finally Starts Production, Watch the Transport
- Kurdistan: Turkish Power Brokers String Along UAE Producers
- US Natural Gas Exports Picking Up Momentum
- Clean Energy Damaging Europe’s Competitiveness
- Momentum Builds for New Canadian Pipeline as Keystone Continues to Stall
- Gulf Keystone Wins Legal Battle over Kurdistan
- Protect Yourself from Traffic Pollution, Stick Car Ventilation on Recirculate
- Conflict in the Middle East Creates Opportunities for Energy Investors
- Rooftop Solar Panels Prevent Firefighters from Doing their Job
- Cost of Renewable Energy has Fallen 50% Since 2008
- Companies to Invest in Before the Coming Mexican Energy Reforms
- Iran-Oman Natural Gas Pipeline to Begin Operation in 18 Months
- Brazil's Oil: Less Mega Than You Think
- Egypt for Sale
- Will Caspian Oil and Gas Producers Take Russia's Place in EU?
- On G20 Sidelines, China Interested in More Russian Natgas
- How the US and Russia can Achieve Peace in Syria
- Depleted Global Oil and Gas Reserves have Led to Greater Interest in Syria
- Rio Tinto Cuts Costs by Using Giant Robotic Trucks
- President Rohani to Restart Nuclear Talks at UN General Assembly Next Month
- European Parliament Prepares to Discuss Future of Biofuels in the EU
- Scientists Discover New Mechanism to Generate More Energy from Sunlight
- China Makes Cheap Coal Expensive
- DOE Under Fire over Clean Car Loan Loss
- Will Saudi and Qatari Involvement in the Syrian War Impact their Economies?
- Why Military Action Against Syria could Cause Oil Prices to Fall
- When will the Clean Energy Future we Dream of Actually Arrive?
- The Energy Future may Rely on US not THEM
- Syrian Chemical Attack: More Evidence Only Leads to More Questions
- Hybrid Rocket Engine could Revolution Space Travel
- Blown Out Gulf of Mexico Natural Gas Rig, Plugged but not Sealed
- Venezuelan Crisis Worsens: Water Twice as Expensive as Gasoline
- After Years of Delay Giant Kashagan Oil Field Ready to Begin Producing Oil
- Bailing on My Oil Short
- Why the Military Matters in Energy Markets
- Nigeria becoming World’s 1st Failed Petrostate?
- Wave to the Energy Future
- How Events in Syria Affect the Global Oil Markets
- Syria and Solar Panels
- Toyota to Sell First Hydrogen Fuel Cell Car in 2015
- UK to Set up Sovereign Wealth Fund to Finance Low Carbon Projects
- Which Chinese PV Manufacturers will Survive the Post Subsidy Apocalypse?
- China Buys $5 Billion Stake in Kazakhstan’s Giant Oil Field
- Kuwait Petroleum to Spend $38 Million Improving Management Competency
- Is Today the Most Important Date in Financial History?
- Putin Set to Revive Russia’s Coal Industry
- More to Oil Markets than Libya and Syria
- India’s Largest Crime Organization Steals Coal from the Rich to Give to the Poor
- Saudi Arabia’s National Security Relies on a New Deal with the US
- Tullow Oil Rallies on Arctic Norway Discovery
- Oil Prices Rise as Russia Promises to Aid Syria in Case of Attack
- Japan’s L Zero Maglev Train Sets New Speed Record of 310mph
- Exxon Mobil Predict Natural Gas Demand to Grow 65% in 30 Years
- The Evolution of the Climate Debate: Business vs Business
- 5 Giant Game-Changing Energy Trends
- Energy’s Biggest Names Converge in a Tired, Old Place
- Mali: Straight out of Conflict into Exploration
- Oil Market Forecast & Review 6th September 2013
- Egypt Addresses Debt to Foreign Oil Companies
- Lebanon’s Economy Faces Collapse
- Keep Watch over Oil and Gas Assets on the Tumultuous Tunisian Border
- Ghana’s Supreme Court Upholds President Mahama
- This Week in Energy: Oil Price Predictions and a Potential U.S. Strike on Syria
- The Entire Chinese Coal Industry is Bust
- How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Fracking
- Chinese Energy Companies Continue Canadian Acquisitions
- Flip Flopping Across the Energy and Economic Landscape
- Total Scores Another Pre-Salt ‘Win’ in Gabon
- Turkey’s Declining Coal Industry
- Port Arthur is Sacrificed so the US can have Gasoline
- President Obama: The US Should Follow Sweden’s Renewable Energy Lead
- Wider Panama Canal will Allow US LNG to Reach Asian Market
- Russia Signs Deal to Build New Nuclear Reactors in the UK
- One of the Biggest Stories the Energy World’s Never Heard About
- Good News For African Mining
- US Refineries Respond to Latin American Shortfall
- How will the Syrian Stalemate Affect Global Energy Markets?
- Trans-Adriatic Pipeline Enhances European Energy Security
- Looking for the Next Mega Oil Play
- Algae Produces more Fat for Biofuels when Starved
- Technology Opens New Opportunities for the Canadian Oil and Gas Market
- New Energy Storage System Turns Wind Energy into Clean Natural Gas
- Scotland’s Claims of £1.5 Trillion Oil & Gas Reserves are Way Off
- Turbulence Ahead for EU’s Aviation Emission Regulations
- Why Ecuador’s Yasuni-ITT Programme Failed, Despite Global Admiration
- Why I'm Keeping My Oil Short
- Libya: the Fundamental Feeding the Fear
- Mideast Oil Loses Some of its Power
- Ventures in China, Japan to Spur Power Transmission
- Tight Global Oil Supplies Turn Syria into an International Problem
- A Look at Unconventional Oil and Gas Regulations
- The One Thing You Need to Follow in LNG
- 50,100 Miles of Faulty Pipelines Pose Serious Public Safety Threat Across the US
- US Electrical Grid Vulnerable to Squirrel Attacks
- Caspian Sea Set to Become a Major Hub for Natural Gas Production
- China Continues Corruption Probe into Top State Officials
- A Precocious Dawn for the ITER Project?
- Syria Barely a Blip on International Oil Market
- Getting Used to High Oil Prices
- Australia NSW to Become Natgas Boom Region?
- US Military Addicted to Energy
- China’s Hydrocarbon Buying Spree Hits $19billion
- Radiation Levels at Fukushima 18 Times Higher than Previously Thought
- Tesla Opens First European Model S Assembly Plant and Supercharger Network
- Brazilian Energy Mogul Removed from Forbes’ Billionaires List
- Obama Delays Call to Arms in Search of Support from Congress