Mystic Might

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Mystic Might
Released 22 August 2006 (Update)
Members No
Level 45
Drain rate 20 points per minute
Description Increases your magical attack and defence by 15%, also increases your magic strength by 2%.
Sound effect

Mystic Might is unlocked at level 45 Prayer and, when active, gives a 15% boost to the player's Magic attack and defence and increases the player's Magic damage by 2%. It cannot be used in conjunction with any of the other prayers that provide a Magic, Ranged, Attack, or Strength bonus. This prayer is also the last available free-to-play prayer.

By reading the mystic vigour prayer scroll (requiring 63 Prayer), Mystic Might will be replaced by Mystic Vigour in the prayer book, which increases its Magic Attack and Magic Defence boosts by 3%, magic damage by 1%, and adds a 5% Defence boost.

The other 15% stat-boosting prayers are:

Changes[edit | edit source]

Date Changes
29 May 2024

The Magic damage bonus has been increased from 0% to 2%.