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BrimhavenPort SarimPirate's CoveAsgarnian Ice DungeonCabin FeverPort Piscarilius
Released27 February 2002 (Update)
Combat level23
ExamineAvast ye scurvy land lubbers!
Combat info
XP bonus+0%
Max hit3
Attack styleSlash
Attack speed5 ticks (3.0 seconds)
Respawn time25 ticks (15 seconds)
Slayer info
Slayer levelNone
Slayer XP20 xp
Assigned by
Combat stats
Aggressive stats
Monster attack bonusMonster strength bonusMonster magic strength bonusMonster ranged strength bonus
Melee defence
Magic defence
No elemental weakness
+0No elemental weakness
Ranged defence
PoisonNot immune
VenomNot immune
CannonsNot immune
ThrallsNot immune
Advanced data
Monster ID522,6994

Pirates are non-player characters that can be found in the Asgarnian Ice Dungeon and the Pirates' Hideout at level 55 Wilderness or around Brimhaven, Port Piscarilius, in the Port Sarim Jail, and around the Pirates' Cove at level 23. They are also fought during Cabin Fever.

The pirates at Brimhaven, the Pirates' Cove, and Port Piscarilius can also be spoken to, although they will only respond with short phrases consisting of seemingly nonsensical pirate slang. Unlike the pirates found on Mos Le'Harmless, carrying a book o' piracy does not change their dialogue in any way.

Pirates in the Pirates' Hideout can be assigned as a wilderness Slayer task by Krystilia. Players require 39 Thieving for pirates to be assigned as a task.

Locations[edit | edit source]

Location Levels Members Spawns Map League region
Asgarnian Ice Dungeon26Free-to-play9Show mapAsgarnia Asgarnia
Brimhaven23Members18Show mapKaramja Karamja
Cabin Fever quest (cabin)57Members3Show mapMorytania Morytania
Cabin Fever quest (deck)57Members6Show mapMorytania Morytania
Pirates' Cove23Members2Show mapFremennik Fremennik
Pirates' Hideout26Members12Show mapWilderness Wilderness
Port Sarim Jail23Free-to-play1Show mapAsgarnia Asgarnia
Port Piscarilius23Members14Show mapKourend Kourend

Drops[edit | edit source]

The following drop rates are provided by Jagex, unless otherwise specified.

The average Pirate kill is worth 214.68.

100%[edit | edit source]

Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Bones.png: Pirate drops Bones with rarity Always in quantity 1Bones1Always740

Weapons and armour[edit | edit source]

Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Iron dagger.png: Pirate drops Iron dagger with rarity 6/128 in quantity 1Iron dagger16/12810021
Bronze scimitar.png: Pirate drops Bronze scimitar with rarity 4/128 in quantity 1Bronze scimitar14/1286619
Iron platebody.png: Pirate drops Iron platebody with rarity 1/128 in quantity 1Iron platebody11/128114336

Runes and ammunition[edit | edit source]

Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Iron bolts.png: Pirate drops Iron bolts with rarity 10/128 in quantity 2-12Iron bolts(m)2–1210/12820–1202–12
Chaos rune.png: Pirate drops Chaos rune with rarity 6/128 in quantity 2Chaos rune26/128206108
Nature rune.png: Pirate drops Nature rune with rarity 5/128 in quantity 2Nature rune25/128224216
Bronze arrow.png: Pirate drops Bronze arrow with rarity 3/128 in quantity 9Bronze arrow93/128369
Bronze arrow.png: Pirate drops Bronze arrow with rarity 2/128 in quantity 12Bronze arrow122/1284812
Air rune.png: Pirate drops Air rune with rarity 2/128 in quantity 10Air rune102/1285020
Earth rune.png: Pirate drops Earth rune with rarity 2/128 in quantity 9Earth rune92/1284518
Fire rune.png: Pirate drops Fire rune with rarity 2/128 in quantity 5Fire rune52/1282510
Law rune.png: Pirate drops Law rune with rarity 1/128 in quantity 2Law rune21/128260288

Coins[edit | edit source]

Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Coins_4.png: Pirate drops Coins with rarity 29/128 in quantity 4Coins429/12844
Coins_25.png: Pirate drops Coins with rarity 13/128 in quantity 25Coins2513/1282525
Coins_5.png: Pirate drops Coins with rarity 8/128 in quantity 7Coins78/12877
Coins_5.png: Pirate drops Coins with rarity 6/128 in quantity 12Coins126/1281212
Coins_25.png: Pirate drops Coins with rarity 4/128 in quantity 35Coins354/1283535
Coins_25.png: Pirate drops Coins with rarity 1/128 in quantity 55Coins551/1285555

Other[edit | edit source]

Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Right eye patch.png: Pirate drops Right eye patch with rarity 12/128 in quantity 1Right eye patch(m)112/1281561
This does not exist.NothingN/A8/128N/AN/A
Chef's hat.png: Pirate drops Chef's hat with rarity 1/128 in quantity 1Chef's hat11/1283131
Iron bar.png: Pirate drops Iron bar with rarity 1/128 in quantity 1Iron bar11/12837416

Gem drop table[edit | edit source]

There is a 1/128 chance of rolling the gem drop table.

Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
This does not exist.NothingN/A1/256.47; Never[d 1]N/AN/A
Uncut sapphire.png: Pirate drops Uncut sapphire with rarity 1/512 in quantity 1Uncut sapphire11/512; 1/260[d 2]27315
Uncut emerald.png: Pirate drops Uncut emerald with rarity 1/1,024 in quantity 1Uncut emerald11/1,024; 1/520[d 2]49830
Uncut ruby.png: Pirate drops Uncut ruby with rarity 1/2,048 in quantity 1Uncut ruby11/2,048; 1/1,040[d 2]1,07760
Uncut diamond.png: Pirate drops Uncut diamond with rarity 1/8,192 in quantity 1Uncut diamond11/8,192; 1/4,160[d 2]2,415120
Chaos talisman.png: Pirate drops Chaos talisman with rarity 1/5,461.33 in quantity 1Chaos talisman11/5,461.33; 1/2,773.33[d 2][d 3]2072
Nature talisman.png: Pirate drops Nature talisman with rarity 1/5,461.33 in quantity 1Nature talisman11/5,461.33; 1/2,773.33[d 2][d 3]3332
Loop half of key.png: Pirate drops Loop half of key with rarity 1/16,384 in quantity 1Loop half of key11/16,384; 1/8,320[d 2]13,06760
Tooth half of key.png: Pirate drops Tooth half of key with rarity 1/16,384 in quantity 1Tooth half of key11/16,384; 1/8,320[d 2]11,22060
Rune javelin.png: Pirate drops Rune javelin with rarity 1/16,384 in quantity 5Rune javelin51/16,384; 1/8,320[d 2]9801,200
Rune spear.png: Pirate drops Rune spear with rarity 1/262,144 in quantity 1Rune spear11/262,144; 1/15,600[d 2][d 4]11,85912,480
Shield left half.png: Pirate drops Shield left half with rarity 1/524,288 in quantity 1Shield left half11/524,288; 1/31,200[d 2][d 4]65,42566,000
Dragon spear.png: Pirate drops Dragon spear with rarity 1/699,050.67 in quantity 1Dragon spear11/699,050.67; 1/41,600[d 2][d 4]39,36737,440
  1. ^ The "nothing" drop is removed while wearing a ring of wealth.
  2. ^ 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 The drop rate is increased while wearing a ring of wealth due to the "nothing" drop being removed.
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 The talisman dropped depends on where the monster is located: monsters above ground level drop the nature talisman, and monsters below ground level drop the chaos talisman.
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 Only dropped if Legends' Quest has been finished; if not, a talisman is dropped instead.

Tertiary[edit | edit source]

Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Key (medium).png: Pirate drops Key (medium) with rarity Always in quantity 1Key (medium)(m)1Always[d 1]Not soldN/A
Looting bag.png: Pirate drops Looting bag with rarity 1/6 in quantity 1Looting bag(m)11/6[d 2]Not soldN/A
  1. ^ Only dropped when completing a medium clue scroll asking to kill a pirate.
  2. ^ Only dropped by those found in the Wilderness.

Wilderness Slayer tertiary[edit | edit source]

The following drops are only accessible while on a Slayer task given by Krystilia.

Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Larran's key.png: Pirate drops Larran's key with rarity 1/1,074 in quantity 1Larran's key11/1,074148,7701
Slayer's enchantment.png: Pirate drops Slayer's enchantment with rarity 1/304 in quantity 1Slayer's enchantment11/3042,277720

Drops (Plain)[edit | edit source]

These pirates are found in and around Port Piscarilius.

100%[edit | edit source]

Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Bones.png: Pirate drops Bones with rarity Always in quantity 1Bones1Always740

Treasure Trails[edit | edit source]

  • Killing a pirate in Brimhaven for a key to be able to search the drawers on the 1st floor[UK]2nd floor[US] of a house in south-east Brimhaven is the solution to the medium cryptic clue: Search the upstairs drawers of a house in a village where pirates are known to have a good time.

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

This article on an NPC has an associated dialogue page.
Click here for a transcript of possible conversations with this NPC.

Changes[edit | edit source]

Date Changes
30 April 2020

Krystilia can now assign bloodvelds, hill giants, moss giants, black knights, pirates and zombies as a Slayer task.

4 July 2006

The black pirate's hat was recoloured.

9 – 23 August 2005

The eyepatch in the NPCs' chatheads were graphically updated.

22 June 2005

The female pirate's appearance was altered again with the second rework of female bodykits.

31 May 2005

The female pirate's appearance was altered with the rework of female bodykits.

26 January –
27 June 2005
  • The red pirate's examine was changed from "This ones[sic] had too much to drink!" to "This one's had too much to drink!"
  • The female pirate's examine was changed from "A fine example of piracys'[sic] equal opportunities program." to "A fine example of piracy's equal opportunities program."
14 September –
2 November 2004

The NPCs' eyepatches were graphically updated.

13 July 2004

The red pirate's hat was recoloured back.

5 May 2004

The red pirate's hat was recoloured.

Gallery (historical)[edit | edit source]

29 March 2004 –
Sep.-Nov. 2004
Sep.-Nov. 2004 –
9-23 August 2005
9-23 August 2005 –

29 March 2004 –
Sep.-Nov. 2004
Sep.-Nov. 2004 –
9-23 August 2005
9-23 August 2005 –
4 July 2006
4 July 2006 –

29 March 2004 –
5 May 2004
5 May 2004 –
13 July 2004
13 July 2004 –
Sep.-Nov. 2004
Sep.-Nov. 2004 –
9-23 August 2005
9-23 August 2005 –

29 March 2004 –
31 May 2005
22 June 2005 –
9-23 August 2005
9-23 August 2005 –

Trivia[edit | edit source]

A pirate as he appears on the Postbag from the Hedge stamp.